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Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen: (加)

I just said , in our 2 hours bus trip , we will pass 4 counties on 成都—雅安expressway , 双流,新津,浦江,and 名山,we are passing the last county ,名山。

名山county is famous for MT.蒙顶山,with an elevation of 1500 meters , MT.蒙顶山is situated at the joint of the southwest rim of 四川basin and 青海—Tibet plateau .it consists of 5 peaks: 上清,玉女,井泉,甘露and 菱角。which stand opposite each other in the shape of lotus flower .

MT.蒙顶山is one of the birthplaces of the tea culture in the world .since the ancient times , MT.蒙顶山has had an abundance of tea , according to the historical records , it is the first and earliest place to grow tea . the history of growing tea dates back to the western 汉dynasty , that is more than 2000 years ago. In 53.BC .a farmer named 吴理真found that wild tea could be used as medicine . he planted 7 tea trees in a sunken spot among the 5 peaks , which are alive for 2000 years .the tea produced here are called “ fairy tea ”. while吴理真is regard as the father of tea , the first person who grew tea in the world .

Since the 唐dynasty , 蒙山tea had been as one of the tributes presented to emperors .the tribute tea is divided into 2 kinds .the sacrificial tribute tea and tribute tea . the sacrificial tribute tea is produced in the 3.5 square-meter imperial tea garden where吴理真planted the first 7 tea trees .the sacrificial tea is used as sacrificial tea by the emperors , an offering to heaven and their ancestors ,the tribute tea is produced for the emperor’s use only , in order to produce the best and original 蒙山tea for the emperors , several 16 years old virgins have to be on a vegetarian diet for 1 month before they pick the tea buds with their lips on the 100 acres of land surrounding the imperial tea garden , here , I have a question ,do you know why the virgins pick the tea buds with their lips not their hands ? because only in this way ,the tea buds will not be scratched by the fingers of the virgins and can be kept fresh for a long time .

MT.蒙顶, who enjoys the reputation of “ the hometown of fairy tea “, has so many well—known tea brands with a long and distinguished history , such as sweet dew , yellow bud , stone flower ,spring silver leaf and evergreen spring , in addition , advanced green tea , roasting green tea , frying green tea , jasmine tea and cake tea are also produced there .the color , the scent ,and the taste of these teas are finely integrated ,so not only can they quench the thirst , but also can promote health and cultivate the moral character of the people . just as the saying goes “the Yangtze river tops the water , the 蒙山tea is best of its kind ”.so many famous scholars and Nobles such as 李白,白居易,孟郊,and 刘禹锡wrote so many magnificent poems and articles in praise of蒙山tea . which objectively bring greater vitality and fame to MT.蒙顶.

Well , so much introduction for MT.蒙顶,if you are interested in Chinese tea and tea culture , after we get to 名山county , not only will I tell you the content of the poems and articles written by the scholars and nobles , but also will teach you how to select and brew the tea .now please have a break and save the energy for our coming activities in 名山county , thanks .
