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The Second World War ten famous general
• "The symbol of victory"--zhukov “胜利的象征”—— 茹科夫
Desert fox-rommel
Hao bravery veteran-patton
Panzer pioneerGuderian
The fuse( 导火线) of World War II – Munich plot(慕尼黑阴谋)
In 1939, British Prime Minister , French premier with Germany's Hitler, Italy's Mussolini signed "the Munich agreement". England and France attempted to betray Czechoslovakia(捷克斯洛伐克) to receive in exchange for Hitler east bound. In the March of 1940,Germany army seized the Czechoslovakia throughout, and attacked Poland on September 1, has provoked the Second World War. This is the famous“the Munich plot”.
now,let's see some photos about the world war!
Victory day kiss
• We come through the • pictures about German • world war ii of 10 ACES
1939年,英国首相张伯伦、法国总理达拉第同德国的希特勒、意大利的墨索 里尼签订了"即慕尼黑协定"。英、法企图用出卖捷克斯洛伐克换取希特勒东 进。在1940年3月德国军队占领了捷克斯洛伐克全境,并于9月1日进攻波 兰,挑起了第二次世界大战。这就是著名的“慕尼黑阴谋”。
The Second World War’s process
The second World War (World War II)happened on September 1, 1939September 2, 1945
Adolf Hitler (希特勒)
The Brief introduction
World War II( WW2), was a global military conflict which involved a majority of the world's nations. The war involved over 100 million military personnel, making it the most widespread war in history.
第二次世界大战(1939 -1945年)是迄今为止 人类社会所进行的规模 大,造成破 最大的全球性战争。 战 最高峰时期,全球有 60% 国家参战,战火遍及亚 洲、 洲、美洲、非洲及大洋 州 大洲。 1939年9月1日德国入侵 兰开始,以日本向盟国 投降而告结束。
A sound of thunder - attack on Pearl Harbor(一声惊雷-珍珠港) The myth - the battle of Moscow in winter(神话-莫斯科 战役在冬季) Open up the door, the Normandy landings(打开门,诺 曼底登陆) A bolt from the blue -- the Poland Blitz(一个晴天霹雳—— 波兰闪电战) The battle - the battle of Okinawa broke(战役,冲绳战役 爆发)
世界大战(二战),是一个全球性的军事冲突,涉及世界上 大多数国家。战争涉及超过1亿名军事人员,使它成为历史上 最广泛的战争。
• The axis(轴心国) : Germany, Italy, Japan, Romania and so on • The Allies(同盟国) : Australia, Poland, the United States, China, Russia, Britain, Canada, France
The Pearl Harbor Incident
The Pearl Harbor Incident(珍珠港事 件 )happened on the early morning of December 7, 1941 ,Japanese naval suddenly attack on the navy Pacific fleet of the United States (美国海军 太平洋舰队).The attack brought the United States into the second world war.
Bossy will - Macarthur
Battlefield divisions - Montgomerie The soul of Eisenhower
Deep sea wolf - Doenitz Ocean Warrior - Nimitz
War gamblers - Yamamoto Igarashiroku
World war ii film
• • • • 《最长的一天》(The Longest Day) 《遥远的桥》(A Bridge too far) 《坦克大决战》(Battle Of The Bulge) 《雷玛根大桥》(The Bridge at Remagen) • 《斯大林格勒战役》(Stalingrad)
• World War Two cost more than thirtysix million lives. Millions were homeless. • First time new clear weapon used. • Nazi Germany had attempted racial extermination of the Jews. Six millions of Jews died. (纳粹德国曾试图种族灭绝犹
The scale of The Second World War (1939 - 1945) was biggest, the destruction was the biggest global war until now. In the war high point time, the whole world has 60% countries to enter the war, the flames of war spread Asian, European, the Americas, African and the ocean state Five Continents. It's generally thought that Germany invaded Poland from September 1, 1939 to start the wart, that Japan surrendered to the allied country is the conclusion .