
2012 1 e

王菁 雅思口语主讲教师。酷爱语言学习,饱读英美文学,自修法语,业余漫绘,热情于研究雅思口语考试技巧,总结出“英法汉人”等深入浅出的口语教学方法,广受学员好评,讲课风趣幽默,为学生的良师益友。

Part one
What job (or, what work) do you do?
Why did you choose to do that job (or, that kind of work)?
Is that a popular choice of career in your country?
Is that a popular subject (to study) in your country?
Do you think it's popular because people want to gain knowledge or is there some other reason?
Did your family help you choose that course?
What school (or university) do you go to?
What do you usually do when you have holidays?
What did you do in your last holidays?
Would you like to go to the seaside for a holiday?
Why do you think people who don't live near the ocean like going to the seaside for a holiday?
Do you think holidays are important?
Is there anything you dislike doing during holidays?
Do you prefer spending holidays alone or with other people?
Do you think we have enough holiday time (or should people's holidays be longer)?
Do you like dancing?
Have you ever learned to dance?
When was the last time you danced?
When was the last time you went to a party where people danced?
Do you like to watch dance performances?
How do you feel when you watch dance performances on TV?
Why do you think some (or, many) people like dancing?
Weather and Seasons
What's the weather (usually) like in your hometown?
Do you like that weather (or, that kind of climate)? (Why?/Why not?)
Have there been any changes in the weather over the past few years?
What's your favorite season? (Why?)
What do you usually do during your favorite weather (or season)?
Is there any season you dislike? (Why?)
Would you prefer to have (or live in a place that has) the same climate all year, or a place that has different seasons?
Sounds and Noise
Do you prefer a quiet environment or an environment with some sounds?
Does your school have any quiet places for studying?
What natural sound do you like (the most)? (Why?)
What sounds do you dislike? (Why?)
(Possibly the question above is worded this way:) Are there any sounds that you dislike? (Why?)
What sounds remind you of your childhood?
Do you have many friends?
What do you usually do with your friends?
Where did you (first) meet your friends?
Do you often make new friends?
Where do you go to make new friends?
How do young people meet others in order to make new friends?
What do they do there?
Where do children (i.e., aged 4 to 12) make new friends?
Language study

Part two/Part three
Describe a friend who did something you admire.
You should say:
what he or she did
why he or she did this
what was the most difficult thing he/she had to do *
and explain why you admire him/her.
What kinds of people do young p

eople (teenagers or children) admire?
Do young people and older people (all) admire the same kinds of people?
What kinds of people are most admired in your country?
Are there any people who are admired by almost everyone?
Do people admire others who have high social status? (Why?)
Describe a film you have recently seen.
You should say:
where you saw it
what the film was about
who you saw it with
what you liked or disliked about this film.
and explain why you chose to watch this particular film.
What kinds of films are most popular in your country?
What kinds of films do young people like to watch?
What kinds of films do you prefer to watch?
Do you prefer to watch Chinese-made films or foreign films?
What kinds of films do teenagers prefer to watch?
What kinds of films do children like to watch?
Describe something you want to buy (but have to save money to buy it). (外贸)
You should say:
what it is
how much it costs
how you plan to save for it
and explain why you want to buy this.
Do you think it's easy to save money?
Do you think people should have the habit of saving money?
What about children?
Does your country have a savings scheme (e.g., school banking) so that children can save money?
Describe a place where you sometimes go to eat lunch (or dinner).
You should say:
where it is
what it looks like
who you usually eat with
what you usually eat
and explain why you like to go to this place.
Where do most people (go to) eat their lunch?
Do people in your country prefer to eat at home or in a restaurant?
Do people in your country usually eat lunch at home?
Why do people like to eat in restaurants?
What kinds of restaurants do people most like eating in?
What are some of the benefits of eating in restaurants?
Do you think restaurant food is always good?
Do you think the food in the restaurants is safe?
How can a restaurant impress its customers?
Describe a TV program that you like to watch.
You should say:
the name of the program
what type of program it is
what contents
what you learn from this program.

Describe a special gift that you received or you gave to someone.
You should say:
what the gift was
who the gift was for (= who you gave it to)
when and where you bought it
and explain why it was special.

1.In China, when will people send the present?
https://www.360docs.net/doc/754205691.html,pare the gift which people have received 10 years ago to the present that people now are receiving, what's the difference between them?

Describe a song in your childhood.
Describe a type of music that is popular in your country.
You should say:
what type of music it is
where people listen to (or, can hear) it
on what occasions people hear this music
what types of people usually like this type of music *
What is the importance of music in people's lives?
Do you think that music adds something to people's lives?
What's your favorite style of music?
What are the differences between the music old(er) people like and the music

young people like?
Describe a person in the news that you want to meet most.(重点准备题目)
You should say:
who the person is?
what do you know about him or her?
why he or she is in the news?
and explain how you feel about the person.
Describe a wild animal in your country.
Describe a leader you are familiar with.
Describe a sporting event.
Describe an old person you enjoy talking to. (上海财大)
Describe a practical skill you have learned from a teacher.
Describe an interesting lesson in your school.
Describe your ideal house.
Describe something good someone did for you.
Describe your favorite subject.
Describe a website.
Describe a thing you have lost.{较新}
Describe a place in your country.
Describe a current change of a city.
Describe a photo you have taken with your family.(华师大)
Describe an occasion you listen to the music.
