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一、听力 (共20小题。每小题1分,计20分)


本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。1.What are they going to do this Sunday?


2.Which is the correct sign?


3.How does Millie’s father go to work?


4.Which can you see in Shirley’s country?

A. B.C.

5.What is Lily’s father’s job ?

A.A manager.B.A postman.C.A policeman.6.What time is it now?

A.9:30 a.m.B.10:00 a.m.C.10:30 a.m.7.Whose pencil case is this?


8.Why didn’t Lucy go to the cinema?

A.She was late.B.She lost his ticket.C.She forgot the time.9.Where are the man and the woman talking?

A.At a bank.B.At a supermarket.C.At a bus stop.10.Where will May go this afternoon?

A.The mall.B.The cinema.C.The restaurant.



11.Who wants to be a computer engineer?


12.What is Millie going to be?

A.An engineer.B.A teacher.C.An artist.


14.A.gate B.bus C.playground 15.A.chickens B.sheep C.pigs


16.What is Jim’s dream home like?

A.It’s modern.B.It’s small.C.It’s very big.17.What is the town like?

A.It’s quiet and the air is fresh.B.It’s a small town near the big city.

C.It has many people.

18.How many floors does Jim’s home have?

A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.19.What’s in front of Jim’s house?

A.A river.B.A football field.C.A garden.20.Where can Jim and his friends chat and play games?

A.Near the river B.On the football field.C.In the garden


21.Look! ______ elephant is standing over there.

A.A B.An C.The D./ 22.—What’s the capital of France? —______.

A.London B.Washington DC C.Paris D.New York 23.— Excuse me, where did you meet T om just now? —.

A.On my way home B.In my way home

C.On my way to home D.In my way to home

24.Suzy ______ watch the film next Friday.

A.will B.shall C.going to D.is going to 25.— Never work on the left of the road, boys! — Sorry.We ______ do that again.A.don’t B.won’t C.can’t D.are not 26.This is _____ bedroom.The twin brothers like it very much.

A.Joe and John B.Joe’s and John’s C.Joe’s and John.D.Joe and John’s 27.We should stress ______ syllable when we read the word “expensive”.

A.the first B.the second C.the third D.the last 28.It is ______ walk from my home to our school.

A.20 minutes B.20 minutes’C.20 minute’s D.20 minutes’s 29.Don’t ______ the beginning of the party.It’s very wonderful.

A.miss B.catch C.catch D.play 30.—Is there a blackboard ______ the classroom? —Yes, there is.

A.on B.behind C.in front of D.in the front of 31.Those workers are making bicycles.They made five _______bicycles in all.A.hundreds B.hundred C.hundred of D.hundred of 32.— ______ your hometown like? — It’s a good place to live.

A.How’s B.How does C.What does D.What’s 33.Sunshine Zoo is about two kilometers ______ our school.

A.away from B.far away from C.far from D.far away 34.— Which would you like to read, paper books or e-book?

— My parents only allow me to read paper books.They ______ my eyes.

A.talk about B.worry about C.learn about D.hear about
