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2013年PEP 小学英语四年级下册句型复习题


( )1、This ______ our school.

A. are

B. am

C. is ( )2、---____ is the canteen?

---It ’s on the first floor.

A 、What

B 、Which

C 、Where

( )3、---How many _____ do you have?

---I have 10.

A 、pen

B 、pens

C 、a pen

( )4、 Mike _____ painting.

A 、like

B 、likes

C 、is like

( )5、---Are these cows? ---Yes, they _____.

A 、Are

B 、is

C 、are

( )6、---_____ are they? ----They are blue.

A 、How many

B 、How much

C 、What colour

( )7、---_____ is it? ----It ’s 7 o ’clock.

A 、Where

B 、What time

C 、What size

( )8、 This is _____ new jeans.

A 、me

B 、my

C 、I

( )9、 Where are you from?

A 、Chinese book

B 、I ’m from China

C 、Chinese

( )10、How old are you

A 、I ’m fine

B 、I ’m ten

C 、I ’m ok

( )11、Your school is cool!

A 、Thank you!

B 、No!

C 、Yes!

( )12、Do you have a library?

A 、Forty-five.

B 、Sorry.

C 、Yes. ( )13、These_____ my pants.

A 、for

B 、are

C 、is ( )14、It is rainy _____ Beijing.

A 、in

B 、on

C 、at

( )15、---_____ is this dress?

---They are ninety-nine yuan. A 、How many B 、How much C 、What colour

( )16、--- _______would you like? ---Some apples, please.

A 、Where

B 、What

C 、Which

( )17、Welcome ____ our school.

A 、on

B 、to

C 、in

( )18、---It ’s clean and nice. ---______________.

A 、Good idea

B 、Good job

C 、All right.

( )19、He _____ short hair?

A 、is

B 、have

C 、had.

( )20、Can I wear my shirt today?

A 、Yes, you can

B 、Yes,I can

C 、No,he can ’t.


( )1、当你进服装店要买一件衣服时,售货员会开口对你说什么呢?

A 、Can I help you?

B 、What colour is it?

C 、Thank you! ( )2、当你询问对方爸爸的职业时,你可以说: A 、 What’s your father? B 、Who is your father? C 、What’s your name?

( )3、如果你需要打扰别人,你会有礼貌的说: A 、I ’m sorry B 、Let ’s go C 、Excuse me. ( )4、如果你肚子饿了,你会说:

A 、 Help yourself

B 、I ’m hungry

C 、Good morning. ( )5、当别人来到你的学校,你会对他说: A 、Bye B 、Welcome C 、Sorry 二、中英文互译。(40分) 1、这是一张讲台吗?


学校____________ 班级___________________ 姓名_______________ 座号_______________

密 封 线




6、How many Chinese books can you see?

7、My friend is strong.

8、How many cows do you have ?

9、I want a pair of sneakers.

10、I like the white sweater with the blue skirt.


1、 it 、 Is 、cold 、 (?)

2、they 、 much、 are、 How、 (?)

3、football、 play 、Let’s、 (.)

4、colour、 are、 What、 they、(?)

5、What、 it 、is、 time 、 (?)


()1、We have a new classroom. A、它们是鸭子吗?()3、That is the playground. B、天气很凉爽。()4、What colour is it ? C、那儿有多少匹马?()5、How much is it ? D、该是回家的时候了。()6、It’s time to go home E、那儿有多少匹马?()7、How many horses are there? F、它要多少钱?()8、Are they ducks? G、它是什么颜色?()9、It’s cool. H、那是操场。

()10、Can I help you? I、我们有一个新教室。


1、Are those cucumbers? A、Blue.

2、What time is it ? B、She is a teacher.

3、What color are they? C、Yes , they are.

4、Is this a computer? D、Two O’clock.

5、What’s your mother? E、Yes, it is.
