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450. They lost the game. How they wish they
dhiaddnn’’tt .
• 451. Does shite matter if she is a bit late for the meeting? 452. Did you have any ddiiffffiicullttyies in making the machine move again? 453. Having lived in Shanghai for many years , he knew the city very mwueclhl . 454. How about ininvvititeindgher to dinner tonight? 455. We made up our mmiinndsto do our best to make progress. 456. It has rained for days and the river has rariseend about five feet. 457.There was nothing in his talk wthaict h interested me. 458.Mary was among the girls who wwaersepraised at the meeting. 459.The number of the passengers killed in the accident aries surprising. 460.I have made thitis clear to her that the job is very important.
• 461.I can’t go with you, but I really wish I ccaonu.ld
462.If you.
446634..SWheehianvseisnt’etdmtohvaet dshinetohatdhne’tbuttoailkodekinnmgybmecaaguaszeine.
the rooms are being ppaaiinnttiendg.
465.The more he thought about it , the more
questions he thought of atsoka.sk 466.His order is that the rules don’t be broken
415. Sorry, your letter is still in my pocket. I forgot
to post it.
416. The speaker is an old professor in his ssiixxttyie’ss.
417. The thief caught steal was sent to the police
445. Even if ininvvititiendg , I won’t go. longest 446. The Yangtze River is the third long river in
the world.
447. One of the students sit in front gave a
425. After washing my clothes quickly, I went to
areccceeivpet her at the station.
426. Look uopu!t There’s danger ahead.
427. ”Do you know she doesn’t like you?” “No, I
433. Probably I’ll stay four anodr five days with my
434. Three fourths of the earth arise covered by
435. TWhhaattshe learned from you made her very
420. His car has been in bad repair and now it
badly needs rreeppaaiirriendg.
• 421. The light in the hall is still turned on. I have to
go and turn it off.
422. Why did she refused to take his presents is
not known.
423. Usually at the begin of a meeting, we sang the
national song.
424. He was quite out of brbereaatthhe when he got there.
George Huang 中山纪念中学 2004.2005
• 401. Does this river go tharcorousgsh the town or around
it? 402.The town hasapopulation of forty thousand.
403. Please tell me all whthaatthe told you the other
ssppooiliendg child.
470.I just couldn’t think of a way solving the
problem at that time.
• 471.No one in my family but my parents arise interested in the play. 4w7o2r.dL.ittledIidknow when it was impolite to get in a 473. “You made a mistake here, Li, Ping.” “Why , s47o4I.Iwt dawisda.s”nuont til midnight that he fell asleep. 475.The ppuuzzzzlliendg mother couldn’t understand why her daughter got so excited. 476.I have handed in all the exercise books except JJoohhnn.’s 477.I had hardly set out twhhaenn it began to rain. 478.Since she understood you, why not to try to explain it to him? 479.By the time you will come back , we shall have had our final examination. 480. I’m afraid I will have a little time to come and see you.
different answer to the question.
448. The trousers are made very small. The cloth
hhaavse been wasted.
449. It’ll be some time wbhefeorne the building is
day. 404. Although he is considered a great writer, sytieltl
his works are not widely read.
405. It won’t be long before they will get married.
406. What a fun it is to go swimming in summer.
418. When she came, you were on your way to get
the key you hhaavde left in the office.
419. Last night my father worked late into the
night, pprreppaarrinegd a report for the meeting.
don’t. Nor dodno’t I care.”
428. “How is your mother now. “She is a lot of
better, .thank you.
429. To my mind, this novel is far mmuocrhe
interesting than that one.
438. I could have helped her but she didn’t ask me.
439. baby
She was began to
just cry.
abouttgo et
440. Last Sunday I went to town, buying some
443. Tom failed again in his English exam, thwihsich
made his father very angry.
444. Jane hasn’t come yet. What do you suppose
hhaavsing happened to her?
430. Tom is a good boy, except he is sometimes
a little careless.
• 431. These days I am considering chchaannggeinmg y job.
432. Will the people ssiitttinagt the back please keep quiet?
407. They spent many years ssaavveingenough money
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
to build a house of their own.
408. Man can travel in the space.
409. Will you join in us if we decide to do the new
sad for a few weeks.
436. Now a color TV set costs much less than it wadsidyears ago.
437. It is said that the man has been found and
was sent to hospital.
to do but keep up our courage and take action.
413. I didn’t learn to rdidrievea car until I was forty.
414. We hoped each other the best of luck in the exam. wished
410. She is thinking about what do next.
• 411. Only then did I reraealilzizeed that I had made a
412. FFaacciendg with disasters, there is nothing for us
467.The play to be put uopn next week is an exciting
468.He is well known in this city wfiotrh that new
469. I feel it is you who are going to blame for the
apples and vviissitiendg my grandma.
• 441. I remember she was killed in an accident ionna
rainy day.
442. She hasn’t got used to ssppeeaakkining public yet.