二、主要功能:1 、 5 1/2位LED数字显示输出量,按实际值和百分比两种方式同时显示。
2 、采用键盘控制输出量的增减。
键盘控制量分为100%/N、10%/N、1%/N、0.1%/N (N为4、5、6、10、15)。
3 、外控调节器可以离机控制输出量的增减,调节器上有键盘和电位器两种配置,任意转换。
4 、交、直流电压输出范围为0~1050V。
5 、交、直流电流输出范围为0~ 20A。
6 、交流提供四种输出频率:50Hz、60Hz(59.7Hz)、400Hz、1000Hz,使用晶振保证频率的准确度和稳定性。
7 、输出超载能自动保护,手动复位。
8 、交流50Hz输出还可以选择市电同步,以减小被检表的拍频影响。
9 、钳形表测量:配用本厂标准线圈,可测量0~1000A电流,误差±0.3%。
四、技术性能:1 、稳定性: AC﹤满量程的0.02%/5分钟DC﹤满量程的0.01%/5分钟作精密测量时仪器需预热两小时。
2 、交流失真度:﹤0.5%3 、直流纹波系数:﹤0.05%(额定输出时)4 、输出频率准确度:50Hz、60Hz(59.7Hz)、400Hz、1KHz﹤0.1%(或市电同步)5 、输出电压、电流以及中值电阻的范围及准确度见(附表1)(23℃±2℃,输出值大于10%量程)附表(1)输出项目输出范围额定输出最大输出准确度交直流电压0~300mV 20mA 100mA 基本误差:DC:±(0.02%读数+0.03%量程)AC:±(0.03%读数+0.05%量程交流电压100mV以下、电流2mA以下不考核精度1KHz附加误差±0.05%读数0~1V~3V 50mA 100mA0~5V~10V~30V 100mA 200mA0~50V~100V~300V50mA 100mA0~250V~500V~1000VDC:20mAAC:40mADC:20mAAC:60mA交直流电流0~100mADC:3VAC:36V0~1ADC:3VAC:12V 电压附加误差:±0.02mV0~20A 1.5V标准电阻10、24、50、100、240、500( Ω) 、1、2.4、5、10、24(k Ω)另加× 1K、× 1倍率档位(10kΩ~24MΩ)0.25W ±(0.3%+20mΩ)注:(1)工作环境温度超过23 ℃±2 ℃,每变化10℃,附加误差小于该量程基本误差(2)50A 1KHz误差为±(读数值的0.15%+满量程的0.05%)6 、电源指标:交流电源电压220V±10%,频率50Hz±1Hz;7 、工作环境:工作环境的温度5℃~35℃,相对湿度﹤80%8 、工作时间:连续9 、外形尺寸:180×480×480mm310 、重量:约16kg。
索佳B20 B30 B40自动安排水准仪使用说明书
索佳计量器具型式批准证书编号:2016L120-44执行产品标准:GB/T10156-2009 水准仪B20/B30/B40自动安平水准仪 使用说明书这是日本测量仪器制造厂商协会的标志。
“8. 标准配置”●本说明书的内容可能会未经告示而改变。
目录1.安全操作注意事项 (1)2.注意事项 (5)3. B20/B30/B40特点 (7)4.仪器部件名称 (8)5.测量准备 (9)5.1仪器设置 (9)5.2调焦和照准 (11)6.测量方法 (13)6.1高差测量 (13)6.2水平角测量 (15)6.3视距法距离测量 (16)7.检验和校正 (17)7.1圆水准器检验和校正 (17)7.2自动补偿器检验和校正 (19)7.3十字丝(视准轴)检验和校正 (20)8.标准配置 (22)9.可选配件 (24)10.技术指标 (27)1.安全操作注意事项为了确保仪器安全操作,避免造成人员身体伤害或财产损失,本说明书使用“警告”或“注意”来提示应遵循的条款。
Specification Sheet SS-CP-2385-USPRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe AMC910 multi-purpose calibrator is the right solution for high precision signal, temperature, and pressure calibrations, as it combines the power and features of a laboratory calibrator, with the addition of an isolated measurement channel.The AMC910 calibrator offers laboratory grade accuracy, high per-formance and simple-to-use functionalities. With the optional exter-nal pressure modules, the system may be taylored to address all possible calibration needs.FeaturesThe JOFRA AMC910 not only offers temperature and pressure calibration features, it combines sourcing of current and voltage, measurement of millivolts and resistance with a second completely isolated measurement channel for a single laboratory calibration instrument unmatched in ver-satility, performance, and value. This flexibility means that only one unit is needed for calibration or verification giving the confidence needed for test instruments as well as for field calibrations.The JOFRA AMC910 has the ability to store up to 9 setpoints for each output range. The setpoints can be selected manually or automatically stepped at timed intervals. The AMC910 also features an intuitive, easy-to-operate user interface and computer control through the RS232 or IEEE-488 interface for automated production testing. The unit sources DC voltage and current for multifunction workload coverage, enabling calibration of data loggers, strip chart recorders, multi-meters, handheld calibrators, and other industrial instruments. This is the cost-effective solution for multiple calibration needs.Model AMC910Advanced Multi-purpose CalibratorN ow wi t h s ou r c i n ga n d me a s u r i n g i no n e i ns t r u m e n t2Direct keyboard entry (1)The JOFRA AMC910 provides simple, front-panel entry of mode,range, and value. Using direct keyboard entry (1), the exact valuedesired is entered using the numeric keys, and the ENTER keyis pressed to set the output to that value. Whichever way youchoose, setup is simple and fast. In the voltage output mode, theJOFRA AMC910 auto-ranges on the entered value for maximumaccuracy at all times.Curser entry (2)Using cursor entry (2), the LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys are used tomove the cursor under the digit in the display to be changed. TheUP/DOWN arrow keys increment/decrement the value at the cur-sor position.Choose the mode you want (3)Voltage ModeThe JOFRA AMC910 offers four precision voltage output ranges(100mV, 1V, 10V, and 100V) all with ±0.003% of reading ±0.001%F. S. accuracy. These ranges are ideal for calibrating a broadrange of DC voltage instrumentation. Additionally all voltageoutputs settle to full specification in less than 200ms making theJOFRA AMC910 ideal for automated calibration systems.An automatic stand-by mode (3) assures that output voltagesabove 30VDC must be acknowledged by the operator before thevoltage appears at the output jacks. The stand-by mode is alsotriggered if the output current compliance is exceeded, therebyprotecting the device under calibration.Current ModeThe JOFRA AMC910 features a precision current output range(100mA) that offers 0.01% accuracy, which is ideal for calibratingprocess instrumentation especially 4 to 20mA equipment. Witha full 12 volts of compliance at 100mA virtually any precision DCcurrent measuring device can be calibrated using the JOFRAAMC910. Like the voltage ranges the current range offers quicksettling time and an operate/stand-by mode.Thermocouple ModeThe JOFRA AMC910 can read and source any of 11 typesof thermocouples. Its T/C input and output is Cold JunctionCompensated, using an ultra-stable PT-1000 sensor.RTD ModeThe JOFRA AMC910 can read and source 9 RTD types as well asYSI-400 and Ohms for non-standard curves. Probe coefficients (A,B, C, and R0) can be entered directly, with storage for up to fivecustom curves and one SPRT curve. The performance of the JOFRAAMC910 in the RTD mode compares to dedicated RTD measure-ment instruments. Unlike low-cost, less accurate RTD instruments,the display in the JOFRA AMC910 is always active, reading to threedecimal places, using polynomial averaging to extract a high accu-racy signal. The result is a very high accuracy reading.Pressure ModeSignal calibration capabilities of the JOFRA AMC910 include, cur-rent, voltage and resistance. In temperature mode, the unit can readand source any of 11 types of thermocouples and 9 RTD types aswell as YSI-400 and Ohms for non-standard curves. In pressuremode, the instrument operates with all JOFRA APM modules andcovers pressure ranges from vacuum to 700 bar / 10,000 psi, select-able through more than 60 different pressure modules, representingvacuum, absolute, gauge and compound pressure types as well asSetpoint Control (4 and SPT)A SHIFT key (4) provides easy accessto the setpoint controls of the JOFRAAMC910. Up to nine setpoints canbe defined for each output mode andeach thermocouple and RTD type.Setpoints are recalled individually atthe touch of three buttons, SHIFT (4),SETPOINT (SPT) button and then thecorresponding numeric keys 1-9. Anynumber of sequential setpoints canbe stepped through automatically,with complete control of dwell time.Either way, for rapid setup of repeat-able tests, no other instrument comesclose to the JOFRA AMC910.Remote Control (4)All of the JOFRA AMC910 operating functions can be accessedvia RS232, IEEE-488 or optional USB interface cable using astandard PC running Windows® HyperTerminal or other soft-ware using an ASCII protocol. Custom control programs maybe written using programming software such as C++. Switchingbetween LOCAL and REMOTE is as simple as touching theSHIFT (4) and LOCAL buttons.Rock-Solid StabilityThe accuracy of the JOFRA AMC910 is specified for both 90-dayand one-year intervals. Manual zero calibrations can be made onall T/C and pressure functions to eliminate offsets.Flexible Output (5, 6 and 7)Five-way copper alloy binding posts (5) provide a wide range ofconnection options. A standard pressure module connector isprovided (6), as is the CJC T/C mini-jack (7).Isolated Measurement Channel (8 and 9)The JOFRA AMC910 features a fully isolated measurement chan-nel which allows the user to calibrate process transmitters andsignal isolators. In reality it’s like having two instruments in one!This channel also incorporates a 24 volt loop power supply topower 2-wire transmitters and a HART interface resistor enablingdirect connection to HART communicators. Key features are:Two voltage ranges 10V and 100V DCMilliamp range 0 to 50mAMilliamp range with simultaneous 24 volt power (0 to 24ma)Selectable 250 ohm HART resistorAccuracy of 0.005% of reading on all ranges•••••3SPECIFICATIONS AMC910(1 year at 23°C ±5°C; % of reading, unless otherwise noted)Output VoltageRange..0 to 100.000 mV, 0 to 1.00000 V, 0 to 10.0000 V, 0 to 100.000 V Resolution0 to 100 mV Range ..................................................................1 μV 0 to 1 V Range .......................................................................10 μV 0 to 10 V Range ...................................................................100 μV 0 to 100 V Range ....................................................................1 mV Accuracy (% of reading)0 to 100 mV Range ................................±0.003% (30ppm) ± 3 μV 0 to 1 V Range .....................................±0.003% (30ppm) ± 10 μV 0 to 10 V Range .................................±0.003% (30ppm) ± 100 μV 0 to 100 V Range ..................................±0.003% (30ppm) ± 1 mV Maximum Burden (~ 1 Ohm output impedance)0 to 100 mV Range ...............................................................10 mA 0 to 1 V Range ......................................................................10 mA 0 to 10 V Range ....................................................................10 mA 0 to 100 V Range ....................................................................1 mA Output CurrentRange ...................................................................0 to 100.000 mA Resolution ................................................................................1 μA Accuracy (% of reading) .................................± 0.005% ± 1 Count Maximum Burden .....................................................................10 V ThermocouplesOutputTypes ....................................J, K, T, E, R, S, N, B, L, U, C, BP, XK Range .........................................................................................mV Resolution ........................................................................0.1 °C/°F Accuracy ....................................................0.14 °C; Type J, typical InputTypes ....................................J, K, T, E, R, S, N, B, L, U, C, BP, XK Range .........................................................................................mV Resolution ......................................................................0.01 °C/°F Accuracy ....................................................0.14 °C; Type J, typical RTDOutput Range ....................................Pt385 (100, 200, 500, 1000), Pt392, ................................................Pt3916 (JIS), Ni120, Cu 10, YS I400Resolution .......................................0.01 °C/°F; Pt385-100, typical Accuracy ..............................±0.05°C / 0.09°F; Pt385-100, typical Input (All RTD inputs are 4 wire)Range ....................................Pt385 (100, 200, 500, 1000), Pt392, ........................PT3916 (JIS), Ni120, Cu10, YSI400, 25 Ohm SPRT Resolution ......................................0.001°C/°F; Pt385-100, typical Accuracy ..............................±0.02°C / 0.04°F; Pt385-100, typical OhmsOutput Range ........................................................................5 to 4000.0 ΩResolution .....................5 to 400.00 Ω .............................0.001 Ω........................................5 to 4000.0 Ω ...............................0.01 ΩAccuracy ........................5 to 400.00 Ω .............................±0.05 Ω........................................5 to 4000.0 Ω ...............................±0.3 ΩInput (4 wire connection)Range ......................................................................0 to 4000.00 ΩResolution .....................0 to 400.00 Ω ...............................0.001 Ω ........................................0 to 4000.0 Ω ...............................0.01 ΩAccuracy ........................0 to 400.00 Ω .............40 PPM ±0.002 Ω........................................0 to 4000.00 Ω .............40 PPM ±0.02 ΩPressureRange .......................................................0 to 700 bar / 10,000 psi Compatibility ...........................All JOFRA APM pressure moduels Isolated Measurement ChannelRange ...............................................................................Accuracy 0-10.0000V .........................................................±0.005% ± 0.2mV 0-100.000V .........................................................±0.005% ± 2.0mV 0-52.0000mA ...........................................................±0.01% ± 1μA Loop power: .................................................................24 V ± 10%HART™ resistor: ...........................................................250Ω ± 3%Maximum current: .................................................................24 mA StabilityWarm-up Time .................................30 minutes to rated accuracy Temp. coefficient (t<18°C/t>28°C) ........10% of accuracy spec/°C Temp. coefficient (t<64°C/t>82°C) ..........5% of accuracy spec/°F EnvironmentalOperating Temperature ..............................0 to 50°C / 32 to 122°F Storage Temperature ...............................-20 to 70°C / -4 to 158°F Operating humidity ........................................< 80% to 30°C / 86°F ......................................................................< 70% to 40°C / 104°F ......................................................................< 40% to 50°C / 122°F Storage humidity ........................................<95%, non-condensing Power RequirementsVoltage Range .........................................................90 to 240 VAC ....................................................................................... Max. 15 VA MechanicalDimensions (h x w x d): ..............17.7 cm x 48.26 cm x 27.96 cm / .............................................................................5 in x 19 in x 11 in Weight ...................................................................4.8 kg / 10.5 lbs Display 2 Large character 16 by 2 line alphanumeric backlit LCDsOrder No.Description Base model numberAMC910AMC910 Advanced Multi-purpose Calibrator Power supply115 115 VAC, 50/60 Hz 220 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz Mains power cable type A EUROPEAN, 230 V B USA/CANADA, 115 V C UK, 240 VD SOUTH AFRICA, 220 VE ITALY, 220F AUSTRALIA, 240 VG DENMARK, 230 VH SWITZERLAND, 220 VI ISRAEL, 230 VCertificateG NIST traceable certificate (standard)HAccredited certificateAMC910115BG Sample order numberJOFRA AMC910 for 115 VAC with NIST traceablecertificate.ORDERING INFORMATIONAMETEK Calibration Instrumentsis one of the world’s leading manufacturers anddevelopers of calibration instruments fortemperature, pressure and process signalsas well as for temperature sensors both froma commercial and a technological point of view.JOFRA Temperature InstrumentsPortable precision thermometers. Dry-block andliquid bath calibrators: 4 series, with more than25 models and temperature ranges from-90° to 1205°C / -130° to 2200°F. All featuring speed,portability, accuracy and advanced documentingfunctions with JOFRACAL calibration software.JOFRA Pressure InstrumentsConvenient electronic systems ranging from-1 to 1000 bar (25 inHg to 14,500 psi) -multiple choices of pressure ranges, pumps andaccuracies, fully temperature-compensatedfor problem-free and accurate field use.JOFRA Signal InstrumentsProcess signal measurement and simulation foreasy control loop calibration and measurementtasks - from handheld field instruments tolaboratory reference level bench top instruments.JOFRA / JF Marine InstrumentsA complete range of calibration equipmentfor temperature, pressure and signal,approved for marine use.FP Temperature SensorsA complete range of temperature sensorsfor industrial and marine use.M&G Pressure TestersPneumatic floating-ball or hydraulic piston deadweight testers with accuracies to 0.015% of reading.M&G PumpsPressure generators from small pneumatic“bicycle” style pumps to hydraulic pumpsgenerating up to 1,000 bar (15,000 psi)....because calibration isa matter of confidenceJOFRA AMC910 calibratorInstruction manualAC line cordThermocouple shorting jumperNIST traceable certificate•••••Information in this document is subject to change without notice.©2007, by AMETEK, Inc. All rights reserved.Pub code SS-CP-2385-US Issue 0901JOFRA APM PRESSURE MODULESTo get an ideal reference system, JOFRAoffers a range of reference sensors. All JOFRASuperior Temperature Standard sensors areeconomical and offer fast response times, lowimmersion depths, compact physical sizes, andspecified low drift rates: even at high tempera-tures. These are all important considerationswhen selecting a reference sensor.Please find more information in accessory sheet AS-CP-2210, which maybe found at JOFRA STS REFERENCE SENSORSThe APM series of pressure modules by JOFRA arecompatible with the AMC900, AMC910, ASC300or APC calibrators. The JOFRA APM external pres-sure modules includes more than 60 models avail-able with gauge, absolute, differential, and vacuumpressure references and in metric and imperialengineering units. The modules are engineered forin-plant, field, or laboratory use. They are ready-to-use with the JOFRA AMC910 and the protocolallows for immediate recognition and use of themodule once plugged into the calibrator.Please find more information in specification sheet SS-CP-2190, whichmay be found at STANDARD DELIVERYACCESSORIESPart No. Description121985 Extension cable for Pt100 sensor, length 5.0 m121983 Extension cable for Type K - 5 m122523 Extension cable for Type N - 5 m120519 Thermocouple Male Plug - Type Cu-Cu - White120518 Thermocouple Male Plug - Type R / S - Green120517 Thermocouple Male Plug - Type K - Yellow120516 Thermocouple Male Plug - Type J - Black120515 Thermocouple Male Plug - Type T - Blue120514 Thermocouple Male Plug - Type N - Orange2206011 Thermocouple plug + K wire + alligator2206012 Thermocouple plug + T wire + alligator126812 Cable for USB to serial105366 Cable for RS232104203 Test lead set。
美国阿美特克公司 AMETEK ASC300 手持式多功能校准仪 说明书
AMETEKASC300手持式多功能校准仪使用手册美国阿美特克公司图1 输入输出端子1.仪表布局表1 输入输出端子NO. 名称功能1,2 测量V, mA端子测量电流电压并提供回路电源3 TC测量和输出测量或模拟输出热电偶信号4,5 测量/输出V,RTD 2W,Hz测量或输出电压,频率,脉冲,2线热电阻6,7 测量/输出mA,3w,4wRTD 测量或输出电流,3线,4线热电阻8 压力模块接口连接外接压力模块测量压力9 串行通讯接口连接计算机实现远方控制图2显示了键盘的布局NO 名称功能1 F1,F2,F3功能键用来操作屏幕底部显示的菜单.2 BACK LIGHT背景光打开或关闭背景光3 HOME主菜单回到屏幕上的主菜单4 POWER电源校准仪电源开关5 0% 将键盘输入的一个值作为量程的0%.从内存中调出0%量程的值并作为输出值输出信号.6 25%以满量程25%增量的比例循环输出7 100% 将键盘输入的一个值作为量程的100%.从内存中调出100%量程的值并作为输出值输出信号.8 数字键允许用户直接输入数字图2 键盘2.屏幕和菜单2.1.屏幕显示图3 屏幕显示整个屏幕被划分为三个部分,上面的显示用来测量电压,电流和压力,下面的显示用来测量和输出各种参数,底部的菜单用来设置上面和下面屏幕的各种功能.表3 屏幕显示NO 名称功能1 主参数将要被输出或测量的参数.上面的屏幕主参数包括:VOLTS IN(电压输入),PRESSURE(压力),mA IN(测量电流),mA LOOP(测量电流内置回路电源)中间的屏幕的主参数包括:VOLT(电压),TC(热电偶),RTD(热电阻),FREQ(频率),PULSE(脉冲),PRESSURE(压力),MA(电流),MA 2W SIM(2线电流模拟)2 测量/输出控制切换中间的屏幕到测量(输入)或输出状态3 附加设置仅对TC和RTD有效.在TC状态下可以打开或关闭CJC(冷端补偿). 在RTD IN状态下指示2,3,4线制.4 量程百分比指示仅在mA和mA LOOP状态下有效.4mA对应0%,20mA对应100%.5 单位表示测量或输出值的单位,例如℃,℉,Hz,KHz,CPM6 温度探头类型表示热电阻和热电偶的分度号.也表示输出脉冲和频率的幅值以及压力单位7 数字显示显示信号的数字值.”OL”表示超出量程2.2 操作菜单屏幕上的各种参数需要通过菜单来控制调整.功能键F1,F2,F3用来设置菜单,这三个键分别对应菜单条的左,中,右三个菜单栏.任何时候按下HOME键可进入如下菜单,即总菜单.在总菜单中按F1可进入下一层菜单.总菜单中又包括三种总菜单:输入总菜单,输出总菜单和脉冲总菜单.在输入总菜单中只有MENU 一个键有效.输出总菜单下有三个有效的选项.除了MENU以外还有上下箭头用来调整输出值.频率总菜单下也有三个有效键,参见4.2-6总菜单下就是主菜单,主菜单中UPPER用来选择上面的屏幕,LOWER选择中间的屏幕.按下MORE可以进入设置状态,可以设置CONTRAST(屏幕对比度)按下NEXT可进入自动关机设置(AUTO OFF),调整自动关机时间.当校准仪处于频率状态时,从主菜单按MORE可进入频率幅值设置(FREQ LEVEL),用来调整输出频率的幅值.当校准仪处于RTD CUSTOM(自定义热电阻)状态时,通过主菜单按MORE可进入热电阻自定义菜单(SET CUSTOM),这项功能可以自定义热电阻参数.从主菜单按MORE 可进入压力清零菜单,可以对外接压力模块清零.在主菜单中选择了LOWER或UPPER后就进入了参数选择菜单.在这个菜单中SELECT用来用来改变参数内容,NEXT可以切换到下一个变量,DONE用来确认所选择参数和状态并回到主菜单.图4 菜单树3.使用测量模式(下屏幕)3.1测量电压和频率1.从主菜单中按LOWER进入中间的屏幕设置2.选择需要测试的参数3.如图5接线.图5 使用输入/输出端子测量电压或频率3.2测量mA电流1.切换到中间屏幕选择mA IN.2.如图6接线图6 测量mA3.3测量温度3.3.1使用热电偶校准仪支持B,C,E,J,K,L,N,R,S,T,U,BP,XK分度号的热电偶.CJC(冷端补偿)应该打开,这样测试的温度就是真实温度,只有在外部使用了冰点器时才可以关闭冷端补偿.1.如图7接线,将小插头插入校准仪接口.补偿导线必须和分度号对应.(最好等2到5分钟后进行测试,这样可以使小插头和校准仪的温度稳定.2.从主菜单按LOWER切换到中间屏幕.3.选择TC IN测试功能,并选择适当的分度号和温度单位.(校准仪也可以测试mV值,这样可以测试校准仪不支持的分度号.在探头种类参数中可以找到mV测量).图7使用热电偶测试温度3.3.2使用热电阻(RTD)可以使用2,3,4线制.如下图所示.(电阻测量功能可以通过选择探头种类而实现)图8使用热电阻测试温度3.4测试压力注意:高的压力系统存在危险,注意缓慢泄压.给压力模块加压不能超过最高限压.1.如图接线.压力可以在上屏幕和中间屏幕测量,这就可以同时使用两种单位测压.2.选择屏幕和压力测量,以及压力单位,测试之前对压力模块清零.(绝压模块清零参见模块说明)图9压力测试连接4.使用输出模式(下屏幕)ASC300校准仪可以输出标准信号用来测试和校准过程仪表.它可以输出电压,电流,电阻,频率,脉冲,和RTD,TC的电信号.4.1设置0%和100%输出参数1.从主菜单选择LOWER进入中间屏幕,选择合适参数.2.选择输出模式并给出具体值,例如选择VOLT OUT电压输出.3.用键盘输入5V,之后不按ENTER确认键,而是按0%键,这样就设置5V作为0%点4.输入20V并按100%,这就定义20V就是100%的值.5.使用25%键就可以在5V到20V之间以25%的增量循环.4.1.1电流输出步进使用mA输出25%步进功能如下操作1.选择中间的屏幕并选择mA.2.使用25%键就可以在4-20mA之间循环步进.4.2输出mA1.从主菜单选择中间屏幕并选mA作为主参数.2.选择OUT输出模式3.如下图连接电路4.用键盘直接输入电流值.图10输出电流4.3模拟变送器ASC300可以在电路中代替变送器并控制回路中的电流.1.从主菜单选择中间屏幕2.选择mA 2W SIM电流模拟功能并输入电流值3.如图接线图11模拟变送器4.4输出电压在中间屏幕选择电压输出VOLT OUT功能并如图接线.图12输出电压和频率4.5输出频率如上图接线,选择中间屏幕频率输出功能并选择单位,如果需要可改变频率幅值.4.6输出脉冲串1.选择下屏幕设置主参数为PULSE脉冲2.选择合适的单位并用键盘输入频率值3.从主菜单选择COUNTS功能并输入脉冲串数.使用TRIG功能开始或停止信号输出.4.脉冲的幅值可以调整,和频率幅值的调整方法一样.4.7输出热电偶如图接线并设置校准仪到TC OUT状态,选择合适的分度号和单位.图13 输出热电偶的连接图14输出热电阻接线4.8输出电阻/热电阻如图14接线,选择下屏幕,并设置状态到RTD OUT,选择合适的分度号和单位.图15 使用3线制和4线制测试热电阻接线4.8.1自定义RTD用户可以输入自定义分度表,步骤如下:1.切换到下屏幕,选择RTD并将探头种类选择为CUSTOM2.进入RTD自定义设置菜单,选择SET CUSTOM3.使用键盘输入各种参数:最小温度,最大温度,R0,以及每一个温度系数.5.使用测量功能(上屏幕)5.1测量电压和mA电流如下图接线并设置上屏幕到相应参数.图16隔离输入连接5.2内部回路电源供电测量电流测试2线制变送器可以用ASC300校准仪给变送器供电同时测量电流,如下图连接电路并设置上屏幕到mA LOOP状态.图17使用电流回路5.3测量压力如下图连接线路,在上屏幕选择PRESSURE参数进行压力测试.图18测试压力6.同时使用上下屏幕进行校准和测试图19输出信号给其它仪器6.1测试一个测量或指示设备利用ASC300输出功能可以测试和校准执行器,记录仪或其它指示设备.1.选择下屏幕并设定相应输出参数2.选择OUT输出信号3.连接线路如图19进行测试和校准6.2校准一个温度变送器1.以热电偶变送器为例,选择上屏幕测量电流mA LOOP.2.选择下屏幕,设置TC OUT进行热电偶输出并选择合适的分度号和温度单位3.根据温度量程设置0%和100%范围4.如图接线5.用25%键步进测试变送器0-25-50-75-100各点.6.如果需要调整变送器,并纪录校准数据图20校准温度变送器6.4校准压力变送器1.选择上屏幕,设置mA LOOP进行电流测量2.选择下屏幕选择PRESSURE测试压力3.如图22接线4.对压力模块清零5.测试压力变送器0%和100%,如果需要进行调整.图21校准压力变送器7.计算机控制ASC300可以和计算机连接进行通讯,通过WINDOWS操作系统的超级终端软件可以控制ASC300校准仪实现各种输入输出功能.图22与计算机连接8.指标如无特殊说明,指标是在环境温度23°C ±5°C进行测试得到的结果. 超过此温度范围的补偿系数为± 0.005%读数/°C.一般指标操作温度-10°C to 50°储存温度-20°C to 70°C电源 4 X AA 电池低电压报警Yes串行通讯接口Yes, A SCIICE – EMC认证EN50082-1: 1992 and EN55022: 1994 Clas s B 安全CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1: 1992DC 电压测量/输出量程准确度(% 读数±基数)0.000V– 30.000V0.015% ± 2mV测量:隔离(上屏幕)0.000V – 20.000V0.015% ± 2mV测量:非隔离(下屏幕)输出0.000V – 20.000V0.015% ± 2mV 在电压量程内最大输出电流 1mA,输出内阻 <= 1Ω.DC mA测量/输出量程准确度(% 读数±基数)0.000mA – 24.000mA0.015% ± 2µA测量:隔离(上屏幕)0.000mA – 24.000mA0.015% ± 2µA测量:非隔离(下屏幕)输出0.000mA – 24.000mA0.015% ± 2µA 最大负载 1000Ω.在电流模拟状态下电压输入范围5V – 30V.频率测量/输出量程准确度(% 读数±基数) 测量 2.0CPM – 600.0CPM 0.05% ± 0.1CPM1.0Hz – 1000.0Hz 0.05% ± 0.1Hz1.00KHz – 10.00KHz 0.05% ± 0.01KHz输出 2.0CPM – 600.0CPM 0.05%1.0Hz – 1000.0Hz 0.05%1.00KHz – 10.00KHz 0.125%测量频率电压幅值1V to 20V.输出幅值 1V to 20V可调电阻测量量程准确度(% 读数±基数) Ohms low 0.00Ω - 400.0Ω0.025% ± 0.05ΩOhms high 401.0Ω - 4000.0Ω0.025% ± 0.5Ω电阻输出量程激励电流准确度(% 读数±基数) Ohms low 5.0Ω - 400.0Ω0.1mA – 0.5mA 0.025% ± 0.1Ω5.0Ω - 400.0Ω0.5mA – 3mA0.025% ± 0.05ΩOhms high 400Ω - 1500Ω0.05mA – 0.8mA 0.025% ± 0.5Ω1500Ω - 4000Ω0.05mA – 0.4mA 0.025% ± 0.5ΩNote:兼容智能变送器和plcs. 频响 <= 5ms.热电偶测量/输出量程准确度(% 读数±基数) 测量(mV) -10.000mV – 75.000mV 0.02% ± 10µV输出 (mV) -10.000mV – 75.000mV 0.02% ± 10µV最大输出电流1mA,内阻 <= 1Ω热电偶测量/输出( °C)TC 类型量程(°C) 准确度J -210.0 – 0.0 0.60.0 – 800.0 0.4800.0 – 1200.0 0.5K -200.0 – 0.0 0.80.0 – 1000.0 0.51000.0 – 1372.0 0.7T -250.0 – 0.0 0.8E -250.0 – -100.0 0.8-100.0 – 1000.0 0.4 R 0.0 – 1767.0 1.4S 0.0 – 1767.0 1.4B 600.0 – 800.0 1.4800.0 – 1000.0 1.51000.0 – 1820.0 1.7C 0.0 – 1000.0 0.81000.0 – 2316.0 2.5 XK -200.0 – 800.0 0.4BP 0.0 – 800.0 1.1800.0 – 2500.0 2.5 L -200.0 – 0.0 0.450.0 – 900.0 0.4TC 类型量程(°C) 准确度U -200.0 – 0.0 0.70.0 – 600.0 0.45N -200.0 – 0.0 1.00.0 – 1300.0 0.6 包括冷端补偿冷端补偿误差在 23 ± 5°C 之外 0.05°C/°C热电阻测量/输出RTD 类型量程(°C) 准确度Ni120 (672) -80.0 – 260.0 0.2 Cu10 -100.0 – 260.0 1.4Cu50 -180.0 – 200.0 0.4Cu100 -180.0 – 200.0 0.3YSI400 15.00 – 50.00 0.1 Pt100 (385) -200.0 – 100.0 0.2100.0 – 300.0 0.3300.0 – 600.0 0.4600.0 – 800.0 0.5 Pt200 (385) -200.0 – 100.0 0.8100.0 – 300.0 0.9300.0 – 630.0 1.0 Pt500 (385) -200.0 – 100.0 0.4100.0 – 300.0 0.5300.0 – 630.0 0.6 Pt1000 (385)-200.0 – 100.0 0.2100.0 – 300.0 0.3300.0 – 630.0 0.4 Pt385-10 -200.0 – 100.0 1.4300.0 – 600.0 1.8600.0 – 800.0 2.0 Pt385-50 -200.0 – 100.0 0.4100.0 – 300.0 0.5300.0 – 600.0 0.6600.0 – 800.0 0.7 Pt100 (3926)-200.0 – 100.0 0.2100.0 – 300.0 0.3300.0 – 630.0 0.4 Pt100 (3916) -200.0 – 100.0 0.2100.0 – 300.0 0.3300.0 – 630.0 0.4 4线制接线. 3线制误差加± 0.05Ω .阿美特克北京代表处地址:北京建国门外大街19号国际大厦2305室邮编:100004电话:************传真:************网址:。
一、用途、特点 (1)二、主要功能 (1)三、技术参数 (2)四、工作原理及框图 (5)五、使用方法 (5)六、校准与维修 (17)七:注意事项 (19)八、应用举例 (20)九、成套性 (23)一、用途、特点DO30-IIB型多功能校准仪(以下简称校准仪)是具有五位半LCD 液晶屏数字显示输出值,并可同屏显示被检表误差、误差修正值、输出量百分比、被检表满度值、步进值、频率等参数的交直流电压、电流校准源。
二、主要功能2.1 5位半LCD数字显示输出量,同屏显示档位、量程、被检表示值误差r A和引用误差r m、误差修正值、输出量百分比、被检表满度值、频率、步进值,按实际值和百分比两种方式同时显示输出量,即时读出被检仪表的误差,省时省力。
键盘控制量分为100%/N、10%/N、1%/N、0. 1%/N、0.01%/N(N为4、5、6、10、15)。
DO30-Ⅱ型多功能校准仪使用说明书一:概述DO30-Ⅱ型多功能校准仪(以下简称校准仪)是一种LCD 数字显示输出值的交、直流标准电压、电流发生器,可用于校验、检定、计量数字式、指针式三用表及0.2级以下电压、电流各类表头。
三、主要特点3.1 电压短路、电流开路自动保护。
3.2 交、直流电流输出可达24A。
3.3 输出超载自动保护,手动复位,工作更加可靠。
3.4 输出调节可以“按位”调节,也可按“百分比”调节。
Omega HHM-MG300 无线真值多功能电阻抗性计量器与绝缘电阻测试仪说明书
e-mail:**************For latest product manuals:HHM-MG300Wireless TRMS Multimeterand Insulation TesterShop online at ®User’s GuideMADE IN TAIWANIt is the policy of OMEGA Engineering, Inc. to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI regulations that apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the European New Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification.The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, human applications.HHM-MG300Wireless TRMS Multimeter and Insulation TesterSoftware IntroductionThe MultiMeter software is a program for collecting data from the meter when it is connected to a Desktop or Notebook PC(Personal Computer). The data may be displayed graphically within this software application or may be export to spreadsheet software programs. The softwareʼs functions are presented in the main window.The maximum number of data points that can be captured is 20,000. Supported Operating Systems:Windows 2000/Windows XP /Vista/Windows 7Minimum Hardware Required:•Desktop or Notebook PC with a minimum clock speed of 90MHz•32 MB RAM•7 MB hard disk space•Monitor display resolution of 1280 x 1024 with High Color (32 bit)Main Menu•FileSave Save the recorded data to the PCOpen Open a file previously saved on the PCPrint Setup Modify the print optionsPrint Preview Preview the data graph or the data listPrint Print the data graph or the data list•ViewToolbar Show or hide the ToolbarStatus Bar Show or hide the Status BarInstrument Show or hide the instrument window •InstrumentReal Time Chart Recording Start collecting real time dataStop Recording Stop collecting real time data•WindowCascade Arrange windows in an overlapping styleTile Arrange windows in a non-overlapping tile style •HelpAbout Show the software version informationHelp Topics Show the software help utilityOperationEnabling Communication1. Switch the meter ON2. Put the meter in the “USB” mode by pressing and holding the meter’s USB buttonfor two seconds (meter will beep when USB mode is accessed)3. Connect the receiver to the PC’s USB port using the supplied cable4. Run the MultiMeter software program5. Double click the small meter icon on the software screen (shown in the diagrambelow). The larger meter image will appear6. If communication is successful, the larger virtual meter image will accuratelyreflect the current state of the meter (shown in diagram below)Downloading Datalogged Information from UnitDownloading data from the Unit to the PC takes a few steps:Do not establish communication prior to downloading data. If there is communicationbetween the unit and the PC unwanted data may be included in the List/Graph of thedatalogged information.1. After the software has been started, Press and HOLD the STORE button for twoseconds to enter the RECALL function. “RCL” will appear on the bottom left of thedisplay2. A real time recording must be initiated before data can be downloaded.Refer to the Real Time Chart Recording section for assistance—recommendedmaximum data points for a real time recording is 8000.3. Press and Hold the HOLD button for two seconds and the data will be transferred to thePC.4. The data will form a graph and a data list in the software’s main window.Real Time Chart Recording1. Click to open the Sampling Setup dialog box as shown below.2. Enter the desired number of samples to record and then click “OK”. The data willbegin plotting on the graph (as shown below).Custom Scale: Configure the vertical scale.•Enter the minimum scale value in the minimum edit box (as shown above). •Enter the maximum scale value in the maximum edit box.Auto scale: Select Auto Scale to allow the vertical scale to be automatically configured based on the data plot.Custom scale: Select Custom Scale to configure the vertical scale as described above. Graph Format: Configure the graph and data format.The “Data Visible” check box allows the user to show/hide the data on the graph.The HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL check boxes allow the user to add/remove grid lines from horizontal and vertical axis.The “Mark Points” feature shows the individual data points on the graph.“Save the setting” allows the user to save the settings with the document.Click these buttons in the Graph Format window to open the color selector chart for the related feature (the color chart is shown below).Zoom in: When the ZOOM IN icon is selected, the icon will highlight1. Press the left mouse button and drag a rectangle around the area to beexpanded.2. Release the mouse button.3. Use the scrollbar to scroll through the data.Zoom out: Zoom out to the full view by clicking.Cursor: When the cursor icon is selected, the icon will highlight When the cursor mode is selected:•Click a data point on the graph to indicate its value.•Click on or near a data point to indicate the value of the data point. The data point selected can be changed by navigating the cursor or by: •Using the clicking method.•Clicking and dragging the mouse horizontally in the graph..Click the “Data List” Tab to open the Data List window (as shown below).File Save and File Open1. Click the icon to open the file save dialog box.2. Name the file and save it using the default extension. The file will be saved withthe “.recorder” extension to be reopened in the Multimeter software program and also as a “.xls” file to be opened in a spreadsheet program.3. To open an existing data file for viewing on the data graph window, click on theicon and select a “. recorder” document.Print graph and listPrint Setup:Print Preview: Preview the data graph or the data list. Print: Print the graph or the list.WARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request.Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANTY does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser,including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion;or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY /DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.RETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TO OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have thefollowing information available BEFOREcontacting OMEGA:1.Purchase Order number under which the productwas PURCHASED,2.Model and serial number of the product underwarranty, and3.Repair instructions and/or specific problemsrelative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS,consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,2.Model and serial number of the product, and 3.Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2012 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied,reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without theprior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA…Of Course!Shop online at SMTEMPERATUREⅪߜThermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors, Panels & AssembliesⅪߜWire: Thermocouple, RTD & ThermistorⅪߜCalibrators & Ice Point ReferencesⅪߜRecorders, Controllers & Process MonitorsⅪߜInfrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCEⅪߜTransducers & Strain GagesⅪߜLoad Cells & Pressure GagesⅪߜDisplacement TransducersⅪߜInstrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELⅪߜRotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow ComputersⅪߜAir Velocity IndicatorsⅪߜTurbine/Paddlewheel SystemsⅪߜTotalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYⅪߜpH Electrodes, Testers & AccessoriesⅪߜBenchtop/Laboratory MetersⅪߜControllers, Calibrators, Simulators & PumpsⅪߜIndustrial pH & Conductivity EquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONⅪߜData Acquisition & Engineering SoftwareⅪߜCommunications-Based Acquisition SystemsⅪߜPlug-in Cards for Apple, IBM & CompatiblesⅪߜData Logging SystemsⅪߜRecorders, Printers & PlottersHEATERSⅪߜHeating CableⅪߜCartridge & Strip HeatersⅪߜImmersion & Band HeatersⅪߜFlexible HeatersⅪߜLaboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLⅪߜMetering & Control InstrumentationⅪߜRefractometersⅪߜPumps & TubingⅪߜAir, Soil & Water MonitorsⅪߜIndustrial Water & Wastewater TreatmentⅪߜpH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen InstrumentsM5139/0612。
(800~3200)℃ (800~2000)℃ (0.04~250)MPa (-0.1~0.25)MPa (-0.1~250)MPa (0.4~60)MPa (-0.1~250)MPa (0.4~60)MPa (-0.1~250)MPa (0.4~60)MPa (-2500~2500)Pa (-2000~2000)Pa (-2500~2500)Pa (-2500~2500)Pa 室温~350℃ -20℃~3200℃ (419.527~1084.62)℃ -30℃~300℃ (1100~1500)℃ 0℃~419.527℃ (800~2000)℃ (200~100000)m/s (200~100000)m/s
± (0.01~0.05)mm ± 0.30g ± 0.02g ± 1km/h MPE:± 1.0HA MPE: ± (3~5)dB 一等及以下 0.05 级 0.2 级及以下 0.2 级及以下 0.2 级及以下
JJG574-2004 JJG528-2004 JJG304-2003 JJG388-2001 JJG153-1996 JJG533-1988 JJG623-1989 JJG623-1989 JJG623-1989 JJG315-1983 JJG598-1989》 JJG724-1991 JJG(航天)34- 1999 JJG(航天)35- 1999 JJG315-1983 JJG598-1989 JJG724-1991 JJG(航天)34- 1999 JJG(航天)35- 1999
线性: ± 10%; 频响: (0.5~3)dB 线性: 1 型 ± 0.7dB; 2型 ± 1.0dB 2 级(A、B 类) 3 级(A、B 类) 0.1 级 0.3 级 0.1 级及以下 0.1 级及以下 0.1 级及以下 1 级及以下 1 级及以下 1 级及以下
FA-500、HP-200、HP-500、SH-500、AY3 T等
1 、当仪器有输出时,不要转换各种开关,以免损坏仪器或 被检仪表。 2 、本仪器最大输出电压达 1050V,操作时应注意人身安全。 3、在 20A 电流输出时,输出时间不能超过 5 分钟。
4 、输出连接导线要有足够的绝缘强度(1500V)和截面积(大约 5mm2, 20A 输出时连接导线截面积应大于 10 mm2)。 5 、250mV 档大电流输出时,连接导线截面积应大于 5 mm2,长度小 于 100cm。 6 、本仪器不宜在相对湿度大于 80%的环境中工作;供电电源质量将 影响输出稳定度。 7 、关机前请切断所有输出。
如按住 10%下降键 2~3 秒钟,输出将自动缓缓回零。请按 此键让输出回零,复位键回零无效!缓升缓降键可以方便检查
指针表的卡针现象,第一次按,输出上升至 100%,再按一次下降到 0 (循环重复)。使用键盘调节时,每次测量完毕应按住 10%下降键 2~ 3 秒钟,等输出回零,再作下一次测量。使用电位器调节时,每次测 量完毕应将电位器逆时针旋转到底。键盘调节和电位器调节选择可以 通过外控盒上拨动开关转换 。 6 、使用者可根据测量需要选择 N 值,以方便调测仪表。
(d)市电条件,交流电压 220V±5%,频率 50Hz±1Hz,无脉冲干扰。
图: 校准仪机内部各调整电位器示意图:
电 源
直流 电流
W0 W1 W2 W3 W4
9 、每一次测量完毕,应按住 10%下降键 2~3 秒钟,等输 出回零,再作下一次测量。
序号 175 177 178 180 181 182 184 186 190
名称 温度计 机械秒表 电子计数式转速表 专用通止规 游标万能角度尺 红外线测温仪 工作温度计 工作温度计 具塞比色管
0-20Kg 0~125mm 125*80mm 0~400℃
型号规格 150~200℃
0~30′ DT-2234B
Φ22 0~320° TY8360 0~300℃ 0~250℃ 50-100mL
型号规格 ZS-ZRⅢ GTJ-NR-150 0-300℃ 0~50m 0~5m
/ / / / / / /
计划送检时间 检定/校准方式
51850-18使用说明书© 哈希公司,2000.版权所有.哈希公司所用商标目录证明 (6)安全警示 (9)技术参数 (11)操作 (13)第1节介绍 (15)1.1仪器开箱 (16)1.1.1 标准附件 (16)1.1.2 选购附件 (16)1.2 键盘介绍 (16)1.3 屏幕描述及展示 (18)1.4 维护 (21)1.5 声音信号 (21)第2节仪器安装 (23)2.1 仪器描述 (23)2.2 电源连接 (23)2.2.1 使用电源座供电 (23)2.2.2 电源座连接 (24)2.2.3 电池安装 (25)2.3 打印机和计算机连接 (26)2.4 打开仪器 (27)2.5 自动关机功能 (27)第3节仪器操作 (29)3.1 设置菜单 (29)3.1.1 打开和关闭显示锁定功能 (29)3.1.2 选择公制或英制单位 (29)3.1.3 选择测量分辨率 (30)3.1.4 调节样品的盐度 (30)3.1.5 改变大气压 (31)3.1.6 调整海拔高度 (32)3.1.7 设置时间 (33)3.1.8 设置日期 (33)3.1.9 设置年份 (34)3.1.10 自动数据传输 (34)3.2校准仪器 (36)3.3 DO 探头 (36)3.3.1 探头装配 (36)3.3.2 探头极化 (37)3.3.3 电极调零 (38)3.3.4 在水饱和空气中校准 (39)3.3.5 校准到已知的溶解氧浓度 (40)3.3.6 校准某样品到100%饱和度读数 (42)3.3.7 校准查看 (43)3.4 溶解氧测量 (44)3.4.1 常规探头操作 (44)3.4.2 溶解氧测量 (44)3.4.3 显示背景灯光 (45)3.4.4 探头保存 (45)3.4.5 维护 (46)3.5 使用BOD测量套件 (47)3.6 确定BOD (47)第4节存储和调用数据 (49)4.1 存储pH/ISE测量结果 (49)4.2 调用所存储的数据 (50)4.3 删除数据 (51)4.3.1 删除单个数据 (51)4.3.2 删除所有的数据 (51)第5节打印和传输数据 (53)5.1 连接打印机/计算机 (53)5.1.1 用RS232缆线连接 (53)5.1.2 连接到打印机 (53)5.1.3 连接到个人计算机 (54)5.2 将数据传输到打印机/计算机 (56)5.2.1 传输当前显示的数据 (56)5.2.2 传输调用的数据 (57)5.2.3 传输所有的存储数据 (57)5.2.4 打印的数据格式 (57)第6节水中的溶解氧 (59)第7节故障排除 (65)7.1 错误代码 (65)7.2 仪器服务部问卷调查 (66)第8节盐度/电导率资料 (67)8.1 盐度修正因子 (67)常规信息 (77)备件 (79)订购指南及维修服务 (81)质量保证 (83)Sens ion TM6溶解氧仪快速参考卡 (84)证明哈希公司证明本仪器在出厂前经过了彻底的测试和审查,发现其符合公司公布的详细规格。
一、用途、特点 (1)二、主要功能 (1)三、技术参数 (2)四、工作原理及框图 (5)五、使用方法 (5)六、校准与维修 (17)七:注意事项 (19)八、应用举例 (20)九、成套性 (23)一、用途、特点DO30-IIB型多功能校准仪(以下简称校准仪)是具有五位半LCD 液晶屏数字显示输出值,并可同屏显示被检表误差、误差修正值、输出量百分比、被检表满度值、步进值、频率等参数的交直流电压、电流校准源。
二、主要功能2.1 5位半LCD数字显示输出量,同屏显示档位、量程、被检表示值误差r A和引用误差r m、误差修正值、输出量百分比、被检表满度值、频率、步进值,按实际值和百分比两种方式同时显示输出量,即时读出被检仪表的误差,省时省力。
键盘控制量分为100%/N、10%/N、1%/N、0. 1%/N、0.01%/N(N为4、5、6、10、15)。
Omega BB-2A黑体温度标准仪说明书
BB-2A Blackbody Calibration Sourcee-mail:**************For latest product manuals: Shop online at User’s Guide***********************The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.Servicing North America:U.S.A. Omega Engineering, Inc. Headquarters: Toll-Free: 1-800-826-6342 (USA & Canada only) Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 (USA & Canada only) Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 (USA & Canada only) Tel: (203) 359-1660 Fax: (203) 359-7700 e-mail:************** For Other Locations Visit /worldwideiSECTION PAGE Section 1 Introduction ................................................................ 1-1 1.1 General Description ................................................... 1-1 1.2Safety Warnings and I.E.C. Symbols ....................... 1-1Section 2 Installation .....................................................................2-1 2.1Unpacking and Inspection ........................................ 2-1 2.2 Mounting ..................................................................... 2-1 2.3Power Connection ...................................................... 2-2Section 3Parts and Features ...................................................... 3-1Section 4 Operation ..................................................................... 4-1 4.1 Setting Temperature .................................................. 4-1 4.2Measuring Temperature ............................................ 4-1Section 5 Maintenance ................................................................ 5-1 5.1Calibration .................................................................. 5-1 5.2 Cleaning....................................................................... 5-15.2.1 Main Body ....................................................... 5-1 5.2.2 Target Plate .................................................... 5-1 5.3Fuse Replacement ....................................................... 5-1Section 6Specifications ............................................................. 6-1Section 7Troubleshooting Guide ............................................. 7-1Section 8 Glossary of Terms ...................................................... 8-1iiFIGURE PAGE 1 BB-2A Blackbody Source Parts ............................................. 3-11-1Section 1 - IntroductionOMEGA’s BB-2A Series Blackbody Calibration Source has been designed for ease of use and reliability whenever you have the need to test or calibrate non-contact infrared temperature instruments. It is important that you read this manual completely and follow all safety precautions before operating this instrument.1.1 General Description:The Model BB-2A is a portable, rugged, bench-top, blackbody calibration source. The calibrator is used to test and calibrate infrared pyrometers. The front 159 mm (6.25”) square plate has a 133 mm (5 1⁄4”) circular target area with an emissivity of 0.95 and can be set to any temperature between 66 to 343°C (150 to 650°F). For ease of reading, a bi-metal thermometer is included. Please note that we do not recommend this unit to be used as a primary calibration reference.1.2 Safety Warnings and Precautions:• F ollow all safety precautions and operating instructions outlined in this manual.• N ever leave your calibration unattended when in use.• K eep out of reach of all children.• N ever touch the target plate when hot.• Never place any object within 3 inches of the plate when hot.• D o not operate in flammable or explosive environments.• N ever operate with power cord other than the one provided with your unit.• R emove and or disconnect main power cord before attempting any maintenance or fuse replacement.• D o not connect this unit to a non-grounded, non-polarized outlet or power source.• T he target plate should not be used as a heating plate for any type of material or liquid.• T his unit is intended for indoor use only. Protect from moisture and rain.1-2There are no user serviceable parts inside your unit. Attempting to repair or service your unit may void your warranty.2-1Section 2 - Installation2.1 UnpackingRemove the packing list and verify that you have received all your equipment, including the following items:• BB-2A Blackbody Calibration Source • Dial Temp. Thermometer, Model H • Users Manual If you have any questions about the shipment, please call our Customer Service Department at 1-800-622-2378 or 203-359-1660. We can also be reached on the Internet at e-mail:******************When you receive the shipment, inspect the container and equipment for any signs of damage. Note any evidence of rough handling in tran-sit. Immediately report any damage to the shipping agent.2.2 Mounting and SetupPlace the BB-2A Blackbody Reference on a sturdy surface in a vertical position and allow space on all sides of the unit for ventilation. Assemble the Dial Temperature thermometer by inserting the stem of the thermometer into the large hole in the middle of the top surface of the target plate. Make sure the rocker switch and the temperature control knob is on the OFF position. (Rotate the knob counterclockwise if necessary). Plug in the power cord into a convenient voltage outlet. The BB-2A is designed to operate within an ambient temperature rangefrom 10°C to 35°C (50°F to 95°F).The carrier will not honor any damage claims unless all shipping material is saved for inspection. After examining and removing contents, save packing material and carton in the event reshipment is necessary.2-22.3 Power Connection Standard (120 VAC~, 50/60 Hz models)The BB-2A comes with a standard North American 3-prong AC power cord. Do not use any other power cord other than the one provided. This cord provides the proper grounding and has been safety tested by the proper safety agencies.International (240 VAC~, 50/60 Hz models)On 240 VAC~, 50/60 Hz models a European style power cord with the proper color code and approvals is provided with 3-prong connector.• L ine voltage variations are not to exceed ±10% of the rated input voltage.• E lectrical connections and wiring should be performed only by suitably trained personnel.• T o shut down the unit in an emergency, the power cord can be disconnected from the AC outlet.3-1Section 3 - Parts and FeaturesThe BB-2A Hot plate is a general purpose temperature reference source intended for laboratory use with an operating temperature range from 66°C to 343°C (150°F to 650°F). The front target plate is heated by a resistance heater, embedded in the refractory material of the bottom plate. The plates are made of aluminum to aid in uniform surface tem-perature distribution. The temperature of the plate is controlled by a bimetallic thermostat sensor. The case supports the aluminum plates, and also serves to house the electrical connections and the temperature control components. See Figure 1 for the overall shape and the general features of the unit.4-1Section 4 - Operation4.1 Setting Temperature:Prior to connecting your BB-2A hot plate to your electrical supply, be sure the rocker and the dial switches are in the OFF position. The power is turned ON or OFF by means of the rocker switch. Push the rocker switch to turn the unit ON. The hot plate will start heating up when the pointer is beyond the OFF mark on the dial plate. Turn dial clockwise to set desired temperature. Dial mark indicate approximate surface temperature in °C. The green cycle light will illuminate when the pointer on the dial passes the OFF mark on the dial plate. When the temperature for a given dial setting has been reached, the light will cycle OFF and ON to hold that temperature. If the cycle light is off, hot plate may still be hot. To turn OFF hot plate, turn dial switch to the fully counterclockwise position and push the rocker switch down to off position.4.2 Measuring Temperature:The 5 1⁄4” target area of the plate is a near ideal blackbody source. The emissivity of the plate is 0.95. When calibrating an IR pyrometer, hold the pyrometer perpendicular to the target plate for optimal perfor-mance. The proper distance between the IR pyrometer and the target plate depends on the field of view of the pyrometer. If the pyrometer is too far away it will scan unwanted surfaces outside of the perimeter of the target plate. Holding the pyrometer too close could introduce unde-tures. Exercise extreme caution when operating the unit. Keep hands and fingers away from the target plate area. Keep flammable products such as paper, plastics and clothing far from the unit.• The BB-2A is a Class II instrument. It is intended to be oper-ated in a laboratory environment only. Never operate the unit outside or around children.• Nothing should come in contact with the target plate.Even when the unit is off.• Never unplug the unit while it is on. Let it cool down to lower temperature before turning it off.5-1Section 5 - Maintenance5.1 CalibrationThis unit has been fine tuned at the factory and calibrated to give opti-mum performance of its full temperature range. It is recommended that the unit be returned annually for re-calibration.Remove all electrical connections and power before attempting any maintenance or cleaning.5.2.1 Main BodyOnly a damp soft rag with a mild cleaning solution should be used when cleaning the main body of this unit.5.2.2 Target PlateDo not attempt to clean the target plate. The target plate has a special coating applied and cleaning may change the emissivity and perfor-mance of your unit.5.3Disconnect all power from source before attempting fuse replacement.For continued protection against the risk of fire replacewith only the same size, type and rating fuse indicated here.For model:BB-2A use 1 ea. 250 VAC~, T7A (Time-Lag, 7 Amp)UL./CSA APPROVED (1⁄4” dia. x 1 1⁄4” long).BB-2A–230 use 1 ea. 250 VAC~, T4A (Time-Lag, 4 Amp)VDE APPROVED (1⁄4” dia. 1 1⁄4” long)5-26-1Section 6 - SpecificationsTarget Plate Temperature Range: 66°C to 343°C (150°F to 650°F)Ambient Environmental Conditions: Temperature: 10 to 35°C (50 to 95°F) Humidity: 0 to 90% RH, non-condensing Power: BB2A 120 VAC~, 50/60 Hz, 750W BB2A-230VAC 240 VAC~, 50/60 Hz, 750W Internal Control Sensor: Bimetallic Thermostat Accuracy: ±2% of the Reading Stability: ±3°C (±5.4°F) [over entire range]Display Accuracy: Unit Accuracy Target Plate Emissivity: 0.95 ± 2 unit Dimensions: 165 W x 229 H x 140 mm D (6.5” W x 9.0 H x 5.5 in D)Weight: 2.5 Kg. (5.5 Lbs.)7-1Section 7 - Troubleshooting GuideProblemSolution 1. Unit will not turn on. a. Check all electrical connections. b. Check top panel fuse. c. U nit requires service, contact our customer service department.2. Unit turns on but the target a. Check that you have plate will not get hot. set a setpoint above the ambient temperature. b. Burned out heating element. Unit requires service, contact our customer service department.3. Target plate temperature will a. Unit may be out of calibration not stabilize at the setpoint and requires service, contact ourcustomer service department.8-1Glossary of Terms Used in This ManualBlackbodyA theoretical object that radiates the maximum amount of energy at a given temperature, and absorbs all the energy incident upon it.CalibrationThe process of adjusting an instrument or compiling a deviationchart so that its reading can be correlated to the actual value beingmeasured.EmissivityInfraredThe ratio of energy emitted by a surface to the energy emitted by ablackbody at the same temperature.Infrared (IR)A range of the electromagnetic spectrum extending beyond red vis-ible light from 760 nanometers to 1000 microns.NISTNational Institute of Standards and Technology8-2The OMEGA Family of Blackbody Calibrators Listed below is a selection guide of OMEGA’s current line of blackbody calibrations sources in addition to the one you have selected. This family of rugged, portable and accurate calibrators cover a wide range of temperatures, target plate sizes and features making them perfect for infrared pyrometer field service testings and laboratory calibrations.BB701 Hot/Cold Blackbody Calibration Source Calibration Range: Accuracy: ±0.8°C (±1.4°F) -18 to 150°C (0 to 300°F) Emissivity: 0.95 Ambient Temp.: 4 to 43°C (40 to 110°F) Cavity Size: 63.5 mm (2.5 in.) Power: 120/230V, 50/60 Hz, 175WBB702 Blackbody Calibration Source Calibration Range: Accuracy: ± 0.5°C (±0.9°F), ±0.25% of rdg. 32 to 215°C (90 to 420°F) Emissivity: 0.95 Ambient Temp.: 5 to 45°C (41 to 113°F) Cavity Size: 63.5 mm (2.5 in.) Power: 115/230V, 50/60 Hz, 175WBB703 Mini Blackbody Calibration Source Calibration Range: Accuracy: ±1.4°C (±2.5°F) 32 to 400°C (90 to 752°F) Emissivity: 0.95 Ambient Temp.: 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F) Cavity Size: 28.6 mm (1.125 in.) Power: 115/230V, 50/60 Hz, 175WBB704 4” Target Plate Blackbody Calibration Source Calibration Range: Accuracy: ±0.8°C (±1.4°F) 100 to 400°C (212 to 752°F) Emissivity: 0.95 Ambient Temp.: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F) Cavity Size: 101.65 mm (4 in.) Power: 115/230V, 50/60 Hz, 425WBB705 Laboratory Grade Blackbody Calibration Source Calibration Range: Accuracy: ±1.0°C (±1.8°F) ±.25% rdg. 100 to 1046°C (212 to 1915°F) Emissivity: 0.99 Ambient Temp.: 0 to 35°C (32 to 95°F) Cavity Size: 44 mm (1.75 in.) Power:115/230V, 50/60 Hz, 1100WBB-4A High Temperature Blackbody Calibration Source Calibration Range: Accuracy: ±1.0°C (±1.8°F) ±.25% rdg 100 to 982°C (212 to 1800°F) Emissivity: 0.99 Ambient Temp.: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F) Cavity Size: 22 mm (0.88 in.) Power: 115/230V, 50/60 Hz, 400WFor a complete, updated specification sheet and price on any of the calibrators listed here visit our website at . Please call our sale or customer service department for information and pricing on any new models available.WARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. T his ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANT Y does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND W HATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED W ARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY W ARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY / DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.RETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RET URNING ANY PRODUCT (S) T O OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBT AIN AN AUT HORIZED RET URN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUST OMER SERVICE DEPART MENT (IN ORDER T O AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). T he assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2017 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED,2. M odel and serial number of the product under warranty, and3. R epair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. P urchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,2. Model and serial number of the product, and 3. Repair instructions and/or specific problemsrelative to the product.Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA…Of Course!Shop online at TEMPERATUREM U Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors, Panels & AssembliesM U Wire: Thermocouple, RTD & ThermistorM U Calibrators & Ice Point ReferencesM U Recorders, Controllers & Process MonitorsM U Infrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCEM U Transducers & Strain GagesM U Load Cells & Pressure GagesM U Displacement TransducersM U Instrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELM U Rotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow ComputersM U Air Velocity IndicatorsM U Turbine/Paddlewheel SystemsM U Totalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYM U pH Electrodes, Testers & AccessoriesM U Benchtop/Laboratory MetersM U Controllers, Calibrators, Simulators & PumpsM U Industrial pH & Conductivity EquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONM U Communications-Based Acquisition SystemsM U Data Logging SystemsM U Wireless Sensors, Transmitters, & ReceiversM U Signal ConditionersM U Data Acquisition SoftwareHEATERSM U Heating CableM U Cartridge & Strip HeatersM U Immersion & Band HeatersM U Flexible HeatersM U Laboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLM U Metering & Control InstrumentationM U RefractometersM U Pumps & TubingM U Air, Soil & Water MonitorsM U Industrial Water & Wastewater TreatmentM U pH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen InstrumentsM2263/1217。
文件编号:GXHT/ZY-03-2023版本/修改:C/0受控状态:目受控□非受控发放编号:环境检测仪器设备自校准规程编写:XXX审a:XXX批准:XXXXXX华泰检溺有限公司实验室目录仪器设备自校验规程 (3)自动监测仪校验规程 (4)XH2000A型SO2自动监测仪校验规程 (6)XH2000B型NOxXH2000D型PM1O自动监测仪校验规程 (8)XH2000J型动态气体校准仪校验规程 (9)WTW-PH校验规程 (10)WTW-D0校验规程 (11)岛津TOC—4100校验规程 (12)WTW-TresConNH4-N校验规程 (14)仪器设备自校验期程1目的对于无法溯源至国家基准的仪器设备,为了保证监测结果的有效性和准确性,监测活动量值必须追溯至国家基准或国际基准、有证标准物质、约定的方法或协定标准。
4仪器设备自校规程名录5支持性文件各种设备自校准规程XH2000A型Sθ2自动收厦仪校验现程XH2000A型SO2分析仪原理是基于SO?分子接受了紫外线能量成为激发态的SOz分子,在返回低能态时产生特征荧光,所发出的荧光的强度与SO?分子的浓度呈线性关系,利用检测光强来进行SO?的检测,其化学反应式如下:SO2+hv1-------- >SO2* -------- >SO2+hv22技术要求2.1重复性要求:相对标准偏差V2.5%(80%满量程)。
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2.开机困难的检修方法——Do30-2型多功能校准仪特殊故障一例 [J], 管康
3.MF47型万用表检修实例 [J], 杨新华
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5.500型万用表和MF14型万用表测量交流电的准确度分析 [J], 王恩玉
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1、5 1/2位LED数字显示输出量,可按实际值或百分比两种方式显示。
7、钳形表测量:配用本厂标准线圈,可测量AC 0~750A(部分表可测量到1000A以上);DC 0~1000A误差±0.3%。