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Section Ⅰ (20%)

1.Hemp, a barsh, stiff fiber, comes from a plant that grows in both hot

and mild climates.

A. rigid

B. sticky

C. dense

D. woven

2. At least six times since the end of the last ice age, the Mississippi

River has dramatically altered its course.

A. unfortunately

B. radically

C. steadily

D. incvitably

3. The Depreasion years of 1930`s brought with them the notion of job

sharing to spread available work around; the workweek dropped to modem low for the United Statesof 35 hours.

A. concept

B. picture

C. notice

D. program

4. The longest unbroken border in the world is that between Canada and

The United States.

A. reciprocal

B. incessant

C. uninterrupted

D. enduring

5. A major chatacteristic of parliament government is the fusion of

executive and legislative powers in one body.

A. alignment

B. fixing

C. strength

D. union

6. New York is a shopper`s paradise whether one wants to spend a

fortune in elegant department stores or rifle though goods displayed on street barrows.

A. turn one`s back on

B. walk casually along

C. search carefully for

D. to look quickly over

7. The role of the performing artist is to interpret, not alter, the notes on

a printed sheet of music.

A. reproduce

B. omit

C. change

D. compose

8. Within minutes, as my guide predicted, a beggar accosted me.

A. insulted

B. intinddated

C. approached and addressed

D. asked fou money

9. The stories of Sarah Onne Jewerr are considered by many to be more

authentically regional than those of Bret Harte.

A. genuinely

B. blatantly

C. intentionally

D. thoroughly

10. With the down of space exploration, the notion that atmospheric

conditions on Earth may be unique in the solar system was strengthened.

A. continuation

B. beginning

C. expansion

D. outcome

11. When a flounder first hatches, it looks like a typical fish.

A. emerges from the egg

B. matures

C. swims about

D. rises from the bottom

12. Many movies receive disparaging reviews from film experts and yet

become extremely successful.

A. lengthy

B. authoritative

C. negative

D. uninteresting

13. A vein is a depoait of mineral matter that has filled a fault or seam

in a rock.

A. a cave

B. a crack

C. an indentation

D. a hole

14. During the late 1860`s, thirty-three whaling ships were trapped in a

ice floe off Alaska and had to be abandoned.

A. protected

B. overturned

C. given up

D. towed away

15. There are numerous manuals available with instructions on how to

fix a bicycle.

A. steer

B. control

C. ride

D. repair

16. Because he was unaware of the new limit, he was stopped and

warned for speeding.

A. ignorant

B. obstinate
