



76) Bath festival is just around the corner.
77) Why is Mary like April weather?
78) I wore my Sunday clothes.
48) He was born to the purple.
49) Is he a Jonah?
50) You can’t beat that.
51) Why don’t you belt up?
67) The boss hit the ceiling.
68) She is a fox in a lamb's skin.
69) Carrie never changes her mind at pleasure.
21) We held a back-street meeting.
22) That boy never says uncle.
23) I will put my back into this program.
45) Can we get around this issue?
46) This kind of dress sells like hot cakes.



中西部翻译大赛首届初赛笔译试题及答案(总5页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--中西部翻译大赛四川赛区首届初赛笔译试题I. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of one the idioms in the column. (2×15=30’)1. 每当我们面临困难的时候,他总是自告奋勇承担风险。

Whenever we are faced with difficulties, he is always the one who offers to _______.2. 明天我要在太岁头上动动土,我要当面质问我的上司为什么不给我增加薪水。

I’m going to ___________ tomorrow, and ask him plainly why he hasn’t increased my salary.3. 有一家航空公司降低票价,其它航空公司通常很快也会步其后尘。

When one airline reduces its ticket prices, the rest usually soon _______4. 当他的生意开始亏损,他就决定溜掉,而不是面对破产。

When his business started to fail, he decided to __________, rather than face financial ruin.5. 你不化妆样子最美,可是你却浓妆艳抹,实在多此一举。

You look at your best without make-up, but you __________ by wearing a lot of cosmetics.6. 失业是我们的主要问题之一,我们需要一个能大胆抓起这个棘手问题的政府。

Unemployment is one of our main problems; we need a government that will __________.7. 你说她怕劳动,确实说到点子上。



翻译水平考试题及答案一、单句翻译(共20分,每题4分)1. 请将下列中文句子翻译成英文:“随着全球化的深入发展,跨国公司的国际影响力日益增强。

”答案:With the deepening development of globalization, the international influence of multinational corporations is increasingly strengthening.2. 请将下列英文句子翻译成中文:"The rapid advancement of technology has transformed the way we live and work."答案:技术的快速进步已经改变了我们生活和工作的方式。

3. 请将下列中文句子翻译成英文:“环境保护已经成为全球性的紧迫议题。

”答案:Environmental protection has become an urgent global issue.4. 请将下列英文句子翻译成中文:"Economic growth is closely linked to the development of infrastructure."答案:经济增长与基础设施的发展密切相关。

5. 请将下列中文句子翻译成英文:“科技创新是推动社会进步的关键因素。

”答案:Technological innovation is a key factor in driving social progress.二、段落翻译(共30分,每段10分)1. 请将下列中文段落翻译成英文:“近年来,随着互联网技术的飞速发展,电子商务已经成为全球经济中不可忽视的一部分。


”答案:In recent years, with the rapid development ofinternet technology, e-commerce has become an indispensable part of the global economy. It has not only changedconsumers' shopping habits but also provided new marketing channels for businesses.2. 请将下列英文段落翻译成中文:"Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing humanity today. It poses a significant threat to ecosystems, economies, and the well-being of people around the world."答案:气候变化是当今人类面临的最紧迫问题之一。



笔译词汇应试题及答案1. 请将下列中文词汇翻译成英文,并给出相应的英文解释。

- 一带一路- 可持续发展- 人工智能- 碳中和2. 请将下列英文词汇翻译成中文,并给出相应的中文解释。

- Artificial Intelligence- Green Economy- Cultural Heritage- Globalization3. 请解释以下专业术语,并给出相应的英文翻译。

- 供给侧结构性改革- 共享经济- 绿色发展- 网络安全答案1.- 一带一路:Belt and Road Initiative,指的是中国提出的“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的合作倡议。

- 可持续发展:Sustainable Development,指在满足当前需求的同时,不损害后代满足其需求的能力。

- 人工智能:Artificial Intelligence,指由人制造出来的系统所表现出来的智能。

- 碳中和:Carbon Neutrality,指通过种植森林吸收二氧化碳或采用其他方式抵消产生的二氧化碳排放量,实现净零排放。

2.- Artificial Intelligence:人工智能,由人制造出来的系统所表现出来的智能。

- Green Economy:绿色经济,指以可持续性为目标的经济体系。

- Cultural Heritage:文化遗产,指由人类创造的具有历史、文化、科学或艺术价值的遗产。

- Globalization:全球化,指全球范围内的社会、经济和文化联系的加强。

3.- 供给侧结构性改革:Supply-Side Structural Reform,指的是通过优化供给侧结构,提高供给质量和效率的改革措施。

- 共享经济:Sharing Economy,指的是通过互联网平台,将闲置资源进行共享和再利用的经济模式。

- 绿色发展:Green Development,指的是在发展过程中注重环境保护和资源节约,实现经济发展与生态环境的和谐。



笔译大赛试题及答案试题一:请将以下英文段落翻译成中文:"In the realm of artificial intelligence, machine learning stands out as a pivotal technology that enables computers to learn from experience and improve their performance over time without being explicitly programmed to do so."答案一:在人工智能领域,机器学习作为一种关键技术脱颖而出,它使得计算机能够从经验中学习,并在没有明确编程的情况下随着时间的推移提高其性能。



”答案二:"With the continuous advancement of globalization, cross-cultural communication is becoming increasingly important. To promote understanding and respect between different cultures, we need to learn each other's languages and cultures."试题三:请将以下英文句子翻译成中文:"The rapid development of technology has brought about significant changes in the way we live and work."答案三:技术的快速发展已经改变了我们生活和工作的方式。



初赛题:A. 汉译英部分:从孔子的“士志于道”,到孟子的“养浩然之气”,再到汉末陈蕃的“澄清天下之志”,宋代范仲淹的“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”,中国历代知识分子都把道义、民生作为自己的双重价值旨归。





(343字)B. 英译汉部分:The Chinese did not consciously imitate Indian culture as Rome did, and the introduction of Buddhism into China, extending over many centuries, was a process of almost surreptitious, underground subversion. Not until the eighth century was Buddhism officially recognized and accepted as a state religion, although its promulgation by the Empress Wu Zetian, a woman, forever contaminated its claim to validity in the eyes of subsequent male historians— who were, for the most part, professedly Confucian. Surreptitious or blatant, the importation of foreign linguistic goods into China certainly exceeded the exportation by t he Chinese of its own culture.One wishes there were data available on the import and export in translation toward the end of the Tang Dynasty. Might there have been a reverse thrust from the one we saw in Xuanzang? Instead of absorbing influences from the outside and digesting them, might the latter part of the Tang been more involved in exporting the glories of Du Fu, Li Bai, and Bai Juyi? We know from inferential evidence that the countries that became Korea and Japan were familiar with these poets, but was that a function of Chinese translating the corpus into the native vernaculars, or was it more probably the result of satellite cultures (as they saw themselves) developing scholars familiar with Chinese?Similarly, Elizabethan England, perhaps the most dazzlingly productive period in English literature, was undoubtedly a “borrower” culture, one that relied heavily on what they regarded as superior continental traditions. Difficult as it may be for moderns to recall, the Elizabethans thought the language they inherited was a crude instrument, compared to the more sophisticated continental tongues, particularly French, Spanish, and Italian. “The nation had grown conscious of its cultural inferiority to the Continent,” F. O. Matthiessen writes, “and suddenly burned with the des ire to excel its rivals in letters, as well as in ships and gold.” Translating into one’s native tongue was, Matthiessen insists, “an act of patriotism”.(323 words)。



英汉笔译考试题及答案一、翻译句子(每题5分,共20分)1. The rapid development of technology has changed the way we live.2. 随着全球化的推进,跨文化交流变得越来越重要。

3. 请将以下句子翻译成英文:在现代社会,环境保护已成为一项紧迫的任务。

4. 他总是乐观向上,无论遇到什么困难都能保持积极态度。

答案:1. 技术的快速发展已经改变了我们的生活方式。

2. With the advancement of globalization, cross-cultural communication has become increasingly important.3. In modern society, environmental protection has become an urgent task.4. He is always optimistic and can maintain a positiveattitude no matter what difficulties he encounters.二、翻译段落(每题10分,共40分)1. The concept of sustainable development has gained widespread recognition in recent years. It emphasizes theneed to balance economic growth with environmental protection and social equity. This approach aims to meet the needs ofthe present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.2. 随着互联网的普及,越来越多的人开始在线购物。



中华笔译大赛试题及答案一、单句翻译1. 请将下列中文句子翻译成英文。

- 随着互联网的普及,人们获取信息的方式发生了巨大变化。

- 他总是把工作放在第一位。

2. 请将下列英文句子翻译成中文。

- With the widespread use of the internet, the way people access information has undergone tremendous changes.- He always puts his work first.二、段落翻译1. 将以下段落从中文翻译成英文。

- 中国的传统节日春节,又称为农历新年,是最重要的节日之一。


2. 将以下段落从英文翻译成中文。

- The traditional Chinese festival, Spring Festival, also known as the Lunar New Year, is one of the most important festivals. During the Spring Festival, people set off firecrackers, paste couplets, and have a family reunion dinner to celebrate the arrival of the new year.三、篇章翻译1. 请将以下篇章从中文翻译成英文。

- 中国的茶文化源远流长,茶不仅是一种饮品,更是一种文化象征。



2. 请将以下篇章从英文翻译成中文。

- The tea culture in China has a long and storied history. Tea is not only a beverage but also a symbol of culture. In China, the art of tea is considered an art form, and drinking tea is an enjoyment. People cultivate their character and refine their sentiments through the act of drinking tea.四、翻译理论简答题1. 简述翻译中的直译与意译的区别。



Sección I TraducciónParte1.Traducción del español al chino(西译汉)Por lo general,los políticos españoles han carecido casi siempre de sentido del humor.Otra cosa muy distinta son los británicos:recuérdense los discursos de Winston Churchill en los Comunes,llenos de ironías y sarcasmos,a pesar de que por entonces Londres pasaba sus más trágicos momentos,asolada por los bombardeos alemanes.O aquella vez que la reina de Inglaterra llegóen viaje oficial a Estados Unidos. El entonces Presidente Bush le dio la bienvenida en el aeropuerto pronunciando las palabras de rigor ante un micrófono;después,como manda el protocolo,le respondióIsabel II.Pero como Bush era mucho más alto,el micrófono,que no había sido bajado, tapaba el rostro de Su Graciosa Majestad,de la que sólo se vio en las pantallas de televisión su gran sombrero.Al día siguiente acudióla reina al Congreso;allíle habían colocado el micrófono a su altura.Y comenzóel discurso diciendo:Espero que hoy me puedan ver todos ustedes.Naturalmente,se ganóuna ovación de los congresistas,que agradecieron cumplidamente el rasgo de humor de la soberana británica.Semejantes ocurrencias no son frecuentes entre la clase política de este país. Durante muchos años,ministros,senadores y diputados han preferido lucir un semblante severo,un gesto adusto y se han manifestado con enorme grandilocuencia, como si hablar de manera engolada,altisonante y,en muchas ocasiones,críptica,les concediese mayor prestigio ante el honrado ciudadano de a pie.No hay más que ver, en las páginas de brillante papel couchéde los viejos semanarios,los retratos de aquellas Señorías:con sus levitas,sus chisteras,sus luengas barbas,sus rostros enfurruñados y los ojos siempre cerrados.Claro que eso era por culpa del magnesio que a la sazón usaban los fotógrafos,que deslumbraba al más pintadoNi quédecir tiene que durante la dictadura de don Miguel Prima de Rivera,el humor brillópor su ausencia en la encorsetada vida política de laépoca.Unicamente el marqués de Estella se permitía a veces alguna ironía,como jerezano que era.En cuanto al rey Alfonso XIII,coinciden cuantos le trataron con cierta proximidad que era persona con indudable sentido del o buen madrileño, añaden algunos.Recordando uno de los varios atentados que sufriódurante su reinado,de todos los cuales salióileso,simplemente comentó:Son gajes del oficio.Durante la Segunda República,el Parlamento conocióun lote de diputados de espléndida elocuencia.Eran oradores brillantes,que improvisaban sus discursos y especialmene,sus réplicas,con admirable estilo.Nada de consultar chuletas ni de tartamudear ni de cortarse a mitad de una frase mal pronunciada,como ahora hacen casi todos.Ortega Gasset había dicho,en una intervención en las primeras Cortes constituyentes,cuando todavía estaba movido por la ilusión política:No hemos venido aquía hacer el payaso,el tenor ni el jabalí.Desde entonces,llamóse jabalía ciertos diputados que acudían a las sesiones sencillamente para armar escándalo;y también,a aquellos otros especializados en interrumpir a los oradores con frases hirientes,mordaces,que llegaban a desorientar a quienes peroraban con dramática seriedad.Parte2.Traducción del chino al español(汉译西)国际金融危机的影响继续显现,世界经济发展方式酝酿新的重大变革。






第一部分:语言理解1. “骑马找马”是一种古老的中国成语,请试译成西班牙语。

Respuesta:"Buscar el caballo mientras se monta" es un antiguo refrán chino.2. 将下列动词短语翻译成英语:“宴请客户”Respuesta:"Entertain clients"3. 请将以下成语翻译成法语:“一蹴而就”Respuesta:"Obtenir satisfaction d'un coup"第二部分:汉译西将以下汉语段落翻译成西班牙语:在中国,传统文化占据着重要的地位。






Respuesta:En China, la cultura tradicional ocupa un lugar importante. Los chinos valoran la armonía en la familia y la sociedad. El respeto a los mayores, especialmente a los ancianos, es uno de los valores fundamentales de la cultura china. Además, la cultura culinaria china es muy rica y diversa, incluyendo diferentes estilos y métodos de cocina regionales. Las festividades tradicionales chinas también son eventos importantes cada año, como el Año Nuevo Chino, el Festival del Medio Otoño y el Festival de Qingming. Con el desarrollo económico y el proceso de modernización de China, el país está esforzándose por proteger y transmitir su cultura tradicional, al tiempo que también acepta la influencia de la cultura occidental.第三部分:西译汉将以下西班牙语段落翻译成汉语:España es un país hermoso y diverso en el sur de Europa. Es conocido por su rica historia, su cultura vibrante y su deliciosa gastronomía. La gente en España es amigable y cálida, y la siesta es una parte importante de su estilo de vida. Hay muchas ciudades y regiones famosas para visitar, como Barcelona con su arquitectura única de Gaudí, la ciudad antigua de Toledo y las maravillosas playas de la Costa del Sol. España también es famosa porsus festivales tradicionales como la Tomatina en Buñol y la Feria de Abril en Sevilla. Sin duda, España es un destino turístico popular y fascinante.Respuesta:西班牙是一个美丽而多样化的欧洲南部国家。





第一部分:中译英1. 翻译:我们必须认识到环境保护对我们的生活至关重要。

参考答案:We must recognize the vital importance of environmental protection to our lives.2. 翻译:他的成功归功于他的努力和坚持不懈的精神。

参考答案:His success is attributed to his hard work and perseverance.3. 翻译:这个项目的成功离不开团队合作和互相支持。

参考答案:The success of this project relies on teamwork and mutual support.4. 翻译:这个城市的发展需要更多的投资和创新。

参考答案:The development of this city requires more investment and innovation.5. 翻译:他的观点在学术界引起了广泛的讨论和争议。

参考答案:His views have sparked widespread discussion and controversy in the academic community.第二部分:英译中1. 翻译:Globalization has brought both opportunities and challenges to the world.参考答案:全球化给世界带来了机遇和挑战。

2. 翻译:The government should take effective measures to address the issue of income inequality.参考答案:政府应采取有效措施解决收入不平等问题。



翻译大赛初赛试题Love Your Life (热爱你的生活)1.However mean you life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names. It is not so bad as you think. It looks poorest when you are richest. The fault-finder will find faults in paradise. Love you life, poor as it is. You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poor-house. The setting sun is reflected from the windows of a shabby house as brightly as from a rich man’s mansion; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring. I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts as in palace. The town’s poor seems to me often to live the most independent lives of any. Maybe they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving. Most think that they are above being supported by the town; but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means, which should be more disreputable. Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage. Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends. Turn the old, return to them. Things do not change; we change. Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.I think you will be distressed to know that my wife and I have been not a little disturbed by your IV set which is kept on to a very late hour each evening. If it is possible for it to be toned sown a little, especially after ten o’clock at night, you would be showing us a great kindness.In view of the fact that I have to leave the house before seven o’clock in the morning, we are obliged to retire early to bed.I am sorry to raise the matter and I trust you will not consider me fussy or unneighborly in making the request.2. October 1. In the morning I saw, to my great surprise, the ship had floated with high tide and was driven on shore again much nearer the island, which, as it was some comfort on one hand (for seeing her sit upright and not broken to pieces, I hoped, if the wind abated, I might get on board, and get some food and necessaries out of her for my relief), so on the other hand, it renewed my grief at the loss of my comrades, who, I imagined, if we had all stayed on board, might have saved the ship, or at least that they would not have been all drowned as they were; and that had the men saved, we might perhaps have built us a boat out of the ruins of the ship, to have carried us to some other part of the world.3. There is no denying the mightiness of the sea. I love her not only because she has the beautiful hues and many intriguing objects hidden deep underneath her, but alsobecause she is broad and liberal enough to turn the foul into the pure. The numerous small rivers that she accommodates may be of a black or yellow color, but once they flow into her bosom, they instantly take on the green color signifying peace and tranquility. A person with a terrifying hot temper will become, I believe, as meek as a lamb after a long stay by the seashore. Likewise, I believe a narrow-minded person will become tolerant and open-hearted if he often keeps company with the sea.1.无论科学发展得多快,海洋的形成仍是一个有待科学家解决的迷。



首届中西部外语翻译大赛英语专业笔译组(参考答案)plete the following sentences using the correct form of one the idioms in the column. (2×15=30’)1. B. bell the cat2. K. beard the lion in his den3. G. follow suit4. F. cut and run5. A. gild the lily6. J. grasp the nettle7. E. hit the nail on the head8. I. keep the wolf from the door9. D. make a mountain out of a molehill10. C. put your shoulder to the wheel11. N. separate the sheep from the goats12. L. thumb a lift13. O. wear your heart on your sleeve14. M. touch wood15. H. keep the ball rollingII. This part consists of ten English sentences, each followed by two different versions marked A and B. Choose the one that is the closest equivalent of the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness.(2.5×10=25’)16-20 B B A B A 21-25 B A B B AIII. This part consists of ten Chinese sentences, each followed by two different versions marked A and B. Choose the one that is the closest equivalent of the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness. (2.5×10=25’)26-30 B B A A B 31-35 B A B A BIV. Translate the following passage into Chinese. (10’)对伦理学的论著稍事浏览不难发现,古今往来,伦理学家不胜枚举,他们对伦理学的研究更是各行其是,不独其结论千差万别,甚至视角、方法亦大相径庭。



大学生笔译比赛测试题(测试时间为2小时)姓名:分数:一、汉译英(共50分)A Bite of China, a mouth-watering late-night documentary television series featuring delicious Chinese food, has attracted countless viewers, and moved many to tears. Given its subject matter and time slot, A Bite of China was initially considered a "weak player" on TV. Surprisingly, the documentary became popular immediately after airing, and has made viewers go beyond thinking about delicacies. "Man is what he eats," said Ludwig Feuerbach. From its very beginning, A Bite of China is not just a documentary about food. "The scenes of digging for bamboo shoots, hanging hams, catching fish using a net, opening a steamer filled with white steamed buns, and pulling wheat dough into thin strands for noodles move us to tears. What a lovely China!" a viewer said. A Bite of China is a serious documentary providing a unique view of Chinese as well as the relations between people and food and between people and society from the perspective of food. 舌尖上的The touching documentary reminds some people of their mother, and makes some realize that every grain comes from hard and laborious toil. Some people see patriotism in the documentary, and some consider it a great cultural export. How did this documentary achieve a tremendous influence beyond its subject matter in such a short time? "Beside this picture with profusions of colors, a group of s heep are lowing their heads, eating by the river bank. Hard ly none of them would spare some time to raise their eyes to have a glance at the beautiful dusk. They are, perhaps , taking use of every minute to enjoy their last chew befo re being driven home. This is a picture of the Yellow Rive r bank, in which the shepherd disappears, and no one knows where he is resting himself. Only the sheep, however, as free creatures, are joyfully appreciating the dusk. The exube rant water plants have untried the sheep, making them grow as fat as balls. When approaching near, you would find thei r lily-white teeth and a variety of innocent facial impressi ons。



笔译资格考试题库及答案1. 请将下列句子从英语翻译成中文:"The rapid development of technology has changed the way people live and work."答案:技术的快速发展改变了人们的生活和工作方式。

2. 将以下中文句子翻译成英文:“随着互联网的普及,越来越多的人开始在线购物。

”答案:"With the widespread of the Internet, more and more people start shopping online."3. 阅读以下段落,并将其从英文翻译成中文:"In recent years, environmental issues have become a global concern. Governments and organizations worldwide are taking measures to reduce pollution and protect the environment. Sustainable development has become a key concept in policy-making."答案:近年来,环境问题已成为全球关注的问题。



4. 将下列中文段落翻译成英文:“中国是一个历史悠久的国家,拥有丰富的文化遗产。


”答案:"China is a country with a long history and rich cultural heritage. The Great Wall and the Forbidden City are among its most famous historical sites."5. 请将以下句子从法语翻译成中文:"La Chine est un pays aux traditions anciennes et aux richesses culturelles abondantes."答案:中国是一个拥有古老传统和丰富文化财富的国家。



catti翻译大赛初赛真题一、单项选择1. Which of the following statements about who is responsible for any error that might occur in the process of translation or interpreting is wrong?A. Translators must take all errors seriously no matter whether they occur in the source language or in the target language and correct them promptly.B. Once an interpreter finds that the speaker has made an obvious factual or logical mistake, he/she should correct it in his/her interpretation in a timely manner.C. When someone points out a mistake in the interpretation, the interpreter should immediately admit and correct it.D. If your translation needs to be revised by others, the quality of the translation remains your responsibility, including the errors that have occurred in the revised part.解析:本道题考查了翻译职业道德。

本道题设问较复杂,但并不难理解,抓住关键词“error that may occur in the process of translation”可知,本道题考查选手如何应对翻译过程中出现的错误。

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中西部翻译大赛四川赛区首届初赛笔译试题I. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of one the idioms in the column. (2×15=30’)1. 每当我们面临困难的时候,他总是自告奋勇承担风险。

Whenever we are faced with difficulties, he is always the one who offers to _______.2. 明天我要在太岁头上动动土,我要当面质问我的上司为什么不给我增加薪水。

I’m going to ___________ tomorrow, and ask him plainly why he hasn’t increased my salary.3. 有一家航空公司降低票价,其它航空公司通常很快也会步其后尘。

When one airline reduces its ticket prices, the rest usually soon _______4. 当他的生意开始亏损,他就决定溜掉,而不是面对破产。

When his business started to fail, he decided to __________, rather than face financial ruin.5. 你不化妆样子最美,可是你却浓妆艳抹,实在多此一举。

You look at your best without make-up, but you __________ by wearing a lot of cosmetics.6. 失业是我们的主要问题之一,我们需要一个能大胆抓起这个棘手问题的政府。

Unemployment is one ofour main problems; we need a government that will __________.7. 你说她怕劳动,确实说到点子上。

You really ________ when you said she was work-shy.8. 我挣的钱仅够勉强糊口。

I earn just enough to __________.9. 她只不过迟到了三分钟,你没必要因此而大做文章。

She was only three minutes late. You don’t need to _________.10. 你若不勤奋工作,你将一事无成。

You will accomplish nothing unless you _________________.11. 患难可以显示人的本质,区分好人和坏人。

Adversity shows what men really are and ______________________.12. 他们只能在路边等着,希望能搭上便车。

All they could do was to wait at the roadside hoping to _______.13. 对海蒂这样的女孩子你得冷静一些,不能轻易表露感情。

You have to play it cool with a girl like Heidi; you mustn’t ________________.14. 整个星期以来天气一直是晴朗的,但愿老交这种好运,让好天气持续到周末。

It’s been fine all week and, __________, it’ll stay fine for the weekend.15. 主人没什么说的,所以谈话很难继续下去。

My host had very little to talk about, and it was difficult to _______________.II. This part consists of ten English sentences, each followed by two different versions marked A and B.Choose the one that is the closest equivalent of the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness. (2.5×10=25’)16.He is no doubt a traveler who stopped to spend the night in their city when the great cataclysm occurred, andwho is now stranded. A few were in the same straits after disaster struck.(A)他无疑是位旅人,灾难发生的那天晚上刚好在城里歇脚,却被困在了这里。




17.The orange ball of the sun hesitated tremulously on the edge of the sea and then gracefully sank, leaving its rayfor a brief moment to light up the western horizon and to touch the soft curves of the sea with burnished silver. (A)太阳好似一个橙色的圆球,颤抖着在大海的边缘上踌躇了一会儿,便悄然隐去,落日的余晖照亮了西方的地平线,落日的余晖也轻触着海水的柔波。


18.In the early darkness of a winter day, a traveler stood at the windswept crossing of two paths, neither verypromising, mere cattle trails among the reeds, and looked for some sign of the way he should take.(A)一个冬日的黄昏,暮色刚刚降临,有个过路人站在当风的十字路口。




19.I suspected she might be right and I wrong; but I would not ponder the matter deeply: like Felix, I put it off to amore convenient season.(A)我想,也许她是对的,我错了。




)20.I cannot recall his ever uttering a word that was purely matter-of-fact, and not deeply drawn from his innermost.(A)照我所晓得的,他从没有说过一句完全乏味的话;每一句话都是从心坎里掏出来的。

(B) 我记不得他曾说过一句纯粹乏味的话,而不是他从心坎中发出来的。

21.But a farmer can need none of my help, and is therefore in no sense as much above my notice as in every otherhe is below it.(A)不过,一个庄稼汉不可能需要我的帮助,所以在这个意义上说,他高于我注意的范围,正如在所有其它各个意义上,他低于我注意的范围一样。


22.It will strengthen you to know that your distinguished career is so widely respected and appreciated.A.当您认识到您的杰出事业是如此广泛地受到人们的尊敬和赞赏时,您就会为自己增添力量。


23.There was an iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heart—an unredeemed dreariness of thought which nogoading of the imagination could torture into aught of the sublime.A.我心头有一种冰冷、低沉、要呕的感觉——一种不可填补的思想上的阴郁,任何想象的刺激都不能将它曲解成为崇高的事物。


24.But that was the summer and ten years ago. Now the winter had come again. The ducks were supplemented byseagulls fleeting from the coast. The soft green of the trees had changed to wiry branches that snapped in your face as you pushed through them.A. 可是,这是那夏天的事,十年以前的夏天。





B. 这一切都是夏日的往事了,过去十年了,现在又是冬天了。
