江苏省靖江市新港城初级中学七年级英语下册《Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town Study skills Task》教学案

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《Unit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town Study skills Task》








1.Words and phrases:own, hometown, friendly, raise, grow, smell, drive, wheat, each other

2. 句子中的重读







1.在农场上 2.闻花香的香味

3. 在院子周围


5. 和我们一起划船


7. 彼此认识 8 饲养奶牛

9.种植小麦和谷物 10 两层

11. 这儿的大多数人都住在像这样的房子里。

12. 每天有去镇中心的公共汽车。

There are _________ __________ ________ ___________ __________ every day.

13 通常我妈妈开车带我们去哪儿购物。

Usually my mother ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ the shopping.

14. 我想它是个居住的好地方。

I think it is a ________ ________ _________ __________.


I hope you ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.


1. ow n [əu n] ①vt.拥有,所有 (owns) own a company 拥有一家公司

②adj.自己的one’s own room某人自己的房间

③ n. 自己的事物;自己人a room of one’s own 某人自己的房间

2. fri e ndly [ˈfr e ndli] adj.友好的 be friendly/nice/good/kind to sb.

3.r ai se [r ei z] vt. 饲养( 动物) (raises, raised, raising) raise cows/ pigs 养牛/猪

4.gr ow [ɡrəu] vt.&vi.(使)生长,发育;长大,长高( grows, grew, growing)

wh ea t [w i:t] n.小麦 grow wheat 种植小麦

5. sm e ll [sm e l] smells, smelt/smelled, smelling

①vt.嗅,闻到smell the flowers 闻到花香

②linking v.闻起来 smell nice 闻起来很香③n. 气味

6.dr i ve [dr ai v] vt. & vi. 驾车送(人);驾驶,开(车)(drives, drove, driving)

drive me to the town center 开车送我去镇中心

drive a car to someplace= go to someplace by car = go to someplace in a car开车去某地

7. show you around my hometown 带你参观我的家乡shows showed showing

8. smell the flowers闻花香 smells smelling smelled/smelt

9. hear the birds sing 听鸟儿唱歌

hear/see/watch sb. do(经常性的动作或动作的全过程)

hear/see/watch sb. doing (正在发生,一次性的动作)

10. 饲养 raise cows 养牛 raises raised raising

募集 raise some money for Project Hope collect…for

11.one hundred families 一百个家庭 thousands of books数千本书

chat with /know each other /learn from each other/help each other互相聊天/认识/学习/帮助

13. It is a wonderful place to live. 这是一个居住的好地方。

It is a goog place _________(enjoy) Beijing opera.

14. drive us there to do the shopping开车送我们到那儿去购物

drive sb to +地点(to do sth) 开车送某人去某地/做某事

15.. some…, and others…一些……,另一些…;one…the other…(两者中的)一者…另一者…

16. There are buses to the town centre every day. 每天有到镇中心的公交车。



( )1. Would you please show me your hometown?

A.to visit

B. visit

C. around D around and visit

( )2. Which floor does your friend the building ?

A. live in

B. live on in

C. live in in

D. live on

( )3. My teacher likes standing the classroom when she has lessons .

A. in front of

B. in the front of

C. at front of

D. beside

( )4. I often help my mother the house.

A. to cleaning

B. cleaning

C. cleans

D. clean

( )5. Which of the following sentences is wrong ?

A.It takes him twenty minutes to walk there every day.

B.It’s about 20 minutes’ walk from here .

C.It’s 2 kilometres far away from my school .

D.He spends 20 minutes walking to school every day.

( )6.She shares her room _____ a friend of ______ .

A. with , her

B. to , hers

C. with , hers

D. from , her

( )7.—Would you like ___________ to the Palace Museum with me ?—________ .

A. to go ;That’s right

B. going ; No, I’d like

C. to go ; Good idea

D. going ; Yes, I’d like to .

( )8.His words always makes us laugh ______ .

A. lot

B. a lots

C. a lot

D. lots of

( )9.He has his ______ car . He is the ____ of the car .

A. owns, own

B. own , owner

C. owner , own

D. own , own

( )10.--- _______ is the hospital from here? --It’s about five kilometres away.

A. How long

B. How soon

C. How much

D. How far


1. In my hometown it often rains in summer. (同义句)

In my hometown it rains ____ ____ in summer.
