unit 5必背词组及句子

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八年级下unit 5背诵任务一、重点单词:

event和alarm前面都加an go动词----过去式went begin动词-----过去式began heavy 形容词-----heavily副词sudden形容词----suddenly副词strange形容词------stranger名词


wood不可数名词木头(woods树林)match 名词-----matches名词复数beat动词----过去式beat Sleep动词----sleepy形容词(sleeping)----asleep形容词die动词-----dead形容词----death名词-----dying现在分词rise动词-----rising现在分词----rose过去式fall动词-----fell过去式----fallen过去分词


shock动词-----shocked 过去式(形容词)

silence名词----- slient形容词recent形容词----recently副词take动词----took过去式-----taken过去分词true动词----truth名词-----truly副词strong形容词---strongly副词break动词----broke过去式-----broken过去分词(形容词)mean动词----meaning 名词


1.in/on the street 在街上in the library在图书馆

in my house 在我家at the event 在这次事件中2.at the bus stop在公共汽车站wait for the bus

等车at the time of the rainstorm在下暴雨的时候

3.in times of difficulty面对困难的时候

4.at that time在那时by the side of 在…边上

5.go off (闹钟)发声音

6.miss the bus错过了公共汽车

7.pick up(顺便接…)接电话

8.take a hot shower洗个热水澡

9.strong winds狂风

10.heavy rain/snow 大雨/雪

11.dark clouds乌云

12.be in the area在这个区域

13.make sure确保,弄明白

14.make dinner做晚餐

15.fall asleep/ill入睡/生病

16.fall in trouble遇到麻烦

17.fall in love with…爱上……

18.die down逐渐变弱die out灭绝

19.die away消失die of/ from…死于……

20.wake up醒来walk by 走过

21.find the neighborhood in a mess发现周转一团糟

22.join somebody to do something加入某人做……

23.take the car to the car wash把车开到洗车场

24.the rest of …的剩余部分

25.by the side of …在……边上

26.get to the bus stop到达汽车站

27.make one’s way to somewhere往……去。前进。

28.be helpful to do something做……有帮助

29.the news of important events in history历史上的重


30.the news on the radio/ TV收音机/电视的新闻

31.be completely shocked被彻底震惊32.in silence静静地in surprise 吃惊地

33.stop breathing 停止呼吸

34.make one’s way to +地点再去某地的路上

35.the rest of …其余的……;剩下的……

36.the World Trade Center世贸中心

37.be taken down by terrorists被恐怖分子摧毁

38.have meaning to somebody对某人有特别的意义

39. a day Kate Smith will never forget 凯特Smith永远


40.remember doing something记得做过了……

41.look out the window看窗外

42.have trouble/ difficulty /problem (in) doing


43.there is trouble /difficulty / problem (in) doing


44.point out指出

45.the big day一个重要的日子

46.sat still and listened

47.played the song without any mistakes毫不出错地演

奏了这首歌by mistake 错误的

48.call out the winner大声喊出胜者

49.the happiest day of my life我生命中最高兴的一天

50.so far到目前为止

51.get wet打湿

52.the place of accident 事故现场

53.because of the heavy snow 因为大雪

54.You’re kidding.你在开玩笑.

55.be busy doing something忙于做……

56.be busy with something忙于做……

57.leave somebody / something somewhere把某人/某


58.run back home跑回家walk home 走回家

59.the Animal Helpline动物求助热

60.tell the truth说出真相
