
建议和解决方案根据调查结果,我们提出以下一些建议,以帮助大学生提高英语阅读的能力:1. 开展词汇训练:学生可以通过阅读英文文章、做词汇练和背诵常用词汇等方式来提升词汇量和理解能力。
2. 研究句子结构和语法:学生可以通过阅读语法书籍、参加语法课程或使用在线语法工具来加强对句子结构的理解。
3. 多样化阅读内容:学生可以尝试阅读不同主题和类型的英语材料,以扩大知识面和提高阅读能力。
4. 参与讨论和交流:学生可以参加英语阅读俱乐部、与同学讨论阅读体验或参加英语角等活动,以提高阅读理解和交流能力。
5. 寻求辅导和指导:学生可以向英语老师或辅导员寻求帮助,以解决阅读中遇到的困难和问题。

调查问卷设计1. 调查问卷共提供了10个问题,涵盖了小学生英语阅读课的不同方面。
2. 问卷采用了五点量表作答,包括强烈同意、同意、中立、不同意和强烈不同意。
调查结果分析根据收集到的数据,以下是对小学生英语阅读课情况的主要分析结果:1. 学生对英语阅读课的兴趣:- 50%的学生表示对英语阅读课很感兴趣,而另外30%的学生表示对此课程保持中立态度。
- 只有20%的学生表示对英语阅读课不感兴趣。
2. 学生对英语阅读课的参与度:- 大多数学生(70%)表示在英语阅读课上积极主动参与。
- 20%的学生只是仅仅参与,表现一般。
- 10%的学生对英语阅读课缺乏兴趣,参与度较低。
3. 学生对教学方法的满意度:- 40%的学生对教师使用的多媒体教学方法表示满意。
- 30%的学生对教师的教学方法持中立态度。
- 另外30%的学生对教学方法不满意,需要改进。
4. 学生对教师的表现评价:- 50%的学生对教师在英语阅读课上的表现比较满意。
- 30%的学生对教师表现持中立态度。
- 20%的学生对教师的表现不满意,认为有待提高。
基于以上分析结果,建议以下改进措施以提高英语阅读课的教学质量:1. 教师可以尝试使用更多互动和趣味的教学方法,以激发学生的兴趣和参与度。
2. 加强教师对英语阅读课的准备和教学技巧,确保教学效果达到最佳。
3. 定期收集学生的反馈意见,并在必要时根据学生意见进行调整和改进。

调查结果通过收集和分析调查问卷,我们得出了以下结论:1. 学生研究态度良好:大部分学生表示对英语阅读课持有积极的态度,认为这门课程对他们的英语研究有帮助。
2. 学生兴趣程度较低:尽管学生对英语阅读课有着积极的态度,但是他们对课程内容的兴趣程度较低。
3. 希望改进的方面:学生希望在英语阅读课中增加更多有趣的故事和阅读材料,同时也希望教师能够给予更多的指导和鼓励。
建议和改进措施为了提高初中生英语阅读课的效果,我们提出以下建议和改进措施:1. 丰富课程内容:教师应选择更有趣、生动的故事和阅读材料,以激发学生的阅读兴趣。
2. 提供多样化的教学方法:教师应采用多样化的教学方法,例如小组合作阅读、角色扮演等,以增加学生的参与度和研究动力。
3. 鼓励学生积极参与:教师应给予学生积极的反馈和鼓励,以增强他们的自信心和研究动力。
4. 定期调整教材:根据学生的反馈和需求,教师应定期调整教材内容,以提供与学生兴趣相关的阅读材料。



初中英语阅读问卷调查1. What kind of reading materials do you usually like to read in English?2. How often do you read English reading materials?3. Where do you usually read English reading materials?4. What is the main purpose of reading English reading materials?5. What do you think are the benefits of reading English reading materials?6. Have you ever encountered any difficulties or challenges while reading English reading materials?7. How do you overcome these difficulties or challenges?8. Do you think reading English reading materials has helped improve your English language skills?9. What suggestions do you have for improving your English reading skills?10. Do you enjoy reading English reading materials? Why or why not?中文回答:1. 我通常喜欢阅读英语的什么样的阅读材料?2. 我多久阅读一次英语阅读材料?3. 我通常在哪里阅读英语阅读材料?4. 阅读英语阅读材料的主要目的是什么?5. 你认为阅读英语阅读材料有什么好处?6. 在阅读英语阅读材料时,你遇到过什么困难或挑战吗?7. 你是如何克服这些困难或挑战的?8. 你认为阅读英语阅读材料有助于提高你的英语语言能力吗?9. 你对提高英语阅读技巧有什么建议?10. 你喜欢阅读英语阅读材料吗?为什么?。

【关键词】英语新课标;阅读现状分析;阅读能力; 思考及对策;核心素养【作者简介】丁艳华,河北省衡水市第二中学。
参与本次问卷调查的高中生是衡水市第二中学高三年级学生,问卷调查了2000人,发放问卷2000份,其中有效问卷为1910 份,问卷有效率为95%。


感谢您的支持与配合!一、基本信息1. 您的性别:(1)男(2)女2. 您的年龄:(1)18岁以下(2)18-25岁(3)26-35岁(4)36-45岁(5)46岁以上3. 您所在地区:(1)一线城市(2)二线城市(3)三线城市(4)四线城市及以下4. 您所在学校类型:(1)小学(2)初中(3)高中(5)其他二、学科英语学习现状5. 您对学科英语学习的兴趣程度如何?(1)非常感兴趣(2)比较感兴趣(3)一般(4)不太感兴趣(5)完全不感兴趣6. 您每周用于学科英语学习的时间是多少?(1)1小时以下(2)1-3小时(3)3-5小时(4)5小时以上7. 您认为以下哪些因素对您的学科英语学习影响较大?(可多选)(1)教师的教学方法(2)教材内容(3)学习环境(4)家庭氛围(5)个人兴趣(6)其他(请注明:______)8. 您在学科英语学习中遇到的主要困难有哪些?(1)词汇量不足(2)语法知识掌握不牢固(3)听力理解能力差(4)口语表达能力不足(5)阅读理解能力差(6)写作能力差(7)其他(请注明:______)三、学科英语教学现状9. 您认为以下哪些教学方法对学科英语教学效果较好?(可多选)(1)课堂讲解(2)小组讨论(3)情景模拟(4)角色扮演(5)任务型教学(6)多媒体教学(7)其他(请注明:______)10. 您认为以下哪些教学手段对学科英语教学效果较好?(可多选)(1)教材内容丰富(2)教学进度适中(3)课堂氛围活跃(4)教师讲解清晰(5)作业布置合理(6)评价方式多样化(7)其他(请注明:______)11. 您认为以下哪些因素对学科英语教学质量影响较大?(可多选)(1)教师的专业素养(2)教学方法(3)教材内容(4)教学资源(5)教学评价(6)其他(请注明:______)四、学科英语评价现状12. 您认为以下哪些评价方式对学科英语学习效果较好?(可多选)(1)平时成绩(2)考试成绩(3)课堂表现(4)作业完成情况(5)学习态度(6)其他(请注明:______)13. 您认为以下哪些评价标准对学科英语学习效果较好?(可多选)(1)语法知识掌握程度(2)词汇量(3)听力理解能力(4)口语表达能力(5)阅读理解能力(6)写作能力(7)其他(请注明:______)14. 您认为以下哪些因素对学科英语评价效果影响较大?(可多选)(1)评价标准。

英语阅读策略元认知意识调查问卷Appendix II英语阅读策略元认知意识调查问卷同学:你好!为了提高同学的英语阅读水平,改进阅读教学,我们设计了下面的问卷。

以下是一些问卷题目标范例:1. 您的英语程度如何?a) 初级(能基本沟通)b) 中级(能应对工作和进修中的英语需求)c) 高级(能流利地进行商务谈判和学术沟通)2. 您进修英语的动机是什么?(可多选)a) 出国留学b) 提高工作竞争力c) 满足个人爱好d) 学术探究需要e) 在国际沟通中更加自信3. 您觉得您在哪方面有英语进修上的困难?(可多选)a) 听力b)口语表达c) 阅读理解d) 写作能力e) 词汇量积累f) 语法进修4. 您平时是如何进修英语的?(可多选)a) 上英语培训班b) 通过在线进修平台c) 阅读英语原版书籍或文章d) 听英语歌曲或广播e) 进行语言交换f) 通过观看英语电影或剧集5. 您期望英语进修平台具备哪些功能?(可多选)a) 综合英语听说读写能力的训练b) 听力材料的实时字幕c) 可以随时进行语音练习和纠正d) 提供个性化进修规划和教学资源e) 提供在线模考和评估f) 能够与其他进修者沟通和谈论通过这样的问卷调查,我们可以了解到进修者自身的英语水平、动机以及所面临的困难,也能够更加全面地了解他们在进修英语的过程中所期望的功能和服务。

---Introduction:This survey is designed to assess the current level of English proficiency among participants, their learning experiences, and their attitudes towards English language learning. Your responses will help us understand the general English language proficiency in our community and identify areas for improvement in language education. Please take a few moments to complete this questionnaire honestly and thoroughly. All responses will be kept confidential.---Personal Information:1. Age: __________2. Gender: __________3. Occupation: __________4. Education Level: __________5. Native Language: __________1. Language Learning Background:6. How long have you been learning English? (Please select the closest option)- Less than 1 year- 1-2 years- 3-5 years- 6-10 years- More than 10 years7. Where did you learn English? (Please select all that apply)- School- Online courses- Private tutoring- Language exchange programs- Other (please specify): __________8. Have you ever taken an official English proficiency test? (e.g., TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge English)- Yes- No9. If yes, what was your score? __________2. English Proficiency Assessment:10. Please rate your proficiency in each of the following areas on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is 'Not Proficient' and 5 is 'Fluent'.- Listening Comprehension: __________- Reading Comprehension: __________- Writing Skills: __________- Speaking Skills: __________11. Which area do you find most challenging? Why? __________3. Language Use and Exposure:12. How often do you use English in your daily life? (Please select the closest option)- Never- Rarely- Occasionally- Daily13. What are the main contexts in which you use English? (Please select all that apply)- Work- Education- Socializing with friends- Watching movies or TV shows- Reading books or articles- Other (please specify): __________14. How would you describe your exposure to English media? (Please select the closest option)- Very limited- Limited- Moderate- Extensive- Very extensive4. Attitudes and Preferences:15. Do you consider learning English to be important? Why or why not? __________16. What motivates you to learn English? (Please select all that apply)- Career advancement- Academic purposes- Personal interest- Travel- Other (please specify): __________17. If you could change one thing about your English learning experience, what would it be? __________18. What additional resources or support would you like to see inEnglish language learning? __________5. Final Thoughts:19. Is there anything else you would like to add about your English language learning journey? __________Thank You:Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated. Your insights will contribute to our efforts in enhancing the English languagelearning experience within our community.---Completion Notice:This survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. Please submit your responses by [insert deadline]. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact [insert contact information]. Thank you againfor。

A.报刊、杂志(如China Daily)B.简易版的英文故事书C.英文原版书著D.网络资源或其他20.您平时读的较多的英语读物类型?【多选题】()A.文学历史(小说、散文、诗歌、史书等)B.人文社科类(历史、政治、哲学等)2C.自然科学类(科普、医疗、地理等)D.休闲时尚(旅游、烹饪、服饰等)E.艺术类(建筑、绘画、影视等)F.人物传记类G.辞典和工具书H.其他21.你是怎么选择课外阅读材料的?()A.随便看B.选自己喜欢的C.听别人推荐的D.选对自己有帮助的22.您阅读的大多数文章的单词数为()A.少于300B.300到500C.500到1000之间23.你对参加英语课外阅读活动的感受:D.1000以上 3第二篇:大学生课外读书情况调查问卷大学生课外读书情况调查问卷亲爱的大学生朋友们,升入大学之后,你们还在读书吗?你们课外有很多时间读书吗?你们还记得读书带来的收获吗?请根据您大学之后的状态,真实回答下列问题,谢谢配合。

英语时事阅读现状调查问卷1你认为训练英语阅读能力对英语综合能力的提高A 有很大帮助B 有一定帮助C 帮助不大D 毫无帮助08: A: 40.6% B: 57.5% C: 1.8% D: 009: A: 42.5% B: 56.2% C: 1.2% D: 010: A: 57% B:42% C:1% D:02.您是否觉得现在阅读课的内容应该适当加入一些时事类的话题?A.否B.是08: A: 30.5% B: 69.5%09: A: 33.6% B: 66.4%10: A: 33.5% B:66.5%3.您课下是否会自主选择其他材料来阅读?A.会B.不会08: A: 70.5% B: 29.5%09: A: 62.6% B: 38.4%10: A: 45 % B:55%4.您一般对什么内容的英语阅读材料感兴趣?A小说 B.时事类的报纸 C.内容多变的杂志 D.其他文学形式08: A: 30.6% B: 28.5% C:46% D: 009: A: 42.5% B: 56.2% C: 1.2% D: 010: A: 57% B:42% C:1% D:05.您是否喜欢阅读材料配有相应的听力(例如VOA,BBC原声新闻)?A.很好,能够锻炼听力B.可以听一下C.不喜欢08: A:43.2% B:38.5% C:28.3%09: A: 48.3% B: 30.2% C: 21.5%10: A: 54% B:27.3% C:18.7%6.您是否有定期看时事英文报纸的习惯?(频率如何)A.否B.是(a.每天都看 b. 一周一次 c.一月一次 d.几乎不看)08: A: 43.7% B:56.3% (a: 12.4% b:33.8% c:34.2% d:19.6%)09: A: 46.3% B: 53.7% (a: 13.2%b:38% c:29.7% d:19.1%)10: A:53.2 % B:46.8% (a:16.3% b:36.5% c:28.6 d:18.6%)7.下列选项中,您最关注哪一类的时事新闻?(单选)A 政治 B.经济 C.娱乐 D.体育 E.其他08: A: 30.3% B: 20.5% C:24.2% D:14.6% E:10.4%09: A: 32.5% B: 16.2% C: 21.2% D: 18.2% E:11.9%10: A: 32.6% B:20.2% C:16.4% D:18.5 % E:12.3%8.您是否觉得阅读时事类的英文材料对提高英语水平有帮助?A.否B.是(a.能扩充词汇量 b.能增长见识)08: A: 30.6% B: 69.4%09: A: 42.5% B: 57.5%10: A: 38.2% B:61.8%9.您是否觉得有必要开设专门的报刊阅读课?A.没有必要B.有必要08: A: 26.6% B: 73.4%09: A: 33.5% B: 66.5%10: A:27.8% B:72.2%10.您是否在网上浏览英语新闻?A.否B.是08: A: 60.6% B:39.4%09: A: 52.5% B: 47.5%10: A: 57% B:43%11.您是否去过图书馆的报刊杂志阅览室阅览一些英文杂志或报纸?A.否B.是(a.杂志种类较多 b.环境比较好)08: A: 60.6% B: 39.4%09: A: 52.5% B: 47.5%10: A: 57% B:43%12.您觉得在电子阅览室里上阅读课,大家能够就阅读到的新鲜话题用所学英语知识进行讨论,怎么样?A.信息的与时俱进,非常好B.恐怕难以实行,但是赞成C.不赞成,不好管理,而且有些同学可能会利用联网干些与学习没关的事情08: A: 56.6% B: 28.5% C:14.9%09: A: 42.5% B: 36.2% C: 21.3%10: A: 57.2% B:32.5% C:10.3%13、你觉得自己现在的阅读能力A非常好B一般C不好08: A: 10.6% B: 68.5% C:20.9%09: A: 12.5% B: 66.2% C: 21.3%10: A: 17.2% B:62.3% C:20.5%14、目前时事英文阅读你最大的障碍是:A词汇量少B不会合理分配时间C抓不住文章中心08: A: 40.6% B: 20.5% C:38.9%09: A: 42.5% B: 16.2% C: 41.3%10: A: 57% B:22% C:21%15、你目前学习时事阅读的态度是A主动找相关资料阅读B偶尔看看时政热点C从不关心时政热点08: A:40.6% B:54.5% C:4.9% 09: A: 42.5% B: 52.2% C: 5.3% 10: A: 57% B:38% C:5%。


B.大声朗读C.不出声,但心里对每个单词总是念念有词D.默读并以句群为准11、当你在阅读过程中遇到生词时,通常是A.马上查词典 B.根据上下文实行猜测 C.问同学D.不管它,继续望下读E.先记下来,继续往下读,有可能呆会就明白了,若不明白,读完再查词典F.记下来,找老师问G.放弃阅读,另找自己能读懂的文章12、你觉得你的英语阅读困难主要在于:A.词汇B.语法C.句式D.文化背景13、影响你阅读的主要原因是A.作业多,没有时间B.没有课外英语材料C.没有兴趣D.看不懂E.没有老师指导14、当前,你提高阅读水平主要途径是:A.老师辅导B.自己多读C.老师辅导加自己多读D.多读多背E.多背单词、句子和语法15、你觉得语感重要吗?A.非常主要B.主要C.一般D.不重要16、你平时遇到有好句子或好文段是否有摘抄的习惯?A.经常摘抄B.偶尔摘抄C.在老师的要求下摘抄D.从不摘抄17、你平时有写读书笔记的习惯吗?A.老师要求就写B.没有C.偶尔写写D.有空就写18.你认为朗读文章有作用吗?A.有 B.非常有 C.没有 D.不知道19、在上阅读课前,你会预习吗?A.会 B.不会 C.偶尔会 D.从不会预习 E.老师要求就会20、你通常是怎样预习阅读课的?A.老师给任务或根据课文后的问题实行B.预习单词C.只是读一读文章D.从不预习,所以不知道怎样预习E.找疑点、难点留待老师讲F.查找有关资料,拓展、延伸有关内容,试着解疑21.平时阅读的情况A.意识到阅读的重要性,每天通过读报或上网自觉补充至少两篇短文B.老师布置的书面阅读作业完成,另有时看一两篇短文C.课外从来不补充阅读材料22、你最喜欢什么类型的英语材料:A故事B科普论文C新闻 D.广告E.说明介绍23.你在阅读短文时会用笔划重点单词,短语或句子吗?A.会B.有时候C.从来不会24.当你碰到难度大的短文时,你会:A.不读B.大概地读,掌握大意C.仔细读,一个一个查字典25.你在阅读文章后能否说出文章的大意?A.能够B.一点点C.不能够26. 阅读策略对提升阅读理解有无协助A. 有协助B. 协助不大C. 没有协助27. 在英语阅.读过程中是否掌握了一定的阅读技巧并且在阅读中加以应用A、不知道有什么阅读技巧,凭感觉B、掌握了一定的阅读技巧,并能应用C、不用什么技巧,多读多练,熟能生巧28. 在英语阅读过程中你能否有意识的选择有效的阅读策略实行阅读:A、能有意识的应用一些阅读策略B、无意识状态下曾应用过阅读策略C、不清楚有何阅读策略29. 阅读过程中词汇障碍表现为:A、生词较多,影响理解文章的主旨及细节B、有生词,不影响理解文章主旨,但影响理解细节C、遇到生词就心烦,失去阅读兴趣和信心30. 阅读过程中你的句法障碍表现为A、遇长句时往往搞不清句子结构,很难理解句意B、遇复合句时容易造成理解偏差,很难理解句意C、各种句法现象(省略、倒装、分隔等)对理解句子结构和句意有较大影响D. 不懂任何句法概念, 就是凭感觉理解31. 阅读理解过程中,语意障碍表现为:A、搞不清上下文之间的语意联系或逻辑关系B、抓不住段落或全篇主旨,在语篇意义理解方面有困难C、只理解表面意义,不理解内涵,难以做出推测和判断32.阅读理解的文体、题材影响较大的为:A、广告、故事类B、新闻类C、科普文、议论文33. 对自己的阅读理解的成绩满意吗?A、不满意B、满意C、怕做英语阅读理解题,每次考试阅读理解失分最多34. 你是否在课外收听或看英语节目,或通过互联网实行英语学习:A、经常性B、偶尔C、没有35. 你觉得母语及其它课外知识对英语阅读理解有何影响?A、有影响,影响很大B、有影响,但影响不大C、无影响。

Can you read English texts in your textbook。
Can you understand them completely。
understand a few sentences。
oronly a few words?According to the context。
do you guess the word。
look it up in a nary。
or continue reading without understanding?When you encounter an English text。
how to improve english reading ability

英语阅读情况调查问卷姓名___________ 性别____________ 专业____________ 年级___________说明:本问卷是一项关于英语阅读的调查,希望您能根据自己的实际情况作答。
1---- 完全符合2---- 符合3---- 不确定4---- 不符合5---- 完全不符合。
调查结果表明大学生在英语阅读中存在多方面的障碍, 如词汇、语法、等语言因素及背景知识、阅读习惯、阅读心理等非语言因素。
针这些情况组作了较为深入的分析并提出相应的对策, 以不断提高学生的英语阅读能力。
关键词:英语阅读能力;障碍;对策;意见Abstract: this paper mainly analyzes some reading habits of college students according to my questionnaires which show that there are many obstacles in English reading, such as vocabulary, grammar, as well as nonlinguistic factors, such as background knowledge, reading habits, reading psychology. Accordingly, suggestions are put forward to enhance the students‟ English reading ability.Key words: English reading ability, obstacles, improvement, skimmingOutlineThesis statement: English reading ability, as an essential capacity in our life and study, yet is not grasped well by most of our students, because we are lack of the basic components that include vocabulary, grammar, background knowledge, reading habits, reading psychology etc. As long as we are ready for those, enhancing reading ability is not a problem.I. The significance of reading ability for studentsA.of great urgencyB.influencing the grades of English testsⅡ.Components of English reading comprehensive abilityA.vocabularyB.grammarC.background KnowledgeD.habitsE.psychological qualityⅢ. Effective reading skillsA.Not rapid eye movementB.reading versatilityC.skimmingⅣ. Conclusion: Through the analysis above we should read between the lines so that we get closer to the author and have a better understanding to articles.IntroductionWith the development of society, English reading not only appears in exams but also exists in looking information, getting Info, entertaining or chatting online. English articles are getting more and more, and the range of them is getting wider and wider. English, be the world nowadays international social intercourse language the success that it obtains is an unprecedented in history of. So enhancing English reading comprehension ability becomes utmost urgencyHow to enhance English Reading Comprehension AbilityⅠThe importance of promoting students' reading abilityWith the development of society, English reading not only appears in exams but also exists in looking information, getting Info, entertaining or chatting online. English articles are getting more and more, and the range of them is getting wider and wider. English, be the world nowadays international social intercourse language the success that it obtains is an unprecedented in history of. So improving students' reading ability is of great urgency.The score takes about 40%in the college English test band 4. In a certain extent, doing well or not in the reading comprehension directly influences the grades of English tests. Moreover reading could maintain the interesting of learning English,strengthen knowledge and improve ability and be helpful for students to have a better understanding of the world. We can not study foreign language well without improving the reading ability.ⅡStatus in quo of college students‟ reading ability and the analysis of the obstacles English reading comprehensive ability consists of vocabulary, grammar, cultural knowledge and reading skills. According to my questionnaire, however, almost 80% students who answered to it are far from satisfied with their reading job. To see why, I took a more detailed questionnaire. Finally I got the reasons.1.Severe lack of vocabulariesAs the survey shows, there exist three problems. First, they pay little attention to the accumulation of vocabularies. Second, about 45% students fail to continue reading when they meet new words. Third, some of them just guess the new words according to the texts, which influences the understanding to the details of texts.V ocabulary is the foundation of language, and every reading material is made up of a number of words formed in grammatical rules. Dictionary with a large vocabulary contains as many as 200,000 entries. But a common college student indeed master and apply only 3,000 to 4,000 words. It is simply a drop in the bucket! what is more,Scientific and technical terms as well as catchphrase continually appear on paper. No doubt that these situations add the difficulty to English reading. Hence we have to enlarge our vocabulary in order to improve reading ability. Of course it needs persistence, or reading will hardly go on. Generally the larger vocabulary you get the fewer obstacles you meet.One of reasons for vocabulary obstacles is that we pay little attention to vocabulary accumulation. The range of vocabulary is just so narrow. Second many of us just master one word and one meaning. So when they meet polysemy, they feel confused. Moreover, some students would skip the words that they do not know. Or they would count on dictionary or e-dictionary, which either wastes lots of time or the meaning they get doesn‟t necessarily meet the one in the context. It is the main obstacle for students to enhance their reading ability.2.grammatical capability is weakIn grammar the problems are also severe, and which form a bigger hinder, once facing long sentences the students accounting for 72% of the total are hard to make them clear. 66% students are insensitive to contextual pronouns, disjunctive conjunctions, and causal adverbs. The base unit of a sentence is word, and every sentence is made up of words in certain grammatical rules. Having acquired a good knowledge of grammar is good to enhance the capacity of analyzing sentences. When reading we should grasp the meaning of sentences through the grammar structures or styles. Thus Grammar has a great effect on reading speed and accuracy.3.shortcomings in background KnowledgeAs we all know, the differences of the area of national life, surroundings, social system and civilization lead to the diversity of every nation‟s thinking style, language habit and behavior. Because of this, each nation have big difficulty in commutating. Though a student abroad learns a lot of English language, he would feel hard to handle the culture shock. That is because he knows little about the culture abroad. This gives us a lesson that we have to learn the culture well in language studying. In my surveys, 56% students have such appearance that they know all the words in a paragraph, but still do not understand the hidden meaning of it. 83% students being lack of cultural background information of Britain & America have poor understanding on reading, which causes reading disabilities. Let‟s take “face” for example.He has squandered his money and he has got to face the music.If you continue doing something wrong long enough, sooner or later you are going to face the music.So what does the expression “face the music” mean? It‟s for you to make it out if you have no idea about its story.It means to accept the results of what you have done. No one is sure how the expression began. One story is that it came from a military ceremony held when a soldier was forced out of an army.The buttons were cut from the soldier‟s clothing. He was put on a horse, facing the back of the horse and led away. As he left, he faced the music of a military band and the soldiers he had served with.Another story says the expression began in the theater. New actors, shaking with fright, were told that the only cure was to go out and face the music. The music was played by the orchestra seated in front of the stage.4. Not good and scientific reading habitsReading ability includes reading speed and reading comprehension. The survey shows that there are lots of students developing habits on reading, which also affect Reading ability. Some students are accustomed to murmuring words. In fact this is quite unscientific,because they pay much attention to vocabularies, and which has an adverse effect upon the entire understanding of the contents as well as reading speed. Thus vocalizing goes against enhancing reading ability. so the same with sub-vocalizing. Some others like doing something else while reading, such as picking his nose, playing pens, listening to music. These actions distract their attention so as not to enhance reading ability. Bad habits of reading can only increase your burden. 5.Bad psychology of readingAs for mental mechanism, many psycholinguists hold that reading is a psychological activity. It is a procedure of readers and authors mutual participating. In the traditional mode of teaching, teachers just impart basic knowledge, and regardless of cultivating students‟ good psychology of reading. As a result, students are prone to bring out impatience, anxiety, fear and such bad feelings. 52% students can not keep a good mood while reading in my research. Therefore bad psychology of reading greatly affects improvement of reading ability.Ⅲ Some Suggestions to overcome the obstacles in readingReading is a kind of constructive thinking process. It not only includes the understanding of the literal meaning, but also includes the understanding of the implicit semantics. Reading ability contains analysis, evaluation and imagination. It is essential to strengthen students‟ reading strategy In order to adapt to the needs of foreign language learning. Based on the above dyslexia in the analysis, and the practice teaching, the following can eliminate those obstacles. In order to effectively improve student's reading ability, college English teachers should find some pertinent countermeasures in the ordinary English teaching implementation.1.Update ideas, brave practice new teaching methodsThe new curriculum revolution is not a change of a series of textbooks but a update ofeducational concepts, a change of the talent fostering mode to reform and all –round reform involves classroom teaching modes, students‟ learning pattern and evaluation of teaching effects. Against this backdrop, teachers should strive to study education theories, change the educational ideas, strengthen study, widely practice under the guide of advanced theory and explore advanced and effective teaching methods. Only when teaching thought and teaching method transformed, can the situation of extensive cultivation change, can reading teaching be freed from simple grammar teaching and can the ability of Students acquiring information and Presenting Information improve.2. Solve the problems of vocabulary and grammar, and lay a solid foundation in readingTo a language learner, linguistic ability in vocabulary and grammar is the base of reading. Teachers should take various measures to encourage students grinding away at memorizing words to enlarge vocabulary, such as series connection Memorial Method, affix Memorial Method. Of course, it is insufficient for a vocabulary book to enlarge vocabulary, so, we should read more English articles at ordinary times to understand the words in the article. The understanding of vocabulary includes two forms, the understanding of Structural Words and notional word.At the same time, we should hold the clue of overall structure and distinguish the layer of sentence structure. Secondly, Structural relationship between modifier and modified ingredients should be recognized. In the last place, we also need to get the mood of the whole sentence, that is to say, what the meaning of the sentence is (derogatory or commendatory, Positive or negative). We‟d better care certain skills to master vocabulary and grammar well. In the usual accumulation, some usage to the flexible word, adverbs, verb tenses, passive, etc should be paid more attention to. Though grammar is relatively difficult to master, but as long as much more practice, long-term training, can solve this problem.3. Knowing of English culture background, and enlarging our scope of knowledge According to Schema theory, background knowledge plays an important part in reading. The range of background information is quite wide and it includes culture, custom, geography, science and technology, etc. …British &American Culture and Society‟, …British & American Literature‟, …History of British &American Literature‟ etc can help students understand those countries‟ information. Actually American s usually say …how are you doing? ---pretty well‟, rather than …how do you do?‟. When teaching, teachers can choose some articles rich in background knowledge for students‟ extracurricular reading. After a period of training, students can understand more, and their reading ability will enhance significantly.4.Stimulate reading interest, cultivate good reading habitsEveryone knows that if a person has no interest in something, easily imagining that he will not do it well. As Piaget psychologist puts “interest performs a regulatoryfunction, freeing up or stopping the investment of energy in a person.”Everybody selecting Optional reading materials chooses some interesting ones. Some English joke or humorous short stories downloaded from the Internet will increase our reading interest and improve the quality. Good reading habits have great effect on improving reading ability. We can apply restricted time reading methods. It is proved that cap reading can be very good to improve our ability to read. So in the normal reading, it is necessary to overcome all kinds of bad reading habits, and regular cap reading training, and strive to improve reading speed.5.Develop good psychological traitsIt is essential for a true reader to have a good psychological quality. for fear of producing mental maladjustment In the process of reading,At the beginning of reading one should eliminate inferiority mentality, establish self-confidence, and believe oneself able to figure it out. In addition, we follow the principle of gradual improvement from easy to difficult through reading training.At the same time, we should always keep calm, be impatient and not remorse or complain when we don't remember some words or meaning of sentences. Of course, if your vocabulary is rich, you have certain self-confidence foundation, so good English foundation is good for eliminating psychological barrier. At the same time, teachers should interact with students timely in the classroom, and allow the students to discuss in small groups so that students can be active and interested in reading. as long as you have these above done, your psychological quality will be improved, and your reading scores will be improved either.ⅣReading efficiencyWhat do we mean when we talk about ―reading efficiency‖? Does it mean more than saving time by reading rapidly? Reading effectively most certainly includes understanding the ideas the writer is trying to send. It includes organizing those ideas logically to remember them. But it also has to include processing the information as quickly as possible;we have so much to read and understand in what always seems too little time.Reading is not a simple physical activity. You see nothing while your eyes are moving; to see, you must stop and focus. Reading is much more than eye movement. When it is properly developed, the reading process is a thinking process. When you are reading to learn , you are constantly thinking, evaluating, judging, imagining, comparing ,and reasoning. Uou are adding new information to precious knowledge judging its value, and comparing its use in solving problems or creating new horizons. Training your eyes to move faster is useful in breaking restrictive reading habits –habits that slow you down and limit how much you remember, Buteye movement alone will not increase your reading deficiency;The efficient reader is a thinking reader. Reading is a thinking process.The effective reader has a purpose for reading. The more definite the purpose, the more effective the reading is. Just as a purpose controls the way you walk—a leisurely walk through a park should be different from a long trip on foot in a short time or a rush to a hospital emergency room—a purpose controls the way you read. Having a goal to reach means getting rid of distractions that won’t help you achieve that goal. As with waling, the methods you use vary with the goals you establish.When you have achieved your goal and when you want to find a number in a phone book, reading the entire book is, obviously, not an aid in achieving your goal quickly.You may read for pleasure with no intention of using the information you read for any other purpose. Or you may read to find the sequence of events leading to a particular war. You may need to understand precious action taken before you can define a new policy, or you may want to know metric equivalent for a pound. When you have found what you are seeking, you have satisfied your purpose for reading; you have as much comprehension as you need.What is reading versatility?If to read is to understand, the reading method used to achieve the reader’s purpose will be determined by the type of material and its difficulty. A book on chemistry will not be read at the same speed as a novel, even by a chemist. And the same chemist will use a different reading method for a newspaper sports column. The versatile reader is also the efficient reader who reads in the best possible manner with the least waste of time. The versatile reader may be called the mature reader. He or she has overcome the problem of word-by word reading, no longer feeling that each word should be studied. You goal is to develop into a versatile , efficient, mature reader---not just a rapid eye mover.Skimming is reading for the general idea or the big picture. As a rapid-reading skill, skimming is not new to you. If you do one of the following, you will find yourself skimming;2.Read material you have already studied3.Look over and sort out you mail.4.Flip through a new book or magazine.5.Keep informed in a general way about the news.When you do not intend to read closely, you start skimming. The key word for skimming is ―general‖ you attention should be focused on a general overview, not a detailed knowledge.You should look for only the topic, the main idea or the main points. Skimming is not the same as careful reading. In fact, some people do not call it reading at all; they call it ―semi reading.‖Good skimmers read selectively, completely skipping over some sentences, paragraphs, even whole pages. They know that they can always come back and read for details, if they wish. How to skim: let your eyes ―float ―down over the content of the text, looking for cule words that may tell you who, what, when, where, how many, or how much. Look also for the writer’s direction words. Such words as furthermore and also suggest that the preceding thought is still being discussed. Words such as however, yet and on the contrary suggest that the thought is apt to reverse itself or take another direction. The following practical steps for skimming are suggested to help you get started:1.Read the title2.Note the author’s name and the source of the text3.Read the first paragraph completely4.Read subheadings and first sentences of meaning paragraphs5.Alternately read and float over the body of the material, looking for the followingMain ideas of paragraphs, with some of the more important supporting details;Clue words, such as names, dates and qualifying adjectives:Direction words, indicating the writer’s agreement or disagreement with the idea under discussionNumbered sequences and ideas set off by attention-getting markings, such as italic or boldface type, capital letters, asterisks and so on.6.If the final paragraph appears to be summary, read it completely.ConclusionIn this thesis, on the whole, it is one-sided that we just emphasize only on one aspect to improve our reading ability, even in a certain extent cumbering students' reading ability. So based on good vocabulary, grammar, cultural knowledge, we should develop such reading abilities that we take the whole situation into account and plan accordingly and predict the general idea of the text. To improve English reading ability, we must unify language and non-language factors. As for a student‟s degree of comprehension to a text, it not only depends on the language level, but also dependson the student‟s reading habits, reading psychology and English cultural and background knowledge.Bibliography[1]杨波. 浅谈如何提高英语阅读能力[J]. 黑龙江教育学院学报,2005,2.[2]赵庭弟. 提高阅读能力要解决的几个问题[N]. 英语辅导报,2001,(11).[3]肖建芳.影响英语阅读效率的因素及对策[J]. 中小学英语教学与研究,1998,(3).[4]王艳谈. 英语阅读技巧[J]. 太原城市职业技术学院学报, 2005,(1).[5]Zhang, Yunfei. An Introduction to Modern English Lexicology [M]. Beijing. Beijing nor mal university.2002.7 p191 -219[6]Wang, qiang. A Course in English Language Teaching [M]. High Education press.2002.7 p113-117[7] Zhang, zhengdong, Huang, taiquan A bilingual Course of English Teaching Methodol ogy[M]. 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A 有很大帮助
B 有一定帮助
C 帮助不大
D 毫无帮助
08: A: 40.6% B: 57.5% C: 1.8% D: 0
09: A: 42.5% B: 56.2% C: 1.2% D: 0
10: A: 57% B:42% C:1% D:0
08: A: 30.5% B: 69.5%
09: A: 33.6% B: 66.4%
10: A: 33.5% B:66.5%
08: A: 70.5% B: 29.5%
09: A: 62.6% B: 38.4%
10: A: 45 % B:55%
A小说 B.时事类的报纸 C.内容多变的杂志 D.其他文学形式08: A: 30.6% B: 28.5% C:46% D: 0
09: A: 42.5% B: 56.2% C: 1.2% D: 0
10: A: 57% B:42% C:1% D:0
08: A:43.2% B:38.5% C:28.3%
09: A: 48.3% B: 30.2% C: 21.5%
10: A: 54% B:27.3% C:18.7%
B.是(a.每天都看 b. 一周一次 c.一月一次 d.几乎不看)08: A: 43.7% B:56.3% (a: 12.4% b:33.8% c:34.2% d:19.6%)
09: A: 46.3% B: 53.7% (a: 13.2%b:38% c:29.7% d:19.1%)
10: A:53.2 % B:46.8% (a:16.3% b:36.5% c:28.6 d:18.6%)
A 政治 B.经济 C.娱乐 D.体育 E.其他
08: A: 30.3% B: 20.5% C:24.2% D:14.6% E:10.4%
09: A: 32.5% B: 16.2% C: 21.2% D: 18.2% E:11.9%
10: A: 32.6% B:20.2% C:16.4% D:18.5 % E:12.3%
B.是(a.能扩充词汇量 b.能增长见识)
08: A: 30.6% B: 69.4%
09: A: 42.5% B: 57.5%
10: A: 38.2% B:61.8%
08: A: 26.6% B: 73.4%
09: A: 33.5% B: 66.5%
10: A:27.8% B:72.2%
08: A: 60.6% B:39.4%
09: A: 52.5% B: 47.5%
10: A: 57% B:43%
B.是(a.杂志种类较多 b.环境比较好)
08: A: 60.6% B: 39.4%
09: A: 52.5% B: 47.5%
10: A: 57% B:43%
C.不赞成,不好管理,而且有些同学可能会利用联网干些与学习没关的事情08: A: 56.6% B: 28.5% C:14.9%
09: A: 42.5% B: 36.2% C: 21.3%
10: A: 57.2% B:32.5% C:10.3%
08: A: 10.6% B: 68.5% C:20.9%
09: A: 12.5% B: 66.2% C: 21.3%
10: A: 17.2% B:62.3% C:20.5%
08: A: 40.6% B: 20.5% C:38.9%
09: A: 42.5% B: 16.2% C: 41.3%
10: A: 57% B:22% C:21%
08: A:40.6% B:54.5% C:4.9% 09: A: 42.5% B: 52.2% C: 5.3% 10: A: 57% B:38% C:5%。