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班级__________ 姓名_____________ 分数______________


( )1. Thank you very much your help.

A. at

B. for

C. in

D. with

( ) 2. Please Mary 687-8068.

A. give; at

B. call; to

C. call; at

D. telephone; for

( )3. ---Is this pencil box ? ---Yes||,it is. And the notebook is ||,too.

A. Gina; her

B. Gina’s; her

C. Gina; hers

D. Gina’s; hers

( )4. Look at the man over there. He is uncle.

A. Jim’s and Tim’s

B. Jim’s and Tim

C. Jim and Tim

D. Jim and Tim’s ( )5. ---Are these your books? --- .

A. They’re hers

B. Hi||,nice to meet you

C. No||,they aren’t

D. They’re his ( )6. ---Is the red book ? ---No||,is blue.

A.your; my book

B. her; it’s

C. his; he

D. yours; mine

( )7. ---What is this? ---It is a .


B. orange

C. watch

D. apple

( )8. --- do you spell ruler? --- R-U-L-E-R||,ruler.

A. What

B. What’s

C. How

D. Can

( )9. My pencil is red. is black.

A. You

B. Your

C. Yours

D. Your’s

( )10.---Is that English dictionary? ---No||,it’s Chinese one.

A.a; a

B. an; an

C. a; an

D. an; a

( )11. --- ? ---Yes||,it is.

A. What is this in English

B. Is it a computer

C. What is ten minus five

D. Are you thirteen

( )12. my book. Your book.

A. This is; That’s

B. This’s; That’s

C. This is; It’s

D. That’s; That is

( )13. ---Is this your watch the Lost and Found||,Jack? ---Yes||,.

A.at; it’s B in; it is C. in; this is D. for; this’s

( )14. --- ||,Grace. Are these your rulers? ---Yes||,thanks.

A. Sorry

B. Excuse me C Thank you D. OK

( )15. ---Is this computer game? ---Yes||,it’s .

A. his; me

B. your; his

C. your; mine

D. you; my

( )16. ---The green pen is yours. the blue one? ---It’s Anna’s.

A. What

B. How

C. What about

D. How much

( )17. Jack||,you can ask the teacher another book.

A. for

B. in C||,on D. of

( )18. Are these your ?

A. a computer game

B. an computer game

C. computer game

D. computer games

( )19. --- your teacher? ---Mr. Green.

A. Where’s

B. What’s

C. How’s

D. Who’s

( )20. They are my .

A. parent

B. father

C. mother

D. father and mother


Bob is very sad. He loses 21 schoolbag in the school library this morning. In his schoolbag||,there is a 22 of keys||,a pencil box||,three books 23 some pictures||,He goes to the 24 and found office. He sees a notice. It 25 ||,“Found: A schoolbag. Please call Eric 26 859-3504. “He calls Eric. Eric 27 him some questions. And Bob’s answers are all 28 . So Eric says||,“This is your 29 ||,Bob.”“30 ||,Eric.” Bob is very


( ) 21. A. my B. his C. her D. your

( ) 22. A. set B. cup C. box D. drop

( ) 23. A. or B. but C. so D. and

( ) 24.A. lose B. lost C. losing D. loses

( ) 25.A. thanks B. says C. calls D. excuses

( ) 26.A. for B. on C. at D. in

( ) 27.A. asks B. answers C. thanks D. passes

( ) 28.A. left B. long C. right D. white

( ) 29.A. picture B. book C. key D. schoolbag

( ) 30.A. Thank you B. Here you are C. All right D. Excuse me



Peter and I are good friends. Peter is an American boy. I am a Japanese girl. He is thirteen. I am twelve. We are in the same class||,Class Two.

Peter has a nice clock. He likes it very much. He puts it on his desk. Every morning it wakes him up (叫醒他). I have a new watch. It looks beautiful. I wear(戴)it everyday. It tells me the time. It helps (帮助)me a lot in my daily life. I can not live without it.

( ) 31. Peter and I are ________.

A.friends B.teachers C.sisters D.brothers ( )32. Peter is ________.

A.an English boy B.a Japanese girl C.an American boy D.an English girl ( )33. I have ________.

A.a beautiful clock B.an old watch C.a new watch D.a nice clock
