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Input devices
How many kinds of input devices
have you used?
Input devices
• Keyboard : one of the most common ways to input
Escape Key: data is by keyboard. Typically cancel a
Computing Essentials
Chapter 1
Introduction and Overview
Zhang Shuang
Information Science and technology college
• Master of Science,
• University of Bradford, Software Engineering
What are components of a computer?
Computer Anatomy
Key words
Process Storage Port
Definition of Computer
A computer is an electronic machine, operating under the control of instructions stores in its own memory, which can accept data (input), manipulate the data according to specified rules (processing), produce results (output), and store the results for future use (storage).
---short for binary digit.
bits are combined into groups of eight bits called bytes. Each byte typically represents one character.
System Board (mother board)
System Board (mother board)
• The system board also known as the motherboard
all the system component and
input devices and output devices to communicate with the system unit.
System Unit
Processing data such as printing a document, or playing a video requires the participation of input , output and storage hardware, plus the components of the system unit .
• RAM—Random-access memory (RAM) chips
hold the program and data that the CPU is presently processing.
• ROM—Read-only memory (ROM) chips have
programs built into them at the factory.
Let’s take a look at the system unit and its components.
System Unit
• Electronic Data
• System board
• Memory
• Central Processing Unit
• Ports
The Components of a Computer
The Components of a Computer
• Input • Output • Processing • Storage
Input Devices: Translate words, sounds, images, and actions that people understand into symbols that the system unit can process.
about electricity is it can be either on or off.
E源自文库ectronic Data
• The binary system, however, consists of only
two digits--- 0 and 1.
• each 0 or 1 is called a bit
to get data out of your computer, here are some other examples: modems, PDA, tape drives, other computers on a network, video tape, and more.
Some Other Output Devices
Output Devices
How many kinds of output devices
have you used?
Output Devices
• Monitors : The most frequently used output
device is the monitor. The window which allowed you to see what is being processed by the computer.
• Teaching Assistant, Heilongjiang University,
College of Information Science and technology
• Office 1-208
About this Course
• Lecture:
– 120 minutes per lecture – Every lecture week from 1 to 14
– Internet
• Office Automation (Office 2003)

Word 2003
Excel 2003 PowerPoint 2003

• Workaday Assignments 70%

Basic Knowledge of Computer 25%

Microsoft Office 45%
• Microphone
The Components of a Computer
• Input • Output • Processing • Storage
Output Devices: Translate symbols processed by the system unit into words, sounds images, and actions that people understand
• Final Exam 30% • All deadlines are hard!
• No exceptions!!
Welcome to Computer Anatomy Lab
Computer Anatomy
Course Goals:
What is computer and what does it do?
– 2-100
• Lab:
– Lab 3E , No. 1 block – Every lecture week from 1 to 14
What we will cover
• Fundamentals of Computer Knowledge
– Components of computer
– Operating system
• Bus Lines
Electronic Data
• It is because computers cannot recognize
information the same way you and me can.
• The most fundamental statement you can make
selection or a procedure.
Windows Key 信息科学与技术学院 张爽
Navigation KEYS
Input devices
• Mouse: The mouse move the cursor on the
2, What are combination input and output devices? Describe four such devices.
The Components of a Computer
• Input • Output • Processing • Storage
PROCESSING (SYSTEM UNIT) Contains most of the computer’s electronic components
Input devices
• Floppy disk
A floppy disk is used to transfer small amount of data. They are called “floppy” because they are used to be large and floppy. Today floppy disk are small and enclosed in an plastic cases. They are about three and half inches and often called 3” floppies, they hold 1.44 MB (mega byte) of data.
Some Other Output Devices
1, Headphone is the most widely used ____
A) audio-input
B) audio-output
C) personal
D) multifunctional
Output Devices
• Printer :
Output Devices
• Speaker: speaker are optional, but are a great
addition to any computer.
Some Other Output Devices
• As with input devices, there are many ways
Input devices
• Removable Disk:
Input Devices
Some Other Input Devices
• Touch screen
• Optical Scanners
• Bar code reader
• Digital cameras
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
• The CPU coordinates all the components
The PCI cards, the hard drives and the bus cables are all coordinated by the CPU, the central Processing Unit.
Left Button
Single-click an item to select it; doubleclick to perform an action
Right Button
Single-clicking on an object typically displays a shortcut menu of options.