
一、创建线栈一、 Routing Pipelines a) First pipeline 1. Open the BASIC_ROUTING.ASM 2. Enter the Piping module. Click Applications > Piping 3. Read in the 1_Hose line stock file. 4. Create a pipeline feature. Click Pipe Line > Create/Route, enter[Line_1], and select [1_HOSE] as the active line stock 5. Route pipeline from Port3_V on the vessel to Port2_MT 。
b) Second pipeline 1. Create pipeline line_2 2. Set start point , ToPnt/Port > Point/s 3. Follow > Axis > Done, and pick the firstaxis shown Figure 12, and click Done Follow. 4. Again, click Follow > Axis > Done, and pick the second axis inFigure 12. Click Change > Ends > Done > Accept, Drag, andDone, to accept the right side of the axis. Using the cursor, drag the endpoint of the axis to the right andclick. Click Ext Length, and enter [2.5], then click Done andDone Follow. 5. Connect some of the pipe segments. Click Connect > Pipe End,and pick the first pipe end shown below. Click Pipe End again,pick the second pipe end, and click Done and Done Connect. 6. Next, view alternatives to connect the two axes segments. Click Connect > Pipe End, and pick the first pipe end, then click Pipe End again Pick the second pipe end shown below and click Done,and Done Connect. 7. Now try the same routing with a different option. Click DeleteLast, then Set Start, Pipe End, and pick the first pipe end shownabove. Click To Pnt/Port, Pipe End, and pick the second pipe end.Notice the difference in the pipeline. 8. Complete the routing of LINE_2 ,CREAT SOLIDc)Create LINE_3 and LINE_4 using different Point options.1. Create a new pipeline. Click Pipe Line > Create/Route, enter[LINE_3], and select [1_HOSE]as the active line stock.2. Set Start ToPnt/Port ToPnt/Port3.DOWN4.To assist in Routing, it is possible to use an array of datum points.Route LINE_4 using thistechnique. Create a new pipeline. ClickPipe Line > Create/Route, enter [Line_4], and select [1_HOSE]as the active line stock.5.Click Set Start > Entry Port, and pick Port2_MT on the multitank.Click ToPnt/Port > Point/s,and pick the point just beyondPort2_MT.6.Set Start ToPnt/Port ToPnt/Portd)Route LINE_5 using flexible shape pipeline.1.Create a new pipeline. Named line_52.Create some disjointed pipeline segments following the axesshown below. Click Follow >Axis > Done, and the first axisshown below, and Done Follow. Repeat for the second axis.3.Change the current piping environment. Click Pipe Environment> Line Shape > Flexible >Done > Done Return. To route the flexible line, click Set Start, and pick one of the pipeends,followed by ToPnt/Port, and the other pipe end.4.Make solide)The final pipeline will use sketches for routing.1.Create a new pipeline. Named [line_6]2.Before routing the next pipeline, change the Pipe Environmentdefaults. Click PipeEnvironment > Line Shape > Straight >Done > Corner Values > [3.00] > Done Return.3.Create some disjointed pipeline segments following the axesshown. Click Follow > Axis >Done, and pick the first axis shownbelow. Click Change > Ends > Done > and accept theouter pointof the axis, then click Drag, and ing the cursor, drag the endpoint of the axis outward and click.Click Ext Length, and enter [3.0], then click Done and DoneFollow.Repeat for the second axis, using [2.0] as the extensionvalue.4.Next, the first portion of the pipeline will follow a sketch. ClickFollow > Sketch > Done.For the sketching plane, click MakeDatum > Through, and pick the first axis in Figure 26.ClickParallel, and pick the top surface of the Base.5.Down the sketch as follow6.After completing the sketch, click Done > Done Follow, and theCONNECT menu shouldappear. Notice how the new defaultradius from the line stock set in the Pipe Environment is applied to the corners of the sketch. Click Pipe End, and pick the end of the follow axis segment, then click Done, and Done Connect. When the free end of the pipeline highlights, click Quit Connect and return to the ROUTE PIPE menu.7.Before sketching the next segment,change the PipeEnvironment defaultsagain. Click Pipe Environment >CornerType > Miter Cut > Done >Square > Done, and Done Return.8.Sketch the second portion ofthe pipeline. Click Follow >Sketch >Done. For the sketching plane,click Make Datum > Through, andpickthe axis as shown in Figure 29. ClickNormal, and When the sketch is completed, click Done > Done Follow, and the9.CONNECT menu should appear. Click Pipe End and pick the end of the follow axis segment,thenclick Done, and Done Connect. When the free end of the pipelinehighlights, click Quit Connect.Sel ByMenu > Sel By Menu > Basic_Routing.asm > Datum > Name >A‐Right_1, and Done.10.The final segment will be completed using flexible line. Changethe current pipingenvironment. Click Pipe Environment > LineShape > Flexible > Set Length > Done > Done Return.11.To route the flexible line, click Set Start, and pick one of the pipeends, followed byToPnt/Port, and the other pipe end. Enter [5.5]as the fixed length of pipeline, and click Done Return.12.Make solid.第三章 进阶布线技术一、Using Additional Routing Techniquesa)Route the first pipeline1.Open the ADDL_ROUTING.ASM2.Read in the 1_Hose line stock file.3.Create a pipeline feature nemed [line_1]4.Click Set Start,and select PORT1_V,and Extend [3.0]5.Click Extend > Direction, and select the upper horizontal edge ofthe Base. Click EnterLength, note the direction of the arrow, andenter [‐4.0].e Extend Direction a little differently, the same direction ,extend [5]7.Route the pipeline towards the Base. Click Extend > UpTo, andpick the Base surface asshown in Figure 12. Click Enter Length,and enter [7.0]8.Begin routing from the end of the pipeline. Click Set Start, andselect the PORT1_P on thePump as shown in Figure 12. Extendthe pipeline in the Z‐axis direction of the port. ClickExtend, enterthe length, and enter[3.0]9.Click Extend > UpTo, pick the surface on the pump in Figure 12,click Enter Offset, andenter [-2.0]. Complete the routing byclicking Connect, and pick each free pipe end, thenclick Done >Done Connect. Refer to Figure 13. DO NOT make a solid pipe atthis timeb)Route the second pipeline1.Create a pipeline feature and nemed [line_2]2.Click Set Start, and select PORT2_V, Extend and Enter Length, and enter [3.0].3.UpTo, pick the first surface of the bracket, than up and Offset [3.0] of the other surface,change the corner value to [0.75]4.Extend > UpTo base surface and offset [2.0]5.Begin routing fromthe end of thepipeline.6.Extend [3]7.Y‐Axis [6]8.x‐Axis [6]9.Changing LineShape to Flexible10.To Pnt/Port,finishc)Begin the third Pipeline. Use a combination of Follow Curve and Extend1.Create a pipeline feature nemed [line_3]2.Set stard point,Extend andEnter Length, and enter [5.0].3.Click Follow > Axis > Done,and select A_1 on the Block,and click Done Follow.4.Click Follow > Curve, Done,pick the first curve shown inFigure 19, then click SelectAll > Done, Done Follow.Repeate Connect to create FOURconnections between the pipesegments6.Click Extend > Direction,pickthe underlying datum curve inFigure 20 and extend to theleft[4.0]. Click Done andDone-Return.d)Begin Routing LINE_4. Use Follow Pipeline for the major routing.1.Create a pipeline feature nemed [line_4]2.Begin routing LINE_4 from the unused port on the first Pump.Click Set Start, and pickPORT2_P on the pump as shown inFigure 21. Route the pipeline using various extendcommands, andclick ToPnt/Port to arrive at APNT0. (此处是随意布线)3.Route the next segment using a follow pipeline. Click Follow >Pipeline > Done, pick Line_3,click Specify, and Done to specify the start and end segments as shown in Figure 22.4. Start Point, Done, pick APNT0, and click Done Follow.5.connect the segmenting Routing commands of your choice , complete the routing for the two lines asfollow.e)Lines 5 and 6 will require some branching. Create the Pipelinesand Branch into Line 2, createdearlier.1.Create a pipeline feature nemed [line_5]2.Begin routing LINE_5 from the Multi Tank as shown. Click Follow > Axis > Done, pick axisA_4, and then click ChangeEnds > Done. Accept the outer end. Use Drag and Ext Length to extend past the axis [6.0]. Click Done > Done Follow. Click Set Start > Pipe End, and pickthe end of the pipeline.3.Click Branch > Perpendicular(垂直,正交), and pickLINE_2. Click Done-Return whenfinished. Refer to Figure 24.4.Create another pipeline featurenamed [line_6]5.Begin routing LINE_6 fromA_8 on the same Multi Tank,and use the same Follow andChange End procedure as withA_4.6. In order to create this branch,you will create a datum pointon LINE_2. Click Branch > ToPoint > Create Pnt, pick alocation as shown on LINE_2,click Length Ratio, and enter[0.75]. Referto Figure 25.二、Using the EZRouter and Square1.Change the working directory to EZ_Route_Rect and open theEZ_ROUTE_RECT.ASM file.2.Read in the [Circ_050] and [Rect_1_2] line stock fileb)Route a pipeline that will represent a duct(电缆槽) using square pipe.1.Click PipeLine > Create> ’pl2’ >Rect_1_2.2.Click Set Start. Pick the Port2_V Csys.3. Click EZRouter and use withthe saved views. Route thepipe similar to Figure 42.4.Make the pipeline solid andtype [DUCT_1].5.6.7.第四章 Modifying Pipelinesa)Some new routing point locations are needed in LINE_2. Useinsert point to accomplish this.1.Open the Modify_Basic_Routing.asm2.Before modifying the pipeline, change the display of LINE_2 to centerline.3.Insert a point for a routing location. Click Route, pick LINE_2,and click Insert Point. Pickthe pipe segment shown to insert the point on. Click Create > Static > Done,4. Use [3.5] [3.5] [0.75] to creat the point.5.Insert another point into the pipeline , Create > Dynamic > Done.b)Use the SEL BY Menu technique to select an empty pipeline.1.Create a temporary pipeline. Click Pipe Line > Create, enter [temp], 1_HOSEc)Make several modifications to LINE_61.Click Route, pick the pipeline shown in Figure 12, click Mod Dim,and pick the sketchedsegments. Modify the [0.75] dimension to[-6.0] and click Done Sel. Pro/E automaticallyattempts toregenerate the Pipeline, and it fails because this flexible line wasconstructedwith the Set Length option, and this modificationexceeds the set length.(修改草绘中0.75到-6)2.Make solid and regenerate3.From the PIPE MODIFY dialog box, select CORNER, pick theupper left mitered corner asshown in Figure 14, and change theType to Bend with a radius of [3.0]. Use Select Cornerto pickthe upper right corner, and change its type to Fitting. Click Apply> Close, andRegenerate Automatic.(用“管道修改”修改两个拐角,左边修改为半径为3的折弯,右边修改为管接头拐角,自动再生)4.The solid pipe fails because it has split into two pieces. Delete the solid and recreate. ClickQuick Fix > Delete > Confirm, and Yes to exit Resolve mode. Click Make Solid and edit the new pipeline names to be [MOD_1] and [MOD_2]. Notice the opening between the twosolid pipe segments allows for a fitting to be placed. Referto Figure 15.(再生失败后删除实体,重新命名为两段)d)The section of pipe between the arches requires a diagonalmiter.1.Click Mod Pipe, pick thepipeline, clickDone Sel, change Bend to Diag Miter Cut,and entera value of [5.0] [2] . Click Apply,note the changes and close.2.Click Regenerate > Automatic toupdate the solid pipe.e)Modify the line stock on some pipelines.1. Click set >Line Stock > Read,and select 050_PIPE2. Mod Pipe > Line Stock, pickLINE_3, and click DoneSelect.Select 250_LINE and clickApply. Click SelectSegment again, selectLINE_FLEX, click Done Select,change to 050_PIPE,click Apply, Close, and Regenerate Automaticf)Modify some built-in angular dimensions in the multi-tank tochange the pipelines1.Click Mod Dim and pick the four nozzles on the multi‐tanks as shown in Figure 19.Modify the four 60 degrees dimensions to[90].2.Regenerate Automaticg)After modifying nozzle angles, one flexible line is stretched too tight, and the other is toocramped. Make necessary modifications to the flexible pipelines.1.Click Mod Pipe, and Flex Shape, select the LINE_FLEX, and click Fixed Length. NoticePro/E provides the current value of theflexible line. Enter [20.0], click Apply, and notehow the linebows out. Click Select Segment, pick the “S” shape in LINE_6,and change thelength to [10.0]. Click Apply, Close, and Regenerate.(前一步骤修改成了12,此处改到10)二、Using Replace Modea)The pipeline goes straight through the tank. Correct thisproblem by sketching the pipeline inthis area.1.Open REPLACE_MODE_ROUTING_E2.Click Route,Replace > Enter Replace第五章 Fittings一、Inserting fittings in a Piping Systema)Prepare some corners for fittings1.Open the FITTINGS_MOD_ROUTING.ASM2.Fittings should always be placed before solid pipes are made. Pick each pipe above inFigure 26, and use the right mouse button to delete them.(接头一般在管道实体创建之前放置,删除图示管道实体)3.Click Route, pick the pipeline as shown above in Figure 27. Click Redefine, pick thesegment again, and click Change > Sketch >Done > Sketch. Modify the sketch as in Figure28. Click Doneand Done Follow when finished.(修改草绘为接头准备)4.Modify the corners as shown in Figure 29 to fitting corners. Click Mod Pipe > Corner, pickthe three corners, and click Done Sel.Change the type to Fitting > Apply. Click Close.5.Insert three corner fittings. Click Fitting > Insert > Corner >1EL90THRD, pick the corner asshown in Figure 30, and click Done. Repeat for the other corners shown.6.Insert another corner fitting. Click Fitting > Insert > Corner >1EL45 and pick the cornershown below. Click Done, and DoneReturn.7.One of the fittings should be a corner elbow. Click Fitting >Replace, pick the fitting asshown in Figure 32, and click Manual> Done > 1EL90 > Open, then pick the pipeline corner.Click Done, and Done- Returnb)Place some additional fittings from the Multi_Fitting familycreated in the last exercise1.Click Fitting > Insert > Straight Break > Multi_Fitting > Open >The Generic > Open. ClickCreate Point. Pick the location as shown in Figure 33. Pick Length Ratio and enter [0.5].Pick the datum point on the fittingin the subwindow and click Done2.Click Fitting > Insert > Straight Continuous > Multi_Fitting >Open > Multi_BR1 > Open.Create a point ½ way along thepipeline as shown in Figure 34. Click Create Point. Pick the location shown in Figure 34. Pick Length Ratio and enter [0.5].Pick the datum point on the fitting in the subwindow, and click Done.3.The orientation of the fitting above needs to be changed. Click Redefine, select the fitting,and click Orientation. Click Flip, and Done.4.Click Redefine, select the fitting, and click Orientation a second time. Click Twist > EnterValue, enter [45] > Done > Done >Done, and Done-Return. Your assembly should resembleFigure38.c)Next, create some extract models for documentation purposes.1.Click Extract Model > Extract. Enter [EXT_LINE_1], and pick allcomponents in LINE_1. Click Done Sel,Done. Repeat theprocess, creating two more extract models for LINE_2 andLINE_6 as shown in Figure 39.Notice these models ARE addedto the MODEL TREE for this assembly as components, however,they maybe deleted from the assembly so as to not interfere with aBOM, and can still be opened independently.2.Repeat ,repeat ……第六章 Piping Information and Drawings一、Extracting Bend Information1.Open the INFO_DRW_ROUTING assembly.2.Select ANALYSIS > MODEL ANALYSIS, and GLOBAL INTERFERENCE from the TYPEdrop down list. Notice there are at least five pairs of interfering components. Use theup/down arrows to investigate each pair(查看全局干涉)3.Investigate the information options in the PIPING INFO dialog box. Select INFO from thePIPING menu (or INFO, PIPING from the pull-down menu). The PIPING INFO dialog boxappears, with the default Info Type as General, and the drop down option set to Pipe Line(查看管道信息对话框,使用“常规”和“管线”“管段”)4.Pick the pipeline shown in Figure 6 and read the information provided. Change the dropdown option to Segment, and then pick the segment shown in Figure 6. Notice theincreased information.5.Generate a BOM. Select BOM from the drop down list. Scroll down the window to viewthe BOM. For easier viewing, click Info. Close the large info window when finished.6.Select Length from the INFO TYPE drop down list. Notice there are several options: PipeLine, Segment, Stock, as well as Pre/Cut or Centerline. Select PIPE LINE > CENTERLINE,and pick the pipeline shown (LINE_6). (查看管段的长度,查看管线6的长度)7.Change the Length Type to Pre/Cut and observe that the length is identical in this case(58.32).(使用预切割模式和中心线模式查看管线6长度)8.Mod these corners as follow9.Repeat the 7th ,(注意到两种模式下的管线长度不一样)10.Change the definition drop down from Pipe Line to Line Stock. Notice the system lists allline stocks used in this assembly. Select 1_HOSE, and Pro/E calculates the total length ofraw 1_HOSE linestock required for this assembly.(查看线栈1_HOSE的管段长度)b)Take advantage of parameters in the Line Stock, andperform a pipe check operation.1.Change the Info Type to Check Pipe, and pick the same pipeline segment as in Figure 15.Notice the various violations. Use the up/down arrows to highlight the Linestock > Edit >1_HOSE > Check Pipe, and change the MIN_BEND_SEPARATIONto [2.00], the MIN_STRAIGHT_LENGTH_END to [1.00]. Click OK > Done-Return,and Regenerate > Automatic.(将最小折弯间隙改为2,最小直段长度为1)3.Repeat the 1sd (重复第一步,发现违规减少)c)Generate Bend Machine and Bend Location Data for a pipeline.1.Set the Display of the pipeline as shown to centerline2.Click Info > Piping > Bend Location, and pick the segment and coordinate system, clickDesignate for Report Setup, and Info. Save the analysis. Click Saved Analyses, enter[BEND_LOC], and [Save]. (注意,此处需要保存报告)3.Change the Info Type to Bend Machine and pick the segment as in Figure 19. (Be sure toflip the direction of the arrow, if necessary), click Designate for Report Setup and Info.Save the analysis.Click Saved Analyses, enter [BEND_MACH], and [Save]. Close the dialog box when finished. (保存折弯机信息)4.Set the Display of the pipeline back to Solid. (不要关闭窗口)d)Create a drawing which extracts bend machine and location data from LINE_6, and also usesa custom BOM with repeat regionparameters.1.Click File > New > Drawing, and enter [Pipe_Info], OK,INFO_DRW_ROUTING.ASM asthe default model, no template, size C and click OK.2.Create a view of the entire assembly. Click Views > Add View >General > Full View > NoXsec > Unexploded > Scale > Done,pick a point in the upper left corner of the screen, andenter [0.20].Turn off the display of all datum features, and change the displayto No Hidden.3.Two tables have been saved in your directory that contain onlysome plain text. Place themon the drawing. Click Table >Save/Retrieve > Retrieve > Bend_Loc._Table.tbl > OK, andplace the table on the drawing. Repeat for the Bend_Machine_Table.tbl. Position the tablesas shown in Figure 20.(从文件插入两个表格)4.Create a repeat region in the first table. Click Table > Repeat Region > Add > Simple5.Enter the following parameters in the first table6.Enter the following parameters in the second table7.For each table, click Repeat Region > Attributes, select the region, and click No Duplicatesand Recursive > Done, then Update Tables.(设置无多重记录,递归的)e)Create the Bill Of Materials.1.Click Table > Save/Retrieve> Retrieve > PIPING_BOM_TABLE.tbl > Open,(插入BOM)2.For each region, click Repeat Region > Attributes, select the region, and click No Duplicatesand Recursive > Done and Update Tables. Click Filters > By Item, select the three extract models and the assembly, and click Done Sel > Done.(定义无重复,递归,过滤)3.Click Attributes > Start Index, select the lower region, and then the upper region. Click SortRegions, select the upper region,click Add > Forward, select the name column, then click Done Sel> Done. Refer to Figure 25.(定义起始编号)4.Show the BOM balloons. Click BOM Balloon > Set Region,select the upper region, andclick Show > All. Use Detail Create Balloon for the lower region. Adjust the balloons using Detail Move or Mod Attach.(定义球标)。

Pro/E 野火 2.0 三维配管设计建模
4 个工作环境和 3 种配管方式
(1)4 个工作环境 <i> Pro/E 标准组件建模环境 <ii> Pro/E 管道专业环境 <iii> Pro/E 内 嵌 的 Pro/TABLE 表 格 编 辑 环 境 <iv> RSD 布线系统设计师的 P&ID 线图环境
常 用 的 管 件 ( 管 件 ( 狭 义 概 念 ) 也 称 管 接 头 ( 广 义 概 念 )) 包 括 : 弯 头( 有 90°、45°两 种 形 式 )、Coupling( 管 接 头( 狭 义 概 念 ))、异 径 管 ( 也 称 为 大 小 头 )、 三 通 、 支 管 台 ( 如 Weldolet 焊 接 支 管 台 )、 四 通 等 。 Bend( 弯 管 ), 是 指 带 有 弯 曲 拐 角 的 管 子 , 包 括 直 线 部 分 和 弯 曲部分,拐角是管子的一部分。
第 2天 M05 设 置 规 范 数 据 库 : 管 道 ( 在 Pro/TABLE 中 创 建 、 修 改 ) M06 设 置 规 范 数 据 库 : 管 件 ( 在 Pro/TABLE 中 创 建 、 修 改 ) M07 配置项目规范数据文件(在 Piping 中创建、修改) 这三个模块一起讲授,重点讲授规范驱动的原理和文件结构,练
从相应的对话 框调用规范数 据信息(用于 布置管道和插 入管件)
除了手工布管 的 修 改 工 具 ,还 有编辑定义规 范数据文件内 容,定义参数
2-D 示 意图驱 动配管

图11-1 基准面模型树显示图11-2建立好的基准面步骤2:建立七个基准点。
图11-3 PNT0的定位图11-4 PNT1的定位图11-5 PNT2的定位图11-6 PNT3的定位图11-7 PNT4的定位图11-8 PNT5的定位图11-9 PNT6的定位七个基准点建立完毕。
图11-10 【管道】命令的选取弹出如图11-11菜单管理器图11-11选取管道命令后弹出的【菜单管理器】点击【完成】,在消息框里输入管道的外部直径25,如图11-12。
图11-12 输入外部直径接着输入侧壁厚度2,如图11-13。
图11-13 输入侧壁厚度在随后弹出的菜单管理器选择依次【单一半径】【整个阵列】【添加点】,如图11-14。

管道设计一般情况下我都用sweep (走管布局简单的),稍微复杂点的就得vss或sweep blend,还有文案大全很多用管道设计模块。
建立点,根据点建立曲线,复制合并成一条曲线,然后再vss或sweep blend 这个完全可以,个人感觉常规办法都是这样,我以前也是这样做的,今天给大家做个插入-高级引用的管道设计,相信你看后一定会会经常用到这个的。
如果觉得不满意,可以再调整一下点,教程管道的设计比较简单,实际情况比这个复杂的也有很多,文案大全这里只提供思路,做管道设计,尤其是液压系统的设计,建议用这个种方法,比较好控制,如果vss或者sweep blend,单单是合并曲线就够你忙活一会了,有人会问,为什么sweep不行么,我可以告诉你,合并的复杂曲线sweep是扫描不到的,这里就不能用sweep,简单的在一个平面内的简单的曲线可以用sweep。

proE4.0管道教程——修改尺寸1 值标注所选特征的尺寸值,用鼠标选取需要标注尺寸的一、特征实体,该特征实体的所有尺寸参数值将全部显示出来; 2 尺寸修饰2.1 格式格式:下面有公称公称公称、极限极限极限、加加-减、对称对称+-、小数小数小数、分数分数6个功能选项,其中小数小数小数:将尺寸以小数形式显示; 分数分数:选取一个尺寸确定,此时要求输入最大分母,2.2 小数位数小数位数:设定尺寸的精度,点击小数位数小数位数小数位数后在消息窗口输入尺寸的小数位数:2,确定,用鼠标点击需要修改的尺寸,将以所设定的尺寸精度显示尺寸,如1000.00;文本后提示选取需文本:编辑尺寸的尺寸公差、形位公差等文本符号,点击文本2.3 文本文本文本符号框和消息输入窗口,同时被选取的尺寸将以要修改的尺寸,选取后弹出文本符号文本符号灰色显示:文本符号栏中选取需要的符号,并设计好尺寸数值后确定。
2.4 符号移动尺寸:改变尺寸标注的摆放位置,包括尺寸值在尺寸线上的移动和尺寸2.5 移动尺寸标注整体移动,也可以同时改变。
2.6 移动文本移动文本:将尺寸值在尺寸线上移动,改变值值在尺寸线上的摆放位置,该命令可以实现将尺寸移到尺寸线外进行标注。
2.7 反向箭头3 尺寸尺寸:修改选取的一个或多个尺寸,被选取修改的尺寸将以红色显示。
选取尺寸尺寸尺寸后按确定,弹出尺寸属性尺寸属性尺寸属性框,在这里可以对标注尺寸进行编辑,包括尺尺寸修饰寸修饰中的所有命令,是尺寸修饰尺寸修饰尺寸修饰命令的集成:4 设定模型比例设定模型比例:将所有管道模型按照输入的比例值进行缩放,比例值小于1为缩小,比例值大于1为放大,比例值等于1返回原大小,注意比例参照的基准点是笛卡尔坐标系的原点。

PRO/ENGINEER PIPE DESIGN管路设计管道设计的典型设计流程创建管道装配创建管道骨架复制几何安装部件接头创建管路几何定义管线安装管接头管道布线产生管道实体安装管道零部件-储气筒、泵、阀1,在零件上,各管道接口上创建坐标系,坐标系的要求是在管道中心线上,坐标系Z轴朝向接头外侧。
安装管道零部件-管接头管接头的类型:终止-end 管道的终止拐角-corner 管道的转向直断-Straight Break 直线管道断开直通-Straight Continues 直线管道连续管接头零件的自定义设计要求使用一般的方法构造零件实体在每个关口创建管口坐标系,坐标系位于管道中心线上,坐标系Z轴朝向接头外侧。
管线定义-基本参数管线的定义包含如下信息:管线名称:毛坯号、材料、等级截面圆形、矩形,内部中空和实心管线外径、厚度管线类型:直管、软管,拐角类型:折弯、管接头、斜切 重量/长度,单位长度的“重量”参数,定义管道实体密度“拐角类型”的“折弯半径”、“折弯角”和“对角斜切削”。

图11-1 基准面模型树显示图11-2建立好的基准面步骤2:建立七个基准点。
图11-3 PNT0的定位图11-4 PNT1的定位图11-5 PNT2的定位图11-6 PNT3的定位图11-7 PNT4的定位图11-8 PNT5的定位图11-9 PNT6的定位七个基准点建立完毕。
图11-10 【管道】命令的选取弹出如图11-11菜单管理器图11-11选取管道命令后弹出的【菜单管理器】点击【完成】,在消息框里输入管道的外部直径25,如图11-12。
图11-12 输入外部直径接着输入侧壁厚度2,如图11-13。
图11-13 输入侧壁厚度在随后弹出的菜单管理器选择依次【单一半径】【整个阵列】【添加点】,如图11-14。

creo原创教程(三),液压管路布局 proe高级应用之管道设计今天creo给大家带来高级应用的管道设计,昨天发布的曲面展平和实体自由形状,希望大家能够支持,其中曲面展平教程已经被加入到精华帖,好高兴,种子终于结果了,希望大家错支持,多回复,您的回复是我继续发好贴的动力。
管道设计一般情况下我都用sweep (走管布局简单的),稍微复杂点的就得vss或sweep blend,还有很多用管道设计模块。
建立点,根据点建立曲线,复制合并成一条曲线,然后再vss或sweep blend 这个完全可以,个人感觉常规办法都是这样,我以前也是这样做的,今天给大家做个插入-高级引用的管道设计,相信你看后一定会会经常用到这个的。
如果觉得不满意,可以再调整一下点,教程管道的设计比较简单,实际情况比这个复杂的也有很多,这里只提供思路,做管道设计,尤其是液压系统的设计,建议用这个种方法,比较好控制,如果vss或者sweep blend,单单是合并曲线就够你忙活一会了,有人会问,为什么sweep不行么,我可以告诉你,合并的复杂曲线sweep是扫描不到的,这里就不能用sweep,简单的在一个平面内的简单的曲线可以用sweep。
piping_2(5.0)proe5.0 管道设计(下)

For 常州液压,严禁传播
创建表格 同样定义重复区域 参数为
(2) (3)asm.mbr.pipe.segment.len.pre_cut 更新表格
For 常州液压,严禁传播
pipe_3D_bend_theor_int_pts yes no 在三维管道模型中显示理论相交点。 pipe_extend_dim_scheme Cartesian, cylindrical, spherical 指定管道延伸段的标注形式。 pipe_solid_centerline(非规范驱动) yes, no 是否显示管道实体中心线 pro_pip_fitt_dir 指定fitting的路径 pro_pip_lnstk_dir 指定管线规格的路径 piping_design_method(非规范驱动) non_spec_driven、spec_driven、user_driven 指定管道工程的管道设计方法。 •non_spec_driven - 激活“非规范驱动”管道设计模式。 •spec_driven - 激活“规范驱动”的管道设计模式。 •user_driven - 激活“用户驱动”的管道设计模式。
应用程序 >进入管路模块
For 常州液压,严禁传播
活动装配> 选择 asm_pipe.asm 信息 > 管道 > 长度 > 全选>完成>信息显示如下
我们可以在报告管线中,查看 管线库 或者 段 的信息
ProENGINEER Pipe管道教程

图11-1 基准面模型树显示图11-2建立好的基准面步骤2:建立七个基准点。
图11-3 PNT0的定位图11-4 PNT1的定位图11-5 PNT2的定位图11-6 PNT3的定位图11-7 PNT4的定位图11-8 PNT5的定位图11-9 PNT6的定位七个基准点建立完毕。
图11-10 【管道】命令的选取弹出如图11-11菜单管理器图11-11选取管道命令后弹出的【菜单管理器】点击【完成】,在消息框里输入管道的外部直径25,如图11-12。
图11-12 输入外部直径接着输入侧壁厚度2,如图11-13。
图11-13 输入侧壁厚度在随后弹出的菜单管理器选择依次【单一半径】【整个阵列】【添加点】,如图11-14。


所用版本为Pro/E4.0 m050。
本教材地址:Pro/E管道建模的三种方法:扫描、高级管道、管道模块目录第一种方法:扫描特征 (2)第二种方法:高级管道 (7)第三种方法:管道模块 (12)规范驱动 (22)保温材料 (36)实例 (40)Pro/E技术资料、光盘、书籍汇总 (48)三维网 XinYaZhu2009-5-4第一种方法:扫描特征使用传统的零件创建曲线,扫描成实体的方法。
实例part:pipe.rar (214.83 KB)第二种方法:高级管道使用零件中的管道特征创建。

第三种方法、使用管道模块:功能强大优势明,工艺上,多数管道都是在各零件安装定位后安装,我们设计也是如此,因此管道(piping )只能在装配模式下才可以调用是明智的。
步骤1:先建立4个基准面,均为TOP面偏移,偏移距离分别为415,425,880, 890。
J PRT0001PRTO RIGHT■- Z7TOPZ7 FRONT 簣PRT_CSYS_DEF\ 口 DTM1口 DTM2口 DTM3£7 DTM4图11-1基准面模型树显示步骤2:建立七个基准点。
依次□基薩点乏敕置属性m_C^^_DEF F4 •坐标系}在…上偏移<! 00「礙_ I取消I图11-3 PNT0 的定位图11-4 PNT1 的定位图11-5 PNT2 的定位图11-6 PNT3 的定位图11-7 PNT4 的定位图11-8 PNT5 的定位□華准申图11-9 PNT6 的定位七个基准点建立完毕。

2. 切换到管道Piping模块
3. 在编辑设置中添加Line Stock
5. 新建Pipeline
7.选择或创建管线库后,会自动切入创建Pipe route
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主目录路径和文件结构(仅管子部分) (见教材 5-10 页图)
课堂练习 练习 1:配置配管主目录(MCAT)文件 授课技巧: (1)说明创建和修改*.ptd 文件的工作环境 (2)结合课堂练习上的表格示例说明各种表格的作用、关联方式和相互关系
M06 设置规范数据库——管件
目标 ● 描述在规范驱动配管系统时应用主目录(MCAT)插入管件的流程 ● 描述与关键相关的 MCAT 文件类型 ● 配置 MCAT 管件文件 ● 配置管件库模型
课堂练习 练习 1:查看 3-D 配管设计 练习 2:查看 2-D 线图(P&ID 图) 练习 3:布置管道
M02 配置பைடு நூலகம்布置管道
目标 ● 描述配管术语。 ● 配置非规范驱动管道。 ● 使用各种技术布置管道。
布置管道概述 配置管材(Line Stock) ● 参数 配置管道起点 ● 输入端口 ● 管子终端 ● 选取或创建点 创建管道段 ● 应用管材设置
配置非规范驱动(续) 管材 ●设计规则参数
◎验证已经布置的管道 ●例如:
◎管段长度 ◎折弯半径 ◎折弯角度 ●用户定义参数 ◎流动类型/压力 ●矩形横截面 ◎管道系统(tubing)/管道网路(Ductwork) ●挠性软管(Flexible Hose) ◎最小折弯半径
布置选项 延伸 ●从当前位置延伸
2-D 线图设计 流程和仪表线图(P&ID) ●流体系统图 ●大型设备
◎油箱(Tanks) ◎热交换器(Heat Exchanges) ●功能元件 ◎阀(Valves)
◎孔板(Orifice Plate) ●流动方向(Flow Direction) ●孔的规格(Bore Sizes) ●测量和控制系统
主目录文件:管件 ●管件主目录文件(例如:tee_reducing_bw_steel.ptd)
◎规范管件库中存在的管件 ◎每种管件类型对应一个文件 ◎在配管 MCAT 指引文件中参考 ◎映射 MCAT 数据到管件数据
○提供管件选取选项 ○确保管道属性 例如:tee_reducing_bw_steel.ptd 映射到 TEE_RED_BW-STEEL-50×25.prt ●管件库 ◎支持(JIS)基本库 ◎可用库:ANSI/JIS ●管件模型 ◎模型参数:Fitting_Code ◎特征参数:Size、End_Type、New_Size、Branch_size ●管件库指南 ◎一个或多个端口 ◎端口 Z 轴方向:垂直端面向外,Y 轴是主干轴,用于定义分支、管件位 置等。 ◎局部坐标系 ◎同轴(in-line)管件:端口 Z 轴共线 ◎同轴偏心(in-line lateral)管件:输出端口偏离局部坐标系 Z 轴
自动选取文件 ●工程规范
◎MCAT 数据的链接子集:管子、管件和组件类管件数据 ◎分配到规范链接记录:指引系统到自动选取文件 ●创建管道/插入管件 ◎自动选取文件检索数据:
重新组织对话框(出现多种相应的数据字段命令项) ●简化流程:减少设计错误
规范指引文件 ● 用于某一配管工程的规范
◎ 创建规范连接记录:分配数据 ●数据字段(Fields)
◎ 延续(延用上一种管材的形状和拐角类型) ◎ 不连续(重新应用一种管材) ● 连接独立的管段 ◎ 必要时(创建独立管段,并创建和前一管段之间的连接管段) ● 插入管件
配置非规范驱动管道 管材 ● 配置参数
◎ 材料 ◎等级 ◎外径 ● 管道形状
◎ 规范管子形状:直管/挠性软管 ●拐角类型
Pro/E 配管设计授课(2 天)
说明:没有翻译 M03、M09、M10,学员自行学习英文教材。 翻译讲师:(PTC university)Mi Baojiang
M01 配管简介
目标 ●描述配管(Piping)设计流程。 ●描述规范驱动和非规范驱动配管的区别。 ●描述 Pro/E 配管概念和术语。 ●查看 3-D 配管设计。 ●查看布线系统设计师(RSD)创建的流程和仪表线图(P&ID)。
◎坐标系的轴 ◎轴/边/段 到点/端口 ●点/端口/管子终端 跟随 ●轴 ●基准曲线 ●管道
◎平面/点 ◎坐标系(动态延伸)
布置选项(续) 连接 ●使用直(Straight)管道(自动添加缺省拐角)
◎共面平行 ◎共面不平行 ◎共线 ◎不共面 分支 ● 到另一个管道
◎所连接管段在分支处自动创建切口; ◎非规范驱动时,不能在同一管道的不同段上创建分支 插入点 ● 插入点到点特征
布置选项(续) 管子环境 ●设置缺省管道值
◎拐角类型 ◎拐角值 管子实体化 ●创建实体零件几何
◎使用管材参数 ●使用模板零件 ●驱动尺寸
◎在制图中显示 ◎自动更新
课堂练习 练习 1:配置管材和布置管道
◎规范管子和管件的联合规格编码 ◎基于不同的规格编码(如异径三通)联合设置 ◎用于规定管道型材编号格式 ◎代表规格联合 ●单位系统文件(piping_units_system_dic_file.ptd) ◎规范不同配管数据文件的参数文件 ◎例如:管子外径文件、管子厚度文件、折弯文件 ●配管材料文件(piping_material.ptd) ◎和材料编码关联
○管子主目录文件 ○管件主目录文件 ○保温层主目录文件 ◎功能 ○布管时检索材料说明和材料密度
○插入管件时检索材料说明 ○创建保温层报告时检索保温材料说明
主目录路径和文件结构(仅管件) (见教材 6-13 页图)
课堂练习 练习 1:配置 MCAT 管件文件
M07 配置工程规范数据文件
目标 ● 描述工程规范数据文件的应用 ● 配置自动选取文件 ● 配置规范指引文件 ● 描述和配置与配管相关的 选项
● 管件库 ◎ 零件和组件
工程规范数据文件 ◎ 自动选取文件 ◎ 规范指引文件
主目录文件:管子(4 类文件) 配管主目录指引文件(piping_mcat_dir.ptd) ●每个条目将配管种类和主目录与其它配管数据文件关联起来 管子主目录文件(例如:pipe_steel.ptd) ● 配置管子规格(公称通径)系列、等级清单、端面类型系列 ● 每种材料类型对应一个管子主目录文件 管子外径文件(pipe_od.ptd) ●配置管子外径和管子规格编码 ●基于管子规格设置 管子厚度文件(例如:thk_steel.ptd) ● 配置管子壁厚 ● 基于管子规格和等级清单设置
◎挠性软管 ◎非标准管道型材
3-D 配管设计——Pro/E 配管术语(续) ●管道(Pipeline)
◎管段(Pipe Segments) ◎管件(Fittings) ●管件(Fitting) ◎插入到管道中 ◎执行特殊功能 ◎示例:Reducers(异径管接头)、Valves(阀) ●设备(Equipment) ◎预先配置了端口的元件 ◎布置从/到端口 ◎示例:油箱(Tanks)、泵(Pumps)
M05 设置规范数据库——配管系统
目标 ● 描述使用主目录(MCAT)创建规范驱动配管系统的流程 ● 描述与配管和管子制造相关的主目录(MCAT)文件的不同类型 ● 配置配管主目录(MCAT)文件
规范数据库概述 主目录(MCAT)文件
● 制造设计数据 ◎ 管子数据文件 ◎ 关键数据文件 ◎ 通用数据文件:与管子和管件相关的
◎规范唯一材料分类编码(MCCS) ◎基于管子规格和管件压力等级设置 ◎链接材料属性到固紧螺母主目录文件 ◎规范管件固紧螺母数量 ●固紧螺母主目录文件(bolt_nut_mcat.ptd) ◎规范材料说明和散装(bulk)项目名称 ◎基于 MCCS 编码设置
主目录文件:通用 ● 端面兼容性(compatibility)文件(piping_end_compatibility.ptd)
主目录文件:管子制造(5 类文件) 管子制造指引文件(piping_manufacture_dir.ptd) ●规范折弯文件、折弯机文件、斜接文件、折弯回弹延长文件 ●基于管子材料编码设置 折弯文件(例如:bend_steel.ptd) ● 规范各种规格管子的折弯信息 ● 每种材料创建一个文件 折弯回弹与延长文件(bend_spring_back_elogation_steel.ptd) ● 存储给定的一种管子材料的折弯回弹长度和延长长度 ● 基于管子规格、折弯半径和折弯角度设置 斜接文件(miter_steel.ptd) ● 规范不同规格管子的斜接信息 ● 每种材料创建一个文件 折弯机文件(bend_machine.ptd) ● 配置折弯机的的折弯制造信息 ● 规范起始、中间和终止段的夹具长度 ● 基于管子规格设置
◎拐角管件和分支管件:管件角度 ●族表指南
插入下面列项目:SIZE/NEW_SIZE/BRANCH_SIZE ● 管件主目录文件摘要
◎管件类型值摘要:注意 MCAT 文件中的字段名称和三维模型零件中的模 型参数和特征参数的对应关系
◎空格无效,用短线“-” ●固紧螺母选取文件(piping_bolt_nut_select.ptd)
三维配管设计——规范驱动配管流程 ●设置配管规范数据库
◎创建管件库文件 ◎创建 MCAT(主目录)文件 ●创建工程规范数据文件 ◎规范路径文件 ◎自动选择文件 ◎保温管路径文件 ●布置管道,插入管件 ●使用 2-D 线图设计信息自动布管和插入管件(附加选项) ◎RSD 流程和仪表线图(P&ID) ◎输出用于 Pro/Piping 的 XML 文件 ●完成配管设计后,生成用于下游流程的信息(同规范驱动布管) ●管道设计过程中或完成后的设计完整性检查 ◎动态设计规则检查 ◎3-D 配管和 2-D 线图一致性检查
◎ 规范管子和管件端面类型 ◎ 确定端面是否兼容并能匹配 ◎ 基于端面类型和管件压力等级设置 ● 保温层(insulation)文件(例如:general.ptd) ◎ 规范用于管子和管件的保温层数据 ◎ 用于保温层建模和信息报告