
世纪商务英语阅读教程专业篇1第七版unit3答案1、--The last bus has left. What should we do?--Let’s take a taxi. We have no other _______ now. [单选题] *A. choice(正确答案)B. reasonC. habitD. decision2、It’s one of _______ means of transportation. [单选题] *A. cheapB. convenientC. second-handD. the most convenient(正确答案)3、15.This kind of bread is terrible. I do not want to eat it ________. [单选题] *A.any more(正确答案)B.some moreC.no longerD.some longer4、I don’t like snakes, so I ______ read anything about snakes.()[单选题] *A. alwaysB. usuallyC. oftenD. never(正确答案)5、You could hardly imagine _______ amazing the Great Wall was. [单选题] *A. how(正确答案)B. whatC. whyD. where6、Be _______ when you are driving. [单选题] *A. afraidB. careful(正确答案)C. clearD. clean7、88.Sorry. I don’t know the way? ? ? ? ? ?Dongfeng Cinema. [单选题] * A.byB.ofC.to(正确答案)D.for8、At nine yesterday morning, I ______ an English class while they ______ a PE class.()[单选题] *A. was having; were having(正确答案)B. had; hadC. was having; hadD. had; were having9、I have only two tickets for TF Boys’concert. ______ you ______ he can go with me.()[单选题] *A. Either; or(正确答案)B. Either; norC. Both; andD. Not only; but also10、19._______ will the film Country Road last? [单选题] *A.How farB.How oftenC.How soonD.How long(正确答案)11、Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane _______. [单选题] *A. takes offB. is taking off(正确答案)C. has taken offD. took off12、The office building will be _______ a library. [单选题] *A. turned onB. turned upC. turned into(正确答案)D. turned off13、He is a student of _______. [单选题] *A. Class SecondB. the Class TwoC. Class Two(正确答案)D. Second Two14、Some students are able to find jobs after graduation while _____will return to school for an advanced degree. [单选题] *A. otherB. anotherC. others(正确答案)D. the other15、She talks too much; you’ll be glad when you’re free of her. [单选题] *A. 与她自由交谈B. 离开她(正确答案)C. 受她的控制D. 与她在一起16、Sometimes only()10 out of 500 or more candidates succeed in passing all the tests. [单选题] *A. as many asB. as few as(正确答案)C. as much asD. as little as17、I took?some _______of the Great Wall?in China last year. [单选题] *A. potatoesB. tomatoesC. photos(正确答案)D. paintings18、23.Hurry up! The train ________ in two minutes. [单选题] *A.will go(正确答案)B.goC.goesD.went19、You can't rely on Jane as she is _____ changing her mind and you will never know what she is going to do next. [单选题] *A. occasionallyB. rarelyC. scarcelyD. constantly(正确答案)20、Tom’s sister is a nurse. I met _______ in the street yesterday . [单选题] *A. sheB. hersC. himD. her(正确答案)21、There are still some wild tigers alive. [单选题] *A. 聪明的B. 凶恶的C. 野生的(正确答案)D. 珍贵的22、( ) _____ New York _____ London have traffic problems. [单选题] *A. All…andB. Neither….norC. Both…and(正确答案)D. Either…or23、He didn't allow _____ in his room. Actually he didn't allow his family _____ at all. [单选题] *A. to smoke; to smokeB. smoking; to smoke(正确答案)C. to smoke; smokingD. smoking; smoking24、The bookshop is far away. You’d better _______. [单选题] *A. by the busB. by busC. take busD. take?the bus(正确答案)25、The teacher asked him to practice playing the piano _______. [单选题] *A. often as possibleB. as often possibleC. as possible oftenD. as often as possible(正确答案)26、Three ______ died of water pollution last winter. [单选题] *A. hundreds of villagersB. hundred villagers(正确答案)C. hundreds villagersD. hundred of villagers27、I shall never forget the days()we worked on the farm. [单选题] *A. when(正确答案)B. whatC. whichD. on that28、You are getting too old for football.You had better _____tennis instead. [单选题] *A.take up(正确答案)B.take inC.take forD.take over29、( ) What other books have you read___ this English novel? [单选题] *A. besides(正确答案)B. exceptC.inD. about30、If you had told me earlier, I _____ to meet you at the hotel. [单选题] *A. had comeB. will have comeC. would comeD. would have come(正确答案)。

Unit 12. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the list given below. Make changes when necessary.1) At a time whe n the n eed is grow ing for men tai health services, many coun tries are unfortunately cutting back on its spending.2) There is an in creas ing nu mber of people out of work. But the wester n media ofte n unfairly label them as lazy and reliable.3) Now that the flow of oil has been stopped by BP, thempact of all the spilled oil and n atural gas is still being measured.4) Once again its ability to steer economic policy will be tested against the ability todeliver on services and projects aimed at growing the economy and jobs.5) Hous ing prices are in credibly high today. But he bought his house for a song aboutfive years ago. 6) As people are complaining high prices, especially those related to daily n ecessities,the gover nment feels rather urge nt to hold down in flati on rate immediately.7) Under the new economy policy investors are invited to buy into state-owned enterprises.8) Since a serious gun shooting occurred in Arizona last week, security concerns havetrickled down to all places, in clud ing reside ntial build in gs.9) Social unrest is a daily occurrence in the country nowadays. It is in the last placewhen it comes to nv estme nt for mult in ati onal compa ni es. 10) Efforts to ban smoking in China are so effective yet. Some chain smokers never thinkof quitting while many others have battled in vain to quit. 3. Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B: A) A reducti on in the gen eral availability of loans (or credit) or a sudde n tighte ning of the con diti ons required to obta in a loan from the banks 1 B) A non-bank entity or organization such as investment companies and mutual funds that inv ests in large qua ntities.§ C) A legal en tity created by a government to un dertakecommercial activities on its behalf.6 D) The trad ing of a corporation's stock or othersecurities (e.g. bonds or stock options) by in dividualswith pote ntial access to non-public in formatio n. 9E) An in dustry that requires large amounts of capital,mach inery and equipme nt to produce goods 5F) Gen erati on of new and creative approaches tosecurities, money man ageme nt or in vest ing lG) An economy that is expanding so rapidly that toomuch money is chas ingtoo few goods and 1) financial innovation2) stimulus package3) overheating 4) stamp tax 5) capital-inten sive sector 6) state-ru n firmecono mists fear a rise in in flati on 卫7) credit crisis H) tax levied on certa in legal tran sact ions such as thetran sfer of a property such as build ing, copyright, land,pate nt, and securities.8) in stituti onal inv estor I) A pla n or a series of measures take n by agover nment to jump-start its aili ng economy,gen erally as a part of its fiscal policy. _210) in sider tradi ng Unit 22. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the listgiven below:1) The search for the child was scaled back harply today, with almost a third of the volun2) into a recession by year s end.teers head ing home.The former Federal Reserve Chairman saysthere is a risk that the US could slip3) The CEO of the firm said that they would switch priority from traditionallabor- inten sive products to more hi-tech and value-added ones.4) In the aftermath of the financial crisis the group has put on hold some of itsambitious regi onal expa nsion pla ns.5) Toyota Motor Corp. is offering widespread job buyouts to its US workers for the first time and cutting the workweek at some of its American plants by 10% tocontend with falli ng sales.6) Eventually, it must morph into a system that functions on stability, or it will fail andcause an un stoppable breakdow n and widespread hardship.7) Unfortunately most of the central banks in the world today are still firmly underthe thumb of politicia ns.8) The stock market ' enduranee could depend heavily on whether economic andcorporate performa nee rema ins un certa in, or begi ns in dicati ng that the economy truly is out of the woods9) Survivors were encouraged to talk about their horrible experiencesto help them cometo terms with the flood disaster.10) Other coun tries—no tably Australia—have also avoided a bust in their hous ingmarkets, and have in stead see n prices in creas flatten out.3. Match the terms in column A with the explanations in column B:_______ A ______________ ______________________ B1) double-dip recession A) A physical substanee, such as foodgrains and metalswhich is interchangeablewith another product of the sametype, and which investors buy or sell, usually throughfuture con tracts Z2) credit rati ng B) A measure that exam in esthe weighted average ofprices of foodstuffs, ofte n used as an importa nt factor toassess the cost of liv ing93) austerity C) A gover nment policy of deficit-cutt in g, lower spe nding,and a reduct ion in the amount of ben efits and publicservices provided, sometimes coupled with in creases intaxesto pay backcreditors to reduce debt.34) private sector D) A central bank regulation that sets the minimumreserveseach commercial bank must hold to customerdeposits and no tes105) protective tariff E) The part of the economy that is not state con trolled,and is run by in dividuals and compa nies for profit. 46) beggar thy neighbor F) An expression in economics describing policy thatseeks ben efitsfor one country at the expe nse of others.Such policies attempt to remedy the economic problems inone country by means which tend to worse n the problemsof other coun tries67) commodity G) A published ranking based on detailed financialanalysis by a credit bureau, of one' financial history,specifically as it relates to one' ability to meet debt obligations. 28) sovereign-debt crisis H) A crisis in which a national government owes so muchdebt that it is unable to repay or on the edge of ban kruptcy89) food-price index I) A tariff which tries to ban imports to stop themcompeti ng with local products 510) reserve requirement J) A situation where economic growth slides back tonegative after a short-lived growth and the economy maymove into a deeper and Ion ger dow nturr!Unit 31. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the listgiven below. Make changes when necessary.1) Investors from big cities are quick to snap up real estatesin this booming town for theirrising future values.2) There are already clear signals that the investors will shift away from the finan cialfirm in legal trouble.3) High in put costs are likely to put pressure on steel prices in the domestic market even if dema nd still rema ins high.4) The prime minister said Thursday that a new international airport will be built in thesouther n city to cater to the rising nu mber of passe ngers and air cargoes there. 5) Many econo mists fear that the con tract ion of money supply may dry up financing needed for various econo mic activities.6) Professor Nil was, however, quick to warn the public to be on their guard against thosecoun terfeits alreadyi n circulation7) Academy Awards, Emmy Awards and doze ns of prestigious awards from prominentfilm festivals around the world attest to the stellar quality of the films being featured at the annual World Community Film Festival.8) A neighborhood group in the district plans to hold a fundraiser to help children pay offoverdue book fines so that they can resume using their library9) The writer 'fame shrank last year becausethe public thought he was knockingout so many thi ngs.10) Bus in ess leaders have urged the gover nment to snap up farmla nd overseas togrow basic staples as a buffer aga inst soari ng food prices.11) T he Vancouver team vowed to get back to doing the little things right and knew itwould add up to big things.12) What has happenedover the past few years indicates that great political, socialand econo mic tran sformatio ns are n the making.2. Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B.A B1) emergi ng market2) profit marg in3) con sumer spe nding4) con sumerism5) disposable in come6) optio n7) econo mic restructuri ng8) turnaround9) curre nt acco unt10) economic model A) A con tract that permits the owner, depe nding on the type of optio n held, to purchase or sell an asset at a fixed price un til a specific dateB) A theoretical con struct that represe nts econo mic processes by a set of variables and a set of logical and qua ntitative relati on ships betwee n then10 C) An economy with fast growth rate but low to middle per capita in come, has ope ned up its market and integrated itself into the global economy;!D) The process of movi ng from a period of losses or low profitability into a more profitable stage for a firm, in dustry or economy.8E) Ratio of profit after taxes to cost-of-sales, ofte n expressed as a perce ntage, measuri ng the profitability of a firm and in dicat ing its cost structure2F) P ortion of the bala nee of payme nts con sisti ng of exports and imports of goods and services, as well as tran sfer payme nts such as foreig n aid gran ts. 9G) The amount of money spe nt by households,measured mon thly, making up an importa nt part of an economy^H) The phe nomenon of an economy shifti ng from amanufacturing to a service sector economic base.7I) A moveme nt equati ng pers onal happ in esswith purchas ing material possessi ons andconsumption. 4J) The amount of in come left to an in dividual after taxes have bee n paid, available for spe nding and sav ing_5Unit 42. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the listgiven below. Make changes when necessary.1) China will adhere to the prin ciple of develop ing high tech no logy and realiz ingindustrialization to step up the commercialization, industrialization and intern atio nalizatio n of scie ntific and tech no logical achieveme nts.2) In the recent crisis no banks could manageto bail out the companies in financial pressure.3) In terms of the in formatio n from the Uni verse he is apathetic and sometimes irritable, he is like an ostrich sticking hisheadin sand4) It will be up to the board to decide if the CEO should be removed.5) All our hopes rest upon the arrival of the shipme nt.6) The plan has already been worked out , and could be put into operation at a mome nt's no tice.7) The whole machinery of civilization will break down if this doctrine wins in the war.8) His remarks hit home whe n he said that we did n ot work eno ugh.9) Some analysts suspected that Toyo taad pulled strings to stifle probes into its auto quality problems. 10) Mercy is reaching out to those who have no thi ng to give back to you.3. Match the terms in column A with the explanations in column B:A ___________________B ________________________________________ 1)free market 2) coalition government 3) dem on stratio n effects 4) health in sura nee 5) n ati onal in terest 6) pension schemeA) Effects on the behavior of in dividuals caused byobservati on of the actions of others and theirconsequences.B) An economic turmoil where companies go bankrupt, people are laid off, and markets aresluggish. There is a lot of panic in both bus iness and daily lives 9C) A market in which there is no economicinterventionby the state except to enforce privatecon tracts and the own ership of property. 1D) A qualified retirement plan set upby a corporation, labor union, gover nment or other orga ni zation for its employees 6E) A form of collectivism by means of which peoplecollectively pool their risk, in this case the risk ofin curri ng medical expe nses4 F) The ability to obtain what one wants through economic or cultural means. It allows nations toexert their in flue nee without using militarymeans or coerci on 8G) A fight or con ten tio n for territory, power,con trol, or resources betwee n tow more partiesin a place or area.7H) Things of great importa nee to a n ati on,including its goals, visions and ambitions in political, economic,cultural fields, etc. and acti ons, circumsta nces, and decisi onstoachieve them. 5I) A cabinet of a parliamentary governmentin whichseveralparties cooperate.2Unit 72. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the listgiven below:1) With his expanding wireless broadband plan, Obama wants to usher every Americaninto the 'Digital Age'.2) School activities start winding down about two weeks before the end of semester.3) The man said he couldn't come up with an appropriate answer just at the time.4) Everybody is sure that the ceaseless dripping owater will in the end hollow out astone.5) The progressive movement, which had already brought important changes in federalpolicies, stood on the verge of culmi natio n and fulfillme nt6) The state has suffered so much loss. The smugglers should n ever be allowed to getoff easy.7) After product ion expa nsion, this compa ny now can turn out a millio n televisi onsets a mon th.8) The preeminent writer's personal appearanee picked up the sales of the book considerably9) The n ewly announ ced credit policy may help many family-ow ned bus in esses getthrough the tough times at prese nt..10) The gover nment has imposed drastic econo mic con trols tohoke off in flati on.11) To execute full-cost acco un ti ng, compa nies mus a ccount for the true cost of theirproducts.12) Econo mists are not so optimistic becausethere is no sig n that the recessi on hasbottomed out3. Match the terms in column A with the explanations in column B:A B1 ) bon dholder a) A measure of a compa ny's finan cial health,whichequals cash receipts minus cash payme nts overa give n period of time. 62 ) creditor b) A finan cial assetwhose value has falle n sig nifica ntly and which fails gen erate cashflow and isworth much less tha n expected?3 ) dealership c) An en tity (pers on or in stituti on) that exte nds credit bygiving ano ther en tity permissi on to7) turf war8) soft power9) econo mic crunchborrow money if it is paid back at a later date 2d) A unit specially orga ni zed to work on a sin gledefi ned task 10e) A bus in ess compa ny that is owned or con trolled by ano ther larger compa ny 9f) A pers on owning a bond or bonds issued b a gover nment or a public compa ny 1g) Money used for the preservati on of men tal and physical health by preve nti ng or treat ing ill nessthrough services offered by the health professi on4h) Volume of products or services that can be gen erated by a product ion pla nt or en terprise in agive n period by using curre nt resources 5i) A bus in ess established or operated un der an authorizati on to sell or distribute a compa ny goods orservice in a particular are 3j) Products that are extremely populous among consumers and no rmally sell like hot cakes in themarket.8Unit 81. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the listgiven below. Make changes when necessary.1) When the starlet was asked abouther new boyfriend, she couldn ' help but gushabout him and their intimate plans for Valentine ' s.Day2) The leaking of as many as 251,000 StateDepartment documents,including secret embassy reportsfrom around the world, is nothing short of a political meltdown for US foreign policy. 3) With very critical views on the government economic policies, she often pals aroundwith those scholars who also take rather radical stanee on economic issues.4) It is high time for every one in the departme nt tokick into full geara nd fulfill our salesquota by the end of the year.5) The mother did whatever possible to prevent her son from hanging out with the guywho she thought was up to no thi ng good.6) Obama svictory in the election was viewed by many as progress in the United States. But I thi nk his eth ni city is beside the point7) The neighbors said what happenedwas totally out of character for the woman theyknew as quiet and frie ndly8) Unfortunately, the firm has not been able to pare ) production cost to the level thatmatches its competitors in the market.9) On the back of strong corporate earnings reports from a number of firms last week,coupled with the improvi ng un employme nt rate, i nv estor sen time nt was bolstered 4) health-care expe nses 5) manu facturi ng capacity 6) net cash flow 7) bad asset 8) hot products 9) subsidiary# 10) task forceon the first trad ing day of the week.10) T he team is expected to take a vote toni ght that coulc feet in motion a new pla n torevitalize the finan cial market.11) It was a long time before our bus in ess part ners could catch on to what we reallyinten ded.12) A s a shrewd man, he successfully pounced at the opport unity last year to becomethe marketi ng man ager.2. Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B:A B1) market share2) cash drain3) shareholder wealth4) net worth5) man ageme nt team6) brain trust7) bala nee sheet8) capta ins of in dustry9) Ven ture capitalist10) product cycle A) A group of advisors, origi nally to a political can didate,for their expertise in particular fields, but now to anydecision makers, whether or not in politics. 6B) The rate of new product developme nt, whichis getting faster with more severe competitionand faster tech no logical adva nceme nt10C) Perce ntage or proporti on of the totalavailable market or market segment that aproduct or compa ny takes.1D) A group of executives employed to man age aproject, departme nt, or compa ny with theirparticular expertise or skills. 5E) A pers on, project, bus in ess or compa ny thatcon ti nues to con sume large amounts of cashwith no end in sight. 2F) A pers on or firm that inv ests in a bus in ess venture, providi ng capital for start-up orexpa nsion, and expect ing a higher rate of retur n than that for traditional investments.9G) The wealth shareholders get to accrue from theirownership of shares in a firm, which can bein creased by rais ing either share prices or divide nd payme nts.3H) A finan cial stateme nt that summarizes a company's assets, liabilities and shareholders' equity at a specific point in time. 7I) Total assets minus total liabilities, an important determinant of the value of a compa nyprimarily composed of all the money that has bee n inv ested and the retained earnings for the duration of its operation.4L) A bus in ess leader who is especially successful and powerful and whose means of amass ing apers onal fortune con tributes substa ntially to the country in some way 8。

世纪商务英语阅读教程基础篇1第五版答案1.pan was the fourth among the twenty leading senders of foreign students.But the number of Japanese fell sharply-nine percent.The leading area of study was business and management.That was the choice for eighteen percent of foreign students last year.Second was engineeringThe new report also says more than 220,000 Americans studied in other countries.That was during the 2005~2006 school year.It was a record number,and an increase of and a half percent from the year before.But only five and a half percent of them for a full year.2.table显著的Iv签证jump跳跃,上涨remain保持terrorist恐怖分子management经营,管理restrictive限制性的3. (T )1.Good spoken and written English skills are essential fora non-native student find a good job in the USA.(F)2.It is impossible to find a job if the applicant does not have a good command English.(T)3.It is necessary for your potential employer to know that you're bilingual during the interview.(T)4.Shaking hands with wet palms proves that the interviewee is nervous.(F)5.Eye contact is quite improper in America during an interview.4. 1. Don't put too much confidence in what the newspapers say.2. We wish to promote a new soft drink by radio advertising.3. Employers to recruit employees with professional skills.4. His refusal to work late was interpreted as a lack of commitment to the company.5. Are you prepared for the job interview?-er构成名词,表示做某事的人。

商务英语阅读教程1第二版叶兴国课后答案1、We moved to the front row_____we could hear and see better. [单选题] *A. so asB. so that(正确答案)C. becauseD. such that2、If you want to _______, you’d better eat more healthy food and do more exercise. [单选题] *A. keep fatB. keep calmC. keep healthy(正确答案)D. keep on3、The teacher asked him to practice playing the piano _______. [单选题] *A. often as possibleB. as often possibleC. as possible oftenD. as often as possible(正确答案)4、--Jenny, what’s your favorite _______?--I like potatoes best. [单选题] *A. fruitB. vegetable(正确答案)C. drinkD. meat5、She often _______ at 21: [单选题] *A. go to bedB. gets upC. goes to bed(正确答案)D. gets to6、____ China is ____ old country with ____ long history. [单选题] *A. /, an, a(正确答案)B. The, an, aC. /, an, /D. /, the, a7、The book is very _______. I’ve read it twice. [单选题] *A. interestB. interestedC. interesting(正确答案)D. interests8、It _____ us a lot of time to do this job. [单选题] *A. spentB. madeC. took(正确答案)D. cost9、What’s your _______ for the coming new year? [单选题] *A. playB. plantC. plan(正确答案)D. plans10、We have ______ homework today. ()[单选题] *A. too manyB. too much(正确答案)C. much tooD. very much11、If you had told me earlier, I _____ to meet you at the hotel. [单选题] *A. had comeB. will have comeC. would comeD. would have come(正确答案)12、No writer will be considered()of the name until he writes a work. [单选题] *A. worthlessB. worthy(正确答案)C. worthwhileD. worth13、Sorry, I can't accept your invitation. [单选题] *A. 礼物B. 观点C. 邀请(正确答案)D. 好意14、He has grown rich lately. [单选题] *A. 后来B. 以后C. 终于D. 最近(正确答案)15、6.Hi, boys and girls. How are you ________ your posters for the coming English Festival at school? [单选题] *A.getting onB.getting offC.getting with (正确答案)D.getting16、Jeanne's necklace was _____ 500 francs at most. [单选题] *A. worthyB. costC. worth(正确答案)D. valuable17、We have made a _______ tour plan to Sydney. [单选题] *A. two dayB. two daysC. two-day(正确答案)D. two-days18、22.Will there ________ any schools in the future? [单选题] * A.isB.areC.amD.be(正确答案)19、I?have to?_______ my younger brother on Sunday. [单选题] *A. look after(正确答案)B. look upC. take careD. look out20、( ). I’m _____ in that ______ film [单选题] *A. interesting interestedB. interested interesting(正确答案)C. interested interestedD. interesting interesting21、It is my _______ to meet you here. [单选题] *A. pleasure(正确答案)B. pleaseC. pleasedD. pleasant22、The house is well decorated _____ the disarrangement of a few photos. [单选题] *A. exceptB. besidesC. except for(正确答案)D. in addition to23、She _______ be here. [单选题] *A. is gladB. is so glad to(正确答案)C. am gladD. is to24、The little girl held _____ in her hand. [单选题] *A. five breadsB. five piece of breadsC. five piece of breadD. five pieces of bread(正确答案)25、How _______ Grace grows! She’s almost as tall as her mother now. [单选题] *A. cuteB. strongC. fast(正确答案)D. clever26、Alice hopes to _______ more friends at her new school. [单选题] *A. visitB. make(正确答案)C. missD. take27、John is quite _______. He likes to attend activities in?his spare time. [单选题] *A. active(正确答案)B. quietC. lazyD. honest28、Your homework must_______ tomorrow. [单选题] *A. hand inB. is handed inC. hands inD. be handed in(正确答案)29、My camera is lost. I am ______ it everywhere.()[单选题] *A. looking atB. looking for(正确答案)C. looking overD. looking after30、I paint a lot of pictures. [单选题] *A. 评论B. 注意C. 悬挂D. 画(正确答案)。

高级商务英语系列教材总主编:叶兴国王光林高级商务英语阅读1主编:谢文怡(习题答案)外语教学与研究出版社Unit 1 Business Start-upsText AComprehensionI. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions with the information you get from the text.1. C2. D3. A4. B5. CII. Discuss with your partners and answer the following questions in your own words.Suggested answers:1.He managed to build his company from its beginnings in a town of 800 and madeit a great success. He had the most important entrepreneurial quality, the determination not to fail and persisted in what he determined to do. From his success, we know that one should have tenacity and make sure that his business is on the right track when starting up.2.When Bradberry advises entrepreneurs to leverage their relationships andresources, he means that they should contact all sorts of qualified people in business that can help them make connections and network and make all sorts of other judicious business moves that will nudge them toward profitability. Pickel is an example of this step. He first chose to get suggestions from his young children and then accepted advice put forward by a professional skeptic who was expert at downing a six-pack.3.(open)4.(open)Usage & TranslationI. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases in the box. Change the form when necessary.1. shot straight2. wear…on her sleeve3. judicious4. crystallize5. nudge6. tip offII. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.尽管为一家成功的公司奠定基础意味着要确保该公司拥有一种适合在市场销售并为付费顾客所接受的产品或服务,一些已经取得一定成就的创业者认为,一系列的个人准备工作能帮助创业者挺过创业初期的艰难阶段。

文章文章正文:In recent years, globalization has become a significantfactor in the growth of businesses worldwide. It refers to the process of international integration arising from the interchange of goods, services, and capital. Companies are increasingly looking to expand their operations beyond their national borders to tap into new markets and resources.One of the main advantages of globalization is the access to new markets. Businesses can sell their products and services to a larger customer base, which can lead to increased revenue and profits. Additionally, globalization allows companies to source raw materials and labor from various countries, which can reduce production costs.However, globalization also presents challenges. Companies must navigate complex international regulations and cultural differences, which can be difficult and costly. Moreover, the competition in the global market is fierce, and businesses need to be innovative to stay ahead.问题1:What does globalization mean in the context of business?A. The process of international integration through the exchange of goods, services, and capital.B. The process of international regulation.C. The process of reducing production costs.D. The process of fierce competition in the global market.答案1:A问题2:What are the benefits of globalization for businesses according to the passage?A. Access to new markets and reduced production costs.B. Navigating international regulations and cultural differences.C. Facing fierce competition in the global market.D. Staying ahead through innovation.答案2:A问题3:What challenges does globalization pose to businesses?A. Accessing new markets.B. Reducing production costs.C. Navigating complex international regulations and cultural differences.D. Selling products and services to a larger customer base.答案3:C问题4:What is the main focus of businesses in the globalmarket as mentioned in the passage?A. Access to new markets.B. Reducing production costs.C. Innovation.D. Both A and B.答案4:C二、完形填空(共10分,每题2分)阅读下面的商务英语短文,从短文后各题所给的选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Business EnglishExtensive Reading (1)商务英语阅读(1)Ⅰ. Reading ComprehensionPart One : Directions: Choose the correct answers according to the information given from the passeges. Read the passages through carefully before making your choices. Please mark the corresponding leter for each item on Answer Sheet.Passage One: Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.The popularity in North America is Iceberg Water, a leading brand of bottled water, which is harvested from icebergs off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.Arthur Wiesenberger, who carries the title Water Master, is one of the few water critics in North America.As a boy,he spent time in the larger cities of Italy,France and Switzerland, where bottled water is consumed daily.Even then,he kept a water journal,writing down the brands he liked best.“My dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water,”he says.But is plain tap water a11 that bad? Not at a11.In fact, New York’s municipal water for more than 100 years was recently considered among the best in the world in terms of both taste and purity.Similarly,a magazine in England found that tap water tasted better than several leading brands of bottled water.Nevertheless,soft-drink companies view bottled water as the next battle-ground for market share.As diners thirst for leading brands, soft-drink companies and restaurants salivate(垂涎)over the profits.A restaurant’s typical mark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent, whereas on bottled water it's often 300 to 500 percent.As a result some restaurants are selling bottled water.According to an article in The Wall Street Journal, some of the more shameless tactics include placing attractive bottles on the table for a visual sell,listing brands on the menu without prices,and pouring bottled water without even asking the diners if they want itRegardless of how it's sold,the popularity of bottled water bring us better health and purity. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡上作答。

光华管理学院2010-2011学年第一学期期末考试试题(A卷)课程名称:商务英语(阅读)任课教师:考试日期:考试时间:1.5小时学生类别:本科年级班号:考生姓名:考生学号:考试方式:闭卷试题:(注意:答案一律写在答题纸,否则不计分)Vocabulary (1x20 = 20)o general; taking everything into count1 a union or association formed for mutual benefitc to change from one form to another2 c to arrange systematically in classes or groupsc any of the parts of which sth. is made3 e producing a satisfactory result without wastingmoney or energy4 e expert knowledge or skill, especially in a particularfield5 f to tell in advance; to predict with the help ofinformation6i to combine sth. in such a way that it becomes fullya part of sth. else1()a to gain by one's own ability, efforts or behaviorm a worker skilled in using or repairing machines11mto shape something into a particular formo to manage or direct a business12pstage in a process of change or developmentp possible13r to keep or confine within limitswill not ensure sustained sales and might eventually strike back at long-term profitsA.have proved very effective in raising the dealers' profitsare expected to continue to dominate the auto market as a chief sales incentiveB.will diminish returns very soon10. Which of the following is an ingredient of the fiscal package that the Bush Administration is designing?A.increased spending on social welfarelowering the long-term interest ratesB.returning part of tax revenues to tax payersencouraging exportsDecide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).(F ) 11. In November, GDP contracted for the first time since 1993.(T ) 12. Corporate profits had been seriously affected, which was going to have a negative influence over consumer confidence and their buying behavior.(F ) 13. Once the short-term interest rates reached zero, the Fed would reduce medium and long-term rates to ease the current recession.(T ) 14. The Democrats and the Republicans were having disputes at the moment about how the sum of $ 100 billion should be used.(F ) 15. The sum of $ 100 billion would have a great impact on help the economy to recover.Passage 3Good food?If you think you can make the planet better by clever shopping, think again. You might make it worse."You don't have to wait for government to move... the really fantastic thing about Fairtrade is that you can go shopping!" So said a representative of the Fairtrade movement in a British newspaper this year. Similarly Marion Nestle, a nutritionist at New York University, argues that "when you choose organics, you are voting fbr a planet with fewer pesticides, richer soil and cleaner water supplies.,,The idea that shopping is the new politics is certainly seductive. Never mind the ballot box: vote with your supermarket trolley instead. Elections occur relatively rarely, but you probably go shopping several times a month, providing yourself with lots of opportunities to express your opinions. If you are woiTied about the environment, you might buy organic food; if you want to help poor farmers, you can do your bit by buying Fairtrade products; or you can express a dislike of evil multinational companies and rampant globalization by buying only local produce. And the best bit is that shopping, unlike voting, is fun; so you can do good and enjoy yourself at the same time.Sadly, it's not that easy. There arc good reasons to doubt the claims made about three of the most popular varieties of "ethical" food: organic food, Fairtrade food and local food. People who want to make the world a better place cannot do so by shifting their shopping habits: transforming the planet requires duller disciplines, like politics.Buy organic, destroy the rainforestOrganic food, which is grown without man-made pesticides and fertilizers, is generally assumed to be more environmentally friendly than conventional intensive farming, which is heavily reliant on chemical inputs. But it all depends what you mean by "environmentally fricndly,,. Farming is inherently bad for the environment: since humans took it up around 11,000 years ago, the result has been deforestation on a massive scale. But following the "green rcvolution,, of the 1960s greater use of chemical fertilizer has tripled grain yields with very little increase in the area of land under cultivation. Organic methods, which rely on crop rotation, manure and compost in place of fertilizer, are far less intensive. So producing the world's current agricultural output organically would require several times as much land as is currently cultivated. There wouldn't be much room left for the rainforest.Fairtrade food is designed to raise poor farmers' incomes. It is sold at a higher price than ordinary food, with a subsidy passed back to the fanner. But prices of agricultural commodities are low because of ovei*production. By propping up the price, the Fairtrade system encourages farmers to produce more of these commodities rather than diversifying into other crops and so depresses prices - thus achieving, for most fanners, exactly the opposite of what the initiative is intended to do. And since only a small fraction of the mark-up on Fairtrade foods actually goes to the fanner - most goes to the retailer - the system gives rich consumers an inflated impression of their largesse and makes alleviating poverty seem too easy.Surely the case for local food, produced as close as possible to the consumer in order to minimize "fbod miles" and, by extension, carbon emissions, is clear? Surprisingly, it is not.A study of Britain's food system found that nearly half of food-vehicle miles (i.e., miles traveled by vehicles carrying food) were driven by cars going to and from the shops. Most people live closer to a supermarket than a farmer's market, so more local food could meanmore food-vehicle miles. Moving food around in big, carefully packed lorries, as supermarkets do, may in fact be the most efficient way to transport the stuff.What's more, once the energy used in production as well as transport is taken into account, local food may turn out to be even less green. Producing lamb in New Zealand and shipping it to Britain uses less energy than producing British lamb, because farming in New Zealand is less energy-intensive. And the local-food movement's aims, of course, contradict those of the Fairtrade movement, by discouraging rich-country consumers from buying poor-country produce. But since the local-food movement looks suspiciously like old-fashioned protectionism masquerading as concern for the environment, helping poor countries is presumably not the point.Appetite for changeThe aims of much of the ethical-food movement 一to protect the environment, to encourage development and to redress the distortions in global trade 一are admirable. The problems lie in the means, not the ends. No amount of Fairtrade coffee will eliminate poverty, and all the organic asparagus in the world will not savethe planet. Some of the stuff sold under an ethical label may even leave the world in a worse state and its poor farmers poorer than they otherwise would be.So what should the ethically minded consumer do? Things that are less fun than shopping, alas. Real change will require action by governments, in the form of a global carbon tax; reform of the world trade system; and the abolition of agricultural tariffs and subsidies, notably Europe's monstrous common agricultural policy, which coddles rich farmers and prices those in the poor world out of the European market. Proper free trade would be by far the best way to help poor farmers. Taxing carbon would price the cost of emissions into the price of goods, and retailers would then have an incentive to source locally if it saved energy. But these changes will come about only through difficult, international, political deals that the world's governments have so far failed to do.The best thing about the spread of the ethical-food movement is that it offers grounds for hope. It sends a signal that there is an enormous appetite for change and widespread frustration that governments arc not doing enough to preserve the environment, reform world trade or encourage development. Which suggests that, if politicians put these options on the political menu, people might support them. The idea of changing the world by voting with your trolley may be beguiling. But if consumers really want to make a difference, it is at the ballot box that they need to vote.Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D.1.In the author's opinion, the view of seeing shopping as a political event is.A.very helpfulnot practicalB.simply nonsensequite harmful2.According to the author, what may be the chief disadvantage of organic food?A.It cannot yield enough food.B.It is involved with some kind of political event.C.It is directly responsible for the global deforestation.D.It is not necessarily environment-friendly.3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the author?A.Most benefit from Fairtrade food goes to farmers.B.Fairtrade food encourages farmers to grow as many different produces as possible.C.Fairtrade food fails to fulfill its original design.D.Fairtrade food can effectively involve consumers to help reduce poverty.4.The author's attitude towards the issue of local food seems to be.A.approvingobjectiveB.indifferentironic5.It could be inferred from the text that.A.local food might increase, instead of decrease, carbon emissions.B.Fairtrade food can encourage people to be more generous.C.local food helps to save energy used in transportation.D.local food aims against the practice of trade protectionism.Please answer the following questions briefly.6.What are the aims of ethical-food movement? Please explain in the three aspects oforganic food, Fairtrade food and local food?7.What is the negative effect of organic food on agricultural development?8.Is Fairtrade food really fair? Please give your reasons.9.Why did the author accuse the local-food movement of being protectionism?10.Please explain the underlined sentence in paragraph 8, and list the means that aresuggested by the author?Questions & Answers What are the aims of ethical-food movement? Please explain in the three aspects of organic food, Fairtrade food and local food?organic food environmentally friendly / 0.5分Fairtrade food protect the environment / preserve the environment raise poor farmers' incomes /0.5分local food encourage development minimize food milesand carbon 0.5分emission /redress the distortions in global trade /reform the world tradeWhat is the negative effect of organic food on agricultural development?Organic methods are far less intensive (0.5 分).So producing the world's current agricultural output organically would require much more land (0.5 分),leaving less room for the rainforest (0.5 4)).6.Is Fairtrade food really fair? Please give your reasons.encouraging farmers to produce more Fairtrade food will depress prices (0.5 分). only a fraction of [he mark-up on Fairtrade foods actually goes to the farmers] 0.5 分). It misleads consumers into thinking that all the premium they are paying is passed on to farmers (0.5 分).7.Why did the author accuse the local-food movement ofbein^ protectionism?Claiming to protect the environment by minimizing food miles and carbon emission, local-food movement discourages (1.5 分)consumers from buying produce from other counties.8.Please explain the underlined sentence in paragraph 8, and list the means that aresuggested by the author?According to the author, the aims of the ethical-food movement are good, but the problems lies in the ways (0.5 分)in which those aims arc to be realized.So ethically minded consumers should vote (0.5 分)to express their opinions and urge govemmenls lakes actions (0.5 分).光华管理学院2010-2011学年第一学期期末考试(A卷)参考答案课程名称:商务英语(阅读)任课教师:考试日期:考试时间:1.5小时考试方式:闭卷试题答案:I.Vocabulary (1 * 20 = 20 points)1-4 Overall alliance convert classify5-8 Component efficient expertise forecast9-12 Integrate acquire mechanic mold13-16 Operate phase potential restrict17-20 Scarce simultaneous stimulus strategyAnswering questions briefly: (4 * 5 = 20 points)1.Distribution refers to the process of moving products from the factory to themarketplace. For instance, furniture may be moved from the manufaclurer to furniture stores.2.According to the [heory of absolute advantage, a nation should specialize in theproduction and export of goods that it can produce with the highest efficiency and lowest cost compared with other nations. For instance, the US may specialize in PC manufacturing because of its absolute technological advantage and Mexico may concentrate on furniture making due to its low labor cost. That way, the total output may be increased.3.Promotion refers to the effort made ro inform or persuade the potcntinl customers inorder to achieve〔he sales af products uc services. To launch a new car, we may display it in a car exhibition, or advertise it on TV cr ncwspaDcrs, or give customers discounts.puter technology is the most important aspect of the late 20th century informationrevolution. Speed, high degree of accuracy, ability to manipulate and store large amounts of da〔a led to the early specialization of computers in data processing.Computer applications include word processing、networking, database, spreadsheets, expert syslem, etc.共20分,每题5分。

领先商务英语阅读第一册答案Keys to the exercisesUnit OneText AI. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T at the end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. F2. T3. T4. F5. N6. TII. For each of the following questions, choose the most appropriate answer based on your understanding of the text.1. B2. C3. B4. D5. AIII. Questions for Discussion:OpenText BI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T at the end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think thatthe information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. T2. F3. F4. T5. N6. TII.Answer the following questions based on the text.OpenIII. Questions for Discussion:OpenUnit TwoText AI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T atthe end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. T2. F3. F4. F5. T6. TII.For each of the following questions, choose the most appropriate answer based on your understanding of the text.1. D2. B4. D5. AIII.Questions for Discussion:OpenText BI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T atthe end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. T2. F3. F4. T5. T6. NII.Answer the following questions based on the text.OpenIII.Questions for Discussion:OpenUnit ThreeText AI. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T at the end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. T2. T4. T5. F6. F7. TIV.For each of the following questions, choose the most appropriate answer based on your understanding of the text.1. D2. C3. B4. D5. BV.Questions for Discussion.OpenText BI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T atthe end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. F2. F3. T4. T5. T6. F7. TII.Answer the following questions based on the text.OpenIII.Questions for Discussion.Unit FourText AI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T atthe end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. F2. F3. F4. F5. F6. NII.For each of the following questions, choose the most appropriate answer based on your understanding of the text.1. D2. D3. D4. D5. DIII.Questions for Discussion:OpenText BI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T atthe end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. T3. T4. T5. F6. NII.Answer the following questions based on the text.OpenIII.Questions for Discussion:OpenUnit FiveText AI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T atthe end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. F2. F3. T4. F5. T6. NII.For each of the following questions, choose the most appropriate answer based on your understanding of the text.1. C2. B3. C4. C5. DIII.Questions for Discussion:Text BI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T atthe end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. N2. T3. T4. T5. F6. TII.For each of the following questions, choose the most appropriate answer based on your understanding of the text.1. D2. B3. A4. BIII.Answer the following questions based on the text.OpenUnit SixText AI. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T at theend of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. F2. F4. T5.T6.F7.F8.FII. For each of the following questions, choose the most appropriate answer based on your understanding of the text.1.D2.B3.A4.B5.B6.BIII.Questions for Discussion:OpenText BI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T at the end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1.T2.T3.F4.F5.T6.T7.T8.TII.Answer the following questions based on the text.OpenIII. Questions for Discussion:OpenUnit SevenText AI. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T at theend of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. F2. T3. T4. F5.F6.F7.F8.T9.T II. For each of the following questions, choose the most appropriate answer based on your understanding of the text.1.C2.D3.C4.B5.B6.B7.AIII. Questions for Discussion:OpenText BI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T at the end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1.F2.F3.T4.T5.T6.T7.F8.FII.Answer the following questions based on the text.OpenIII. Questions for Discussion:OpenUnit EightText AI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T atthe end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. T2. F3. F4. F5. T6. NII.For each of the following questions, choose the most appropriate answer based on your understanding of the text.1. D2. D3. D4. D5. DIII.Questions for Discussion:OpenText BI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T atthe end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. F2. F3. F4. N5. F6. TII.Answer the following questions based on the text.OpenIII.Questions for Discussion:OpenUnit NineText AI. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T at theend of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. F2. T3. F4. F5.F6.F7.T8.FII. For each of the following questions, choose the most appropriate answer based on your understanding of the text.1.C2.B3.B4.BIII. Questions for Discussion:OpenText BI.Answer the following questions based on the text.OpenII. Questions for Discussion:OpenUnit TenText AI. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T at theend of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information isnot given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. T2. T3. F4. F5.T6.T7.F8.F9.T 10.FII. For each of the following questions, choose the most appropriate answer based on your understanding of the text.1.D2.B3.C4.B5.DIII. Questions for Discussion:OpenText BI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T at the end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1.F2.T3.T4.T5.F6.F7.T8.FII.Answer the following questions based on the text.OpenIII. Questions for Discussion:OpenUnit ElevenText AI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T at the end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1.F2.T3.F4.T5.TI.II.For each of the following questions, choose the most appropriate answerbased on your understanding of the text.1.A2.A3.B4.A5.BIII. Questions for Discussion:OpenText BI. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T atthe end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. T2. N3. F4. F5. FII. Answer the following questions based on the text.OpenIII. Questions for discussion:OpenUnit TwelveText AI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write Tat the end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and Fif you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. F2. F3. T4. T5. FII.For each of the following questions, choose the most appropriate answer based on your understanding of the text.1.C3.C4. A5. DIII.Questions for Discussion:OpenText BI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T at the end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. F2. F3. F4. T5. TII.Answer the following questions based on the text.OpenIII. Questions for Discussion:OpenUnit ThirteenText AI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T atthe end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. T2. F4. F5. T6. FII.For each of the following questions, choose the most appropriate answer based on your understanding of the text.1. B2. A3. D4. C5. CIII.Questions for Discussion:OpenText BI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T atthe end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. F2. F3. T4. F5. T6. TII.Answer the following questions based on the text.OpenIII.Questions for Discussion:OpenUnit FourteenText AI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T atthe end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. T2. F3. F4. T5. F6. NII.For each of the following questions, choose the most appropriate answer based on your understanding of the text.1. A2. D3. D4. D5.AIII.Questions for Discussion:OpenText BI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T atthe end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. F2. F3. F4. F5. F6.FII.Answer the following questions based on the text.OpenIII.Questions for Discussion:OpenUnit FifteenText AI. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T at the end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. F2. T3. F4. T5. F6. NII. For each of the following questions, choose the most appropriate answer based on your understanding of the text.1. D2. A3. C4. A5. DIII. Questions for Discussion:OpenText BI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T atthe end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. F2. T3. T4. F5. T6. NII.Answer the following questions based on the text.OpenIII.Q uestions for Discussion:1.C was using “teacher”as an address term, which was interpreted by E as a self-introduction.2. Most occupational titles can be used as address terms in Chinese, but their English equivalents are not necessarily used in the same manner. This reveals, to some extent, that the Chinese system of forms of address has been dominated by status and politeness norms for many years, which is not the case in English culture.Unit SixteenText AI. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T at theend of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1. F3. T4. F5.F6.F7.F8.T9.T II. For each of the following questions, choose the most appropriate answer based on your understanding of the text.1.C2.D3.C4.B5.B6.B7.AIII. Questions for Discussion:OpenText BI.Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write T at the end of the statement in the parentheses if you think it is true and F if you think it is false. If you think that the information is not given in the reading, write N in the parentheses.1.F2.F3.T4.T5.T6.T8.FII.Answer the following questions based on the text. OpenIII. Questions for Discussion:Open。

短文一:In the rapidly evolving business world, effective communication is crucial for success. Companies are increasingly relying on cross-cultural communication to expand their global reach. The ability to understand and adapt to different cultural nuances is a key skill for international business professionals.1. What is the main idea of the passage?2. Why is effective communication important in the business world?3. What does the passage suggest about the role of cross-cultural communication in business?短文二:The rise of e-commerce has transformed the way businesses operate. Online platforms have made it possible for small businesses to compete with larger companies by reaching a wider customer base. Social media marketing and search engine optimization are two strategies that have become essentialfor businesses to increase their online visibility.1. What is the main topic discussed in this passage?2. How has e-commerce changed the business landscape?3. What are two strategies mentioned in the passage that are important for businesses to increase their online visibility?短文三:Sustainability is becoming a significant factor in business decisions. Companies are recognizing the importance of reducing their environmental footprint and adoptingsustainable practices. This includes the use of renewable energy, waste reduction, and responsible sourcing of materials. Consumers are also becoming more aware and are demanding products that align with their values.1. What is the main focus of the passage?2. Why are companies adopting sustainable practices?3. What are some of the sustainable practices mentioned inthe passage?二、词汇理解(共20分,每题5分)根据短文内容,选择最合适的词汇填空。

商务英语阅读习题及答案⼀.docII) Match each one on the left with its correct meaning on the right1. motivation2. pursue3. mark up4. procurement5. intangible6. cargoroyalty商务英语阅读习题(⼀)I) Comprehension1. What is international trade?2. What are the major motivations for private firm to operate international business?3. What measures do most companies usually adopt to avoid wild swings in the sales and profits?4. Pleas give the four major modes chosen by most companies when entering into international trade.5. Could you find any difference between Direct Investment and Portfolio Investment? If you can, please tell the main reasons.6. What is MNE? What are its synonyms?7. What limits a firm's sales?A. tomake continual efforts to gain sth. B. the action of obtaining, esp. by efforts of carefulattention. C. which by is its nature can not be known by senses, not clear and certain, not real. D. the goods (freight) carried by a ship, plane or vehicle.E. the amount by which a price is raised.F. profit, interest-G. the net value of assets or interest, invest.8. equity 股本,资产净值 H. not needing other things or people, taking decisions alone.9. yield I. a share of the profits.10. independent J. need or purpose.2. A3.E4.B5. C6.D7.18.G9.F 10.HHI) Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below and if necessary, put the word in the right form.A. orientationB. diversifyC. seek outD. differentiate...fromE. take advantage ofF. undergoG. bring aboutH. correspond L abandon J. amount to K. Come after L. approach1. That factory is trying to B its products to sell in different markets.2. A successful businessman is always skilled in E every possible opportunity.3. Reforming and opening to the world has G great changes in our lives.4. Can you D this kind of operating the others?5. Private firm going in for international business have a profit A6. He I his company and family and went away with all the money.7. The L of winter brings cold weather.8. The manager's words J a refusal to the proposal./doc/045460db492fb4daa58da0116c175f0e7dd11956.html pany is always C the best way to gain more while cost less.10.The city has F many changes during the last ten years.11.Direct investment usually K a firm has experience in exporting or importing.12.There goods don't H to the list of these I ordered.IV)Translate the following terms and phrases into Chinese;1.purchasing power lO.recovery2.sales potentials 11, recession3.mark-up 13. portfolio investment4.domestic markets 12. tangible goods5.finished goods 13. visible exports and imports6.profit margin 14. revenue and expenditure7.market share 15- excess capacity8.trade discrimination9.business cycles 16. licencing agreementsV)Translate the following sentences into Chinese;If the exporting market price exceeds the one at the importing country, a dumping margin exists on that particular sale. Then Under Article VI of GATT( General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) 1994, and the Anti-Dumping Agreement, WTO Members can impose anti-dumping measures, if, after investigation in accordance with the Agreement, a determination is made (a) that dumping is occurring, (b) that the domestic industry producing the like product in the importing country is suffering material injury, and (c) that there is a causal link between the two. Typically anti-dumping action means charging extra import duty on the particular product from the particular exporting country in order to bring its price closer to the “normal value" or to remove the injury to domestic industry in the importing country.VI)Translate the following sentences into English;1.国际贸易有助于所有的国家促进经济的发展。

商务英语阅读1参考答案一、阅读理解1. 问题1:文章主要讨论了什么?答案:文章主要讨论了全球化背景下商务英语的重要性以及如何提高商务英语的沟通技巧。
2. 问题2:为什么商务英语在当今世界如此重要?答案:商务英语重要性体现在跨国贸易的增长,国际商务交流的频繁,以及对专业商务人士的需求。
3. 问题3:文章提到了哪些提高商务英语能力的方法?答案:文章提到了扩大词汇量、学习商务术语、练习商务写作、参与商务会议以及利用在线资源等方法。
4. 问题4:作者对商务英语的未来趋势有何看法?答案:作者认为随着全球化的深入,商务英语将继续成为国际商务沟通的关键工具,并且其重要性将不断增加。
5. 问题5:文章中提到的“商务英语沟通的障碍”有哪些?答案:文章中提到的障碍包括文化差异、语言习惯、专业术语的误解以及非语言交流的挑战。
二、词汇理解1. 问题1: "Negotiation"在商务英语中通常指的是什么?答案: "Negotiation"在商务英语中通常指的是商务交易或协议过程中的协商过程。
2. 问题2: "Collaboration"一词在商务环境中的含义是什么?答案: "Collaboration"在商务环境中指的是不同个人或组织之间的合作,以实现共同的目标或完成项目。
3. 问题3: "Mergers and Acquisitions"通常指的是什么类型的商务活动?答案: "Mergers and Acquisitions"通常指的是公司之间的合并或收购活动,这是企业扩张或重组的一种方式。
4. 问题4: "Stakeholder"在商务英语中通常指谁?答案: "Stakeholder"在商务英语中通常指的是对公司或项目有直接或间接利益的个人或团体。
5. 问题5: "Due Diligence"在商务英语中的含义是什么?答案: "Due Diligence"在商务英语中指的是在进行商务交易前对相关事务进行彻底的调查和评估,以确保交易的合理性和安全性。

商务英语BEC初级阅读理解练习题及答案A friend of mine was fond of drawing horse. He drew the horses very well,but he always began the tail。
Now it is the Western rule to begin at the head of the horse, that is why I was surprised. It struck me that it could not really make any difference whether the artist begins at the head or the tail or the belly(肚子) or the foot of the horse, if he really knows his business. And most great artists who really know their business do not follow other people’s rule。
They make their own rules. Every one of them does his work in a way peculiar(奇特的) to himself; and the peculiarity means only that he finds it more easy to work in that way。
Now the very same thing is true to literature(文学)。
And the question, "How shall I begin?” only means that you want to begin at the head instead of beginning at the tail or somewhere else. That is, you are not yet experienced(有经验的) enough to trust to your own powers。

高级商务英语阅读理解习题及答案通用1篇高级商务英语阅读理解习题及答案 1The Negotiating Table:You can negotiate virtually anything. Projects, resources, expectations and deadlines are all es of negotiation. Some people negotiate deals for a living. Dr Herb Cohen is one of these professional talkers, called in by panies to negotiate on their behalf . He approaches the art of negotiation as a game because, as he is usually negotiating for somebody else, he says this helps him drain the emotional content from his conversation. He is working in a petitive field and needs to avoid being too adversarial. Whether he succeeds or not, it is important to him to make a good impression so that people will mend him.The starting point for any deal, he believes, is to identify exactly what you want from each other. More often than not, one party will be trying to persuade the other round to their point of view. Negotiation requires two people at the end saying ‘yes”. This can be a problem because one of them usually begins by saying “no”. However, although this can make talks more difficult, this is often just a starting point in the negotiation game. Top management may well reject the idea initially because it is the safer option but they would not be there if they were not interested.It is a misconception that skilled negotiators are smooth operators in smart suits. Dr Cohen says that one of his strategies is to dress down so that the other side can relate to you. Pitch your look to suit your customer. You do not need to make them feel better than you but, For example, dressing in a style that is not overtly expensive or successful will make you more approachable. People will generally feel more fortable with somebody who appears to be like them rather than superior to them. They may not like you but they will feel they can trust you.Dr Cohen suggests that the best way to sell your proposal is by getting into the world of the other side. Ask questions rather than give answers and take an interest in what the other person is saying, even if you think what they are saying is silly. You do not need to e their best friends but being too clever will alienate them. A lot of deals are made on impressions. Do not rush what you are saying__put a few hesitations in ,do not try to blind them with your verbal dexterity. Also, you should repeat back to them what they have said to show you take them seriously.Inevitably some deals will not succeed. Generally the longer the negotiations go on, the better chance they have because people do not want to think their investment and energies have gone to waste. However , joint venture can mean joint risk and sometimes , if this es too great , neither party may be prepared to see the deal through . More mon is a corporate culture clash between panies, which can put paid to any deal.Even having agreed a deal, things may not be tied up quickly because when the lawyers get involved, everything gets slowed down as they argue about small details.De Cohen thinks that children are the masters of negotiation. Their goals are totally selfish. They understand the decision-making process within families perfectly. If Mum refuses their request , they will troop along to Dad and pressure him. If al else fails, they will try the grandparents, using some emotional blackmail. They can also be very single-minded and have an inexhaustible supply of energy for the cause they are pursuing. So there are lesson to be learned from watching and listening to children.1. Dr Cohen treats negotiation as a game in order toA put people at easeB remain detachedC be petitiveD impress rivals2. Many people say “no” to a suggestion in the beginning toA convince the other party of their point of viewB show they are not really interestedC indicate they wish to take the easy optionD protect their pany’s situation3. Dr Cohen says that when you are trying to negotiate you shouldA adapt your style to the people you are talking toB make the other side feel superior to youC dress in a way to make you feel fortable.D try to make the other side like you4. According to Dr Cohen, understanding the other person will help you toA gain their friendshipB speed up the negotiationsC plan your next move.D convince them of your point of view5. Deals sometimes fail becauseA negotiations have gone on too longB the panies operate in different waysC one party risks more than the other.D the lawyers work too slowly6. Dr Cohen mentions children’s negotiation techniques to show that you shouldA be prepared to try every routeB try not to make people feel guiltyC be careful not to exhaust yourselfD control the decision-making process.For each question 7 – 12 , mark one letter (A, B, C or D ) on yourAnswer Sheet for the answer you choose.The Negotiating Table:You can negotiate virtually anything. Projects, resources, expectations and deadlines are all es of negotiation. Some people negotiate deals for a living. Dr Herb Cohen is one of these professional talkers, called in by panies to negotiate on their behalf . He approaches the art of negotiation as a game because, as he is usually negotiating for somebody else, he says this helps him drain the emotional content from his conversation. He is working in a petitive field and needs to avoid being too adversarial. Whether he succeeds or not, it is important to him to make a good impression so that people will mend him.The starting point for any deal, he believes, is to identify exactly what you want from each other. More often than not, one party will be trying to persuade the other round to their point of view. Negotiation requires two people at the end saying ‘yes”. This can be a problem because one of them usually begins by saying “no”. However, although this can make talks more difficult, this is often just a starting point in the negotiation game. Top management may well reject the idea initially because it is the safer option but they would not be there if they were not interested.It is a misconception that skilled negotiators are smooth operators in smart suits. Dr Cohen says that one of his strategies is to dress down so that the other side can relate to you. Pitch your look to suit your customer.You do not need to make them feel better than you but, For example, dressing in a style that is not overtly expensive or successful will make you more approachable. People will generally feel more fortable with somebody who appears to be like them rather than superior to them. They may not like you but they will feel they can trust you.Dr Cohen suggests that the best way to sell your proposal is by getting into the world of the other side. Ask questions rather than give answers and take an interest in what the other person is saying, even if you think what they are saying is silly. You do not need to e their best friends but being too clever will alienate them. A lot of deals are made on impressions. Do not rush what you are saying__put a few hesitations in ,do not try to blind them with your verbal dexterity. Also, you should repeat back to them what they have said to show you take them seriously.Inevitably some deals will not succeed. Generally the longer the negotiations go on, the better chance they have because people do not want to think their investment and energies have gone to waste. However , joint venture can mean joint risk and sometimes , if this es too great , neither party may be prepared to see the deal through . More mon is a corporate culture clash between panies, which can put paid to any deal. Even having agreed a deal, things may not be tied up quickly because when the lawyers get involved, everything gets slowed down as they argue about small details.De Cohen thinks that children are the masters of negotiation. Their goals are totally selfish. They understand the decision-making process within families perfectly. If Mum refuses their request , they will troop along to Dad and pressure him. If al else fails, they will try the grandparents, using some emotional blackmail. They can also be very single-minded and have an inexhaustible supply of energy for the cause they are pursuing. So there are lesson to be learned from watching and listening to children.7 Dr Cohen treats negotiation as a game in order toA put people at easeB remain detachedC be petitiveD impress rivals8 Many people say “no” to a suggestion in the beginning toA convince the other party of their point of viewB show they are not really interestedC indicate they wish to take the easy optionD protect their pany’s situation9 Dr Cohen says that when you are trying to negotiate you shouldA adapt your style to the people you are talking toB make the other side feel superior to youC dress in a way to make you feel fortable.D try to make the other side like you10 According to Dr Cohen, understanding the other person will help you toA gain their friendshipB speed up the negotiationsC plan your next move.D convince them of your point of view11 Deals sometimes fail becauseA negotiations have gone on too longB the panies operate in different waysC one party risks more than the other.D the lawyers work too slowly12 Dr Cohen mentions children’s negotiation techniques to show that you shouldA be prepared to try every routeB try not to make people feel guiltyC be careful not to exhaust yourselfD control the decision-making process.参__:1B 2D 3A 4D 5B 6A15 B 16D 17A 18D 19B 20 A15.第一段有这样一句话needs to avoid being too adversarial,也就是说要保持客观,公正,超然,所以选择B。

Business English Reading Comprehension Passage OneThe relationship between the home and market economies had gone through two distinct stages. Early industrialization began the process of transferring some production processes (e. g. cloth-making, sewing and canning foods) from the home to the marketplace. Although the home economy could still produce these goods, the processes were laborious and the market economy was usually more efficient. Soon the more important second stage was evident --the marketplace began producing goods and services that had never been produced by the home economy, and the home economy was unable to produce them (e. g. electricity and electrical appliances, the automobile, advanced education, sophisticated medical care). In the second stage, the question of whether the home economy was less efficient in producing these new goods and services was irrelevant; if the family were to enjoy these fruits of industrialization, they would have to be obtained in the marketplace. The traditional ways of taking care of these needs in the home such as in nursing the sick, became unacceptable (and, in most serious cases, probably less successful). Just as the appearance of the automobile made the use of the horse drawn carriage illegal and then impractical, and the appearance of television changed the radio from a source of entertainment to a source of background music, so most of the fruits of economic growth did not increase the options available to the home economy to either produce the goods or services or purchase them in the market. Growth brought with it increased variety in consumer goods, but not increased flexibility for the home economy in obtaining these goods and services. Instead, economic growth brought with it increased consumer reliance on the marketplace. In order to consume these new goods and services, the family had to enter the marketplace as wage earners and consumers. The neoclassical(新古典主义的) model that views the family as deciding whether to produce goods and services directly or to purchase them in the marketplace is basically a model of the first stage. It cannot accurately be applied to the second (and current) stage.1. The reason why many production processes were taken over by the marketplace was that______.A.it was a necessary step in the process of industrializationB.they depended on electricity available only to the market economyC.it was troublesome to produce such goods in the homeD.the marketplace was more efficient with respect to these processes2. It can be seen from the passage that in the second stage ______.A.some traditional goods and services were not successful when provided by the homeeconomyB.the market economy provided new goods and services never produced by the homeeconomyC.producing traditional foods at home became socially never produced by the homeeconomyD.whether new goods and services were produced by the home economy became irrelevant3. During the second stage, if the family wanted to consume new goods and services, they had to enter the marketplace ______.A.as wage earnersB.both as manufacturers and consumersC.both as workers and purchasersD.as customers4.Economic growth did not make it more flexible for the home economy to obtain the newgoods and services because ______.A.the family was not efficient in productionB.it was illegal for the home economy to produce themC.it could not supply them by itselfD.the market for these goods and services was limited5. The neoclassical model is basically a model of the first stage, because at this stage ______.A.The family could rely either on the home economy or the marketplace for the neededgoods and services.B.many production processes were being transferred to the marketplaceC.consumers relied more and more on the market economyD.the family could decide how to transfer production processes to the marketplacePassage TwoAs is known to all, the organization and management of wages and salaries are very complicated. Generally speaking, the Account Department is responsible for calculations of pay, while the Personnel Department is interested in discussions with the employees about pay.If a firm wants to adopt a new wage and salary structure, it is essential that the firm should decide on a method of job evaluation and ways of measuring the performance of its employees. In order to be successful, that new pay structure will need agreement between Trade Unions and employers.In job evaluation, all of the requirements of each job are defined in a detailed job description. Each of those requirements is given a value, generally in “points”, which are added together to give a total value for the job. For middle and higher management, a special method is used to evaluate managers on their knowledge of the job, their responsibility, and their ability to solve problems. Because of the difficulty in measuring management work, however, job grades for managers are often decided without reference to an evaluation system based on points.In attempting to design a pay system, the Personnel Department should compare the value of each job with those in the job market. It should also consider economic factors such as the cost of living and the labor supply.It is necessary that payment for a job should vary with any distinctions in the way that job is performed. Where it is simple to measure the work done, as in the work done with the hands, monetary encouragement schemes are often chosen; for indirect workers, where measurement is difficult, methods of additional payments are employed.6. If a company wants its new pay structure to be successful, it is necessary to _______.A. give the workers extra pay to encourage themB. share the same opinion between the Trade Union and the employersC. consult some problems associated with payD. adopt a special way to evaluate the performance of its employees7. The methods of additional payments are adopted for indirect workers because __________.A. they don't have a higher payB. the firm hasn't enough fundC. the measurement of their work is very difficultD. their work is less important than that of other workers8. What should a firm consider in designing a new pay system?A. The value of each job alone.B. The method of calculating the pay.C. The requirements of each job.D. The labor supply and the cost of living.9. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.A. only the Accounts Department is involved in the management of salariesB. different job performances should be given different paymentsC. an evaluation system based on points is usually used to measure management workD. evaluating management work makes no difference from other work10. The main purpose of this passage is to _______.A. explain how the performance of a job can be measured in pointsB. describe the responsibilities of various departmentsC. tell readers how a firm can succeed in adopting a new pay systemD. tell readers how difficult the management work isPassage ThreeSelling skills can be very useful to you in your personal life. For example, have you ever wanted to use someone else's car? You had to use selling skills to persuade the owner to let you use it. When you apply for a job, you should really be trying to persuade the employer that you will be good employee. If you run for an elected office in an organization, you are really trying to sell yourself to others. You are trying to convince people that you have good ideas and will provide the type of leadership needed by that organization. Selling involves persuading others to accept your ideas or your advice.Selling skills are also important in most jobs. Business managers want to hire people who are creative, who work well with others, and who contribute to the success of their business. In the world of business, selling is a very important function. Business owners use selling skills to gain acceptance from customers and employees about store policies and procedures. Successful salespeople use selling skills to assist customers in making wise buying decisions.What Is Selling?Selling involves the art of communicating effectively with people — simply explaining how a product or service will benefit the customer. Customers will not purchase a product or service until they are convinced that they will benefit from owning that product or service. The salesperson needs to explain, advise, and generally help the customer. In fact, his most important job is to assist the customer in making a wise buying decision. The word selling is defined as:1. assisting the customer, and2. helping the customer make a wise buying decision.Assisting the CustomerBusiness in America today is very competitive. In our free enterprise system, there are many businesses that sell similar products and services. For example, you can purchase a pair of jeans from a department store, a women’s or men's apparel shop, a specialty store, or a discount store. Because customers can purchase the same product or service from more than one business, it is important that businesses provide polite, friendly service to customers. If customers do not receive polite and capable help from salespeople at a business, they may decide to purchase from another business. Salespeople make sure they provide the help customers expect.Helping the Customer Make a Wise Buying DecisionThe most important responsibility of any salesperson is to help customers make wise buying decisions. Customers have made wise buying decisions when they receive benefits from the products or services they have purchased. These benefits are called buyer benefits. A buyer benefit is the gain or personal benefit customers receive from the products or services they purchase. The salesperson's job is to make sure his customers purchase the products or services which will most benefit them.The Importance of SellingSelling is important to our economy, to business, and to the American people. In order to understand its importance, you need to be familiar with some basic facts about each segment of the American economy.The economy of our country is divided into three phases: production, marketing, and consumption. Production refers to the physical creation of goods and services. Farming, mining, fishing, lumbering, and manufacturing make up the production phase of our economy. Thousands of goods and services are produced each year. These goods and services, however, do not sell themselves. After goods and services have been produced, they must be made available to consumers for purchase. Marketing is the process through which goods and services flow from the producer to the consumer. Wholesalers and retailers make up the marketing phase of our economy.Selling is the most important marketing function performed by retail and wholesale businesses. Wholesalers buy from producers and sell to retailers. Retailers buy from producers and wholesalers and sell to consumers. Consumers are the users of goods and services in our society. The process of using goods and services is called consumption.What contribution does selling make to our economy? The role of selling in our society is to identify and provide the goods and services that will satisfy the needs and wants of the consumer. Manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers all depend on customers to purchase products and services. When a business's sales decline, the company usually reduces the number of its employees. The jobs of the many people who produce and provide goods and services, therefore, depend on successful salespeople. When customers purchase products and services, they help create employment in manufacturing, wholesaling, and retailing. Full employment in our country creates additional purchasing power for our consumers. Selling, therefore, assists in maintaining the high standard of living enjoyed in our country.What contribution does selling make to a business? The role of business in society is toprovide the types of products and services which consumers need and want. It is the job of the salesperson, as the business's representative, to satisfy the customers' needs and wants. Salespeople, and the manner in which they treat customers, can really determine the success or failure of most businesses.What contribution does selling make to the American consumer? Salespeople are often the only contact a customer has with a business. Salespeople represent the business to the customer. They should offer sincere, honest, friendly, and courteous service to customers. The salesperson's job is to make sure the customer benefits from purchasing a product or service. Salespeople can save customers time and money by providing product information, showing how a product or service will benefit the customer, and making sure customers purchase the products and services which will best meet their needs and wants.11.The main idea of the first paragraph is ________.A. the importance of selling skills in managing a companyB. the importance of selling skills in job-huntingC. the importance of selling skills in one’s personal lifeD. the importance of selling skills in borrowing12.Selling is defined in this article as _______________________________A. helping the customer, and helping him make a wise buying decisionB. getting customers to buy goodsC. getting customers to buy servicesD. Both B and C13.Business in America today is very competitive, because ___________.A. there are too many kinds of goods in the marketB. there are not many demanding customersC. there are too many similar kinds of goods or servicesD. there are too many businesses14.The three phases of the American economy are ____________________.A. manufacture, wholesale and retailB. production, sale and after-sale serviceC. production, marketing and consumptionD. production, consumption and service15.Which of the following is NOT true?A. Salespeople represent a business to the customer.B. Salespeople must offer satisfactory service to customers.C. Salespeople should help customers buy the products that will best benefit customers.D. The success or failure of salespeople has little to do with the success or failure of a business in most cases.Passage FourThe so-called Americanization phenomenon seems to be a consequence of the recent globalization in our world. If we find American products worldwide, it is also increasinglycommon to find Asian products in the United States.Going to any country in Asia nowadays, we are going to see a lot of the American icons (图标)everywhere. A few years ago when I was in Ho-Chi-Min City, formerly known as Saigon, I was completely astonished at the number of billboards advertising products from multinational companies, many of them American. It is unforgettable for me—the vision of the spectacular Coca-Cola billboard on a Ho-Chi-Min Street.Living in the United Slates now, I am discovering many Asian products in America, from food to movies. In one day in San Francisco, or Seattle, or Houston, we can buy Sisheido cosmetics from Japan at the Galleria Mall, have sushi(寿司) and sashimi(生鱼片) in one of the many Japanese restaurants in the city, go to the cinema and enjoy the beautiful American-Chinese movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and take home spring rolls from one of the many Chinese restaurants in town.I understand that a great many people would like to hold hack the globalization process in the world because they think they are losing their own culture, but it is very difficult to stop this process. We can only try to be critical and choose what is best for us to have or to buy.However, many people think that young people are not free to choose when they are constantly exposed to attractive advertisements that are specially made to capture the youth market. Peaceful protests could be arranged just to help people to think about the situation, but the tendency in our world is that we want globalization, but we don't want to lose our own culture.16. The Americanization phenomenon is more possible to be the result of ______.A. the influence of Americanization on the worldB. the influence of the West on the EastC. the globalization in the worldD. American products worldwide17. What was the author in the passage particularly impressed by?A. The wonderful American-Chinese movie.B. The delicious Japanese food in American cities.C. The high quality of Asian products.D. The fantastic advertisement for an American product.18.We can learn from the passage that one of the consequences of globalization that manypeople worry about is ______.A. the spread of culture from one country to anotherB. the destruction of cultural identitiesC. the prevalence of American cultureD. the resistance to globalization worldwide19. What attitude should we have towards the globalization process?A. Disapproving.B. Pessimistic.C. Critical.D. Indifferent.20. Young people today can't really choose what they should buy because they _______.A. are influenced by American cultureB. don't know what is suitable for themC. are critical about everything in the worldD. are faced with too many powerful advertisementsPassage FiveThe appeal of advertising to buying motives can have both negative and positive effects. Consumers may be convinced to buy a product of poor quality or high price because of an advertisement. For example, some advertisers appealed to people's desire for better fuel economy for their cars by advertising automotive products that improve gasoline mileage. Some of the products work. Others are worthless and a waste of consumers' money.Sometimes advertising is intentionally misleading. A few years ago a brand of bread was offered to dieters (节食者. with the message that there were fewer calories (热量单位,大卡) in every slice. It turned out that the bread was not dietetic (适合于节食的), but just regular bread. There were fewer calories because it was sliced very thin, but there were the same number of calories in every loaf.On the positive side, emotional appeals may respond to a consumer's real concerns. Consider fire insurance. Fire insurance may be sold by appealing to fear of loss. But fear of loss is the real reason for fire insurance. The security of knowing that property is protected by insurance makes the purchase of fire insurance a worthwhile investment for most people. If consumers consider the quality of the insurance plans as the message in the ads, they will benefit from the advertising.Each consumer must evaluate her or his own situation. Are the benefits of the product important enough to justify buying it? Advertising is intended to appeal to consumers, but it does not force them to buy the product. Consumers still control the final buying decision.21. Advertising can persuade the consumer to buy worthless products by ________.A. stressing their high qualityB. convincing him of their low priceC. maintaining a balance between quality and priceD. appealing to his buying motives22. The reason why the bread advertisement is misleading is that ________.A. thin slices of bread could contain more caloriesB. the loaf was cut into regular slicesC. the bread was not genuine breadD. the total number of calories in the loaf remained the same23. The passage tells us that _________.A. sometimes advertisements really sell what the consumer needsB. advertisements occasionally force consumers into buying things they don't needC. the buying motives of consumers are controlled by advertisementsD. fire insurance is seldom a worthwhile investment24. It can be inferred from the passage that a smart consumer should ________.A. think carefully about the benefits described in the advertisementsB. guard against the deceiving nature of advertisementsC. be familiar with various advertising strategiesD. avoid buying products that have strong emotional appeal25. The passage is mainly about _________.A. how to make a wise buying decisionB. ways to protect the interests of the consumerC. the positive and negative aspects of advertisingD. the function of advertisements in promoting salesPassage SixThe Supreme Court's recent decision allowing regional interstate banks has done away with one restriction in America's banking operation, although many others still remain. Although the ruling does not apply to very large money-center banks, it is a move in a liberalizing direction that could in the end push Congress into framing a sensible legal and regulatory system that allows banks to plan their future beyond the next court case.The restrictive laws that the courts are interpreting are mainly a legacy(遗赠物)of the bank failures of the 1930's. The current high rate of bank failure—higher than at any time since the Great Depression—has made legislators afraid to remove the restrictions. While their legislative timidity (胆怯)is understandable, it is also mistaken. One reason so many American banks are getting into trouble is precisely that the old restrictions make it hard for them to build a domestic base large and strong enough to support their activities in today's telecommunicating round-the-clock, around-the-world financial markets.In trying to escape from these restrictions, banks are taking enormous, and what should be unnecessary, risks. For instance, would a large bank be buying small, failed savings banks at inflated prices if federal law and states regulations permitted that bank to explain instead through the acquisition of financially healthy banks in the region? Of course not. The solution is clear. American banks will be sounder when they are not geographically limited.The house of Representative's banking committee has shown part of the way forward by recommending common-sensible, though limited, legislation for a five-year transition to nationwide banking. This would give regional banks time to group together to form counterweights to the big money-center banks. Without this breathing space the big money-center banks might soon extend across the country to develop. But any such legislation should be regarded as only a way station on the road towards a complete examination of American's suitable banking legislation.26. The restrictive banking laws of the 1930's are still on the book because _______.A. the bank failures of the 1930's were caused by restrictive courtsB. banking has not changed during the past 50 yearsC. legislators believe banking problems similar to those of the Depression still exist todayD. the banking system is too restrictive, but no alternatives have been suggested27. According to the author, the change to a nationwide banking system should be _______.A. postponed until the consequences can be evaluatedB. gradual so that regional banks have a chance to compete with larger banksC. immediate because we can't afford any more bank failuresD. much faster to overcome legislative fear28. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.A. many restrictions in banking operation have been cancelledB. the ruling of removing the restriction can make the banks plan their future freelyC. the ruling of removing the restriction can't be applicable to all banksD. the old restrictions will be helpful to set up a powerful domestic base29. What is the author's attitude towards the current banking laws?A. Tolerant and disapproved.B. Concerned and dissatisfied.C. Understandable and indifferent.D. Supportive and admirable.30. The main idea of the passage is that _______.A. despite many bank failures, the nature of banking has not really changed so muchB. the current banking law must be useful to today's banksC. center banks currently have too much power as compared with the regional banksD. banks have been forced to take needless and dangerous risks due to the restrictions Passage SevenOver the past decade, American companies have tried hard to find ways to discourage senior managers from feathering their own nests at the expense of their shareholder. The three most popular reforms have been recruiting more outside directors in order to make boards more independent, linking bosses' pay to various performance measures, and giving bosses share options, so that they have the same long-term interests as their shareholders.These reforms have been widely adopted by America's larger companies, and surveys suggest that many more companies are thinking of following their lead. But have they done any good? Three papers presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management in Boston this week suggest not. As is usually the case with boardroom tinkering, the consequences have differed from those intended.Start with those independent boards. On the face of it, dismissing the boss's friends from the board and replacing them with outsiders looks a perfect way to make senior managers more accountable. But that is not the conclusion of a study by Professor James Westphal. Instead, he found that bosses with a boardroom full of outsiders spend much of their time building alliances, doing personal favors and generally pleasing the outsiders.All too often, these seductions succeed. Mr. Westphal found that, to a remarkable degree,"independent" boards pursue strategies that are likely to favor senior managers rather than shareholders. Such companies diversify their business, increase the pay of executives and weaken the link between pay and performance.To assess the impact of performance-related pay, Mr. Westphal asked the bosses of 103 companies with sales of over $ 1 billion what measurements were used to determine their pay. The measurements varied widely, ranging from sales to earnings per share. But the researcher's big discovery was that bosses attend to measures that affect their own incomes and ignore or play down other factors that affect a company's overall success.In short, bosses are quick to turn every imaginable system of corporate government to their advantage-which is probably why they are the people who are put in charge of things. Here is paradox for the management theorists: any boss who can not beat a system designed to keep him under control is probably not worth having not beat a system designed to keep him under control is probably not worth having.31. What is the purpose of the large companies in recruiting outsiders and putting them on the board of directors?A.To diversify the business of the corporation.B.To enhance the cooperation between the senior managers and the board directors.C.To protect the interests of the shareholders.D.To introduce effective reforms in business management.32. What does Professor James Westphal’s study suggest?A.With a boardroom full of outsiders, senior managers work more conscientiously.B.Outside board directors tend to be more independent.C.Boardroom reforms have failed to achieve the desired result.D.Cooperation between senior managers and board directors suffered from the reforms.33. The word “seduction” in the fourth paragraph probably means “____”A. efforts to conquerB. exertions to understandC. endeavors to increase profitsD. attempts to win over34. Which of the following statements is true?A. Corporate executives in general are worth the high pay they receive.B. The income of corporate executives is proportional to the growth of corporate profits.C. Corporate executives tend to take advantage of their position to enrich themselves.D. The performance of corporate executives affects their own interests more than those of the shareholders.35. How does the author feel about the efforts to control senior executives?A. approving.B. optimistic.C. positive.D. doubtfulPassage EightHenry Ford, the famous U.S. inventor and car manufacturer, once said, “The business of America is business.” By this he meant that the U.S. way of life is based on the values of the business world.。

世纪商务英语阅读教程专业篇1第七版第unit4答案1、He has bought an unusual car. [单选题] *A. 平常的B. 异常的(正确答案)C. 漂亮的D. 废弃的2、We _____ three major snowstorms so far this winter. [单选题] *A.hadB. haveC. have had(正确答案)D.had had3、The three guests come from different _______. [单选题] *A. countryB. countrysC. countryesD. countries(正确答案)4、My brother is too shy. He _______ speaks in front of lots of people. [单选题] *A. alwaysB. usuallyC. seldom(正确答案)D. sometimes5、It _____ us a lot of time to do this job. [单选题] *A. spentB. madeC. took(正确答案)D. cost6、24.I often ask my English teacher some questions ________ e-mail. [单选题] *A.by(正确答案)B.inC.forD.with7、It was _____the policeman came_____the parents knew what had happened to their son. [单选题] *A.before…asB. until…whenC. not until…that(正确答案)D.until…that8、What about _______ there by bike? [单选题] *A. goesB. wentC. goD. going(正确答案)9、You cannot see the doctor _____ you have made an appointment with him. [单选题] *A. exceptB.evenC. howeverD.unless(正确答案)10、Let us put the matter to the vote,()? [单选题] *A. will youB. can weC. may ID. shall we(正确答案)11、If you do the same thing for a long time, you'll be tired of it. [单选题] *A. 试图B. 努力C. 厌倦(正确答案)D. 熟练12、He’s so careless that he always _______ his school things at home. [单选题] *A. forgetsB. leaves(正确答案)C. putsD. buys13、—______is my notebook?—Look! It’s in your schoolbag.()[单选题] *A. WhatB. WhichC. Where(正确答案)D. How14、The reason I didn't attend the lecture was simply _____ I got a bad cold that day. [单选题] *A. becauseB. asC. that(正确答案)D. for15、1——May I help you? You seem to be having some problems.——_______ , thanks. Ithink I can manage. [单选题] *A. All rightB. No problemC. It’s all right(正确答案)D. There’s no way16、You wouldn' t have caught such ____ bad cold if you hadn' t been caught in ____?rain. [单选题] *A. a, /B. a, aC. a,the(正确答案)D. /, /17、In fact, Beethoven did something brave than dying. [单选题] *A. 勇敢(正确答案)B. 冒险C. 可怕D. 奇妙18、These oranges look nice, but _______ very sour. [单选题] *A. feelB. taste(正确答案)C. soundD. look19、Sometimes only()10 out of 500 or more candidates succeed in passing all the tests. [单选题] *A. as many asB. as few as(正确答案)C. as much asD. as little as20、Just use this room for the time being ,and we’ll offer you a larger one _______it becomes available [单选题] *A. as soon as(正确答案)B unless .C as far asD until21、Mr. White likes to live in a _______ place. [单选题] *A. quiteB. quiet(正确答案)C. quickD. quietly22、( ) ----Would you like___ tea? ----No, thanks. I have drunk two____. [单选题] *A. any, bottles of orangeB. some, bottles of orange(正确答案)C. many, bottles of orangesD. few, bottle of oranges23、The students _____ outdoors when the visitors arrived. [单选题] *A. were playing(正确答案)B. have playedC. would playD. could play24、--Don’t _______ too late, or you will feel tired in class.--I won’t, Mum. [单选题] *A. call upB. wake upC. stay up(正确答案)D. get up25、I got caught in the rain and my suit____. [单选题] *A. has ruinedB. had ruinedC. has been ruined(正确答案)D. had been ruined26、They will hold the party if they _____ the project on time. [单选题] *A. will completeB. complete(正确答案)C.completedD. had completed27、The Internet is an important means of()[单选题] *A. conversationB. communication(正确答案)C. speechD. language28、I’m still unable to make myself_____in the discussion, which worries me a lot. [单选题]*A.understandB.understood(正确答案)C.understandingD.to be understood29、50.—The sweater is not the right ________ for me.—Well, shall I get you a bigger one or a smaller one? [单选题] *A.priceB.colorC.size(正确答案)D.material(材料)30、The Spring Festival is on the way.Many shops have _______ huge posters with the word sales. [单选题] *A. put up(正确答案)B. put onC. put outD. put off。

商务英语阅读(课后练习答案)Chapter One: EconomicsLesson OneI• Check your comprehension: Decide if the sentences are T or F. Write T or F before each sentence. Compare your answer with your pair.l.T 2.T 3. F 4. F 5. FII• Familiar yourself with the following key terms:A.Choose the statement that defines one of the business terms given below.L distribute 2. purchase 3・ loan4.resource5.interest6. supplierB.Identify the English expressions of the following Chinese terms.1.unemployment rate2.financial affairs3.auto loanitary pursuits5.civilian pursuits6.raise money7.medical careS.economic concernsIII.Vocabulary practice: Filling in the blanks with the proper words or expressions you have learned from the text given below to finish the following sentences.1.distributed2. varying3. economic4. purchasing5.resources 6・ exchange 7.campaign & issueIV・ Translation.1.人类有多种需耍和需求。

新商务英语阅读教程1清华出版答案1、12.Who will ________ the Palace Museum after Shan Jixiang retires? [单选题] * A.in chargeB.in charge ofC.be in charge of (正确答案)D.be in the charge of2、85.You’d better? ? ? ? ? a taxi, or you’ll be late. [单选题] *A.take(正确答案)B.takingC.tookD.to take3、Can you give her some ______ ? [单选题] *A. advice(正确答案)B. suggestionC. advicesD. suggest4、I'm sorry I cannot see you immediately. But if you wait, I'll see you_____. [单选题] *A. for a momentB. in a moment(正确答案)C. for the momentD. at the moment5、72.I really don’t know how to thank you , but for your help, I ()my lost necklace.[单选题] *A.couldn’t have found(正确答案)B.mustn’t have foundC.couldn’t findD.wouldn’t find6、She’s _______ with her present _______ job. [单选题] *A. boring; boringB. bored; boredC. boring; boredD. bored; boring(正确答案)7、39.—What do you ________ my new dress?—Very beautiful. [单选题] *A.look atB.think aboutC.think of(正确答案)D.look through8、The book is very _______. I’ve read it twice. [单选题] *A. interestB. interestedC. interesting(正确答案)D. interests9、35.___________ good music the teacher is playing! [单选题] * A.What(正确答案)B.HowC.What aD.What the10、Tom didn’t _______ his exam again. It was a pity. [单选题] *A. failB. winC. pass(正确答案)D. beat11、Is there ____ for one more in the car? [单选题] *A. seatB. situationC. positionD. room(正确答案)12、She and her family bicycle to work, _________ helps them keep fit. [单选题] *A. which(正确答案)B. whoC.itD. that13、—John, How is it going? —______.()[单选题] *A. It’s sunnyB. Thank youC. Well doneD. Not bad(正确答案)14、97.Go ______ the square and you will find the theatre. [单选题] *A.aboveB.atC.across(正确答案)D.on15、He was very excited to read the news _____ Mo Yan had won the Nobel Prize for literature [单选题] *A. whichB. whatC. howD. that(正确答案)16、—Why is Mary asking Bob about the school trip? —Because she wants to know ______.()[单选题] *A. how does he think of the tripB. what does he think of the tripC. what he likes the tripD. how he likes the trip(正确答案)17、They all choose me ______ our class monitor.()[单选题] *A. as(正确答案)B. inC. withD. on18、Mr. Brown ______ the football match next week.()[单选题] *A. is seeingB. seesC. sawD. is going to see(正确答案)19、While my mother _______ the supper, my father came back. [单选题] *A. cooksB. is cookingC. was cooking(正确答案)D. has cooked20、Sometimes Americans are said to be _____. [单选题] *A superficially friendB superficial friendC. superficial friendlyD. superficially friendly(正确答案)21、Can you _______ this form? [单选题] *A. fillB. fill in(正确答案)C. fill toD. fill with22、Mrs. Green has given us some _______ on how to study English well. [单选题] *A. practiceB. newsC. messagesD. suggestions(正确答案)23、I arrived _____ the city _____ 9:00 am _______ April [单选题] *A. at, in, atB. to, on, atC. in, or, atD. in, at, on(正确答案)24、--Could you please tell me _______ to get to the nearest supermarket?--Sorry, I am astranger here. [单选题] *A. whatB. how(正确答案)C. whenD. why25、Obviously they didn’t see the significance of the plan. That is()the problem lies. [单选题] *A. where(正确答案)B. whyC. /D. how26、The car is _______. It needs washing. [单选题] *A. cleanB. dirty(正确答案)C. oldD. new27、Do not _______ me to help you unless you work harder. [单选题] *A. expect(正确答案)B. hopeC. dependD. think28、There is something wrong with my teeth. I’ve had?a _______. [单选题] *A. toothache(正确答案)B. headacheC. stomachacheD. heartache29、He often comes to work early and he is _______ late for work. [单选题] *A. usuallyB. never(正确答案)C. oftenD. sometimes30、82.—Is there a bookshop near here?—Yes. Walk ________ the road for five minutes and you'll see one near a big tree. [单选题] *A.toB.along(正确答案)C.ofD.about。
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Business EnglishExtensive Reading (1)商务英语阅读(1)Ⅰ. Reading ComprehensionPart One : Directions: Choose the correct answers according to the information given from the passeges. Read the passages through carefully before making your choices. Please mark the corresponding leter for each item on Answer Sheet.Passage One: Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.The popularity in North America is Iceberg Water, a leading brand of bottled water, which is harvested from icebergs off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.Arthur Wiesenberger, who carries the title Water Master, is one of the few water critics in North America.As a boy,he spent time in the larger cities of Italy,France and Switzerland, where bottled water is consumed daily.Even then,he kept a water journal,writing down the brands he liked best.“My dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water,”he says.But is plain tap water a11 that bad? Not at a11.In fact, New York’s municipal water for more than 100 years was recently considered among the best in the world in terms of both taste and purity.Similarly,a magazine in England found that tap water tasted better than several leading brands of bottled water.Nevertheless,soft-drink companies view bottled water as the next battle-ground for market share.As diners thirst for leading brands, soft-drink companies and restaurants salivate(垂涎)over the profits.A restaurant’s typical mark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent, whereas on bottled water it's often 300 to 500 percent.As a result some restaurants are selling bottled water.According to an article in The Wall Street Journal, some of the more shameless tactics include placing attractive bottles on the table for a visual sell,listing brands on the menu without prices,and pouring bottled water without even asking the diners if they want itRegardless of how it's sold,the popularity of bottled water bring us better health and purity. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡上作答。
1..What do we know about Iceberg Water from the passage?A)、It is a kind of iced water.B)It is just plain tap water.C) It is a kind of bottled water.D)It is a kind of mineral water.2. By saying“My dog could teii the difference between bottled and tap water”(Lines 3--4,Para.2),Wiesenberger wants to convey the message that ________.A) plain tap water is not certainly suitable for drinkingB) bottled water is clearly superior to tap waterC) bottled water of ten appeals more to dogs’ tasteD) dogs can usually detect a fine difference in taste3. The “leading brands”(Line 3,Para.3)refers to——.A) water from the Thames RiverB)famous wines not sold in ordinary storesC)PepsiCo’s Aquafma and Coca-Cola’s D asaniD)most polular bottled water4..Why do some restaurants sell bottled water?A)Bottled water brings in huge profits.B)Competition from the wine industry is intense.C)Most diners find bottled water affordable.D)Bottled water satisfies diners’ desire to be fashionable.5.According to the passage,why is bottled water so popular?A)It is much cheaper than wine.B)It is considered healthier.C)It appeals to more cultivated people.D)It is more widely promoted in the market.Passage Two Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.Is there enough oil beneath the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (保护区) (ANWR) to help secure America’s energy future ? President Bush certainly th inks so. He has argued that drilling ANWR’s oil would help ease California’s electricity crisis and provide the country’s energy independence. But no one knows for sure how much crude oil lies buried beneath the frozen earth with the last government survey, conducted in 1998, projecting output anywhere from 3 billion to 16 billion barrels.The oil industry goes with the high end of the range---16 billion barrels, which could equal as much as 10% of U.S. consumption for as long as six years. By pumping more than 1 million barrels a day from the reserve for the next two three decades, lobbyists claim, the nation could cut back on imports equivalent to all shipments to the U.S. from Saudi Arabia. Sounds good. An oil boom would also mean a multibillion-dollar windfall(意外之财)in tax revenues, royalties(开采权使用费)and leasing fees for Alaska and the Federal Government. Best of all, advocates of drilling say, damage to the environment would be insignificant . “We’ve never had a document case of oil rig chasing deer out onto the pack ice.” says Alaska State Representative Scott Ogan .Not so fast, say environmentalists. Sticking to the low end of government estimates---3 billion barrels, environmentalists says there may be no more than 3.2 billion barrels of economically recoverable oil in the coastal plain of ANWR, a drop in the bucket that would do virtually nothing to ease America’s energy problems. And consumers would wait up to a decade to gain any benefits, because drilling could begin only after much bargaining over leases, environmental permits and regulatory review. As for ANWR’s impact on the California power crisis, environmentalists point out that oil is responsible for only 1% of the Golden State’s electricity output –and just 3% of the nation’s.6. What does President Bush think of drilling oil in ANWR?A) It w ill exhaust the nation’s oil reserves.B) It will help secure the future of ANWR.C) It will help reduce the nation’s oil importsD) It will increase America’s energy consumption7. We learn from the second paragraph that the American oil industry _______A) believes that drilling for oil in ANWR will produce high outputB) tends to exaggerate America’s reliance on foreign oilC) shows little interest in tapping oil in ANWRD) expects to stop oil imports from Saudi Arabia8. Environmentalists argue that _________A) it can cause serious damage to the environmentB) it can do little to solve U.S. energy problemsC) it will drain the oil reserves in the Alaskan regionD) it will not have much commercial value9. What do the environmentalists mean by saying “Not so fast” (Line 1, Para .3)?A) Oil exploitation takes a short time C) Don’t be too optimisticB) The oil drilling should not be delayed D) Don’t e xpect lot of benefits.10. It can be learned from the passage that oil exploitation beneath A NWR’s frozen earth ______.A) remains an unsettled problem C) involves a lot of technological problemsB) is expected to get under way soon D) will enable the U.S. to be oil independentPart Two : Directions:In this part,you will have 1 5 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet .For questions 1—7,markY(for YES)if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N(for NO)if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage:’For questions 8--10,complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.PassportsIf you’ve ever traveled outside the United States,one of the most important tasks you had to complete before your trip was applying for a passport.A copy of your original birth certificate may suffice for short trips to Mexico or the Caribbean,say on a cruise (乘船游览).But,generally speaking,want to see the world,you have to have a passport—the only universally accepted form of identification.What Exactly Is a Passport and How Long Has It Been Around?Passports have been around in some form for hundreds of years.Governments learned long ago that an official document or certification—one that identified a traveler as a citizen or national with a right to protection while abroad and a right to return to the country of his citizenship – is a necessity.Passports,letters of transit and similar documents were used for centuries to allow individuals to travel safely in foreign lands,but the adoption of the passport by all nations is a development of the 19th and,20th centuries.According to State Department historians,except for brief periods-during wartime,passports were not generally required for travel abroad and few obstacles were presented by foreign states' passport requirements until after1914.An executive order made on Dec.15,1915,required every person entering or leaving the United States to have a valid passport.In the United States,passports are issued upon application to U.S.citizens by the State Department and its 13 passport agencies in major cities,by the clerks of federal and certain state courts,certain designated (指定的)post offices and by U.S.consular authorities abroad.The passport is required for both departure from and re-entry to the United States.It is valid for 10years for adults and five years for people under 18.A U.S.passport cannot simply be renewed but must be completely replaced when it expires.Applying for a PassportYou can find passport applications at any regional passport agency or at designated post offices or clerk of court offices.Today,you can even download and print your own passportapplications.However,you still have to go in person to apply for your first passport.You should apply for your passport several months in advance of your planned departure,making sure you fill in the dates of your upcoming trip in the appropriate place on the application.If you'll need visas from foreign embassies,allow more time.As a rule,it takes about 25 business days to process your passport application and get the document sent to you.Something to think about:Lines are longest at passport agencies from January to July,resulting in longer waiting times for applicants.You might want to avoid the crowds by applying through a nearby clerk of court or post office that accepts passport applications.The passport agency processes expedited (加快)passports within three working days from receipt of the application.If you choose not to pay for overnight mail,you should receive your passport in 7—10 business days.You can also expedite passport renewal2 and you can do it by mail.Does Everybody Have to Apply in Person?The State Department’s Passport Agency says you must apply in person for a U.S.passport if you meet any of the following descriptions:You are 13 or older and are applying for a U.S.passport for the first time.Your previous passport was lost or stolen.Your previous passport has expired and was issued more than 12 years ago.You are applying for a passport for a child under age 12.Applying in PersonApplying for a passport is not really difficult—it just requires following very specific rules.Follow these steps and you’ll have all your bases covered:1.Complete application Form DSP.11一but Do NOT sign the form until you are instructed to do so by the passport agent.2.Present proof of U.S.citizenship:Previous U.S.passportCertified birth certificate issued by the city,county or state.Consular report of birth abroadNaturalization certificateCertificate of citizenshipOne more thing:Even though your Social Security card is not required by the passport application,it does ask for your Social Security number.What Happens to My Passport Application After I Submit It?If you apply at a passport acceptance facility,like the post office,the same day that you apply,your application will be sent:to Passport Services for processing,and you will receive your passport by first class mail within six weeks.If you apply at a passport agency,you will receive your passport within five weeks by first class mail.Your passport will be sent to the mailing address you provided on your application.How Much Will My Passport Cost?When you consider its importance and how long it lasts,a passport:is a pretty good deal.For routine services,passports for adults 1 6 and older cost$60.Those age 15 and younger pay a total of $40.If you were born outside the United States and your citizenship has not yet been determinedor if the passport agent considers your case “complex,” getting a passport will cost more.As we discussed earlier,expediting an application will also cost more.Can I Have My Old Passport Back?Yes! Most people view their passports as important memorabilia and are eager to get them back.That’s why your previous passport,marked “canceled,” will be returned to you with your new one.Lost or Stolen PassportLosing your passport --especially if you’re in a foreign country --can be scary.It’s the most important item you carry with you,so:it’s best to keep it someplace secure.Another safety measure you can take is to make two photocopies of the photo ID page of your passport.Leave one at home with family or friends and keep the other in a different place from your passport,perhaps buried in the bottom of checked luggage.This could make all the difference in getting you on your flight home in the event that your passport is lost or stolen.It also makes getting it replaced much easier.You’ll want to report the loss of your passport as “soon as possible.You can actually report a lost or stolen passport at the same time you apply for the new one.At that time.you will submit,a DSP-64,“Statement Regarding Lost or Stolen Passport” form.You’ll also need to fill out a Form DSP.11 passport application and submit it in person along with appropriate documentation and fees,to your nearest passport acceptance facility.1.A passport is the only universally accepted form of identification around the world.2.In the United Sates,the passport is valid for 10 years for people under 18.3.If you are over 13 and are applying for a U.S.passport for the first time,you have to apply in person.4.It is very difficult to apply for a passport as it requires many specific rules.5.For routine services,passports for adults 16 and older cost more than those age 15 and younger.6.In fact,you cannot report a lost passport and apply for a new one at the same time.7.This passage mainly deals with the history of passports.8.According to ___ an executive order _____made on Dec.15,1915,every person entering or leaving the United States is required to have a valid passport.9.Normally,it takes ___25 business days _____ or so to process your passport application and get the document sent to you.10.Your passport will be sent to ___the mailing address _____ you provided on your application.Ⅱ. CloseDirections: In this section, there is a passage with 10 blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the blank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding leter for each item on Answer Sheet. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.The term “flexible working” has become familiar to any company,regardless of size,that needs to look at how individual jobs are structured.The thinking behind this is not only the realization that this approach has __1J__ benefits,but also the recognition that it can lead to amore inventive and __2A__workforce.One company with a long history of __3N_ working is Remploy, the UK’s largest employer of __4M__disabled people.Remploy has a UK __5L_ of more than 11,000 employees in 89 factories working in various sectors of the economy including textiles,furniture and manufacturing services.__6H___ programmes are a key aspect of Remploy’s employment policy,and each hourly-paid employee has an individual training and action plan.Throughout the company,there is also an __7K__that progression,and the opportunity to progress,is a motivating factor.In the Manufacturing Services Group,for example,the policy is to train as many employees as possible in two of the core businesses.Once they have achieved this,the employees are promoted.In addition,Remploy has __8B__ to changing markets in recent years by changing products in over a third of its factories.This has __9D__the company to remain competitive and keep the workforce in full-time employment.On these __10C__,Remploy’s flexible approach has enabled employees to be fully retrained whilst continuing to work.A) creative B) awareness C) presentation D) enabled E) radicalF) respectively G) severely H) expanded I) disorder J) respondedK) occasions L) workforce M) Training N) flexible O)potentialⅢ. Word ExerciseDirections: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word. The first letter anmd the Chinese meaning are given. Please write the missing letters for each item on Answer Sheet. 1.Modern business is well organized and operates smoothly. B_business______ (商业)suppliesthe food you eat, the clothes you wear, the home you live in, and many other goods and services.2.Business means different things to different people. It means producing goodsthrough farming or some other industry. Or it means buying and selling m__merchandise______(商品).3.E_enterprise________(企业) such as the grocery store, the bus line, and the bankare readily identified as being in business.4.Goods that everyone must have, such as food, clothes and shelter,are calledn__necessary_______(必需品).5.For the i___investor_____(投资者), business provides ways to put his funds towork.6.D__distribute_______(分配) is the total process of moving, handling and storinggoods on the way from producers to consumers.7.M__marketing_______(营销) is the process of planning and executing theconception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges.8.As you continue touring your community, the b__billboards____(广告牌) onhighways or streets are encouraging you to “Try 7 Up” or “ Visit Disneyland”. 9.P___primary____(主要) buying motives cause a customer to select one servicerather than another.10.Business today is very c_competitive_______(有竞争力的). There are manybusinesses that sell similar products and services.Ⅳ. TranslationDirections:Please translation the following sentences into Chinese. Write the Chinese version on the Answer Sheet.1.Not all activities in which work is involved are classed as business. If moneypayment is required, the activity is business.2.Business manager want to hire people who are creative, who work well withothers, and who contribute to the success of their business.3.Customers will not purchase a product or service until they are convinced that theywill benefit from owning that product or service.4. College campuses are attracting students from all social classes despite the rapidlyrising cost of higher education.5. Once consumers have used a product or seen it advertised, it moves from theunknown to the known category, and the probability of its being purchased is increased.1.并非所有和工作有关的活动属于商业范畴。