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1、I couldn't find my English-Chinese dictionary _______.anywhere

2、We have different approaches ______ gathering information.to

3、His words are ________ but the meaning is deep.few

4、______is important that you choose clothes that suit your shape. It

5、The jury found him not guilty and set him ________.free

6、They have planted ______trees in SaiBei. It's a "Great Green Wall" of trees. millions of

7、I'll have a cup of coffee and _____.two pieces of bread

8、He asked the waiter ________ the bill.for

9、I'll give you a ring if Mike ________ tomorrow. Comes

10、He has smoked for so many years that he can ______ give it up. Hardly

11、It is _______ for people to feel excited when they start doing something new. Normal

12、In order to ______ the disease, the first thing we should do is to do research about it and find out a satisfactory cure. control

13、A computer can only do _______you have instructed it to do.what

14、I thought that honesty _______ the best policy.is

15、Mathematics ________ study or science of numbers.is

16、"Let me ______ you," said my boss, "you should call me immediately after you arrive at the airport."remind

17、Young ________ he is, he knows how to get along with others.as

18、I don't have much free time as my work _______ all my time. takes up

19、While ________ for the bus at the bus station, I met an old friend of mine whom I haven't seen for 10 years. Waiting

20、He told me ________ bring you anything. not to

21、I can't find my book. Perhaps I ______ it behind in the office yesterday. Left

22、Could you tell us _______her aunt will stay here? how long

23、I paid __________for the new book. one and a half pounds

24、India had the second ______population in the world. largest

25、 I made the cake by ________. Help yourself, Tom. - Thanks, Jane. myself

26、Professor, would you slow down a bit, please? I can't _______you. keep up with

27、Samuel Clemens, ________ as Mark Twain, was one of the most famous American writers. Known

28、Where is Mr.Green? -______the library. He's gone to

29、The football match had to be _________ owing to the bad weather. cancelled

30、I have views quite different from my ________.teacher's

31、Of all the students in our class, Betty writes ________.most carefully

32、He asked _________we need some more rice. Whether

33、The Japanese, ______ average, live much longer than the Europeans. On

34、This is the ______ photo I have ever taken. Best

35、The workers are busy ____models for the exhibition. Making

36、It's cold outside. You'd better ________ your coat. put on
