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You and me. From one world. We are family. 我和你,心连心,永远一家人。
translate (翻译) → translation
translate the meaning try to try to translate the meaning try not to try not to translate every word
Q: Do you think the news is difficult for your students?
News from China Daily: Zhai Zhigang: China's first spacewalker BEIJING -- Although enclosed in a bulky spacesuit with face covered, Chinese astronaut Zhai Zhigang is becoming a familiar figure to all Chinese as a history maker.
Jeremy Harmer, an experienced methodology writer, the author of the excellent Practice of English Language Teaching and series editor on the How to… series as well as hosting ELT Forum. His teaching days were spent in Mexico and the UK and since 1983 he has been a full-time writer and freelance trainer.
traveling lots 7-day crowded over prefer
The National Day holiday is ___o_v_e_r___ . It’s a ____7_-d_a_y___ holiday. ____L_o_ts____ of families go ___t_ra_v_e_l_in_g___ during the holiday. But some people ___p_r_e_f_e_r__ to stay at home because they are afraid of the __c_r_o_w_d_e_d__ people and the heavy traffic.
From Go for it Grade 9
Enjoy photos
When…? March 11,2007 , about 4:00pm Where…? Welfare(福利) House Who…? Class 7 and Class 8 Why…? visit the homeless and the
Module 1 How to learn English? Unit 1
Try not to translate every word.
speaking reading
learning English
spelling punctuation
2. Super interview
Q: Do you think the students like the interview?
3. Object show
Module 4
Activities and the weather
Unit 3
What’s the weather like in summer?
News from China Daily:
Zhai Zhigang: China's first spacewalker BEIJING -- Although enclosed in a bulky spacesuit with face covered, Chinese astronaut Zhai Zhigang is becoming a familiar figure to all Chinese as a history maker.
a hero 1st spacewalker a history maker
Returning cars queue up to cross the Xiuying Port in Haikou, the capital of Hainan province, October 4, 2008. The country's highways, railways and airports face heavy traffic as travelers return at the end of the week-long National Day holiday.
cost went fantastic taken visited been famous
I’ve ___b_e_e_n____ to a county called Bama. It is __f_a_m__o_u_s__ for the people’s long life. I ____w_e_n__t __ there on October 1st. I have ____v_i_s_it_e_d____ the Crystal Cave. The ticket to the cave ___c_o_s_t___ me ¥180. It’s a little expensive, but the cave is very __f_a_n_t_a_s_ti_c__. I haven’t _____t_a_k_e_n____ any photos because I was tired. What a pity!
National Day, Independent Day, … Day 国庆节
U.S.A France Canada Australia Vietnam Malaya
1.26 (January 26th) 7.1 (July 1st) 9.2 (September 2nd) 7.14 (July 14th) 8.31 (August 31st) 7.4 (July 4th)
What’s the link of National Day and this unit?
Q: 1. When did we begin the holiday? We began the holiday on September 29. 7 days ago.
2. How long have we had / spent the holiday? for 7 days.
A Ph.D., a Professor Emerita of Applied Linguistics & TESL at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Go on to watch and think Review of Unit 8
I’ll help clean up the city parks.
You and me. From one world. We are family. Travel dream. A thousand miles meeting in Beijing. Come together. Share the joy of life. You and me. From one world. We are family.
Pair work
1. How is your National Day ? It’s great / excellent / exciting / relaxing / boring …
2. Where have you been ? I’ve been to …
3. What have you done? I have played / visited …
From NSE Starter(预备篇)
Jeremy Harmer, 2000. How to Teach English [M] 北京: 外研社。
One of the greatest enemies of successful teaching is student boredom. That’s why most lessons would like to start with “Warming-up” in order to interest and motivate the students.
We have had / spent it since September 29.
since 7 days ago.
Module 4 Education
Unit 1 How long have you studied English?
1. Music game
Q: Where are all these questions from?
Marianne,2001. Teaching English as a Second
or Foreign Language [M] USA: Thomson Learning
A good lesson has a sense of coherence and flow … On a macro level, links or threads should connect the various over the days and weeks of a course. On a micro level, students need to understand the rationale for each activity.
Q: What do you think of the lead-in / presentation of this unit?
Module 4
Unit 1
How long have you studied English?
From NSE Grade 8 (A)
ELT Forum
The place for English language teachers who want to develop professionally. With downloadable development packs, interactive activities and live discussion groups with leading ELT experts.
A good teacher is somebody who has an affinity with the students that they’re teaching; A good teacher should try and draw out the quiet ones and control the more talkative ones.
You and me. From one world. We are family. 我和你,心连心,共住地球村。
Travel dream. A thousand miles meeting in Beijing. 为梦想,千里行,相会在北京。
Come together. Share the joy of life. 来吧,朋友,伸出你的手。
初中英语课堂教学 创新设计与案例分析
一. Watch and think
Module 1 How to learn English?
Unit 1 Try not to translate every word.
From NSE Grade 8 (A)
Translate (翻译) the song. You and me