


1. vi.爆裂;爆发n.[C]突然破裂过去式过去分词现在分词

2. vt.使陷入困境n.[C]陷阱;困境过去式过去分词现在分词

3. vt.埋葬;掩埋;隐藏过去式过去分词现在分词

4. vt.损失;损害n.[U]损失;[C]损害赔偿金 adj.易损害的

5. adj.无用的;无益的adj.有用的 v.使用 n.用法;用处

6. vt.破坏;毁坏;消灭过去式过去分词现在分词

7. ad v.真诚地;真挚地adj.真诚的;真挚的

8. n.& vt.援救;营救n.[C]营救人员

9. vt.& vi. (使)震惊;震动 [U,C]打击;震惊adj.令人震惊的adj.震惊的

10. adj.极度的ad v.极度;非常

11. n.[C]裁判员;法官vt.断定;判决n.[U,C]意见;判断力;审判

12. vt.损害;伤害n.[C]伤害;损害adj.受伤的

13. vt.使惊吓;吓唬adj.受惊的;受恐吓的adj.令人恐惧的

14. n.[C]祝贺;(复数)贺词vt.祝贺

15. vt.表示;表达n.[C]快车;速递n.[C]词语;[U]表示;表达

16. n.民族;国家;国民 adj. 民族的;国家的n. 国籍;民族

17. n.记者n.报告;传闻;成绩单;爆炸声v.报告;报导

18. n.骑自行车的人 n. 循环;周期;自行车v.骑自行车


1. 结束; 终结

2. 刮走; 吹走

3. 代替

4. 掘出; 发现

5. 许多; 大量

6. 倒塌

7.right away

8. in ruins 9.be trapped in

10.bring in 11.take pride in

12.be known for/as 13.as usual 14. as if

15. burst into laughter/tears 16. congratulation on

17. think little of 18. wake up 19. be proud of

20. not long after


1. It’s(use) trying to persuade him to stop smoking because he is


2. Last week I bought an (electricity) dictionary and I think it’s quite


3. Tom is quite (frighten) as he is wearing a ghost mask.

4. (judge) from his accent, I think he must be from Shandong Province.

5. Yesterday he passed by without (express) and I didn’t know what was


6. Li Dong goes in for cycling and wants to be a professional (cycle) in the


7. (congratulate) on being promoted as our manager.

8. We were all (shock) by the news that he was put into prison.

9. The task is (extreme) difficult so it needs time.

10. The traditional family banquet(宴会)is the year’s most important meal for

(million) of Chinese at home and abroad

. 四、完成句子(每空填一词)。

1. Now you must resist the temptation (抵制诱惑)to get another pet (马


2. She speaks (好像) she knew the secret.

3. It’s time to (使......结束) the conflict (冲突).

4. I’m sorry to hear your father (受伤)in the accident.

5. The woman (突然大哭) when hearing the news.

6. The city lay (废墟)after the earthquake.

7. At that time , (大量) people flocked to (涌入) Alaska

for seeking gold.

8. The firefighters (营救受伤乘客) soon after the


9. Mrs. White’s little boy (患上)a bad flu bug(重度流感) again.

10. I (专心于)the lessons since the final exams are



1. People were shocking to see the city was in ruins after the earthquake.

2. It seemed as if the world was at a end.

3. Stange things were happened in the countryside of northeast Hebei Province.

4. The great number of people died because the quake happened while they were sleeping.

5. The government built many shelter for the survivors from the earthquake.

6. The suffering of the people in the disaster area was extremely.

7. Two-thirds of the city were destroyed after the earthquake.

8. The company said it hopes to sell two millions units in three years.

9. In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were so nervous to eat.

10. There were more than 250,000 people were killed in the terrible earthquake.
