



●Public, pubic, (public address)●公众、公共场所;阴部的,耻骨的●Ont ario, scen ario●安大略湖(北美五大湖之一);方案、情节、剧本●Bolt, colt, dolt, molt,●螺栓、螺钉;小马、生手;笨蛋、傻瓜、呆子;脱毛、换毛;●holt, jolt, polt, volt●小林,林丘;摇晃、颠簸;情节、密谋、标出….的位置;伏特、电压●Flap, flag, flay,●拍打、扔;旗子、标记、衰退;剥夺、掠夺、剥皮、严厉批评●flog, flop, flip●鞭打、鞭策;失败、落下;按下、翻动、无礼的、轻率的●Fleck, flick, filth, filch●微粒、斑点;轻弹、拂去、快速翻动;污秽、肮脏、不洁;窃取、偷窃●Flare, flair, flail, frail●信号弹、燃烧、闪耀、耀斑;天资、天分;打、枷锁;脆弱的、虚弱的●Imperative, imperious, impervious, impertinent, impetuous●必要的、重要的;专横的、迫切的、傲慢的;不受影响的,无动于衷的,不能渗透的;不恰当的,无礼的,鲁莽的;冲动的,鲁莽的●Pump, bump (bumpy), dump (dumpy), pomp (pompous)●泵;碰,撞(颠簸的,不平的);倾倒,卸下(矮胖的、粗短的);盛况,壮丽(自大的,浮夸的)●Clamp, lamp, camp, damp, dump●夹钳,夹具;灯,照亮;露营,扎营;潮湿,湿气;倾倒,卸下●Implicit, inflict, explicit, solicit, ( soliciter ), elicit●含蓄的,暗示的;造成,使遭受;明确的,清楚的;征求,请求;引起●Muffle, muddle, huddle, cuddle, coddle●消声器,抑制;混乱,混淆;拥挤,挤在一团;拥抱,依偎;宠爱,悉心照顾●Hocus-pocus, tittle-tattle, toil and moil●变戏法,哄骗;闲谈,漫谈;辛苦工作●Irksome(令人厌烦的、讨厌的), lifesome(生动的,有力的), troublesome(麻烦的,讨厌的), handsome, tiresome(无聊的,烦人的), awesome(令人敬畏的,极好的), gruesome (可怕的,阴森的), wholesome(健康的,健全的), fulsome(过度的,令人生厌的), cumbersome(笨重的,难处理的,累赘的), bothersome(麻烦的,令人生厌的), blithesome (愉快的), bunglesome(拙劣的), curvesome =curvaceous(曲线美的,肉体美的)●Brother(兄弟), bother(打扰,麻烦,困扰)●Muster(集合,召集), mustermaster, mustard(芥末), musty(发霉的), musth(狂暴状态)●Arsenic(砒霜,含砷的), arsenal(兵工厂,军械库)●Budget(预算,安排), fidget(烦躁,坐立不安), gadget(小玩意,小配件,小器具)●Ester(), fester(溃烂,化脓), festa(节日,忌日)●Muzzle(枪口,炮口,使…..缄默), nozzle(排气口,喷嘴)●Spam(罐头猪肉,垃圾邮件), span(跨度,范围)●Grope(摸索,探索), grove(小树林,果园), grovel(匍匐,卑躬屈膝), gravel(碎石,砂砾)●Fumble(摸索,笨拙的找、拿)(grope), humble(谦虚的,简陋的,低下的), grumble(抱怨,嘟囔)●Gleam(微光,闪烁), glean(收集), clean(打扫,干净)●Grim(冷酷的,无情的,糟糕的), grin(露齿而笑,咧嘴笑), grit(粗砂,研磨), grime(尘垢,污点,使。



Counting word families
a. Lemmas(the most conservative way) A lemma is a set of related words that consists of the stem form and inflected forms that are all the same part of speech.
3.3 How Should Vocabulary be Learned?
• Meaning-focuses input(Listening and reading) • Meaning-focuses output(Speaking and writing)
• Deliberate vocabulary learning
LisБайду номын сангаасening
a. Low unknown vocabulary load b. Quantity of input----repeated listening (listen to the same story or materials several times over several days) c. Some deliberate attention to the unknown vocabulary can be encouraged by the teacher, 1.Defining unknown items 2.Noting them on the board 3. Allowing learners the opportunity to negotiate their meaning by asking for clarification 4. Non-negotiated learning from context



And the king is living in the palace.
There are so many slaves work for the king.
Senior 1: : • magnitude ['mæɡnitju:d]
n. 1. 【地理学】震级 地理学】 2. 重要性;重大;大量 3. 尺度;大小;长度 4. 音量 5. 品格的高尚;职务或地位的重要 6. 量;量值;数量 7. 【天文学】星等;星的亮度[亦作 visual magnitude,apparent magnitude] • 8.大;巨大(程度);庞大 • • • • • • • •
• Workers may become over involved and do too much for the survivor. • 但工作者会因此变得过于投入并为幸存者做得过多。 • As Bronislaw Geremek, another ghetto survivor, said once, he was "a hero who didn't like heroism". • 正如另一位犹太幸存者盖雷•梅克曾说:他是“一个不喜欢英雄主义 的英雄”。 • First you have to "act like a survivor", then you have to show empathy to your boss and finally be a "good corporate citizen", which means turning up to absolutely everything. • 首先,你的行为举止必须“像一个幸存者”,然后你必须忠于你老 板,最后你要做一个“良好的企业公民”——这意味着你必须对一 切事物表示出热心。



___ ___half a year later we ____ all our things onto a wagon and ____ our farm. We traveled ____ four states and decided to spend the winter before ____ ____. At night, when we ____ , our wagons were driven to form a circle all around the camp fire. ____ ____ the desert, we ____ ____ ____ the Salt Lake Valley, which looked beautiful to us. For many weeks we had been ____ to seeing horses and oxen suffering from heat, thirst, and
作补语 高中阶段只研究分词作宾补的情况 不研究作主补的情况 只有两类动词可以加现在分词作宾补 1)感官动词:see hear watch feel notice observe keep find listen to look at 2)使役动词:have get catch leave set 值得注意的是:要想用现在分词来作宾补 只能是用于这些 词后 但是并不代表这些动词后的宾补形式都要用现在分词(有 些后面可以加不带to的不定式作宾补) eg.I saw him singing now. Don't have the students studying all day. 注意 :宾语与作宾补充的现在分词之间存在逻辑上的主谓 关系 即宾语是现在分词动作的发出者 至于 现在分词作主语补足语的情况只须知道上述动词的被 动语态形式中的现在分词作的是主补即可 无须深入


3. 放学后,我经常和我的朋友一起回家。 I often __g_o___ __h_o_m_e_ __w_i_t_h_ my friends _a_f_t_e_r_ school.
3. Millie likes listening to music. She has __l_o_t_s_o_f_____ CDs.
4. I like reading. I’m in _t_h_e_R__e_a_d_in_g__C_lu_b___. 5. Daniel enjoys playing computer games. He
3. He talks to his friends on the phone for half an _h_o_u_r____ (our) every day.
4. Amy doesn’t like _d_a_n_c_in_g__ (dance). 5. The _f_i_r_s_t___ (one) of October is the
9. fly (第三人称单数形式) flies 10. dance (-ing形式)dancing
1. Jack likes helping his frienБайду номын сангаасs. He is very _h_e_lp_f_u_l_ (help).
2. Susan is a good student. She wants to be the _b_e_s_t___ (good) student in her class.
1. 许多 2. 寻找 3. 长大 4. 读书俱乐部 5. 吃早饭
1. My brother wants to be a computer programmer when he __g_r_o_w_s__up____.



Vocabulary (B班)1.expectation [ekspek’teiʃən] n. 期待2.existence [iɡ’zistəns] n. 存在3.talent [’tælənt] n. 才能,天资;人才4.requirement [ri’kwaiəmənt] n. 要求,必要条件5.appearance [ə’piərəns] n. 出现;外貌6.gratitude [’ɡrætitju:d] n. 感激,感谢7.attitude [’ætitju:d] n. 态度,看法;姿态,姿势8.creativity [’kri:ei’tivəti] n. 创造力;创意9.significant [siɡ’nifikənt] adj. 相当数量的;重要的,意义重大的10.inevitable [in’evitəbl] adj. 不可避免的,必然(发生)的11.available [ə’veiləbl] adj. 现成可使用的,在手边的;可取得联系的12.forbid [fə’bid] vt. 禁止petition [’kɔmpi’tiʃən] n. 竞争,比赛14. impressive [im’presiv] adj. 给人印象深刻的15. management [’mænidʒmənt] n. 管理;管理部门;管理人员16. recycle [ri:’saikl] vt. 回收利用(废物等)17. circumstance [’sə:kəmstəns] n. 环境,条件;[pl.]境况,经济状况18. purchase [’pə:tʃəs] vt. 购买;n. 购买,购买的东西19. leisure [’leʒə] n. 空闲时间;悠闲,安逸20. moreover [mɔ:’rəuvə] adv. 而且,此外21. conclusion [kən’klu:ʒən] n. 结论,推论;结尾22. outcome [autkʌm] n. 结果23. fascinating [fæsineitiŋ]adj. 迷人的,有吸引力的24. improvement [im’pru:vmənt] n. 改进,增进25. reasonable [ri:zənəbl] adj. 通情达理的;合理的;(价钱)公道的26. loyalty [lɔiəlti] n. 忠诚,忠心27. poverty [pɔvəti] n. 贫穷,贫困28. resent [ri’zent] vt. 对……表示愤恨,怨恨29. crisis [kraisis] n. 危机;决定性时刻,关键阶段30. influence [influəns] n. 影响,影响力;势力,权势;vt. 影响31. considerate [kən’sidərit] adj. 体贴的,体谅的32. abolish [ə’bɔliʃ] vt. 彻底废除,废止33. standpoint [’stændpɔint] n. 立场; 观点34. punctual [’pʌŋktʃuəl] adj. 严守时间的;准时的35. worldwide [’wə:ldwaid] adj./adv. 世界范围(的),全世界(的)36. corruption [kə’rʌpʃən] n. 腐败,贪污,堕落37. convince [kən’vins] vt. 使确信,使信服,说服38. plentiful [’plentiful] a. 丰富的,充足的,大量的39. astonish [əs’tɔniʃ] vt. 使惊讶40. representative [’repri’zentətiv]n.代表,代理人a. (of)有代表性的,典型的41. accurate [’ækjurit]adj. ①正确无误的;②准确的,精确的42. curiosity [’kjuəri’ɔsiti]n. ①好奇(心);②奇物,奇事,古玩43. ridiculous [ri’dikjuləs] adj. 可笑的,荒谬的44. denial [di’naiəl] n. ①否认②拒绝,拒绝给予45. neglect [ni’ɡlekt] vt. ①忽视,忽略;②疏忽,玩忽;n. 疏忽,玩忽46. exaggerate [iɡ’zædʒəreit] v.夸大,夸张47. background [’bækɡraund] n.①出身背景,经历;②背景资料48. fearful [’fiəful] adj. ①可怕的,吓人的;②不安的,忧虑的49. thoughtful [’θɔ:tful] adj. ①沉思的,思考的;②体贴的,关心的50. doubtful [’dautful] adj. ①难以预测的,未定的;②怀疑的,可疑的51. investigate [in’vestiɡeit] v. 调查,调查研究52. endurance [in’djuərəns] n. 忍耐力,持久(力),耐久(性)53. relevant [’reləvənt] adj. 有关的,切题的54. reputation [’repju’teiʃən] n.名气,名声,名誉55. impulse [’impʌls] n.①冲动,一时的念头;②推动,驱使56. reunion[’ri:’ju:niən]n. ①重聚,团聚;②(久别后)聚会,联谊活动57. analyze/-yse [’ænəlaiz] vt. 分析,观察58. inspire [in’spaiə] vt.①鼓舞,激起;②给…以灵感59. urgent [’ə:dʒənt] a.急迫的,紧要的60. recruit [ri’kru:t] vt.招募(新兵),吸收(新成员);n. 新兵,新成员61. skillful [’skilful] a.灵巧的,娴熟的62. ambition [æm’biʃən]n. ①雄心,野心;②企望得到的东西63.initiative [i’niʃiətiv] n. ①主动性,首创精神;②主动权64. prosperity [prɔs’periti] n.兴旺,繁荣65. assure [ə’ʃuə] vt.①使确信,使放心②确保,保证66. insurance [in’ʃuərəns] n. 保险,保险费67. invitation [’ɪnvi’teiʃən] n. ①邀请;②邀请书,请柬68. imagination [i’mædʒi’neiʃən] n. ①想象,想象力;②想象出来的事物69. encounter [in’kauntə] vt./n. 遇到,遭遇70. enhance [in’hɑ:ns] vt.提高,加强71. enrich [in’ritʃ] vt. ①充实,使丰富;②使富裕,使富有72.environment [in’vaiərənmənt] n.环境,周围状况73.identity [ai’dentiti] n. ①身份;②个性,特征;③同一性,一致性ponent [kəm’pəunənt] n.组成部分,部件;a.组成的,构成的75.opponent [ə’pəunənt] n. ①敌手,对手;②反对者76.postpone [’pəust’pəun] vt.推迟,延期parable [’kɔmpərəbl] a. (with, to) ①可比较的,类似的;②比得上的78.ideal [ai’diəl] a. ①理想的;②想象的,空想的;n. ①理想;②理想人或物79.reveal [ri’vi:l] vt. ①揭露,泄露;②展现,显示80.acknowledge [ək’nɔlidʒ] vt. ①承认;②告知收到,确认;③对…表示感谢81.region [’ri:dʒən] n. ①地区,区域;②范围,幅度82.favo(u)rite [’feivərit] a.特别受喜爱的;n.特别喜爱的人(或物)83.humo(u)r [’hju:mə] n. ①幽默;②情绪,心境84.violate [’vaiəleit] vt. ①违反,违背;②侵犯,妨碍85.advantage [əd’vɑ:ntidʒ] n. ①优点,有利条件;②利益,好处86.shortage [’ʃɔ:tidʒ] n.不足,缺少87.vocabulary [və’kæbjuləri] n. ①词汇(量)②词汇表88.freeway [’fri:wei] n. 高速公路89.subway [’sʌbwei] n. ①地铁;②地下过道90.obvious [’ɔbviəs] a.显然的,明显的91. previous [’pri:viəs] a. ①先前的;②(to)在……之前92. shelter [’ʃeltə] n. ①躲避处;②掩蔽,保护;v.掩蔽,庇护93.intermediate [ɪntə’mi:djət] a. ①中间的;②中级的94.volume [’vɔlju:m] n. ①卷,册;②体积,容积;③音量95.atmosphere [’ætməsfiə] n. ①大气,大气层;②气氛,环境96.sincere [sin’siə] a.诚挚的,真诚的97.supreme [sju: ’pri:m] a. ①最高的;②极度的,最重要的98.massive [’mæsiv] a. ①大的;大块的;②大量的,大规模的99.career [kə’riə] n.生涯,职业100. married [’mærid] a.已婚的,婚姻的101. substitute [’sʌbstitju:t] n. 替代品;vt. 代替;vi. (for)代替102. obstacle [’ɔbstəkl] n. 障碍(物),妨碍103. evidence [’evidəns] n.证据,迹象104. advisable [əd’vaizəbl] adj. 可取的,适当的,明智的105. interview [’intəvju:] n.①接见;②访谈;③面试;vt.①面试;②采访106. tendency [’tendənsi] n. 趋向,趋势107. extensive [iks’tensiv] adj. 广大的;大量的108. intention [in’tenʃən] n. 意图,目的109. effective [i’fektiv] adj. 有效的,起作用的110. efficient [i’fiʃənt] adj. 效率高的,有能力的111. sufficient [sə’fiʃənt] adj. 足够的,充分的112. application [æpli’keiʃən] n. 申请,申请表;应用,实用性113. accelerate [æk’seləreit] v. (使)加快,(使)增速114. optimistic [ɔpti’mistik] a.乐观(主义)的115. deserve [di’zə:v] vt.应得,值得116. observe [əb’zə:v] vt.注意到,观察117. election [i’lekʃən] n.①选举,推举;②当选118. intelligent [in’telidʒənt] a.聪明的,有才智的119. interact [’ɪntər’ækt] vi.相互作用,相互影响120. particularly [pə’tikjuləli] adv.特别,尤其121. distinguish [dis’tiŋɡwiʃ] vt.①区分,辨别;②(oneself)使杰出,使扬名122. stimulate [’stimjuleit] vt.刺激,激励123. compensate [’kɔmpenseit] v.补偿,抵消124. dependent [di’pendənt] adj.依靠的,依赖的125. independent [ɪndi’pendənt] adj.①独立的,自主的;②中立的126. expense [iks’pens] n.花费,开支127. troublesome [’trʌblsəm] adj.令人烦恼的,麻烦的128. emphasis [’emfəsis] n.强调,重点129. ignorance [’iɡnərəns] n.无知,愚昧130. temper [’tempə] n.脾气,情绪;vt.调和,缓和131. conference [’kɔnfərəns] n.①(正式)会议;②讨论,商谈132. preferable [’prefərəbl] adj.更可取的,更好的133. productive [prə’dʌktiv] adj.①多产的,富饶的;②富有成效的134. financial [fai’nænʃəl] adj.财政的,金融的135. definite [’definit] adj.明确的,肯定的136. consequence [’kɔnsikwəns] n①结果,后果;②重要性137. subsequent [’sʌbsikwənt] a.随后的,后来的138. formal [’fɔ:məl] adj.①正式的,正规的;②形式的,表面的139. performance [pə’fɔ:məns] n①演出;②履行,执行;③工作情况,表现140. respond [ri’spɔnd] vi.①回答,答复;②(to)做出反应141. responsible [ri’spɔnsəbl] adj.①承担责任的;②有责任感的142. patience [’peiʃəns] n.忍耐,耐心143. passion [’pæʃən] n①激情,热情;②酷爱144. sympathy [’simpəθi]n.同情,同情心145. earnest [’ə:nist] adj.认真的,诚挚的,热切的146. protest [’prəutest]n.抗议,反对;v.抗议,反对147. ceremony [’seriməni] n. ①典礼,仪式;②礼节,礼仪148. afterward(s) [’ɑ:ftəwədz]ad.以后,后来149. mystery [’mistəri]n.①神秘;②神秘的人(或事物)150. insane [in’sein] a. ①荒唐的;②精神失常的,疯狂的。



15.[13-倒3]elaborate:adj. 精心制作的;详尽的;煞费苦心的 vi.作详细阐述(~ on/upon sth) A spokesman declined to ~ on a statement released late yesterday. vt.详细制定;精心制作 ~ policy 16.[15-3]mail out:寄出;发出 同义词:send out emit 17.[16-5]sequence:n.一系列; 一连串(a ~ of) 次序; 顺序(in ~:依次,逐一)
18.[17-2]emerging:adj. 新兴的;出现的;形成的 emerge:vi. ①(从视线以外的地方) 出现; 出来(~ form) ②显露 (事实、结果) No new evidence ~ during the investigation.
It emerged that the company was going to be sold. 事已清楚,这 家公司准备售出. 19.[15-倒4]:measurable:adj. 可测量的;重要的;重大的 ~ improvements 显著的改进 20.[21-3]counteract:vt. 抵消;中和;阻碍 These exercises aim to ~ the effects of stress and tension.这 些训练旨在抵消压力与紧张的影响. 21.[24-倒2]drastically:adv. 彻底地;激烈地 drastic:adj. 激烈的;猛烈的;极端的 ~ measures/changes 严厉的措施;剧烈的变化 22.fuel-efficient:节能的 -efficient:“效率高的”,“充分利用的”:costefficient,energy-efficient

vocabulary 词汇表

vocabulary 词汇表

spectacular via borough
adj prep n
a small change or improvement a document; that the of is made to a law or process document
happening at the same time to be a typical of Her early work is exemplified in her book, ‘A Study of Children's Minds’. Knead the dough on a floured surface
pharmaceutical products
making and selling
I could hear him mumbling to himself
to speak
or say something in a quiet voice in a way clear that is not Don't get upset—I was only
happening or existing at the same time concerning most basic the and

Vocabulary 必修1

Vocabulary 必修1

V ocabulary A a(great)number of 许多;大量的accent ['æksənt]n.口音;腔调;重音accept [ək'sept]vt.接受;许可vi.承认;同意according [ə'kɔ:diŋ]adv.依照according to 按照;依据accordingly [ə'kɔ:diŋli]adv.按照;依据active ['æktiv]adj.积极的;活跃的actually ['æktʃu:əli]adv.实际上;事实上AD 公元add [æd]vt.增加;添加;补充说vi.加;加起来;增添add up 合计advice [əd'vais]n.忠告;建议advise [əd'vaiz]vt.劝告;忠告afterthought ['æftə.θɔ:t]n.回想;事后的思考altitude ['æltitju:d]n.海拔高度;高处Amsterdam ['æmstə'dæm]n阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都)ANC非国大;非洲人国民大会;非洲民族会议(African National Congress)anti - ['ænti](前缀)反;抗;阻anti-back adj.反黑人的apartment [ə'pɑ:tmənt]n.(美)公寓住宅;单元住宅army ['ɑ:mi]n.陆军;军队as matter of fact 事实上at an end 结束;终结atlas ['ætləs]n.地图;地图集attitude ['ætitju:d]n.态度;看法Bbecause of 因为;由于Bible ['baibl] n.《圣经》blanket ['blæŋkit] n.毛毯;毯子block [blɔk]n.街区;块;木块;石块blow up使充气;爆炸boss [bɔs]n.老板;上司brave [breiv]adj.勇敢的brick [brik]n.砖;砖块Buford n.布福德(姓氏;男子名)burst [bə:st]vi.(burst,burst)爆裂;爆发n.突然破裂;爆发bury ['beri]vt.埋葬;掩埋;隐藏Ccalm [kɑ:m] adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着vt.&vi(使)平静;(使)镇定calm down 平静下来;镇定下来Cambodia [kæm'bəudiə]n.高棉;柬埔寨camp [kæmp]n.营地;阵营vt.设营;扎营canal [kə'næl]n.运河;水道candy ['kændi]n.<美>糖果(=<英>sweets)canyon ['kænjən]n.峡谷catfish ['kætfiʃ]n.鲶鱼change one’s mind 改变注意cheat [tʃi:t]n.欺骗;骗子vt.&vi.欺骗;骗取coal [kəul]n.煤coal mine 煤矿come to power当权;上台come up 走近;上来command [kə'mɑ:nd]n.命令;指令;掌握vt.&vi.命令;指挥;支配communicate [kə'mju:nikeit]vi.交际;沟通;传达;(感情、信息等)concern [kən'sə:n]vt.涉及;关系到n. 关心;关注;(利害)关系be concern about 关心;挂念continue [kən'tinju:]vt.&vi.继续crack [kræk]n.裂缝;噼啪声vt.&vi.(使)开裂;破裂crazy ['kreizi]adj.疯狂的;狂热的criminal ['kriminəl]n.犯罪;犯罪者cruelty ['kru:əlti]n.残忍;残酷culture ['kʌltʃə]n.文化;文明cycle ['saikl]vi.骑自行车Ddam [dæm]n. 水坝;堰堤dare [dɛə]vt.&v.aux.敢;胆敢degree [di'gri:]n.度数;程度;学位delta ['deltə]n.三角州destroy [dis'trɔi]vt.破坏;毁坏;消灭detail ['di:teil]n.细节;详情determine [di'tə:min]vt.决定;确定;下决心determined [di'tə:mind]adj.坚决的;决心的dialect ['daiəlekt]n.方言dig out 掘出;发现direction [di'rekʃən]n.方向;指导(常用复数)指示;说明(书)dirt [də:t]n.污垢;泥土disaster [di'zɑ:stə]n.灾难;灾祸Eeastern ['i:stən]adj.东方的;东部的editor ['editə]n.编辑educated ['edjukeitid]adj.受过教育的;有教养的electricity [.ilek'trisiti]n.电;电流;电学elevator ['eliveitə]n.电梯;升降机Elias [i'laiəs]伊莱亚斯(男名)entirely [in'taiəli]adv.完全地;全然地;整个地equal ['i:kwəl]adj.相等的;平等的Europe ['juərəp]n.欧洲Fface to face 面对面地fall in love 相爱;爱上familiar [fə'miljə]adj.熟悉的fare [fɛə]n.费用fee [fi:]n.费(会费、学费等);酬金feeling ['fi:liŋ]n.感觉;感情fight [fait]vt.&vi.打仗;搏斗n.打仗;打架;争论finally ['fainəli]adv.最后;终于flat [flæt]n.<英>公寓住宅;单元住宅adj.平的;平坦的fresh [freʃ]adj.新的;新鲜的;无经验的G△Gandhi ['gændi:]甘地(人名)gas [gæs]n.气体;汽油;煤气;毒气German ['dʒə:mən]n.德国人;德语adj.德国的;德国人的;德语的get along with 与……相处;进展get in 投降;屈服;让步give out 分布;发出(气味、热等)glacier ['glæsjə]n.冰河go through 经历;经受gold [gəuld]n.黄金;金币adj.金的;金制的gossip vi.&n. 闲话;闲谈government ['gʌvənmənt]n.政府guard [gɑ:d]n.守卫;警戒;看守Hhabit ['hæbit]n.习惯;习性have got to 不得不;必须hero ['hiərəu]n.英雄;男主角;勇士hide away 躲藏;隐藏Ho Chi Minh City n.胡志明市(越南城市)honour n.荣誉;光荣;尊敬;敬意vt.尊敬;给予荣誉Iidentity [ai'dentiti]n.本身;本体;身份ignore [ig'nɔ:]vt.不理睬;忽视in order to 为了in trouble 处于不幸中;在监禁中include [in'klu:d]vt.包括;包含indoors ['in'dɔ:z]adv.在室内;入室内injure ['indʒə]vt&vi.损害;伤害insist [in'sist]vt.坚持;强调international [.intə'næʃənəl]adj.国际的;世界的invader [in'veidə]n,侵略者JJewish ['dʒu:iʃ]adj.犹太人的;犹太族的Johannesburg [dʒəu'hænisbə:g]n.约翰内斯堡【南非(阿扎尼亚)东北部城市】join in 参加;加入journal ['dʒə:nl]n日记;杂志;定期刊物judge [dʒʌdʒ]n.裁判员;法官vt.断定;判断;判决LLaos ['lauz]n.老挝国(东南亚国家)law [lɔ:]n.法律;法学;规律leader ['li:də]n.领导;领袖league [li:g]n.同盟;联盟;联合会Lester ['lestə]n.莱斯特(姓氏;男子名)lightning ['laitniŋ]n.闪电list [list]vt.列出livelihood ['laivlihud]n.生计;谋生loose [lu:s]adj.松的;松散的;松开的Lori 罗丽(女名)lorry ['lɔri]n.<英>卡车(=<美>truck)lose heart 丧失勇气或信心MMalaysia [mə'leiʃə]马来西亚(东南亚国家)马来群岛Mekong ['mei'kɔŋ]湄公河midwestern ['mid'westən]adj.中西部的;有中西部特性的mine [main]n.矿;矿山;矿井miner ['mainə]n.矿工modern ['mɔdən]adj.近代的;现代的;时髦的Nnationalism ['næʃənəlizəm]n.民族主义;国家主义native ['neitiv]n.本地人;本国人adj.本国的;本地的nature ['neitʃə]n.自然;自然界Nazi ['nɑ:tsi:]n.纳粹党人adj.纳粹党的Nelson Mandela 纳尔逊曼德拉(人名)Netherlands ['neðələndz]n.荷兰Noah Webster 若亚.韦伯斯特(1758-1843 美国词典编著家)northwestern adj.西北方的;来自西北的Oorganize vt.&vi 组织;组织起来out of work 失业outdoors ['aut'dɔ:z]adv.在户外;在野外Ppassbook ['pɑ:sbuk]n.南非共和国有色人种的身份证peaceful ['pi:sfəl]adj.和平的;平静的;安宁的percent [pə'sent]n.百分百;百分数period ['piəriəd]n.时期;学期;周期persuade [pə'sweid]vt.说服;劝说petrol ['petrəl]n.<英>汽油(=<美>gasoline)Phnom Penh 金边(柬埔寨首都)phrase [freiz]n.短语;词语;惯用语pipe [paip]n.管;导管plain [plein]n.平原;草原play a part(in)扮演角色;参与play a role (in)在……中担任角色;在……中起作用point [pɔint]n.点;尖端;分数polite [pə'lait]adj.有礼貌的;客气的pond [pɔnd]n.池塘position [pə'ziʃən]n.位置;职位;形势power ['pauə]n.能力;力量;权力prepare [pri'pɛə]vt.准备;预备;调制present ['preznt,pri'zent]adj.现在的;出席的;到场的president ['prezidənt]n.总统;会长;校长;行长principle ['prinsəpl]n.法则;原则;原理prison ['prizn]n.监狱prisoner ['prizənə]n.囚犯;战俘proper ['prɔpə]adj.适当的;恰当的properly ['prɔpəli]adv.适当地;恰当地purpose ['pə:pəs]n.目的;意图on purpose 故意put… in prison 把……投入监狱Qquake [kweik]n.地震quality ['kwɔliti]n.质量;品质;性质questionnaire [.kwestʃən'ɛ]n.调查表;问卷quiz [kwiz]n.测验;提问vt.对……进行测验Rrapids n.急流rapidly ['ræpidli]adv.迅速地reason ['ri:zn]n.理由;原因recognize ['rekəgnaiz]vt.辨认出;承认;公认record ['rekɔ:d,ri'kɔ:d]vt.&vi.记录;录音n.记录;唱片republic [ri'pʌblik]n.共和国;共和政体request [ri'kwest]n.&vt.援救;营救retell [ri:'tel]vt.复述;重述reward [ri'wɔ:d]n.报酬;奖金vt酬劳;奖赏right [rait]n.权利right away 立刻;马上rise [raiz]vi.上升;升起n.上升;增加;上涨role [rəul]n.角色;任务rubber ['rʌbə]n. 橡皮;橡胶ruin ['ruin]n.废墟;毁灭vt.&vi.(使)破产;毁灭rule [ru:l]vt.&vi.统治;支配;管辖Ssentence ['sentəns]vt.判决,宣判be sentence to 被判处……(徒刑)series ['siəri:z]n.连续;系列a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套set down 放下;记下;登记set up 设立;建立shake [ʃeik]v.&n.摇动;摇;颤抖;震动Shakespeare [ʃeikspir]莎士比亚(1564-1616美国剧作家,诗人)share [ʃɛə]vt.分享;均分;分担n.一份;份额shelter ['ʃeltə]n.掩蔽;掩蔽处;避身处shock [ʃɔk]vt.&vi(使)震惊;震动n.休克;打击;震惊shorts [ʃɔ:ts]n.短裤sincerely [sin'siəli]adv.真诚地Singapore [.siŋgə'pɔ:]新加坡(东南亚国家)situation [.sitju'eiʃən].情形;境遇;(建筑物等的)位置smelly ['smeli]adj.发臭的;有臭味的source [sɔ:s]n.来源;水源southeastern [sauθ'i:stən]adj.东南方的;来自东南的southern ['sʌðən]adj.南方的;南部的Spanish ['spæniʃ]adj.西班牙的;西班牙人的;西班牙语的n.西班牙人;西班牙语speech [spi:tʃ]n. 演说;讲话△spellbind ['spelbaind]vt. (spellbound,spellbound)迷住;迷惑stage [steidʒ]n.舞台;阶段;时期standard ['stændəd]n.标准;规格adj.标准的;第一流的steam [sti:m]n.蒸汽;水汽steel [sti:l]n.钢铁;钢stubborn ['stʌbən]adj.顽固的;固执的subway ['sʌbwei]n.地下人行道(美)地铁such as 例如……;像这种的suffer ['sʌfə]vt.&vi.遭受;经理;忍受survey [sə:'vei]n.调查survivor [sə'vaivə]n.幸存者;生还者;残存物Tteenager ['ti:n.eidʒə]n.十几岁的青少年terror ['terə]n.恐怖;可怕的人;恐怖时期;恐怖活动Texas ['teksəs]n.德克萨斯州(美国州名)thousands of 成千上万thunder ['θʌndə]n.雷;雷声vi.打雷;雷鸣Tibetan [ti'betən]adj.西藏的;藏族的;藏族人的n.西藏语;西藏人;藏族人topic ['tɔpik]n.话题;主题Transkei [træns'kei, -'kai]特兰斯凯[南非(阿扎尼亚)东南部一地区特兰撕凯(南非东南部一地区)transport [træns'pɔ:t]n.vt.运送;运输trust [trʌst]vt.&n.信任;信赖Uupset [ʌp'set]vt.&vi.(upset,upset,upsetting)使不安,使心烦adj.心烦意乱的;不适的;不舒服的usage ['ju:sidʒ]n.使用;用法;词语惯用法useless ['ju:slis]adj.无用的;无效的;无意的Vvalley ['væli]n.(山)谷;流域Vientiane [vjen'tjɑ:n]n.万象(老挝首都)Vietnam [.viət'næm]n.越南violence ['vaiələns]n.暴力;暴行vocabulary [və'kæbjuləri]n..词汇;词汇表;词表vote [vəut]n.投票;选票;表决vt.&vi.投票;选举Wwalk the dog 遛狗waterfall ['wɔ:təfɔ:l]n.瀑布well [wel]n.井William Tyndale 威廉.延代乐(人名)willing ['wiliŋ]adj.乐意的;自愿的worry about 担心Yyouth [ju:θ]n.青年;青年时期Youth League 青年团。


CET-4 Vocabulary
Love English
Love Vocabulary
Li Guodong, School of Education Science
要求: 1.领会式掌握4795个英语单词和700个常用词组; 2.复用式掌握其中2000个左右的常用单词和200个 常用词组; 3.掌握一定数量的常用词缀,并能根据构词法和语境识 别常见的派生词。 4.适当了解一些热点词汇 (eg.火锅;禽流感;地震;海啸;春晚;清明节) 策略: 1.掌握常用构词法(增强对词汇的理解,扩大词汇量) 2.利用记忆规律复习词汇(提高词汇记忆效率) 复习参考用书: 《新要求大学英语词汇 巧记﹒速记﹒ 精炼》 (马德高· 星火式4级)
理解记忆比机械记忆更深刻 不平衡(先中间后两头) 遗忘 先快后慢
词汇考查要点: 词义、词性、搭配以及近形词、近义词的辨析 复习对策: • 掌握大纲中每一词的音、形、性、义及其搭配 • 借助构词,理解记忆 • 借助阅读,猜词记忆 • 借助场景,归类记忆 • 借助近义词,扩张记忆 • 借助反义词,逆向记忆 • 借助近形词,辨析记忆 Don’t forget our public mail box • 关注一词多义和同义词组 (参见《英语词汇学习漫谈》)
-ate -en -fy -ize activate使活跃 strengthen加强 magnify使放大 modernize现代化 concentrate集中 deepen加深 classify分类 professionalize专业化
细心地 向东




I realized we were all on the same path of thinking about change ,……

On a Tuesday afternoon, Kamel and four of his friends-some fellow activists, some not-tour the burned and ransacked state security headquarters in the center of Damanhour, a few miles away from where Leabharlann is family’s home.

associate (n.) 1.準學士(獲得兩年制高校學位) 2.夥伴
echo (n.) 1. 回音 2. 啟示 3. 共鳴;附和

activism (n.) 激進主義 amateur /ˈ æ m·əˈ tʃər / (adj.) 1.業餘的 2. 生疏的 terrorist tactic 恐怖戰術 totalitarian regime 極權政權

divide (v.)劃分;使對立;使分開 (n.)分歧;不和
ex: The teacher divided our class into four groups.

debate (n.)(v.)辯論 同義:argue fellow (n.) 傢伙;夥伴;同事 (adj.)同伴的;同類的
(Damanhour was destroyed)

Destroyed on the night of Jan.28, Egypt’s nationwide day of rage, it is now an ad-hoc museum to the horrors inflicted by Mubarak’s regime on the Egyptian people. 省and (then)

Vocabulary 总词汇表

Vocabulary       总词汇表

V ocabulary 总词汇表Aa 一about 关于abroad 在(到)国外absent 缺席的accountant 会计across 越过,横过activity 活动address 地址admiration 钦佩,赞美adult 成年人advertisement 广告afraid 害怕,担心after 在……之后afternoon 下午afterward 后来again 再,又age 年龄agent 代理(商)agree 同意,赞成airport 机场alarm 警报,惊慌,警告器album 相册all 一切(的),全部(的)all over the world 全世界almost 几乎,差不多alone 单独,孤独always 总是America 美国American 美国的;美国人amount 总额and 和another 另一个;另外的answer 回答;答案apple 苹果any 任何一种,任何apology 道歉April 四月area 区域,地区April Fool’s Day 愚人节armchair 扶手椅army 军队around 大约arrive 到达arrive at 到达……as 当作as well 也ask 问,要求astronaut 宇航员at 在at least 至少,起码at the baker’s 在面包店at the greengrocer’s 在蔬菜水果店at the stationer’s 在文具店at the weekend 在周末atmosphere 气氛attend 参加August 八月Australia 澳大利亚autumn 秋天Bbaby 婴孩back 回来;后面,背面bad 坏的bake 烤baker 面包商,面包师ball 球ballpoint-pen 圆珠笔banana 香蕉band 乐队bank 银行bar 条,杆bathroom 浴室;卫生间bathtub 浴缸be 是be broken 坏掉的,断掉的be going to 将要be good at 善于……beach 海滩bean 豆beautiful 美丽的,漂亮的become 成为,变得bed 床bedroom 卧室bedside table 床边柜beef 牛肉beer 啤酒begin 开始behind 在……后面believe 相信bell 铃,钟belong 属于below (位置)在……之下bend 弯曲,屈服Berlin 柏林beside 在……旁边best 最好的(地)between 在……之间(常指两者之间)bicycle 自行车big 大的biology 生物学birthday 生日biscuit 饼干bite 咬black 黑色(的)blackboard 黑板blouse (妇女、儿童穿的)短上衣blue 蓝色(的)boil 煮沸boiling point 沸点book 书bookcase 书橱boring 令人厌烦的both 两者,双方bottle 瓶子boutique 专卖流行衣服的小商店bowl 碗box 盒子,箱子boy 男孩Brazil 巴西Brazilian 巴西人;巴西的bread 面包break 课间休息breakfast 早饭bright 明亮的bring 拿来,带来Britain 英国British 英国的,英国人broom 扫帚brother 兄弟brown 棕色的building 建筑物bus 公共汽车business 商业,生意busy 忙的but 但是butterfly 蝴蝶buy 买by bus 乘公共汽车Ccabbage 卷心菜cafeteria 自助餐馆cake 蛋糕call 打电话caller 呼叫者,打电话的人camp 野营(地)can 能;会(表示能力)可以(表示许可)Canada 加拿大Canberra 堪培拉capital 首都card 卡片care 注意;照料carrot 胡萝卜carry 携带cassette 盒子,盒式磁带cathedral 大教堂CD 光盘celebrate 庆祝celebration 庆祝Celsius 摄氏的cent分(美国、加拿大等国的货币单位)centigrade 摄氏温度的century 世纪chair 椅子chalk 粉笔change 改变chart 图表chat 闲谈,聊天cheap 便宜的check 查核,核对cheese 乳酪chemistry 化学cheeseburger 夹干酪和碎牛肉的三明治,放有干酪的肉饼chess 国际象棋chicken 鸡肉child 儿童(单数)children儿童(复数)China 中国Chinese中国的;中国人;中文chips 炸薯条choose 选择Christmas 圣诞节church 教堂cinema 电影院,电影city 城市class 班级classic 古典的classmate 同学classroom 教室clean 干净的;打扫clear 清澈的,光亮的clerk 职员clip 回形针clock 时钟clothes 衣服(总称) cloudy 多云的,阴天的coach 汽车coat 大衣,外套code 号码coffee 咖啡college 大学,学院colour 颜色come 来come in进来common共同的,公共的communication交流,联络compare 比较complete 完成computer 计算机computer game 电脑游戏conversation 会话cook 厨师cookie 小甜片corn 玉米,谷物corner 角落correction 订正,修改correction fluid 修正液corridor 走廊country 国家countryside 乡村course 过程,经过cousin 堂(表)兄弟(姐妹) cover 蒙;盖cup 杯子currency 货币customer 顾客Ddaily 日常的dance 舞;跳舞date 日期,日子day 天,白天December 十二月decorate 装饰deep 深的degree 度deliver 送;投递,交付dentist 牙科医生depart 离开,出发desk 书桌,课桌desk-mate 同桌的同学develop 发展dictionary 字典,词典different 不同的difficulty 困难dime (美国、加拿大的)1角硬币dining table 餐桌disc 软盘disco 迪吧discount 折扣dish 盘,菜dish-washer 洗碗机distinct 明显的do 做do one’s homework 做作业dollar 元(美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国的货币单位)door 门dormitory 宿舍down 向下download 网上下载draw 画dress 服装,女服dressing table 梳妆台drink 喝;饮料drive 开车drizzle 细雨,下毛毛雨drought 干旱dry 干燥的during 在……期间,在……的时候dustbin 垃圾桶Dutch 荷兰人;荷兰语;荷兰的duty 值日Eeach 每个,各early 早的earth 地球east 东方Easter 复活节eat 吃economical 节约的egg 蛋eggplant 茄子eight 八eighty 八十either 或者,要么;也(不)electric 电的electric fan 电扇eleven 十一else 此外,另外,其他e-mail 电子邮件end 末尾;结束engineer 工程师England 英国English 英国的;英语English-speaking 说英语的enjoy 享受,欣赏enough 足够的enter 进入entrance 入口equator 赤道eraser 橡皮especially 特别,尤其European 欧洲的even 甚至evening 傍晚;晚上(从日落到就寝)every 每个的everyday 日常的everywhere 处处excellent 出色的except 除……之外excursion 郊游excuse 原谅exercise 练习exercise book 练习本exhibition 展览会,展览品exit 出口expensive 昂贵的express 表达eye 眼睛Ffabulous 惊人的,难以置信的face 脸Fahrenheit 华氏温度计的fall 落下family 家庭family tree 家谱fantastic 幻想的,奇异的far 远的farm 农场fast 快的,很快的father 父亲favourite 最喜欢的(特别喜欢的人或物)fax 传真fax machine 传真机February 二月fee 费feel 感觉fence 篱笆fifteen 十五fifty 五十fill 填满finally 最后,终于fine 好的finish 完成fire brigade 消防队fireplace 壁炉first 第一的;首先,最初fish 鱼fit 合适的five 五fixed 固定的flag 旗帜flat 一套房间floor 楼层follow 跟随,接着food 食物fool 愚人,傻瓜for 为了for the first time 第一次forecast 预报foreign 外国的fortune 财富,运气forty 四十four 四fourteen 十四France 法国free 自由的free of charge 免费free time 空闲时间freeze (使)结冰freezing 寒冷的freezing point 凝固点,结冰点French 法国的French fries 炸薯条,炸土豆片fresh 新鲜的Friday 星期五friend 朋友from 从……来front 前面;前部fruit 水果full 全部,完整;满的;完整的furniture 家具future 将来Ggallery 美术馆game 比赛,游戏garden 花园gas-cooker 煤气灶gas-stove 煤气灶gate 大门geography 地理German 德国人;德语;德国(人)的get 得到;获得,收到,接到Germany 德语的get used to 习惯于gift 礼物girl 女孩give 给give sb. A ring 给某人打电话glue 胶水go 去go away 走开,离开go for a walk 散步go skating 去溜冰go surfing 冲浪go to bed 去睡觉go to church 做礼拜golden 金色的good 好的goodbye 再见good night 晚安grab 抢夺,夺取grade 年级granddaughter 孙女grandfather 祖父,外祖父grandmother 祖母,外祖母grandparents (外)祖父、母grandson 孙子grape 葡萄greedy 贪婪的green 绿色(的)greengrocer 蔬菜水果商Greenwich Observatory格林尼治天文台greeting 招呼grey 灰色group 组guest 客人guy 家伙,人Hhair 头发half 半,一半Halloween 万圣节hamburger 汉堡包hand 手happy 高兴的harvest 收获have 有have a lesson 上一节课have a look 看一看he 他head 头head-teacher 校长hear 听,听到hear from 收到……的信heavily 沉重的heavy 重的,大的hello 喂help 帮助hemisphere (地球的)半球her 她here 在这里hers 她的(东西)hi 嗨hide 藏high 高hike 远足him 他(宾格)his 他的history 历史hold 拿着Hold on(打电话时)不挂断holiday 假期home 家;住宅homework 家庭作业horse 马hospital 医院host主人hot热的hot dog 热狗hour 小时housewife 家庭主妇Hyde Park 海德公园II 我ice 冰idea 主意identity card 身份证ill 病的imagination 想像力impolite 不礼貌的important 重要的in 在……里(表示地点);在……期间(表示时间)in front of 在……前面in touch 和……接触,取得联络independence 独立industry 工业information 通知,信息interesting 有趣的international 国际的Internet 互连网introduce 介绍introduction 介绍;推荐invitation 邀请;请柬invite 邀请is 是it 它Italian 意大利的Italy 意大利item 项目its 它的Jjacket 夹克,短上衣January 一月Japan 日本Japanese 日本的;日本人jeans 牛仔裤join 参加,加入juice (水果等的)汁July 七月jump 跳jump out of one’s bed 迅速起床June 六月just 正好,恰好Kkey 钥匙,解答kick 踢kilo 公斤kind 仁慈的;种类kitten 小猫Llab 实验室labour 劳动lamp 灯language 语言lantern 灯笼large 大的,巨大的last 持续;延续;最后的late 晚(迟)的leader 领导leap 跳跃leap year 闰年learn 学习leave 离开left 左边lemonade 柠檬汽水lesson 课let 让……letter 信,字母liaison 连读library 图书馆lie 躺;位于life 生活light 灯like 喜欢;像……一样的l ist 目录listen 听little 小的;很少live 居住lively 活泼的liver 肝脏living-room 起居室loaf 一条(面包)location 位置locker 有锁的小橱London 伦敦long 长的look 看look at 看loud 高声的love 爱lovely 可爱的lover 情人low 低的lucky 幸运的lunar 月的lunch 午饭Mmagazine 杂志mailbox 邮筒make 制造make friends 交朋友man 男人manager 经理many 很多map 地图March 三月married 已婚的match 与……相配maths 数学maximum 最大的,最高的may 可以……(表示许可)May 五月me 我(宾格)mean 意思means 方法;手段medium 中等的meet遇见member成员Memorial Day 美国对阵亡战士的纪念日message 口信Metro 地铁middle 中间的middle school 中学milk 牛奶mind 头脑mine 我的(东西)mineral 矿物的minimum 最小的;最低的minus 减去;负号minute 分钟mirror 镜子miss 想念;错过;小姐missing 缺少的mixture 混合mobile phone 移动电话moderate 中等的Monday 星期一month 月moon 月亮more 更多(的)morning 早上Moscow 莫斯科mother 母亲mouth 口,嘴movie 电影much 很多museum 博物馆mushroom 蘑菇music 音乐must 必须my 我的Nname 名字,姓名nation 国家,民族national 国家的nationality 国籍naughty 顽皮的need 需要neighbour 邻居never 从不,决不new 新的New Zealand 新西兰news 新闻newspaper 报纸next 其次的;紧接(在后)的next to接近nice好的nickel 5分镍币(美国、加拿大的货币单位)night 夜晚nine 九nineteen 十九ninety 九十no 不,没有noisy 嘈杂的north 北部northern 北方的not 不notebook 笔记本novel 小说November 十一月now 现在number 数,数字;号码Oobserve 好,行ocean 纪念,庆祝o’clock 点钟October 十月of ……的offer 提出,提供office 办公室often 经常oil 油old 有……岁的;年老的;旧的olive 橄榄(树)on 在……上on duty 值日on the left 在左边on the Net 在网上on the second floor 在二楼on the wall 在墙上on time 准时once 一次one 一个only 惟一的;仅仅open 开着的;打开opinion 意见,看法opposite 相反的orange 橙色other 另外的,其他的Ottawa 渥太华(加拿大首都)our 我们的ours 我们的(东西)out 在外outing 外出,旅行over 在……上方;结束over there 在那边overcast 阴天的overseas 在海外的;在国外的own 自己的PPE 体育课package 包裹packed 充满……的,塞满……的packet 小盒,小包pager 呼机paint 油漆,涂料pair 一对,一双paper 纸parade 游行parent 父母亲park 公园Paris 巴黎part 部分partner (一起的)伙伴past (时间)超过;过去的pause 停顿pay 薪水;支付pen 钢笔pencil 铅笔pencil-box 铅笔盒pen pal 笔友penny 便士(英国货币单位) people 人们person 人,个人phone 电话(机)photo 照片physics 物理piano 钢琴pick up 驾车去接(某人)picnic 野餐picture 图片,照片piece 块pink 粉红色的pizza 比萨饼place 地方,地点plan 计划planting 种植play 做(游戏),打(球)play chess 下国际象棋play the piano 弹钢琴playground 操场please 请point 点police 警察politics 政治popular 通俗的;受欢迎的pork 猪肉Portuguese 葡萄牙的post 邮递postcard 明信片postcode 邮递区号potato 土豆pound 磅;英磅prefer 喜欢……(甚于喜欢……)preference 偏爱,优先选择prepare 准备present 礼物pretty 相当;漂亮的price 价格,价钱printer 打印机programme 节目;程序provide 提供,供给punctual 准时的pupil 学生puppy 小狗purple 紫色put 放put on 穿上put up 举起Qquarter 四分之一question 问题quick 快的quiet 安静的quietly 安静地quiz 测验Rradio 收音机rain 雨;下雨rare (肉类)半熟的read 阅读,朗读,默读ready 准备好的really 真地,真正rearrange 重新安排receive 收到,接到record 记录,录音recorder 录音机red 红的refrigerator 冰箱relax(使)轻松repeat 重复report 报告rest 休息restaurant 餐馆return 归还;来回票rice 米,米饭rich 富裕的;丰富的ride 骑right 正确的,对的ring 响;按(铃);打电话rise 升起river 河road 路rock music 摇滚乐Rome 罗马room 房间rose 玫瑰round 圆的routine 日常之事ruler 尺run 跑Russia 俄国Ssalad 色拉salesman 推销员same 同一的;同样的sample 标本,例子sandwich 三明治Saturday 星期六say 说scale 刻度school 学校schoolbag 书包sea 海season 季节seat 座位second 第二;秒secondary 次要的,中级的secondary high school 高中see 看见self-introduction 自我介绍sell 出售send 送;寄发sender 发送人sentence 句子September 九月sequence 次序service 服务set (日、月)落seven 七seventeen 十七share 分享,共用she 她shelf 架子shine 照耀,发光shirt (男式)衬衣shoe 鞋shop 商店shopping centre 购物中心shopping list 购物单shopping mall 购物商场short 短的,矮的shout 叫喊show 出示,展示;带领show……round……带领某人参观……shower 淋浴;阵雨shut 关side 边similar 相似的single 单身的;单一的sink (厨房的)洗涤槽sister 姐妹situation 情景six 六sixteen 十六sixth 第六sixty 六十size 大小,尺寸skate 溜冰skirt 女裙slow 慢的small 小的snowstorm 暴风雪software (电脑)软件some 一些sometimes 有时soon 立即sorry 对不起的;难过的soup 汤south 南部southern 南方的spaghetti 意大利式细面条speak 说(讲)话special 特殊的specialty 特长,专业specimen 标本spend 度过spinach 菠菜Sprite 雪碧sports 运动sportsman 运动员spring 春天St Valentine’s Day 圣瓦伦丁节,情人节stamp 邮票stand 站stapler 订书机stationer 文具商stay 停留,逗留steak 牛排still 仍然stop 停止storm 暴风雨student 学生study 学习style 风格,式样subject 科目such 这样的,如此的suggestion 建议suitable 适合的summer 夏天,夏季Sunday 星期天sun 太阳supermarket 超市supper 晚饭sure 确实,的确surf 作冲浪运动surfer 冲浪运动员surfing 冲浪sweater 毛衣sweet 糖果swim 游泳symbolic 符号的Ttable 桌子take 拿走;得到takeaway 带走的,外卖的talk 说,讲tall 高的tap(自来水等的)龙头tea 茶点teacher 教师teacher’s desk 讲台team 队teenager 十几岁的青少年telephone 电话;打电话tell 告诉temperature 温度ten 十tenth 第十term 学期textbook 课本,教科书than 比thank 谢谢Thanksgiving 感恩节that 那the 定冠词their 他们的the United States 美国theirs 他们的(东西)then 然后them 他们,她们,它们(宾格)there 在哪里these 这些they 他们thing 东西;事情think 认为think about 考虑third 第三thirteen 十三thirty 三十this 这those 那些three 三through 穿过,通过,从头到尾Thursday 星期四ticket 票ticket office 售票处tidy 整洁的tie 领带time 时间timetable 时间表,课程表tired 累的to 向,到,往today 今天toilet 厕所tomato 西红柿tomorrow 明天tonight 今天晚上too 也total 总的town 城镇tradition 传统,风俗train 火车transport 运输travel 旅行tropical 热带的trousers 裤子try 试,努力Tuesday 星期二turkey 火鸡TV set 电视机twelfth 第十二twelve 十二twenty 二十twice 两次,两倍two 二type 打字Uunder 在……下面underground 地铁understand 懂,明白uniform 制服unlucky 不幸运的up 向上,在上upset 难过的,不安的us 我们use 使用,利用usually 通常Vvacation 假期vegetable 蔬菜very 很,非常via 经过,经由Veterans’ Day退伍军人日video-player录像机visit访问,参观;拜访Wwait 等wait in lines 排队等候waiter 侍者waitress 女侍者walk 走Walkman 随身听wall 墙壁want 想,要wardrobe 大橱warm 温暖的wash-basin 洗脸盆Washington 华盛顿watch 观看water 水way 路线,方法we 我们wear 穿着……,戴着……weather 天气,气候Wednesday 星期三week 星期,周weekend 周末weigh 重welcome 欢迎well 好地well done 做得不错Wellington west western westerner wet what 什么whatever when 什么时候where which whitewho 谁why 为什么wife 妻子windwindow windsurf wine 葡萄酒winter 冬季with 和……一起;用(工具,手段)within 在……之内woman 妇女wonderful 绝妙的,神奇的work 工作world 世界worry 烦恼write 写wrong 错的Yyear 年yellow 黄色(的)yes 是的you 你,你们young 年轻的Young Pioneer 少先队员your 你的,你们的yours 你的;你们的(东西)yourself 你自己youth 青年。

Vocabulary 原文及翻译

Vocabulary 原文及翻译

U1Switzerland is well-known for its impressive mountainous scenery. 瑞士以其令人印象深刻的山景而闻名。

Views观点Scenes场景Scenery风景Sights风景He has to arrange for the sale of his furniture before he goes aboard.在他上船之前,他必须安排出售他的家具。

Sale出售Sole唯一的Seal密封Sail帆The bank robbers planned to escape in a stolen car银行抢劫犯计划用偷来的汽车逃跑。

Thieves小偷Bandits强盗Burglars窃贼Robbers强盗My aunt wound a brightly-coloured thread round her finger so as not to forget her appointment我婶婶用一根颜色鲜艳的线绕在她的手指上,以免忘记她的约会。

Wound 绕Curved弯曲Wounded负伤Bound界As the clouds drifted away an even higher peak became visible to the climbers.随着云层飘走,登山者可以看到更高的山峰。

Conspicuous引人注目的Visible可见Obvious明显的Apparent明显的We have a grim future ahead with little comfort , food or hope.我们前途渺茫,没有什么安慰、食物或希望。

Cruel残酷的Grim严峻的Pessimistic悲观Fierce激烈的Prices continued to rise while wages remained low with the result that the Government became increasingly unpopular.物价继续上涨,而工资却保持在低水平,结果政府变得越来越不受欢迎。



D1-D8Sudan n. [sʊ'dæn](国家名)苏丹declare v. [dɪ'kleə]宣告Sudanese adj. [,su:də'ni:z]苏丹的border n. 边界conflict n. 冲突The International Criminal Court n. (简称ICC)国际刑事法庭Mali n. 马里(国家名)crimes against humanity n. 危害人类罪genocide n. ['dʒenəsaɪd]种族灭绝;大屠杀kidnapping n. 诱拐;绑架rape n. 强奸Tuareg n. ['twɑ:reɡ]柏柏尔人(穆斯林民族的一支)rebel n. ['reb(ə)l]造反者;叛乱者Islamist n. [iz'lɑ:mist]伊斯兰教徒activist n. 激进主义分子Syrian adj['sɪrɪən]叙利亚的intelligence officer n. 情报局工作人员Damascus n. [dəˈmæskəs](叙利亚首都)大马士革The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights 叙利亚人权了望台explode v. 爆炸oust v. 驱逐diplomatic adj. [dɪplə'mætɪk]外交的ceasefire n. *'siːsfaɪə]停火United Nations Secretary General n. 联合国秘书长Burma n. ['bə:mə](也称Myanmar,国家名)缅甸dictatorship n. [dɪk'teɪtəʃɪp]专政democracy n. [dɪ'mɒkrəsɪ]民主政治democratic adj. [demə'krætɪk]民主的unprecedented adj. [ʌn'presɪdentɪd]空前的deploy v. [dɪ'plɒɪ]部署rocket n. 火箭machine gun n. 机关枪shell n. 炮弹boycott n. ['bɒɪkɒt]联合抵制laureate n. ['lɒrɪət; 'lɔː-]得奖者National League for Democracy party n. (缅甸政党)全国民主联盟be sworn in v. 宣誓就职Taliban n. 塔利班基地组织Afghanistan n. [æf'gænə,stæn](国家名)阿富汗Afghan adj./n. ['æfgən]阿富汗的/ 阿富汗人al-Qaeda n. 基地组织suicide bomber n. *'s(j)uːɪsaɪd]自杀式人体炸弹explosive n. 爆炸物,炸药plot n. 阴谋The International Committee[kə'mɪtɪ] of the Red Cross n. 红十字国际委员会guerilla n. [ɡə'rɪlə]游击队civil war n. 内战Israeli adj. [iz'reili]以色列的theKadima party n. (以色列中间派政党)前进党deputy Prime Minister n. 代理首相coalition n. [,kəʊə'lɪʃ(ə)n]联合;同盟the Likud party n. (以色列主要政党)利库德集团expel v. [ɪk'spel; ek-]驱逐;赶走Al Jazeera n. 半岛电视台the Foreign Correspondents [kɒrɪ'spɒnd(ə)nt] Club of Chinan. 驻华外国记者协会observer n. 观察员witness n. 目击者execute v. ['eksɪkjuːt+处决the World Economic Forum n. 世界经济论坛detention n. [dɪ'tenʃ(ə)n]拘留,扣押wreckage n. ['rekɪdʒ]残骸;碎片collapse v. [kə'læps]使倒塌;使坍塌Saudi n. ['sɔ:di]沙特阿拉伯人civilian n. [sɪ'vɪlj(ə)n]平民,百姓heinous adj. ['heɪnəs; 'hiːnəs]可恶的cowardly adj. ['kaʊədlɪ]怯懦的viral adj. ['vaɪr(ə)l]滤过性毒菌的malevolent adj. [mə'lev(ə)l(ə)nt]坏心肠的avian adj. ['eɪvɪən]鸟类的surveillance n. [sə'veɪl(ə)ns; -'veɪəns]监督mortality rate n. [mɔː'tælɪtɪ]死亡率poultry n. ['pəʊltrɪ]家禽tenuous adj['tenjʊəs]细微的dam n. 水坝swine flu n. 猪流感pandemic n. [pæn'demɪk]流行病solidarity n. [,sɒlɪ'dærɪtɪ]团结quarantine v. ['kwɒrəntiːn+检疫hoard v. [hɔːd+囤积vaccine n. ['væksiːn; -ɪn]疫苗acting president n. 代总统successor n. [sək'sesə]接任者infinite adj. ['ɪnfɪnət]无限的sodium n. ['səʊdɪəm]钠dietary adj. ['daɪət(ə)rɪ]饮食的potassium n. [pə'tæsɪəm]钾hypertension n. [haɪpə'tenʃ(ə)n]高血压dentistry n. ['dentɪstrɪ]牙科analogous adj. [ə'næləgəs]类似的dictator n. [dɪk'teɪtə]独裁者deploy v. [dɪ'plɒɪ]配置escalate v. ['eskəleɪt]逐步上升activism n. ['æktɪvɪz(ə)m]行动主义;激进主义refinery n. [rɪ'faɪn(ə)rɪ]精炼厂paraxylene n. [pə'ræksili:n]对位二甲苯polyester n. [,pɒlɪ'estə]聚酯纤维state-owned adj. [steɪtəʊnd]国有的petroleum n. [pɪ'trəʊlɪəm]石油pipeline n['paɪplaɪn]管道Bangladesh n. *,ba:ŋglə'deʃ]孟加拉国retail n. *'riːteɪl]零售Amnesty International n. ['æmnɪstɪ]大赦国际(一个国际性人权组织)enforce v. 执行;强迫sewer n. ['suːə; 'sjuːə]缝纫者advisory adj. [əd'vaɪz(ə)rɪ]顾问的;咨询的supplier n. 供应者midfield n. [mɪd'fiːld; 'mɪdfiːld+中场;中场队员xenophobic adj. [,zino'fobɪk]恐外的;憎恨外国人的Malawi n. [mɑ:'lɑ:wi]马拉维Zimbabwe n. [zim'bɑ:bwei; -wi]津巴布韦Lesotho n. [lə'səutəu]莱索托loop n. 循环Mozambican adj. [,məuzəm'bi:kən]莫桑比克的liken v. ['laɪk(ə)n]把…比作territorial adj. [,terɪ'tɔːrɪəl]领土的constraint n. [kən'streɪnt]约束;限制generate v. ['dʒenəreɪt]使产生;造成clarinetist n. [klærə'nɛtəst]吹木箫者L10-L16Instant coffee速溶咖啡Sharkn.鲨鱼;骗子vi. 诈骗Reception desk前台,接待处Pineapple['paɪnæp(ə)l] n. [园艺] 菠萝;[园艺] 凤梨Grapefruit柚子树Tap采用,利用Shore海滨;支柱cardigan羊毛衫heavy smoker瘾君子passive smoker二手烟者maid女仆;少女absolutely绝对地;完全地extraadv. 特别地,非常;另外n. 临时演员;号外;额外的事物;上等产品withdraw撤退;收回;撤消;拉开deposit [dɪ'pɒzɪt]存款;押金;订金;保证金;沉淀物account-saving account账户;解释apart from=except除…之外;且不说;并且sirloin['sɜːlɒɪn]n. 牛的上部腰肉;牛里脊肉stain [steɪn]vt.沾污;败坏;给…着色tender偿付,清偿;看管人;小船peculiar (taste, flavor, smell)[pɪ'kjuːlɪə]adj. 特殊的;独特的;奇怪的;罕见的spongedial ['daɪəl]转盘;刻度盘;钟面vi. 拨号chord弦;和弦nowadayscertificate[səˈtɪfɪkɪt] n. 证书;执照,文凭classicaldecent *'diːs(ə)nt] adj. 正派的;得体的;相当好的squash[skwɒʃ] 镇压;把…压扁;使沉默guitarwhistleessaystrapvt. 用带捆绑;用皮条抽打;约束n. 带;皮带;磨刀皮带;鞭打lipstick口红;唇膏rucksack帆布背包character品质;特性design设计;图案potpractically实际地;几乎;事实上commuter通勤者,经常乘公共车辆往返者;[交] 月季票乘客suspicious[sə'spɪʃəs] adj. 可疑的;怀疑的;多疑的rail铁轨;扶手;横杆;围栏approach方法;途径;接近percentmoodtransportexchange交流;交易所;兑换remainder余数,残余;剩余物;其余的人adj. 剩余的;吃剩的privatedj. 私人的;私有的;私下的n. 列兵;二等兵fault故障;[地质] 断层;错误;缺点;毛病;motorbike摩托车seaside海边;海滨cancel取消;删去saladrye[raɪ] n. 黑麦;吉卜赛绅士tonicn. 补药;主调音或基音adj. 滋补的;声调的;使精神振作的ham [hæm]. 火腿;tasteless无味的;无鉴赏力的disgrace耻辱;丢脸的人或事;失宠vt.使……失宠;给……丢脸;使……蒙受耻辱;贬黜beefolive橄榄;橄榄树;橄榄色rollgin杜松子酒slimdocumentary[dɒkjʊ'ment(ə)rɪ] adj. 记录的;文件的;记实的best-seller畅销书;畅销唱片concentratevt.集中;浓缩n. 浓缩,精选;浓缩液hardware计算机硬件;五金器具partner配偶plump扑通声medium中间的,中等的;半生熟的n. 方法;媒体;媒介;中间物fridge电冰箱portion['pɔːʃ(ə)n] n. 部分;一份;命运vt.分配;给…嫁妆coach教练;旅客车厢;长途公车;四轮大马车vt.训练;指导vi. 作指导;接受辅导;坐马车旅行strawberrydeparture. 离开;出发;违背tempt诱惑;引起;冒…的风险;使感兴趣tart[tɑːt+ adj. 酸的;锋利的;尖刻的n. 果馅饼;妓女vt.打扮do with利用,处理;需要;忍受;与……相处steak[steɪk] n. 牛排;肉排;鱼排milky乳白色的;牛奶的brasserie['bræsərɪ] n. (法)啤酒店deliver交付;发表;递送;释放;给予(打击);给…接生sauce酱油;沙司;调味汁beanstock股份,股票;库存contain[kən'teɪn] vt.包含;控制;容纳;牵制(敌军)spaghetti[spə'getɪ] n. 意大利式细面条tinned罐头的;镀锡的,包马口铁的;听装的diettempting['tem(p)tɪŋ+ adj. 吸引人的;诱惑人的laundry['lɔːndrɪ] n. 洗衣店,洗衣房;要洗的衣服;洗熨;洗好的衣服reference参考,参照;涉及,提及;参考书目;介绍信;证明书curryvt. ['kʌrɪ]用咖喱烧,给…加咖喱粉;梳刷;鞭打n. 咖哩粉,咖喱;咖哩饭菜cancellation取消;删除fix up with为...安排;为...准备mushroom ['mʌʃruːm; -rʊm] n. 蘑菇,伞菌;蘑菇形物体;暴发户plaice鲽鱼;比目鱼lager美)贮藏啤酒(等于lager beer)sherry. 雪利酒(西班牙产的一种烈性白葡萄酒);葡萄酒pate头;脑袋rack齿条;行李架;拷问台vi. 变形;随风飘;小步跑conductress女向导;女车长;女指挥;女售票lamb羔羊,小羊house wine饭店特选葡萄酒/招牌酒ca rafe玻璃水瓶misery痛苦,悲惨;不幸;苦恼;穷困interrupt中断;打断;插嘴;妨碍make-up化妆品;(美)补考;性格;构造;排版spray喷雾;喷雾器;水沫settle down定居;安定下来;专心于turn down 减小,关小,调低run down 撞倒;使…变弱;停止;浏览;追溯dizzy晕眩的;使人头晕的;昏乱的;心不在焉的;愚蠢fraction分数;部分;小部分;稍微V-neck pulloverV形领套衫registered letter挂号信snack bar小吃店;快餐柜licensecolachip芯片;筹码;碎片;(食物的) 小片; 薄片hamburger汉堡包,汉堡;牛肉饼alcohol ['ælkəhɒl]n. 酒精,乙醇cheeseburger牛肉饼;干酪汉堡包panel['pæn(ə)l] n. 仪表板;嵌板;座谈小组,全体陪审员waking device [dɪ'vaɪs]装置;策略;图案automatic[ɔːtə'mætɪk]adj. 自动的;无意识的;必然的install安装;任命;安顿occasionn. 时机,机会;场合;理由vt.引起,惹起variety多样;种类;杂耍;变化,多样化prizen. 奖品;奖赏;战利品vt.珍视;捕获;估价Finnish mark。



aaging ['eidʒiŋ] n. 老化(时效,迟滞)aging populationalien ['eiljən;'eiliən] n. 外侨;外星人adj. 外国的,相异的,陌生的vt. 转让extraterrestrial being (ET)外星人amenity [ə'mi:niti适意,舒适,怡人,便利设施(复)amenities:礼仪,礼节asset[ˈæset]n.有价值的人(或物),优点[ pl.]财产automate ['ɔ:təmeit;'ɔ:təˌmeit使自动化,自动化autonomy[ɔ:ˈtɔnəmi]n.自治,自治权;人身自由,自主权bbest-in-class同类最佳产品biodiversity [baiəuˌdai'və:səti] n. 生物多样性brochure[ˈbrəuʃə]n.有插图的小册子brownfield ['braunˌfi:ld]n. 轻污染工业用地buffer[ˈbʌfə]n.起缓冲作用的人(或物);减震器 vt.缓冲bureau ['bjuərəu;'bjurəu] n. 局,办事处,(带抽屉的)写字台cclone [kləun]n. 克隆,无性繁殖,复制品v. 克隆,复制collaborative [kə'læbərətiv] adj. 协作的,合作的Columbus [kə'lʌmbəs]n. 哥伦布(美国俄亥俄州首府)Examples:Columbus discovered America.哥伦布发现了美洲。

commit[kəˈmit]vt.犯(错误等),干(蠢事等);调拨…供使用be committed to doing献身于,忠于某一立场,坚定的commitment[kəˈmitmənt]n.承诺,保证;信奉,献身;承担的义务comply [kəm'plai] vi. 顺从,遵照,答应concession[kənˈseʃən]n.让步,妥协;特许(权);承认,认可conform[kənˈfɔ:m]vi.(to)遵守,适应;相似,一致,符合congeal [kən'dʒi:l] v. (使)凝结,凝固conscientious[ˌkɔnʃiˈenʃəs]a.认真的,勤勤恳恳的contaminate[kənˈtæmineit]vt.弄脏,污染contamination [kənˌtæmi'neiʃən;kənˌtæmə'neiʃən]n. 污染,污染物cornerstonecornerstone n. 墙角石, 基础Corporate image企业形象criticism[ˈkritisizəm]n.批评,批判,指责;评论,评论文章curricular [kə'rikjulə;kə'rikjələ] adj. 课程的cutting edged dedication [ˌdedi'keiʃən;ˌdedə'keiʃənn. 奉献,献词,献堂礼She dedicated her life to science.她毕生致力于科学。



V ocabulary (词汇表1)understand[ ✈⏹♎☜♦♦✌⏹♎ ] vt, vi理解single[ ♦♓☠♈● ] n. 单身,独身blond[ ♌●⏹♎ ] adj. 金发的Sweden[ ♦♦♓♎⏹ ] n. 瑞典chocolate[ ♦☞☜●♓♦ ] n. 巧克力plump[ ☐●✈❍☐ ] adj. 肥胖的, 丰满的brown[ ♌❒♋◆⏹ ] adj. 褐色的, 棕色的wearing[ ♦☪☜❒♓☠ ] adj. 穿用的large [ ●♎✞ ] adj.大的, 巨大的suit[ ♦◆♦ ] vt. 合适, 适合, 相配warm[ ♦❍ ] adj. 暖和的, 暖的yellow[ ♏●☜◆ ] adj. 黄色的lot[ ●♦ ] n. 许多none [ ⏹✈⏹ ] pron. 一个也没有tomorrow [ ♦☜❍❒☜◆ ] n. 明天anybody[ ♏⏹♓♌♎♓ ] n, pron. 任何人foot[ ♐◆♦ ] n. 足many [ ❍♏⏹♓ ] adj. 许多的morning[ ❍⏹♓☠ ] n. 早晨fine[ ♐♋♓⏹ ] adj. 很好的monster[ ❍⏹♦♦☜ ] n. 怪物, 妖怪human[ ♒◆❍☜⏹ ] n. 人, 人类color[ ✈●☜ ] n. 颜色toe[♦☜☺] n. 脚趾,足尖exactly[✋♈✌♦●✋]adv. 精确地;确切地tennis[ ♦♏⏹♓♦ ] adj. 网球的nice[⏹♋♓♦] adj. 美好的chew[♦☞◆ ] v. 咀嚼talk [ ♦ ] v. 谈话, 讲glass [♈●♦ ] n. 眼镜stay[ ♦♦♏♓] n. 逗留,暂住movie[ ❍◆♓ ] n. 电影Saturday[ ♦✌♦☜♎♏✋ ] n. 星期六pronounce[☐❒☜⏹♋◆⏹♦ ] v. 发音season[ ♦♓⏹] n. 季, 季节people[ ☐♓☐● ] n. 人, 人们spell[♦☐♏● ] n. 拼写, 拼成thirty [ ☜♦♓ ] num. 三十spring[♦☐❒♓☠ ] n. 春天birthday[ ♌♎♏✋ ] n. 生日November[⏹☜◆♏❍♌☜ ] n. 十一月after[ ♐♦☜ ] adv.prep.conj. 在...之后July [♎✞◆☎✆●♋♓ ] n. 七月favorite [ ♐♏♓☜❒♓♦]adj.喜爱的, 宠爱的summer[ ♦✈❍☜ ] n. 夏季bathroom[ ♌❒◆❍ ]n.浴室, 盥洗室Thursday [ ☜♎♓] n. 星期四Tuesday[ ♦◆♎♓ ] n. 星期二Wednesday[ ♦♏⏹♎✋] n. 星期三theater [ ✋☜♦☜☎❒✆ ] n.剧场,戏院quarter[ ♦♦☜☎❒✆] n. 一刻钟wake[♦♏♓ ] vt, vi. 激活,唤醒dialogue[ ♎♋✋☜●♈ ] n. 对话gym[♎✞✋❍ ] n. 体育馆, 体育课school[ ♦◆●] n. 学校lunch[●✈⏹♦☞ ] n. 午餐park[☐] n. 公园best [♌♏♦♦ ] adj. 最好的prefer[☐❒✋♐☎❒✆ ] vt. 更喜欢;宁愿take[♦♏✋ ] v. 取,拿birthday[ ♌♎♏✋ ] n. 生日morning [ ❍⏹♓☠ ] n. 早晨, 上午snow [ ♦⏹☜☺ ] n. 雪alarm[☜●❍ ] n. 闹钟clock[ ● ] n. 时钟table [ ♦♏✋♌☎☜✆●] n. 桌子dark[♎] ♋♎ 暗的glass[ ♈●♦] n. 玻璃careful[ ♏☜♐☺●] adj.谨慎的,小心的rich[ ❒✋♦☞] adj. 有钱的;富有的poor[☐◆☜ ] adj. 贫穷的, 可怜的butterfly[♊♌✈♦☜♐●♋✋] n. 蝴蝶favorite[ ♐♏✋☜❒✋♦ ] adj.中意的;喜爱的desk[ ♎♏♦] n. 课桌,书桌idea[♋✋♎✋☜ ] n. 计划;打算;想法sharpen[ ☞☐☜⏹] v. 削尖, 磨快, 尖锐tape [♦♏✋☐ ] n. 磁带; 录音带glue[♈●◆ ] n. 胶,胶水giraffe[♎✞✋❒♐] n. 长颈鹿scissors[ ♦✋☜ ] n. 剪刀,剪子garage[♊♈✌❒♎✞] n. 汽车库pencil [ ☐♏⏹♦☎☜✆● ] n. 铅笔comb [ ☜☺❍ ] n. 梳子brush[♌❒✈☞ ] n. 刷子coffee[ ♐✋] n. 咖啡boiling [ ♌✋●✋☠] adj.非常热的,酷热的between[♌✋♦♦♓⏹] ☐❒♏☐ 在两者之间spider[ ♦☐♋✋♎☜☎❒✆] n. 蜘蛛adjective[ ✌♎✞✋♦✋] n. 形容词fast[ ♐♦♦] adj. 快的;迅速的empty[ ♏❍☐♦✋ ] adj. 空的course[ ♦] n. 经过, 进程true[♦❒◆] adj. 真实的;确实的left[ ●♏♐♦] adj. 左边的opposite[ ☐☜✋♦ ] adj. 相反的;对立的right[❒♋✋♦] adj. 右边的;右方的happy [ ♒✌☐✋ ] adj. 愉快的;幸福的full[♐☺● ] adj. 满的;充满的weather[ ♦♏❆☜☎❒✆] n. 天气;气候good[♈☺♎ ] adj. 好的;优良的activity[✌♦✋✋♦✋] n. 活动association [☜♦☜☺♦✋♏✋☞☎☜✆⏹ ] n. 联合match [ ❍✌♦☞ ] v. 匹配,符合hot[♒♦ ] adj. 热的,炎热的wrong[❒☠] adj. 错的,不对的difference [ ♎✋♐❒☜⏹♦] n. 不同;差别young[ ✈☠] ♋♎ 年轻的;年幼的 doubt[ ♎♋☺♦] n. 怀疑;疑虑;未确定exchange [✋♦♦☞♏✋⏹♎✞] n. 交换,互换program [ ☐❒☜☺♈❒✌❍] n. 计划arrive [☜❒♋✋ ] vi. 到达;抵达trunk [♦❒✈☠] n. 大衣箱;大皮箱sure [☞☺☜☎❒✆] adj. 确信的;肯定的speak [ ♦☐♓] vi, vt. 说,说话German [ ♎✞❍☜⏹ ] n. 德语American [☜❍♏❒✋☜⏹] n. 美国人house [♒♋☺ ] n. 房屋,住宅welcome [ ♦♏●☜❍] n. 欢迎meet [❍♓♦] vt, vi. 相逢;遇见know [⏹☜☺] vt, vi. 知道;了解France [♐❒✌⏹♦] n. 法国Germany [ ♎✞❍☜⏹✋ ] n. 德国must [ ❍✈♦♦ ] v. 必须;应当invite[✋⏹♋✋♦ ] vt. 邀请cocktail [ ♦♏✋●] n. 鸡尾酒intensive[✋⏹♦♏⏹♦✋] adj.集中的insist[✋⏹♦✋♦♦] ♓ ♦ 坚持 suitcase [ ♊♦✞♦♏✋♦] n. 小提箱,衣箱party [ ☐♦✋] n. 集会;聚会person [ ☐♦☎☜✆⏹] n. 人before [♌✋♐☎❒✆ ] conj. 在…时间之前train [♦❒♏♓⏹] n. 火车last [●♦♦] adj. 刚过去的never [ ⏹♏☜☎❒✆] adv. 从未;永不mind [❍♋✋⏹♎ ] n. 意向;心意head [♒♏♎] n. 头toe [♦☜☺ ] n. 脚趾,足尖wing [♦✋☠] n. 翅膀year [ ✋☜☎❒✆] n. 年sorry [ ♦❒✋] adj. 抱歉的recognize [ ❒♏☜♈⏹♋✋] vt. 认出introduce [✋⏹♦❒☜♎◆♦ ] vt. 介绍shame [ ☞♏✋❍ ] n. 羞愧,羞耻;惭愧pleasure [ ☐●♏✞☜☎❒✆ ] n. 愉快;快乐university [ ◆⏹✋♦✋♦✋] n. 大学,学校children [ ♦☞♓●♎❒☜⏹] n. 孩子们(复数)daughter [ ♎♦☜☎❒✆] ⏹ 女儿 boss [ ♌♦] n. 老板;雇主linen [ ●✋⏹✋⏹] n. 被单;床单;桌布pillowcase [ ☐✋●☜☺♏✋♦] n. 枕头套practical [ ☐❒✌♦✋☎☜✆● ] adj. 实际的cupboard [ ✈♌☜♎] n. 碗柜,碗碟橱furniture [ ♐⏹✋♦☞☜☎❒✆] n. 家具; 器具kitchen [ ✋♦☞✋⏹] n. 厨房separate [ ♦♏☐☜❒☜♦ ] adj. 分开的,不相window [ ♦✋⏹♎☜☺] n. 窗子,窗户brand [♌❒✌⏹♎ ] n. 商标;牌子convenient [ ☜⏹♓⏹✋☜⏹♦] adj. 附近的villa [ ✋●☜]n. 别墅seashore [ ♦♓☞☎❒✆]n. 海岸; 海滨exactly [ ✋♈✌♦●✋] adv. 正好,刚好dishwasher [ ♎✋☞♦☞☜☎❒✆ ] n. 洗碗机bedroom [ ♌♏♎❒◆❍] n. 卧室imagine [✋❍✌♎✞✋⏹] n. 想象double [ ♎✈♌☎☜✆●] ♋♎ 双的 bunk [ ♌✈☠] n. 双层床Laundromat [ ●⏹♎❒☜❍✌♦] n.自动洗衣店information [✋⏹♐☜❍♏✋☞☎☜✆⏹ ] n. 信息rental [ ❒♏⏹♦☎☜✆●] n. 租金month [ ❍✈⏹] n. 月brochure [♌❒☜☺☞☜☎❒✆ ] n. 小册子exciting [✋♦♋✋♦✋☠] adj. 使人激动的folding [ ♐☜◆●♎♓☠] adj. 可折叠的bulb [ ♌✈●♌] n. 电灯泡heater [ ♒♓♦☜☎❒✆ ] n. 加热器;热水器sleep [♦●♓☐] vi, vt. 睡觉,睡begin [♌✋♈✋⏹ ] vt, vi 开始vacation[ ☜♏✋☞☎☜✆⏹] n. 休假,假期bathroom [ ♌❒◆❍]n.浴室;盥洗室sink [♦✋☠]n. 洗涤槽;污水槽curtain [ ♦☎☜✆⏹]n. (窗、门)帘lamp [●✌❍☐] n. 灯buy [ ♌♋✋] vt, vi. 买broom [♌❒◆❍ ] n. 扫帚cooker [ ☺☜☎❒✆] n. 炊具,厨师pan [☐✌⏹] n. 平底锅sandwich [ ♦✌⏹♦✋♎✞] ⏹ 三明治 beach [ ♌♓♦☞] n. 海滩grocery [ ♈❒☜☺♦☜❒✋ ] n. 食品;杂货meal[ ❍♓●] n. 一顿(饭)basket[ ♌♦✋♦ ] n. 篮,篓,筐baker[ ♌♏✋☜☎❒✆] n. 面包师butcher[ ♌☺♦☞☜☎❒✆] n. 屠夫;肉商brochette [ ♌❒☜◆☞♏♦] n. 小串烤肉veal[ ♓● ] n. (食用)小牛肉cutlet[ ✈♦●✋♦ ] n. 薄肉排, 炸肉饼wrap [❒✌☐] vt, vi包;裹;卷enter[ ♏⏹♦☜☎❒✆ ] vt, vi 进入minute[ ❍✋⏹✋♦ ] n. 分(钟)supermarket[ ♦◆☐☜❍✋♦ ] n. 超级市场noon[⏹◆⏹ ] n. 中午,正午prepare [☐❒✋☐♏☜☎❒✆ ] vt, vi. 准备;预备chicken [ ♦☞✋☜⏹ ] n.鸡; 鸡肉的lamb[●✌❍] n. 羔羊,小羊;羔羊肉bakery[ ♌♏✋☜❒✋ ] n. 面包房;面包店cartoon [ ♦◆⏹] n. 纸板箱;纸板盒pack[☐✌ ] n. 小包,包裹pound[ ☐♋☺⏹♎] n. 磅around[ ☜❒♋☺⏹♎] prep. 在附近store[♦♦☎❒✆] n. 大商店rest[❒♏♦♦] vt, vi. 歇息;休息cart[ ♦] n. 二轮运货马车aisle [ ♋✋●] n. 走廊,侧廊bottom[ ♌♦☜❍] n. 底;底部shelf [☞♏●♐] n. 架子everything[ ♏❒✋✋☠] pron. 一切milk[❍✋●] n. 奶,牛奶butter[ ♌✈♦☜☎❒✆ ] n. 黄油;奶油push[☐☺☞] vt, vi. 推;推动bump [♌✈❍☐] vt, vi. 碰;撞brand[ ♌❒✌⏹♎ ] n. 商标;牌子enjoy[✋⏹♎✞✋] vt. 享受, 享有(特权等) checkout[ ♦☞♏♋☺♦] n.收款处shopping[ ☞☐✋☠] n. 购物,买东西stand[♦♦✌⏹♎] n. 奋力抵抗;抵抗状态tonight[♦☜⏹♋✋♦] n. 今晚steak[ ♦♦♏✋] n. 牛排supermarket[ ♦◆☐☜❍✋♦ ]n.超级市场fat[♐✌♦ ] adj. 肥的, 胖的shoulder[ ☞☜☺●♎☜☎❒✆ ] n. 肩膀sweater[ ♦♦♏♦☜☎❒✆] n. 羊毛衫jean [♎✞♏♓⏹ ] n. 牛仔裤sock [♦ ] n. 短袜stupid[ ♦♦◆☐♓♎] adj. 愚蠢的question[ ♦♏♦♦☞☜⏹ ] n. 问题, 疑问good [♈☺♎ ] n. 好sleep[♦●♓☐] n. 睡, 睡觉right[ ❒♋♓♦ ] adj. 对的, 合适的。



V ocabulary(词根)1.agri n. 田地,农田agriculture n. 农业agricultural a. 农业的e.g. China is a country, (which is) oriented in the agricultural development.2.audi 听audio a. 音频的visual a. 视频的oral a. 口语的audience n.听众,观众spectatoraudit v. 审计auditor n. 审计员auditorium n. 礼堂assembly/hall3.circ=ring 环;圆circuit n.电路;环流circulate v. 循环circulation n. 发行量circular a. 圆柱的circumference n. 周长4. cord=hear 心cordial a. 热心的enthusiastic a. 热情的warm-hearted a. 热情的hospitality n. 好客,热情易混淆: hostile a. 敌对的be hostile to5. cred=believe 相信;信任credit n. 信用卡;荣誉;学分v. 把...归功于credit with 把记入贷方(in)credible a. (不)可靠的credibility n. 信任度6.log=speak 言,说dialogue n. 谈话catalog n. 目录monologue n. 独白7. scend=climb 爬,攀ascend v. 上升ascend from 追溯到descend v. 下降descend from 起源于8.cosmo 宇宙;世界cosmos n.宇宙9.polis 城市metropolis 城市10. habit=dwell 居住habitant/resident/citizen/dweller n.居民补充:dwell on详细说明dwelling n.住所11. hospit=guest 客人hospitality n. 好客;热情hostile a. 敌对的be hostile to12. juven= young 年轻juvenile a. 年少的juvenile delinquency 少年犯罪juvenile court 少年法庭13.lect= choose 选;收select v. 选择;挑选elect v. 选举补充:必修课compulsory course选修课elective/optional course14.liber=free 自由liberty n. 自由the Statue of Liberty liberal a. 自由的补充: liter =letter 文字,字母literal a. 字面的literacy n. 读写能力illiteracy n. 文盲eliminate illiteracy 扫盲15.migr= remove 迁移migration n. 迁移;移民migrant n. 外来务工者immigrant a. 移民的16.mort=dead 死mortal a. 致死的mortality n. 伤亡人数casualty补充:moral a. 道德的;伦理的moral principle 道德准则17.mono 单一;单声道monologue n.独白monopoly n. 垄断。

vocabulary 词根

vocabulary 词根

vocabulary 词根单词:dictionary1. 定义与释义1.1词性:名词1.2中文释义:字典,是一种工具书,用于查询单词的拼写、发音、释义、用法等信息。

1.3英文释义:A book or electronic resource that lists the words of a language (usually in alphabetical order) and gives their meaning, or gives the equivalent words in a different language, often also providing information about pronunciation, origin, and usage.1.4相关词汇:thesaurus(同义词词典,近义词为synonym dictionary)、lexicon(词汇表、词典,派生词有lexicographical形容词,编词典的、词典编纂学的)2. 起源与背景2.1词源:“dictionary”源于中世纪拉丁语“dictionarium”,由“dictio”(意为“说、讲、用词”)演变而来,表示与单词相关的集合。




3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:(1) electronic dictionary:电子词典例句:I always carry my electronic dictionary with me when I study English.翻译:我学英语的时候总是带着我的电子词典。

(2) pocket dictionary:袖珍词典例句:This pocket dictionary is very convenient for traveling.翻译:这本袖珍词典旅行的时候很方便。



vocabulary知识点总结Vocabulary is an essential part of language learning. It is the collection of words that a person knows and understands in a particular language. A strong vocabulary is crucial for effective communication, reading comprehension, and writing skills. In this article, we will delve into the different aspects of vocabulary, including its importance, ways to improve it, and strategies for vocabulary acquisition.Importance of VocabularyA strong vocabulary is important for several reasons:1. Communication: Vocabulary is crucial for effective communication. A wide range of words allows individuals to express their thoughts and ideas more precisely and accurately. It also enables them to understand others' communication effectively.2. Reading Comprehension: A rich vocabulary is crucial for understanding written materials. Readers with a good vocabulary can comprehend complex texts, and the nuances of language, and can interpret the author's intended meaning more accurately.3. Writing Skills: A broad vocabulary enhances writing skills by providing a variety of words and expressions. It enables writers to express themselves more effectively and make their writing more engaging and compelling.4. Academic Success: A strong vocabulary is essential for academic success. It helps students understand lectures, participate in class discussions, and comprehend academic texts. Ways to Improve VocabularyThere are several ways to improve vocabulary. Some effective strategies for vocabulary improvement include:1. Reading: Reading is one of the most effective ways to improve vocabulary. It exposes individuals to new words in context, and provides an opportunity to learn how words are used in different contexts.2. Contextual Learning: Understanding how words are used in different contexts is crucial for vocabulary development. Learning words in context helps individuals grasp their meanings and usage more effectively.3. Word Learning Strategies: Employing word learning strategies such as using flashcards, mnemonics, and creating word associations can aid in vocabulary acquisition.4. Regular Practice: Regular practice and exposure to words in different contexts can help reinforce vocabulary learning.5. Use of Vocabulary in Writing and Speaking: Actively using newly learned words in writing and speaking can help cement them in memory and improve retention.Strategies for Vocabulary AcquisitionThere are various strategies for acquiring vocabulary. Some effective strategies include: 1. Active Engagement: Actively engaging with words by looking up their definitions, understanding their usage, and practicing their usage helps in vocabulary acquisition.2. Word Analysis: Analyzing word parts, such as prefixes, suffixes, and root words, can help individuals understand the meanings and usage of unfamiliar words.3. Vocabulary Development Tools: Utilizing vocabulary development tools such as dictionaries, thesauruses, and vocabulary building apps can aid in vocabulary acquisition.4. Using Vocabulary in Context: Using words in context through reading, speaking, and writing allows individuals to understand their meanings and how they are used.5. Word Exposure: Regular exposure to a wide range of words through reading, listening, and conversations can enhance vocabulary acquisition.In conclusion, vocabulary is a fundamental aspect of language learning that plays a crucial role in communication, reading comprehension, and writing skills. A strong vocabulary is essential for academic success and personal growth. Utilizing effective strategies for vocabulary improvement and acquisition can enhance language skills and overall communication abilities.。

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Vocabulary Unit 2 Section Amoderate 适度的calculate 计算select选择evidence证据typical典型的interfere干扰consume消耗的modify修改impact影响restrict限制sufficient足够的advisable明智的remedy救济derive推导supplement补充1.Church Mill, although of fairly moderate size compared with some of its neighbors, is a delightfultwo-story building of stone.2.If your weight remains constant you must be using up all your calories, but if you are gaining weight thensome of the calories you consume are being stored as fat.3.I d on’t thing it advisable that Tim be assigned the job since he has no experience.4.Meals also have to be modified from their original state so that they will have a beneficial effect on thebody.5.His face was very red, which was a clear evidence of his fever.6.Families with children tend to be restricted as to when they can take their vacations.7.They calculate that the aging population is adding one percent yearly to health service costs.8.In the case of a polluted river, the remedy lies in the hands of the national government.9.The change in leadership will have a huge impact on government policy.10.G iven sufficient time, with other things remaining unchanged, prices and wages would eventually beadjusted and full employment may be achieved.Unit 2 Section Bimply暗示的multiply繁殖concentrate 精矿exhibit展品strengthen加强equip装备obstacle障碍speculate推测mood心情revise修改complicated复杂的logical逻辑possess拥有stem干reduction还原1.“Are you implying that I have something to do with those attacks,” she asked col dly.2.Thought complicated in detail, local taxes are in essence simple.3.Corruption is a major obstacle to economic development. That is why the government of all nations taketough measures it.4.When the new paintings were exhibited at the museum, the number of people visiting the museum doubled.5.The new generation would be more intelligent, enjoy better health, and possess more energy.6.The number of people investing in stocks has multiplied because the stock has kept going up.7.The school aims to equip students to deal with the kind of problems they will face in the outside world.8.It would be useless to speculate what might have been achieved had these two separate teams been unableto work hand in hand.9.I’m sick of all the quarrelling among politicians who sh ould be concentrating on vital issues.10.The company plans to strengthen its position in Europe in by opening an office in Spain.cultivate培养worthwhile值得的comprehensive 综合suspend暂停controversial有争议的mixture混合物conventional传统的strain应变publicity宣传insult侮辱reform改革energetic精力充沛的preliminary初步的curse诅咒intelligence情报cation should aim to cultivate a child’s mind to its utmo st potential.2.We have tried to make the test simple but comprehensive so that it will give us a basic idea of what you doand do not understand.3.This controversial book was both praised and criticized, but whether it was read by artists I leave to furtherresearch.4.Three independent daily newspapers have been ordered to suspend publication.5.They offered me only $5 for a whole day’s work—I felt really insulted.6.The lab director said that the experiment was at its preliminary stage and they would need more need moretime to come to a final result.7.They must know how to make use of make use of and, when necessary, to replace the old, conventionalrules.8.It is made quite clear in the report that China will stick to its reform and opening-up policy.9.One of the things many of us hope for is a chance to contribute something worthwhile to the world.10.The reports have attracted considerable publicity although only a tiny proportion of the reports have beendebated in the House.Unit 3 Section Bdelicate精致的feasible可行的fundamental 基本的sophisticated复杂的dismiss解雇volume体积extreme极端的discard丢弃aspect方面analyze分析differ不同convert转换flexible灵活的consult咨询exert发挥1.The more self-knowledge we have, the more control we can exert over our feelings and behavior.2.I realized that I had a problem and decided to have it analyzed, and I traced it back to when I was in hospitalas a child.3.This is where we differ from the professionals—they study in order to work better; we study in order tounderstand more.4.Before making any changes, consult your family to find out what are most important to them.5.She discarded all her old clothes when she moved to a new city.6.The volume of trade between the two countries continues to grow, and so does the cultural exchange.7.Madeline was wondering how to approach the delicate question of her salary with her new boss.8.It takes the technician 15 minutes to convert the plane into a car by removing the wings and tail.9.The company, which has dismissed most of its staff, said it had lost $270 million in the last year.10.We need a flexible management system to meet the changing needs of our customers.resistant 反抗enclose 包住detect 检测withstand承受的precaution预言vertical垂直的sensible明智的accidental偶然的related相关的joint关节occurrence发生experimental实验fasten锁好data信息arrangement安排1.It would have been more sensible to save the money than to spend it all on clothes.2.The system is so sensitive that it can detect changes in temperature as small as 0.003 degrees.3.The doctor advised us to take every precaution so as not to catch cold.4.It was the strangest occurrence I can remember in my university days.5.The government demands that the bridge be built to withstand an earthquake of 8.3 magnitudes.6.On a long-term basis they may contribute to developing crops which are resistant to drought.7.In some places the cliff was almost vertical, and much too dangerous to climb.8.The accidental discharge of the poisonous gas caused some chaos.9.Please find enclosed the application information you requested.10.Passengers should keep their seat belts fastened until the warning light is extinguished.Unit 6 Section Brotate旋转permanent 永久的ignorant 无知的flourish繁荣exceed超过likewise同样地retain保留abuse滥用protective保护manual手册duration持续时间shortage短缺outcome结果accelerate加速1.Parents undoubtedly worry even more than teachers about the horrible outcome of their children not doingschoolwork.2.Most police departments keep a permanent record of all violent crimes committed in their area.3.The car has been General Motor’s most visible success story, with sales far exceeding expectations.4.And because the bank lends on a large scale, its failures are likewise on a large scale.5.It is the development strategy of the company to accelerate its overseas expansion so as to take a slice inthe world market.6.How to retain the technical talents in the company remains an important issue for the management of thecompany.7.Mary was totally ignorant of what had happened to her boyfriend.8.They acknowledged that there was a severe shortage of nurses throughout the country and they came to aconclusion that a training program should be organized.9.According to the event, the duration of this state may last from just a few months to many years.10.Some countries have taken more protective measures to save life and property damage from earthquakes.Distribute分布Bundle捆扎Conservation 保护Series系列Export出口Maximum最大Interpret解释Conquer征服Recreation休闲娱乐Modernize现代化Classification分类Receptionist接待员Punctual准时Spokesman发言人Commercial商业1.They need more funds to modernize the country’s telephone system.2.Three interpreters looked the passage over for about three or four minutes and found that they could notinterpret half of it.3.He is promoted to manager because he has done a very good job in distributing videophones to the localcustomers.4.Participants are expected to be seated by 8:30 a.m. so that the meeting can begin punctually.5.In China, as in many parts of the world, energy conservation is an issue which gets a lot of attention thesedays.6.Although they might have IQs of 10 or 50 at the maximum, they should not be treated unfairly.7.The products not only meet the need of the domestic market, but also are exported to many parts of theworld.8.Because of the high interest rate needed to conquer inflation, Brazil’s economy has not been growing asfast as it could.9.Job evaluation and classification is the basis for determining the salary for a position.10.In China now more and more people are visiting the countryside for holidays, day excursions andrecreation on weekends.Unit 7 Section Bwitness 证人accord 协议vote投票reverse反向facility设施discriminate判别evil邪恶的abolish废除deputy副手amend修改arrest逮捕regulate规范bribe贿赂propose提出了circulate循环1.If the governmental subsidies were abolished, quite some factories would have to close down.2.The club was discovered bribing a referee after the second round of the League Cup.3.They were calling for violence and riots, trying to get more people in the streets burning cars. This is whythe police arrested them.4.It’s still far from clear what action the President will propose to settle the disagreement between him andthe Senate.5.It seems many people would vote for the government at a general election if there was a new leader.6.We want to amend the law to protect children from punishment that is harsh and inappropriate in a decentsociety.7.In English there are strict rules regulating the transformation between subjective and objective voice.8.While it is against the law to discriminate on the basis of sex, female graduates have fewer chances ofbeing employed.9.The government claimed the economic situation was improving, while the recent figures suggested thereverse.10.Another witness told the court that she had been walk alongside the two victims when the police car raninto them.Dispute纠纷Justification 正当的理由Bind结合Exposure曝光Verify验证Division分工Awkward尴尬的Edit编辑Payment付款Enforce执行Valid有效的Inherit继承Cite引用Headline标题Invitation邀请1.Shortly afterwards, Donald received an invitation in the mail to speak at a scientific conference.2.See to it that the safety regulations are enforced strictly.3.The melting of the polar icecaps and the ensuing rise in the sea level are only the most commonly citedeffects of climate change.4.He was always awkward in the company of women, especially girls.5.Moreover, she doesn’t want to leave her home, a nice little house that she inherited from her parents.6.He proposed a peaceful settlement of the dispute between the two countries.7. A research team has found that increased exposure to sunlight may decrease the risk of breast cancer.8.There must be a legally valid contract of employment between the private corporation and the staffmembers.9.All descriptions and information on hotels and guest in this advertisement should be verified as we havenever seen them before.10.Your dislike of it is hardly a justification to attack the whole thing.Translation中译英Unit 21.被告是位年仅30岁的女子,她坚持称自己无罪。
