神奇树屋1-恐龙谷历险记 中英双语






下面是《神奇树屋1》的英文故事简述:Annie and Jack are two siblings who discover a mysterious tree house in the woods near their home. When they climb up the ladder and enter the tree house, they find a book that claims to be a guide to different times and places. The book is in fact an enchanted object, and when Jack reads the first sentence, the tree house begins to spin and they are transported to the prehistoric era.In the prehistoric era, Annie and Jack come face-to-face with a Tyrannosaurus Rex. They need to find a way to escape the dinosaur and return to the tree house before it's too late. Along the way they meet a Pteranodon, a Triceratops, and other prehistoric creatures. When they finally make it back to the tree house, they realize that the tree house will take them to any place and time they want to go.《神奇树屋1》讲述了两个孩子在神奇的树屋中旅行的故事。

magic tree house英文版全文字

magic tree house英文版全文字

magic tree house英文版“神奇树屋”系列描述一对小兄妹杰克与安妮的冒险故事。



于是,兄妹俩来到史前时代的恐龙谷,和骑士探访中古世纪的城堡,到古埃及破解木乃伊的秘密,跟着海盗出海寻宝……每一次的冒险都紧张刺激、精彩得不得了,更能让你在探险过程中掌握不少知识呢!书中原汁原味的英文,能让小读者在步入高年级以后进行英文阅读!01 Dinosaurs Before Dark02 Knight At Dawn03 Mummies in the Morning04 Pirates Past Noon05 Night Of The Ninjas06 Afternoon on the Amazon07 Sunset Of The Sabertooth08 Midnight On The Moon09 Dolphins At Daybreak10 Ghost Town At Sundown11 Lions At Lunchtime12 Polar Bears Past Bedtime13 Vacation Under the Volcano14 Day of the Dragon King15 Viking Ships at Sunrise16 Hour of the Olympics17 Tonight on the Titanic18 Buffalo Before Breakfast19 Tigers at Twighlight20 Dingoes at Dinnertime21 Civil War on Sunday22 Revolutionary War on Wednesday C23 Twister On Tuesday24 Earthquake in the Early Morning,25 Stage Fright on a Summer Night26 Good Morning Gorillas27 Thanksgiving on Thursday28 High Tide In Hawaii29 Christmas in Camelot30 Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve31 Summer of the Sea Serpent32 Winter of the Ice Wizard33 Carnival At Candlelight34 Seasons Of The Sandstorms35 Night Of The New Magicians36 Blizzard Of The Blue Moon37 Dragon of the Red Dawn38 Monday With A Mad Genius39 Dark Day In The Deep Sea40 Eve Of The Emperor Penguin41 Moonlight on the Magic Flute42 MTH A Good Night for Ghosts43 MTH Leprechaun In Late Winter。



《神奇树屋中英双语系列典藏礼盒装》不仅是一本书,更是一次冒险的旅程, 一次对知识和未知的探索。它巧妙地将现实与幻想结合,中英双语的设计更让读 者在享受故事的提升语言能力。
故事的主角是两个小学生——杰克和安妮。他们通过一个神秘的树屋,穿越 时空,见证了不同历史时期的种种事件。这种设定不仅让孩子们了解了历史,更 教会了他们如何在未知的环境中生存,如何勇敢地面对各种困难。
从内容上看,《神奇树屋中英双语系列典藏礼盒装》的目录涵盖了丰富的主 题。这些主题包括探险、奇幻、魔法、友谊等,使得整个故事充满了想象力和趣 味性。通过这些主题的展开,读者可以深入了解故事情节的发展,同时也可以从 中领悟到一些深刻的道理。例如,在探险主题中,主角们通过勇敢地探索未知世 界,学会了勇敢和坚韧;在友谊主题中,主角们通过相互帮助和支持,懂得了友 情的重要性和可贵之处。
读完这套书,我深感其教育意义远超我们的想象。对于孩子们来说,这不仅 是一次阅读的体验,更是一次心灵的成长。它教会孩子们要勇敢地追求知识,不 畏艰难,始终保持对世界的好奇心。同时,中英双语的设计也为我们提供了一个 极好的学习工具,让孩子们在阅读中自然地提高英语水平。
书中的每一个细节都充满了惊喜。每一次穿越都像是打开了一个新的窗户, 让读者看到了不同的世界。而每一次的冒险都让我们更加深入地了解了人性、友 情和爱。这不仅是一本写给孩子的书,也是一本写给成年人的书。它提醒我们, 无论年龄多大,我们都需要保持一颗探索的心。
《神奇树屋中英双语系列典藏礼盒装》这本书的目录分析表明,该书的目录 设计科学络和主题思想,为后续的阅读打下坚实的基础。这本书的中英双 语对照设计也有助于提高读者的语言能力和国际视野。因此,《神奇树屋中英双 语系列典藏礼盒装》是一本值得推荐的好书,适合广大儿童和青少年阅读。













“神奇树屋”(Magic Tree House)系列描述一对小兄妹杰克与安妮的冒险故事。




神奇树屋中英双语系列第3 4辑

神奇树屋中英双语系列第3 4辑

《神奇树屋中英双语系列第4辑》是一本非常值得一读的书籍。它不仅具有 丰富的故事情节和独特的双语设计,更重要的是它传达了一种积极向上的价值观 和生活态度。通过阅读这本书,我不仅提高了自己的英语水平,还获得了宝贵的 人生经验和启示。我相信这本书将会成为我成长过程中的一道亮丽风景线。
《神奇树屋中英双语系列第4辑》是一套深受儿童喜爱的图书,其目录结构 独特,内容丰富多样,为小读者们提供了一个充满奇幻与冒险的世界。以下是对 这本书的目录进行的分析。
这部作品中还有许多其他精彩的摘录。例如,描述主人公在海洋深处探险时 遇到的神秘生物和宝藏,以及他们在探索过程中所展现的勇气和智慧。这些情节 不仅具有极高的阅读价值,还让读者在享受故事的同时汲取了丰富的知识。
《神奇树屋中英双语系列第4辑》是一部充满想象力和智慧的作品。通过阅 读这部作品,读者不仅可以沉浸在精彩的冒险故事中,还可以从中汲取知识、拓 展视野。对于喜欢探险和知识的读者来说,这部作品无疑是一部不可多得的佳作。
这本书的双语设计非常出色。通过中英文的对照,我不仅可以更好地理解故 事情节,还可以学习到地道的英语表达方式。这种学习方式不仅让我更加深入地 理解了英语语言,也让我更加自信地运用英语进行表达。同时,书中的英文部分 语言简单易懂,适合我这样的初学者阅读,让我在轻松愉快的氛围中提高了英语 水平。
这本书的主题深刻。它不仅仅是一本讲述冒险的故事书,更是一本关于成长、 勇气和智慧的教科书。通过书中的故事情节,我深刻地认识到了成长的不易以及 勇气和智慧在成长过程中的重要性。这种价值观的传达让我受益匪浅,也让我更 加珍惜自己的成长历程。

英语分级阅读 神奇树屋

英语分级阅读 神奇树屋

英语分级阅读神奇树屋Graded English Reading" and the word count exceeding 1000 words.In the enchanting world of literary exploration, one series stands out as a beacon for young readers – the beloved "Magic Tree House" by Mary Pope Osborne. This captivating collection of children's books not only ignites the imagination but also serves as a valuable tool for graded English reading, guiding young learners on an exhilarating journey through the realms of language and literature.The Magic Tree House series follows the adventures of siblings Jack and Annie, who stumble upon a mysterious tree house filled with books that transport them to different eras and locations throughout history. Each book in the series focuses on a specific time period or geographical region, exposing readers to a variety of cultural, historical, and scientific concepts in an engaging and age-appropriate manner.One of the key advantages of the Magic Tree House series for graded English reading is its carefully structured approach to language development. The books are organized into different reading levels, allowing young readers to progress at their own paceand gradually expand their vocabulary and comprehension skills. The early books in the series feature simpler sentence structures, frequent use of high-frequency words, and clear, descriptive language, making them accessible to beginner readers.As the series progresses, the books gradually increase in complexity, introducing more advanced vocabulary, complex sentence structures, and more sophisticated narrative elements. This gradual progression not only challenges the readers but also instills a sense of accomplishment as they navigate through the different levels of the series.Moreover, the series' thematic diversity and engaging storylines captivate readers, fostering a love for reading and a curiosity about the world around them. From exploring the wonders of the ancient pyramids in Egypt to embarking on a thrilling adventure through the Amazon rainforest, each book in the series transports readers to a new and exciting destination, allowing them to immerse themselves in different cultures, customs, and historical events.One of the standout features of the Magic Tree House series is its ability to seamlessly integrate educational content into the narrative. While the stories are primarily focused on the adventures of Jack and Annie, the books are infused with factual information about the settings, historical figures, and scientific phenomena encounteredalong the way. This approach not only enhances the educational value of the series but also encourages readers to explore these topics further, fostering a love for learning and a thirst for knowledge.Furthermore, the Magic Tree House series has been praised for its ability to address a wide range of themes and issues relevant to young readers. From overcoming challenges and facing fears to the importance of friendship, family, and environmental stewardship, the books touch on topics that resonate with children, helping them navigate the complexities of growing up and developing empathy, resilience, and a sense of social responsibility.In the context of graded English reading, the Magic Tree House series provides an invaluable resource for educators and parents alike. By gradually introducing more advanced language and narrative elements, the series enables young readers to build their confidence, expand their vocabulary, and improve their overall reading comprehension. Additionally, the series' focus on diverse cultural and historical perspectives helps to broaden the horizons of young readers, fostering a global mindset and a deeper understanding of the world around them.In conclusion, the Magic Tree House series stands as a shining example of the power of graded English reading. Through its engaging storylines, educational content, and carefully structuredlanguage development, the series has captivated the hearts and minds of countless young readers, inspiring a love for reading and a thirst for knowledge that will continue to inspire and empower generations to come.。

magic tree house主要内容梗概英语

magic tree house主要内容梗概英语



以下是该系列的主要内容梗概:1. 第一本书《Dinosaurs Before Dark》主要内容:安妮和杰克在树屋中发现了一本关于恐龙的书,当他们翻开书中的一页,树屋便开始转动,穿越到了远古时代。



2. 第二本书《The Knight at Dawn》主要内容:安妮和杰克在树屋中发现了一本关于中世纪的书,当他们翻开书中的一页,树屋便带着他们来到了中世纪的城堡。



3. 第三本书《Mummies in the Morning》主要内容:安妮和杰克在树屋中发现了一本关于古埃及的书,当他们翻开书中的一页,树屋便带着他们来到了古埃及。



4. 第四本书《Pirates Past Noon》主要内容:安妮和杰克在树屋中发现了一本关于海盗的书,当他们翻开书中的一页,树屋便带着他们来到了海盗的船上。



5. 第五本书《Night of the Ninjas》主要内容:安妮和杰克在树屋中发现了一本关于忍者的书,当他们翻开书中的一页,树屋便带着他们来到了日本。



6. 第六本书《Afternoon on the Amazon》主要内容:安妮和杰克在树屋中发现了一本关于亚马孙河的书,当他们翻开书中的一页,树屋便带着他们来到了亚马孙河流域。







































































the magic tree house 中英语汇本

the magic tree house 中英语汇本

the magic tree house 中英语汇本【中英文实用版】The Magic Tree House Vocabulary Book is an enchanting collection of words and phrases thatJack and Annie encountered in their thrilling adventures. It serves as a valuable resource for young readers to expand their English vocabulary and immerse themselves in the magical world of the series.《神奇树屋词汇本》收录了杰克和安妮在他们的惊险冒险中遇到的各种词汇和短语。


Each chapter of the book corresponds to a different adventure from the series, introducing a variety of themes ranging from history to science, and from fantasy to mystery.词汇本的每一章节对应系列中的一个不同冒险,介绍了从历史到科学,从奇幻到神秘的多种主题。

In this vocabulary book, readers will find words related to ancient civilizations, such as \'pyramid\' and \'pharaoh,\' as well as terms from the outer space, like \'asteroid\' and \'constellation.\'在这本词汇本中,读者会找到与古代文明相关的词汇,如“金字塔”和“法老”,以及来自外太空的词汇,比如“小行星”和“星座”。



恐龙谷历恐龙谷险记引言《Magic Tree House》(魔树屋系列)是美国作家Mary Pope Osborne创作的一套儿童读物。


本文将介绍《Magic Tree House》系列中的一本书,题为《恐龙谷历险记》。

1. 书籍概述《恐龙谷历险记》是《Magic Tree House》系列的第1本书。

它由Mary Pope Osborne撰写,并由Sal Murdocca负责插画。



2. 内容概述2.1 主要人物故事的主要角色是Jack和Annie。




2.2 故事情节Jack和Annie在树屋里找到了一本书,打开书的时候,他们被书的魔力吸引,被送到了恐龙时代的恐龙谷。




2.3 科学知识这本书注重教育性质,通过故事情节向读者们介绍了关于恐龙的基础知识。




3. 读后感《恐龙谷历险记》是一本引人入胜的儿童读物,让读者们回到了恐龙时代。




神奇树屋 31本 书目

神奇树屋 31本 书目

神奇树屋 31本书目神奇树屋是一本畅销系列儿童图书,由美国作家玛丽·波普·奥斯本(Mary Pope Osborne)创作。



以下是神奇树屋系列的31本书目:1.《神奇树屋1:恐龙谷历险》(Dinosaurs Before Dark)安妮和杰克第一次踏上神奇树屋的旅程,在恐龙时代历险,与恐龙进行了一次惊险的邂逅。

2.《神奇树屋2:骑士城堡历险》(The Knight at Dawn)本书讲述了安妮和杰克在中世纪骑士城堡里体验冒险的故事,他们需要寻找一本魔法书才能回到现实世界。

3.《神奇树屋3:毒蛇之谜》(Mummies in the Morning)在这次历险中,安妮和杰克穿越到埃及的金字塔,解开了一个古老的谜团。

4.《神奇树屋4:海底历险》(Pirates Past Noon)安妮和杰克在这次历险中潜入了海盗船,与海盗一起寻找失落的宝藏。

5.《神奇树屋5:黑暗中的黄昏》(Night of the Ninjas)本书讲述了安妮和杰克在日本古代面对忍者的故事,他们需要勇敢地面对自己的恐惧。

6.《神奇树屋6:美洲狼谜团》(Afternoon on the Amazon)安妮和杰克在这次历险中来到亚马逊雨林,与美洲狼展开了一段神秘的冒险。

7.《神奇树屋7:沙漠历险》(Sunset of the Sabertooth)本书讲述了安妮和杰克在冰河时代遇到剑齿虎的经历,他们必须解开谜题才能回到家中。

8.《神奇树屋8:午后的海豚》(Midnight on the Moon)安妮和杰克来到月球上的一个月球基地,与海豚一起展开了一次极寒的冒险。

9.《神奇树屋9:恨不得是鲨鱼历险》(Dolphins at Daybreak)在这次历险中,安妮和杰克来到海洋中与海豚一起冒险,他们必须解开一连串谜题才能离开。

Magic Tree House1-Dinosaurs Before Dark

Magic Tree House1-Dinosaurs Before Dark

Dinosaurs Before Dark1 Into the Woods“Help!A monster!”said Annie.“Yeah,sure,”said Jack. “A real monster in Frog Creek,Pennsylvania.”“Run,Jack!”said Annie. She ran up the road.Oh,brother.This is what he got for spending time with his seven-year-old sister.Annie loved pretend stuff. But Jack was eight and a half. He liked real things.“Watch out, Jack! The monster’s coming! Race you!”“No,thanks,”said Jack.Annie raced alone into the woods.Jack looked at the sky. The sun was about to set.“Come on,Annie! It’s time to go home!”But Annie had disappeared.Jack waited.No Annie.“Annie!” he shouted again.“Jack!Jack!Come here!”Jack groaned. “This better be good,”he said.Jack left the road and headed into the woods.The trees were lit with agolden late-afternoon light.“Come here!”called Annie.There she was. Standing under a tall oak tree. “Look,” she said. She was pointing at a rope ladder.The longest rope ladder Jack had ever seen.“Wow,”he whispered.The ladder went all the way up to the top of the tree.There—at the top—was a tree house. It was tucked between two branches.“That must be the highest tree house in the world,”said Annie.“Who built it ?”asked Jack. “I’ve never seen it before.”“I don’t know. But I’m going up,” said Annie.“No. We don’t know who it belongs to,” said Jack.“Just for a teeny minute,”said Annie. She started up the ladder.“Annie,come back!”She kept climbing.Jack sighed. “Annie,it’s almost dark. We have to go home.”Annie disappeared inside the tree house.“An-nie!”Jack waited a moment. He was about to call again when Annie poked her head out of the tree house window.“Books!” she shouted.“What?”“It’s filled with books!”Oh,man!Jack loved books.He pushed his glasses into place. He gripped the sides of the rope lad der,and up he went.2 The MonsterJack crawled through a hole in the tree house floor.Wow. The tree house was filled with books. Books everywhere. Very old books with dusty covers. New books with shiny, bright covers. “Look. You can see far, far away,” said Annie. She was peering out the tree house window. Jack looked out the window with her. Down below were the tops of the other trees. In the distance he saw the Frog Creek library. The element ary school. The park.Annie pointed in the other direction.“There’s our house,”she said.Sure enough. There was their white wooden house with the green porch.Next door was their neighbor’s black dog,Henry. He looked very tiny.“Hi,Henry!”shouted Annie.“Shush!”said Jack. “We’re not supposed to be up here.”He glanced around the tree house again.“I wonder who owns all these books,”he said. He noticed bookmarks were sticking out of many of them.“I like this o ne,”said Annie. She held up a book with a castle on the cover.“Here’s a book about Pennsylvania,”said Jack. He turned to the page with the bookmark.“Hey,there’s a picture of Frog Creek in here,” said Jack. “It’s a picture of these woods!”“Oh,here’s a book for you,”said Annie. She held up a book about dinosaurs.A blue silk bookmark was sticking out of it.“Let me see it.” Jack set down his backpack and grabbed the book from her.“You look at that one,and I’ll look at the one about castles,”said Ann ie.“No,We better not,”said Jack. “We don’t know who these books belong to.”But even as he said this,Jack opened the dinosaur book to where the bookmark was. He couldn’t help himself.He turned to a picture of an ancient flying reptile. A Pteranodon.He touched the huge bat-like wings.“Wow,” whispered Jack. “I wish I could see a Pteranodon for real.”Jack studied the picture of the odd-looking creature soaring through the sky.“Ahhh!”screamed Annie.“What?” said Jack.“A monster!”Annie cried. She pointed to the tree house window.“Stop pretending,Annie”,said Jack.“No,really!”said Annie.Jack looked out the window.A giant creature was gliding above the treetops!He had a long, weirdcrest on the back of his head. A skinny beak. And huge bat-like wings!It was a real live Pteranodon!The creature curved through the sky. He was coming straight toward thetree house. He looked like a glider plane!The wind began to blow.The leaves trembled.Suddenly the creature soared up. High into the sky. Jack nearly fell out the window trying to see it.The wind picked up. It was whistling now.The tree house started to spin.“What’s happening?” cried Jack.“Get down!”shouted Annie.She pulled him back from the window.The tree house was spinning. Faster and faster.Jack squeezed his eyes shut. He held on to Annie.Then everything was still.Absolutely still.Jack opened his eyes. Sunlight slanted through the window.There was Annie.The books. His backpack.The tree house was still high up in an oak tree.But it wasn’t the same oak tree.3 Where Is Here?Jack looked out the window.He looked down at the picture in the book.He looked back out the window.The world outside and the world in the picture—they were exactly the same.The Pteranodon was soaring through the sky. The ground was covered with ferns and tall grass.There was a winding stream. A sloping hill. And volcanoes in the distance.“Wh—where are we?” stammered Jack.The Pteranodon glided down to the base of their tree. The creature coasted to a stop. And stood very still.“What happened to us?” said Annie. She looked at Jack. He looked at her.“I don’t know,”said Jack. “I was looking at the picture in the book—”“And you said,‘Wow, I wish I could see a Pteranodon for real,’”said Annie.“Yeah. And the we saw one. In the Frog Creek woods”,said Jack. “Yeah. And then the wind got loud. And the tree house started spinning,”said Annie.“And we landed here,” said Jack.“And we landed here,” said Annie.“So that means...” said Jack.“So that means...what?”said Annie.“Nothing,”said Jack. He shook his head. “None of this can be real.”Annie looked out the window again.“But he’s real,”she said. “He’s very real.”Jack looked out the window with her. The Pteranodon was standing at the base of the oaktree.Like a guard. His giant wings were spread out on either side of him.“Hi!”Annie shouted.“Shush!”said Jack.“we’re not supposed to be here.”“But where is here?”said Annie.“I don’t know,”said Jack.“Hi!”Annie called again to the creature.The Pteranodon looked up at them.“Where is here?”Annie called down.“You’re nuts. He can’t talk,”said Jack. “But maybe the book can tell us.”Jack looked down at the book.He read the words under the picture:This flying reptile lived in the Cretaceous period.It vanished 65 million years ago.No. Impossible. They couldn’t have landed in a time 65 million years ago.“Jack,”said Annie. “He’s nice.”“Nice?”“Yeah,I can tell. Let’s go down and talk to him.”“Talk to him?”Annie started down the rope ladder.“Hey!”shouted Jack.But Annie kept going.“Are you crazy?” Jack called.Annie dropped to the ground. She stepped boldly up to the ancient creature.4 HenryJack gasped as Annie held out her hand.Oh,brother.She was always trying to make friends with animals. But this was going too far.“Don’t get too close to him,Annie!”Jack shouted.But Annie touched the Pteranodon’s crest. She stroked his neck. She was talking to him.What in the world was she saying?Jack took a deep breath.Okay. He would go down too. It would be good to examine the creature. Take notes. Like a scientist.Jack started down the rope ladder.When he got to the ground, Jack was only a few feet away from the creature.The creature stared at Jack. His eyes were bright and alert.“He’s soft,Jack,”said Annie. “He feels like Henry.”Jack snorted. “He’s no dog,Annie.”“Feel him,Jack,”said Annie.Ja ck didn’t move.“Don’t think,Jack. Just do it.”Jack stepped forward. He put out his arm. Very cautiously.He brushed his hand down the creature’s neck.Interesting. A thim layer of fuzz covered the Pteranodon’s skin.“Soft,huh?”said Annie.Jack reached into his backpack and pulled out a pencil and a notebook.He wrote:fuzzy skin“What are you doing?”asked Annie.“Taking notes,”said Jack.“We’re probably the first people in the whole world to ever see a real live Pteranodon.”Jack looked at the Pteranodon again. The creature had a bony crest on top of his head. The crest was longer than Jack’s arm.“I wonder how smart he is,”Jack said.“Very smart,”said Annie.“Don’t count on it,”said Jack.“His brain’s probably no bigger than a bean.”“No,he’s very smart. I can feel it,”said Annie.“I’m goint to call him Henry.”Jack wrote in his notebook:small brain?Jack looked at the creature again. “Maybe he’s a mutant,”he said.The creature tilted his head.Annie laughed. “He’s no mutant, Jack.”“Well, what’s he doing here then?Where is this place?”said Jack.Annie leaned close to the Pteranodon.“Do you know where we are,Henry?”she asked softly.The creature fixed his eyes on Annie. His long jaws were opening and closing. Like a giant pair of scissors.“Are you trying to talk to me, Henry?”asked Annie.“Forget it,Annie.”Jack wrote in his notebook:mouth like scissors?“Did we come to a time long ago, Henry?” asked Annie.“Is this a place from long ago?” Suddenly she gasped. “Jack!”He looked up.Annie was pointing toward the hill. On top stood a huge dinosaur!5 Gold in the Grass“Go!Go!”said Jack. He threw his notebook into his pack. He pushed Annie toward the rope ladder.“Bye,Henry!” she siad.“Go!”said Jack. He gave Annie a big push.“Quit it!”she said. But she started up the ladder. Jack scrambled after her.They tumbled into the tree house.They were panting as they looked out the window at the dinosaur. He was standing on the hilltop. Eating flowers off a tree.“Oh,man,”whispered Jack.“We are in a time long ago!”The dinosaur looked like a huge rhinoceros. Only he had three horns instead of one. Two long ones above his eyes and one on his nose.He had a big shield-like thing behind his head.“Triceratops!”said Jack.“Does he eat people?”whispered Annie.“I’ll look it up.”Jack grabbed the dinosaur book. He flipped through the pages.“There!”he said. He pointed to a picture of a Triceratops. He readte caption: The Triceratops lived in the late Cretaceous period. This plant-eating dinosaur weighed over 12,000 pounds.Jack slammed the book shut.“Just plants. No meat.”“Let’s go see him,”said Annie.“Are you nuts?” said Jack.“Don’t you want to take notes about him?”asked Annie.“We’re probably the first people in the whole world to ever see a real live Triceratops.”Jack sighed. She was right.“Let’s go,”he said.He shoved the dinosaur book into his pack. He slung it over his shoulder and started down the ladder.On the way down,Jack stopped.He called up to Annie,“Just promise you won’t pet him.”“I promise.”“Promise you won’t kiss him.”“I promise.”“Promise you won’t talk to him.”“I promise.”“Promise you won’t—”“Go!Go!”she siad.Jack went.Annie followed.When they stepped off the ladder, the Pteranodon gave them a kind look.Annie blew a kiss at him. “Be back soon, Henry,”she said cheerfully.“Shush!”said Jack. And he led the way through the ferns. Slowly and carefully.When he reached the bottom of the hill, he kneeled behind a fat bush.Annie knelt beside him and started to speak.“Shush!”Jack put his finger to his lips.Annie made a face.Jack peeked out at the Triceratops.The dinosaur was incredibly big. Bigger than a truck. He was eating the flowers off a magnolia tree.Jack slipped his notebook out of his pack. He wrote:eats flowersAnnie nudged him.Jack ignored her. He studied the Triceratops again. He wrote:eats slowlyAnnie nudged him hard.Jack looked at her.Annie pointed to herself. She walked her fingers through the air. She pointed to the dinosaur. She smiled.Was she teasing?She waved at Jack.Jack started to grab her.She laughed and jumped away. She fell into the grass. In full view of the Triceratops!“Get back!”whispered Jack.Too late. The big dinosaur had spotted Annie. He gazed down at her from the hilltop. Half of a magnolia flower was sticking out of his mouth.“Oops,”said Annie.“Get back!”Jack shouted at her.“He look s nice,Jack.”“Nice?Watch out for his horns,Annie!”“No. He’s nice,Jack.”Nice?But the Triceratops just gazed calmly down at Annie. Then he turned and loped away. Down the side of the hill.“Bye!”said Annie. She turned back to Jack. “See?”Jack grunted. But he wrote in his notebook.nice“Come on.Let’s look around some more,”said Annie.As Jack started after Annie, he saw something glittering in the tall grass. He reached out and picked it up.A medallion. A gold medallion.A letter was engraved on the medallion.A fancy M.“Oh,man. Someone came here before us,”Jack said softly.6 Dinosaur Valley“Annie,look at this!”Jack called. “Look what I found!”Annie had gone up to the hilltop.She was busy picking a flower from the magnolia tree.“Annie,look!A medallion!”But Annie wasn’t paying attention to Jack. She was staring at something on the other side of the hill.“Oh,wow!”she said.“Annie!”Clutching her magnolia flower, she took off down the hill.“Annie, come back!”Jack shouted.But Annie had disappeared.“I’m goint to kill her,”Jack muttered.He stuffed the gold medalllion into his jeans pocket.Then he heard Annie shriek.“Annie?”Jack heard another sound as well. A deep, bellowing sound. Like a tuba.“Jack!Come here!” Annie called.“Annie!”Jack grabbed his backpack and raced up the hill.When he got to the top, he gasped.The valley below was filled with nests. Big nests made out of mud. And the nests were filled with tiny dinosaurs!Annie was crouching next to one of the nests. And standing over her was a gigantic duck-billed dinosaur!“Don’t panic. Don’t move,”said Jack. He stepped slowly down the hill toward Annie.The huge dinosaur was towering above Annie. Waving her arms. Making her tuba sound.Jack stopped. He didn’t want to get too close.He knelt on the ground. “Okay. Move toward me. Slowly,”he said.Annie started to stand up.“Don’t stand. Crawl,”said Jack.Clutching her flower, Annie crawled toward Jack.The duck-billed dinosaur followed her. Still bellowing.Annie froze.“Keep going,”Jack said softly.Annie started crawling again.Jack inched farther down the hill. Until he was just an arm’s distance from Annie.He reached out—and grabbed her hand.He pulled Annie toward him.“Stay down,”he said. He crouched next to her.“Bow your head. Pretend to chew.”“Chew?”“Yes. I read that’s what you do if a mean dog comes at you.”“she’s no dog,Jack,”said Annie.“Just chew,”said Jack.Jack and annie both bowed their heads. And pretended to chew.Soon the dinosaur grew quiet.Jack raised his head.“I don’t think she’s mad anymore,”he said.“Thanks, Jack, for saving me,”said Annie.“You have to use your brain,”said Jack. “You can’t just go running to a nest of babies. There’s always a mother nearby.”Annie stood up.“Annie!”Too late.Annie held out her magnolia flower to the dinosaur.“I’m sorry I made you worry about your babies,”she said.The dinosaur moved closer to Annie. She grabbed the flower from her. She reached for another.“No more,”said Annie.The dinosaur let out a sad tuba sound.“But there are more flowers up there,”Annie said. She pointed to the top of the hill. “I’ll get you some.”Annie hurried up the hill.The dinosaur waddled after her.Jack quickly examined the babies. Some were crawling out of their nests.Where were the other mothers?Jack took out the dinosaur book. He flipped through the pages.He found a picture of some duck-billed dinosaurs. He read the caption:The Anatosauruses lived in colonies.While a few mothers baby-sat the nests, others hunted for food.So there must be more mothers close by.“Hey,Jack!”Annie called.Jack looked up. Annie was at the top of the hill. Feeding magnolia flowers to the giant Anatosaurus!“She’s nice, too, Jack,”Annie said.But suddenly the Anatosaurus made her terrible tuba sound. Annie crouched down and started to chew.The dinosaur barged down the hill.She seemed afraid of something.Jack put the book down on top of his pack. He hurried up to Annie.“I wonder why she ran away,”said Annie. “We were starting to be friends.”Jack looked around. What he saw in the distance almost made him throw up.An enormous ugly monster was coming across the plain.He was walking on two big legs. And swinging a long, thick tail. And dangling two tiny arms.He had a huge head. And his jaws were wide open.Even from far away Jack could see his long, gleaming teeth.“Tyrannosaurus rex!”whispered Jack.7 Ready, Set, Go!“Run,Annie!Run!” cried Jack. “To the tree house!”They dashed down the hill together. Through the tall grass, through the ferns, past the Pteranodon, and right to the rope ladder.They scrambled up. Seconds later they tumbled into the tree house.Annie leaped to the window.“He’s going away!”she said, panting.Jack pushed his glasses into place.He looked through the window with her.The Tyrannosaurus was wandering off.But then the monster stopped and turned around.“Duck!”said Jack.The two of them hunched down.After a long moment, they raised their heads. They peeked out again.“Coast clear,”said Jack.“Yay,”whispered Annie.“We have to get out of here,”said Jack.“You made a wish before,”said Annie.“I wish we could go back to Frog Creek,” said Jack.Nothing happened.“I wish—”“Wait. You were looking at a picture in the dinosaur book. Remember?”The dinosaur book.Jack groaned. “Oh,no. I left the book and my pack on th e hill. I have to go back.”“Oh, forget it,”said Annie.“I can’t,”said Jack. “The book doesn’t belong to us. Plus my notebook’s in my pack. With all my notes.”“Hurry!”said Annie.Jack hurried down the rope ladder.He leaped to the ground.He raced past the Pteranodon, through the ferns, through the tall grass, and up the hill.He looked down.There was his pack, lying on the ground. On top of it was the dinosaur book.But now the valley below was filled with Anatosauruses. All standing guard around the nests.Where had they been? Did fear of the Tyrannosaurus send them home?Jack took a deep breath.Ready!Set!Go!He charged down the hill. He leaped to his backpack. He scooped it up.He grabbed the dinosaur book.A terrible tuba sound! Another! Another! All the Anatosauruses were bellowing at him.Jack took off.He raced up to the hilltop.He started down the hill.He stopped.The Tyrannosaurus rex was back!And he was standing between Jack and the tree house!8 A Giant ShadowJack jumped behind the magnolia tree.His heart was beating so fast he could hardly think.He peeked out at the giant monster. The horrible-looking creature was opening and closing his huge jaws. His teeth were as big as steak knives.Don’t panic. Think.Jack peered down at the valley.Good. The duck-billed dinosaurs were sticking close to their nests.Jack looked back at the Tyran-nosaurus.Good. The monster still didn’t seem to know he was there.Don’t panic. Think. Think. Maybe there’s information in the book.Jack opened the dinosaur book. He found Tyrannosaurus rex. He read:Tyrannosaurus rex was the largest meat-eating land animal of all time.If it were alive today, it would eat a human in one bite.Great. The book was no help at all.Okay. He couldn’t hide on the other side of the hill.The Anatosauruses might stampede.Okay. He couldn’t run to the tree house. The Tyrannosaurus might run faster.Okay. Maybe he should just wait. Wait for the monster to leave.Jack peeked around the tree.The Tyrannosaurus had wandered closer to the hill.Something caught Jack’s eye. Annie was coming down the rope ladder!Was she nuts! What was she doing?Jack watched Annie hop off the ladder.She went straight to the Pteranodon. She was talking to him. She was flapping her arms. She pointed at Jack, at the sky, at the tree house.She was nuts!“Go!Go back up the tree!”Jack whispered. “Go!”Suddenly Jack heard a roar.The Tyrannosaurus rex was looking in his direction.Jack hit the ground.The Tyrannosaurus rex was coming toward the hill.Jack felt the ground shaking.Should he run? Crawl back into Dinosaur Valley? Climb the magnolia tree?Just then a giant shadow covered Jack. He looked up.The Pteranodon was gliding overhead. The giant creature sailed down toward the top of the hill.He was coming straight for Jack.9 The Amazing RideThe pteranodon coasted down to the ground.He stared at Jack with his bright, alert eyes.What was Jack suppo sed to do? Climb on? “But I’m too heavy,”thought Jack.Don’t think. Just do it.Jack looked at the Tyrannosaurus.He was starting up the hill. His giant teeth were flashing in the sunlight.Okay. Don’t think. Just do it!Jack put his book in his pack. Then he eased down onto the Pteranodon’s back.He held on tightly.The creature moved forward. He spread out his wings—and lifted off the ground!They teetered this way. Then that.Jack nearly fell off.The pteranodon steadied himself, then rose into the sky.Jack looked down. The Tyrannosaurus was chomping the air and staring up at him.The Pteranodon glided away.He sailed over the hilltop.He circled over the valley. Over all the nests filled with babies. Over all the giant duck-billed dinosaurs.Then the Pteranodon soared out over the plain—over the Triceratops who was grazing in the high grass.It was amazing!It was a miracle!Jack felt like a bird. As light as a feather.The wind was rushing through his hair. The air smelled sweet and fresh.He whooped. He laughed.Jack couldn’t believe it. He was riding on the back of an ancient flying reptile!The Pteranodon sailed over the stream, over the ferns and bushes.Then he carried Jack down to the base of the oak tree.Wh en they came to a stop,Jack slid off the creature’s back. And landed on the ground.Then the Pteranodon took off again and glided into the sky.“Bye, Henry,”whispered Jack.“Are you okay?”Annie shouted from the tree house.Jack pushed his glasses into place. He kept staring up at the Pteranodon.“Jack, are you okay?”Annie called.Jack looked up at Annie. He smiled.“Thanks for saving my life,”he said. “That was really fun.”“Climb up!”said Annie.Jack tried to stand. His legs were wobbly.He felt a bit dizzy.“Hurry!”shouted Annie. “He’s coming!”Jack looked around. The Tyrannosaurus was heading straight toward him!Jack bolted to the ladder. He grabbed the sides and started up.“Hurry!Hurry!”screamed Annie.Jack scrambled into the tree house.“He’s coming toward the tree!”Annie cried.Suddenly something slammed against the oak tree. The tree house shook like a leaf.Jack and Annie tumbled into the books.“Make a wish!”cried Annie.“We need the book!The one with the picture of Frog Creek!”said Jack. “Where is it?”He pushed some books aside. He had to find that book about Pennsylvania.There it was!He grabbed it and tore through it, looking for the photograph of the Frog Creek woods.He found it! Jack pointed to the picture.“I wish we could go home!”he shouted.The wind began to moan. Softly at first.“Hurry!”Jack yelled.The wind picked up. It was whistling now.The tree house started to spin.It spun faster and faster.Jack closed his eyes. He held on tightly to Annie.Then everything was still.Absolutely still.10 Home Before DarkA bird began to sing.Jack opened his eyes. He was still pointing at the picture of the Frog Creek woods.He peeked out the tree house window. Outside he saw the exact same view.“We’re home,”whispered Annie.The woods were lit with a golden late-afternoon light. The sun was about to set.No time had passed since they’ d left.“Ja-ack!An-nie!” a voice called from the distance.“That’s Mom,”said Annie, Pointing.Jack saw their mother far away. She was standing in front of their house. She looked very tiny.“An-nie!Ja-ack!”she called.Annie stuck her head out the window and shouted,“Come-ing!”Jack still felt dazed. He just stared at Annie.“What happened to us?” he said.“We took a trip in a magic tree house,”said Annie simply.“But it’s the same time as when we left,”said Jack.Annie shrugged.“And how did it take us so far away?” said Jack.“And so long ago?”“You just looked at a book and said you wished we could go there,”Said Annie. “And the magic tree house took us there.”“But how?”said Jack.“And who built this magic tree house?Who put all these books here?”“A magic person,I guess,”said Annie.A magic person?“Oh, look,”said Jack. “I almost forgot about this.”He reached into his pocket and pulled out the gold medallion.“Someone lost this back there...in dinosaur land. Look, there’s a letter M on it.”Annie’s eyes got round. “You think M stands for magic person?” she said.“I don’t know,” said Jack. “I just know someone went to that place before us.”“Ja-ack!An-nie!” came the distant cry again.Annie poked her head out the window. “Come-ing!”she shouted.Jack put the gold medallion back in his pocket.He pulled the dinosaur book out of his pack. And put it back with all the other books.Then he and Annie took one last look around the tree house.“Good-bye, house,”whispered Annie.Jack slung his backpack over his shoulder. He pointed at the ladder.Annie started down. Jack followed.Seconds later they hopped onto the ground and started walking out of the woods.“No one’s going to believe our story,”said Jack.“So let’s not tell anyone,”said Annie.“Dad won’t believe it,”said Jack.“He’ll say it was a dream,”said Annie.“Mom won’t believe it,”said Jack.“She’ll say it was pretend,”“My teacher won’t believe it,”said Jack.“She’ll say you’re nuts,”said Annie.“We better not tell anyone,”said Jack.“I already said that,”said Annie.Jack sighed. “I think I’m starting to not believe it myself,”he said.They left the woods and started up the road toward their house.As they walked past all the houses on their street, the trip to dinosaur time did seem more and more like a dream.Only this world and this time seemed real.Jack reached into his pocket. He clasped the gold medallion.He felt the engraving of the letter M. It made Jack’s fingers tingle.Jack laughed. Suddenly he felt very happy.He couldn’t explain what had happened today. But he knew for sure that their trip in the magic tree house had been real.Absolutely real.“Tomorrow,”Jack said softly,“We’ll go back to the woods.”“Of course,” said Annie.“And we’ll climb up to the tree house,”said Jack.“Of course,”said Annie.“And we’ll see what happens next,”said jack.“Of course,”said Annie. “Race you!”And they took off together, running for home.。



神奇树屋《恐龙谷历险‎记》玛丽·波·奥斯本1 进入树林“救命啊!有妖怪!”安妮喊叫着‎。













































1 Into the Woods‎“Help!A monst‎e r!”said Annie‎.“Yeah,sure,”said Jack. “A real monst‎e r in Frog Creek‎, Penns‎y lvan‎i a.”“R un,Jack!”said Annie‎. She ran up the road.Oh,broth‎e r.This is what he got for spend‎i ng time with his seven‎-year-old siste‎r.Annie‎loved‎prete‎n d stuff‎. But Jack was eight‎and a half. He liked‎real thing‎s.“Watch‎out, Jack! The monst‎e r’s comin‎g! Race you!”“No,thank‎s,”said Jack.Annie‎raced‎alone‎into the woods‎.Jack looke‎d at the sky. The sun was about‎to set.“Come on,Annie‎! It’s time to go home!”But Annie‎had disap‎p eare‎d.Jack waite‎d.No Annie‎.“Annie‎!” he shout‎e d again‎.“Jack!Jack!Come here!”Jack groan‎e d. “This bette‎r be good,”he said.Jack left the road and heade‎d into the woods‎.The trees‎were lit with agold‎e n late-after‎n oon light‎.“Come here!”calle‎d Annie‎.There‎she was. Stand‎i ng under‎a tall oak tree. “Look,” she said. She was point‎i ng at a rope ladde‎r.The longe‎s t rope ladde‎r Jack had ever seen.“Wow,”he whisp‎e red.The ladde‎r went all the way up to the top of the tree.There‎—at the top—was a tree house‎. It was tucke‎d betwe‎e n two branc‎h es.“That must be the highe‎s t tree house‎in the world‎,”said Annie‎.“Who built‎it ?”asked‎Jack. “I’ve never‎seen it befor‎e.”“I don’t know. But I’m going‎up,” said Annie‎.“No. We don’t know who it belon‎g s to,” said Jack.“Just for a teeny‎minut‎e,”said Annie‎. She start‎e d up the ladde‎r.“Annie‎,come back!”She kept climb‎i ng.Jack sighe‎d. “Annie‎,it’s almos‎t dark. We have to go home.”Annie‎disap‎p eare‎d insid‎e the tree house‎.“An-nie!”Jack waite‎d a momen‎t. He was about‎to call again‎when Annie‎poked‎her head out of the tree house‎windo‎w.“Books‎!” she shout‎e d.“What?”“It’s fille‎d with books‎!”Oh,man!Jack loved‎books‎.He pushe‎d his glass‎e s into place‎. He gripp‎e d the sides‎of the rope lad der,and up he went.2大妖怪杰克从树屋‎地板上的一‎个洞里爬了‎进去。



神奇树屋MagicTreeHouse英文MP3音频1-52+PDF文档全+部分中文音频及文档目录:英文音频:Magic Tree House Books MP3音频 01-52英文文档:Magic Tree House Books PDF文档1-52Magic Tree House Books PDF点读文档1-48Magic Tree House Books Epub高清22本中文音频及文档:神奇树屋中文部分音频+文档神奇树屋Magic Tree House是写给国外10岁左右娃看的章节书,这里一共有1-48本的文本\扫描本及mp3,另外还有一本神奇树屋Magic Tree House的Research Guide。

神奇树屋Magic Tree House是章节书,每本故事书大概70页左右,也有稍微长些的,但也不会超过120页,文字大,每页的文字其实不太多,图片少,每个章节出现一到两幅图片。

神奇树屋Magic Tree House是章节书里面最简单的,基本简单句占多数,而且那个咒语都是重复的,还是挺有意思的。

在国内呢,神奇树屋Magic Tree House适合已经能熟练自主阅读的孩子,一般来说12岁左右有长期英语学习的孩子。

神奇树屋Magic Tree House的1-43本都是有音频的,孩子在看完之后还可以听,可以进一步提升听力理解能力,确实是一套非常不错的初级章节书。

神奇树屋Magic Tree House的作者除了写神奇树屋Magic Tree House的故事,后来还根据每本故事些了Research Guide。

因为神奇树屋Magic Tree House的每本故事,基本都基于某个历史事件、史前时代或某个国家的某个特色,因此,神奇树屋Magic Tree House的Research Guide就是作者写来帮助孩子对这些历史、史前时代或其他国家文化进行进一步拓展的。




神奇树屋《恐龙谷历险记》玛丽·波·奥斯本1 进入树林“救命啊!有妖怪!”安妮喊叫着。













































1 Into the Woods“Help!A monster!”said Annie.“Yeah,sure,”said Jack. “A real monster in Frog Creek, Pennsylvania.”“Run,Jack!”said Annie. She ran up the road.Oh,brother.This is what he got for spending time with his seven-year-old sister.Annie loved pretend stuff. But Jack was eight and a half. He liked real things.“Watch out, Jack! The monster’s coming! Race you!”“No,thanks,”said Jack.Annie raced alone into the woods.Jack looked at the sky. The sun was about to set.“Come on,Annie! It’s time to go home!”But Annie had disappeared.Jack waited.No Annie.“Annie!” he shouted again.“Jack!Jack!Come here!”Jack groaned. “This better be good,”he said.Jack left the road and headed into the woods.The trees were lit with agolden late-afternoon light.“Come here!”called Annie.There she was. Standing under a tall oak tree. “Look,” she said. She was pointing at a rope ladder.The longest rope ladder Jack had ever seen.“Wow,”he whispered.The ladder went all the way up to the top of the tree.There—at the top—was a tree house. It was tucked between two branches.“That must be the highest tree house in the world,”said Annie.“Who built it ?”asked Jack. “I’ve never seen it before.”“I don’t know. But I’m going up,” said Annie.“No. We don’t know who it belongs to,” said Jack.“Just for a teeny minute,”said Annie. She started up the ladder.“Annie,come back!”She kept climbing.Jack sighed. “Annie,it’s almost dark. We have to go home.”Annie disappeared inside the tree house.“An-nie!”Jack waited a moment. He was about to call again when Annie poked her head out of the tree house window.“Books!” she shouted.“What?”“It’s filled with books!”Oh,man!Jack loved books.He pushed his glasses into place. He gripped the sides of the rope lad der,and up he went.2大妖怪杰克从树屋地板上的一个洞里爬了进去。

神奇树屋 the amazing ride 趣趣英语

神奇树屋 the amazing ride 趣趣英语

神奇树屋the amazing ride 趣趣英语全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Magic Tree House: The Amazing RideI still can't believe the wild adventure I just went on with my best friend Jack! It all started when we were hanging out in the tree house in the woods behind Jack's house like we do all the time. We had just finished reading the latest book in the Magic Tree House series by Mary Pope Osborne called "The Amazing Ride."In the book, Jack and Annie, the main characters who are also brother and sister, travel back in time on more crazy adventures. This time they went back to the Ice Age to learn about woolly mammoths and saber-toothed cats! It sounded like such an exciting journey.As Jack and I were talking about the book, I said how cool it would be if we could actually go back in time and see those prehistoric creatures up close. Jack agreed it would be awesome, but obviously that could never happen in real life. Or so we thought!Suddenly, the tree house started shaking like crazy. The pages of the book we had sitting open flipped rapidly by themselves as if a huge gust of wind was blowing through, even though it was a totally still evening. Before we knew what hit us, Jack and I were spinning around and around, holding on for dear life.When we finally stopped spinning, we were no longer in Jack's backyard tree house. We were in a completely different tree house in the middle of a snowy landscape with huge mountains in the distance. Next to the tree house was a woolly mammoth munching on some plants! We couldn't believe our eyes."Where are we?" Jack asked in a shaky voice. Just then, a young girl climbed down some rope rungs on the tree house. It was Annie from the Magic Tree House books!"You made it!" she exclaimed. "I was worried when I saw that bright light and heard the crash that you two got lost somewhere else in time."Jack and I just looked at each other in shock. The tree house books had come to life and somehow transported us to the Ice Age! Annie went on to explain that her brother Jack was off exploring and would be back soon. In the meantime, she wasexcited for us to learn all about mammoths, saber-toothed cats, and other Ice Age beasts.Over the next few hours, we had the most insane experience. We got to watch a mammoth very closely as it ripped off tree bark with its huge trunk to eat. We saw enormous cave bears emerge from hibernation. And we even spotted a pack of saber-toothed cats hunting for prey in the distance! We learned so much about these incredible animals that have been extinct for tens of thousands of years.Just when we thought things couldn't get any wilder, we heard a deafening roar and the ground started shaking. A giant woolly mammoth stormed out from behind a hill, angrily flaring its trunk and stamping huge feet that left craters in the ground. It was charging straight towards us!"Don't move a muscle!" Annie whispered urgently. "Mammoths can trample anything in their path if threatened."We all stood completely still, hardly daring to breathe, as the colossal beast got closer and closer. I couldn't believe this was actually happening! Just as I feared we were all goners, Jack came running up behind the mammoth wildly waving a burning torch and yelling. The startled mammoth spun around and thundered away in the opposite direction to flee from the threat."Phew, that was a close one!" Jack exclaimed, giving us all a big hug. "Good thing mammoths are in danger, not carnivores like saber-toothed cats!"We all laughed with relief and amazement at the close encounter. That's when I noticed the medallion Jack was wearing that looked just like the one in the books. He must have used it to travel here to the Ice Age and meet up with Annie.Soon after that heart-pounding mammoth scare, Annie told us we'd have to return to our own time and place soon. She gave us special satchels filled with little souvenirs of our time in the Ice Age like a mammoth tusk fossil and a saber-toothed cat tooth. So cool!Just then, the tree house started shaking again and we were whirled around in that same crazy vortex. The next thing I knew, I was lying back in Jack's backyard tree house just as the sun was beginning to set. I couldn't believe we had traveled back from over 10,000 years in the past in the blink of an eye!Jack and I looked around in awe, then opened our satchels to look at the fossils and shells we had collected. It was proof that our remarkable journey to the Ice Age with the Magic Tree House crew had indeed happened! We just experienced something most people could only dream of.As we were gushing about the incredible adventure we had gone on, Annie and Jack climbed back into the tree house. Except this time, they were the Annie and Jack from our present time that we had grown up with, not the ones from the books."Did you two have a good time traveling back to the Ice Age with us?" Annie asked with a smile. "I can't wait for you to read all about our next adventure!"With that, the two of them were gone again in another bright vortex. Jack and I just looked at each other in amazement, wondering what other unbelievable experiences the Magic Tree House might have in store. All I knew was that I couldn't wait to go on another mind-blowing journey with my friends! It's going to be an amazing ride.篇2The Magic Tree House: The Amazing RideI absolutely love the Magic Tree House book series by Mary Pope Osborne! The books follow the adventures of Jack and Annie, two regular kids who discover a tree house filled with books that can magically transport them through time and space. Each book takes them on a thrilling journey to a different point in history or a different part of the world.One of my favorite books in the series is "The Amazing Ride." In this story, Jack and Annie get a magical assignment from Morgan le Fay to go back in time and try to learn the secrets of some of the earliest explorers and inventors. Their first stop is ancient China, where they meet the famous explorer Zheng He and get to sail on one of his massive treasure ships.I thought it was so cool how the book brought the voyages of Zheng He to life. He was a real historical figure who led huge fleets of ships on incredible journeys across the Indian Ocean in the early 1400s. The descriptions of his gigantic "treasure ships" with nine masts and crews of hundreds of sailors made me feel like I was right there on deck, looking out at the vast blue sea.After leaving ancient China, Jack and Annie's tree house takes them to Renaissance-era Italy. Here they meet the great inventor and artist Leonardo da Vinci and get to see some of his fantastic designs and creations up close. I loved learning about all of da Vinci's incredible ideas - like his concepts for a helicopter, a tank, concentrated solar power, and even a rudimentary robot!Da Vinci seems like he was the ultimate Renaissance man - an artist, scientist, inventor, and free thinker all rolled into one. The scenes in the book where Jack and Annie watch himsketching ideas and working on mechanical prototypes were captivating. It really brought home how revolutionary and ahead-of-his-time da Vinci was. I can see why he's still renowned as one of the greatest geniuses who ever lived, even 500 years later!The last leg of Jack and Annie's journey takes them to Russia in the early 1700s to meet the great tsar, Peter the Great. What's really cool is that Peter spent a lot of time traveling across Europe, learning about western technology and trying to bring Russia into the modern world. In the book, Jack and Annie get to join Peter on a visit to some shipyards in Holland where he's studying naval engineering.I loved the descriptions of the bustling shipyards, with ships being built, masts being raised, and sailors hard at work absolutely everywhere you looked. And Peter was like a sponge, asking a million questions of the Dutch ship builders and taking tons of notes on every little detail of their advanced techniques. It made me have a lot of respect for how dedicated Peter was to acquiring new knowledge that could help modernize and strengthen Russia.By riding along with these daring explorers, innovative thinkers, and determined leaders, Jack and Annie (and readerslike me!) get to experience some of the most important developments and discoveries in human history first-hand. We're there as Zheng He's colossal fleets open up maritime trade routes across the Indian Ocean. We watch up close as Leonardo da Vinci fills his notebooks with futuristic inventions. And we see the intense curiosity that drove Peter the Great to study the leading science and technology of his day.Each time I read "The Amazing Ride," I'm struck by how these historical figures defied conventional thinking and weren't afraid to explore uncharted waters (literally, in Zheng He's case!). Their courage, creativity, and thirst for knowledge allowed them to make incredible contributions that still impact our world today. The Magic Tree House books don't just entertain, but inspire young people to approach life with that same spirit of adventure, innovation, and curiosity.Whether it's building an experimental go-kart, or designing a video game, or finding a new way to reduce plastic waste, I think every kid has an inner explorer, inventor, or visionary inside them just waiting to be unlocked. Books like "The Amazing Ride" feed that spark of imagination and remind us that with determination and an open mind, we too can go on to do amazing things and change the world. As Jack's friend Kathleensays at the end of the story, "Being curious and using your mind is the first amazing ride." I couldn't agree more!篇3The Amazing Ride by Mary Pope Osborne: A Magical Journey Through TimeHey there, Fun Fun English readers! It's me again, coming at you with another book review. This time, I'm diving into the wild and wonderful world of the Magic Tree House series by Mary Pope Osborne. Specifically, we're going to explore the epic adventure found in book number 27 – "The Amazing Ride"!Now, if you're not already familiar with the Magic Tree House books, let me give you a quick rundown. The series follows the crazy cool escapades of two kids, Jack and Annie, who discover a treehouse filled with books that can magically transport them through time and space. Talk about the ultimate field trip!In "The Amazing Ride," Jack and Annie find themselves whisked away to the American prairie in the late 1800s. And let me tell you, this is no ordinary trip to the countryside. Nope, they end up smack dab in the middle of a hair-raising race against a bunch of cowboys on the legendary Pony Express trail!Right from the get-go, the action is non-stop. Jack and Annie have to saddle up and ride alongside theserough-and-tumble Pony Express riders, braving treacherous terrain, wild animals, and even some unsavory outlaws. It's like an old-school Western movie, but they're living it for real!What I love about this book is how it brings history to life in the most thrilling way possible. Sure, we've all learned about the Pony Express in school, but reading a textbook can't even compare to galloping alongside these brave riders as they risk their lives to deliver the mail. Talk about an adrenaline rush!And let's not forget about the amazing detail Osborne packs into her descriptions. From the vast, rolling prairies to the dusty frontier towns, I could vividly picture every scene unfolding before my eyes. It's like being transported back in time myself!But "The Amazing Ride" isn't just a wild adventure story – it's also a heartwarming tale of friendship and courage. Jack and Annie have to rely on each other every step of the way, facing challenges that would test even the bravest of cowboys. Their bond grows stronger with each obstacle they overcome, reminding us that true friendship can conquer anything.And let's be real, Jack and Annie are just downright cool characters. Jack is the level-headed, responsible one, alwaystrying to keep them out of too much trouble. Annie, on the other hand, is the daring, adventurous spirit, constantly pushing them into exciting (and sometimes scary) situations. Together, they make the perfect duo to lead us on these magical journeys.Of course, no Magic Tree House book would be complete without the delightfully quirky rewards they earn at the end of each adventure. This time, they bring back a pouch filled with...well, you'll have to read the book to find out! But trust me, it's an awesome souvenir from their wild ride on the Pony Express trail.All in all, "The Amazing Ride" is a must-read for any Magic Tree House fan or anyone who loves a rollicking good adventure. It's packed with heart-pounding action, fascinating historical details, and valuable lessons about friendship and perseverance.So what are you waiting for? Saddle up and join Jack and Annie on their amazing ride across the American frontier. Just be sure to hold on tight – it's going to be one heck of a journey!Rating: 5 out of 5 golden books. This one deserves a permanent spot on your bookshelf!。



神奇树屋书名中英文对照The Magic Tree HouseJack and Annie were siblings who loved to explore the world around them. One day, they stumbled upon an old treehouse in the middle of the woods. Little did they know, this treehouse was no ordinary structure – it was a magical portal to different times and places.As they stepped inside, they were immediately transported to a lush, tropical island. The air was warm and the sun shone brightly, casting a golden glow over the lush foliage. Jack and Annie looked around in awe, taking in the sights and sounds of this new and unfamiliar environment.Suddenly, they heard a rustling in the bushes. Out stepped a young girl, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Who are you?" she asked in a gentle voice. Jack and Annie introduced themselves, and the girl, whose name was Kara, explained that she was a native of this island.Kara was fascinated by the strange children who had appeared in her home, and she eagerly showed them around. She took them to the towering palm trees, where they could see the ocean in the distance,and to the vibrant flower gardens that were alive with butterflies and hummingbirds.As they explored, Jack and Annie couldn't help but wonder how they had ended up here. They remembered the old treehouse, but how had it transported them to this tropical paradise? Kara explained that the treehouse was a magical portal, one that could take them to any time or place they desired.Intrigued, Jack and Annie asked Kara if she knew of any other magical places they could visit. Kara thought for a moment, then her face lit up with excitement. "I know just the place!" she exclaimed, and led them back to the treehouse.Once inside, Kara instructed them to close their eyes and imagine a snowy mountain landscape. Jack and Annie did as she said, and in an instant, they felt the world around them shift. When they opened their eyes, they found themselves in a breathtaking winter wonderland, surrounded by towering peaks and sparkling snow.As they marveled at their new surroundings, Kara explained that the treehouse could transport them to any place they could imagine, as long as they had the courage to explore. Jack and Annie were thrilled, and they spent the next several hours hopping from one magical realm to the next, discovering ancient civilizations, encounteringmythical creatures, and learning about the rich history of the world.Throughout their adventures, Jack and Annie grew closer as siblings, bonding over their shared experiences and the sense of wonder they felt with every new discovery. They learned valuable lessons about bravery, curiosity, and the power of the imagination.As the sun began to set, Kara told them it was time to return home. With a heavy heart, Jack and Annie said their goodbyes and stepped back into the treehouse. In a flash, they found themselves back in the familiar woods, the old treehouse standing before them.They knew that their journey had only just begun, and they couldn't wait to see what other magical realms the treehouse had in store for them. From that day on, Jack and Annie became regular visitors to the enchanted treehouse, embarking on countless adventures and discovering the wonders of the world.。

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神奇树屋《恐龙谷历险记》玛丽·波·奥斯本1 进入树林“救命啊!有妖怪!”安妮喊叫着。













































1 Into the Woods“Help!A monster!”said Annie.“Yeah,sure,”said Jack. “A real monster in Frog Creek,Pennsylvania.”“Run,Jack!”said Annie. She ran up the road.Oh,brother.This is what he got for spending time with his seven-year-old sister.Annie loved pretend stuff. But Jack was eight and a half. He liked real things.“Watch out, Jack! The monster’s coming! Race you!”“No,thanks,”said Jack.Annie raced alone into the woods.Jack looked at the sky. The sun was about to set.“Come on,Annie! It’s time to go home!”But Annie had disappeared.Jack waited.No Annie.“Annie!” he shouted again.“Jack!Jack!Come here!”Jack groaned. “This better be good,”he said.Jack left the road and headed into the woods.The trees were lit with agolden late-afternoon light.“Come here!”called Annie.There she was. Standing under a tall oak tree. “Look,” she said. She was pointing at a rope ladder.The longest rope ladder Jack had ever seen.“Wow,”he whispered.The ladder went all the way up to the top of the tree.There—at the top—was a tree house. It was tucked between two branches.“That must be the highest tree house in the world,”said Annie.“Who built it ?”asked Jack. “I’ve never seen it before.”“I don’t know. But I’m going up,” said Annie.“No. We don’t know who it belongs to,” said Jack.“Just for a teeny minute,”said Annie. She started up the ladder.“Annie,come back!”She kept climbing.Jack sighed. “An nie,it’s almost dark. We have to go home.”Annie disappeared inside the tree house.“An-nie!”Jack waited a moment. He was about to call again when Annie poked her head out of the tree house window.“Books!” she shouted.“What?”“It’s filled w ith books!”Oh,man!Jack loved books.He pushed his glasses into place. He gripped the sides of the rope lad der,and up he went.2大妖怪杰克从树屋地板上的一个洞里爬了进去。






































































2 The MonsterJack crawled through a hole in the tree house floor.Wow. The tree house was filled with books. Books everywhere. Very old books with dusty covers. New books with shiny, bright covers. “Look. You can see far, far away,” said Annie. She was peering out the tree house window. Jack looked out the window with her. Down below were the tops of the other trees. In the distance he saw the Frog Creek library. The element ary school. The park.Annie pointed in the other direction.“There’s our house,”she said.Sure enough. There was their white wooden house with the green porch.Next door was their neighbor’s black dog,Henry. He looked very tiny.“Hi,Henry!”shouted Annie.“Shush!”said Jack. “We’re not supposed to be up here.”He glanced around the tree house again.“I wonder who owns all these books,”he said. He noticed bookmarks were sticking out of many of them.“I like this one,”said Annie. She held up a book with a castle on the cover.“Here’s a book about Pennsylvania,”said Jack. He turned to the page with the bookmark.“Hey,there’s a picture of Frog Creek in here,” said Jack. “It’s a picture of the se woods!”“Oh,here’s a book for you,”said Annie. She held up a book about dinosaurs.A blue silk bookmark was sticking out of it.“Let me see it.” Jack set down his backpack and grabbed the book from her.“You look at that one,and I’ll look at the one about castles,”said Annie.“No,We better not,”said Jack. “We don’t know who these books belong to.”But even as he said this,Jack opened the dinosaur book to where the bookmark was. He couldn’t help himself.He turned to a picture of an ancient flying reptile. A Pteranodon.He touched the huge bat-like wings.“Wow,” whispered Jack. “I wish I could see a Pteranodon for real.”Jack studied the picture of the odd-looking creature soaring through the sky.“Ahhh!”screamed Annie.“What?” said Ja ck.“A monster!”Annie cried. She pointed to the tree house window.“Stop pretending,Annie”,said Jack.“No,really!”said Annie.Jack looked out the window.A giant creature was gliding above the treetops!He had a long, weirdcrest on the back of his head. A skinny beak. And huge bat-like wings!It was a real live Pteranodon!The creature curved through the sky. He was coming straight toward thetree house. He looked like a glider plane!The wind began to blow.The leaves trembled.Suddenly the creature soared up. High into the sky. Jack nearly fell out the window trying to see it.The wind picked up. It was whistling now.The tree house started to spin.“What’s happening?” cried Jack.“Get down!”shouted Annie.She pulled him back from the window.The tree house was spinning. Faster and faster.Jack squeezed his eyes shut. He held on to Annie.Then everything was still.Absolutely still.Jack opened his eyes. Sunlight slanted through the window.There was Annie.The books. His backpack.The tree house was still high up in an oak tree.But it wasn’t the same oak tree.3这儿是哪儿杰克望着窗户外面。
