


Vocabulary 10000 2
Lesson 1 2
Lesson 2 4
Lesson 3 6
Lesson 4 8
Lesson 5 9
Lesson 6 11
Lesson 7 12
Lesson 8 14
Lesson 9 16
Lesson 10 17
56. carry off v. 夺去...的生命, 获得, 成功对付
57. mammalian n.哺乳动物 adj.哺乳动物的
58. ascribe vt.归因于, 归咎于
59. bulwark n.壁垒, 防波堤
60. dubious adj.可疑的, 不确定的
(5)An extended period of poor performance, especially in a sport or competitive activity: 低潮:一段很长的差劲的表演,尤指体育活动或竞赛中:
a slump in a batting average. 击球率的低潮期
(1)To strive in opposition or against difficulties; struggle: 争斗:对抗性地或与困难相斗争;斗争:
armies contending for control of strategic territory; had to contend with long lines at the airport.
4. eradicate v.根除
5. barbarian n.粗鲁无礼的人, 野蛮人 adj.野蛮的, 粗鲁的
6. defile v.染污n.隘路



刘毅单词10000 (1)Lesson 1 (3)Lesson 2 (10)Lesson 3 (19)Lesson 4 (28)Lesson 5 (38)Lesson 6 (49)Lesson 7 (58)Lesson 8 ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 9 ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 10 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 11 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 12 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 13 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 14 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 15 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 16 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 17 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。



熟背诵英文10000单词◎教程注释Vocabulary 10000 2Lesson 1 2Lesson 2 4Lesson 3 6Lesson 4 8Lesson 5 9Lesson 6 11Lesson 7 12Lesson 8 14Lesson 9 16Lesson 10 17Lesson 11 19Lesson 12 20Lesson 13 23Lesson 14 24Lesson 15 26Lesson 16 28Lesson 17 29Lesson 18 32Lesson 19 35Lesson 20 36Lesson 21 38Lesson 22 39Lesson 23 40Lesson 24 45Vocabulary 10000Lesson 1huddle v.拥挤, 卷缩, 草率从事, 挤作一团n.杂乱的一堆, 拥挤censure v.责难n.责难vaccine adj.疫苗的, 牛痘的 n.疫苗eradicate v.根除barbarian n.粗鲁无礼的人, 野蛮人 adj.野蛮的, 粗鲁的defile v.染污n.隘路stable n.厩:家畜,尤指马和牛的圈养和喂食的棚子abdomen n.腹, 腹部bereft adj.被剥夺的, 失去亲人的, 丧失的bereave vt. 剥夺, 使失去 adj. Suffering the loss of a loved one:忍受失去所爱之人后的痛苦的consecrate vt.用作祭祀, 献给, 使神圣adj.被献给神的, 神圣的consecrated adj.神圣的, 被视为神圣的jolt v.摇晃 n.摇晃bow n.弓, 乐弓, 弓形, 鞠躬, 船首 v.鞠躬, 弯腰obsolete adj.荒废的, 陈旧的 n.废词, 陈腐的人prowl v.巡游scoope n.铲子 v.掘, 挖diplomat n.外交官, 有外交手腕的人, 有权谋的人beloved adj.心爱的n.所爱的人, 爱人bandit n.强盗rug n.(小)地毯, 垫子deviation n.背离罗盘偏差:指南针由于局部磁场的影响发生偏移,尤指在船上tolerable adj.可容忍的, 可以的fortitude n.坚韧inconsolable adj.无法安慰的, 极为伤心的nibble n. 细咬, 轻咬, 啃v.一点一点地咬, 细咬, 吹毛求疵coronation n.加冕礼coronate vt.加冕pageant n.盛会, 庆典, 游行, 虚饰, 露天表演scourge n.鞭, 笞, 苦难的根源, 灾祸 vt.鞭打, 痛斥, 蹂躏tumble n.跌倒, 摔跤, 翻斤斗 vi.翻倒, 摔倒, 倒塌, 滚动, 翻筋斗, 仓惶地行动vt.使摔倒, 使滚翻, 弄乱compass n.罗盘, 指南针,圆规 v.包围malicious adj.怀恶意的, 恶毒的inauguration n.就职典礼, 开幕式 inaugurate vt.举行就职典礼, 创新, 开辟, 举行开幕(落成、成立)典礼.afflict vt.使痛苦, 折磨dissimulation n.掩饰, 虚伪, 装糊涂inhumane adj.残忍的flog vt.鞭打, 鞭策, 迫使, 驱使, 严厉批评disobedient adj.不服从的inscription n.题字, 碑铭rummage v.到处翻寻, 搜出, 检查n.翻箱倒柜的寻找, 检查, 零星杂物spout n.喷管, 喷口, 水柱, 喷流, 管口v.喷出, 滔滔不绝地讲, 喷涌spout out 喷出traverse n.横贯, 横断, 横木, 障碍, 否认, 反驳, (建筑)通廊vt.横过, 穿过, 经过, 在...来回移动, 反对, 详细研究vi.横越, 横断, 旋转, 来回移动adj.横断的, 横的slope n.斜坡, 斜面, 倾斜v.(使)顺斜wistful adj.渴望的, 想望的unduly adv.不适当地, 过度地, 不正当地meddle v.管闲事meddle with 干涉amicable adj.友善的, 和平的blizzard n.大风雪glimmer 暗淡或微弱的闪光lump n.块(尤指小块), 肿块, 笨人 vt.使成块状, 混在一起, 忍耐, 笨重地移动vi.结块ransack vt.到处搜索, 掠夺, 洗劫slash(1)乱砍:slash a path through the underbrush.从灌木丛中劈出一条路来(2) 尖刻地批评:The work of the composer has been slashed by the reviewers. 批评家严厉地批评这名作曲家的作品more....slumpv.(1)To fall or sink heavily; collapse: 掉入,陷入:沉重地落下或沉下;倒塌:She slumped, exhausted, onto the sofa. 她疲惫之极地倒在沙发上(2)懒散的座着、站着:坐着或站着时垂下;耷拉着(3)To decline suddenly; fall off: 暴跌:突然下降;衰退:Business slumped after the holidays. 节日过后生意下降了(4)To sink or settle, as into mud or slush.( n.烂泥v.溅湿) 陷入:沉入或陷入(泥泞或雪泥中)(5)To slide down or spread out thickly, as mud or fresh concrete. 滑落:将(泥或新拌的混凝土)厚厚地滑下或涂抹开n.(1)The act or an instance of slumping. 陷入,掉入:沉下的动作或事(2)A drooping or slouching posture: 垂下,萎靡:低垂或颓丧的姿式:read defeat in the slump of his shoulders. 从他肩膀的无力下垂上可以看出他失败了(3)A sudden falling off or decline, as in activity, prices, or business: 暴跌:(活动、价格或生意方面)突然的衰退或下降:a stock market slump; a slump in farm prices. 股市暴跌;农产品降格陡降(5)An extended period of poor performance, especially in a sport or competitive activity: 低潮:一段很长的差劲的表演,尤指体育活动或竞赛中:a slump in a batting average. 击球率的低潮期carry off v. 夺去...的生命, 获得, 成功对付mammalian n.哺乳动物adj.哺乳动物的ascribe vt.归因于, 归咎于bulwark n.壁垒, 防波堤dubious adj.可疑的, 不确定的heed n.注意, 留意 v.注意, 留意mumble n.喃喃而语, 咕哝, 闭嘴细嚼v.喃喃而语, 咕哝relic n.遗物, 遗迹, 废墟, 纪念物exhaust vt.用尽, 耗尽, 抽完, 使精疲力尽 vi.排气 n.排气, 排气装adj.用不完的, 不会枯竭的fume n.(浓烈或难闻的)烟, 气体, 一阵愤怒(或不安) v.用烟熏, 冒烟, 发怒wayfarer n.旅客, 徒步旅行者(同:hiker)wont n.习惯, 惯常活动adj.惯于, 常常 vi.习惯vt.使习惯于Lesson 2absolve v.宣布免除umpire n.仲裁人, 裁判员v.仲裁, 任裁判, 作裁判contend v.(动词)con.tend.ed, con.tend.ing, contendsv.intr.(不及物动词)(1)To strive in opposition or against difficulties; struggle: 争斗:对抗性地或与困难相斗争;斗争:armies contending for control of strategic territory; had to contend with long lines at the airport.军队为了控制战略领地而奋战;在机场必须忍受大排长龙(2)To compete, as in a race; vie. 竞争,如在竞赛中;争夺(3)To strive in controversy or debate; dispute.See Synonyms at discuss争论:在争论或辩论中据理力争;辩论参见 discussv.tr.(及物动词)(4)To maintain or assert: 主张或声称:The defense contended that the evidence was inadmissible. 被告方声称证据是不可接受的deplore v.表示悲痛fracture n.破裂, 骨折 v.(使)破碎, (使)破裂pith n.(植物的)木髓, 骨髓, 重要部分, 核心, 意义, 精华, 精力 vt.除去木髓, 杀死relish n.(名词)(1)An appetite for something; a strong appreciation or liking: 胃口:对某事物的食欲,强烈的欣赏或者喜欢:a relish for luxury.对奢侈品的爱好(2)Hearty enjoyment; zest.See Synonyms at zest 诚恳的享乐;风味参见 zest(3)Something that lends pleasure or zest. 独特的滋味:使人感到愉快或有风味的东西(4)A spicy or savory condiment or appetizer, such as chutney or olives.调味品:加有香料的或开胃的佐料或开胃品,如辣酱或者橄榄(5)A condiment of chopped sweet pickle. 切碎的甜泡菜做的调味品(6)The flavor of a food, especially when appetizing.See Synonyms at taste 滋味:食物的味道,特别是促进食欲的味道参见 taste(7)A trace or suggestion of a pleasurable quality. 滋味:令人愉快的微量或意味v.(动词)rel.ished, rel.ish.ing, rel.ish.esv.tr.(及物动词)(1)To take keen or zestful pleasure in.See Synonyms at like 1欣赏:从…中得到敏锐的热烈的欢愉参见 like1(2)To enjoy the flavor of. 品尝:品尝…的味道(3)To give spice or flavor to.给…加佐料v.intr.(不及物动词)(1)To have a pleasing or distinctive taste. 有滋味:有令人愉快的或特定的味道whip n.鞭子, 车夫 v.鞭打, 抽打, 突然移动tidings n.消息cumber v.tr.(及物动词)cum.bered, cum.ber.ing, cum.bers(1)To weigh down; burden: 压下;使挑重担:was cumbered with many duties. 肩负许多重任(2)To hamper or hinder, as by being in the way: 妨碍,阻碍:妨碍或阻碍,如挡在路上:was cumbered with a long poncho. 披风过长行动就会不便(3)To litter; clutter up: 使凌乱;使塞满:Weeds cumbered the garden paths. 花园小径上到处都是杂草。



本版教程为毕克所著目的是在十天内提高单词量到10000学习要求是脱口背诵,每天学习6小时.Vocabulary 10000Lesson 1A monument was built to commemorate the victory.The children huddled together for warmth.Censure is sometimes harder to bear than punishment.The new vaccine eradicate d all traces of the disease within three months.The barbarian s defile d the church by using it as a stable.The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen.The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them.The children were bereave d by the death of their parents.This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.A good joke does not necessarily evoke a hearty laugh.Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road.The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road.Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsolete custom.Many wild animals prowl at night looking for something to eat.The children scoope d holes in the sand.Diplomats are interested in the status of world affairs.The farmer sued the railroad station because his cow was killed by the train.The counter of the sink has many grooves along which the water will run off.The cat prowled around the cellar looking for mice.We all sympathized with the husband who was bereaved of his beloved wife.Her singing evoked admiration from the public.We still use this machine though it is obsolete.The bandit in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed. either alone or in a group. Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ.The children…s muddy shoes defiled all the rug s in the hotel.Running in the hall is a deviation from the school rules and will not be allowed.She could bear the disappointments of other people with tolerable fortitude.The little girl was inconsolable at the loss of her kitten.Ar en…t you hungry? You are only nibbling your food.The coronation of the new king was a splendid pageant.After the scourge of flood usually comes the scourge of disease.The crippled child tumble d down the stairs and was badly hurt.The iron in the ship caused a deviation of the magnetic needle of the compass.A marathon runner must have great fortitude to run such a long distance.The pretty girl…s reputation was defiled by malicious gossips.The boy is just learning to walk, he is always tumbling over the floor.The inauguration ceremony of the new President was a splendid pageant.There are many illnesses, which afflict old people.His employer censured him for neglecting his work.The thief intrude d into the house with caution and dissimulation.Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailors. According to the inscription on its cornerstone, this building was erected in 1919.The gifts of charity meddle d with a man‟s private affair.He doesn…t sit straight: his posture is very bad.John rummage d all the drawers to find his gloves.The water spout ed out when the pipe was broken.The climber traverse d a long horizontal crack in the face of the mountain slope.A child stood looking with wistful eyes at the toys in the shop window.He was flogging his horse in a very cruel way.She rummaged change from the bottom of her purse.The law does not meddle unduly with a person…s private life.The lights traversed the sky searching for enemy planes.The inscription on the ancient monument was very hard to read.The amicable flash of her white teeth was very impressive.The soldiers are very exhausted for they have advanced forward without rest in a blizzard. If I were rich, I would like to cruise in the Southern Pacific for six months in a private yacht.Yellow fever has been eradicated in the United States but it still exists in some countries.The doctor…s report gave us only a glimmer of hope.On his desk, many articles and documents are always pile d in great lump.The woman ransack ed the house for her lost jewelry.He slash ed a path through the high grass with a long knife.Out feet slump ed repeatedly through the melting ice.That pop-song had a great vogue at one time.Enemy soldiers ransacked the city and carried off its treasure s.Tired from his long walk, he slumped into a chair.We saw the glimmer of a distant light through the trees.He used to have a great vogue as a film actor, but no one goes to the cinema to see him now. What the Ice Age did was to eradicate the abundant mammalian life in the Northern Hemisphere.He ascribe s his success to skill and hard work.The soldiers kept their heads down behind the bulwark.She looked around this way and that in a dubious manner.Selfishness was a facet of his character that we seldom saw before.For the first time he had to pay heed to his appearance, and in fact he became very well-dressed from then on.The boys huddled together under the rock to keep warm.The old man mumble d something to me, but I could not understand him.This ruined bridge is a relic of the Korean War in 1950.Automobile exhaust fumes are one of the major causes of smog.The thirsty wayfarer was glad to find a fresh spring near the road.He always speaks with his mouth full of food, it is his wont.Four people were huddled under one umbrella to avoid the sudden shower.I…m feeling better than yesterday, but it is dubious that I can go to school tomorrow.No one knows who wrote that play, but it is usually ascribe d to Cyril Tourneur.We believe that a free press and free speech are bulwark s of democracy.Take heed of what I say, or you will fail in the final examination.Lesson 2The judge absolved the man of the crime.The umpire should have no bias in favor of either side.Our baseball team is contending for the championship.We deplore the terrible traffic accident in which 30 persons were killed and 50 injured. The boy fell from a tree and suffered fractures of his right arm and leg.A crowd of great magnitude attended the President‟s inauguration.The pith of his speech was focused on the importance of education.I have no relish for seeing people being whipped.Trying not to be seen, they quietly sneaked into the room.The messenger brought tidings from the battlefield.Many people would be aghst at the thought of another war.We shall not cumber our thought with his reproaches.The city government decreed that all dogs must be licensed.The children were frolicing with the puppy in the backyard.There was much commercial intercourse between the two countries before World War II. In dry weather forest fires are a great menace.I was standing on the very edge of a bank, a precipice not less than fifty feet deep.The church is generally considered as a sanctuary.After a light spring rain,leaves began to sprout from trees.She trod lightly in order not to wake the sleeping baby.The soldiers still had their guns but they were out of ammunition.A doting mother alienates her husband by lavishing too much love on their child.The artist ws so engrossed in his pinting t hat he didn‟t notive the people watching him. If you got a deep cut in your arm, there‟s usually a gush of blood.The deep river was an insuperable barrier to those who could not swim.Her life has been full of ordeals,sickness,poverty and loss of her beloved son.He kept his tobacco in a leather pouch fastened to the belt.The brakes screeched and the car suddenly stopped with a jerk.A man who is six feet talll is bove the average stature in China.The President‟s enemies are spreading ill rumors to under mine his authority.The house is unsafe since the foundations were undermined by floods.Damages from last week‟s flood have been assessed at $50000.The children searched each and every chamber of the house for the cat.The Congress of the United States has two House of Representatives.Now that she is rich,she disdains to speak to her old friends.One day Robinson Crusoe espied a foot print on the sand.The beautiful glossy coat of the cat shone as it lay in sunlight.The janitor swept the floors and locked up the building every night.She bought a packet of envelops at the stationery store.The eloquent and ornate carving on a church pulpit was done by Indian hands.The meat was black and scorched outside but still raw inside.The grass is scorched by so much hot sunshine in summer.The ship surged in the stormy seas,rolling and pitching with each wave.Pots,pans and kettles are useful kitchen utensils.When the soldiers ran out of ammunition, they fixed bayonets to their rifles.Compassion for the orphans caused him to give money for their support.Lazy boys sometimes are detained at school to do extra work after ordinary lessons are finished. The police detained the suspected thief for more questioning.A faction in our club tried to make the president resign.The diamond shoen with every hue under the bright sun.He polished the metal until it had a fine luster.The deeds or heroes add luster to a nation‟s history.He persevered in his study until he succeded.Because of his high fever,the sick man raved all night.He intended to slay his fatheer‟s murderer.The doctor told her to take three tablets a day.Nowadays an actress with voluptuous beauty seems to be more popular than the one with intelligent look.Lesson 3The only access to the farm house is across the rice fields.Only high officials had access to the emperor.The guide for visitors beckoned us to follow him.I concur with the speaker in condemning every criminal.This summer two weeks of rain concurred with our vacation.He was denounced as a coward and traitor.The first blow makes the anger,but the second makes the fray.Long wear had frayed the collar and cuffs of his old shirts.Heavy clothing hampered the movements of the climbers.Cancer and tuberculosis are serious maladies in every country.The old man was plodding wearily along the bank of the river.Since the factory moved,this town has only a remnat of its former population.The child with a cold in his nose snored all night.Blood tinged the water as he washed his wound.It was necessary for them to have remedies for their ailments.The children are bickering with each other about who is the tallest among them.The inventor contrived a new kind of engine with fewer moving parts.The bright light of the motor car on the dark country road dazzled my eyres.She fumbled about in her handbag for a pen to write a memorandum.Poor food and hard work impaired her health and she became thin.The parents were mortified by their children‟s bad behavior before the guests.The United States became the predominat nation in the Western Hemisphere.He worked to improve the sanitary condtions of slums.He always keeps a lot of money in his wallet.Do you consider the wild behavior of the crowd was enough of a warrant for the police to use force?The ford foundation allocated millionjs of dollars for cancer research.The brawl in the street could be heard in the house nearby.The boys made several cynical remarksj to cover up their disappointment at being left out of the play.She embellished the simple dress with colorful laces and ribbons.The defence of the alamo was a heroic action of gallant men.He immersed his aching feet in a bucket of cold water.He rode his new bicycle up and down in front of our house in an ostentatious way .Soapy followed the man with a presentiment that luck would again run against him.She was so satiated with bananas thaat she would not even look at one.The field of wheat was undulating in the breeze.A shop selling woman‟s apparel is at the corner of the street.He cajoled his fridends into deciding in his favor.You can discard your old coat but not your old friends.During the middle ages, Greek civilization declined and became effete.She has had a grudge against me ever since I disagreed with her.Four men kidnapped the little girl, but he police soon caught them and rescued the girl.There is some hope that a peace pact will be signed between the two countries.she pries tooo closely itno the private life of her friends.Men scoured the whold coundtry looking for the lost child.The servant scoured the frying opan until it shone like silver.He swaggered down the street after winnign the fight.The building of this house in the shape of the temple was a rich man‟s vagary.Ability to get along with people is an asset in busineess.There was a deep opolitical chasm between the two countries which nearly led to a war.The cities of Greece and Asia were despoiled of their most valuable ornaments.I became angry with the little boy at his facetious remarks.The wing of the airplance came off and the machine hurtled to the ground.He wanted to be acused of larceny, because he felt comfortable in prison .He sworked so hard that the weariness pervaded his whole body.Though he was tortured to make him change his religion the prisoner would not recant.He left his affairs in a complete shambles when he died.Eating human flesh is a taboo in civilized countries.He wore all the trappings of high office.Lesson 4When the king abdicated his throne, his brother succeeded him.Ability to think clearly will accrue to you from good habits of study.The salesman has been badgering my father for two weeks to buy a new car. They succeeded in baffling the enemy‟s attack plans.He conjectured that his new stocks would rise on eh stock market.The poor woman‟s mind has been deranged for many years.The natives thought the explorer was possessed by a fiend.The mother was pining to see her son and daughter.The gas almost smothered the coal miners but they got out in time.The long climb up the mountain made her heart throb rapidly.Many people usually drink hot broth when they are sick.Some tiny plants grow in the crevice of the stone wall.The duke‟s son demeaned himself by doing manual babor with his servants. We fostered the young girl while her mother was in hospital.Our country has prospered by various incentive systems.A guide led us through the maze of tunnels in the cave.She pored over the picture book in silence enjoying the various colors. Like human skin,soil has holes that are called pore.Pick up the rubbish and throw it in the garbage anWe don‟t need to speculate about the possible winner in the game.Sweet music caught and held him transfixed aainst the iron fence .A bird that cannot fly is an anomaly.If you look at the end of your nose,your eyes converge.We have a duplicate key to the front door.There were few peaceful epoches in the history of our country .Hunger and suffering from cold had made the lost hikers gaunt.The incessant barking of the dog kept him awake through the night.Though the teacher asked a simple question about her parents,the little girl stood mute with embarrassment.He was a passionte partisan of these people and had organized a Worker‟s Union.The parents of the sick boy scanned the doctor‟s face fo r a sign of hope.She scanned the newspaper in a few minutes.He stabbed a piece of meat from the plate with his fork.I tried to cook a nice dinner,but I‟m afraid I‟ve rather botched it .Her new shoes chafed the skin on both her feet.After a brisk moring widn dissipater the clouds,the sky was clear all day .The foolish son dissipated his fater‟s forturn by spending it on drinking and gambling .The inscriptions on the ancient monuments have been effaced by time.There was a glint in her eyes that showed she was angry.Overtime work is often onerous,though it is well paid.The girl did not move though the policeman iterated his command hat she go.Most boys have a propensity of playing with machinery.Mother singed chicken to get rid of hairs.The little boy put on his father‟s medals and strutted around the room.There are many kinds of diseases that medical science is yet ot unravel.He bellowed in pain when the hammer came down on his finger.The horseback rider drew his cloak tightly around him in the rain.His friendly behavior was a cloak for his evil intention.The ministry was a vvery devout man and devoted his whold life to Christian mission work.A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of the woodcutter.The power of a grain of wheat to grow into a plant remains latent if it is not planted.He pawned his watch to byuy food until he could get a job.When the cannon was fired the earth quaked under his feet.Famine has often been the sequel of war.After the ship sank, salvage of its argo was impossible.The battle was won with so great a loss of soldiers that it was a virtual defeat.He does things that are marvellous or apparently impossible,he is a wizard.Lesson 23Civilized people believe in humane treatment of prisoners.The equator is an imaginary circle around the earth.Because he wasn…t working hard, he is liable to fail.He sat alone after the battle, mourn ing over the loss of his best friend.A psychiatrist can help some people to understand their sub conscious urge s.He has to leave now, he lives farther from here than I do.All the members of the committee agreed to inquire further into the matter.The man living next door hanged himself in sorrow after his wife died.We hung our reproduction of “Mona Liza” above the fireplace.Tainan is one of the historic spot s that you should visit.Upon retiring from the office, the President gave all the historical papers to the library. The philosopher claims that kindness is a human trait, but I don…t believe it. Humane people are considerate of not only other people but also animals.Some people do not believe that ghosts are not real but imaginary beings.The imaginative child always likes to make up fairy tale s.Bessie Smith was an incomparable singer in her days.It is foolish to compare horses with airplanes. They are incomparable.Some old superstition s seem incredible to most educated people.People nowadays are incredulous about ghosts and witches.The gentleman laid his land on his son…s shoulder.The wounded soldier was lying on the battlefield.This kind of shoe is apt to slip on wet ground.Henry is an apt student of the practical science.Children under the age of 10 are all liable to diseases.He declared that he was not liable for his wife…s debts.The weather forecast says that i t…s likely to be hot tomorrow.The backyard of our house has a luxuriant growth of weeds.She is too proud, too luxurious to marry an ordinary person like you.From time to time, during the night, there was a moan of pain from the sick man.The whole nation mourned the death of the much-loved President.The company will give only oral tests to the applicants.This written report contains both a verbal description and a sketch of the building.The minister made a personal visit to the scene of the fighting.The general issued an order to capture the hill to all personnel.The man seemed poor, but he was respectably dressed.Children should speak respectfully to their elders.The first, second, and third prizes went to Jack, George, and Frank respectively.She raise d her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.The farmer raise s cattle and crops.The sun will rise at 5:45 tomorrow morning.We have to go to the government patent office to register the new trademark.It is safe to register the letter containing the check.Go to the registrar of the university to know your grades.The boat we are on is the best sailor in the fleet.The men in our navy are called sailor s if they are not officers.A group of college professors were waiting in the main salon to see the Minister of Education. The ship…s passengers have their dinners in the dining saloon.It was certain that Oswald might have a subconscious desire to injure his underling.Edina was unconscious for two hours after the accident.The general was unconscious of being followed by the spy.The club‟s secretary prepared several transcript s of minutes of the meeting.The transcription of words into phonetic symbols requires special training.Lesson 24The woman knelt before the altar to pray to God for her son…s safe return.If it rains, we have to alter our plan to have a picnic on Sunday.Chinese mountain climbers made a successful ascent of Mt. McKinley in North America.I won…t give my assent to her plan because it is not well prepared.There are several old cannons on the wall of the castle.This canon has been enact ed by the church council very recently.Some of the tops of sneakers are made of canvas.The sales representative canvassed the whole city for subscriptions of the magazine.The cession of the territory could not be avoided because they lost the war.Be seated! The court is now in session.The soldier faint ed at the sight of his own blood.The color became faint as the sunset.He feint ed with his left hand and hit me with his right.In recent years there has been an intention of the struggle for political power in the country. She felt offended at my remarks, but it wasn…t my intention to hurt her.There is nothing that we can do now but pray God helps us in our troubles.The lion seize d its prey and ate it.Chicago is the principal city in the Midwest of the United States.The principal told the teachers to dismiss (suspend) school during the heavy snowstorm. This country was founded on the principle of individual freedom for all.The population of France remained stationary almost for a century.Herbert bought a notebook at the stationery store.Please write your name and address on this paper.The President addressed the nation on the subject of war and peace.Darkness is an attribute of night, as brightness is that of day.We attribute Edison…s success to intelligence and hard work.The teachers appointed a committee of five members to plan the class picnic.The court appointed nsing as the committee that would take care of the boy‟s property.She likes music very much,she never misses a concert.We concerted on the most proper methods for speedily executing the manager‟s instructions.I tried but couldn‟t understand the content of his speech.John contented himself with two glasses of beer even though he could have had more. Honest but poor is the converse of poor but honest.He converse d with his wife about the summer vacation.The Sahara is a great desert in the northern part of Africa.After the family desert ed the farm, its buildings fell to ruin. (=fell out of use).The publisher decided to publish a digest /summary of international law.I like milk very much, but I can‟t digest /catch it very well.Most animals have an instinct to protect their young.Her face was instinct with benevolence and kindness.Although the governor knew many peoples, he had few intimate s.He intimate d /suggested indirectly that he was dissatisfied with his job.The train arrived at exactly /punctually four minutes past eight.There has been a minute improvement in the working conditions of the factory.A dark object moved between the door and me, What? Eidolon? Devil or fairy.Do you object Tommy smoking in this room?Her asked her to marry him but he refused.The street-cleaning department took away all refuse from the street.The little girl was in tears because she‟d lost her mother.For security, tear up paper before put it in the trash can.The janitor/buddy removed used towels from the rack.It took long to get used to foreign food.Lesson 10The entire population was aggrieve d by the tyranny of the king.Only a callous/apathy person can see suffering without trying to relieve it.Walking barefoot on the asphalt pavement/trotter makes the bottom of your feet callous.She wants to continue her study in the United States, but her parents disapprove of her plan.Ten dollars is a fabulous price for an ordinary pencil.He was infuriate d by the police man‟s rough treatment of his wife.His political opponents feared his mordant tongue, and even more his mordant pen.The idiotic Indiaese sang a shit-song of victory, describing their prowess in battle.He was arrested as a member of a subversive organization advocating the forceful overthrow of the present government.Many students find temporary jobs during their summer holidays.Through the years he amassed a large fortune to buy farm after he retired.However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt oblige d to investigate. People tend to amass possessions, sometimes without being aware of doing so.The Empire State Building is a colossal structure.Sickness or bad luck often makes a person feel dismal.She was glad to see us again and gave me a genial welcome.It is hard for an inveterate smoker to give up tobacco/cigarette.The punishment for that offence is two years in prison.During his sojourn /stopover in Africa he learned much about native customs.Six robberies in one night put our village in turmoil.A scientist suspends judgment and refrain s from drawing conclusions until all the facts are in. She assented to the doctor‟s assertion that her son was ill, but could not consent to having him hospitalize d.The couple wishes to live in a cozy little home rather than in a lifeless mansion.That factory is trying to diversify its products to sell in different markets.The haggard faces of the rescued miners showed that they had a great deal of sufferings. Careless drivers cause many irreparable accidents.Everyone has two paternal grandparents and two maternal grandparents.The young artist made a replica of the famous painting.His seclusion of the rabbit in the barn was kept secret from everyone else.The two friends wrangle d and now they don‟t speak to each other.Most bigoted people are intolerant of opposition.Most of the food they eat is deficient in iron and protein.The sly fox elude d the hunters by running back in the opposite direction.Some very great men have come from ignoble families.We are studying about dew, frost, mist, and other kindred facts of nature.During the Romantic period it was fashionable in literature to have a melancholy outlook on the world.No one likes to be regarded as a poltroon.The enemy was rout ed.The most massive defense system would still leave the nation vulnerable to nuclear attack.The child abide d with his grandparents for three years before being returned to his parents.She can't abide watching horror films.Please feel assured that we will abide by our promise.The audience in the theater was irritated by the unruly and boisterous children.To spit in the classroom is despicable.We saw many exotic plants at the flower exhibition, which we had never seen before.For the mountain climber, it is imperative to get food and water before sunset.My wife has such an imperative voice that everyone coveys her.He was nonplus ed by the strange customs he saw everywhere in the country.The leader of the band bow ed in a pompous/exaggerated mannerHe sever ed connection with Tom.The day was so sultry that they had little energy left.The moon was waning, and in such a waning light, it is very difficult to see the enemy.Lesson 11We are becoming acclimate d to New York weather.The senator s assaile d the President on the subject of the treaty between the two countries.His face was congested with anger as the argument grew more heated.Her effusive welcome made us feel most uncomfortableA good manager is frugal in the use of his fund s。



前缀、词根、后缀[汉语注释]前缀PrefixesExamplesa-/an- == no;without;lack amateur 不熟练的,业余的anonymous 匿名的asocial 不好社交的anechoic 消声的anharmonic 不和谐的anarchism 无政府主义acentric 无中心的amoral 非道德性的a***ual 无性别的a- == in;on;at;by;with;to asleep 在熟睡中ahead 向前,在前头abreast 肩并肩地aside 在一边abed 在床上abloom 开花a-/an- == 加强意义aloud 高声地aright 正确地awake 唤醒aweary 疲倦的annotate 注释announce 宣布,通告ab- == from;away from abnormal 不正常的abroad 国外的abuse 滥用absorb 吸去abaxial 离开轴心的abend 异常终止ac- == at;to,或表示加强意义accustom 使习惯account 计算,算帐accredit 信任accompany 陪伴acclaim 欢呼,喝彩accomplish 完成ad- == to;toward;forward advice 建议advocate 倡导adjoin 临近adjust 调整admixture 混杂adventure 冒险af- == at;to,或表示加强意义affright 震惊,恐惧affix 附加,贴上affirm 肯定,确实ag- == at;to,或表示加强意义aggrandize 增大aggravate 加重aggrieve 使悲痛amphi- == 两、双amphicar 水陆两用车amphibian 水陆两栖的amphitheatre 两边都可观看的剧场,圆形剧场ante- == before antecedent 先前的,先行的antetype 先型,原型anteport 前港,外港anteroom 前室,接待室antedate 比实际早的日期antestomach 前胃anti- == against antipathy 反感antifreeze 防冻antiwar 反战的anti-imperlialist 反帝的antiageing 防衰老的antitank 反坦克ap- == 加强或引伸意义appoint 指定,任命appraise 评价appease 平息,绥靖ap-/apo- == 离开apogee 远地点(远离地球之处) apostasy 脱党,叛教aphelion (天文)远日点ar- == at;to,或表示加强及引伸意义arrange 安排,布置arrect 直立的arrear 在后,拖延arch- == 1)big;chief. 2)ancient archbishop 大主教archaeology 考古学archaic 古体的,古风的as == to;forward assign 派出assent 同意assort 分类assimilate 同化,吸收assure 使确信,担保associate 联合,结合at- == at;to,或表示加强及引伸意义attrap 使入陷阱attest 证明attract 吸引auto- == self;personally automation 自动化autograph 亲笔autoalarm 自动报警器autocriticism 自我批评autorotation 自动旋转autobiography 自传be- == make or cause to be befog 使迷糊befit 适宜belittle 贬低befriend 以朋友相待becalm 使镇静befool 欺骗,愚弄be- == 加以...,饰以...,用...(做某事) bepowder 在...上撒粉bejewel 饰以珠宝becloud 遮蔽be- == 在beside 在...旁below 在...下面before 在...之前be- == 加强及引伸意义befall 降临,发生bespatter 溅污belaud 大加赞扬bene- == well;good benign 和善的benevolent 乐善好施的benefit 好处benediction 祝福benefaction 恩惠,善行beneficent 行善的bi- == two bicycle 自行车bilateral 双方bimonthly 双月刊biweekly 双周刊bicolor 两色的bilingual 两种语言的by- == 旁、侧、非正式、副byroad 小路,僻径bywork 业余工作byname 别名,绰号circu- == around circulate 流通circumnavigate 环球航行circumspect 考虑周到的circumplanetary 环绕行星的circumpolar 在两极周围的circumaviate 环球飞行co- == together coaction 共同行动cooperate 合作coeducation 男女同校col- == together collaboration 协作,勾结collingual 用同一种语言的collocate 并置,并列com- == together compatriot 同胞,同国人combine 联合,结合commiserate 同情com- == 加强或引伸意义commove 使动乱compress 压缩commemorate 纪念con- == together concolorous 同色的connatural 同性质的contemporary 同时代的con- == 加强或引伸意义conclude 结束,终结confirm 使坚定consolidate 巩固,加强contra- == against contradiction 矛盾controversial 可能引起争议的contraclockwise 逆时针方向的contra-missile 反导弹导弹contraposition 对照,针对contraband 走私,违法交易cor- == together correlation 相互关系corradiate 使(光线)共聚于一点correspond 符合,相应cor- == 加强或引伸意义correct 改正,纠正corrupt 腐败,败坏corrugate 使起皱纹counter- == opposite counterrevolutionary 反动的countermeasure 对策,应策countercurrent 逆流countermarch 反方向行进counterattack 反攻,反击countercharge 反控,反告de- == down from deplane 下飞机dethrone 使离王位derail 使(火车)脱轨de- == 向下、降低、减少depress 压低,压下depopulation 人口减少devalue 贬值de- == 使成...,作成...,或仅作加强意义delimit 划定界限denude 使裸露depicture 描绘,描述de- == not denationalize 非国有化demilitarize 使非军事化demobilize 复员de- == 除去、取消、毁desalt 除去盐份deforest 砍伐森林decontrol 取消管制dec(a)- == ten decade 十年decimal 十进位制的decathlon 十项全能deci- == 十分之一decigram 十分之一克decimeter 十分之一米decilitre 十分之一升demi- == 半demigod 半神半人demi-fixed 半固定的demiwolf 半似狼之犬di- == 二、双diatomic 二原子的disyllable 双音节的dichromatic 两色的dia- == through;between;across diameter 直径dialogue 对话diagnosis 诊断dif- == 1)apart. 2)not;opposite diffluence 分流diffident 不自信的diffuse 散开,散布dis- == 不、无、相反dislike 不喜欢disagree 不同意discontinue 中断disorder 混乱disbelieve 不信disproof 反证dishonest 不诚实的dispraise 贬损,非难disappear 消失disremember 忘记discomfort 不舒服disability 无能,无力dis- == 取消、除去、毁disorganize 瓦解disroot 根除discourage 使失去勇气disrobe 脱衣disarm 解除武装,裁军dishearten 使失去信心disburden 解除负担discolor 使褪色dismember 解体dis- == 加在含有“分开”、“否定”等意义的单词前,作加强意义dispart 分离,裂开dissever 分裂,切断dissemination 散布,传播dis- == 分开、离、散dissect 切开dissolve 分离,溶解distract 分心,转移dispense 分配dispel 驱散dissipate 驱散,浪费dis- == 有时作di-, dispirit 使气馁,使沮丧divorce 离婚digress 离正题,入歧路dys- == 不良、恶、困难dysfunction (医)机能失调,功能紊乱dysphonia 发音困难dyspepsia 消化不良dyspathy 反感dysgenesis 生殖力不良dysopsy 弱视e- == 加强或引伸意义evaluate 评价elongate 使延长,拉长estop 阻止,禁止estrange 使疏远evanish 消失elaborate 精心制作,详细描述e- == 出、外eject 投出,掷出emigrate 移居国外elect 选出emerge 浮出,出现erupt 喷出evade 逃出ef- == 出、离去effluence 流出effable 能被说出的effoliation 落叶em- == 表示“置于...之内”、“上...” embay 使(船)入湾embus 上车,装入车中embosom 藏于胸中,怀抱emplane 乘飞机embed 安置embog 使陷于泥沼中em- == 表示“用...做某事”、“饰以...”、“配以...” embalm 涂以香料(防腐剂) embank 筑堤防护embar 上门闩,囚禁em- == 表示“使成某种状态”、“致使...”、“使之如...”、“作成...” embow 使成弓形empower 使有权力,授权empurple 使发紫embody 体现,使具体化embitter 使受苦embrown 使成褐色eco- == ecological ecosphere 生态圈ecosystem 生态系统ecocide 生态灭绝en- == 表示“置于..之中”、“登上...”、“使上...” entrain 乘火车encage 关入笼中encase 装入enplane 乘飞机encave 藏于洞中enroll 登记,记入名册中enthrone 使登基enshrine 藏于神龛中enfold 包进、拥抱en- == make or cause to be,“使成某种状态”、“致使...”、“使之如...”、“作成...” enable 使能够endanger 使受危险enlighten 启发,启蒙enlarge 扩大,放大enrich 使富足enslave 使成奴隶,奴役en- == "用...来做某事"、“饰以...”、“配以...” enchain 用链锁住enlace 用带缚entrap 诱陷en- == 家在动词之前,表示“in”,或只作加强意义enclose 围入,关进entrust 信任,委托enforce 强制执行enkindle 点火enwrap 包入,卷入enhearten 鼓舞,振奋endo- == 内endoparasite 体内寄生虫endogamy (同族)内部通婚endogen内生植物eu- == good;well;easy eugenica 优生学eulogize 赞美emphemism 委婉语euphonic 声音优美的eupepsia 消化良好euthenics 优境学ex- == out;out of exclusive 不包括...的expose 揭露emit 发射出export 出口,输出exclude 排外,排斥excavate 挖出,挖掘exit 出口extract 抽出,拔出exhume 掘出ex- == 前任的、以前的ex-president 前任总统ex-Nazis 前纳粹分子ex-mayor 前任市长ex-chancellor 前任大学校长ex-premier 前任总理ex-wife 前妻ex- == 表示“使”、“做”,或作加强意义expurgate 使清洁exalt 使升高,增高excruciate 施刑,使苦恼exo- == 外、外部exobiology 外空生物学exogamy 异族通婚exosphere 外大气圈extra- == 以外、超过extrapolitical 政治外的,超政治的extraofficial 职权以外的extracurriculum 课外的extraordinary 格外的extra-special 特别优秀的extralegal 法律权力以外的extraprofessional 职业以外的extrasolar 太阳系以外的extraessential 离开本质的、非主要的fore- == ahead forehead 前额forecast 预测foreword 前言,序言foretell 预言foresee 预见foreword 序言,前言forearm 前臂foreknow 先知foretime 以往,过去foreground 前景forefather 前人,祖先forerun 先驱hecto- == 百hectogram 百克hectowatt 百瓦hectoampere 百安培hemi- 半hemisphere 半球hemicycle 半圆形hemicrania 偏头疼hepta- == 七(在母音前作hept-) heptagon 七角形heptode 七极管heptahedron 七面体hetero- == 异heteropolar 异极的hetero***ual 异型的heterodoxy 异教,异端hexa- == 六(在母音前作hex-) hexagon 六角形hexode 六极管hexameter 六韵步诗holo- == 全hologram 全息图holography 全息照相术holophone 声音全息记录器holocrystalline 全结晶的holohedron 全面体holophote 全射镜homo- == of the same homo***ual 同性恋的homograph 同形异义词homotype 同型homopolar 同极的homophone 同音异义字homocentric 同中心的homothermic 同温的homogeneous 同族的homostasis 同态hyper- == above;excessive;too much hypercritical 吹毛求疵的hypertension 高血压hypersensitive 过敏的hypermilitant 极度好战的hyperslow 极慢的hypersuspicious 过分多疑的hyper***ual 性欲极强的hyperverbal 说话太多的hyperactive 活动过度的hypersonic 极超音速的hyperacid 胃酸过多的hypercorrection 矫枉过正hypo- == 下、低、次、少hyposensitize 减弱...的敏感度hypodermic 皮下的hypoglossal 舌下的hypothermia 体温过低hypotension 低血压hypochlorite 次氯酸盐il- == (用在l之前)不、无、非illegal 非法的illogical 不合逻辑的illiterate 文盲illimitable 无限的illocal 不只一处的,无所不在的illiberal 吝啬的,粗鄙的il- == (用在l之前)加强或引伸意义illustrate 举例说明,图解illuminate 照明im- == (用在b,p,m之前)into immigrate 移民inspect 视察ingress 入侵import 进口,输入imprison 入狱imbibe 吸收immission 注入,允许进入immerge 浸入,没入im- == (用在b,p,m之前)不、无、非impossible 不可能的immemorial 古老的,无法记忆的imperfect 不完美的impolite 无礼的immoral 不道德的impassive 冷漠的,无表情的impure 不纯的impersonal 非个人的imbalance 不平衡的im- == (用在b,p,m之前)加强意义,或表示“使成...”、“饰以...”、“加以...” impulse 冲动,刺激immanacle 加以手铐impel 推动,驱使imbrute 堕落,使成禽兽imperil 危害,使处于危险impearl 使成珍珠,饰以珍珠in- == 不、无、非inglorious 不光彩的,不名誉的incapable 无能力的incorrect 错误的incomparable 无以伦比的incomplete 不完全的insensible 无知觉的,麻木不仁的inhuman 野蛮的,不人道的injustice 不公正informal 非正式的in- == 内、入inside 内部,里面inbreak 入侵indoor 室内的intake 入口,输入量,摄入inland 内地的,国内的inbreathe 吸入inject 注射,注入inrush 涌入in- == 加强意义,或表示“使...”、“作...” inspirit 激励inflame 燃烧intrench 用壕沟围绕,使起皱纹intone 吟诵invigorate 鼓舞ingraft 接枝infra- == below infrared 红外线的infrastructure 下部结构infrasonic 低于声频的infrahuman 类人猿的,低于人类的infrasound 次声,亚音速infraorbital 眼眶下的inter- == 在...之间、...之际intercontinental 洲际的interlay 插入中间international 国际的interline 插写进去,写于行间interoceanic 大洋间的intergroup 团体之间的intercity 城市间的interject 插嘴,突然插入interpersonal 人与人之间的inter- == 相互interchange 交换interview 接见interact 相互作用interweave 混纺,交织interdependence 相互依赖intermix 混合,混杂intercourse 交往,交流interconnect 使相互连接intermarry 通婚,近亲结婚intra- == 在内、内部intraparty 党内的intrapersonal 内心的intracity 市内的intraregional 地区内的intraday 当天的intracompany 公司内部的intracollegiate 大学内的intra-trading 内部贸易intracloud 云间的intro- == within introduce 介绍introspect 反省introverted 内向introflection 向内弯曲intromit 插入introvision 内有ir- == (用在r之前)不、无irregular 不规则的irresistible 不可抵抗的irremovable 无法移动的irrelative 无关系的irrational 不合理的,无理性的irresolute 犹豫不决的ir- == (用在r之前)向内、入irruption 侵入,急速增加irrigate 灌溉iso- == 等、同isogen 等角多角形isotope 同位素isotherm 等温线kilo- == one thousand kilogram 千克kilometer 公里kiloton 千吨macro- == big macroworld 宏观世界macroclimate 大气候macroscale 大规模macrocosm 宏观世界macrochange 大变动macrobian 长寿的(人)mal- == wrong maltreat 虐待malnutrition 营养不良malministration 管理不善malcontent 不满的malpractice 玩忽职守,不法行为malformation 畸形malfunction 机能失常,故障malodour 恶臭malediction 诅咒meta- == 超metaphysical 超自然的,形而上学的metaculture 超级文化metamaterialist 超唯物论者meta- == 变化metamorphosis 变形,变态,退化metagenesis 世代交替metachromatism 变色反应micro- == small microscope 显微镜microprocessor 微处理机microcomputer 微型电脑microbiology 微生物学microelement 微量元素microworld 微观世界microskirt 超短裙microwave 微波microprint 缩影相片milli- == one thousandth milliohm 毫欧millimeter 毫米millilitre 毫升milli- == thousand millipede 千足虫milliennial 一千年的millifold 千倍的mini- == small ministate 小国minicrisis 短暂危机miniskirt 迷你裙、超短裙mis- == wrong;wrongly;unfavorable misuse 乱用mistake 错误misfortune 不幸misspell 拼错misdoing 恶行、坏事misunderstand 误解misrule (施)暴证misstep 失足mispolicy 失策mono- == one;alone monarch 独裁者monotonous 单调的monodrama 单人剧multi- == many multinational 多国的multilateral 多边的multiparty 多党的multi-purpose 多种用途的multilingual 使用多种语言的multiracial 多民族的neo- == 新neorealism 新现实主义neonatal 新生的、初生的neogamist 新婚者neolithic 新石器时代neofascism 新法西斯主义neoimpressionism 新印象派non- == 非nonfiction 非小说类文学作品nonhuman 非人类的nonperiodic 非周期的nonmetal 非金属nonage 未成年nonwhite 非白人non- == 不nonsmoker 不抽烟的人nonaligned 不结盟的nonaggression 不侵略不侵略nonexistent 不存在的nonstop 不断的noncooperation 不合作non- == 无noneffective 无效的nonpayment 无力支付nonparty 无党派non***ual 无性别的nonelastic 无弹性的nonreader 无阅读能力的人octa- == 八(亦作octo-与oct) octagon 八角形octosyllable 八音节字(诗句) octolateral 八边的October 十月(古罗马八月) octocentenary 八百周年纪octachord 八弦琴omni- == 全、总、公、都omnipresent 无所不在的omnipotent 全能的omniform 式样齐全的omnibus 公共汽车、合刊本omniparity 一切平等omniscient 无所不知的out- == 外、出outburst 爆发outlet 出口outdoor 户外的out-party 在野党outwork 户外工作outtell 说出outflow 外流outbreak 突发outrush 冲出out- == 胜过、超过outdo 胜过、超越outrun 超过、比...跑得快outdistance 远远超过(竞赛中) outgo 走得比...远、支出ourbrave 以勇胜过outlive 比...长命、比...耐久outact 行动上胜过outeat 吃得比...多outnumber 数目超过out- == 过度、太甚outsize 特大号outsit 坐得太久outwear 穿旧、穿破out- == 除去outroot 除根outlaw 剥夺法律权利outgas 除去...的气over- == 过度、太甚overstudy 用功过度overwork 过度劳累overload 超负荷overtalk 过分多言overpraise 过奖overuse 使用过度overdrink 饮酒过量overproduction 生产过剩overpay 付得过多over- == 在上、在外、从上、越过overbridge 天桥oversea 海外的、国外的overcoat 外套overleap 越过overshoe 套鞋overlook 俯瞰over- == 颠倒、反转overturn 傾覆、推翻overthrow 推翻overset 推翻、颠覆paleo- == 古、旧paleozoology 古动物学Paleolithic 旧石器时代paleoclimate 史前气候pan- == 全、泛Pan-American 泛美的pancosmism 泛宇宙论pantropical 遍布于热带的pantheism 泛神论pansophic 全知的panchromatic 全色的para- == 半、类似、准para-party 半政党组织paramilitary 准军事的para-book 类似书籍的刊物para-institution 半官方机构parastatal 半官方的、半政府的para-government 伪政府的para- == 辅助、副paralanguage 辅助语言paraprofessional 专职人员的助手paratyphoid 副伤寒para- == 旁、靠近、外parasite 寄生虫paracentral 靠近中心的parabiosphere 外生物圈的para- == 错误、伪parachronism 年代记录错误paralogism 谬论paradox 谬论、自相矛盾的话para- == 降落伞、伞投、空降parabomb 伞投炸弹paradrop 空投parapack 空投包裹pen- == almost (亦作pene-) peninsula 半岛penultimate 倒数第二的peneplain 准平原penta- == five the Pentagon (美国国防部)五角大楼pentathlon 五项全能pentangular 五角的per- == 贯穿、通、透、全、遍、自始至终perspective 透视perennial 全年的、常年的pernocation 彻夜不眠permanent 永久的pervade 遍及perambulate 步行巡视、闲逛per- == 加强意义perplex 困惑permute 改变顺序perturb 扰乱perfervid 非常热心的percussion 敲击、打击乐persuade 劝说per- == 过、高(用于化学名词)peroxide 过氧化物peracid 过酸permanganate 高锰酸peri- == 周围、外层、靠近pericentral 中心周围的periphrasis 绕圈子的陈述perilune 近月点perimeter 周长,周边periderm (植物)外皮pericarp 果皮poly- == 多polyclinic 联合诊所、综合医院polyfunctional 多功能的polydirectional 多方向的post- == after postthumous 父亲死后出生的postpone 推迟post** 编后记postwar 战后postgraduate 研究生、大学毕业后的postmeridian 午后的pre- == 前prewar prelude 前奏premature 未成熟的prehistory 史前的preposition 前置词preschool 幼儿园、学龄前的precondition 前提predeparture 出发前的preteen 13岁以下的儿童prefix 前缀predawn 黎明前的prehuman 人类存在以前的pre- == 预先preexamination 预试prepay 预付prebuilt 预制的preheat 预热prechoose 预先选择predetermine 预定、预算pro- == 向前、在前progress 前进、发展prospect 展望prologue 前言prolong 延长protrude 突出、伸出project 计划、发射promote 促进、晋升propel 推进、鼓励protraction 伸长pro- == 代理、代替pronoun 代词procurator 代理人prolocutor 代言人pro- == 拥护、亲、赞成pro-British 亲英的pro-Bolshevik 拥护布尔什维克派proslavery 支持奴隶制度proto- == 原始protohuman 早期原始人prototype 原型protogenic 原生的pseudo- == false(在母音前作pseud-) pseudoscience 伪科学pseudo-democratic 假民主的pseudonym 笔名pseudomyopia 假性近视pseudology 谎话pseudography 冒名作品quadri- == four(亦作quadru-,在母音前作quadr-) quadruple 四倍的,四重的quadrilateral 四边的quadrennial 四年的quasi- == partly;seemingly;not real quasihistorical 带有历史性的quasi-official 半官方的quasi-public 私营公用事业的quinque- == 五(在母音前作quinqu-) quinquangular 五角的quinquennial 每五年的quinquesection 五等分re- == 回、向后retreat 撤退、退休、降旗仪式return 归回,收回recollect 回忆,忆起recall 召回、回忆reflect 反射、反省retract 缩回regress 倒退、退化reclaim 要求归还、回收rebound 弹回、重新振作re- == 再、重复、重新reprint 重印、再版reproduction 繁殖、复制rearm 重新武装rebuilt 重建rebirth 再生、复活、复兴reexamination 复试remarry 再婚restart 重新开始reconsider 重新考虑re- == 相反、反对reaction 反应、反作用reverse 相反的resist 反抗、抵抗revolt 反叛、造反rebel 造反(者) resent 愤狠、不满retro- == back;backward;behind retrograde 退化retrospect 回想,回顾retrogress 倒退se- == 离开、分开seduce 引诱、拐骗select 选择seclude 使隔离segregate 分离secede 脱离secern 区别semi- == half semifinal 半决赛semiliterate 半文盲的semiconductor 半导体semiofficial 半官方的semimonthly 半月刊semi-colony 半殖民地sept- == 七(亦作septi-及septem-) septangle 七角形septennial 每七年的septempartite 分七部分的***- == 六(亦作***i-) ***angle 六角形***centenary 六百年的***digitism 六指Sino- == 中国Sino-American 中美的Sinomania 中国热Sinology 汉学Sinophile 赞成中国的(人) Sinophobe 厌恶中国的(人) Sino-Tibetan 汉藏语系step- == 后、继stepfather 继父stepchild 前夫或前妻的孩子stepbrother 异父(母)兄弟stereo- == 立体stereosonic 立体声的stereograph 立体照片stereoproject 立体投影sub- == 下subway 地铁substandard 标准以下的sub-zero 零度以下的submarine 水下的、潜水艇subnormal 低于正常的subsoil 底土、下层土sub- == 次、亚、准subcontinent 次大陆subcollege 准大学程度的subsonic 亚音速的subtropics 亚热带subfamily (生物)亚科subatomic 亚原子的sub- == 稍、略、微subacid 略酸的subacute 略尖的subangular 稍有棱角的subconical 略作圆锥形的subarid 略干燥的subsylindrical 略成圆筒状的sub- == 副、分支、下级subhead 副标题subworker 助手,副手subbranch 分店,分支subcommittee 小组委员会subofficer 下级官员subarea 分区subdepartment 分部、分局subeditor 副编辑suboffice 分办事处sub- == 接近subcentral 接近中心的subequal 接近相等的subadult 接近成年的subteen 十三岁左右少年的subarctic 近北极圈的subequatorial 近赤道的sub- == 更进一层、再subdivide 再分、细分sublet 转租subculture 再培养sub- == 用于化学名词,表示化合物成分含量少的suboxide 低氧化物subcarbide 低碳化物subchloride 低氯化物super- == 超superspeed 超高速的superconductivity 超导supersonic 超音速的supersized 超大型的supersecrecy 绝密superpower 超级大国supernatural 超自然的superman 超人superprofit 超额利润super- == 上superstructure 上层建筑supervise 监督、管理superimpose 叠覆superstratum 上层superaqueous 水上的superterrene 地上的super- == 过度、过多superexitation 过度兴奋superheat 过热supercharge 负荷过大supercool 过度冷却supersensitive 过敏的supernutrition 营养过多supra- == 超、上suprarenal 肾上腺的supramundane 超越世俗的supranational 超国家的sur- == 上、外、超surface 表面surrealism 超现实主义surpass 超过surcoat 外套、女外衣surmount 在...顶上surtax 附加税surprint 加印于...上surround 包围、环境surplus 剩余、盈余sym- == 共同、相同sympathy 同情symphony 交响曲symmetry 对称syn- == 共同、相同synactic 共同作用的synonym 同义字synchronize 使同步synchronous 同时的syntony 共振、谐振synthesis 合成、综合tetra- == 四(在母音前作tetr) tetracycline 四环素tetrode 四极管tetragon 四角形trans- == 越过、横过、超transnational 超越国界的transcontinental 横穿大陆的transnormal 超出常规的transpersonal 超越个人的transmarine 横越海洋的、海外的transfrontier 在国境外的trans- ==转移、变换transform 改变...之外形transvest 换穿异性衣服transposition 调换transcode 译密码transmigrate 移居transplant 移植transship 转船(车) transport 运输translate 翻译tri- == three tripod 三角架triangle 三角(形) trilogy 三部曲twi- == 二twiformed 有二形的twifold 两倍twiforked 有两叉的ultra- == 超、以外ultrasonic 超声的ultrared 红外线的ultramodern 超现代化的ultramarine 海外的ultra-violet 紫外线的ultramontane 山那边的、教皇绝对权力主义者ultra- == 极端ultra-democracy ultrapure ultra-left 极左的un- == 相反动作、取消、除去unbind 解放,解开unlock 开锁unpack 开包undo 解开unbutton 解开纽扣uncap 脱帽、打开un- == 不unreal 不真实的uncomfortable 不舒服的unclear 不清楚的unfriendly 不友善的unwelcome 不受欢迎的unfortunate 不幸的un- == 无uncondictional 无条件的unmanned 无人的unambitious 无野心的unfathered 私生的unbodied 无形体的unaccented 无重音的un- == 非unjust 非正义的unofficial 非官方的unartificial 非人工的un- == 未uncorrected 未修正的undecided 未定的uncivilized 未开化的un- == 由...中弄出untomb 掘墓unearth 从地下掘出unhouse 赶出家去unbosom 吐露心事uncage 从笼中放出uncase 从箱中取出under- == 下underworld 下流社会、黑社会underfoot 在脚下、碍事underline 下划线underside 下面、下側underlay 垫起underwrite 签在...下、签名同意收买、认购under- == 内(用于衣服) underclothing 内衣underthings 女子内衣裤underskirt 衬裙undervest 贴身内衣underpants 内裤underwear (总称)内衣under- == 不足、少underproduction 生产不足、供不应求underpay 付资不足underestimate 低估undermanned 人员不足underdress 穿得太少underfed 营养不良、吃得不饱under- == 副、次underagent 副代理人underking 副王undersecretary 次长、副部长uni- == one unilateral 单方面的unify 使统一uniform 同样的vice- == 副vice-chairman 副主席vice-govrernor 副总督vice-consul 副领事with- == 向后、相反withdraw 收回、撤退withstand 抵挡、反抗withhold 阻止英语词根1. acid, acri, acrid, acu=sour, sharp, 尖,酸,锐利2. act=to do, to drive, 行动,做3. aer, aero, aeri=air, 空气,充气4. ag=do, act, 做,代理做5. agri, agro, agr=field, land, 田地,农业6.alter, altern,ali=other, to change, 其他的,改变状态7.am, amor, amat=love, 爱,情爱8.ambul=walk, 行走,走路9.anim=life, spirit, 生命,精神10. ann, enn=year, 年,一年11. anthrop=man, human, 人,人类12.apt, ept=fit, ability, 适应,能力13.aqu=water, 水14.arch, archy=ruler, rule, chief, 统治者,统治,主要的15.art=skill, joint, trick, 技巧,关节,诡计16.astro, aster=star, 星星17.audi, audit=hear, 听18.av, avar, avi=desire, bird, 渴望,鸟19.ball, bol=throw, dance, ball, 抛,舞,球20.bas, base=low, foundation, 低下,基础21.bell, bel=war, fight, 战争,打斗22.bio, bi=life, 生命,生物23.brev, bridg=short, 短,缩短24.cad, cas, cid=fall, 落下,降临25.cand=white, glow, 白,发光26.cant, cent=sing, song, 唱歌27.cap, capt, cept, ceive, cip, cup=take, hold, seize, 拿,抓,握住28.cap, cipit=head, 头29.card, cord=heart, 心脏,一致30.carn=flesh, 肉,肉欲31.ced, ceed, cess=go, 行走,前进32.celer=quick, speed, 快,速33.cent=hundred, 一百34.centr=center, 中心35.cern, cert, cret=sure, separate, 搞清,区别36.chron=time, 时间37.cid, cis=cut, kill, 切开,杀38.circ, cycl=ring, circle, 圆,环39.cit=quote, call, 引用,唤起40.claim, clam=cry out, shout, 呼喊,叫喊41.clear, clar,clair=clear, bright, 清楚,明白42.clin, cliv=lean, slope, 倾斜,斜坡43.clos, clud, clus=close, 关闭44.corp, corpor=body, 身体,团体45.cracy=rule, 统治或政体,crat=ruler, 统治者46.creed, cred=believe, trust, 相信,信任47.cre, creas=grow, make, 增长,产生48.cruc, crus, crux=cross, 十字形,交叉49.crypt=secret, hidden, 秘密,隐藏50.cub, cumb=lie down, 躺;cumber=barrier, 躺的东西,障碍51.cult=till, 耕种,培养52.cur=care, 关心53.cur®, curs, cour, cours=run, 跑,发生54.dem(o)=people, 人民,人们55.dent=tooth, 牙齿56.derm, dermat=skin, 皮肤57.dict, dic=say, assert, 说话,断言58.dign=worthy, noble, 值得,高贵59.doc, doct=to teach, 教60.don, dit=give, 给予61.du, dub, doub=two, 二,双62.duc, duct=lead, bring, 引导,带来63.dur=last, hard, 持久,坚硬64.dyn, dynam=power, 力量65.em, empt, ampl=take, procure, 拿,获得66.equ, equi=equal, even, 相等,平均67.erg, ert=energy, work, 能量,活动68.err=wander, mistake, 漫游,犯错误69.ev=age, 年龄,时代70.fabl, fabul=speak, 讲,说71.fac, fic=face, 脸,面72.fac, fact, fect, fic, fig=make, do, 做,制作73.fall, fail, fault=err, deceive, 犯错误,欺骗74.fer=bring, carry, 带来,拿来75.ferv=boil, 沸,热76.fid=trust, faith, 相信,信念77.fin=end, boundary, 结束,范围78.flam, flagr=blaze, 火焰79.flect, flex=bend, 弯曲80.flict=strike, 打击81.flor, flour=flower, 花82.flu=flow, 流动83.forc, fort=strong, 强大,力量84.form=shape, 形状85.fract, frag=break, 打碎86.frig, friger=cold, 冷87.fug=flee, 逃,离开88.fus=pour, 流,泻89.gen, gener, genit=birth, produce, 出生,产生90.geo=earth, 地,地球91.gest, gister=carry, bring, 带来,产生92.gnos(t), gnor=know, 知道93.gon=angle, 角94.grad=step, grade, 步,级95.graph, gram=write, 写,图96.grat, gree=pleasing, 感激,高兴97.grav, griev=heavy, 重98.greg=group, 群体99.gress=go, walk, 100.gyn, gynec=woman, 妇女101.habit=dwell, 居住102.hap=chance, 机会103.her,hes=stick, 粘附104.hibit=hold, 拿住105.hum=earth, 土,地106.hydr, hydro=water, 水107.idea, ideo=idea, 思想,观点108.idio=peculiar, private, 特殊的,个人的109.it=go, 行走110.ject=throw, cast, 投掷,扔111.junct, join=join, 结合,连接112.judg, judic=judge, 判断113.jur, juris=swear, law, 发誓,法律114.juven=young, 年轻115.labor=labor, 劳动116.laps=slip, 滑,滑走117.lat=bring out, 拿出,带出118.lav, luv, lut=wash, 洗,冲洗行走119.lect, lig=choose, gather, 选择,收集120.lect, leg=speak, read, 讲,读121.leg, legis=law, 法律122.lev, live=raise, lighten, 举起,变轻123.liber=free, 自由124.limin, lim=threshold, 门槛,限制125.line=line, 直线,线条126.lingu=language, 语言,原意为舌头127.liter=letter, 文字,字母128.lith=stone, 石头129.loc=place, 地方130.log,logu=speak, 说话131.logy, ology=science, 科学,学科132.long=leng, 长133.loqu, locu=speak, 说话134.luc, lust=light, shine, 光,照亮135.lumin=light, 光136.lud, lus=play, 玩,戏剧137.magn=big, 大138.man, manu=hand, 手139.mari=sea, 海洋140.mark=sign, 记号,符号141.matern, matr=mother, 母性,母亲142.med, medi=middle, 中间143.memor=memory, 记忆144.ment=mind, 思考,神志145.merg, mers=sink, 沉,没146.meter, metr, mens, meas=measure, 计量,测量147.migr=remove, 迁移148.min=project, 伸出,突出149.mini, min=small, 小150.mir=wonder, look, 惊奇,看151.misc=mix, 混淆152.miss, mit=send, cast, 送,放出153.mob=move, 动154.mod=mode, manner, 方式,模式,风度155.mon, monit=warn, 警告156.morgp=form, shape, 形状157.mort=death, 死158.mot=move, 运动159.mount=ascend, 登上160.muni, mun=public, 公共的161.mut=change, 改变162.nat=born, 出生的163.nav, maus, naut=ship, 船,naut引申为海员164.nect, nex=bind, 连结165.neg=deny, 否认166.negr, nigr=black, 黑167.noc, nox=hurt, poison, 伤害,毒168.nom(y)=a field of knowledge, 某一领域的知识169.nomin=name, 名称,名字170.norm=rule, norm, 规则,规范171.not=know, 知道,注意172.nounce, nunci=speak, 讲话,说出173.nov=new, 新的174.numer=number, 数目175.onym=nam, 名字176.oper=work, 工作177.opt=choose, 选择178.opt, opto=sight, 视力179.ora, orat=mouth, 嘴,说180.ori, orig=rise, begin, 升起,开始181.ordin=order, 命令,顺序182.orn=embellish, 装饰183.par=equal, 平等184.part, port=part, divide, 部分,分开185.pass=pass through, 通过186.pass=feeling, 感情187.path=feeling, suffering, illness, 感情,痛苦,病188.patr(i)=father, 父亲189.ped=foot, 脚190.ped=child, education, 儿童,教育191.pel, puls=drive, push, 驱动,推192.pen, pun=penalty, 惩罚193.pend, pens=hang, 悬挂194.pend, pens, pond=weight, expend, 称重量,称银子,引申为花费195.peri=try, 尝试196.pet=seek, 追求,寻求197.petr(o)=stone, 石头198.phag=eat, 吃199.phil, philo=love, 爱200.phob, phobia=dislike, 厌恶201.phon=sound, 声音202.pict=paint, 描画203.plac=calm, 平静204.plat=flat, 平坦205.plant=plant, 种植206.ple, plen, pet, pli=full, fill, 满,填满207.plex=fold, 重叠208.plic, ply=fold, 重叠209.plor=cry, weep, 喊,哭210.point, punct=point, make sharp, 点,变尖211.polic, polis, polit=state, city, 国家,城市212.pon, pound=put, 放置213.popul, publ=people, 人民214.port=carry, 拿,运215.pos, posit=put, 放216.prais, preci=value, 价值217.prehens, prehend=catch, 抓住218.press=press, 挤压219.prim=first, chief, 第一,主要的220.pris=take, 拿住,抓住221.priv=single, alone, 单个222.prob, prov=test, 测试,证明223.proper, propri=one’s own, 拥有,引申为“恰当的” 224.pugn=fight, 打斗225.pur, purg=pure, 纯洁226.put=think, 认为,思考227.quest, quir, quis, quer=seek, search, 寻求,228.quiet, qui=still, 静229.quit=free, 自由230.radic=root, 根231.range=rank, 排列,顺序232.rap, rapt, rav=snatch, 捕,夺233.ras, rad=scrape, 刮擦234.rect=straight, right, 正,直235.rid,ris=laugh, 笑236.rod, ros=bite, 咬237.rog=ask, 要求,问238.rot=wheel, 轮子,转239.rud=rude, 原始,粗野240.rupt=break, 断裂241.sal=salt, 盐242.san, sanit=healthy, 健康的243.sanguin=blood, 血244.sati, satis, satur=enough, full of food, 足够,饱足245.scend, scens, scent=climb, 爬,攀246.sci=know, 知道247.scrib, script=write, 写248.secut, sequ=follow, 跟随249.sect, seg=cut, divide, 切,割250.sens, sent=feel, 感觉251.sen=old, 老252.sert=join, insert, 加入,插入253.serv=serve, keep, 服务,保持254.sid=sit, 坐255.sign=mark, 记号256.simil, simul, sembl=alike, same, 相类似,一样257.sinu=bend, 弯曲258.sist=stand, 站立259.soci=companion, 同伴,社会260.sol=alone, 单独261.sol=sun, 太阳262.solv, solu, solut=loosen, 松开263.somn=sleep, 睡眠264.son=sound, 声音265.soph=wise, 智慧,聪明266.speci=look, kind, 外观,种类267.spect, spic=look, see, 看268.sper=hope, 希望269.spers=scatter, 散开270.spir=breathe, 呼吸271.spond, spons=promise, 承诺272.st, sta, stat, stan, stant, stin=stand, 站,立273.stell=star, 星星274.still=small drop, 小水滴275.stitut, stit=set up, place, 建立,放276.sting, stinct, stimul=prick, 刺,刺激277.strain, strict, string=tighten, 拉紧278.struct=build, 建立279.sum, sum=add up, 总,加280.sume, sumpt=take, 拿,取281.sur=sure, 肯定282.tact, tag, tig, ting=touch, 接触283.tain, ten, tin, tinu=hold, 拿住284.tect=cover, 盖上285.tele=far, 远,引申为电286.temper, tempor=time, 事件或时间引起的现象287.tempt=try, 尝试288.tend, tent, tens=stretch, 伸展289.tenu=thin, 细,薄290.termin=limit, 界限291.terr=earth, 土地292.test=test, witness, 测试,证据293.text=weave, 编织294.thesis, thet=setting, 放置295.the(o)=god, 神296.therm=heat, 热297.tim=fear, 害怕298.tir=draw, 拉299.tom, tomy=cut, 切割300.tort=twist, 扭曲301.tour, torn=turn, 转302.tox=poison, 毒303.tract=draw, 拉,拖304.trem=quiver, 颤抖305.tribut=give, 给予309.twine=twine, 编织310.umbr=shadow, 影子311.un, uni=one, 单一,一个312.und=wave, 波动313.urb=city, 城市314.up=up,over, 向上315.us, util=use, 用316.vac, vacu, van, void=empty, 空317.vad, vas=go, 走318.vag, vagr=wander, 漫游319.vail, val=strong, 强壮320.val,valu=value, 价值321.vari, vary=change, 变化322.ven, vent=come, 来323.venge=punish, 惩罚,引申为报仇324.ver=true, 真实325.verb=word, 词语326.vers, vert=turn, 转327.vest=clothes, 衣服328.vi, via, vey, voy=way, 道路329.vict, vinc=conquer, overcome, 征服,克服330.vid, vis=see, 看331.viv, vit, vig=life, 生命332.voc, vok=call, voice, 叫喊,声音333.vol, volunt=wish, will, 意志,意愿334.volv, volu, volt=roll, turn, 卷,转335.vor=eat, 吃336.vulg=people 人群337.vuls, vult=pluck, tear, 收缩,撕开338.zoo=animal, 动物339.plut 财富340.olig 几个,少数,缺乏。



字号:大中小文章来源: 轻松读英文 Lesson 1A monument['mUnjumKnt][n.纪念碑;纪念馆] was built to commemorate[kK'memKreit][v.纪念,庆祝] the victory['viktKri][n.胜利].The children huddled['hZdl][(huddle):v.(使)拥挤,(使)挤成一团] together for warmth[wU:mP][n.热烈,热情].Censure['senFK][v.责难,非难] is sometimes harder to bear thanpunishment['pZniFmKnt][n.惩罚].The new vaccine['vRksi:n][n.疫苗] eradicated[i'rRdikeit][(eradicate):v.摆脱,消灭] all traces[treis][(trace):v.追溯] of the disease[di'zi:z][n.病;疾病]within[wiQ'in][prep.在......里面] three months.The barbarians[bT:'bEKriKn][(barbarian):n.野蛮人] defiled[di'fail][(defile):v.弄脏;玷污] the church[tFK:tF][n.教堂;教会] by using it as a stable['steibl][adj.持重的,可靠的].The pregnant['pregnKnt][a.(人)怀孕的,(动物)怀胎的] woman has anenlarged[in'lT:dJ][(enlarge):vt.扩大] abdomen['RbdKmen][n.腹部].The lost hikers['haikK][(hiker):n.徒步旅行者] were bereft[bi'ri:v][(bereave):v.剥夺,夺去] of hope when the rescue['reskju:][vt.营救;援救] plane did not see them. The children were bereaved[bi'ri:v][(bereave):v.剥夺,夺去] by the death[deP][n.死] of their parents.This battlefield['bRt(K)lfi:ld][n.战场] isconsecrated['kUnsikreit][(consecrate):v.1.使神圣2.奉献] to the memory['memKri][n.记忆;回忆] of the soldiers who died here.A good joke does not necessarily['nesisKri][(necessary):adj.必要的;必需的]evoke[i'vKuk][v.唤起,引起,使人想起] a hearty['hT:ti][adj.真诚的,亲切的,热诚的] laugh.Wheels[wi:l][(wheel):n.轮,机轮] left grooves[gru:v][(groove):n.槽 vt.开槽于] in a muddy['mZdi][a.多泥的,泥泞的] dirt[dK:t][n.污物;脏物;泥土地] road.The old car jolted[dJKult][(jolt):n.震动;震惊v.颠簸,弹跳] itspassengers['pRsindJK][(passenger):n.乘客;旅客] badly as it went over therough[rZf][adj.粗糙的] road.Bowing[bau][(bow):v.鞠躬,点头] to greet[gri:t][vt.问候;向...致敬] a lady is now an obsolete['UbsKli:t][a.淘汰的,过时的] custom['kZstKm][n.习惯;风俗;习俗]. Many wild[waild][adj.未开发的;荒凉的] animals prowl[praul][n.潜行,徘徊,悄悄踱步] at night looking for something to eat.The children scooped[sku:p][(scoop):vt.铲取,舀出n.铲子,勺子] holes in the sand. Diplomats['diplKmRt][(diplomat):n.外交官] are interested in thestatus['steitKs][n.(法律)地位;状况] of world affairs[K'fEK][(affair):n.事情;事]. The farmer sued[sju:][(sue):vt.控告,请愿] the railroad['reilrKud][n.铁路] station because his cow was killed by the train.The counter of the sink[siNk][vi.下沉;沉没] has many grooves[gru:v][(groove):n.槽 vt.开槽于] along which the water will run off.The cat prowled[praul][(prowl):n.潜行,徘徊,悄悄踱步] around the cellar['selK][n.地窑,地下室] looking for mice.We all sympathized[(sympathize):v.同情] with the husband who wasbereaved[bi'ri:v][(bereave):v.剥夺,夺去] of his beloved[bi'lZvd][a.所钟爱的] wife. Her singing evoked[i'vKuk][(evoke):v.唤起,引起,使人想起]admiration[<RdmK'reiFKn][n.羡慕,钦佩;赞赏] from the public['pZblik][adj.公共的;公开的].We still use this machine though it is obsolete['UbsKli:t][a.淘汰的,过时的]. The bandit['bRndit][n.强盗] in a typical['tipikKl][adj.典型的]Western['westKn][adj.西方的,西部的] movie['mu:vi][n.电影] rides a horse and goes armed. either alone or in a group.Christmas commemorates[kK'memKreit][(commemorate):v.纪念,庆祝] the birth[bK:P][n.出生;诞生] of Jesus['dJi:zKs][n.耶稣] Christ[kraist][n.基督,救世王].The children's muddy['mZdi][a.多泥的,泥泞的] shoes defiled[di'fail][(defile):v.弄脏;玷污] all the rugs[rZg][(rug):n.小地毯;毛毯] in the hotel.Running in the hall[hU:l][n.大厅;会堂;礼堂] is a deviation[di:vi'eiFKn][n.背离] from the school rules[ru:l][(rule):n.规则;规定] and will not beallowed[K'lau][(allow):vt.允许,准许].She could bear the disappointments[<disK'pUintmKnt][(disappointment):n.失望;沮丧] of other people with tolerable['tUlKrKbl][a.可容忍的,可以的]fortitude['fU:titju:d][n.坚韧;刚毅].The little girl was inconsolable[inkKn'soulKbl][a.无法安慰的,极为伤心的] at the loss[lUs][n.丧失;损耗] of her kitten['kitn][n.小猫].Aren't you hungry? You are only nibbling['nibl][(nibble):v.一点点地咬,慢慢啃] your food.The coronation[kT:K'neiFKn][n.加冕礼] of the new king was asplendid['splendid][adj.(口语)极好的] pageant['pRdJKnt][n.盛会,游行,虚饰,露天表演].After the scourge[skK:dJ][n.v.鞭笞,磨难] of flood[flZd][vt.淹没;使泛滥 n.洪水] usually comes the scourge[skK:dJ][n.v.鞭笞,磨难] of disease[di'zi:z][n.病;疾病]. The crippled[adj.跛的,拐的,伤残的] child tumbled['tZmbl][(tumble):v.翻滚,滚下] down the stairs[stEK][(stair):n.楼梯] and was badly hurt.The iron['aiKn][n.铁;熨斗 vt.熨烫] in the ship caused[kU:z][(cause):vt.促使;引起;使发生] a deviation[di:vi'eiFKn][n.背离] of the magnetic[mRg'netik][a.磁的,有吸引力的] needle['ni:dl][n.针;缝针] of the compass['kZmpKs][n.指南针].字号:大中小A marathon['mRrKPKn][n.马拉松,耐力的考验] runner must have greatfortitude['fU:titju:d][n.坚韧;刚毅] to run such a long distance['distKns][n.距离]. The pretty['priti][adj.漂亮的;俊俏的] girl's reputation[<repju(:)'teiFKn][n.名誉,名声] was defiled[di'fail][(defile):v.弄脏;玷污] by malicious[mK'liFKs][adj.恶意的] gossips['gUsip][(gossip):n.闲聊].The boy is just learning to walk, he is always tumbling['tZmbl][(tumble):v.翻滚,滚下] over the floor.The inauguration[inU:gju'reiFKn][n.就职典礼] ceremony['serimKni][n.典礼,仪式] of the new President['prezidKnt][n.总统] was a splendid['splendid][adj.(口语)极好的] pageant['pRdJKnt][n.盛会,游行,虚饰,露天表演].There are many illnesses, which afflict[K'flikt][v.使苦恼,折磨] old people.His employer[im'plUiK][n.雇用方,雇主] censured['senFK][(censure):v.责难,非难] him for neglecting[ni'glekt][(neglect):v./n.疏忽,忽略] his work.The thief[Pi:f][n.窃贼;小偷] intruded[in'tru:d][(intrude):v.闯入,侵入] into the house with caution['kU:FKn][n.提醒] and dissimulation[disimju'leiFKn][n.掩饰,装糊涂,虚伪].Nowadays['nauKdeiz][adv.当今;现在], it is an inhumane[inhju:'mein][adj不近人情的] punishment['pZniFmKnt][n.惩罚] to flog[flUg][v.鞭打,鞭笞,鞭挞;训斥] the disobedient[disK'bi:diKnt][a.不服从的,不孝的,违背] soldiers or sailors. According[K'kU:diN][a.按照;根据] to the inscription[in'skripFKn][n.题字,碑铭] on its cornerstone['kU:nKstoun][n.奠基石,基础], this building waserected[i'rekt][(erect):vt.建造;使竖立] in 1919.The gifts of charity['tFRriti][n.慈善] meddled['medl][(meddle):v.干涉,管闲事] with a man's private['praivit][a.私人的] affair[K'fEK][n.事情;事].He doesn't sit straight: his posture['pUstFK][n.姿势,姿态,体态,举止] is very bad. John rummaged['rZmidJ][(rummage):n.翻寻] all the drawers['drU:K][(drawer):n.抽屉] to find his gloves[glZv][(glove):n.手套].The water spouted[spaut][(spout):n.(喷泉、水泵等的)喷口,喷嘴] out when thepipe[paip][n.管子;输送管] was broken.The climber traversed['trRvK(:)s][(traverse):vt.横越,横切,横断] a long horizontal[<hUri'zUntl][a.水平的;相同地位的,同行业的] crack[krRk][n.强效可卡因(毒品) v.裂开,龟裂] in the face of the mountain slope[slKup][n.倾斜;斜面 vi.倾斜].A child stood looking with wistful['wistful][adj.渴望的,想望的] eyes at the toys in the shop window.He was flogging['flUgiN][n.鞭打] his horse in a very cruel['kruKl][adj.残忍的;残酷的] way.She rummaged['rZmidJ][(rummage):n.翻寻] change from the bottom['bUtKm][n.底部;底] of her purse[pK:s][n.钱包].The law[lU:][n.法律,法令] does not meddle['medl][v.干涉,管闲事]unduly[Zn'dju:li][ad.不适当地,过度地] with a person's private['praivit][a.私人的] life.The lights traversed['trRvK(:)s][(traverse):vt.横越,横切,横断] the sky searching[sK:tF][(search):n.&v.搜寻;搜查] for enemy['enimi][n.敌人;敌军] planes. The inscription[in'skripFKn][n.题字,碑铭] on the ancient['einFKnt][adj.古代的;远古的] monument['mUnjumKnt][n.纪念碑;纪念馆] was very hard to read.The amicable['RmikKbl][a.友善的,和平的] flash[flRF][n.闪光;转瞬间] of her whiteteeth was very impressive[im'presiv][a.令人钦佩的,给人深刻印象的].The soldiers are very exhausted[ig'zU:stid][adj.极其疲倦的] for they have advanced[Kd'vT:nst][adj.先进的;高级的] forward['fU:wKd][adv.将来;今后] without rest in a blizzard['blzKd][n.暴风雪].If I were rich, I would like to cruise[kru:z][vi.巡航 vt.巡航于…] in the Southern Pacific[n.太平洋] for six months in a private['praivit][a.私人的] yacht[jUt][n.游艇,快艇].Yellow fever has been eradicated[i'rRdikeit][(eradicate):v.摆脱,消灭] in the United[ju(:)'nait][(unite):vi.&vt.联合,团结] States[steit][(state):n.国家;(美国的)州] but it still exists[ig'zist][(exist):vi.存在] in some countries.The doctor's report gave us only a glimmer['glimK][v.发微光,n.摇曳的微光] of hope. On his desk, many articles['T:tikl][(article):n.文章] anddocuments['dUkjumKnt][(document):n.用文件证实或证明(某事)] are alwayspiled[pail][(pile):n.堆] in great lump[lZmp][n.团,块;肿块].The woman ransacked['rRnsRk][(ransack):v.彻底搜索,洗劫] the house for her lost jewelry[n.珠宝,首饰].He slashed[slRF][(slash):v.大量削减] a path[pT:P][n.小道;小径] through the high grass with a long knife.Out feet slumped[slZmp][(slump):v.猛然落下] repeatedly[a.反复地,多次地] through the melting[melt][(melt):v.融化,变软,溶解] ice.That pop-song had a great vogue[voug][n.时髦,时尚adj.流行的] at one time. Enemy['enimi][n.敌人;敌军] soldiers ransacked['rRnsRk][(ransack):v.彻底搜索,洗劫] the city and carried off its treasures['treJK][(treasure字号:大中小Tired from his long walk, he slumped[slZmp][(slump):v.猛然落下] into a chair. We saw the glimmer['glimK][v.发微光,n.摇曳的微光] of a distant['distKnt][adj.远的;遥远的] light through the trees.He used to have a great vogue[voug][n.时髦,时尚adj.流行的] as a film actor, but no one goes to the cinema to see him now.What the Ice Age did was to eradicate[i'rRdikeit][v.摆脱,消灭] theabundant[K'bZndKnt][a.丰富的;大量的] mammalian[mR'meiljKn][adj.哺乳动物的] life in the Northern Hemisphere['hemisfiK][n.半球;半球地图].He ascribes[Ks'kraib][(ascribe):vt.把…归于] his success[sKk'ses][n.成功] to skill[skil][n.技能;技巧] and hard work.The soldiers kept their heads down behind the bulwark['bZlwKk][n.堡垒,保障]. She looked around this way and that in a dubious['dju:bjKs][adj.值得怀疑的] manner. Selfishness['selfiF][(selfish):adj.自私的] was a facet['fRsit][n.(问题等的)一个方面] of his character['kRriktK][n.(汉)字;字体] that we seldom['seldKm][adv.很少;不常] saw before.For the first time he had to pay heed to his appearance[K'piKrKns][n.出现;露面], and in fact[fRkt][n.事实;实际] he became very well-dressed from then on.The boys huddled['hZdl][(huddle):v.(使)拥挤,(使)挤成一团] together under the rock to keep warm.The old man mumbled['mZmbl][(mumble):v.喃喃而语,咕哝] something to me, but I could not understand him.This ruined['ru:in][(ruin):vt.毁坏;毁灭] bridge is a relic['relik][n.遗物;遗俗] of the Korean[a.&n.朝鲜人(的),朝鲜语的] War[wU:][n.战争] in 1950.Automobile['U:tKmKubi:l][n.[美]汽车;机动车] exhaust[ig'zU:st][vt.使筋疲力尽;用尽] fumes[fju:m][(fume):n.(浓烈或难闻的)烟,气体] are one of the major['meidJK][a.较大的;主要的] causes[kU:z][(cause):vt.促使;引起;使发生] of smog[smoug][n.烟雾].The thirsty wayfarer['weifEKrK][n.旅客] was glad to find a fresh[freF][adj.新鲜的] spring near the road.He always speaks with his mouth full of food, it is his wont[wUnt][n.习惯]. Four people were huddled['hZdl][(huddle):v.(使)拥挤,(使)挤成一团] under one umbrella[Zm'brelK][n.雨伞] to avoid[K'vUid][v.避免] the sudden['sZdn][a.突然的] shower.I'm feeling better than yesterday, but it is dubious['dju:bjKs][adj.值得怀疑的] that I can go to school tomorrow.No one knows who wrote that play, but it is usually ascribed[Ks'kraib][(ascribe):vt.把…归于] to Cyril Tourneur.We believe[bi'li:v][vt.&vi.相信;认为] that a free press[pres][vt.压;按] and free speech[spi:tF][n.演讲] are bulwarks['bZlwKk][(bulwark):n.堡垒,保障] of democracy[di'mUkrKsi][n.民主].Take heed of what I say, or you will fail in the final['fainKl][a.最后的;决定性的] examination[ig<zRmi'neiFKn][n.考试;检查,细查].Lesson 23Civilized[adj.有教养的,文雅的] people believe[bi'li:v][vt.&vi.相信;认为] in humane[hju:'mein][adj.人道的,富有同情心的] treatment['tri:tmKnt][n.治疗,疗法] of prisoners['priznK][(prisoner):n.囚犯].The equator[i'kweitK][n.赤道,天球赤道] is an imaginary[i'mRdJinKri][adj.想象中的,虚构的] circle around the earth.Because he wasn't working hard, he is liable['laiKbl][adj.有…的倾向] to fail. He sat alone after the battle['bRtl][n.战役;战斗], mourning[mU:n][(mourn):vt.哀悼;哀痛] over the loss[lUs][n.丧失;损耗] of his best friend.A psychiatrist[sai'kaiKtrist][n.精神病医师,精神病学家] can help some people to understand their subconscious['sZb'kUnFKs][adj.下意识的,潜意识的]urges[K:dJ][(urge):v.催促].He has to leave now, he lives farther from here than I do.All the members of the committee[kK'miti][n.委员会] agreed to inquire[in'kwaiK][vt.打听,询问;调查] further['fK:QK][ad.更远地;进一步地] into the matter.The man living next door hanged himself in sorrow['sUrKu][n.难过] after his wife died.We hung our reproduction[<ri:prK'dZkFKn][n.复制,翻版] of "Mona[n.莫娜;人名] Liza[n.莉莎]" above the fireplace.Tainan[pla.台南] is one of the historic[his'tUrik][adj.历史上著名的,具有历史意义的] spots[spUt][(spot):n.斑点] that you should visit.Upon[K'pUn][prep.在...上] retiring[ri'taiK][(retire):v.退下;离开] from the office, the President['prezidKnt][n.总统] gave all the historical[his'tUrikKl][a.历史学的,(有关)历史的] papers to the library.The philosopher[fi'lUsKfK][n.哲学家] claims[kleim][(claim):v.声称] that kindness is a human['hju:mKn][n.&a.人(的),人类(的)] trait[treit][n.特征;特性], but I don't believe[bi'li:v][vt.&vi.相信;认为] it.Humane[hju:'mein][adj.人道的,富有同情心的] people are considerate[kKn'sidKrit][a.考虑周到的;体谅的] of not only other people but also animals.标签: 英语阅读 .。


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10天背诵英文10000单词10天背诵英文10000单词◎教程本版教程目的是在十天内提高单词量到10000学习要求是脱口背诵,每天学习6小时.Vocabulary 10000Lesson 11. A monument was built to commemorate the victory.2.The children huddled together for warmth.3.Censure is sometimes harder to bear than punishment.4.The new vaccine eradicated all traces of the disease within three months. huddleverb, nounverb[V][usually +adv./prep.] ~ (up)(of people or animals) to gather closely together, usually because of cold or fear: We huddled together for warmth. ◆They all huddled around the fire. ◆People huddled up close to each other.to hold your arms and legs close to your body, usually because you are cold or frightened: I huddled under a blanket on the floor.huddled adjective: People were huddled together around the fire. ◆huddled figures in shop doorways ◆ We found him huddled on the floor.nouna small group of people, objects or buildings that are close together, especially when they are not in any particular order: People stood around in huddles. ◆The track led them to a huddle of barns and outbuildings.(in American football) a time when the players gather roundto hear the plan for the next part of the gameIdioms:get / go into a huddle (with sb) to move close to sb so that you can talk about sth without other people hearing censure/ ?sen??(r); ˋs?n??/noun, verbnoun[U] (formal) strong criticism: a vote of censure on the government's foreign policyverb[VN] ~ sb (for sth) (formal) to criticize sb severely, and often publicly, because of sth they have done: He was censured by the council for leaking information to the press.vaccine /?v?ksi?n; US v?k?si?n; v?kˋsin/noun[C, U] a substance that is put into the blood and that protects the body from a disease: a polio / measles vaccine ◆There is no vaccine against HIV infection.eradicate /??r?d?ke?t; ?ˋr?d??ket/verb[VN] ~ sth (from sth) to destroy or get rid of sth completely, especially sth bad:Polio has been virtually eradicated in Brazil.◆We are determined to eradicate racism from our sport.1.The barbarians defiled the church by using it as a stable.2.The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen.3.The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them.4.The children were bereaved by the death of their parents.barbarian /bɑ??be?r??n; bɑrˋb?r??n/nouna person long ago in the past who belonged to a European tribe ([traib]n.部落) which was considered wild and UNCIVILIZED: barbarian invasions of the fifth centurya person who behaves very badly and has no respect for art, education, etc.defile/ d??fa?l; d?ˋfa?l/verb[VN] (formal or literary) to make sth dirty or no longer pure, especially sth that people consider important or holy: Many victims of burglary feel their homes have be en defiled. ◆The altar had been defiled by vandals.defilement nounnoun(formal) a narrow way through mountainsabdomen/ ??bd?m?n; ˋ?bd?m?n/nounthe part of the body below the chest that contains the stomach, bowels, etc.the end part of an insect's body that is attached to its THORAXabdominal adjective [only before noun]: abdominal painsbereft/ b??reft; b?ˋr?ft/adjective[not before noun] (formal)~ of sth completely lacking sth; having lost sth: bereft of ideas / hope(of a person) sad and lonely because you have lost sth: He was utterly bereft when his wife died.◆The shock of his departure had left her feeling alone and bereft.bereave/ b??ri?v; b?ˋriv/verb[VN] (be bereaved) if sb is bereaved, a relative or close friend has just died: The ceremony was an ordeal for those who hadbeen recently bereaved.This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.consecrate/ ?k?ns?kre?t; ˋkɑns??kret/verb[VN] to state officially in a religious ceremony that sth is holy and can be used for religious purposes: The church was consecrated in 1853. ◆consecrated ground[VN] (in Christian belief) to make bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ~ sb (as) (sth) to state officially in a religious ceremony that sb is now a priest, etc:[VN-N] He was consecrated (as) bishop last year. [also VN][VN] ~ sth/sb / yourself to sth (formal) to give sth/sb or yourself to a special purpose, especially a religious one: She consecrated her life to God.consecration noun [C, U]: the consecration of a church / bishop。



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试看密码:20091111 有效期至:2010.08.013. 免费获取我所有英语学习资源:Collins Cobuild英英词典一本+赵丽8000电子讲义+更多…..声明:本资料由考试吧()收集整理,转载请注明出自服务:面向较高学历人群,提供计算机类,外语类,学历类,资格类,会计类,工程类,医学类等七大类考试的全套考试信息服务及考前培训.恶补英文@10天背诵英文10000单词◎教程本版教程为毕克所著目的是在十天内提高单词量到10000学习要求是脱口背诵,每天学习6小时.Vocabulary 10000Lesson 1A monument was built to commemorate the victory.The children huddled together for warmth.Censure is sometimes harder to bear than punishment.The new vaccine eradicate d all traces of the disease within three months.The barbarian s defile d the church by using it as a stable.The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen.The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them.The children were bereave d by the death of their parents.This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.A good joke does not necessarily evoke a hearty laugh.Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road.The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road.Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsolete custom.Many wild animals prowl at night looking for something to eat.The children scoope d holes in the sand.Diplomats are interested in the status of world affairs.The farmer sued the railroad station because his cow was killed by the train.The counter of the sink has many grooves along which the water will run off.The cat prowled around the cellar looking for mice.We all sympathized with the husband who was bereaved of his beloved wife.Her singing evoked admiration from the public.We still use this machine though it is obsolete.The bandit in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed. either alone or in a group.2. 免费在线观看500多个国外电视台。



10天背诵英文10000单词◎教程的中文翻译1. A monument was built to commemorate the victory.记念碑是为了记念胜利而建的.2. The children huddled together for warmth.孩子们为暖和挤成一团。

3.Censure is sometimes harder to bear than punishment.责难有时比责罚还难以忍受。

4. The new vaccine eradicated all traces of the disease within three months.新疫苗在3个月内彻底根除了这种疾病。

5. The barbarians defiled the church by using it as a stable.蛮夷之人把教堂当作畜生圈,使其受到玷污。

6. The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen.孕妇大腹偏偏。

7. The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them.营救飞机没有发现迷路的徒行者,他们绝望之极了。

adj.[bi'reft] 失去...的; 丧失亲人的动词bereave的过去式和过去分词8. The children were bereaved by the death of their parents.孩子失去了双亲。

[bi'ri:v]剥夺; 使失去9. This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.这个战场纪念那些英勇牺牲在此的战士。

|| 'kɒnsɪkreɪt]供神用, 使神圣, 奉献desecrate[des·e·crate || 'desɪkreɪt] v.供俗用, 污辱, 亵渎10. A good joke does not necessarily evoke a hearty laugh.极品笑话未必哄然大笑。



1. A monument was built to commemorate the victory.记念碑是为了记念胜利而建的.2. The children huddled together for warmth.孩子们暖和暖和挤成一团。

3. Censure is sometimes harder to bear than punishment.责难有时比责罚还难以忍受。

4. The new vaccine eradicated all traces of the disease within three months.新疫苗在3个月内彻底根除了这种疾病。

5. The barbarians defiled the church by using it as a stable.蛮夷之人把教堂当作畜生圈,使其受到玷污。

6. The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen.孕妇大腹偏偏。

7. The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them.营救飞机没有发现迷路的徒行者,他们绝望之极了。

8. The children were bereaved by the death of their parents.孩子失去了双亲。

9. This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.这个战场纪念那些英勇牺牲在此的战士。


10. A good joke does not necessarily evoke a hearty laugh.极品笑话未必哄然大笑。


残阳犹念桥上人11. Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road.车辙印在泥泞路上。



刘毅单词10000 (1)Lesson 1 (3)Lesson 2 (10)Lesson 3 (19)Lesson 4 (28)Lesson 5 (38)Lesson 6 (49)Lesson 7 (58)Lesson 8 ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 9 ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 10 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 11 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 12 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 13 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 14 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 15 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 16 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Lesson 17 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。



MYknarF。家国些某于在存仍但�除根经已国美在病热黄 .seirtnuoc emos ni stsixe llits ti tub setatS detinU eht ni detacidare neeb sah revef wolleY .75 MYknarF。年半游环洋平太南在艇游人私坐乘想我�钱了有果如 .thcay etavirp a ni shtnom xis rof cificaP nrehtuoS eht ni esiurc ot ekil dluow I ,hcir erew I fI .65 MYknarF。尽力疲筋到感而进前中雪风暴在地歇停不于由们兵士 .drazzilb a ni tser tuohtiw drawrof decnavda evah yeht rof detsuahxe yrev era sreidlos ehT .55 MYknarF。心人入深�烁闪光柔齿皓的她 .evisserpmi yrev saw hteet etihw reh fo hsalf elbacima ehT .45 MYknarF。读通难极文铭的上碑念纪代古个那 .daer ot drah yrev saw tnemunom tneicna eht no noitpircsni ehT .35 MYknarF。机敌寻搜以空天向打光灯 .senalp ymene rof gnihcraes yks eht desrevart sthgil ehT .25 MYknarF。活生私的人个入介地多过会不律法 .efil etavirp s‘nosrep a htiw yludnu elddem ton seod wal ehT .15 MYknarF。钱零了出翻儿底包钱遍翻她 .esrup reh fo mottob eht morf egnahc degammur ehS .05 林成竹种。儿马的己自打抽地暴粗他 .yaw leurc yrev a ni esroh sih gniggolf saw eH .94 林成竹种。了极红眼�具玩琅琳的里店商着看里那在站子孩个这 .wodniw pohs eht ni syot eht ta seye luftsiw htiw gnikool doots dlihc A .84 林成竹种。面正坡山在缝裂该�缝裂平水的长长个一了过通者山登 .epols niatnuom eht fo ecaf eht ni kcarc latnoziroh gnol a desrevart rebmilc ehT .74 nanjaix。出而涌喷水�后以破弄被子管 nekorb saw epip eht nehw tuo detuops retaw ehT .64 MYknarF。套手的他找屉抽的有所了遍翻翰约 .sevolg sih dnif ot sreward eht lla degammur nhoJ .54 MYknarF。看难常非势姿�直不得坐他 .dab yrev si erutsop sih :thgiarts tis t‘nseod eH .44 MYknarF。务事人私的们人了预干赠捐善慈 .riaffa etavirp s’nam a htiw delddem ytirahc fo stfig ehT .34 MYknarF。年 9191 于建子房座这�看来文铭的上石基从 .9191 ni detcere saw gnidliub siht ,enotsrenroc sti no noitpircsni eht ot gnidroccA .24 MYknarF。罚惩的道人不种一是刑笞以施手水或兵士的令命抗违对�今如 .srolias ro sreidlos tneidebosid eht golf ot tnemhsinup enamuhni na si ti ,syadawoN .14 MYknarF。宅住所那了入潜地蔽隐而心小贼窃 .noitalumissid dna noituac htiw esuoh eht otni dedurtni feiht ehT .04 MYknarF。他了备责板老的他�作工的做所他视忽全完于由 .krow sih gnitcelgen rof mih derusnec reyolpme siH .93







1/241. 第一课【1天】1. A monument was built to commemorate the victory.2. The children huddled together for warmth.3. Censure is sometimes harder to bear than punishment.4. The new vaccine eradicated all traces of the disease within three months.5. The barbarians defiled the church by using it as a stable.6. The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen.7. The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them.8. The children were bereaved by the death of their parents.9. This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.10. A good joke does not necessarily evoke a hearty laugh.11. Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road.12. The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road.13. Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsolete custom.14. Many wild animals prowl at night looking for something to eat.15. The children scooped holes in the sand.16. Diplomats are interested in the status of world affairs.17. The farmer sued the railroad station because his cow was killed by the train.18. The counter of the sink has many grooves along which the water will run off.19. The cat prowled around the cellar looking for mice.20. We all sympathized with the husband who was bereaved of his beloved wife.21. Her singing evoked admiration from the public.22. We still use this machine though it is obsolete.23. The bandit in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed. either alone or in a group.24. Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ.25. The children‘s muddy shoes defiled all the rugs in the hotel.26. Running in the hall is a deviation from the school rules and will not be allowed.27. She could bear the disappointments of other people with tolerable fortitude.28. The little girl was inconsolable at the loss of her kitten.29. Aren‘t you hungry? You are only nibbling your food.30. The coronation of the new king was a splendid pageant.31. After the scourge of flood usually comes the scourge of disease.32. The crippled child tumbled down the stairs and was badly hurt.33. The iron in the ship caused a deviation of the magnetic needle of the compass.34. A marathon runner must have great fortitude to run sucha long distance.35. The pretty girl‘s reputation was defiled by maliciousgossips.36. The boy is just learning to walk, he is always tumbling over the floor.37. The inauguration ceremony of the new President was a splendid pageant.38. There are many illnesses, which afflict old people.39. His employer censured him for neglecting his work.40. The thief intruded into the house with caution and dissimulation.41. Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailors.42. According to the inscription on its cornerstone, this building was erected in 1919.43. The gifts of charity meddled with a man’s private affair.44. He doesn‘t sit straight: his posture is very bad.45. John rummaged all the drawers to find his gloves.46. The water spouted out when the pipe was broken.47. The climber traversed a long horizontal crack in the face of the mountain slope.48. A child stood looking with wistful eyes at the toys in the shop window.49. He was flogging his horse in a very cruel way.50. She rummaged change from the bottom of her purse.51. The law does not meddle unduly with a person‘s private life.52. The lights traversed the sky searching for enemy planes.53. The inscription on the ancient monument was very hard to read.54. The amicable flash of her white teeth was very impressive.55. The soldiers are very exhausted for they have advancedforward without rest in a blizzard.56. If I were rich, I would like to cruise in the Southern Pacific for six months in a private yacht.57. Yellow fever has been eradicated in the United States but it still exists in some countries.58. The doctor‘s repo rt gave us only a glimmer of hope.59. On his desk, many articles and documents are always piled in great lump.60. The woman ransacked the house for her lost jewelry.61. He slashed a path through the high grass with a long knife.62. Out feet slumped repeatedly through the melting ice.63. That pop-song had a great vogue at one time.64. Enemy soldiers ransacked the city and carried off its treasures.65. Tired from his long walk, he slumped into a chair.66. We saw the glimmer of a distant light through the trees.67. He used to have a great vogue as a film actor, but no one goes to the cinema to see him now.68. What the Ice Age did was to eradicate the abundant mammalian life in the Northern Hemisphere.69. He ascribes his success to skill and hard work.70. The soldiers kept their heads down behind the bulwark.71. She looked around this way and that in a dubious manner.72. Selfishness was a facet of his character that we seldom saw before.73. For the first time he had to pay heed to his appearance, and in fact he became very well-dressed from then on.74. The boys huddled together under the rock to keep warm.75. The old man mumbled something to me, but I could notunderstand him.76. This ruined bridge is a relic of the Korean War in 1950.77. Automobile exhaust fumes are one of the major causes of smog.78. The thirsty wayfarer was glad to find a fresh spring near the road.79. He always speaks with his mouth full of food, it is his wont.80. Four people were huddled under one umbrella to avoid the sudden shower.81. I‘m feeling better than yesterday, but it is dubious thatI can go to school tomorrow.82. No one knows who wrote that play, but it is usually ascribed to Cyril T ourneur.83. We believe that a free press and free speech are bulwarks of democracy.84. Take heed of what I say, or you will fail in the final examination.1/24。



弃我去者,昨日之日不可留乱我心者,今日之日多烦忧刘毅10000词汇学习笔记lesson 1(1)1.abdomen:part of the body below the chest and diaphragm, containing the stomach. 腹部Abdominal (adj) 腹部的an abdominal operation 腹部手术belly:(口)front of the human body from the waist to the groin;belly 肚子,胃with an empty belly 空着肚子in the belly of a ship 在船腹里belly out(动词用法):鼓涨,凸出The wind bellied out the sails2.bereave:使某人丧失(尤指亲属)bereave sb of sb an accident which bereaved him of his wife 使他丧失妻子的事故the bereaved husband 死了妻子的男人the bereaved 丧失亲人的人bereavement(n):丧亲之痛,丧失亲人deprive:take sth away from sb; prevent sb from enjoying or using sth 剥夺sb/sth的sth;阻止某人享有或使用sthdeprive sb/sth of sthdeprive of one's civil rights 剥夺某人的公民权deprivation(n):剥夺;贫困;被剥夺的事物widespread deprivation 普遍贫困Missing the holiday was a great deprivation.错失假日是极大的损失。

deprived(adj):贫困的,穷苦的deprived childhood 贫苦的童年3. consecrate:devote sth/sb to or reserve sth/sb for a special (esp religious) purpose 把sth/sb 献给sth/sb做某种(尤其宗教)用途consecrate sth/sb to sth consecrate one's life to the service of God, to the relief of suffering 献身于为神服务(解除世人痛苦)的事业devote:give one's time, energy to sth/sb; dedicate 为某人付出,向某人奉献,献身于devote oneself/sth to sb/sthdevoted(adj):热爱的,非常忠实的,全心全意的a devoted son 孝子She is devoted to her children. 她深爱她的孩子。






























10天背诵英文10000单词◎教程注释Lesson 11.huddle v.拥挤, 卷缩, 草率从事, 挤作一团n.杂乱的一堆, 拥挤2.censure v.责难n.责难3.vaccine adj.疫苗的, 牛痘的n.疫苗4.eradicate v.根除5.barbarian n.粗鲁无礼的人, 野蛮人adj.野蛮的, 粗鲁的6.defile v.染污n.隘路7.stable n.厩:家畜,尤指马和牛的圈养和喂食的棚子8.abdomen n.腹, 腹部9.bereft adj.被剥夺的, 失去亲人的, 丧失的10.bereave vt. 剥夺, 使失去adj. Suffering the loss of a loved one:忍受失去所爱之人后的痛苦的11.consecrate vt.用作祭祀, 献给, 使神圣adj.被献给神的, 神圣的12.consecrated adj.神圣的, 被视为神圣的13.jolt v.摇晃n.摇晃14.bow n.弓, 乐弓, 弓形, 鞠躬, 船首v.鞠躬, 弯腰15.obsolete adj.荒废的, 陈旧的n.废词, 陈腐的人16.prowl v.巡游17.scoope n.铲子v.掘, 挖18.diplomat n.外交官, 有外交手腕的人, 有权谋的人19.beloved adj.心爱的n.所爱的人, 爱人20.bandit n.强盗21.rug n.(小)地毯, 垫子22.deviation n.背离罗盘偏差:指南针由于局部磁场的影响发生偏移,尤指在船上23.tolerable adj.可容忍的, 可以的24.fortitude n.坚韧25.inconsolable adj.无法安慰的, 极为伤心的26.nibble n. 细咬, 轻咬, 啃v.一点一点地咬, 细咬, 吹毛求疵27.coronation n.加冕礼coronate vt.加冕28.pageant n.盛会, 庆典, 游行, 虚饰, 露天表演29.scourge n.鞭, 笞, 苦难的根源, 灾祸vt.鞭打, 痛斥, 蹂躏30.tumble n.跌倒, 摔跤, 翻斤斗vi.翻倒, 摔倒, 倒塌, 滚动, 翻筋斗, 仓惶地行动vt.使摔倒, 使滚翻, 弄乱pass n.罗盘, 指南针,圆规v.包围32.malicious adj.怀恶意的, 恶毒的33.inauguration n.就职典礼, 开幕式inaugurate vt.举行就职典礼, 创新, 开辟, 举行开幕(落成、成立)典礼.34.afflict vt.使痛苦, 折磨35.dissimulation n.掩饰, 虚伪, 装糊涂36.inhumane adj.残忍的37.flog vt.鞭打, 鞭策, 迫使, 驱使, 严厉批评38.disobedient adj.不服从的39.inscription n.题字, 碑铭40.rummage v.到处翻寻, 搜出, 检查n.翻箱倒柜的寻找, 检查, 零星杂物41.spout n.喷管, 喷口, 水柱, 喷流, 管口v.喷出, 滔滔不绝地讲, 喷涌42.spout out 喷出43.traverse n.横贯, 横断, 横木, 障碍, 否认, 反驳, (建筑)通廊vt.横过, 穿过, 经过, 在...来回移动, 反对, 详细研究vi.横越, 横断, 旋转, 来回移动adj.横断的, 横的44.slope n.斜坡, 斜面, 倾斜v.(使)顺斜45.wistful adj.渴望的, 想望的46.unduly adv.不适当地, 过度地, 不正当地47.meddle v.管闲事48.meddle with 干涉49.amicable adj.友善的, 和平的50.blizzard n.大风雪51.glimmer 暗淡或微弱的闪光52.lump n.块(尤指小块), 肿块, 笨人vt.使成块状, 混在一起, 忍耐, 笨重地移动vi.结块53.ransack vt.到处搜索, 掠夺, 洗劫54.slash(1)乱砍:slash a path through the underbrush.从灌木丛中劈出一条路来(2) 尖刻地批评:The work of the composer has been slashed by the reviewers. 批评家严厉地批评这名作曲家的作品more....55.slumpv.(1)To fall or sink heavily; collapse: 掉入,陷入:沉重地落下或沉下;倒塌:She slumped, exhausted, onto the sofa. 她疲惫之极地倒在沙发上(2)懒散的座着、站着:坐着或站着时垂下;耷拉着(3)To decline suddenly; fall off: 暴跌:突然下降;衰退:Business slumped after the holidays. 节日过后生意下降了(4)To sink or settle, as into mud or slush.( n.烂泥v.溅湿) 陷入:沉入或陷入(泥泞或雪泥中)(5)To slide down or spread out thickly, as mud or fresh concrete. 滑落:将(泥或新拌的混凝土)厚厚地滑下或涂抹开n.(1)The act or an instance of slumping. 陷入,掉入:沉下的动作或事(2)A drooping or slouching posture: 垂下,萎靡:低垂或颓丧的姿式:read defeat in the slump of his shoulders. 从他肩膀的无力下垂上可以看出他失败了(3)A sudden falling off or decline, as in activity, prices, or business: 暴跌:(活动、价格或生意方面)突然的衰退或下降:a stock market slump; a slump in farm prices. 股市暴跌;农产品降格陡降(5)An extended period of poor performance, especially in a sport or competitive activity: 低潮:一段很长的差劲的表演,尤指体育活动或竞赛中:a slump in a batting average. 击球率的低潮期56.carry off v. 夺去...的生命, 获得, 成功对付57.mammalian n.哺乳动物adj.哺乳动物的58.ascribe vt.归因于, 归咎于59.bulwark n.壁垒, 防波堤60.dubious adj.可疑的, 不确定的61.heed n.注意, 留意v.注意, 留意62.mumble n.喃喃而语, 咕哝, 闭嘴细嚼v.喃喃而语, 咕哝63.relic n.遗物, 遗迹, 废墟, 纪念物64.exhaust vt.用尽, 耗尽, 抽完, 使精疲力尽vi.排气n.排气, 排气装adj.用不完的, 不会枯竭的65.fume n.(浓烈或难闻的)烟, 气体, 一阵愤怒(或不安) v.用烟熏, 冒烟, 发怒66.wayfarer n.旅客, 徒步旅行者(同:hiker)67.wont n.习惯, 惯常活动adj.惯于, 常常vi.习惯vt.使习惯于Lesson 268.absolve v.宣布免除69.umpire n.仲裁人, 裁判员v.仲裁, 任裁判, 作裁判70.contend v.(动词)con.tend.ed,con.tend.ing,contendsv.intr.(不及物动词)(1)To strive in opposition or against difficulties; struggle: 争斗:对抗性地或与困难相斗争;斗争:armies contending for control of strategic territory; had to contend with long lines at the airport.军队为了控制战略领地而奋战;在机场必须忍受大排长龙(2)To compete, as in a race; vie. 竞争,如在竞赛中;争夺(3)To strive in controversy or debate; dispute.See Synonyms at discuss争论:在争论或辩论中据理力争;辩论参见discussv.tr.(及物动词)(4)To maintain or assert: 主张或声称:The defense contended that the evidence was inadmissible. 被告方声称证据是不可接受的71.deplore v.表示悲痛72.fracture n.破裂, 骨折v.(使)破碎, (使)破裂73.pith n.(植物的)木髓, 骨髓, 重要部分, 核心, 意义, 精华, 精力vt.除去木髓, 杀死74.relish n.(名词)(1)An appetite for something; a strong appreciation or liking: 胃口:对某事物的食欲,强烈的欣赏或者喜欢:a relish for luxury.对奢侈品的爱好(2)Hearty enjoyment; zest.See Synonyms at zest 诚恳的享乐;风味参见zest(3)Something that lends pleasure or zest. 独特的滋味:使人感到愉快或有风味的东西(4)A spicy or savory condiment or appetizer, such as chutney or olives.调味品:加有香料的或开胃的佐料或开胃品,如辣酱或者橄榄(5)A condiment of chopped sweet pickle. 切碎的甜泡菜做的调味品(6)The flavor of a food, especially when appetizing.See Synonyms at taste滋味:食物的味道,特别是促进食欲的味道参见taste(7)A trace or suggestion of a pleasurable quality. 滋味:令人愉快的微量或意味v.(动词)rel.ished,rel.ish.ing,rel.ish.esv.tr.(及物动词)(1)To take keen or zestful pleasure in.See Synonyms at like 1欣赏:从…中得到敏锐的热烈的欢愉参见like1(2)To enjoy the flavor of. 品尝:品尝…的味道(3)To give spice or flavor to.给…加佐料v.intr.(不及物动词)(1)To have a pleasing or distinctive taste. 有滋味:有令人愉快的或特定的味道75.whip n.鞭子, 车夫v.鞭打, 抽打, 突然移动76.tidings n.消息77.cumber v.tr.(及物动词)cum.bered,cum.ber.ing,cum.bers(1)To weigh down; burden: 压下;使挑重担:was cumbered with many duties. 肩负许多重任(2)To hamper or hinder, as by being in the way: 妨碍,阻碍:妨碍或阻碍,如挡在路上:was cumbered with a long poncho. 披风过长行动就会不便(3)To litter; clutter up: 使凌乱;使塞满:Weeds cumbered the garden paths. 花园小径上到处都是杂草。



10天背诵10000英语单词Lesson 1A monument was built to commemorate the victory.The children huddled together for warmth.Censure is sometimes harder to bear than punishment.The new vaccine eradicated all traces of the disease within three months. The barbarians defiled the church by using is as a stable.The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen.The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them. The children were bereaved by the death of their parents.This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.A good joke does not necessarily evoke a hearty laugh.Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road .The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road. Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsolete custom.Many wild animals prowl a night looking for something to eat.The children scooped holes in the sand.Diplomats are interested in the status of world affairs.The farmer sued the railroad station because his cow was killed by the train. The counter of the sink has many grooves along which the water will run off. The cat prowled around the cellar looking for mice.We all sympathized with the husband who was bereaved of his beloved wife.Her singing evoked admiration from the public.We still use this machine though it is obsolete.The bandit in a typical western movie rides a horse and goes armed, either alone or in a group.Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ.The children’s muddy shoes defiled all the rugs in the hotel.Running in the hall is a deviation from the school rules and will not be allowed.She could bear the disappointments of other people with tolerable fortitude.The little girl was inconsolable at the loss of her kitten.Aren’t you hungry? You are only nibbling your food.The coronation of the new king was a splendid pageant.After the scourge of flood usually comes the scourge of disease.The crippled child tumbled down the stairs and was badly hurt.The iron in the ship caused a deviation of the magnetic needle of the compass.A marathon runner must have great fortitude to run such a long distance.The pretty girl’s reputation was defiled by malicious gossips.The boy is just learning to walk, he is always tumbling over the floor.The inauguration ceremony of the new President was a splendid pageant.There are many illnesses, which afflict old people.His employer censured him for neglecting his work.The thief intruded into the house with caution and dissimulation.Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailors.According to the inscription on its cornerstone, this building was erected in 1919. The gifts of charity meddled with a man’s private affair.He doesn’t sit straight: his posture is very bad.John rummaged all the drawers to find his gloves.The water spouted out when the pipe was broken.The climber traversed a long horizontal crack in the face of the mountain slope.A child stood looking with wistful eyes at the toys in the shop window.He was flogging his horse in a very cruel way.She rummaged change from the bottom of her purse.The law does not meddle unduly with a person’s private life.The lights traversed the sky searching for enemy planes.The inscription on the ancient monument was very hard to read.The amicable flash of her white teeth was very impressive.The soldiers are very exhausted for they have advanced forward without rest in a blizzard.If I were rich, I would like to cruise in the Southern Pacific for six months in a private yacht.Yellow fever has been eradicated in the United States but it still exists in some countries.The doctor’s report gave us only a glimmer of hope.On his desk, many articles and documents are always piled in great lump.The woman ransacked the house for her lost jewelry.He slashed a path through the high grass with a long knife.Out feet slumped repeatedly through the melting ice.That pop-song had a great vogue at one time.Enemy soldiers ransacked the city and carried off its treasures.Tired from his long walk, he slumped into a chair.We saw the glimmer of a distant light through the trees.He used to have a great vogue as a film actor, but no one goes to the cinema to see him now.What the Ice Age did was to eradicate the abundant mammalian life in the Northern Hemisphere.He ascribes his success to skill and hard work.The soldiers kept their heads down behind the bulwark.She looked around this way and that in a dubious manner.Selfishness was a facet of his character that we seldom saw before.For the first time he had to pay heed to his appearance, and in fact he became very well-dressed from then on.The boys huddled together under the rock to keep warm.The old man mumbled something to me, but I could not understand him.This ruined bridge is a relic of the Korean War in 1950.Automobile exhaust fumes are one of the major causes of smog.The thirsty wayfarer was glad to find a fresh spring near the road.He always speaks with his mouth full of food, it is his wont.Four people were huddled under one umbrella to avoid the sudden shower.I’m feeling better than yesterday, but it is dubious that I can go to school tomorrow. No one knows who wrote that play, but it is usually ascribed to Cyril Tourneur.We believe that a free press and free speech are bulwarks of democracy.Take heed of what I say, or you will fail in the final examination.。

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10天背诵英文10000单词:第一课Lesson 1A monument was built to commemorate thevictory.The children huddled together for warmth.Censure is sometimes harder to bear than punishment.The new vaccine eradicate d all traces of the disease within three months.The barbarian s defile dthe church by using it as astable.The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen.The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them.The children were bereave dby the death of their parents.This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.A good joke does not necessarily evoke a hearty laugh.Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road.The old car jolted its passengers badly as it wentover the rough road.Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsolete custom.Many wild animals prowl at night looking for something to eat.The children scoope dholes in the sand.Diplomats are interested in the status of world affairs.The farmer sued the railroad station because his cow was killed by the train.The counter of the sink has many grooves along whichthe water will run off.The cat prowled around the cellar looking for mice.We all sympathizedwith the husband who was bereaved of his beloved wife.Her singing evoked admiration from the public.We still use this machine though it is obsolete.The bandit in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed. either aloneor in a group.Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ.The children‘s mu ddy shoes defiled all the rug s in the hotel.Running in the hall is a deviation from the school rules and will not be allowed.She could bear the disappointments of other peoplewith tolerable fortitude.The little girl was inconsolable at the loss of her kitten.Aren‘t you hungry? You are only nibbling your food.The coronation of the new king was a splendid pageant.After the scourgeof flood usually comes the scourge of disease.The crippled child tumble d down the stairs and was badly hurt.The iron in the ship caused a deviation of the magnetic needle of the compass.A marathon runner must have great fortitude to run such a long distance.The pretty girl‘s reputation was defiled by malicious gossips.The boy is just learning to walk, he is alwaystumbling over the floor.The inaugurationceremony of the new President was a splendid pageant.There are many illnesses, which afflict old people.His employer censured him for neglecting his work.The thief intrude dinto the house with caution and dissimulation.Nowadays, it is aninhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailors.According to the inscription on its cornerstone, this building was erected in 1919.The gifts of charity meddle d with a man’s private affair.He doesn‘t sit straight: his posture is very bad.John rummage dall the drawers to find his gloves.The water spout edout when the pipe was broken.The climber traverse da long horizontal crack in the face of the mountain slope.A child stood looking with wistful eyes at the toys in the shop window.He was flogging his horse in a very cruel way.She rummaged change from the bottom of her purse.The law does not meddle unduly with a person‘s private life.The lights traversed the sky searching for enemy planes.The inscription on the ancient monument was very hard to read.The amicable flashof her white teeth was very impressive.The soldiers are very exhausted for they have advanced forward without rest in a blizzard.If I were rich, I would like to cruise in the Southern Pacific for six months in a private yacht.Yellow fever has been eradicated in the United Statesbut it still exists in some countries.The doctor‘s report gave us only a glimmer of hope.On his desk, many articles and documents are always pile d in great lump.The woman ransack edthe house for her lost jewelry.He slash eda path through the high grass with a long knife. 来Out feet slump edrepeatedly through the melting ice.That pop-song had a great vogue at one time.Enemy soldiers ransacked the city and carried off its treasure s.Tired from his long walk, he slumped into a chair.We saw the glimmer of a distant light through thetrees.He used to have a great vogue as a film actor, but noone goes to the cinema to see him now.What the Ice Age did was to eradicate the abundant mammalian life in the Northern Hemisphere.He ascribe shis success to skill and hard work.The soldiers kept their heads down behind the bulwark.She looked around this way and that in a dubious manner.Selfishness was a facet of his character that we seldom sawbefore.For the first time he had to pay heed to his appearance, and in fact he became very well-dressedfrom then on.The boys huddled together under the rock to keep warm.The old man mumble dsomething to me, but I could not understand him.This ruined bridge is a relic of the Korean Warin 1950.Automobile exhaustfumes are one of the major causes of smog.The thirsty wayfarer was glad to find a freshspring near the road.He always speaks with his mouth full of food, it is his wont.Four people were huddled under one umbrella to avoid the sudden shower.I‘m feeling better than yesterday, but it is dubiousthat I can go to school tomorrow.No one knows who wrote that play, but it is usually ascribe d to Cyril Tourneur.We believe that a free press and free speech are bulwark s of democracy.Take heed of what I say, or you will fail in the final examination.。
