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So many students get failed in the final examination.It is strange that such a thing __1__in your school.It is important that the results of an experiment__2___.

1. [a]happens


[c]should happen

[d]had happened

2. [a]check and recheck

[b]checking and rechecking

[c]be checked and rechecked

[d]checked and rechecked

1. 选[c]该题考察表示惊奇、高兴、遗憾、担心等感情色彩的形容词引起的主语从句中的虚拟语气的表达。在

anxious,sorry,concerned,happy,delighted等表示感情色彩的形容词后接的that 从句中,用should来修饰谓语动词。该句中有strange 一次,意为“奇怪”,表示对事物的惊讶或不满,it为形式主语,that 从句为主语从句,要求从句中用虚拟语气的表达形式should+动词原形表示

2. 选[c]该题考察it’s+adj.+that主语从句的虚拟形式。观察句子结构可以看出这里为It’s+形容词(important)+that从句结构,形容词important做表语,主语从句需要虚拟形式should+动词原形,should 可以省略

The people who knew him very well said that he was too naïvesom etimes.Had he been older,he___1___less sympathetic.Butwhat he had done proved that he was the person,loving life,alsoa hero who can help others out of trouble.___2___his timelyarrival, the boy w ould have been drowned.That gained respectsfor him.

1.[a]might have been

[b]would be

[c]might be

[d]had been

2.[a]But for

[b]Even for

[c]Except for

[d]If not

1. 选[a]该题考察非真实条件的虚拟。在表示过去情况的虚拟条件句中,条件从句用了过去完成时形式,主句可用


2. 选[a]该题考察含蓄条件的虚拟。But for含义为“要不是”,用于此处可以表达假设条件,

but forhis timely arrival=If it had not been for his timely arrival或If he had not arrived on time.

1.My hat was here a second ago but now it’smissing.Someone____ __(一定在跟我开玩笑)!”

2.His advice has made the design_______(比它原本会是的样子更好)


1.must have made a joke about me

【解析】该题虚拟条件句的使用。本句是对过去事实的推测。观察句子可以看出这里为对过去的事实的肯定推测,应用must+have done 结构,句中someone 与make 之间为主动关闭。

2.better than it would otherwise have been

【解析】该句考察含蓄条件句的虚拟形式。otherwise相当于虚拟条件if it hadn’t been for hisadvice,表示对过去的一种虚拟,所以要用would otherwise have been.

In India more than one hundred languages are spoken,__1___ which only fourteen are recognized as official.Many foreigners are curious about that how they understand others and communicate

with others. And the mystery that different languages create the same ancient culture also attracts the overseas students. So,the course normally attracts 20 students per year,___2___up to half will be from overseas.





2.[a]in which

[b]for whom

[c]with which

[d]of whom

1.选[a].该题考查定语从句引导词前介词的选择。定语从句可以由“介词+which/whom”来引导,介词的选择取决于从句动词的搭配关系以及从句本身的意义。本题中which代表前面的one hundred languages,根据句意,其中14种被定为官方语言,这是一种部分与整体的关系,所以关系代词前面的介词要用of.

