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1. Discuss the four trends that make our world more interdependent.

(1)convenient transportation systems(便捷的交通系统)

(2)innovative communication systems(革新通信技术)

(3)economic globailzation(经济全球化)

(4)widespread migrations(广泛的移民)

2.What are the characteristic(特点)of culture?


(2)learned(enculuration 文化习得:learning one's culture)

(3)dynamic(动态的)(accultration文化适应:adopts the changes brought about by another culture)

(4)ethnocentric(ethnocentrism文化中心主义:own cultural background is superior)

3.What are the characteristic of communication?







4.Discuss the contents of …

1)Chronemics:The study of how people perceive and use time.时间学

(1)Monochronic Time:paying attention to and doing only one thing at

a time.(2)Polychronic Time:being involved with many things at once.

2)Proxemics:the perception and use of space.空间学

3)Kinetics:the study of body language.身势学

4)Paralanguage:involving sounds but not words and lying between verbal and nonverbal communication.

5..How is Chinese addressing different from American addressing?

1)In Chinese the surname comes first and is followed by the given name,but in English this order is reversed.

2)In China seniority(资历)is paid respects to.

Nowadays,many English-speaking people tend to address others by their given names,even when meeting for the first time. 3) (About addressing by relationship)Chinese often exten kinship terms to people not related by blood or marriage. Americans tend to use just the first name and leave out the term of relationship. 4)Chinese use a person's title,office,or profession to indicate(表明)the person's influential(有权势的)status.In English,only a few occupations or titles could be used.(p24)

6.What are the social functions of compliments?(赞美的社会作用)Creating or reinforcing(加固)solidarity,greeting people,expressing thanks or congratulations,encouraging people,softening criticism(委婉批评),starting a conversation,or even overcoming embarrassment (窘迫).

7. What are the different features of M-Time and P-time? M-Time think time is perceived as a linear strucure.认为时间是线性的

P-Time is less rigid(刻板)and clock-bound,more flexible and more human-centered.

8..What has influenced the gender socialization?(什么会影响性别社会化)

There are two primary influences on gender socialization:family communication,particularly between mothers and children,and recreational interaction among children.

9.Discuss the concepts of high context culture and low contexgt culture.(讨论高、低语境)

Eastern culture favors verbal hesitance and ambiguity in order to avoid disturbing or offending others,the vurden of smooth communication effective is shared equally between all parties involved.

The Western communicative mode is primarily(直接)direct,explicit(明确),and verbal,relying heavily on logical and rational perception(感知),thinking,andarticulation.So the task of communicating effectively lies primarily on the speaker.

10.How is gender different from sex?

Sex:biological, permanent, with an individual property Gender:socially-constructed, varied over time and across cultures, with a social and relational quality

11.Six principles for Effective Cross-gender Comunication(六条有效的跨性别交际原则)

1)Suspend judgement 2)Recognize the validity of different communication styles 3)Provide translation cues 4)Seek translation cues 5)Enlarge your own communication style 6)Suspend judgement
