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黑龙江省农垦科学院成立于1979年。经过二十多年的艰苦奋斗和开拓进取,已成为拥有作物、水稻、工程、畜牧兽医、特产、科技情报、农畜产品综合利用、电子、测试化验、农机鉴定、经济、植保等 12 所、站、中心,2大科技产业、3个高新企业,2个实验农场的多学科、综合性科研机构。





培育出农作物新品种140余个。其中:水稻品种“空育131”被评定为黑龙江省优质米品种;垦稻 8-12号5个品种均达到国家二级优质米标准。目前种植面积已占垦区94%以上,占全省58%以上。


垦粘系列玉米品种已培育出垦粘 1-5号,现已推广到10多个省市;春油菜已培育垦油系列品种6个,在省内外推广50余万亩。目前垦单5号玉米、垦鉴稻7号等5个品种已获国家植物新品种权。






农业信息服务手段由传统迈向现代化,建立起了覆盖全垦区的卫星遥感农情信息服务系统。利用声像、多媒体和国际互联网络等多种手段推广先进技术。自主研发的家庭农场管理信息系统软件在垦区推广了 788套,并正在开发农村土地承包管理信息系统软件。







Keep sacred mission in mind, hold aloft the banner of innovation, provide technical guarantee and intelligent support for modernizing agriculture in Heilongjiang reclamation areas.

Heilongjiang Academy of Land Reclamation Sciences was established in 1979. It has become an integrated research institution that owned many subjects of 12 research departments of crop, rice, engineering, animal and veterinary sciences, special local product, scientific and technical information, multipurpose utilization of farm and livestock products, technological research of electronic computers, testing of farm and livestock products, appraisal of agricultural machinery, cash crops, plant protection, and 2 technique industries, and 3 high-tech enterprises,and 2 experimental farms through more than twenty years of hard work and pioneering spirit.

Heilongjiang Academy of Land Reclamation Sciences was mainly taken up research, development, demonstration and popularization of agricultural scientific and technological projects by nation, province and the ministry of agriculture, the general bureau of land reclamation of Heilongjiang province. At the same time, it has many function of national “northern research centre of green agriculture”, fixed-point testing and monitoring centre of Chinese green food development centre, pollution-free agriculture products fixed-point testing institution, “food quality supervision and inspection centre” of the ministry of agriculture, “soybean and soybean products supervision and inspection centre”, dr ying machinery quality inspection and testing centre, the second quality supervision and inspection stations of province agricultural mechanical products, the special equipment testing stations of general bureau of land reclamation of Heilongjiang province, animal husbandry machinery testing centre, environmental monitoring station, province agricultural productivity promoting centre, animal and husbandry station.

Institutes of crop and rice of Heilongjiang Academy of Land Reclamation Sciences have established national maize germplasm genebanks, breeding base of stock seed and breeder seed of dry crop and rice.

The Beidahuang spirit is stanchion, the strategy of revitalizing reclamation areas through science and technology are mission, realistic and creative are driving force, Heilongjiang Academy of Land Reclamation Sciences was trying to train scientific and technical personnel with topnotch efficiency, and owned 327 scientific and technical personnel now. Excellent rice expert XU Yi-rong have made outstanding contributions in rice production of Heilongjiang reclamation areas, province and the north cold regions with “the cultivation technology of rice dry nursery thin planting”, “the cultivation technology of …large scale, modernized and mechanization‟ in cold regions”, “the technological research of

good-quality rice production in cold regions”, “the cultivation technology of rice leaves age diagnose and regulation in cold regions”

Heilongjiang Academy of Land Reclamation Sciences has played an active and leading role in promoting new technological development of modern agriculture in reclamation areas, and it has taken up successively more than 600 national level, provincial or
