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过去的一周有些不平凡,美国针灸界接连收获两个好消息,提示针灸在美国进入一个更高的应用平台,获得更好、更有利的发展。一、美国科学院、工程科学院、医学科学院三个顶级学术机构发布有利针灸的报告。三院联合建议使用包括针灸在内的非药物疗法治疗疼痛,以减少应用阿片类镇痛剂。报告中有41处提及针灸。阿片滥用及疼痛治疗管理委员会美国科学院、工程科学院、医学科学院2017 报告

疼痛的治疗和阿片药流行:处方阿片类药物与社会及个人的风险和效益的平衡注:从奥巴马政府开始意识到美国处方阿片类药滥用问题,并提出反滥用止痛处方药战略计划以来,美国白宫、参众两院及特朗普新政都一致支持要这个国家计划,并投入大量资金。美国科学及医学界众多组织和专家推荐针灸作为疼痛的常规一线治疗方法。这次美国最高学术机构“三院”(美国科学院、工程科学院、医学科学院,2017 报告)的报告里多次提到针灸疗法治疗疼痛的内容,对针灸发展意义重大,被视为针灸发展的历史机遇。值得提及的是,上一次美国“三院”有关针灸的联合报告发表于1976年,题目为《针刺麻醉在中华人民共和国》。经“三院”派出的联合专家组到中国实地考察3周,专家组的最后结论是,针刺麻醉是真实的,此麻醉方法只适合少数患者,但针刺镇痛




非药物疗法治疗:针灸Page 2-27 NONPHARMACOLOGIC TREATMENTS Acupuncture The use of acupuncture for the treatment of pain has become widespread in recent decades. Acupuncture is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine that involves insertion of needles through the skin to acupuncture points. Pressure, heat, electrical current, laser light, and other means also may be used to stimulate these points. Investigations have demonstrated that the nervous system, neurotransmitters, and other endogenous substances respond to the needling stimulation to induce analgesia (Foster and Sweeney, 1987). It has been shown that acupuncture analgesia is mediated by opioids produced in the periaqueductal gray and can be reversed by naloxone, an opioid antagonist (Cheng and

Pomeranz, 1980). Recent studies also suggest activation of cannabinoid receptors as a possible mechanism of action (Gondim et al., 2012). 非药物疗法,建议小结

Page 2-32 Summary Nonpharmacologic interventions for pain treatment, including acupuncture, physical therapy and exercise, CBT, and mindfulness meditation, represent powerful tools in the management of chronic pain. Many are components of successful self-management. While further research is needed to better understand the mechanism of action and the appropriate dosage and delivery for some nonpharmacologic approaches, they may provide effective pain relief for many patients in place of or in combination with pharmacologic approaches.

政府及保险支付建议Page 5-46 the committee recommends that states, with assistance from relevant federal agencies, particularly the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, provide universal access to evidence-based treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD), including use of medication, in a variety of settings, including hospitals, criminal justice settings, and substance use treatment programs. Efforts to this end should be carried out with particular intensity in communities with a high burden of OUD. State licensing bodies should require training in treatment for OUD for all licensed
