
2001Task1: Retelling a storyI once knew an old man whose bad memory made him famous. John Smith was so forgetful that he sometimes forget what he was talking about in the middle of a sentence. His wife had to constantly remind him about his meetings, his classes – even his meals!Once he forgot he had eaten breakfast twice, at home and at school. His wife liked to remind her neighbors, “If John didn’t have his head tied on. He would forget that too!”Since Smith was a professor at a well-known university, his forgetfulness was often an embarrassment. It wasn’t that he was not clever, as some critical people tended to say, but just very, very absent-minded.One hot summer day, Professor Smith decided to take his children to a seaside town about a three-hour train ride away. To make the trip more interesting for his young children, he kept the name of the town a secret.However, by the time they arrived at the station, Smith forgot the name of the town he was planning to visit. Luckily, a friend of his happened to be in the station. He offered to take care of the children while Smith hurried back home to find outwhere he was going.The professor’s wife was surprised to see him again so soon.“Oh, my dear, I forgot the name the town.”“What? You forgot the name? Maybe one day you will forget my name! Now I’ll write the name of that town on a piece of paper, and you put it in your pocket and please, please don’t forget where you put it.”Satisfied that she had solved the problem, she sent her husband off again. Ten minutes later she was astonished to see him outside the house for the third time. “What is the matter now?”“As you told me, I didn’t forget where I put the name of that town, but I forgot where I left our children!”Task2: Talking on a given topic Directions: Describe a teacher of yours whom you find unusual.Task3: Role-playingDirections: Many high school graduates in China are going overseas for their college education. A friend of yours isgraduating this year and would like to ask for your advice on whether it is a good idea for a high school graduate to go abroad to study.Student A: You think this friend should go by all means, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember you should start the conversation.Student B: You think this friend should finish college in China before thinking about going abroad, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember your partner will start the conversation.2002:Task1: Retelling a storyWhenever Mr. Smith goes to Westgate, he stays at the Grand Hotel. In spite of its name, it is really not very “grand,” but it is cheap, clean, and comfortable.Since he knows the manger well, he never has to go to the trouble of reserving a room.The fact is that he always gets the same room. It is situated at the far end of the building and overlooks a beautiful bay.On his last visit, Mr. Smith was told that he could have his usual room, but the manager added apologeticallythat it might be a little noisy. So great was the demand for rooms, the manager said, that the hotel had decided to build a new wing. Mr. Smith said he did not mind. It amused him to think that the dear old Grand Hotel was making an effort to live up to its name.During the first day Mr. Smith hardly noticed the noise at all. The room was a little dusty, but that was natural. The following afternoon, he borrowed a book from the hotel library and went upstairs to read. No sooner had he sat down than he heard someone hammering loudly at the wall. At first he paid no attention, but after a while he began to feel very uncomfortable. His clothes were slowly being covered with fine white powder.Soon there was so much dust in the room that he began to cough. The hammering was now louder than ever and bits of plaster were coming away from the walls. It looked as though the whole building was going to fall.Mr. Smith went immediately to complain to the manager. They both returned to the room, but everything was very quiet. As they stood there looking at each other, Mr. Smith felt rather embarrassed for having dragged the manager all the way up the stairs for nothing. All of a sudden, the hammering began again and a largebrick landed on the floor. Looking up, they saw a sharp metal tool had forced its way through the wall, making a very large hole right above the bed!Task2: Talking on a given topic Direction: Describe an embarrassing situation in which you got very angry.Task3: Role-playingDirections: The geology department of a major university is planning to admit 30 male and 5 female students. However, the results of the college entrance examination show that by average, of all the applicants, females have scored higher than most males. Should the department stick to its original plan?Student A: You think the department should still stick to the original plan, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember you should start the conversation. Student B: You don’t think the department should stick to the original plan, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember your partner will start the conversation.2003:Task1: Retelling a storyJust as Jane was joyfully expecting her first child, her active, energetic mother began losing her battle with a brain disease.For ten years, the fiercely independent and courageous mother had fought, but none of the surgeries or treatments had been successful. At only fifty-five, she became totally disabled- unable to speak, walk, eat or dress on her own.As the mother grew closer and closer to death, the baby grew closer and closer to life. Jane was afraid that her mother and her baby would never know each other. Her fear seemed well-founded. A few weeks before her due date, her mother lapsed into a deep coma. The doctors did not hold any hope. It was useless to put in a feeding tube, they said, for Mother would never awaken. So Jane brought Mother to her own bed in her own house. As often as she could, she sat beside her mother, talking about the baby moving inside her.On February 3, 1989, at about the same time Jane began to feel birth pains, Mother opened her eyes. Jane called home.“Mom, listen. My baby is coming! You’re going tohave a new grandchild. Do you understand!”“Yes,” Mother answered.What a wonderful word! The first clear word she’d spoken in months.By the time Jane brought her son home, her mother was sitting in her chair, dressed and ready to welcome the baby. For two weeks, Mother clucked, smiled and held the new-born baby. Then she quietly became unconscious and, after visits from all her children, was finally free of the pain.For Jane, memories of her son’s birth will always be bittersweet, but it was at this time that she learned an important truth about living. While both joy and sorrow pass quickly, and often come together at the same time, love has the power to overcome both. And love can last forever.2005Task1: Retelling a storyA little girl whose parents had died lived with her grandmother and slept in an upstairs bedroom.One night there was a fire in the house and thegrandmother died while trying to rescue the child. The fire spread quickly, and the first floor of the house was soon engulfed in flames.Neighbors called the fire department, then stood helplessly by, unable to enter the house because flames blocked all the entrances. The little girl appeared at an upstairs window, crying for help, just as word spread among the crowd that the firefighters would be delayed a few minutes because they were all at another fire.Suddenly, a man appeared with a ladder, put it up against the side of the house and disappeared inside. When he reappeared, he had the little girl in his arms. He delivered the child to the waiting arms below, then disappeared into the night.An investigation revealed that the child had no living relatives, and weeks later a meeting was held in the town hall to determine who would take the child into their home and bring her up.A teacher said she would like to raise the child. She pointed out that she could ensure her a good education. A farmer offered her an upbringing on his farm. He pointed out that living on a farm was healthy and satisfying. Othersspoke, giving their reasons why it was to the child’s advantage to live with them.Finally, the town’s richest resident rose and said, “I can give this child all the advantages that you have mentioned here, plus money and everything that money can buy.”Throughout all this, the child remained silent, her eyes on the floor.“Does anyone else want to speak?” asked the meeting chairman. A man came forward from the back of the hall. He walked slowly and appeared to be in pain. When he got to the front of the room, he stood directly in front of the little girl and held out his arms. His hands and arms were terribly scarred.The child cried out. “This is the man who rescued me!”With a leap, she threw her arms around the man’s neck. She buried her face in his shoulder and sobbed for a few moments. Then she looked up and smiled at him. Task2: Talking on a given topic Direction: Please tell us one incident in which someone was trying to help others despite danger to his own safety. Task3: Role-playingStudent A: The manager of a world-famous hotel wants to recruit a new member as the hotel’s bellboy, offering him a salary of 3000 yuan per month. Many university graduates are competing for the position. As a sophomore in the university, you think that they are applying for a job unworthy for their talents. Try to persuade your partner that you are right. Remember you will initiate the conversation.Student B: The manager of a world-famous hotel wants to recruit a new member as the hotel’s bellboy, offering him a salary of 3000 yuan per month. Many university graduates are competing for the position. As a sophomore in the university, you think that it is courageous for them to make such a decision and they have made the correct choice. Try to persuade your partner that you are right. Remember your partner will initiate the conversation.2004:Task1: Retelling a storyWhen she was 22 years old Pat Jones decided that she wanted to travel around the world and see as many foreign places as she could while she was young. When shefinished college at home in Britain, Pat chose to visit Latin America first, so she managed to get a job as an English teacher in a secondary school in Bolivia. Pat spoke a little Spanish, so she was able to communicate with her students even though they did not know much English.A sentence she had once read somewhere stuck in her mind: if you dream in a foreign language, it means that you have really mastered it. Pat repeated this sentence to her students and she hoped that someday she would dream in Spanish and they would dream in English.One day, Tim, one of the worst students in her class, came up to her and explained in Spanish that he had not done his homework. He said that he had gone to bed early and had slept badly. Pat was quite angry with him, for she did not think that his explanation had anything to do with his homework. But Tim told her that he dreamed all night and his dream was in English.“In English!”Pat thought. She was greatly surprised, since Tim was such a bad student. She was also secretly jealous. Her dreams were still not in Spanish, but she decided to encourage her student and asked him to tell her about his dream.“All the people in my dream spoke English,” Tim said. “And all the signs were in English. All the newspapers and magazines and all the TV programs were in English.”“But that’s wonderful,”said Pat. “What did all the people say to you?” she asked.“I’m sorry. Miss Jones, That’s why I slept so badly all through the night. I didn’t understand a word they said. It was a nightmare!” Tim answered.Task2: Talking on a given topic Directions: Describe one of the most unpleasant dreams you’ve ever had.Task3: Role-playingStudent A: Nowadays higher education is getting more and more expensive. To quite a number of families it has become a big financial burden. You try to discuss this problem with student B. You think that parents should pay tuition for their children since college students do not yet have any regular income.Student B: Nowadays higher education is getting more and more expensive. To quite a number of families it has become a big financial burden. You try to discuss this problem withstudent A. Your opinion is that it is unfair to put this big burden on parents since college students are already adults. Students themselves should find ways to pay their own tuition.2006Task1: Retelling a storyA philosophy professor stood before his class and had some items in front of him. When class began, wordlessly he picked up a large empty glass jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks right to the top, rocks about two inches in diameter.He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course,rolled into the open spaces between the rocks. The students laughed.He asked his students again if the jar was full. They agreed: yes, it was.The professor then picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.Of course, the sand filled up all the remaining space.“Now.”said the professor, “I want you to recognize that this is your life.”The rocks are the important things –your family, your partner, your health, your children–anything that is so important to you that if it were lost, you would be nearly destroyed. The pebbles are the other things in life that matter, but on a smaller scale. The pebbles represent things like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else. The small stuff.If you put the sand or the pebbles into the jar first, there is no room for the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you spend all your energy and time on the small stuff, or material things, you will never have room for the things that are truly most important. Pay attention to the things that are critical in your life. Play with your children. Take your partner out dancing. Talk with your parents. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party and fix the disposal. “Take care of the rocks first – the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just pebbles and sand. They will take care of themselves.”Task2: Talking on a given topic Directions: Describe a lesson you have learned which has enriched your life experience.Task3: Role-playingStudent A: You and your friend are discussing what you are going to do together during this coming summer vacation. Your friend prefers to work in a big company to earn some money. You prefer to do some voluntary work for society. You try to persuade each other by giving various reasons. Remember you will initiate the conversation. Student B: You and your friend are discussing what you are going to do together during this coming summer vacation. Your friend prefers to do some voluntary work for society. You prefer to work in a big company to earn some money. You try to persuade each other by giving various reasons. Remember your partner will initiate the conversation. 2007:Task1: Retelling a storyAnne was a science teacher in a primary school. She loved her job and believed very strongly in practical work asa means of teaching science effectively.Once she decidedto show her pupils’parents how well their children were learning. To demonstrate the effectiveness of her methods she invited all the parents to come to the school to see the results of one of the children’s experiments. She scheduled this event for a Saturday evening, so all of the parents would be sure to come.The children were studying how plants grow. To see this process for themselves the students had planted four pots of beans. They had put poor soil in one pot to see what effect this would have on the growth of the beans. The other three pots of beans had good soil, but one pot had been placed in a dark room for several days and another pot was not watered for the same length of time. In this way the children were learning the effects of soil, water and sunlight on the growth of plants.At the end of the lesson on Friday afternoon, Anne put labels on the four pots. One label said, “The beans in this pot were planted in poor soil.” Another one said, “This pot has been kept in the dark for four days.”The third label read, “These beans have had no water for four days.” And the last one went like this: “These beans have had good soil,plenty of light and regular water.” Then she went home.She returned to school on Saturday evening,half an hour before the parents were due to come. She was surprised to find a note beside the pots. It said: “We read your notes to the school cleaning staff and decided to help them with your plants, so we watered all the plants, changed the earth in one with poor soil, and left the light on above the one that had been left in the dark for four days. We hope that the plants will now grow better.” Signed “The Boy Scouts”.Task2: Talking on a given topic Directions: Talk about an experience you have had in which you tried to help someone but actually caused trouble. Task3: Role-playingStudent A: Nowadays lots of college students take all kinds of tests to get different kinds of certificates. You think it necessary because these certificates are useful in helping the students find good jobs. But your partner doesn’t agree with you. Try to convince him/her. Remember you should start the conversation.Student B: Nowadays lots of college students take all kind oftests to get different kinds of certificates. You don’t think it necessary because most of these certificates are actually of no use. But your partner doesn’t agree with you. Try to convince him/her. Remember your partner should start the conversation.2008Task1: Retelling a storyIt was shortly after one o’clock in the morning and Mr. Fairfax was really tired. He had been driving for over five hours, heading for a small town far away from home. The weather was clear but it was dark and Mr. Fairfax could not find a motel to spend the night. Completely exhausted, he decided to stop by the roadside for a few hours’ sleep at the wheel of his car. He fell asleep almost the moment he closed his eyes. But soon he was awakened by a man tapping on the car window. “I say, you don’t happen to know the time, do you?” the stranger asked.Mr. Fairfax wound down the window and thrust his head out. “It’s around one o’clock,”he answered. Then he wound up his window and soon fell back into a deep slumber.Half an hour later, another guy came up and knocked on his window who also inquired about the time. Once again, Mr. Fairfax gathered his thoughts and told him that it was just after one-thirty.When the same thing happened yet again, Mr. Fairfax became increasingly irritated. Sleep-deprived, he began to raise his voice at the passer-by: “It’s two o’clock, God damn it! And why can’t you get yourself a watch like the rest of us?”This time when he was winding up the window, Mr. Fairfax figured out how to make sure no one else disturbed him.He found some paper and a pencil and wrote a note that he placed on the windscreen of his car. It said: “I don’t know what time it is!”Amused by his good idea, he happily drifted off back to sleep again.Not long afterwards, the note was spotted by a policeman on his night patrol. Intent on fulfilling his duty to assist motorists, he tapped on Mr. Fairfax’s car window. “Well, sir,”the policeman said. “Now it is five past three!”Task2: Talking on a given topicDescribe a situation in which you tried every means to avoid trouble, but in vain.Task3: Role-playingStudent A: Today in China, lots of famous people, such as athletes, are admitted to famous universities without taking the college entrance exam. You and your partner are discussing the issue. You think these people deserve a chance since they have contributed a lot to the country. Your partner does not agree. Try to convince him/her. Remember you should start the conversation.Student B: Today in China, lots of famous people, such as athletes, are admitted to famous universities without taking the college entrance exam. You and your partner are discussing the issue. You don’t think these people should be given this chance since it is unfair to the other people who work so hard to pass the exam. Your partner does not agree. Try to convince him/her. Remember your partner will start the conversation.。

专四口语考试历年真题来源:爱思英语日期:2010-05-03 阅读34826 次作者: 评论1条划词已启用进入论坛投稿2002 TEM4 Oral English Test PaperTask I: Listen to the recorded passage twice and then retell it.Whenever Mr. Smith goes to Westgate, he stays at the Grand Hotel. In spite of its name, it is really not very "grand," but it is cheap, clean, and comfortable. Since he knows the manager well, he never has to go to the trouble of reserving a room. The fact is that he always gets the same room. It is situated at the far end of the building and overlooks a beautiful bay.On his last visit, Mr. Smith was told that he could have his usual room, but the manager added apologetically that it might be a little noisy. So great was the demand for rooms, the manager said, that the hotel had decided to build a new wing. Mr. Smith said he did not mind. It amused him to think that the dear old Grand Hotel was making an effort to live up to its name.During the first day Mr. Smith hardly noticed the noise at all. The room was a little dusty, but that was natural. The following afternoon, he borrowed a book from the hotel library and went upstairs to read. No sooner had he sat down than he heard someone hammering loudly at the wall. At first he paid no attention, but after a while he began to feel very uncomfortable. His clothes were slowly being covered with fine white powder. Soon there was so much dust in the room that he began to cough. The hammering was now louder than ever and bits of plaster were coming away from the walls. It looked as though the whole building was going to fall. Mr. Smith went immediately to complain to the manager. They both returned to the room, but everything was very quiet. As they stood there looking at each other, Mr. Smith felt rather embarrassed for having dragged the manager all the way up the stairs for nothing. All of a sudden,the hammering began again and a large brick landed on the floor. Looking up, they saw a sharp metal tool had forced its way through the wall, making a very large hole right above the bed! (355 words)Task II: Talk based on a given topic.Describe an embarrassing situation in which you got very angry.Task III: Carry out a conversation with your partner based on a given situation.The geology department of a major university is planning to admit 30 male and 5 female students. However, the results of the college entrance examination show that by average, of all the applicants, females have scored higher than most males. Should the department stick to its original plan?Student A: You think the department should still stick to the original plan, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember you should start the conversation.Student B: You DON'T think the department should stick to the original plan, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember your partner will start the conversation.全国高校英语专业四级口试考题Task 1 Retell a storyYou will listen to the story twice, and after that you should retell the story immediately within three minutes。

四级口语考试真题一、真题题目1. Talk about your favorite hobby.(谈论你最喜欢的爱好。
)2. Describe a memorable trip you have taken.(描述一次你难忘的旅行。
)3. What's your opinion on online learning?(你对在线学习有什么看法?)4. Introduce a famous person you admire.(介绍一位你钦佩的名人。
)5. Discuss the importance of environmental protection.(讨论环境保护的重要性。
)6. Talk about your ideal job.(谈论你的理想工作。
)7. Describe a traditional festival in your country.(描述你国家的一个传统节日。
)8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city?(生活在大城市有哪些优点和缺点?)9. Introduce your favorite book.(介绍你最喜欢的一本书。
)10. Discuss the impact of technology on our lives.(讨论科技对我们生活的影响。
)二、题目分析1. 对于“Talk about your favorite hobby.”,可以先点明自己的爱好是什么,然后阐述喜欢这个爱好的原因,比如带来的乐趣、收获等。
2. “Describe a memorable trip you have taken.”要求描述一次难忘的旅行,可从旅行的地点、经历的事情、感受等方面展开。
3. “What's your opinion on online learning?”需要表达对在线学习的看法,可以从优点(方便、资源丰富等)和缺点(缺乏互动、自律性要求高等)两方面进行论述。

1. Role A: You think that electronic dictionaries are good for English study, trying to convince Role B of your opinion.Role B: You think that electronic dictionaries are not good for English study, trying to defy Role A’s opinion.2. Role A: You think that living with parents is good for young couples, trying to convince Role B of your opinion.Role B: You think that living with parents after marriage is not good, trying to defy Role A’s opinion.3. Role A: You think that students should read books selectively, trying to convince Role B of your opinion.Role B: You think that students should read books extensively, trying to defy Role A’s opinion.4. Role A: You think that it is good to go on study after graduation, trying to convince Role B of your opinion.Role B: You think that it is good to find a job after graduation, trying to defy Role A’s opinion.5. Role A: You think that living in the dormitory is good, trying to convince Role B of your opinion.Role B: You think that living off campus is good, trying to defy Role A’s opinion.6. Role A: You think that certificate is more important than practical ability, trying to convince Role B of your opinion.Role B: You think that practical ability is more important than certificate, trying to defy Role A’s opinion.7. Role A: You think that examination classroom without teachers’presence should be adopted, trying to convince Role B of your opinion. Role B: You think that examination classroom must be supervised by teachers, trying to defy Role A’s opinion.8. Role A: You think that teachers should not take part-time jobs, trying to convince Role B of your opinion.Role B: You think that teachers should have the right to take part-time jobs, trying to defy Role A’s opinion.9. Role A: You think that economic development is more important than environmental protection for China, trying to convince Role B of your opinion.Role B: You think that environmental protection is more important thaneconomic development for China, trying to defy Role A’s opinion.10. Role A: You think that college students should be encouraged to set themselves up in business, trying to convince Role B of your opinion. Role B: You think that college students should focus on their study, trying to defy Role A’s opinion.11. A company has a job vacancy. Two candidates are applying for the position. One is aged thirty and has just graduated from a famous university. The other is 55 years old and has worked in the business field for 30 years. Whom should the company employ?Student A: You think the company should employ the younger candidate, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember you should start the conversation.Student B: You think the company should employ the older candidate, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember your partner will start the conversation.12. Role A: You think that English majors must study another foreign language besides English, trying to convince Role B of your opinion. Role B: You think that it is unnecessary for English majors to study another foreign language, trying to defy Role A’s opinion.13. Role A: You think that it is necessary to protect the rights of animals, trying to convince Role B of your opinion.Role B: You think that it is a waste of money and time to protect the rights of animals, trying to defy Role A’s opinion.14. The style and location of a restaurant are two factors which have direct influence on the number of customers and consequently the profit. Therefore, as owners, before opening a new restaurant, it is necessary to consider which factor is more important for a successful business. Student A:You think it is better to open a traditional Chinese restaurant in a suburban area. You should try to convince your partner, who is your business partner.Student B: You think it is wise to open a modern western restaurant in the downtown area. You should try to convince your partner, who is your business partner.15. It is reported that four factors influence one’s health, namely, environment, habit, medical care, genetics.Role A: You think that habit is the most important factor, trying to convince Role B of your opinion.Role B: You think that environment is the important factor, trying to defy Role A’s opinion.16. It is reported that four factors influence one’s health, namely, environment, habit, medical care, genetics.Role A: You think that medical care is the most important factor, trying to convince Role B of your opinion.Role B: You think that gene is the important factor, trying to defy Role A’s opinion.17. As many people are planning to buy a car, many others are thinking of the inconveniences and even disadvantages of being dependent on cars. Two colleagues are arguing over this topic.Student A: You are one of the colleagues. You think it is essential to own a car. You should try to convince your partner who thinks it is disadvantageous to own a car.Student B: You are one of the colleagues. You think it is unnecessary or even disadvantageous to own a car. Try to convince your partner who thinks it is necessary to have a car of his own.18. Two Chinese middle school teachers of English are discussing the advantages and disadvantages of teaching grammar to students. One is emphasizing its merits and the other disagrees.Student A: You are one of the teachers. You think that grammar lectureshelp students understand the structure of language clearly and quickly. Therefore, it is one of most important things to do in English classrooms. Try to persuade your partner to accept your point.Student B: You are one of the teachers. You think that grammar lectures are a waste of time, since most Chinese did not learn Chinese grammar and the goal of language learning is to communicate. Therefore, most of time in classroom should be devoted to communication activities. Try to persuade your partner to accept your point.19. Science is considered by many people as a double-edged sword. Some think science has brought more benefits than harm to the world, while others refute this argument.Student A: You think that science has brought and will bring the world more benefits than harm. You should try to convince your partner, who holds the opposite point of view.Student B: You think that science has brought and will bring more negative impact to the relationship between humans and nature. You should try to convince your partner, who disagrees with your point of view.21. Role A: You think that English majors must study another foreign language besides English, trying to convince Role B of your opinion.Role B: You think that it is unnecessary for English majors to study another foreign language, trying to defy Role A’s opinion.22. Student A: You are a freshman who has just enrolled in your university. You are wondering about what the university life would be though you have heard a lot of it. To be honest, you are a little bit lost and afraid of the coming university life. Now you meet a sophomore of your department and ask him/her for advice on how to make good use of time, how to study well and how to make friends in the university. Eventually you become confident about your future again. Remember you should start the conversation.Student B: You are a sophomore at the university. A freshman of your department comes to you to ask for advice on how to become successful in the university. You share your experience of the university life with him/her. You try to tell him/her how to make good use of time, how to study well and how to make friends in the university. Eventually you make him/her confident about his/her future again. Remember it is your partner who starts the conversation.23. Role A: You think that advertisements are good for people, trying toconvince Role B of your opinion.Role B: You think that advertisements have a lot of negative effects on people, trying to defy Role A’s opinion.Talk based on a given topic1.Imagine a day which a chain of unhappy things happened to you2.Imagine a day in which your important things were stolen by a thief who played a series of tricks.3.Tell yr university friend one unforgettable event in which one of yr best friends in yr middle school gave u great help when u were in difficulty.4.Tell us a story with the following opening sentencs.It was a cold, cold night, I was sitting before my window, cryiny.suddenly…5.describe one of the most unpleasant dreams u’ve ever had.6. please tell us one incident in which someone was trying to help others despite danger to his own safety7.describe an embassing situation in which u got very angry.8. describe one teacher of urs whom u find unusual.3.The most unforgettable experience in my life4. My Foreign Teacher5. My Roommate6. My favorite sports7. My favorite book8. Money is not everything.9. Which is more important for China, economic development or environmental protection?10. My Favorite City11. My favorite song12. The way to success13. How to succeed in interview?14. My ideal job15. My Hometown16. My first day at college17. How will I spend this summer holiday?18. Science has mad our lives easier19. the importance of competition20. the importance of cooperation21. the advantages of internet22. Which will you turn to for information, newspaper, TV or internet?23. my view on electronic dictionaries24. my view on family planning (one child policy)25. fast food26. reading selectively or extensively27. my view on examination cheating28. college students’ job-hunting29. traveling30. part-time jobs31. country life and city life32. mutual understanding is important33. the heavy bags of school children34. study abroad35. Should fireworks be banned?36. relationship between teachers and students37. “Little Emperor” in China (小皇帝)38. Advantages and disadvantages of keeping pets39. my view on physical punishment at school40. How to solve the traffic problems?41. should college students’ marriage be permitted?42. body language in English class43. my favorite English sayings44. How to be efficient in study?1. Online Love2. Campus life。

四级考试口语考试真题以下哪项不属于四级口语考试常见的话题类别?A. 个人介绍与兴趣爱好B. 社会现象与热点C. 数学计算与逻辑推理D. 观点表达与讨论答案:C当被问到“Describe your favorite book and why you like it.”时,以下哪个回答最符合口语考试的规范?A. My favorite book is "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald.B. I like reading books, but I don't have a favorite one.C. My favorite book is because it's very interesting.D. I don't read books.答案:A在四级口语考试中,关于“描述一幅你最喜欢的画”的话题,以下哪个描述最恰当?A. The painting is painted by a famous artist.B. I like the painting because it's very expensive.C. The painting depicts a beautiful landscape with mountains and rivers.D. I don't know how to describe a painting.答案:C当被问到“What do you think of the importance of learning a foreign language?”时,以下哪个回答最符合口语考试的评分标准?A. I don't know.B. Foreign languages are very important because they help us communicate with people from other countries.C. I don't agree with learning foreign languages.D. Foreign languages are not important at all.答案:B以下哪个表述在四级口语考试的观点表达题型中最可能得到高分?A. I don't have an opinion about this issue.B. I think it's good because it's good.C. In my opinion, technology has both positive and negative effects on our lives.D. I disagree with this statement, but I don't know why.答案:C在四级口语考试中,当被问到“What's your plan for the summer vacation?”时,以下哪个回答最符合口语考试的规范?A. I don't have a plan.B. I'm going to travel to Europe with my family.C. I'm going to study all the time.D. I'm going to sleep all day.答案:B关于“Describe a city you have visited”的话题,以下哪个描述最可能得到四级口语考试的高分?A. I went to Beijing last year.B. I visited Shanghai and it's a very big city.C. I traveled to Hangzhou and I was impressed by its beautiful scenery and rich cultural heritage.D. I've been to many cities, but I don't remember any of them.答案:C在四级口语考试的讨论题型中,以下哪个表述最符合讨论的要求?A. I disagree with you.B. You're wrong.C. I think you have a point, but I also think there's another side to this issue.D. I don't care what you think.答案:C。

历年英语四级口语考试真题电子版Title: Official Collection of Previous Years' English CET-4 Oral Exam Questions in Electronic VersionIntroduction:The English College English Test Band 4 (CET-4) is one of the most important English proficiency exams for Chinese students. This test not only assesses students' reading, listening, and writing abilities but also tests their oral communication skills. To help students prepare for the oral exam component of CET-4, the following document contains a collection of previous years' oral exam questions in electronic format.Year: 2010Question 1: Describe a person who has influenced you the most in your life. Explain how this person has impacted your life and why you admire them.Question 2: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. Share your personal experience or opinion on this topic.Year: 2011Question 1: Talk about an unforgettable experience during your university life. Describe what happened, how you felt, and what you learned from the experience.Question 2: Describe your favorite book or movie. Explain why you like it and how it has influenced your life.Year: 2012Question 1: Explain why you chose to study your major in university. Share your academic interests, career goals, and any challenges you have faced in your studies.Question 2: Discuss the importance of learning a second language. Share your experiences learning a foreign language and how it has benefited you.Year: 2013Question 1: Describe a cultural tradition or festival from your hometown. Share its significance, customs, and why it is important to preserve this tradition.Question 2: Talk about the impact of technology on modern society. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of technological advancements in today's world.Conclusion:This electronic version of previous years' English CET-4 oral exam questions provides students with valuable practice material to improve their speaking skills. By studying these questions and preparing thoughtful responses, students can enhance their communication abilities and perform well on the oral exam. Good luck to all students taking the CET-4 exam!。

历年英语四级口语考试真题及答案Historical English CET-4 Oral Exam Questions and AnswersThe English CET-4 (College English Test, Band 4) oral exam is an essential component of the CET-4 examination. In this section, candidates are assessed on their ability to communicate effectively in English through a conversation with the examiner. Over the years, the CET-4 oral exam has featured a variety of topics to test candidates' fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. Let's take a look at some historical CET-4 oral exam questions and sample answers to help you prepare for the test.1. Describe your favorite book and explain why you like it.Sample Answer:My favorite book is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. This novel explores themes of racism, empathy, and justice through the perspective of a young girl named Scout Finch. I love this book because it offers valuable insights into human nature and challenges readers to confront their own prejudices. The characters are well-developed, and the story is gripping from start to finish. Overall, "To Kill a Mockingbird" is a timeless classic that continues to resonate with readers of all ages.2. Discuss the impact of technology on modern society.Sample Answer:Technology has revolutionized every aspect of modern society, from communication to healthcare to entertainment. While it has brought numerous benefits, such as increased efficiency and connectivity, it has also raised concerns about privacy, addiction, and inequality. For example, social media platforms have changed how we interact with one another, but they have also contributed to a rise in cyberbullying and misinformation. It is essential for us to strike a balance between embracing technological advancements and addressing their potential drawbacks to ensure a sustainable future for all.3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?Sample Answer:Studying abroad offers numerous advantages, such as cultural immersion, language proficiency, and global networking opportunities. It allows students to step out of their comfort zones and gain a broader perspective on the world. However, there are also challenges associated with studying abroad, including homesickness, language barriers, and financialconstraints. It's crucial for students to prepare themselves mentally and emotionally before embarking on this journey to make the most of their overseas education experience.4. Describe a memorable travel experience and its impact on you.Sample Answer:One of the most memorable travel experiences I had was when I visited Kyoto, Japan, during cherry blossom season. The city was adorned with pink petals, and the atmosphere was simply magical. I was mesmerized by the beauty of the cherry blossoms and the tranquility of the Japanese gardens. This trip made me appreciate the simple pleasures of life and taught me to slow down and savor the moment. It also sparked my interest in Japanese culture and history, inspiring me to learn more about the country and its traditions.5. Discuss the importance of environmental conservation.Sample Answer:Environmental conservation is crucial for the sustainability of our planet and future generations. Climate change, deforestation, and pollution are threatening the delicate balance of ecosystems worldwide, leading to devastating consequences for biodiversityand human health. It is vital for individuals, communities, and governments to take proactive measures to protect the environment, such as reducing carbon emissions, recycling waste, and preserving natural habitats. By working together to safeguard our planet, we can create a more sustainable and harmonious world for all living beings.These are just a few examples of historical CET-4 oral exam questions and sample answers to help you prepare for the test. Remember to practice speaking English regularly, expand your vocabulary, and stay updated on current events to improve your communication skills. Good luck with your CET-4 oral exam, and may you ace it with flying colors!。

英语四级口语考试真题卷及答案**Introduction**The College English Test Band 4 (CET-4) Oral Exam is an essential aspect of the overall English proficiency assessment for college students in China. It not only evaluates students' listening and speaking skills but also serves as a platform for them to demonstrate their language application abilities. This article delves into the analysis of a CET-4 Oral Exam practice test paper, discussing the types of questions, their answers, and strategies to approach them effectively.**Section A: Retelling a Short Passage**The first section of the CET-4 Oral Exam requires students to listen to a short passage and then retell it in their own words. This section tests the ability to comprehend, process, and reorganize information quickly. The key to success in this section is active listening, note-taking, and efficient language use.**Sample Passage:**"In recent years, the popularity of online shopping has skyrocketed. With the convenience of the internet, consumers can browse through a wide range of products, compare prices, and make purchases without leaving their homes. However, this trend has also led to concerns about the environmental impact of excessive packaging and therise in carbon emissions from delivery vehicles."**Sample Answer:**"Nowadays, online shopping has become increasingly popular. People can easily access a variety of products online and compare prices to find the best deals. Although this provides great convenience, it has also raised concerns about the environmental impact, such as excessive packaging waste and increased carbon emissions fromdelivery vehicles."**Analysis:**When retelling the passage, it's crucial to capture the main ideas and express them in concise yet complete sentences. Avoid verbatim repetition and focus on conveying the essence of the message.The role-play section simulates real-life situations, requiring students to play specific roles and engage in conversations. This section assesses students' ability to communicate effectively in a structured environment.**Sample Dialogue:**A: Hello, I'm interested in this apartment. Could you tell me more about it? B: Sure, it's a two-bedroom apartment located in a quiet neighborhood. It's fully furnished and includes all utilities. A: That sounds great. What's the rental price? B: The monthly rent is $1,000. Does that work for you? A: I'll have to think about it. Can I have some time to consider? B: Of course, take your time. Let me know when you've made a decision.**Analysis:**In role-play, it's important to understand the context and play the role convincingly. Use appropriate language and maintain a natural flow of conversation. Listen attentively to the partner's response and respond accordingly.The discussion section tests students' ability to express opinions, analyze issues, and engage in meaningful conversations. It often involves a topic of generalinterest or social importance.**Sample Topic:**"Should universities require students to take courses in sustainability?"**Sample Answer:**I believe that universities should indeed require students to take courses in sustainability. With the growing concerns about environmental degradation and climate change, it's crucial for the younger generation to be aware of these issues and equipped with the knowledge to address them. Such courses can help students understand the importance of sustainable practices and inspire them to make a positive impact on society and the planet.**Analysis:**In discussions, it's essential to have a clear andwell-structured opinion. Support your argument withrelevant points and examples. Avoid being too general or vague, and strive to make a meaningful contribution to the discussion.**Conclusion**Preparing for the CET-4 Oral Exam requires a combination of practice, language proficiency, and strategic thinking. By analyzing and practicing with past exam papers, students can gain insights into the types of questions they might encounter and develop effective strategies to tackle them. Remember, the key is to stay calm, listen attentively, and express your ideas clearly and confidently.**英语四级口语考试真题卷及答案分析****引言**英语四级口语考试是中国大学生英语综合能力评估的重要组成部分。
Chnmhe历年英语专业四级考试口试试题 专四口语考试

2001:Task1: Retelling a story①I once knew an old man whose bad memory made him famous. John Smith was so forgetful that he sometimes forget what he was talking about in the middle of a sentence. His wife had to constantly remind him about his meetings, his classes –even his meals! ②Once he forgot he had eaten breakfast twice, at home and at school. His wife liked to remind her neighbors, “If John didn’t have his head tied on. He would forget that too!” ③Since Smith was a professor at a well-known university, his forgetfulness was often an embarrassment. It wasn’t that he was not clever, as some critical people tended to say, but just very, very absent-minded.④One hot summer day, Professor Smith decided to take his children to a seaside town about a three-hour train ride away. To make the trip more interesting for his young children, he kept the name of the town a secret. ⑤However, by the time they arrived at the station, Smith forgot the name of the town he was planning to visit. Luckily, a friend of his happened to be in the station. He offered to take care of the children while Smith hurried back home to find out where he was going.⑥The professor’s wife was surprised to see him again so soon.“Oh, my dear, I forgot the name the town.”“What? Y ou forgot the name? Maybe one day you will forget my name! Now I’ll write the name of that town on a piece of paper, and you put it in your pocket and please, please don’t forget where you put it.”⑦Satisfied that she had solved the problem, she sent her husband off again. Ten minutes later she was astonished to see him outside the house for the third time.“What is the matter now?”“As you told me, I didn’t forget where I put the name of that town, but I forgot where I left our children!”Task2: Talking on a given topicDirections: Describe a teacher of yours whom you find unusual.Task3: Role-playingDirections: Many high school graduates in China are going overseas for their college education. A friend of yours is graduating this year and would like to ask for your advice on whether it is a good idea for a high school graduate to go abroad to study. Student A:Y ou think this friend should go by all means, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember you should start the conversation.Student B: Y ou think this friend should finish college in China before thinking about going abroad, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember your partner will start the conversation.2002:Task1: Retelling a story①Whenever Mr. Smith goes to Westgate, he stays at the Grand Hotel. In spite of its name, it is really not very “grand,” but it is cheap, clean, and comfortable. ②Since he knows the manger well, he never has to go to the trouble of reserving a room.The fact is that he always gets the same room. It is situated at the far end of the building and overlooks a beautiful bay.③On his last visit, Mr. Smith was told that he could have his usual room, but the manager added apologetically that it might be a little noisy. So great was the demand for rooms, the manager said, that the hotel had decided to build a new wing. Mr. Smith said he did not mind. It amused him to think that the dear old Grand Hotel was making an effort to live up to its name.④During the first day Mr. Smith hardly noticed the noise at all. The room was a little dusty, but that was natural. ⑤The following afternoon, he borrowed a book from the hotel library and went upstairs to read. No sooner had he sat down than he heard someone hammering loudly at the wall. ⑥At first he paid no attention, but after a while he began to feel very uncomfortable. His clothes were slowly being covered with fine white powder. ⑦Soon there was so much dust in the room that he began to cough. The hammering was now louder than ever and bits of plaster were coming away from the walls. It looked as though the whole building was going to fall. ⑧Mr. Smith went immediately to complain to the manager. They both returned to the room, but everything was very quiet. As they stood there looking at each other, Mr. Smith felt rather embarrassed for having dragged the manager all the way up the stairs for nothing. ⑨All of a sudden, the hammering began again and a large brick landed on the floor. Looking up, they saw a sharp metal tool had forced its way through the wall, making a very large hole right above the bed!Task2: Talking on a given topicDirection: Describe an embarrassing situation in which you got very angry.Task3: Role-playingDirections: The geology department of a major university is planning to admit 30 male and 5 female students. However, the results of the college entrance examination show that by average, of all the applicants, females have scored higher than mostmales. Should the department stick to its original plan?Student A: Y ou think the department should still stick to the original plan, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember you should start the conversation. Student B: Y ou don’t think the department should stick to the original plan, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember your partner will start the conversation.2003:Task1: Retelling a story①Just as Jane was joyfully expecting her first child, her active, energetic mother began losing her battle with a brain disease. For ten years, the fiercely independent and courageous mother had fought, but none of the surgeries or treatments had been successful. At only fifty-five, she became totally disabled- unable to speak, walk, eat or dress on her own.②As the mother grew closer and closer to death, the baby grew closer and closer to life. Jane was afraid that her mother and her baby would never know each other. Her fear seemed well-founded. A few weeks before her due date, her mother lapsed into a deep coma. The doctors did not hold any hope. It was useless to put in a feeding tube, they said, for Mother would never awaken. So Jane brought Mother to her own bed in her own house. As often as she could, she sat beside her mother, talking about the baby moving inside her.④On February 3, 1989, at about the same time Jane began to feel birth pains, Mother opened her eyes. Jane called home.“Mom, listen. My baby is coming! Y ou’re going to have a new grandchild. Do you understand!”“Y es,” Mother answered.What a wonderful word! The first clear word she’d spoken in months.⑤By the time Jane brought her son home, her mother was sitting in her chair, dressed and ready to welcome the baby. For two weeks, Mother clucked, smiled and held the new-born baby. Then she quietly became unconscious and, after visits from all her children, was finally free of the pain.⑥For Jane, memories of her son’s birth will always be bittersweet, but it was at this time that she learned an important truth about living. While both joy and sorrow pass quickly, and often come together at the same time, love has the power to overcome both. And love can last forever.2005:Task1: Retelling a story①A little girl whose parents had died lived with her grandmother and slept in an upstairs bedroom.②One night there was a fire in the house and the grandmother died while trying to rescue the child. The fire spread quickly, and the first floor of the house was soon engulfed in flames.③Neighbors called the fire department, then stood helplessly by, unable to enter the house because flames blocked all the entrances. The little girl appeared at an upstairs window, crying for help, just as word spread among the crowd that the firefighters would be delayed a few minutes because they were all at another fire.④Suddenly, a man appeared with a ladder, put it up against the side of the house and disappeared inside. When he reappeared, he had the little girl in his arms. He delivered the child to the waiting arms below, then disappeared into the night.⑤An investigation revealed that the child had no living relatives, and weeks later a meeting was held in the town hall to determine who would take the child into their home and bring her up.⑥A teacher said she would like to raise the child. She pointed out that she could ensure her a good education. A farmer offered her an upbringing on his farm. He pointed out that living on a farm was healthy and satisfying. Others spoke, giving their reasons why it was to the child’s advantage to live with them.Finally,the town’s richest resident rose and said, “I can give this child all the advantages that you have mentioned here, plus money and everything that money can buy.”Throughout all this, the child remained silent, her eyes on the floor.⑦“Does anyone else want to speak?” asked the meeting chairman. A man came forward from the back of the hall. He walked slowly and appeared to be in pain. When he got to the front of the room, he stood directly in front of the little girl and held out his arms. His hands and arms were terribly scarred.The child cried out. “This is the man who rescued me!” With a leap, she threw her arms around the man’s neck. She buried her face in his shoulder and sobbed for a few moments. Then she looked up and smiled at him.Task2: Talking on a given topicDirection: Please tell us one incident in which someone was trying to help others despite danger to his own safety.Task3: Role-playingStudent A: The manager of a world-famous hotel wants to recruit a new member as th e hotel’s bellboy, offering him a salary of 3000 yuan per month. Many university graduates are competing for the position. As a sophomore in the university, you think that they are applying for a job unworthy for their talents. Try to persuade your partner that you are right. Remember you will initiate the conversation.Student B: The manager of a world-famous hotel wants to recruit a new member as the hotel’s bellboy, offering him a salary of 3000 yuan per month. Many university graduates are competing for the position. As a sophomore in the university, you think that it is courageous for them to make such a decision and they have made the correct choice. Try to persuade your partner that you are right. Remember your partner will initiate the conversation.2004:Task1: Retelling a story①When she was 22 years old Pat Jones decided that she wanted to travel around the world and see as many foreign places as she could while she was young. When she finished college at home in Britain, Pat chose to visit Latin America first, so she managed to get a job as an English teacher in a secondary school in Bolivia. Pat spoke a little Spanish, so she was able to communicate with her students even though they did not know much English.②A sentence she had once read somewhere stuck in her mind: if you dream in a foreign language, it means that you have really mastered it. Pat repeated this sentence to her students and she hoped that someday she would dream in Spanish and they would dream in English.③One day, Tim, one of the worst students in her class, came up to her and explained in Spanish that he had not done his homework. He said that he had gone to bed early and had slept badly. Pat was quite angry with him, for she did not think that his explanation had anything to do with his homework. But Tim told her that he dreamed all night and his dream was in English.④“In English!” Pat thought. She was greatly surprised, since Tim was such a bad student. She was also secretly jealous. Her dreams were still not in Spanish, but she decided to encourage her student and asked him to tell her about his dream.“All the people in my dream spoke English,” Tim said. “And all the signs were in English. All the newspapers and magazines and all the TV programs were in English.”“But that’s wonderful,” said Pat. “What did all the people say to you?” she asked.“I’m sorry. Miss Jones, That’s why I slept so badly all through the night. I didn’t understand a word they said. It was a nightmare!” Tim answered.Task2: Talking on a given topicDirections: Describe one of the most unpleasant dreams you’ve ever had.Task3: Role-playingStudent A: Nowadays higher education is getting more and more expensive. To quite a number of families it has become a big financial burden. Y ou try to discuss this problem with student B. Y ou think that parents should pay tuition for their children since college students do not yet have any regular income.Student B: Nowadays higher education is getting more and more expensive. To quite a number of families it has become a big financial burden. Y ou try to discuss this problem with student A. Y our opinion is that it is unfair to put this big burden on parents since college students are already adults. Students themselves should find ways to pay their own tuition.2006:Task1: Retelling a story①A philosophy professor stood before his class and had some items in front of him. When class began, wordlessly he picked up a large empty glass jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks right to the top, rocks about two inches in diameter.②He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course,rolled into the open spaces between the rocks. The students laughed.③He asked his students again if the jar was full. They agreed: yes, it was.The professor then picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.Of course, the sand filled up all the remaining space.④“Now.” said the professor, “I want you to recognize that this is your life.”The rocks are the important things –your family, your partner, your health, your children– anything that is so important to you that if it were lost, you would be nearly destroyed. The pebbles are the other things in life that matter, but on a smaller scale. The pebbles represent things like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else. The small stuff.⑤If you put the sand or the pebbles into the jar first, there is no room for the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you spend all your energy and time on the small stuff, or material things, you will never have room for the things that are truly most important. Pay attention to the things that are critical in your life. Play with your children. Take your partner out dancing. Talk with your parents. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party and fix the disposal. “Take care of the rocks first – the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just pebbles and sand. They will take care of themselves.”Task2: Talking on a given topicDirections: Describe a lesson you have learned which has enriched your life experience.Task3: Role-playingStudent A: Y ou and your friend are discussing what you are going to do together during this coming summer vacation. Y our friend prefers to work in a big company to earn some money. Y ou prefer to do some voluntary work for society. Y ou try to persuade each other by giving various reasons. Remember you will initiate the conversation.Student B: Y ou and your friend are discussing what you are going to do together during this coming summer vacation. Y our friend prefers to do some voluntary work for society. Y ou prefer to work in a big company to earn some money. Y ou try to persuade each other by giving various reasons. Remember your partner will initiate the conversation.2007:Task1: Retelling a story①Anne was a science teacher in a primary school. She loved her job and believed very strongly in practical work as a means of teaching science effectively.②Once she decided to show her pupils’ parents how well their children were learning. To demonstrate the effectiveness of her methods she invited all the parents to come tothe school to see the results of one of the children’s experiments. She scheduled this event for a Saturday evening, so all of the parents would be sure to come.③The children were studying how plants grow. To see this process for themselves the students had planted four pots of beans. They had put poor soil in one pot to see what effect this would have on the growth of the beans. The other three pots of beans had good soil, but one pot had been placed in a dark room for several days and another pot was not watered for the same length of time. In this way the children were learning the effects of soil, water and sunlight on the growth of plants.④At the end of the lesson on Friday afternoon, Anne put labels on the four pots. One label said, “The beans in this pot were planted in poor soil.” Another one said, “This pot has been kept in the dark for four days.” The third label read, “These beans have had no water for four days.” And the last one went like this: “These beans have had good soil, plenty of light and regular water.” Then she went home.⑤She returned to school on Saturday evening,half an hour before the parents were due to come. She was surprised to find a note beside the pots. It said: “We read your notes to the school cleaning staff and decided to help them with your plants, so we watered all the plants, changed the earth in one with poor soil, and left the light on above the one that had been left in the dark for four days. We hope that the plants will now grow better.” Signed “The Boy Scouts”.Task2: Talking on a given topicDirections: Talk about an experience you have had in which you tried to help someone but actually caused trouble.Task3: Role-playingStudent A: Nowadays lots of college students take all kinds of tests to get different kinds of certificates. Y ou think it necessary because these certificates are useful in helping the students find good jobs. But your partner doesn’t agree with you. Try to convince him/her. Remember you should start the conversation.Student B: Nowadays lots of college students take all kind of tests to get different kinds of certificates. Y ou don’t think it necessary because most of these certificates are actually of no use. But your partner doesn’t ag ree with you. Try to convince him/her. Remember your partner should start the conversation.2008:Task1: Retelling a storyIt was shortly after one o’clock in the morning and Mr. Fairfax was really tired. He had been driving for over five hours, heading for a small town far away from home. The weather was clear but it was dark and Mr. Fairfax could not find a motel to spend the night. Completely exhausted, he decided to stop by the roadside for a few hours’ sleep at the wheel of his car. He fell asleep almost the moment he closed his eyes. But soon he was awakened by a man tapping on the car window. “I say, you don’t happen to know the time, do you?” the stranger asked.Mr. Fairfax wound down the window and thrust his head out. “It’s around oneo’clock,” he answered. Then he wound up his window and soon fell back into a deep slumber.Half an hour later, another guy came up and knocked on his window who also inquired about the time. Once again, Mr. Fairfax gathered his thoughts and told him that it was just after one-thirty.When the same thing happened yet again, Mr. Fairfax became increasingly irritated. Sleep-deprived, he began to raise his voice at the passer-by: “It’s two o’clock, God damn it! And why can’t you get yourself a watch like the rest of us?”This time when he was winding up the window, Mr. Fairfax figured out how to make sure no one else disturbed him.He found some paper and a pencil and wrote a note that he placed on the windscreen of his car. It said: “I don’t know what time it is!” Amused by his good idea, he happily drifted off back to sleep again.Not long afterwards, the note was spotted by a policeman on his night patrol. Intent on fulfilling his duty to assist motorists, he tapped on Mr. Fairfax’s car window.“Well, sir,” the policeman said. “Now it is five past three!”Task2: Talking on a given topicDescribe a situation in which you tried every means to avoid trouble, but in vain.Task3: Role-playingStudent A: Today in China, lots of famous people, such as athletes, are admitted to famous universities without taking the college entrance exam. Y ou and your partner are discussing the issue. Y ou think these people deserve a chance since they have contributed a lot to the country. Y our partner does not agree. Try to convince him/her. Remember you should start the conversation.Student B: Today in China, lots of famous people, such as athletes, are admitted to famous universities without taking the college entrance exam. Y ou and your partner are discussing the issue. Y ou don’t think these people should be given this chance since it is unfair to the other people who work so hard to pass the exam. Y our partner does not agree. Try to convince him/her. Remember your partner will start the conversation.。

历年英语四级口语考试真题电子版全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1English CET-4 Oral Test Past PapersIntroduction:The English CET-4 (College English Test Band 4) is a widely recognized English proficiency test in China. The oral test is an important part of the CET-4 examination, which assesses the candidates' ability to communicate effectively in English. To help students prepare for the oral test, it is essential to practice with past papers to get a sense of the exam format and types of questions asked. In this document, we will provide a collection of past CET-4 oral test papers for reference and practice.2019 CET-4 Oral Test Paper:1. Part 1 - Self-Introduction:- Introduce yourself: name, age, hometown, major- Talk about your hobbies and interests- Describe your future plans and aspirations2. Part 2 - Topic Discussion:Choose one of the topics below and discuss it with the examiner.- The impact of technology on society- The importance of environmental protection- The benefits of studying abroad3. Part 3 - Role Play:In this section, you will be given a scenario and asked to improvise a conversation with the examiner.Scenario: You are at a job interview for a multinational company. Discuss your qualifications, experiences, and career goals.2018 CET-4 Oral Test Paper:1. Part 1 - Self-Introduction:- Introduce yourself: name, age, hometown, university- Talk about your favorite book/movie and why you like it- Discuss a recent memorable experience2. Part 2 - Topic Discussion:Choose one of the topics below and discuss it with the examiner.- The impact of social media on communication- The benefits of learning a second language- The challenges of globalization3. Part 3 - Role Play:In this section, you will be given a scenario and asked to improvise a conversation with the examiner.Scenario: You are planning a trip with a friend. Discuss the destination, activities, and logistics.Tips for CET-4 Oral Test Preparation:1. Practice speaking English regularly to improve fluency and pronunciation.2. Familiarize yourself with common topics and vocabulary used in English conversations.3. Work on your listening skills to understand questions and instructions clearly.4. Try to speak confidently and coherently, even if you make mistakes.5. Practice with past CET-4 oral test papers to get a sense of the exam format and types of questions asked.Conclusion:Preparing for the CET-4 oral test requires practice, dedication, and confidence. By using past test papers as a reference, students can improve their speaking skills and increase their chances of success in the examination. Remember to stay calm, speak clearly, and showcase your English communication abilities during the test. Good luck!篇2The following is a collection of past English CET-4 oral exam questions. These questions cover a variety of topics to help you prepare for your upcoming exam. Remember to practice speaking in English regularly and to familiarize yourself with different topics and vocabulary. Good luck!1. Describe a place you would like to visit in the future and explain why.2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social media.3. Talk about a memorable event from your childhood.4. Describe your favorite hobby and why you enjoy it.5. Discuss the importance of learning a second language.6. Talk about the impact of technology on society.7. Describe a famous person you admire and explain why.8. Discuss the benefits of traveling.9. Describe a book or movie that has had a significant impact on you.10. Talk about a time when you faced a difficult challenge and how you overcame it.11. Discuss the importance of education in society.12. Describe a typical day in your life.13. Talk about a recent news event that caught your attention.14. Discuss the role of music in your life.15. Describe a place in your hometown that is special to you.16. Talk about a goal you have set for yourself and how you plan to achieve it.17. Discuss the impact of globalization on culture.18. Describe a person who has had a big influence on you.19. Discuss the importance of environmental protection.20. Describe a traditional festival in your country and how it is celebrated.These are just a few examples of the types of questions that may be asked in the English CET-4 oral exam. Make sure to practice speaking about these topics and others in order to feel confident and prepared on exam day. Good luck!篇3Historical English CET-4 Speaking Test Questions1. Describe your hometown to a foreigner.2. Talk about your favorite book and explain why you like it.3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city versus a small town.4. Describe a memorable travel experience you have had.5. Talk about a person who has had a significant impact on your life.6. Discuss the importance of learning a foreign language.7. Describe a traditional festival in your country and how people celebrate it.8. Talk about your favorite movie and why you enjoy it.9. Discuss the benefits of social media in today's society.10. Describe your ideal job and explain why it appeals to you.11. Talk about a recent environmental issue that has caught your attention.12. Discuss the impact of technology on modern life.13. Describe a memorable meal you have had and why it was special.14. Talk about a skill or hobby you would like to develop in the future.15. Discuss the importance of physical exercise in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.16. Describe a time when you had to overcome a difficult challenge.17. Talk about a piece of advice that has stuck with you over the years.18. Discuss the impact of globalization on different cultures around the world.19. Describe a recent cultural event or exhibition you have attended.20. Talk about a time when you had to make a difficult decision.These are just a few examples of the types of questions that have been asked in previous English CET-4 speaking tests. It is important to be prepared to discuss a variety of topics and express your thoughts clearly and cohesively during the exam. Good luck!。

专四口语考试历年真题2002 TEM4 Oral Englis h Test PaperTask I: Listen to the record ed passag e twiceand then retell it.Whenev er Mr. Smithgoes to Westga te, he staysat the GrandHotel. In spiteof its name,it is really not very "grand," but it is cheap, clean, and comfor table. Sincehe knowsthe manage r well, he neverhas to go to the troubl e of reserv ing a room. The fact is that he always gets the same room. It is situat ed at the far end of the buildi ng and overlo oks a beauti ful bay.On his last visit, Mr. Smithwas told that he couldhave his usualroom, but the manage r addedapolog etica lly that it mightbe a little noisy. So greatwas the demand for rooms, the manage r said, that the hotelhad decide d to builda new wing. Mr. Smithsaid he did not mind. It amused him to thinkthat the dear old GrandHotelwas making an effort to live up to its name.During the firstday Mr. Smithhardly notice d the noiseat all. The room was a little dusty,but that was natura l. The follow ing aftern oon, he borrow ed a book from the hotellibrar y andsomeon e hammer ing loudly went upstai rs to read. No sooner had he sat down than he heardat the wall. At firsthe paid no attent ion,but aftera whilehe beganto feel very uncomf ortab le. His clothe s were slowly beingcovere d with fine whitepowder. Soon therewas so much dust in the room that he beganto cough. The hammer ing was now louder than ever and bits of plaste r were coming away from the walls. It looked as though the wholebuildi ng was goingto fall. Mr. Smithwent immedi ately to compla in to the manage r. They both return ed to the room, but everyt hingwas very quiet. As they stoodtherelookin g at each other, Mr. Smithfelt rather embarr assed for having dragge d the manage r all the way up the stairs for nothin g. All of a sudden, the hammer ing beganagainand a largebricklanded on the floor. Lookin g up, they saw a sharpmetaltool had forced its way throug h the wall,making a very largehole rightabovethe bed!(355 words)2003 TEM4 Oral Englis h Test PaperTask I: Listen to the record ed passag e twiceand then retell it.Just as Jane was joyful ly expect ing her firstchild, her active, energe tic mother beganlosing her battle with a braindiseas e. For ten years, the fierce ly indepe ndent and courag eousmother had fought, but none of the surger ies or treatm entshad been succes sful. At only fifty-five, she became totall y disabl ed-unable to speak,walk, eat or dresson her own.As the mother grew closer and closer to death, the baby grew closer and closer to life. Jane was afraid that her mother and her baby wouldneverknow each other. Her fear seemed well-founde d. A few weeksbefore her due date, her mother lapsed into a deep coma. The doctor s did not hold any hope. It was useles s to put in a feedin g tube,they said, for Mother wouldneverawaken. So Jane brough t Mother to her own bed in her own house. As oftenas she could, she sat beside her mother, talkin g aboutthe baby moving inside her.On Februa ry 3,1989, at aboutthe same time Jane beganto feel birthpains, Mother opened her eyes. Jane called home."Mom,listen. My baby is coming!You're goingto have a new grandc hild.Do you unders tand?""Yes," Mother answer ed.What a wonder ful word! The firstclearword she'd spoken in months.By the time Jane brough t her son home, her mother was sittin g in her chair, dresse d and readyto welcom e the baby. For two weeks,Mother clucke d,smiled and held the new-born baby. Then she quietl y became uncons cious and, aftervisits from all her childr en,was finall y free of the pain.For Jane, memori es of her son's birthwill always be bitter sweet, but it was at this time that she learne d an import ant truthaboutliving. Whileboth joy and sorrow pass quickl y, and oftencome togeth er at the same time,love has the powerto overco me both. And love can last foreve r. (317 words)Task II: Talk basedon a giventopic.Tell a storythat illust rates the need for love.2004 TEM4 Oral Englis h Test PaperTask I: Retell a storyWhen she was 22 yearsold Pat Jonesdecide d that she wanted to travel around the worldand see as many foreig n places as she couldwhileshe was young. When she finish ed colleg e at home in Britai n Pat choseto visitLatinAmeric a first, so she manage d to get a job as anEnglis h teache r in a second ary school in Bolivi a. Pat spokea little Spanis h, so she was able to commun icate with her studen ts even though they did not know much Englis h.A senten ce she had once read somewh ere stuckin her mind: if you dreamin a foreig n langua ge,it meansthat you have really master ed it. Pat repeat ed this senten ce to her studen ts and she hopedthat someda y she woulddreamin Spanis h and they woulddreamin Englis h.One day Tim,one of the worststuden ts in her class, came up to her and explai ned inand had Spanis h that he had not done his homewo rk. He said that he had gone to bed earlysleptbadly. Pat was quiteangrywith him, for she did not thinkthat his explan ation had anythi ng to do with his homewo rk. But Tim told her that he dreame d all nightand his dreamwas in Englis h."In Englis h!" Pat though t. She was greatl y surpri sed, sinceTim was such a bad studen t. She was also secret ly jealou s. Her dreams were stillnot in Spanis h, but she decide d to encour age her studen t and askedhim to tell her abouthis dream."All the people in my dreamspokeEnglis h," Tim said. "And all the signswere in Englis h. All the newspa persand magazi nes and all the TV progra ms were in Englis h.""But that's wonder ful," said Pat. "What did all the people say to you?" she asked."I'm sorry,Miss Jones.That's why I sleptso badlyall throug h the night.I didn't unders tanda word they said. It was a nightm are!" Tim answer ed. (324 words)。

@2001:Task1: Retelling a story①I once knew an old man whose bad memory made him famous. John Smith was so forgetful that he sometimes forget what he was talking about in the middle of a sentence. His wife had to constantly remind him about his meetings, his classes –even his meals! ②Once he forgot he had eaten breakfast twice, at home and at school. His wife liked to remind her neighbors, “If John didn’t have his head tied on. He would forget that too!” ③Since Smith was a professor at a well-known university, his forgetfulness was often an embarrassment. It wasn’t that he was not clever, as some critical people tended to say, but just very, very absent-minded.④One hot summer day, Professor Smith decided to take his children to a seaside town about a three-hour train ride away. To make the trip more interesting for his young children, he kept the name of the town a secret. ⑤However, by the time they arrived at the station, Smith forgot the name of the town he was planning to visit. Luckily, a friend of his happened to be in the station. He offered to take care of the children while Smith hurried back home to find out where he was going.⑥The professor’s wife was surprised to see him again so soon.“Oh, my dear, I forgot the name the town.”“What? You forg ot the name? Maybe one day you will forget my name! Now I’ll write the name of that town on a piece of paper, and you put it in your pocket and please, please don’t forget where you put it.”⑦Satisfied that she had solved the problem, she sent her husband off again. Ten minutes later she was astonished to see him outside the house for the third time.“What is the matter now?”“As you told me, I didn’t forget where I put the name of that town, but I forgot where I left our children!”Task2: Talking on a given topicDirections: Describe a teacher of yours whom you find unusual.Task3: Role-playingDirections: Many high school graduates in China are going overseas for their college education. A friend of yours is graduating this year and would like to ask for your advice on whether it is a good idea for a high school graduate to go abroad to study. Student A:You think this friend should go by all means, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember you should start the conversation.Student B: You think this friend should finish college in China before thinking about going abroad, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember your partner will start the conversation.2002:Task1: Retelling a story①Whenever Mr. Smith goes to Westgate, he stays at the Grand Hotel. In spite of its name, it is really not very “grand,” but it is cheap, clean, and comfortable.②Since he knows the manger well, he never has to go to the trouble of reserving a room.The fact is that he always gets the same room. It is situated at the far end of the building and overlooks a beautiful bay.③On his last visit, Mr. Smith was told that he could have his usual room, but the manager added apologetically that it might be a little noisy. So great was the demand for rooms, the manager said, that the hotel had decided to build a new wing. Mr. Smith said he did not mind. It amused him to think that the dear old Grand Hotel was making an effort to live up to its name.④During the first day Mr. Smith hardly noticed the noise at all. The room wasa little dusty, but that was natural. ⑤The following afternoon, he borrowed a book from the hotel library and went upstairs to read. No sooner had he sat down than he heard someone hammering loudly at the wall. ⑥At first he paid no attention, but after a while he began to feel very uncomfortable. His clothes were slowly being covered with fine white powder. ⑦Soon there was so much dust in the room that he began to cough. The hammering was now louder than ever and bits of plaster were coming away from the walls. It looked as though the whole building was going to fall. ⑧Mr. Smith went immediately to complain to the manager. They both returned to the room, but everything was very quiet. As they stood there looking at each other, Mr. Smith felt rather embarrassed for having dragged the manager all the way up the stairs for nothing. ⑨All of a sudden, the hammering began again and a large brick landed on the floor. Looking up, they saw a sharp metal tool had forced its way through the wall, making a very large hole right above the bed!Task2: Talking on a given topicDirection: Describe an embarrassing situation in which you got very angry.Task3: Role-playingDirections: The geology department of a major university is planning to admit 30 male and 5 female students. However, the results of the college entrance examination show that by average, of all the applicants, females have scored higher than most males. Should the department stick to its original plan?Student A: You think the department should still stick to the original plan, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember you should start the conversation. Student B: You don’t think the department should stick to the original plan, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember your partner will start the conversation.2003:Task1: Retelling a story①Just as Jane was joyfully expecting her first child, her active, energetic mother began losing her battle with a brain disease. For ten years, the fiercely independent and courageous mother had fought, but none of the surgeries or treatments had been successful. At only fifty-five, she became totally disabled- unable to speak, walk, eat or dress on her own.②As the mother grew closer and closer to death, the baby grew closer and closer to life. Jane was afraid that her mother and her baby would never know each other. Her fear seemed well-founded. A few weeks before her due date, her mother lapsed into a deep coma. The doctors did not hold any hope. It was useless to put in a feeding tube, they said, for Mother would never awaken. So Jane brought Mother to her own bed in her own house. As often as she could, she sat beside her mother, talking about the baby moving inside her.④On February 3, 1989, at about the same time Jane began to feel birth pains, Mother opened her eyes. Jane called home.“Mom, listen. My baby is coming! You’re going to have a new grandchild. Do you understand!”“Yes,” Mother answered.What a wonderful word! The first clear word she’d spoken in months.⑤By the time Jane brought her son home, her mother was sitting in her chair, dressed and ready to welcome the baby. For two weeks, Mother clucked, smiled and held the new-born baby. Then she quietly became unconscious and, after visits from all her children, was finally free of the pain.⑥For Jane, memories of her son’s birth will always be bittersweet, but it was at this time that she learned an important truth about living. While both joy and sorrow pass quickly, and often come together at the same time, love has the power to overcome both. And love can last forever.2005:Task1: Retelling a story①A little girl whose parents had died lived with her grandmother and slept in an upstairs bedroom.②One night there was a fire in the house and the grandmother died while trying to rescue the child. The fire spread quickly, and the first floor of the house was soon engulfed in flames.③Neighbors called the fire department, then stood helplessly by, unable to enter the house because flames blocked all the entrances. The little girl appeared at an upstairs window, crying for help, just as word spread among the crowd that the firefighters would be delayed a few minutes because they were all at another fire.④Suddenly, a man appeared with a ladder, put it up against the side of the house and disappeared inside. When he reappeared, he had the little girl in his arms. He delivered the child to the waiting arms below, then disappeared into the night.⑤An investigation revealed that the child had no living relatives, and weeks later a meeting was held in the town hall to determine who would take the child into their home and bring her up.⑥A teacher said she would like to raise the child. She pointed out that she could ensure her a good education. A farmer offered her an upbringing on his farm. He pointed out that living on a farm was healthy and satisfying. Others spoke, giving their reasons why it was to the child’s advantage to live with them.Finally,the town’s richest resident rose and said, “I can give this child all the advantages that you have mentioned here, plus money and everything that money can buy.”Throughout all this, the child remained silent, her eyes on the floor.⑦“Does anyone else want to speak?” asked the meeting chairman. A man came forward from the back of the hall. He walked slowly and appeared to be in pain. When he got to the front of the room, he stood directly in front of the little girl and held out his arms. His hands and arms were terribly scarred.The child cried out. “This is the man who rescued me!” With a leap, she threw her arms around the man’s neck. She buried her face in his shoulder and sobbed for a few moments. Then she looked up and smiled at him.Task2: Talking on a given topicDirection: Please tell us one incident in which someone was trying to help others despite danger to his own safety.Task3: Role-playingStudent A: The manager of a world-famous hotel wants to recruit a new member as th e hotel’s bellboy, offering him a salary of 3000 yuan per month. Many university graduates are competing for the position. As a sophomore in the university, you think that they are applying for a job unworthy for their talents. Try to persuade your partner that you are right. Remember you will initiate the conversation.Student B: The manager of a world-famous hotel wants to recruit a new member as the hotel’s bellboy, offering him a salary of 3000 yuan per month. Many university graduates are competing for the position. As a sophomore in the university, you think that it is courageous for them to make such a decision and they have made the correct choice. Try to persuade your partner that you are right. Remember your partner will initiate the conversation.2004:Task1: Retelling a story①When she was 22 years old Pat Jones decided that she wanted to travel around the world and see as many foreign places as she could while she was young. When she finished college at home in Britain, Pat chose to visit Latin America first, so she managed to get a job as an English teacher in a secondary school in Bolivia. Pat spoke a little Spanish, so she was able to communicate with her students even though they did not know much English.②A sentence she had once read somewhere stuck in her mind: if you dream ina foreign language, it means that you have really mastered it. Pat repeated this sentence to her students and she hoped that someday she would dream in Spanish and they would dream in English.③One day, Tim, one of the worst students in her class, came up to her and explained in Spanish that he had not done his homework. He said that he had gone to bed early and had slept badly. Pat was quite angry with him, for she did not think that his explanation had anything to do with his homework. But Tim told her that hedreamed all night and his dream was in English.④“In English!” Pat thought. She was greatly surprised, since Tim was such a bad student. She was also secretly jealous. Her dreams were still not in Spanish, but she decided to encourage her student and asked him to tell her about his dream.“All the people in my dream spoke English,” Tim said. “And all the signs were in English. All the newspapers and magazines and all the TV programs were in English.”“But that’s wonderful,” said Pat. “What did all the people say to you?” she asked.“I’m sorry. Miss Jones, That’s why I slept so badly all through the night. I didn’t understand a word they said. It was a nightmare!” Tim answered.Task2: Talking on a given topicDirections: Describe one of the most unpleasant dreams you’ve ever had.Task3: Role-playingStudent A: Nowadays higher education is getting more and more expensive. To quite a number of families it has become a big financial burden. You try to discuss this problem with student B. You think that parents should pay tuition for their children since college students do not yet have any regular income.Student B: Nowadays higher education is getting more and more expensive. To quite a number of families it has become a big financial burden. You try to discuss this problem with student A. Your opinion is that it is unfair to put this big burden on parents since college students are already adults. Students themselves should find ways to pay their own tuition.2006:Task1: Retelling a story①A philosophy professor stood before his class and had some items in front of him. When class began, wordlessly he picked up a large empty glass jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks right to the top, rocks about two inches in diameter.②He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open spaces between the rocks. The students laughed.③He asked his students again if the jar was full. They agreed: yes, it was.The professor then picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.Of course, the sand filled up all the remaining space.④“Now.” said the professor, “I want you to recognize that this is your life.”The rocks are the important things –your family, your partner, your health, your children– anything that is so important to you that if it were lost, you would be nearly destroyed. The pebbles are the other things in life that matter, but on a smaller scale. The pebbles represent things like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else. The small stuff.⑤If you put the sand or the pebbles into the jar first, there is no room for therocks. The same goes for your life. If you spend all your energy and time on the small stuff, or material things, you will never have room for the things that are truly most important. Pay attention to the things that are critical in your life. Play with your children. Take your partner out dancing. Talk with your parents. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party and fix the disposal. “Take care of the rocks first – the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just pebbles and sand. They will take care of themselves.”Task2: Talking on a given topicDirections: Describe a lesson you have learned which has enriched your life experience.Task3: Role-playingStudent A: You and your friend are discussing what you are going to do together during this coming summer vacation. Your friend prefers to work in a big company to earn some money. You prefer to do some voluntary work for society. You try to persuade each other by giving various reasons. Remember you will initiate the conversation.Student B: You and your friend are discussing what you are going to do together during this coming summer vacation. Your friend prefers to do some voluntary work for society. You prefer to work in a big company to earn some money. You try to persuade each other by giving various reasons. Remember your partner will initiate the conversation.2007:Task1: Retelling a story①Anne was a science teacher in a primary school. She loved her job and believed very strongly in practical work as a means of teaching science effectively.②Once she decided to show her pupils’ p arents how well their children were learning. To demonstrate the effectiveness of her methods she invited all the parents to come to the school to see the results of one of the children’s experiments. She scheduled this event for a Saturday evening, so all of the parents would be sure to come.③The children were studying how plants grow. To see this process for themselves the students had planted four pots of beans. They had put poor soil in one pot to see what effect this would have on the growth of the beans. The other three pots of beans had good soil, but one pot had been placed in a dark room for several days and another pot was not watered for the same length of time. In this way the children were learning the effects of soil, water and sunlight on the growth of plants.④At the end of the lesson on Friday afternoon, Anne put labels on the four pots. One label said, “The beans in this pot were planted in poor soil.” Another one said, “This pot has been kept in the dark for four days.” The third label read, “These beans have had no water for four days.” And the last one went like this: “These beans have had good soil, plenty of light and regular water.” Then she went home.⑤She returned to school on Saturday evening,half an hour before the parentswere du e to come. She was surprised to find a note beside the pots. It said: “We read your notes to the school cleaning staff and decided to help them with your plants, so we watered all the plants, changed the earth in one with poor soil, and left the light on above the one that had been left in the dark for four days. We hope that the plants will now grow better.” Signed “The Boy Scouts”.Task2: Talking on a given topicDirections: Talk about an experience you have had in which you tried to help someone but actually caused trouble.Task3: Role-playingStudent A: Nowadays lots of college students take all kinds of tests to get different kinds of certificates. You think it necessary because these certificates are useful in helping the students find good jobs. But your partner doesn’t agree with you. Try to convince him/her. Remember you should start the conversation.Student B: Nowadays lots of college students take all kind of tests to get different kinds of certificates. You don’t think it necessary because most of these certificates are actually of no use. But your partner doesn’t agree with you. Try to convince him/her. Remember your partner should start the conversation.2008:Task1: Retelling a storyIt was shortly after one o’clock in the morning and Mr. Fairfax was really tired. He had been driving for over five hours, heading for a small town far away from home. The weather was clear but it was dark and Mr. Fairfax could not find a motel to spend the night. Completely exhausted, he decided to stop by the roadside for a few hours’ sleep at the wheel of his car. He fell asleep almost the moment he closed his eyes. But soon he was awakened by a man tapping on the car window. “I say, you don’t happen to know the time, do you?” the stranger asked.Mr. Fairfax wound down the window and thrust his head out. “It’s around one o’clock,” he answered. Then he wound up his window and soon fell back into a deep slumber.Half an hour later, another guy came up and knocked on his window who also inquired about the time. Once again, Mr. Fairfax gathered his thoughts and told him that it was just after one-thirty.When the same thing happened yet again, Mr. Fairfax became increasingly irritated. Sleep-deprived, he began to raise his voice at the passer-by: “It’s two o’clock, God damn it! And why can’t you get yourself a watch like the rest of us?”This time when he was winding up the window, Mr. Fairfax figured out how to make sure no one else disturbed him. He found some paper and a pencil and wrote a note that he placed on the windscreen of his car. It said: “I don’t know what time it is!”Amused by his good idea, he happily drifted off back to sleep again.Not long afterwards, the note was spotted by a policeman on his night patrol. Intent on fulfilling his duty to assist motorists, he tapped on Mr. Fairfax’s car window.“Well, sir,” the policeman said. “Now it is five past three!”Task2: Talking on a given topicDescribe a situation in which you tried every means to avoid trouble, but in vain. Task3: Role-playingStudent A: Today in China, lots of famous people, such as athletes, are admitted to famous universities without taking the college entrance exam. You and your partner are discussing the issue. You think these people deserve a chance since they have contributed a lot to the country. Your partner does not agree. Try to convince him/her. Remember you should start the conversation.Student B: Today in China, lots of famous people, such as athletes, are admitted to famous universities without taking the college entrance exam. You and your partner are discussing the issue. You don’t think these people should be given this chance since it is unfair to the other people who work so hard to pass the exam. Your partner does not agree. Try to convince him/her. Remember your partner will start the conversation.。

专四口语考试题型第一题是放一遍录音,你复述这个故事,可以做笔记把故事大意说出来关键的地方要准确时间地点和故事最后的结局中间的具体描写你可以灵活一点但是不要有明显的停顿第二题是即兴说话,和演讲一样演讲题目是抽取的讲的要流畅,符合主题第三题是讨论给出一个题目你和同样参加考试的考生里随机组合一个成为小组你们开始交谈这一话题类似于辩论你要条理清晰观点明确最后你们要有一方妥协观点上达成一致2002 TEM4 Oral English Test PaperTask I: Listen to the recorded passage twice and then retell it. Whenever Mr. Smith goes to Westgate, he stays at the Grand Hotel. In spite of its name, it is really not very "grand," but it is cheap, clean, and comfortable. Since he knows the manager well, he never has to go to the trouble of reserving a room. The fact is that he always gets the same room. It is situated at the far end of the building and overlooks a beautiful bay.On his last visit, Mr. Smith was told that he could have his usual room, but the manager added apologetically that it might be a little noisy. So great was the demand for rooms, the manager said, that the hotel had decided to build a new wing. Mr. Smith said he did not mind. It amused him to think that the dear old Grand Hotel was making an effort to live up to its name.During the first day Mr. Smith hardly noticed the noise at all. The room was a little dusty, but that was natural. The following afternoon, he borrowed a book from the hotel library and went upstairs to read. No sooner had he sat down than he heard someone hammering loudly at the wall. At first he paid no attention, but after a while he began to feel very uncomfortable. His clothes were slowly being covered with fine white powder. Soon there was so much dust in the room that he began to cough. The hammering was now louder than ever and bits of plaster were coming away from the walls. It looked as though the whole building was going to fall. Mr. Smith went immediately to complain to the manager. They both returned to the room, but everything was very quiet. As they stood there looking at each other, Mr. Smith felt rather embarrassed for having dragged the manager all the way up the stairs for nothing. All of a sudden, the hammering began again and a large brick landed on the floor. Looking up, they saw a sharp metal tool had forced its way through the wall, making a very large hole right above the bed! (355 words)Task II: Talk based on a given topic.Describe an embarrassing situation in which you got very angry.Task III: Carry out a conversation with your partner based on a given situation. The geology department of a major university is planning to admit 30 male and 5 female students. However, the results of the college entrance examination show that by average, of all the applicants, females have scored higher than most males. Should the department stick to its original plan?Student A: You think the department should still stick to the original plan, andyou should try to convince your partner. Remember you should start the conversation.Student B: You DON'T think the department should stick to the original plan, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember your partner will start the conversation.全国高校英语专业四级口试考题Task 1 Retell a storyYou will listen to the story twice, and after that you should retell the story immediately within three minutes。

答案:A: Hi, B. Are you looking forward to the upcoming campus cultural festival?B: Well, not really. I think some of the activities might be boring.A: Oh, come on. I'm so excited about it. There are so many activities we can take part in.B: Like what?A: For example, the singing competition. I love singing and it's a great chance to show my talent.B: But there are always so many people singing the same old songs. It's not that interesting.A: Well, what about the art exhibition? There will be a lot of amazing artworks created by our schoolmates.B: Hmm, that might be okay. But I'm still not as enthusiastic as you.A: And there will also be some traditional cultural experience activities, like paper - cutting and calligraphy. It's so meaningful to learn about our own culture.B: Yeah, I admit that part is good. But I'm just afraid there will be too much chaos and not enough real quality in some of the events.A: Maybe you're right. But we can still choose the ones we like. I think it's a great opportunity to have fun and relax.B: Okay, I'll think about it again. Maybe I'll find some interesting activities to join.解析:- 这个对话围绕对校园文化节的不同态度展开。

选择题:在进行口语交流时,下列哪项行为最有助于提升沟通效果?A. 频繁使用专业术语B. 清晰、准确地表达自己的观点(正确答案)C. 尽量使用复杂的句式结构D. 避免使用任何肢体语言当你在口语考试中遇到不熟悉的话题时,应该采取哪种策略?A. 立即放弃,转而谈论其他话题B. 假装熟悉,并随意发表观点C. 诚实地表示不熟悉,但会尝试根据已知信息发表看法(正确答案)D. 保持沉默,直到考官改变话题下列哪项不是提高英语口语流利度的有效方法?A. 多听多说,进行大量口语练习B. 学习并模仿英语母语者的发音和语调C. 过度依赖翻译软件或字典(正确答案)D. 参加英语角或语言交换活动在口语考试中,如何有效地组织你的回答?A. 想到什么就说什么,不考虑结构B. 先给出总结,然后逐一展开论述(正确答案)C. 只谈论自己熟悉的内容,避免涉及不熟悉的话题D. 尽可能使用长句子和复杂词汇下列哪项是口语交流中非语言沟通的重要方面?A. 词汇的丰富性B. 语法的准确性C. 眼神交流和面部表情(正确答案)D. 说话的速度当你在口语表达中犯错时,应该如何处理?A. 立即停下来,纠正错误B. 忽略错误,继续流畅地表达(正确答案)C. 反复重复错误的句子,直到正确为止D. 向考官道歉,并请求他们忽略错误下列哪项不是提高英语口语理解能力的有效策略?A. 多听英语广播、新闻和有声读物B. 观看英语电影和电视剧,并尝试理解对话内容C. 只关注自己感兴趣的话题,忽略其他内容(正确答案)D. 与英语母语者进行实际对话练习在口语考试中,如何展示你的语言运用能力?A. 使用尽可能多的高级词汇和复杂句式B. 清晰地表达自己的观点,并使用适当的语法和词汇(正确答案)C. 尽量说得很快,以展示你的流利度D. 避免使用任何连接词或过渡语下列哪项是提升英语口语自信心的关键?A. 总是担心自己的发音或语法错误B. 避免与英语母语者交流,以免出错C. 通过不断练习和积极反馈来增强自信(正确答案)D. 只在自己完全准备好的情况下才开口说话。

根据大纲要求,根据大纲要求,根据大纲要求,口试口试内容将分解为三项:内容将分解为三项:(1) 复述故事(听两遍故事后复述3分种);(2) 即席讲话(根据所给的题目准备3分钟后,作即席讲话3分钟);(3) 对话(根据规定的角色各自准备3分钟后,对话4分钟)。
2001:Task1: Retelling a story ①I once knew an old man man whose bad whose bad memory memory made made made him him him famous. John Smith famous. John Smith was so forgetful that he sometimes forget what he was talking about in the middle of a sentence. sentence. His His His wife wife wife had had had to to to constantly constantly remind him him about about his his meetings, meetings, meetings, his his his classes classes classes ––even his meals! ②Once he forgot he had eaten breakfast twice, at home and at school. His His wife wife wife liked liked liked to to to re re remind mind mind her her her neighbors, neighbors, neighbors, “If “If “If John John John didn’t didn’t didn’t have have his head tied on . . He He would would forget that too!” forget that too!” ③Since Smith was a professor at a well-known university university, his , his forgetfulness was often an embarrassment . . It It It wasn’t wasn’t wasn’t that that that he he he was was was not clever, not clever, as some critical people tended to say , but just very , very a bsent-minded absent-minded . ④One One hot hot hot summer summer summer day day , , Professor Professor Professor Smith Smith Smith decided decided decided to to to take take take his his his children children children to to to a a seaside town about a three-hour train ride away away. To . To make the trip m ore more more interesting interesting interesting for for his his young young young children, children, children, he he he kept kept the the name name name of of of the the the town town a secret . ⑤However, However, by by by the the the time time they arrived at the station, Smith forgot the name of the town he was planning to visit. Luckily, a friend of his his happened happened to be in the station. He offered to to take care of take care of the children while Smith h urried back hurried back home to find out where he was going. ⑥The professor’s wife was surprised to see him again so soon. “Oh, my dear, I forgot the name the town.” “What? “What? Y Y ou ou forgot forgot forgot the the the name? Maybe one day name? Maybe one day you you will will will forget forget forget my my my name! Now name! Now I’ll write the name of that town on a piece of paper, and you p ut it in your pocket and please, please don’t forget where you put it.”⑦Satisfied that she had solved the problem, she sent her husband off again. Ten minutes later she was astonished to see him outside the house for the third time.“What is the matter now?”“As you told me, I didn’t forget where I put the name of that town, but I forgot where I left our children!”Task2: Talking on a given topic Directions: Describe a teacher of yours whom you find unusual. Task3: Role-playing Directions: Many high high school school school graduates graduates graduates in China are in China are g oing overseas going overseas for their college education. education. A A A friend friend friend of of of yours yours yours is is is graduating graduating graduating this this this year year year and and and would would would like like like to to to ask ask ask for for for your your advice on whether it is a good idea for a high school graduate to go abroad to study .Student A: Y ou ou think think think this this this friend friend friend should should should go go go by by by all all all means, means, means, and and and you you you should should should try try try to to convince your partner. Remember you should start the conversation. Student B: Y ou think this this friend should friend should finish college in China before t hinking thinking thinking about about going going abroad, abroad, abroad, and and and you you you should should should try try try to to to convince convince convince your your your partner. partner. partner. Remember Remember Remember your your your partner partner will start the conversation. 2002: Task1: Retelling a story ①Whenever Mr. Smith goes to Westgate, he stays at the Grand Hotel. In spite ofits its name, name, name, it it it is really is really not not very very very “grand,” but “grand,” but it it is cheap, clean, and comfortable.is cheap, clean, and comfortable. ②Since he knows the m anger well, manger well, he never has to go to the trouble of reserving a room . The fact fact is that is that he always gets gets the same room. It the same room. It is is situated situated at the far far end of the building end of the building and overlooks a beautiful bay . . ③On On his his his last last last visit, visit, visit, Mr. Mr. Mr. Smith Smith Smith was was was told told told that that that he he he could could could have have have his his his usual usual usual room, room, room, but but the the manager manager manager added added apologetically that that it it it might might might be be be a a a little little little noisy noisy noisy. . . So So great was the demand for rooms, the m anager said, that the manager said, that the hotel had decided to build a new wing . Mr. Smith said h e did not he did not m ind. It mind. It amused him him to think that the dear old Grand Hotel to think that the dear old Grand Hotel was making an effort to live up to its name. its name. ④During the first day Mr. Smith hardly noticed the noise at all. The room was a little dusty , but that was natural. ⑤The following afternoon, he borrowed a book from the the hotel hotel hotel library and library and went went upstairs upstairs upstairs to read. to read. No sooner had he sat down than he heard someone hammering loudly at the wall. ⑥At At first first first he he he paid paid paid no no no attention, attention, attention, but but but after after after a a while while he he he began began began to to to feel feel feel very very very uncomfortable. uncomfortable. uncomfortable. His His His clothes clothes clothes were were were slowly slowly slowly being being being covered covered with with fine fine fine white white powder . ⑦Soon Soon there there there was so was so much dust in the room t hat that that he began to he began to cough. cough. The The The hammering hammering hammering was was was now now now louder louder louder than than than ever ever ever and and and bits bits bits of of plaster were were coming coming away away from the from the walls. It looked as though the whole building was going going to to to fall. fall. ⑧Mr. Smith went immediately to complain to the manager. They both returned to the room, but everything was v ery quiet. As they stood very quiet. As they stood there there looking at each other, Mr. Smith looking at each other, Mr. Smith felt rather embarrassed f or for for having having dragged the the manager manager all the way up the stairs for nothing. ⑨All of a sudden , , the the the hammering hammering hammering began began began again again again and and and a a a large large large brick brick brick landed landed landed on on the floor. Looking up, they saw a sharp metal tool had forced its way through the wall, through the wall, making a very large hole right above the bed! Task2: Talking on a given topic Direction: Describe an embarrassing situation in which you got very angry . Task3: Role-playing Directions: Directions: The The The geology geology geology department department department of of of a a a major major major university university university is is is planning planning planning to to to admit admit admit 30 30 male and 5 f emale students. However, the results of the college entrance examination female students. However, the results of the college entrance examination show show that that that by by by average, average, average, of of of all all all the the the applicants, applicants, applicants, females females females have have have scored scored scored higher higher higher than than than most most males. Should the department stick to its original plan? Student A: Y ou ou think think think the the the department department department should should should still still still stick stick stick to to to the the the original original original plan, plan, plan, and and and you you should try to convince your partner. Remember you should start the conversation. Student B: Y ou don’t think t he department should stick the department should stick to to the original plan, and the original plan, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember your partner will start the conversation. 2003: Task1: Retelling a story ①Just as Jane was joyfully expecting her first child, her active, energetic mother began began losing losing her battle with with a a a brain brain brain disease. disease. disease. For For For ten ten ten years, years, years, the the the fiercely fiercely independent and courageous mother mother had had had fought, but fought, but none of the surgeries or treatments treatments had been had been successful. At only f ifty-five, she became totally fifty-five, she became totally disabled - unable to speak, walk, eat or dress on her own. ②As As the the the mother mother mother grew grew grew closer closer closer and and and closer closer closer to to to death, death, death, the the the baby baby baby grew grew grew closer closer closer and and closer to life. life. Jane Jane Jane was afraid that was afraid that her her mother and mother and her baby would would never know each never know each other. other. Her Her Her fear fear fear seemed seemed seemed well-founded well-founded . . A A A few few few weeks weeks weeks before before before her her her due due date , , her her her mother mother lapsed into a deep coma . The doctors did not hold any hope . It was useless to put in a feeding tube , they said, for Mother would would never awaken. So never awaken. So J ane brought Mother to Jane brought Mother to her her own own own bed bed bed in in in her her her own own own house. house. house. As As As often often often as as as she she she could, could, could, she she she sat sat sat beside beside beside her her her mother, mother, talking about the baby moving inside her. ④On February 3, 1989, at about the same time time Jane began to Jane began to f eel birth pains feel birth pains , , Mother opened her eyes. Jane called home. “Mom, “Mom, listen. My baby listen. My baby i s coming! is coming! Y ou’re ou’re going going going to have a to have a new new grandchild. Do grandchild. Do you understand!”“Y es,” Mother answered. What a wonderful word! The first clear word she’d spoken in months.⑤By the time Jane brought her son home, home, her her her mother was mother was sitting sitting in in in her chair, her chair, dressed and ready to welcome t he babythe baby . For two weeks, Mother clucked , smiled and held the new-born baby . Then she quietly became unconscious and, after visits visits from from all her children, was finally free of the pain. ⑥For Jane, memories of her her son’s birth will son’s birth will a lways be always be bittersweet , but , but it it was was at at this this this time time time that that that she she she learned learned learned an an an important important important truth truth truth about about about living. living. living. While While While both both both joy joy and sorrow pass quickly , and often come together at the same time, time, love love love has the power to has the power to overcome both. And love can last forever. 2005:Task1: Retelling a story ①A A little little little girl girl girl whose parents whose parents had died lived lived with with with her her her grandmother and slept grandmother and slept i n in an upstairs bedroom . ②One night there was a fire in the house and the grandmother died while trying there was a fire in the house and the grandmother died while trying to rescue the child. The The fire spread quickly, and fire spread quickly, and the first floor of the house was soon engulfed in flames . . ③Neighbors called the fire department , then , then s tood stood helplessly b y by , unable to enter the the house house house because because because flames flames blocked all the entrances . . The The The little little little girl girl girl appeared appeared at an upstairs window , , crying crying crying for for for help, help, help, just just just as as as word word spread among the crowd that that the the firefighters would be delayed a few minutes because they were all at another fire . . ④Suddenly, Suddenly, a a a man man man appeared appeared with with a a a ladder, ladder, ladder, put put it up against the side of the house and disappeared inside. When he he reappeared reappeared , he he had had the little little girl girl girl in in his arms . He delivered the child to to t he waiting arms below the waiting arms below , then , then d isappeared disappeared into the night. ⑤An An investigation investigation revealed that that the the the child child child had had had no no no living living relatives , and and weeks weeks later a meeting meeting was was was held held held in the in the town hall to determine who w ould take the child would take the child into their home and bring her up. ⑥A teacher said said she she she would would would like like like to to to raise raise the the child. child. child. She She She pointed pointed pointed out out out that that that she she could ensure her a good education. A farmer offered offered her an her an upbringing on his his farm. farm. He pointed out that living on a f arm farm farm was was was healthy and satisfying healthy and satisfying . . Others spoke, giving their reasons why it was to the child’s advantage to live with them. Finally, the town’s richest resident rose and said, said, “I can “I can give give this child all this child all the advantages that you have mentioned here, plus money and everything that money can buy buy.”.”Throughout all this, the child remained silent, her eyes on the floor. ⑦“Does anyone else want to speak?” asked the meeting chairman . A man came . A man came forward forward from from from the the the back back back of of of the the the hall. hall. hall. He He He walked walked walked slowly slowly slowly and and and appeared appeared appeared to to to be be be in in pain . When When he he he got to the got to the front of the room, he he stood directly stood directly in in front of the front of the little little girl and girl and held out his arms . His hands and arms were terribly scarred . The child cried out. “This “This is the is the man man who rescued who rescued me!” With a l eap leap , she t hrew threwher arms around the the man’s man’s man’s neck. She neck. She buried her her face face in his shoulder and s obbed sobbed for a few moments. Then she looked up and smiled at him. Task2: Talking on a given topic Direction: Direction: Please Please Please tell tell tell us us us one one one incident incident incident in in in which which which someone someone someone was was was trying trying trying to to to help help help others others despite danger to his own safety . Task3: Role-playing Student A: The The manager of a world-famous manager of a world-famous hotel hotel wants wants wants to recruit a to recruit a new new member as member as the the hotel’s hotel’s hotel’s bellboy bellboy bellboy, , , offering offering offering him him him a a a salary salary salary of of of 3000 3000 3000 yuan yuan yuan per per per month. month. month. Many Many Many university university graduates are competing f or the position. As a sophomore for the position. As a sophomore in the university university, you , you think that that they they they are are are applying applying applying for for for a a a job job job unworthy unworthy unworthy for for for their their their talents. talents. talents. Try Try Try to to to persuade persuade persuade your your partner that you are right. Remember you will initiate the conversation.Student B: The The manager of a manager of a world-famous world-famous hotel wants to recruit a hotel wants to recruit a new new member as member as the the hotel’s hotel’s hotel’s bellboy bellboy bellboy, , , of of offering fering fering him him him a a a salary salary salary of of of 3000 3000 3000 yuan yuan yuan per per per month. month. month. Many Many Many university university graduates are competing f or the position. As a sophomore for the position. As a sophomore in the university university, you , you think that it is courageous for them to make such a decision and they have made the correct choice. choice. Try Try Try to persuade to persuade your partner that you you are are are right. right. right. Remember Remember Remember your partner your partner will initiate the conversation. 2004: Task1: Retelling a story ①When she was 22 years old Pat Jones decided that she wanted to travel around the the world world world and and and see see as many foreign places as she could while while she she she was was was young. young. young. When When she she finished college at finished college at h ome home home in in in Britain, Pat chose Britain, Pat chose t o to to visit Latin visit Latin America America first, first, first, so she so she managed to get a job as an English teacher in a secondary school in Bolivia. Pat spoke a a little little Spanish , so she she was able to communicate was able to communicate with with her students even though her students even though they did not know much English. ②A sentence she had once read somewhere stuck in her mind : if you dream in a foreign language, it means that you have really mastered it. Pat repeated this sentence to to her her her students students students and and and she she she hoped hoped hoped that that that someday someday someday she she she would would would dream dream dream in in in Spanish Spanish Spanish and and and they they would dream in English. ③One One day day , , Tim, Tim, Tim, one one one of of of the the the worst worst worst students students students in in in her her her class, class, class, came came came up up up to to to her her her and and explained in Spanish that h e had not done he had not done his homework. He said that he had gone to bed early and had slept badly . Pat was quite angry with him, for she did not think that his his explanation explanation had anything to do with his his homework. homework. homework. But But But Tim Tim Tim told told told her her her that that that he he dreamed all night and his dream was in English. ④“In “In English!” English!” English!” Pat Pat Pat thought. thought. thought. She She She was was was greatly greatly greatly surprised, surprised, surprised, s s ince ince Tim Tim Tim was was was such such such a a bad student. She w as also was also secretly jealous . Her dreams were still not not in Spanish, but in Spanish, but she decided to encourage her student and asked him to tell her about his dream.“All “All the people the people in in my dream spoke my dream spoke E nglish,” English,” English,” Tim said. Tim said. “And “And all all the signs were in in English. English. English. All All All the the the newspapers newspapers newspapers and and and magazines magazines magazines and and and all all all the the the TV TV TV programs programs programs were were were in in English.”“But “But that’s that’s that’s wonderful,” wonderful,” wonderful,” said said said Pat. Pat. Pat. “What “What “What did did did all all all the the the people people people say say say to to to you?” you?” you?” she she asked. “I’m “I’m sorrysorry . . Miss Miss Miss Jones, Jones, Jones, That’s That’s That’s why why why I I I slept slept slept so so so badly badly badly all all all through through the the night. night. night. I I didn’t understand a word they said. It was a nightmare !” Tim answered.Task2: Talking on a given topic Directions: Describe one of the most unpleasant dreams you’ve ever had.Task3: Role-playing Student A: N owadays higher education is getting more and more expensive. To quite a Nowadays higher education is getting more and more expensive. To quite a number number of of of families families families it it it has has has become become become a a a big big big financial financial financial burden. burden. burden. Y Y ou ou try try try to to to discuss discuss discuss this this problem problem with with with student student student B. B. B. Y Y ou ou think think think that that that parents parents parents should should should pay pay pay tuition tuition tuition for for for their their their children children since college students do not yet have any regular income. Student B: N owadays higher education is getting more and more expensive. To quite a Nowadays higher education is getting more and more expensive. To quite a number number of of of families families families it it it has has has become become become a a a big big big financial financial financial burden. burden. burden. Y Y ou ou try try try to to to discuss discuss discuss this this problem problem with with with student student student A. A. A. Y Y our our opinion opinion opinion is is is that that that it it it is is is unfair unfair unfair to to to put put put this this this big big big burden burden burden on on parents parents since since since college college college students students students are are are already already already adults. adults. adults. Students Students Students themselves themselves themselves should should should find find ways to pay their own tuition. 2006:Task1: Retelling a story ①A philosophy professor stood before his class and h ad some had some items in in front of front of him. him. When When When class class class began, began, wordlessly he he picked picked up up a a large empty glass jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks right to the top , rocks about two inches in diameter.②He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and p oured poured them i nto into the jar. He shook shook the jar the jar lightly . . The pebbles, of course,The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open spaces between the rocks. The students laughed. ③He asked his students again if the jar was full. They agreed: yes, it was. The professor then picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up all the remaining space . ④“Now.” said the professor, “I want you to recognize that this is your life.”The The rocks rocks rocks are are are the the the important important important things things things –– your family, your partner, your health, your children – anything that i s so is so important to you that if if it were it were lost, you would be nearly destroyed. The pebbles are the other things in life that matter, but o n a smaller on a smaller scale . . The The The pebbles pebbles pebbles represent represent things things like like like your your job, your house, your car . . The The The sand sand sand is is everything else. The small stuff . ⑤If If you put the sand or you put the sand or the pebbles into the jar first, first, there there there is is is no room no room for for the the rocks. The same goes for your life . If you spend all your energy and time on the small stuff, or material material things, things, things, you you you will will will never never never have room have room for for the the the things that are things that are truly truly most most important. important. Pay Pay Pay attention attention attention to to to the the the things things things that that that are are are critical critical in in your your your life. life. life. Play Play Play with with with your your children. children. Take your partner out dancing. Talk with Take your partner out dancing. Talk with your parents. There will always be time time to to to go go go to to to work, work, work, clean clean clean the the the house, house, house, give give give a a a dinner dinner dinner party party party and and and fix fix the disposal . . “Take “Take care of the rocks first – the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just pebbles and sand. They will take care of themselves.”Task2: Talking on a given topic Directions: Describe a lesson you have learned which has enriched your life experience. Task3: Role-playing Student A: Y ou ou and and and your your your friend friend friend are are are discussing discussing discussing what what what you you you are are are going going going to to to do do do together together during this coming summer vacation. Y our friend prefers to work in a big company to earn earn some some some money money money. . . Y Y ou ou prefer prefer prefer to to to do do do some some some voluntary voluntary voluntary work work work for for for society society society. . . Y Y ou ou try try try to to persuade persuade each each each other other other by by giving various various reasons. reasons. Remember you you will will initiate initiate the the conversation. Student B: Y ou ou and and and your your your friend friend friend are are are discussing discussing discussing what what what you you you are are are going going going to to to do do do together together during this coming summer vacation. vacation. Y Y our our friend prefers friend prefers to do some voluntary voluntary work work for for society society society. . . Y Y ou ou prefer prefer prefer to to work work in in in a a a big big big company company company to to to earn earn earn some some some money money money. . . Y Y ou ou try try try to to persuade persuade each each each other other other by by by giving giving giving various various various reasons. reasons. reasons. Remember Remember Remember your your your partner partner partner will will will initiate initiate the conversation. 2007: Task1: Retelling a story ①Anne Anne was was was a a a science science science teacher teacher teacher in in in a a a primary primary primary school. school. school. She She She loved loved loved her her her job job job and and believed believed very very strongly in in practical practical practical work work work as as as a a means of teaching teaching science science science effectively effectively . ②Once she decided to show her pupils’ parents how well their children were learning. T o demonstrate the e ffectiveness effectiveness of her methods she invited all the parents to come to the school to see the results of one of the children’s experiments. She scheduled this event for a Saturday evening a Saturday evening , so all of the parents would , so all of the parents would be sure to come. come. ③The children were studying how plants grow. T o see this process for themselves the students h ad planted had planted four four pots of beans pots of beans . . . They had put They had put poor soil i n one in one pot to see what effect this would have on the g rowth growth of the beans. The other three pots of beans had had good soil good soil , but one pot , but one pot had been placed in a dark room room for several days for several days and another pot was not watered for the same l ength of time length of time . In this . In this way the children were learning t he effects of soil, water and sunlight the effects of soil, water and sunlight on the growth of plants. ④At the end of the lesson on Friday afternoon , Anne p ut labels on put labels on the four pots. the four pots. 。

专四口语考试历年真题2002 TEM4 Oral English Test PaperTask I: Listen to the recorded passage twice and then retell it.Whenever Mr. Smith goes to Westgate,he stays at the Grand Hotel. In spite of its name,it is really not very "grand," but it is cheap,clean,and comfortable. Since he knows the manager well,he never has to go to the trouble of reserving a room. The fact is that he always gets the same room. It is situated at the far end of the building and overlooks a beautiful bay.On his last visit,Mr. Smith was told that he could have his usual room,but the manager added apologetically that it might be a little noisy. So great was the demand for rooms,the manager said,that the hotel had decided to build a new wing. Mr. Smith said he did not mind. It amused him to think that the dear old Grand Hotel was making an effort to live up to its name.During the first day Mr. Smith hardly noticed the noise at all. The room was a little dusty,but that was natural. The following afternoon,he borrowed a book from the hotel library and went upstairs to read. No sooner had he sat down than he heard someone hammering loudly at the wall. At first he paid no attention,but after a while he began to feel very uncomfortable. His clothes were slowly being covered with fine white powder. Soon there was so much dust in the room that he began to cough. The hammering was now louder than ever and bits of plaster were coming away from the walls. It looked as though the whole building was going to fall. Mr. Smith went immediately to complain to the manager. They both returned to the room,but everything was very quiet. As they stood there looking at each other,Mr. Smith felt rather embarrassed for having dragged the manager all the way up the stairs for nothing. All of a sudden,the hammering began again and a large brick landed on the floor. Looking up,they saw a sharp metal tool had forced its way through the wall,making a very large hole right above the bed!(355 words)2003 TEM4 Oral English Test PaperTask I: Listen to the recorded passage twice and then retell it.Just as Jane was joyfully expecting her first child,her active,energetic mother began losing her battle with a brain disease. For ten years,the fiercely independent and courageous mother had fought,but none of the surgeries or treatments had been successful. At only fifty-five,she became totally disabled-unable to speak,walk,eat or dress on her own.As the mother grew closer and closer to death,the baby grew closer and closer to life. Jane was afraid that her mother and her baby would never know each other. Her fear seemed well-founded. A few weeks before her due date,her mother lapsed into a deep coma. The doctors did not hold any hope. It was useless to put in a feeding tube,they said,for Mother would never awaken. So Jane brought Mother to her own bed in her own house. As often as she could,she sat beside her mother,talking about the baby moving inside her.On February 3,1989,at about the same time Jane began to feel birth pains,Mother opened her eyes. Jane called home."Mom,listen. My baby is coming!You're going to have a new grandchild. Do you understand?""Yes," Mother answered.What a wonderful word!The first clear word she'd spoken in months.By the time Jane brought her son home,her mother was sitting in her chair,dressed and ready to welcome the baby. For two weeks,Mother clucked,smiled and held the new-born baby. Then she quietly became unconscious and,after visits from all her children,was finally free of the pain.For Jane,memories of her son's birth will always be bittersweet,but it was at this time that she learned an important truth about living. While both joy and sorrow pass quickly,and often come together at the same time,love has the power to overcome both. And love can last forever. (317 words)Task II: Talk based on a given topic.Tell a story that illustrates the need for love.2004 TEM4 Oral English Test PaperTask I: Retell a storyWhen she was 22 years old Pat Jones decided that she wanted to travel around the world and see as many foreign places as she could while she was young. When she finished college at home in Britain Pat chose to visit Latin America first,so she managed to get a job as an English teacher in a secondary school in Bolivia. Pat spoke a little Spanish,so she was able to communicate with her students even though they did not know much English.A sentence she had once read somewhere stuck in her mind: if you dream in a foreign language,it means that you have really mastered it. Pat repeated this sentence to her students and she hoped that someday she would dream in Spanish and they would dream in English.One day Tim,one of the worst students in her class,came up to her and explained in Spanish that he had not done his homework. He said that he had gone to bed early and had slept badly. Pat was quite angry with him,for she did not think that his explanation had anything to do with his homework. But Tim told her that he dreamed all night and his dream was in English."In English!" Pat thought. She was greatly surprised,since Tim was such a bad student. She was also secretly jealous. Her dreams were still not in Spanish,but she decided to encourage her student and asked him to tell her about his dream."All the people in my dream spoke English," Tim said. "And all the signs were in English. All the newspapers and magazines and all the TV programs were in English.""But that's wonderful," said Pat. "What did all the people say to you?" she asked."I'm sorry,Miss Jones. That's why I slept so badly all through the night. I didn't understand a word they said. It was a nightmare!" Tim answered. (324 words)。
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2001:Task1: Retelling a story①I once knew an old man whose bad memory made him famous. John Smith was so forgetful that he sometimes forgot what he was talking about in the middle of a sentence. His wife had to constantly remind him about his meetings, his classes – even his meals! ②Once he forgot he had eaten breakfast twice, at home and at school. His wife liked to remind her neighbors, “If John didn’t have his head tied on. He would forget that too!” ③Since Smith was a professor at a well-known university, his forgetfulness was often an embarrassment. It wasn’t that he was not clever, as some critical people tended to say, but just very, very absent-minded.④One hot summer day, Professor Smith decided to take his children to a seaside town about a three-hour train ride away. To make the trip more interesting for his young children, he kept the name of the town a secret. ⑤However, by the time they arrived at the station, Smith forgot the name of the town he was planning to visit. Luckily, a friend of his happened to be in the station. He offered to take care of the children while Smith hurried back home to find out where he was going.⑥The professor’s wife was surprised to see him again so soon.“Oh, my dear, I forgot the name the town.”“What? You forgot the name? Maybe one day you will forget my name! Now I’ll write the name of that town on a piece of paper, and you put it in your pocket and please, please don’t forget where you put it.”⑦Satisfied that she had solved the problem, she sent her husband off again. Ten minutes later she was astonished to see him outside the house for the third time.“What is the matter now?”“As you told me, I didn’t forget where I put the name of that town, but I forgot where I left our children!”Task2: Talking on a given topicDirections: Describe a teacher of yours whom you find unusual.Task3: Role-playingDirections: Many high school graduates in China are going overseas for their college education. A friend of yours is graduating this year and would like to ask for your advice on whether it is a good idea for a high school graduate to go abroad to study.Student A: You think this friend should go by all means, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember you should start the conversation.Student B: You think this friend should finish college in China before thinking about going abroad, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember your partner will start the conversation.2002:Task1: Retelling a story①Whenever Mr. Smith goes to Westgate, he stays at the Grand Hotel. In spite of its name, it is really not very “grand,” but it is cheap, clean, and comfortable. ②Since he knows the manger well, he never has to go to the trouble of reserving a room.The fact is that he always gets the same room. It is situated at the far end of the building and overlooks a beautiful bay.③On his last visit, Mr. Smith was told that he could have his usual room, but the manager added apologetically that it might be a little noisy. So great was the demand for rooms, the manager said, that the hotel had decided to build a new wing. Mr. Smith said he did not mind. It amused him to think that the dear old Grand Hotel was making an effort to live up to its name.④During the first day Mr. Smith hardly noticed the noise at all. The room was a little dusty, but that was natural. ⑤The following afternoon, he borrowed a book from the hotel library and went upstairs to read. No sooner had he sat down than he heard someone hammering loudly at the wall. ⑥At first he paid no attention, but after a while he began to feel very uncomfortable. His clothes were slowly being covered with fine white powder. ⑦Soon there was so much dust in the room that he began to cough. The hammering was now louder than ever and bits of plaster were coming away from the walls. It looked as though the whole building was going to fall. ⑧Mr. Smith went immediately to complain to the manager. They both returned to the room, but everything was very quiet. As they stood there looking at each other, Mr. Smith felt rather embarrassed for having dragged the manager all the way up the stairs for nothing. ⑨All of a sudden, the hammering began again and a large brick landed on the floor. Looking up, they saw a sharp metal tool had forced its way through the wall, making a very large hole right above the bed!Task2: Talking on a given topicDirection: Describe an embarrassing situation in which you got very angry.Task3: Role-playingDirections: The geology department of a major university is planning to admit 30 male and 5 female students. However, the results of the college entrance examination show that by average, of all the applicants, females have scored higher than most males. Should the department stick to its original plan? Student A: You think the department should still stick to the original plan, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember you should start the conversation.Student B: You don’t think the department should stick to the original plan, and you should try to convince your partner. Remember y our partner will start the conversation.2003:Task1: Retelling a story①Just as Jane was joyfully expecting her first child, her active, energetic mother began losing her battle with a brain disease. For ten years, the fiercely independent and courageous mother had fought, but none of the surgeries or treatments had been successful. At only fifty-five, she became totally disabled- unable to speak, walk, eat or dress on her own.②As the mother grew closer and closer to death, the baby grew closer and closer to life. Jane was afraid that her mother and her baby would never know each other. Her fear seemed well-founded. A few weeks before her due date, her mother lapsed into a deep coma. The doctors did not hold any hope. It was useless to put in a feeding tube, they said, for Mother would never awaken. So Jane brought Mother to her own bed in her own house. As often as she could, she sat beside her mother, talking about the baby moving inside her.④On February 3, 1989, at about the same time Jane began to feel birth pains, Mother opened her eyes. Jane called home.“Mom, listen. My baby is coming! You’re going to have a new grandchild. Do you understand!”“Yes,” Mother answered.What a wonderful word! The first clear word she’d sp oken in months.⑤By the time Jane brought her son home, her mother was sitting in her chair, dressed and ready to welcome the baby. For two weeks, Mother clucked, smiled and held the new-born baby. Then she quietly became unconscious and, after visits from all her children, was finally free of the pain.⑥For Jane, memories of her son’s birth will always be bittersweet, but it was at this time that she learned an important truth about living. While both joy and sorrow pass quickly, and often come together at the same time, love has the power to overcome both. And love can last forever.Student A: You will be traveling later this week and you are wondering about the advantages and safety of flying. Recent news reports of air crashes have made you nervous and you cannot decide if it is safe to travel by airplane. You turn to your friend for advice about whether you should go by air or by train. He/she tried to persuade you to take a flight by listing some advantages. Eventually you refuse to accept his/her opinion and make your own decision.Student B: one of your friends is taking a trip later this week and he/she is undecided about whether to travel by air or by train. Not knowing what to do, your friend comes to you for advice. You try to persuade your friend to take a flight in spite of reports of air crashes. Eventually, you fail to convince him/her and your friend buys a train ticket instead.2005:Task1: Retelling a story①A little girl whose parents had died lived with her grandmother and slept in an upstairs bedroom.②One night there was a fire in the house and the grandmother died while trying to rescue the child. The fire spread quickly, and the first floor of the house was soon engulfed in flames.③Neighbors called the fire department, then stood helplessly by, unable to enter the house because flames blocked all the entrances. The little girl appeared at an upstairs window, crying for help, just as word spread among the crowd that the firefighters would be delayed a few minutes because they were all at another fire.④Suddenly, a man appeared with a ladder, put it up against the side of the house and disappeared inside. When he reappeared, he had the little girl in his arms. He delivered the child to the waiting arms below, then disappeared into the night.⑤An investigation revealed that the child had no living relatives, and weeks later a meeting was held in the town hall to determine who would take the child into their home and bring her up.⑥A teacher said she would like to raise the child. She pointed out that she could ensure her a good education. A farmer offered her an upbringing on his farm. He pointed out that living on a farm was healthy and satisfying. Others spoke, giving their reasons why it was to the child’s advantage to live with them.Finally,the town’s richest resident rose and said, “I can give this child all the advantages that you have mentioned here, plus money and everything that money can buy.”Throughout all this, the child remained silent, her eyes on the floor.⑦“Does anyone else want to speak?” asked the meeting chairman. A man came forward from the back of the hall. He walked slowly and appeared to be in pain. When he got to the front of the room, he stood directly in front of the little girl and held out his arms. His hands and arms were terribly scarred.The child cried out. “This is the man who rescued me!” With a leap, she threw her arms around the man’s neck. She buried her face in his shoulder and sobbed for a few moments. Then she looked up and smiled at him.Task2: Talking on a given topicDirection: Please tell us one incident in which someone was trying to help others despite danger to his own safety.Task3: Role-playingStudent A: The manager of a world-famous hotel wants to recruit a new member as the hotel’s bellboy, offering him a salary of 3000 yuan per month. Many university graduates are competing for the position. As a sophomore in the university, you think that they are applying for a job unworthy for their talents. Try to persuade your partner that you are right. Remember you will initiate the conversation.Student B: The manager of a world-famous hotel wants to recruit a new member as the hotel’s bellboy, offering him a salary of 3000 yuan per month. Many university graduates are competing for the position. As a sophomore in the university, you think that it is courageous for them to make such a decision and they have made the correct choice. Try to persuade your partner that you are right. Remember your partner will initiate the conversation.2004:Task1: Retelling a story①When she was 22 years old Pat Jones decided that she wanted to travel around the world and see as many foreign places as she could while she was young. When she finished college at home in Britain, Pat chose to visit Latin America first, so she managed to get a job as an English teacher in a secondary school in Bolivia. Pat spoke a little Spanish, so she was able to communicate with her students even though they did not know much English.②A sentence she had once read somewhere stuck in her mind: if you dream in a foreign language, it means that you have really mastered it. Pat repeated this sentence to her students and she hoped that someday she would dream in Spanish and they would dream in English.③One day, Tim, one of the worst students in her class, came up to her and explained in Spanish that he had not done his homework. He said that he had gone to bed early and had slept badly. Pat was quite angry with him, for she did not think that his explanation had anything to do with his homework. But Tim told her that he dreamed all night and his dream was in English.④“In English!” Pat thought. She was greatly surprised, since Tim was such a bad student. She was also secretly jealous. Her dreams were still not in Spanish, but she decided to encourage her student and asked him to tell her about his dream.“All the people in my dream spoke English,” Tim said. “And all the signs were in English. All the newspapers and magazines and all the TV programs were in English.”“But that’s wonderful,” said Pat. “What did all the people say to you?” she asked.“I’m sorry. Miss Jones, That’s why I slept so badly all through the night. I didn’t understand a word they said. It was a nightmare!” Tim answered. Task2: Talking on a given topicDirections: Describe one of the most unpleasant dreams you’ve ever had.Task3: Role-playingStudent A: Nowadays higher education is getting more and more expensive. To quite a number of families it has become a big financial burden. You try to discuss this problem with student B. You think that parents should pay tuition for their children since college students do not yet have any regular income. Student B: Nowadays higher education is getting more and more expensive. To quite a number of families it has become a big financial burden. You try to discuss this problem with student A. Your opinion is that it is unfair to put this big burden on parents since college students are already adults. Students themselves should find ways to pay their own tuition.2006:Task1: Retelling a story①A philosophy professor stood before his class and had some items in front of him. When class began, wordlessly he picked up a large empty glassjar and proceeded to fill it with rocks right to the top, rocks about two inches in diameter.②He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open spaces between the rocks. The students laughed.③He asked his students again if the jar was full. They agreed: yes, it was.The professor then picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.Of course, the sand filled up all the remaining space.④“Now.” said the professor, “I want you to recognize that this is your life.”The rocks are the important things –your family, your partner, your health, your children– anything that is so important to you that if it were lost, you would be nearly destroyed. The pebbles are the other things in life that matter, but on a smaller scale. The pebbles represent things like your job, your house, your car. The sand is everything else. The small stuff.⑤If you put the sand or the pebbles into the jar first, there is no room for the rocks. The same goes for your life. If you spend all your energy and time on the small stuff, or material things, you will never have room for the things that are truly most important. Pay attention to the things that are critical in your life. Play with your children. Take your partner out dancing. Talk with your parents. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party and fix the disposal. “Take care of the rocks first– the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just pebbles and sand. They will take care of themselves.”Task2: Talking on a given topicDirections: Describe a lesson you have learned which has enriched your life experience.Task3: Role-playingStudent A: You and your friend are discussing what you are going to do together during this coming summer vacation. Your friend prefers to work in a big company to earn some money. You prefer to do some voluntary work for society. You try to persuade each other by giving various reasons. Remember you will initiate the conversation.Student B: You and your friend are discussing what you are going to do together during this coming summer vacation. Your friend prefers to do some voluntary work for society. You prefer to work in a big company to earn some money. You try to persuade each other by giving various reasons. Remember your partner will initiate the conversation.2007:Task1: Retelling a story①Anne was a science teacher in a primary school. She loved her job and believed very strongly in practical work as a means of teaching science effectively. ②Once she decided to show her pupils’ parents how well their children were learning. To demonstrate the effectiveness of her methods she invited al l the parents to come to the school to see the results of one of the children’s experiments. She scheduled this event for a Saturday evening, so all of the parents would be sure to come.③The children were studying how plants grow. To see this process for themselves the students had planted four pots of beans. They had put poor soil in one pot to see what effect this would have on the growth of the beans. The other three pots of beans had good soil, but one pot had been placed in a dark room for several days and another pot was not watered for the same length of time. In this way the children were learning the effects of soil, water and sunlight on the growth of plants.④At the end of the lesson on Friday afternoon, Anne put labels on the four pots. One labe l said, “The beans in this pot were planted in poor soil.” Another one said, “This pot has been kept in the dark for four days.” The third label read, “These beans have had no water for four days.” And the last one went like this: “These beans have had good soil, plenty of light and regular water.” Then she went home.⑤She returned to school on Saturday evening,half an hour before the parents were due to come. She was surprised to find a note beside the pots. It said: “We read your notes to the school cleaning staff and decided to help them with your plants, so we watered all the plants, changed the earth in one with poor soil, and left the light on above the one that had been left in the dark for four days. We hope that the plants will now grow better.” Signed “The Boy Scouts”.Task2: Talking on a given topicDirections: Talk about an experience you have had in which you tried to help someone but actually caused trouble.Task3: Role-playingStudent A: Nowadays lots of college students take all kinds of tests to get different kinds of certificates. You think it necessary because these certificates are useful in helping the students find good jobs. But your partner doesn’t agree with you. Try to convince him/her. Remember you should start the conversation. Student B: Nowadays lots of college students take all kind of tests to get different kinds of certificates. You don’t think it necessary because most of these certificates are actually of no use. But your partner doesn’t agree with you. Try to convince him/her. Remember your partner should start the conversation. 2008:Task1: Retelling a storyIt was shortly after one o’clock in the morning and Mr. Fairfax was really tired. He had been driving for over five hours, heading for a small town far away from home. The weather was clear but it was dark and Mr. Fairfax could not find a motel to spend the night. Completely exhausted, he decided to stop by the roadside for a few hours’ sleep at the wheel of his car. He fell asleep almost the moment he closed his eyes. But soon he was awakened by a man tapping on the car window. “I say, you don’t happen to know the time, do you?” the stranger asked.Mr. Fairfax wound down the window and thrust his head out. “It’s around one o’clock,” he answered. Then he wound up his window and soon fell back into a deep slumber.Half an hour later, another guy came up and knocked on his window who also inquired about the time. Once again, Mr. Fairfax gathered his thoughts and told him that it was just after one-thirty.When the same thing happened yet again, Mr. Fairfax became increasingly irritated. Sleep-deprived, he began to raise his voice at the passer-by: “It’s two o’clock, God damn it! And why can’t you get yourself a watch like the rest of us?”This time when he was winding up the window, Mr. Fairfax figured out how to make sure no one else disturbed him. He found some paper and apencil and wrote a note that he placed on the windscreen of his car. It said: “I don’t know what time it is!” Amused by his good idea, he happily drifted off back to sleep again.Not long afterwards, the note was spotted by a policeman on his night patrol. Intent on fulfilling his duty to assist motorists, he tapped on Mr. Fairfax’s car window.“Well, sir,” the policeman said. “Now it is five past three!”Task2: Talking on a given topicDescribe a situation in which you tried every means to avoid trouble, but in vain.Task3: Role-playingStudent A: Today in China, lots of famous people, such as athletes, are admitted to famous universities without taking the college entrance exam. You and your partner are discussing the issue. You think these people deserve a chance since they have contributed a lot to the country. Your partner does not agree. Try to convince him/her. Remember you should start the conversation.Student B: Today in China, lots of famous people, such as athletes, are admitted to famous universities without taking the college entrance exam. You and your partner are discussing the issue. You don’t think these people should be given this chance since it is unfair to the other people who work so hard to pass the exam. Your partner does not agree. Try to convince him/her. Remember your partner will start the conversation.知识改变命运。