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校区 班级 姓名 学号 。 …………………………………………装………………………………订……………………………线………………………………………… 2018/2019学年度第二学期阶段性学业水平调研



卷首语:Dear children ,你们一步一个台阶,播下了汗水和辛劳,到收获的时候啦,赶快用自己的智慧去摘取累累的硕果吧!卷面分3分。



( )1. A. headache B. backache C. toothache

( )2. A. cool B. cold C. coat

( )3. A. friend B. fairy C. finally

( )4. A. ship B. shop C. short

( )5. A. show B. how C. cow

( )6. A. put on B. try on C. take off

( )7.A. near B. in front of C. next to

( )8.A. too much B. too many C. too young

( )9.A. get out B. come out C. look out

( )10.A. by bike B. by train C. by taxi


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听问句,选择合适的答句。(6分) ( )1. A. Yes, it is. B. No, they aren’t. C. Yes, he does. ( )2. A. You can ride a bike. B. You can go there by plane. C. It’s next to the cinema. ( )3. A. It ’s near the park. B. It ’s not far. C. You can go by bus. ( )4. A. At four o’clock. B. At home. C. At school. ( )5. A. She should take medicine. B. She drinks some water. C. She has a cold. ( )6. A. Yes, he can. B. No, she can ’t. C. No, you can ’t. 四、听录音,将短文补充完整。(8分) Mr Ma is a factory _______. He makes cars. He _______ up at six o’clock every day. There is a snack bar near his home. He always has his breakfast _______. Then, he goes to _______. The factory is _______ from his home. He _______ goes to the factory by _______, but sometimes he goes by_______.



1.Liu Tao lives on Moon S________, in Suzhou.

2.There isn’t a________ in the bask et. It’s empty(空的).

3.Turn l______ at the third traffic lights.

4.Mike usually goes to school b_____ school bus.

5.My uncle w______ on a ship. He is a worker.

6.The girl t______ on the new shoes and they fit well.


( )1. --- ______ his friend go to work by bike? --- No. She ______ by bus.

A.Do, goes

B. Does, goes

C. Do, go

( )2. ---____nice girl! But she cannot go to the party. --- ____ a pity!

A.What, How

B. What a , What

C. How, What

( )3. Mike’s new school is not _____ his house, but he always goes to school ____.

A.near, on foot

B. far, on foot

C. near, by car

( )4. --- Excuse me , how do we _____ City Library? --- You can _____ by metro.

A.get, get

B. get to, go

C. get to , take

( )5. Lucy ______ a fever. She should ______ some warm water.

A.have, drink

B. has, drink

C. has , drinks

( )6. ---______ do you like doing? --- I like ______ football games.

A.What, watching

B. Who, watching

C. What, watch

( )7. --- ______ flowers are they? --- They’re my mother’s.


B. What

C. Where

( )8. It’s cold now. You should ______ your sweater.

A.put on

B. turn on

C. take off

( )9. In ______, they ask “Where’s the toilet?”

A.the US

B. the UK

C. China

( )10. ---______ your mother ill? --- Yes, she ______ .

A. Does, does

B. Is, is

C. Are, am

( )11. These mushrooms ______ nice. But they’re bad _____ you.

A. is, to

B. are , with

C. are, for

( )12.选出划线部分读音不同的一项:The l i ttle girl l i kes reading i nteresting stories.


B. like

C. interesting


1.The price comes and ______(visit) every house.

2.Let ______(we) go and have a look.

3.Helen wants _______(try) on the red dress.

4.Kate and I _______ (come) to school together every day.

5.My friend Lee ______(study) Maths on Sunday afternoon.

6.The moon ______(look) like a boat or a plate.

7.We should not _______(eat) too many sweets.
