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Many practical engineering problems can be abstracted as corresponding combinatorial optimization problem, TSP problem is an example of all as a combinatorial optimization problem, it has become and will continue to be a new combinatorial optimization algorithm of standard test problems. In theory, using the exhaustion method can solve the TSP problem optimal solution; But for the existing computer, let it in such a large search space to seek the optimal solution, it is almost impossible. So, all kinds of algorithm arises at the historic moment, the approximate solution of the TSP problem described in this paper, ant colony algorithm (AC) is among them.

Has appeared a lot of heuristic algorithm and ant colony algorithm as a kind of new heuristic algorithm, has been successfully used in solving TSP problems. Ant secretion by pheromones to strengthen the good path pheromone concentration, at the same time according to the path to choose the next path pheromone concentration: good paths will be more and more ants to choose, so that more information will cover good path; Eventually all the ants on a good path. This positive feedback based on the pheromone of ant principle is the key to the whole algorithm.

This paper introduces the basic concept of ant colony algorithm, principle and characteristics of ant colony algorithm, according to the disadvantages of ant colony algorithm optimization. Adopting roulette selection instead of the basic framework by heuristic function and choose path pheromone, pheromone passing parameters of improved ant colony algorithm, make the whole algorithm find the optimal solution more quickly. Second, limiting the maximum and the minimum maximum minimum optimization system, make the whole system faster convergence and the optimal solution is obtained.

Keywords: ant colony algorithm, the TSP problem, a heuristic function, roulette algorithm, maximum_minimum optimization


摘要 (1)


第1章绪论 (5)

1.1 研究目的和意义 (5)

1.2 国内外研究现状 (6)

1.2.1 国外研究现状 (6)

1.2.2 国内研究现状 (7)

1.3 本文研究内容 (7)

(1)基本蚁群算法 (8)

(2)蚁群算法的优化 (8)

(3)蚁群算法在TSP问题中的应用 (8)

1.4 开发环境与工具 (8)

1.5 论文的组织结构 (8)

第2章蚁群算法 (9)

2.1 蚁群算法简介 (9)

2.2 蚁群算法的原理 (10)

2.2.1 蚂蚁觅食规则 (10)

2.2.2 蚂蚁移动规则 (11)

2.2.3 蚂蚁避障规则 (11)

2.2.4 蚂蚁撒信息素规则 (11)

2.3 蚁群算法的特点及优缺点 (11)

2.3.1 蚁群算法的特点 (11)

2.3.2 蚁群算法的优点 (12)

2.3.3 蚁群算法的缺点 (13)

2.5 蚁群算法的核心函数 (13)

(1)初始化 (13)

(2)选择下一个城市,返回城市编号 (14)

(3)更新环境信息素 (16)

(4)检查终止条件 (17)
