中国动物学会重视对动物学青年科技工作者的培养,召开青年学术研讨会,设立了学会青年科技奖,推荐、 表彰青年人才。
中国动物学会青年科技奖旨在推荐一批进入国内和国际动物科学前沿的青年学术带头人,表彰奖励在国家经 济发展,社会进步和科技创新中做出突出成就的动物学青年科技人才,为中国青年科技奖推荐和评选工作举荐人才, 是中国动物学会设立并组织实施,面向中国动物学会14个分会(专业委员会)和全国各省级动物学会广大青年科 技工作者的奖项。
中国动物学会围绕国内经济建设的重大战略部署开展活动:2000年7月在新疆乌鲁木齐市召开了“中国动物 学会西部大开发项目研讨会”。会议在科技工作者与西部的企业及西部的高校、科研机构等之间起到了牵线搭桥 的作用,促使和吸引了更多的生命科学工作者**和参与西部大开发这一具有战略意义的工作。2011年开展“牧区 鼠类泛滥防治培训班”对牧民进行鼠害防治新技术以及鼠害监测技术培训,动员牧区人民灭鼠;普及灭鼠知识; 保护生态平衡。
据2018年5月学会官网显示,自1993年中国在全国生物学竞赛的基础上,选拔并培训优秀选手代表中国参加 了13次国际生物奥林匹克竞赛,参加学生51名,共获得金牌31枚、银牌19枚、铜牌1枚的优异成绩。
全国自然科学类场馆科普培训班是由中国动物学会、中国科学院动物研究所等单位主办,科普培训班旨在通 过开展针对科普场馆、自然保护机构等单位工作人员进行系统的授课培训,加强同行之间的交流,提升全国自然 科学类博物馆、科技馆、动物园、大学或中学的标本馆、科技活动中心等单位从事科普工作人员的综合素养和业 务水平,促进各博物馆、科技场馆等的科普工作。自2011年,每届培训班邀请在自然科学类博物馆、科技馆、大 学或研究院所内工作的相关专家就不同的主题展开授课和培训。在科普理论学习、科普活动的组织与策划、科普 展览与设计、科普写作、科普户外活动策划、科普创作与创意、动物分类学等方面组织相关培训,受到学员们欢 迎。
此致敬礼!投稿人:xx身份证号:所有作者姓名:xx ,出生年月:1990-06-20 ,学历:硕士生,研究方向:矿物分选,联系电话 xx,E-mail:xx篇二:投稿信投稿信尊敬的编辑先生/女士:您好!本人受所有作者委托,在此提交完整的论文《基于改进粒子群优化算法和混沌神经网络的电力系统负荷预测》,希望能够在《电网技术》杂志发表,并且代表所有作者郑重申明:(1)关于该论文,所有作者均已通读并同意投往贵刊,对作者排序没有异议,不存在利益冲突及署名纠纷;(2)论文成果属于原创,享有自主知识产权,不涉及保密问题;(3)相关内容未曾以任何语种在国内外公开发表过,没有一稿多投行为;(4)今后关于论文内容及作者的任何修改,均由本人负责通知其他作者知晓。
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GBC Bioenergy投稿指南 (GCB Bioenergy Author Guidelines)
Author GuidelinesEditorial Office contact detailsGCB BioenergyUniversity of Illinois144 Institute for Genomic Biology1206 West Gregory DriveUrbana, IL 61801-3838USATel. +1-217-333-9651Fax +1-217-244-3637E-mail: gcb-bioenergy@Online manuscript submissionSubmit your manuscript electronically to GCB Bioenergy through ScholarOne Manuscripts.Overview of the Editorial ProcessAll submitted manuscripts will be processed through plagiarism detection software. In submitting your manuscript you accept that it may be screened against previously published literature. Plagiarized manuscripts will be rejected immediately.GCB Bioenergy is committed to rapid evaluation and publication of submitted papers. To this end, we strive to return the Editor's decision and reviewer comments within 30 days of submission and to publish papers online within 30 days of receipt of the final version of the manuscript and all necessary files and forms.In order to achieve this, manuscript review is now based on a two-stage process.•During the first stage, manuscripts are assigned to appropriate members of the Editorial Board who determine if the manuscript should be sent for peer-review. This decision is based on the submission questions andabstract. In 2013, the average time for this stage was 5 days and 78% of manuscript progressed to the second stage.•During second stage, manuscripts are assessed by two or three independent reviewers. The final decision is made by the Subject Editor.In 2013, the average time for stage two was 35 days. In 2013, 42% ofsubmitted manuscripts were accepted for publication.• A decision letter will be emailed to the corresponding author once the Subject Editor has made his or her decision.•If at any time during the review process the corresponding author has a question regarding the status of a manuscript or the nature of the peerreview process, he or she should contact the Editorial Office.The typesetter will notify the corresponding author via e-mail to electronically retrieve page proofs approximately 4 weeks after the final version of the manuscript and all necessary files and forms are received by the Editorial Office. After the proofs are corrected, the article will appear on EarlyView until it is assigned to an issue.Types of papersGCB Bioenergy will consider the following manuscript types:Original ResearchOriginal Research Articles present the results of a completed research project and are up to 8000 words in length. Word limits apply to the main body of the text (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Acknowledgements). Formatting is standard (see Formatting Instructions, below). These are peer reviewed. Decisions are made by the Editors.Technical Advances present exciting new research tools, methods, and techniques, including new modeling approaches, and should include a detailed description of the methodological design and discussion of how this technique improves the study of global change biology. GCB has a wide readership; accordingly the technical advance broadly applicable. Papers describing methods that apply to one species or system are unlikely to meet our criteria unless authors are able to show that their methods can be generalized. The abstract must be less than 150 words and the main body word limit is 4000 words (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results & Discussion, and Acknowledgements). Formatting is standard (see Formatting Instructions, below) except that Results and Discussion may be combined. These are peer reviewed. Decisions are made by the Editors.Comment and ReviewResearch Reviews examine a defined specialist subject that is of topical interest. Reviews should begin with an introduction, followed by up to 10 headings following a logically developed plan, and end with a Conclusion, tables, figure legends and figures. Reviews should be no more than 8000words (count includes Introduction, body, Conclusions and Acknowledgements). These are peer reviewed. Decisions are made by the Editors.Opinions are usually a review or re-analysis that challenges prevailing views on a topical issue. These may include emerging frameworks arising from a synthesis of recent research, alternative interpretations of a field of research, controversial perspectives on current areas of research of high interest, or reason the need for a new direction in research. This list is not exclusive and the Editors are interested to hear of other ideas. While this category of article is designed to allow expression of viewpoints that may run counter to established viewpoints, articles must be anchored in sound reasoning developed from the peer-reviewed literature. The article must be sufficiently complete to convince reviewers of the value of the contribution. Articles that are essentially reviewing a topic, a statement of opinion not reasoned from the peer-reviewed literature, arguing for redirection of government funding for research and those primarily discussing the authors’ own work will not be considered. Opinions articles should begin with an Introduction, followed by a body with up to 6 headings, and end with a Conclusion, tables, figure legends and figures. Opinion articles should be no more than 4000 words and have no more than 8 tables and figures. These are peer reviewed. Decisions are made by the Editors. Authors interested in submitting an Opinion should first send a one-paragraph proposal (300 words) to the Editorial Office.Reports are expert scientific reports which outline the direction of a relevant research area, integrated experimental network, etc. Reports should begin with an abstract and introduction, followed by up to 20 headings, and end with a Conclusion and/or Recommendations, table, figure legends and figures. Reports should be no more than 8000 words (count includes Introduction, body, Conclusions and Acknowledgements). These are peer reviewed at the Editor’s discretion. Decisions are made by the Editors.Authors interested in submitting a Report should first send a one-paragraph proposal (300 words) to the Editorial Office.Platforms are structured authoritative reviews of a specific feedstock , e.g. switchgrass, Jatropha, or algae. These will describe the organism being used or potentially used by the biofuels industry, its origin, culture, issues, sources of genomic information, genetic resources, transformation systems, environmental risk assessment and environmental benefits, and in the case of crops, where they may be grown and what yields may be expected. There is an urgent demand for information on a range of organisms that have been little used in the past, but appear to have large potential. Platforms should begin with an introduction, followed by up to 10 headings following a logically developed plan, and end with a Conclusion, tables, figure legends and figures. Platforms should be no more than 8000 words (count includesIntroduction, body, Conclusions and Acknowledgements). These are peer reviewed. Decisions are made by the Editors.Legislative Issues and Policy Developments are authoritative reviews that deal with existing, proposed legislation or voluntary compliance with agreed codes of conduction (e.g. Green Certificates) affecting the development of biological R&D and deployment of biofuel systems. For example: How does the Biodiversity Convention affect use of novel organisms and genes in making better biofuels? How will proposed EU or US Farm Bills affect the development of new crops? What are the implications of widespread deployment of different biofuels systems for the IPCC? Policy commentaries should begin with an introduction, followed by up to 10 headings and end with a Conclusion, tables, figure legends and figures. They should be no more than 8000 words long.Editorial and Front MaterialEditorials are a commentary from an Editor or Guest Editor on an important development in the Journal or background to a SI or VSI. They have the following sections: body, references, tables, figure legends and figures. They should include no more than 2 tables and figures, 10 references, and be no more than 500 words. These are not peer reviewed. Decisions are made by the Editors. Editorials may be submitted by invitation only.Editorial Commentaries are a discussion of recent exciting research or in-depth analysis of topic issues including meetings. Opinions are welcome as long as they are factually based. Commentaries only have the following sections: body, references, tables, figure legends and figures. They should include no more than 2 tables and figures and 10 references, and be no more than 1000 words (count includes body and Acknowledgements). These are not peer reviewed. Decisions are made by the Editors.Letters to the Editor are a short discussion of articles recently published articles or topical issues presenting an alternative or well-reasoned challenge to an article of relevance to the journal. Opinions are welcome as long as they are factually based. Letters only have the following sections: body, reference, tables, figure legends and figures. They should include no more than 2 tables and figures and 10 references, and be no more than 800 words (count includes body and Acknowledgements). If a letter is accepted for publication it will be provided to the authors of the original article (when appropriate) so that they may have an opportunity to provide a Response to the Editor. These are not peer reviewed. Decisions are made by the Editors.Response to the Editor is a response to a Letter to the Editor. Opinions are welcome as long as they are factually based. Responses only have the following sections: body, reference, tables, figure legends and figures. Theyshould include no more than 2 tables and figures and 10 references, and be no more than 500 words (count includes body and Acknowledgements). These are not peer reviewed. Decisions are made by the Editors.Pre-submission English-language editingAuthors for whom English is a second language may choose to have their manuscript professionally edited before submission to improve its grammar, spelling, punctuation, and clarity. Visit Wiley-Blackwell's site to learn about the options. All services are paid for and arranged by the author, and use of one of these services does not guarantee acceptance or preference for publication.Conflict of InterestWiley-Blackwell requires that all authors disclose any potential sources of conflict of interest. Any interest or relationship, financial or otherwise, that might be perceived as influencing an author’s objectivity is considered a potential source of conflict of interest. These must be disclosed when directly relevant or indirectly related to the work that the authors describe in their manuscript. Potential sources of conflict of interest include but are not limited to patent or stock ownership, membership of a company board of directors, membership of an advisory board or committee for a company, and consultancy for or receipt of speaker’s fees from a company. The existence of a conflict of interest does not preclude publication in this journal. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to review this policy with all authors and to collectively list in the manuscript (under the Acknowledgments section), and in the online submission system ALL pertinent commercial and other relationships. Corresponding authors will be asked to confirm whether or not a conflict of interest exists as part of the submission process.Instructions for Authors1. Compile the electronic version of your manuscript according to the instructions below.2. Gather the following information which will be necessary to complete your submission:Contact information for all authors• First name, middle initial and last name• Postal address• E-mail addressName and e-mail address of 3-5 suggested reviewers. While these selections may be taken into account, the final selection is subject to the Editor'sdiscretion. These suggestions must be without a conflict of interest with the authors including former or current coauthors (within the past 4 years), students, mentors and members of the same academic institution. Authors may also indicate up to three non-preferred referees.Answers to the following questions (max 50 words per answer). Please take time to prepare your answers to these questions; this information may be used to determine if the manuscript should progress to stage two of the review process.• What is the scientific question you are addressing?• What is/are the key finding(s) that answers this question?• What are the three most recently published papers that are relevant to this question?• Why is this work important and timely?• Does your paper fall within the scope of GCBB; what biological AND bioenergy aspects does it address? Policy papers do not need to contain biological aspects.• Provide information about suggested and non-preferred reviewers including their area of research and how it relates to your paper. Also provide justification for why you do not prefer certain reviewers.• Provide justification for any non-conformance to author guidelines and/or formatting3. Use the submission checklist as a guide to ensure that files are correctly prepared for submission.4. Submit your manuscript and cover letter electronically through the GCB Bioenergy ScholarOne Manuscripts site. Enter the Author Center and click'Click here to submit a new manuscript'. The instructions at the top of the screens will guide you through the submission process.FormatManuscripts may be submitted in the following file formats: Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect, Rich Text Format or Post Script (NOT a pdf).All pages should be numbered consecutively, starting with 1 for the title page and including those containing acknowledgements, references, tables and figure legends. Manuscripts must be page size letter (8.5 x 11 inch) or A4 (210 x 297 mm) with margins of at least 2.5 cm. Lines must be double-spaced and text must be in Times New Roman font, 12 point. English spelling should conform to The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English. Both American and British English are acceptable, but must be consistent.SectionsPrimary Research Articles should be arranged as follows, with each section beginning on a separate page. Manuscripts in other categories should be modified appropriately.1. Title pagei. Title: this should be concise and informativeii. Running title: no more than 45 characters, including spacesiii. List of authorsiv. Institute or laboratory of origin: Where authors have different addresses, use numbered superscripts to refer to each address providedv. Corresponding author: include their telephone, fax and email detailsvi. Keywords: 6 – 10 key words or short phrases to enable retrieval and indexing by searching techniques. Authors are encouraged to include scientific names, common names, and pseudonyms that are not mentioned in the title.vii. Type of Paper2. AbstractThis should provide a concise statement of the motivation for the work done, the scope of the work and the principal findings. The abstract should be less than 300 words for Primary Research Articles and Reviews, and 150 words for Technical Advances and Opinion. Commentaries and Letters do not contain abstracts.3. IntroductionThis should argue the case for your study, outlining only essential background, but should not include either the findings or the conclusions. It should not be a review of the subject area, but should finish with a clear statement of the question being addressed.4. Materials and methodsThis should allow replication of all experiments described and demonstrate the validity of those experiments for the research being conducted.5. ResultsThis should not include material appropriate to the Discussion section. Platforms, Reviews, Commentaries and Letters do not have Results sections.6. DiscussionThis should highlight the significance of the results and place them in the context of other work. It should not introduce new material, be over-speculative, reiterate the results, or exceed 20% of the total length. The Results and Discussion sections may be combined for Technical Advances papers. A Conclusion replaces the Results and Discussion section for Reviews and Platforms.7. ConclusionsOnly Reviews and Platforms may have conclusions sections. All other article types should incorporate any conclusions into the Discussion section, and should not include a "Conclusions" subheading.8. Acknowledgements9. ReferencesThe number of references is limited for Commentaries and Letters (max 10). The reference list should be in alphabetical order and include the full title with the name of the journal given in full. When there are eight or more authors only the first three should be listed, following the et al.Thackeray SJ, Sparks TH, Frederiksen M et al. (2010) Trophic level asynchrony in rates of phenological change for marine, freshwater and terrestrial environments. Global Change Biology, 16, 3304–3313.George DG, Hewitt DP (1998) The influence of year-to-year changes in position of the Atlantic Gulf Stream on the biomass of zooplankton in Windermere North Basin, UK. In: Management of Lakes and Reservoirs During Global Climate Change (eds George DG, Jones JG, Puncochar P, Reynolds CS, Sutcliffe DW), pp. 223–244, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.IPCC (2007) Summary for policymakers. In: Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (eds Parry ML, Canziani OF, Palutikof JP, Van der Linden PJ, Hanson CE), PP.81–82. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.Rotter RP (1993) Simulation of the biophysical limitations to maize production under rainfed conditions in Kenya: evaluation and application of the model WOFOST. PhD Thesis. University of Trier, Germany.When there are more than two authors, use the first author followed by "et al". Use commas between the author and date of publication, and to separate different publications by the same author. Semicolons separate citations of different authors. Cite two or more publications by different authors in chronological sequence, from the earliest to latest. For example:(Cramer et al., 2012)(Shanley & Chalmers, 2012; Marchard, 2013)(Lindroth et al., 2012, 2013)(Duran et al., 2012; Robertson et al., 2013)We recommend to visit the following hyperlink / for reference management and formatting.10. Supporting Information legendsShort legend for each supporting information file.11. TablesEach table should be on a separate page, numbered, and accompanied by an explanatory caption. Each table must be referred to in the text. Tables must be in editable Word or Excel format (NOT embedded in picture format). Data must not be presented in both tabular and graphical form.12. Figure legendsLegends should be typed on a separate sheet. Enough detail should be given so that the figure can be understood without reference to the text. In the full-text online edition of the journal. figure legends may be truncated in abbreviated links to the full screen version. Therefore, the first 100 characters of any legend should inform the reader of key aspects of the figure. If you wish to publish figures in color online and grayscale in print, figure legends should be appropriate for both color and grayscale versions; do not refer to colors in the figure.13. FiguresAll figures should be uploaded as separate files, with the figure number incorporated in the file name. Graphics/figures of accepted manuscripts must be 300dpi or above and in pdf, tiff or eps format. Figures should be cropped or scaled to the size intended for publication. Most figures should fit within a single (80 mm) or double column width (169 mm). Figure panels should be labeled with lower case, bold letters in parentheses (e.g. (a), (b)) and referred to in the text in the form Fig. 1a, Fig. 1a,b.Figures can be published (1) in color both in the online journal and in the printed journal, (2) in color online and grayscale in print, or (3) grayscale both in the online journal and in the printed journal. Online color is free; authors will be charged for color in print (currently £150 for the first figure, £50 thereafter). The Color Work Agreement Form should be completed in all instances where authors require color, whether in print or online. The form is not required for color figures that are part of online Supporting Information. If you wish to publish figures in color online and grayscale in print, you are responsible for ensuring that color figures are understandable when converted to grayscaleand that text references and captions and figure legends are appropriate for both online and print versions.Diagrams and graphs should appear on a white background, with black axis lines 0.25 mm thick enclosing the graph. Axes should be clearly marked with units in parentheses after the axis title. Scale/tick marks on graphs should be inside the axes. Only 5-7 ticks should be labeled per axis. Font should be black, Times, Times New Roman, Arial or Helvetica type, and 8-11 pt when scaled to print size.The preferred symbols are open and closed circles, squares, triangles. Symbols should be 3 mm across. Data lines should be 0.5 mm thick. The same symbol and color should be used for the same entity in different figures. Legends may be used and should be overlayed on the graph when possible. 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international journal of biological markers投稿指南
international journal of biological markers投稿指南1. 引言1.1 概述本篇长文旨在为作者们提供投稿指南,以便他们参与《International Journal of Biological Markers》杂志的投稿。
1.2 文章结构本文将按照以下顺序进行阐述:引言、正文、研究方法、结果与讨论、结论。
1.3 目的本文的目的在于向作者们解释并指导他们如何撰写适合投稿到《International Journal of Biological Markers》杂志的文章。
注:接下来是正文部分,请回答“2. 正文”的内容。
2. 正文2.1 背景介绍在这一部分,我们将对生物标记物的概念和意义进行介绍。
2.2 目标市场调研在本节中,我们将进行目标市场调研,以确定我们所关注的生物标记物领域的市场规模、趋势和需求。
2.3 竞争分析本节中将进行竞争分析,评估当前市场上已有的生物标记物相关产品和服务。
以上是“2. 正文”部分的内容,希望对您的撰写有所帮助。
3. 研究方法:3.1 数据收集:在本研究中,我们采用了多种数据收集方法来获取所需的信息。
目前,世界上的爬行动物共有6000多种,主要有4 大类群, 即: 龟鳖目、有鳞目、鳄目和楔齿目[3]。
第41卷 第5期 渔 业 科 学 进 展Vol.41, No.5 2020年10月Oct., 2020* 科技部国际创新合作专项“基于生态系统的水产养殖空间规划研究”(2016YFE0112600)和“欧盟地平线2020项目”(633476-H2020-SFS-2014-2015)共同资助 [This work was supported by the Key Programme for International Cooperation onScientific and Technological Innovation, Ministry of Science and Technology (2016YFE0112600), and Optimizing Space Available for European Aquaculture (AquaSpace) (633476-H2020-SFS-2014-2015)]. 段娇阳,E-mail:*******************① 通讯作者:刘 慧,研究员,E-mail:***************.cn 收稿日期: 2019-07-22, 收修改稿日期: 2019-08-02DOI: 10.19663/j.issn2095-9869.20190722001 /段娇阳, 刘慧, 陈四清, 蒋增杰, 蔺凡, 常丽荣, 卢龙飞. 基于DEB 理论的皱纹盘鲍个体生长模型参数的测定. 渔业科学进展, 2020, 41(5): 110–117Duan JY, Liu H, Chen SQ, Jiang ZJ, Lin F, Chang LR, Lu LF. The measurement of parameters for the dynamic energy budget (DEB) model in Haliotis discus hannai (disk abalone). Progress in Fishery Sciences, 2020, 41(5): 110–117基于DEB 理论的皱纹盘鲍个体生长模型参数的测定*段娇阳1,2 刘 慧2①陈四清2 蒋增杰2 蔺 凡2 常丽荣3 卢龙飞3(1. 上海海洋大学水产科学国家级实验教学示范中心 水产动物遗传育种中心上海市协同创新中心上海水产养殖工程技术研究中心 上海 201306;2. 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所农业农村部海洋渔业可持续发展重点实验室 青岛 266071;3. 威海长青海洋科技股份有限公司 荣成 264316)摘要 为获取皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai )个体生长模型所需的6个关键参数,设计了饥饿耗能、温度对耗氧的影响等相关生理实验,计算得到各项参数值。
业、 金融、 人口学、 经济学、 教育学、 地理学、 历史学、 规划与开发、 政治学、 心理学、 社会学、 城市研究等 多个 学 科 领 域。 SSCI 收 录 的 部 分 期 刊 与 SCI 重 即 SSCI 也包括部分自然科学期刊, 这是由于新 复, 兴学科、 交叉学科以及边缘学科的大量涌现, 是社 会科学与自然科学相结合的跨学科的研究在文献 SSCI 是人文及社会科学研 中的自然反映。 目前, 究领域研究人员查阅学术资源的重要工具 , 也是衡 [4 ] 量科研人员、 研究机构研究水平的重要依据 。 由于以各种人文现象作为研究主体 , 人文地理 学相关的 SSCI 期刊数量较多。 按照 SSCI 索引分 人文地理学相关期刊主要涉及环境地理规划与 类, 开发、 城市研究等几个领域。同样由于交叉学科的 原因, 几个领域收录的杂志有很多重复。 因此, 下 一方面可 文将按照相应研究领域对期刊进行分类 , 以避免重复, 另一方面为相关学者投稿和文献查寻 提供便利。需要注意的是, 交叉学科的发展使许多 期刊都囊括了多个学科的研究内容 , 因而下文所列
SSCI 收录的文献包括期刊论文 、 ① SCI、 会议论文、 书评、 摘要、 更正、 编者栏等多种类型。 本文在统计文献篇数时只计算期刊论文与 会议论文两种形式, 不包括其他形式 。本文内中国作者论文篇数按照论文作者至少有 1 位来自中国的论文篇数计算。
638 表2
Taห้องสมุดไป่ตู้le 2
30 卷
第3 0 卷 第 4 期 2010 年08 月
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Writing and publishing a research article in animal science
王雅晶 博士
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September, 2010
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Resources 参考资料
Day, RA. “How to write and publish a scientific paper,” 5th edition, Oryx Press, 1998. Fischer BA, Zigmond MJ. “Components of a research article.” survival@
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Good science Good writing Publication in good journals
How to write and publish SCI papers 朱兴全教授报告
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CA Cancer J. Clin.: 69.03 New England J. Medicine: 52.59 Annual Review of Immunology: 47.98 Cell: 29.89; Science: 26.37; Nature: 28.75 Lancet: 28.64; J. Exp. Med.: 15.62 Lancet Infect. Dis.: 12.06; PNAS: 9.6 J. Immunol.: 6.07
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JO UR N AL OF ZHEJ IANG U NIVERSITY(Agriculture&Life Sciences)ISS N1008‐9209CN33‐1247/S ZHEJIANG DAXUE XUEBAO2015,Vol.41No.16(NONGYEYUSHENGMINGKEXUEBAN)http://www.journals.zju.edu.cn/agrTotaI ContentsNo.1Biological sciences&biotechnologyIsolation and characterization of diphenyl ether degrading bacterium S p hingomonas sp.DZ‐3………………………………………………………………………………Feng Zhuo,Wang Sheng,Bai Naling,et al(1) Effect of major royal jelly proteins(MRJPs)on proliferation activity of Chang’s liver cell line and their mechanism ofaction Yu Zhangying,Chen Di,Wang Yiran,et al(7)………………………………………………………………………Phylogenetic analysis of strain CHBT‐1721with other thermophile bacteria isolated from hot springs of China ……………………………………………………………………………………………Fang Shu,Dai Chong,Yan Juan(15) Development of nested‐PCR for detection of Cr y p honectria p arasitica based on the marker of sequence characterized………………………………………………………………amplified regionMa Wenjian,ZhengLei,Zhang Jing,et al(25) Genetic diversity of Lecanicillium lecanii and its pathogenicity against Dia p horina citri…………………………………………………………………………LuLianming,Cheng Baoping,Du Danchao,et al(34) Comparative analysis of cytology and proteomics in anthers between cytoplasmic male sterile line and its maintainerline of p eppersLüXiaohan,FangXianping,ChaiWeiguo,et al(44)…………………………………………………………Regulatory function of histidine kinase sensor encoding gene barA in bio‐control effect of Rahnella a q uatilis …………………………………………………………………………………Xiao Fenghu,ZhangLei,Xie Zhen,et al(56) Statistical analysis of carbon and nitrogen sources for growth and sporulation of Exserohilum rostratum causing banana…………………………………………………………leaf spot disease Du Ruiqing,Lin Shanhai,Huang Siliang,et al(64) Agricultural sciencesAnalysis of bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacities in green radish and red radish…………………………………………………………………………………Zhang Haoyue,WU Yimei,Xia Xue,et al(75) Resource&environmental sciencesProgress of researches on the internalization of Escherichia coli O157:H7in plant tissues………………………………………………………………………………YangLi,Wang Haizhen,Yao Zhiyuan,et al(82) Derivation methods of remediation criteria for contaminated soils under different land uses and analysis of their standard………………………………………………………………………………………………values Zhou Qixing,Teng Yong(89) Effects of four typical plant community litter input on soil physical and chemical properties under the fenced condition in……………………………………………………………………desert steppeLi Xuebin,ChenLin,Fan Ruixia,et al(101) Simple preparation method and selective adsorption performance of novel activated carbon particles……………………………………………………………………………………ShuLing,An Yi,Wang Xiaohan,et al(111)No.2Biological sciences&biotechnology……Exploration of organ morphogenesisⅠ:Bioelectricity and morphogenesis Zhao Haiping,Liu Zhen,Chen Guangxin,et al(119)……Exploration of organ morphogenesisⅡ:Deer antler as unique mammalian model Zhao Haiping,Chu Wenhui,Chen Guangxin,et al(125) Blocked quadrat variance analysis for spatial relation of Ectro p is obli q ue h y p ulina larva and spider natural enemies ……………………………………………………………………………Liu Feifei,Ke Shengbing,Wang Jianpan,et al(133) Stability and antibacterial activity of complex gel with edible chitosan and carbomer………………………………………………………………………Zhuang Yuanhong,Liu Jingna,Huang Jiafu,et al(147)……Cloning and expression analysis of a transcription factor gene BoWRKY2from broccoli JiangMing,Chen Beibei,GuanMing,et al(153) Agricultural sciencesEffects of different planting‐y ears of artificial Cara g ana intermedia shrubs on soil organic carbon,nitrogen and浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版) p hosphorus stoichiometry characteristics in desert steppe Pan Jun ,Song Naiping ,Wu Xudong ,et al (160)………………Effects of different transplanting seedling ages and nitrogen managements on plant type of indica hybrid rice LüTengfei,ZhouWei,SunYongjian,et al (169)………………………………………………………………………………Biological effect of biodegradable mulch films on maize and their degradation properties Hu Hongliang ,Han Zhigang ,Zhang Guoping(179)……………………………………………………………………………Food sciencesDetermination of benzo [a]pyrene in vegetable oil by solid phase extraction ‐ultra performance liquid chromatography ‐ fluorescence detector Feng Yinjie ,Qiao Yongsheng ,Chen Wei ,et al (189)……………………………………………………Effect of sodium butyrate on diet ‐induced obesity in the Sprague ‐Dawley rat Zhu Han ,Tan Shasha ,Yang Hong ,et al (195)……Resource &environmental sciencesTwo genera and four species newly recorded in Zhejiang Province ,China Zhou Zhuang ,Wu Difei ,Chen Xianxing ,et al (201)……Sap flow simulation of Cunnin g hamia lanceolata in degraded red soil region based on back propagation neural network T u Jie ,Liu Qijing ,Wei Jun ,et al (205)…………………………………………………………………………………………Chemical forms and stabilization of phosphorus in manures from large ‐scale livestock and poultry farms Xie Guoxiong ,Wu Chongshu ,Kong Zhangliang ,et al (213)……………………………………………………………………Effects of anionic polyacrylamide and cation addition on paddy soil loss Tao Shuxin ,Shi Jiachun ,Zeng Lingzao ,et al (219)……Biosorption of chitosan ‐biochar microsphere for methyl red and biosorption enhancing effect of microsphere ‐microbe complex Du Jingting ,Sun Pengfei ,Zhao Yuhua ,et al (228)……………………………………………………………………Animal sciencesPolyA polymorphisms in 3′flanking region of pig neuronal protein 3.1g ene and their relationships with meat traits Yang Yun ,Zeng Yongqing ,Zhang Zhe ,et al (237)………………………………………………………………………………No .3Biological sciences &biotechnology Evidence for the existence of Dm 0‐like Lamin in Sf 9cells Wei Wenqiang ,Ji Shaoping ,Zhang Yinyan (245)…………………Interindividual variability of internal transcribed spacer region of ribosomal DNA in Rot y lenchulus reni f ormis Deng Yanfeng ,Xu Hongbing ,Tian Zhongling ,et al (252)………………………………………………………………………Character identification ,genetic analysis and gene mapping of a low cellulose mutant LCM527‐1in rice Tong Jiepeng ,Tong Chuan ,Wang Yan ,et al (261)……………………………………………………………………………Interruption effects of green leaf volatiles to a forest pest pine shoot beetle ,Tomicus y unnanensis (Coleoptera ,Scolytidae) Wang Dawei ,Zhao Ning ,Ze Sangzi ,et al (269)…………………………………………………………………………………Detection of real ‐time fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction for colonization of Bacillus am y lolique f aciens and T rametes versicolor in Ju g lans si g llata Dode rhizosphere soil Zheng Lei ,Zhang Jing ,Peng Yan ,et al (277)…………Overexpression of soybean SG F14a enhanced tolerance of transgenic tobacco plants to aluminum stress Yang Zhili ,Guo Chuanlong ,Liu Lei ,et al (285)…………………………………………………………………………………Contribution of the major HCHO metabolic pathways to HCHO ‐uptake by geranium leaves under liquid HCHO stress Han Shuang ,Xiao Suqin ,Sun Zhen ,et al (293)…………………………………………………………………………………Expression of Th 1/Th 2cytokines in partial target organs of type 2diabetes mellitus rhesus monkey Chen Shanshan ,Luo Qihui ,Zeng Wen ,et al (302)………………………………………………………………………………Citrus quality grading based on statistical complexity measurement and multifractal spectrum method Cao Leping ,Wen Zhiyuan(309)……S y ntrichia laev i p ila Brid .:A new record species of bryophytes from Zhejiang ProvinceHong Chuntao ,Miao Lihua ,Ji Mengcheng(320)…………………………………………………………………………………Agricultural sciencesDifferentiation of aroma compositions in different regions and special varieties of black tea Xu Yuanjun ,He Jing ,Jia Lingyan ,et al (323)…………………………………………………………………………………Effect of different mulching materials on soil properties and grow th in the early stage of maize Li Rong ,Hou Xianqing ,Fan Xiaoyong ,et al (331)………………………………………………………………………………Resource &environmental sciencesBranching architectures of Cara g ana intermedia at different ages in desert steppe areas Zhai Deping ,Chen Lin ,Yang Mingxiu ,et al (340)………………………………………………………………………………Variability of soil organic carbon in plough layers and its impact factors in a coastal reclamation area on south coast of Ⅵ第41卷总 目 次 Hangzhou Bay Deng Xunfei ,Chen Xiaojia ,Ma Wanzhu ,et al (349)……………………………………………………………Animal sciencesEffects of Sapindoside ‐containing concentrate on productive performance and rumen fermentation in heifers Jiao Yang ,Huang Wenming ,Guo Haiming ,et al (358)…………………………………………………………………………Correlation between the polymorphism of grow th hormone gene with the grow th performance in Shaoxing ducks Li Li ,Xu Qi ,Chen Yang ,et al (365)……………………………………………………………………………………………No .4Biological sciences &biotechnology Function of protein ubiquitination and SUMOylation in regulating flowering time of plants :A review Zhang Xiaolian ,Zhang Jishun ,Zou Jie ,et al (371)………………………………………………………………………………Research progress of genome ‐wide association study Duan Zhongqu ,Zhu Jun(385)……………………………………………Illumina ‐based transcriptome sequencing of mussel M y tilus coruscus mantle Bao Linfei ,Wang Xinxing ,He Jianyu ,et al (394)………A high ‐efficiency and stable transfection approach by using calcium phosphate in HEK 293T cells Kuang Ye ,Fang Yourong ,Liu Li ,et al (407)……………………………………………………………………………………Differential expression of Gn αq g ene in white and black skin tissues of mice Yin Zhihong ,Xia Yu ,Zhao Xin ,et al (414)……Seed identification between Sor g hum hale p ense (a quarantine weed)and its closed species based on ultraviolet spectrume Liu Xiaohui ,Zou Manyu ,Yin Liping ,et al (421)………………………………………………………………………………Species diversity of soil animals at different desert habitats in Baijitan region of Ningxia and its relationship with environmental factors Zhang Jiao ,Li Yuecheng ,Zhang Dazhi(428)……………………………………………………………Agricultural sciencesEffects of mixed application of effective microorganisms (EM)and soil amendments on agronomic characteristic and q uality of flue ‐cured tobacco Wei Kesu ,Hu Tingting ,Li Delun ,et al (439)…………………………………………………Effects of gibberellin on tomato stigma exsertion and hormone ‐related gene expression under moderate heat stress Wang Yan ,Pan Changtian ,Wang Jie ,et al (449)………………………………………………………………………………Resource &environmental sciencesPhosphorus adsorption characteristic of sediments in drainage ditch of paddy field in southern hilly tea field watershed Yang Shaohui ,Yang Jingping ,Wang Hua ,et al (458)…………………………………………………………………………Adsorption ‐desorption characteristics of steel slag for ferrous and sulfur ions Xie Xiaomei ,Liao Min ,Hua Jiayuan ,et al (465)………Bioaccumulation kinetics of hexavalent chromium in the tissues of Exo p alaemon carinicauda and Portunus trituberculatus Li Lei ,Shen Xinqiang ,Li Chao ,et al (476)………………………………………………………………………………………Agricultural engineeringVirtual simulation analysis and verification on working stability of sugarcane tail ‐breaking mechanism Hu Jinbing ,Wu Jianfeng ,Wang Jun(483)………………………………………………………………………………………No .5Biological sciences &biotechnology Development and application of nested polymerase chain reaction for rapid detection of C y lindrocladium sco p arium on Eucal y p tus Qiao Tianmin ,Zhang Jing ,Ma Wenjian ,et al (497)……………………………………………………………Effects of simulated waterlogging on growth ,physiological and biochemical characteristics of Metase q uoia g l y p tostroboides seedlings Bai Linli ,Han Wenjiao ,Li Changxiao(505)……………………………………………………………………………Agricultural sciencesEffects of seeding rates and nitrogen fertilizer managements on photosynthetic productivity and nitrogen utilization in direct ‐seeded rice Jiang Mingjin ,Ma Jun ,Sun Yongjian ,et al (516)……………………………………………………………Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on the accumulation and allocation of dry matter and nitrogen for maize cultivars with different low nitrogen tolerance Li Qiang ,Ma Xiaojun ,Cheng Qiubo ,et al (527)…………………………………………Effects of environment and seedling age on grow th and transplanting quality of hybrid indica rice seedling Zhao Min ,Zhong Xiaoyuan ,Tian Qinglan ,et al (537)…………………………………………………………………………Characteristics of grain yield and nitrogen ,phosphorus ,potassium uptake and accumulation of super hybrid rice Ⅶ 第6期浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版) g rown in different locations Xia Bing ,Zhao Yang ,Wei Yingjuan ,et al (547)…………………………………………………Effects of super absorbent dosage on water use of soil and growth of potato Hou Xianqing ,Li Rong ,He Wenshou ,et al (558)…Food sciences Inhibitory effect of Bacillus me g aterium on aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway genes expression of A s p ergillus f lav us in p eanuts Kong Qing ,Chi Chen ,Shan Shihua ,et al (567)…………………………………………………………………………Quality evaluation and price discrimination of jasmine ‐scented tea Zhang Jun ,Gong Shuying ,Tang Desong ,et al (577)……Resource &environmental sciencesIsolation and identification of a matrine ‐p roducing fungal strain from petroleum ‐contaminated soil Mao Dongxia ,Guo Dandan ,Wu Lingling ,et al (586)……………………………………………………………………………Animal sciencesHepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of Gl y cy rrhiz a g labra extracts against TCDD ‐induced hepatocyte damage in Jian carp (C y p rinus car p io var .Jian)Du Jinliang ,Cao Liping ,Jia Rui ,et al (593)……………………………………………Differential Aeromonas h y drophila resistance mechanisms of Me g alobrama terminalis and Me g alobrama ambl y cephala revealed by quantification proteomics Fang Xianping ,Zhu Limin ,Liu Kai ,et al (602)………………………………………Agricultural engineering Experiment on physical and mechanical properties of tomato seedling pot for automatic vegetable transplanter Liang Xifeng ,Cai Yangyang ,Wang Yongwei(616)………………………………………………………………………………No .6Biological sciences &biotechnology Influence of BmNPV or f 98on DNA replication ,transcription and virus package of Bomb y x mori nucleopolyhedrovirus Shi Lili ,Jiang Caiying ,Yu Wei ,et al (623)………………………………………………………………………………………Influence of carbon dioxide controlled atmosphere on Or y z aep hilus surinamensis Linne and its utilization of energy substances Cao Yu ,Yan Yufang ,Yang Wenjia ,et al (631)……………………………………………………………………Intervention and regulation effect of H aematococcus p luv ialis extract on blood glucose and lipid of diabetic mice Huang Heru ,Wang Shanshan ,Ni Xiaofeng ,et al (641)…………………………………………………………………………Agricultural sciencesEffect of controlling white ‐backed planthopper on the occurrence of southern rice black ‐streaked dwarf disease Wang Daoze ,Hong Wenying ,Wu Yanjun ,et al (650)…………………………………………………………………………Tillering and earing characteristics of middle ‐season indica hybrid rice under long ‐age seedlings LüTengfei,ZhouWei,LiYinghong,et al (659)…………………………………………………………………………………Effects of slow ‐and controlled ‐release nitrogen fertilizer on nitrogen utilization characteristics and yield of machine ‐transplanted rice Li Yue ,Li Yinghong ,Zhao Jianhong ,et al (673)……………………………………………………………………………Effects of nitrogen management on grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of two hybrid rice varieties with different p anicle masses Yang Shimin ,Yang Zhiyuan ,Sun Yongjian ,et al (685)………………………………………………………Spatial and temporal variation of rice yield in rice region of Southwest China Zhang Xiaomei ,Ding Yanfeng ,Zhang Wujun ,et al (695)………………………………………………………………………Impacts of artificial Cara g ana intermedia stand on soil texture evolution in desert steppe Song Naiping ,Wu Xudong ,Pan Jun ,et al (703)…………………………………………………………………………………Resource &environmental sciencesPreparation and performance study of water purification bacteria ‐embedded solid capsules based on texture profile analysis Wang Qingsong ,Liu Yong ,Wang Xin ,et al (712)……………………………………………………………………Structure and dynamics of herbaceous layer vegetation of artificial Cara g ana intermedia shrublands in desert steppe Zhao Wei ,Yang Mingxiu ,Chen Lin ,et al (723)…………………………………………………………………………………Animal sciencesInfluence of reference genes on expression of TY R ,M IT F and A S I P g enes in tissues of Silky Fowl Zheng Nenzhu ,Li Li ,Xin Qingwu ,et al (732)…………………………………………………………………………………Ⅷ第41卷。
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国家保护的有益的或者有重要经济、 科学研究价值的陆生野生动物名
01 法规资料
关键词黑水虻;生态循环养殖;营养价值;应用ZHANG Shaobo ,ZHANG Liwen,WANG Shengqi ,LI Jingdu ,ZHANG Bo ,CAI Wentao ,QI Zhili *College of Animal Science and Technology,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China[Objectives ]In order to black soldier fly in livestock and poultry production.[Methods ]from reviewing the relevant literatures.Collected data were analysed and summa -rized using excel.[Results ]Ecological recycling farming was an important part of the construction of civilization in China in the new era,hence the use of black gadfly for manure recycling was a new way to utilize manure resources.Black gadfly was a promising source of high-quality protein and fat raw materials.It belongs to the family of saprophytic gadflies,and its larvae have high protein con -tent,balanced amino acid composition,rich fat content,and rich in calcium and phosphorus and other trace elements,which is a promising source of high-quality protein and fat raw materials.In addition,black gadfly has great potential for development because of its fast growth rate,high reproductive abili -ty,good tolerance and low rearing cost.[Conclusions]Generally,the black soldier fly had great poten -tialand poultry production.black soldier fly ;ecological recycling culture ;nutritional value;application随着我国人口总数的上涨、经济的发展和城市化进程的加快,人们对优质食品的需求越来越多,产生的有机废弃物也越来越多,要满足食品生产的同时又要处理有机废弃物,就必须有一个在经济上更加合算、对环境更加友好、在技术上更加切实可行的办法。
鸟类调查方法实用手册Methods for Bird Surveys – a practical handbook编者: 马嘉慧、刘阳、雷进宇出版: 香港观鸟会有限公司香港邮政总局信箱12460号电话: (852) 2377 4387传真: (852) 2314 3687电邮: hkbws@.hk(一般)info@(中国项目)网站: .hk赞助: Darwin Initiative(达尔文基金)支持机构: 国际鸟盟/香港观鸟会中国项目、北京观鸟会(筹)资料及图片提供: 国际鸟盟、香港观鸟会、北京观鸟会、厦门观鸟会、陈承彦、张洁、张浩辉、周家礼、何万邦、吕德恒、李海涛、苏毅雄、黄伦昌、余日东、GeoffCarey、Mike Crosby、John Holmes、Richard Lewthwaite、W.J.Sutherland、印刷: 4M Studio2006年3月出版国际参考书号(ISBN):962-7508-07-1本手册所载的所有文字及照片,一律不得以任何方式复制、复印、储存于可存取系统或传送。
封面和封底图片: 张浩辉、江明亮、方健华、何文辉、洪家耀、马嘉慧鸟类调查方法实用手册 Methods for Bird Surveys – a practical handbook赞助出版支持机构引言生物研究工作依赖于高质量的野外工作,以及对种类的准确鉴别技术,而鸟类由于大多具有艳丽的色彩、容易被观察到、并具有高声鸣叫的特点,成为了最容易调查的动物类群之一;因此鸟类研究也是众多野生生物研究中,被较多人所认识的。
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More than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters "a", "b", "c", etc., placed after the year of publication. Examples are as follows:Aggrey S E, Lin C Y, Cheng K M. 1995. Size of breeding populations required for selection programs. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 91, 553-556.Boggess S F, Willavize S, Koeppe D E. 1978. Differential response of soybean genotypes to soil cadmium. Agronomy Journal,70, 756-760. Cataldo D A, Garland T R, Wildung R E. 1983. Cadmium uptake kinetics in intact soybean plants. Plant Physiology, 73, 844-848.Wu F B, Zhang G P. 2002a. Genotypic differences in effect of Cd on growth and mineral concentrations in barley seedling. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 69, 219-227.Wu F B, Zhang G P. 2002b. Genotypic variation in kernel heavy metal concentrations in barley and as affected by soil factors. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 25, 1163-1173.Vangronsveld J, Clijsters H. 1994. Toxic effects of metals. In: Farago M E, ed, Plants and the Chemical Elements–Biochemistry, Uptake, Tolerance and Toxicity. VCH, Weinheim. pp. 149-177.McIntosh R A, Yamazaki Y, Devos K M, Dubcovsky J, Rogers W J, Appels R. 2005. Catalogue of Gene Symbols for Wheat. [2010-09-26].U.S. Department of Agriculture. /ggpages/wgc/2003/Tables should be numbered consecutively and accompanied by a title at the top.Illustrations Do not use figures that duplicate matter in tables. Figures can be supplied in digital format, or photographs and drawings, which can be ready for reproduction. Label each figure with figure number consecutively. Figure legends should be grouped on a separate page. Authors can publish colour photos, firgures, or maps at their own expense.A charge of US$300 per paper and US$200 per color plate for the authors from the countries outside China; or 350 per printedpage, and 1500 per color plate for authors from China, will be levied on all manuscrips accepted. 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浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)48(6):823~829,2022Journal of Zhejiang University (Agric.&Life Sci.)http :///agr E -mail :zdxbnsb @交互式多途径中国蚊虫属级检索鉴定系统杨天赐1*,Pradya SOMBOON 2,廖静1(1.杭州国际旅行卫生保健中心/杭州海关口岸门诊部,杭州310012;2.清迈大学医学院寄生虫研究室,泰国清迈50200)摘要作为世界上重要的检疫害虫,通过图像比对在线识别中国口岸蚊虫至关重要。
本文主要利用国际流行的昆虫分类诊断软件Lucid Professional v3.5,根据中国当前分类系统,按雌性成蚊“头、胸、腹”3部分,依次将其典型鉴定特征划分成若干个多元“Features ”,再按“二叉平行模式”将每个“Features ”细分成2个子项,同时,将这些多元特征和子项与其相应的检索对象“Entities ”蚊属逐一进行多重关联,通过分类诊断网络服务系统Lucid Key Server v1.0形成最新中国蚊属(双翅目:蚊科)在线“Key ”检索表。
用户只需点击其中任一备选特征或子项,就可以通过该检索表中34个备选特征、68个候选子项和89张典型图片,以及用生物多样性自动化建库软件Fact Sheet Fusion v1.0创建的蚊属多样性基本信息数据库,完成按蚊亚科和库蚊亚科2亚科10族21属(含2亚属)蚊虫在线鉴定。
关键词蚊科;蚊属;Lucid 软件;交互式检索;数据矩阵;形态鉴定中图分类号R 185;Q 969.442.2文献标志码A引用格式杨天赐,SOMBOON Pradya,廖静.交互式多途径中国蚊虫属级检索鉴定系统[J].浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版),2022,48(6):823-829.DOI:10.3785/j.issn.1008-9209.2022.06.091YANG Tianci,SOMBOON Pradya,LIAO Jing.Interactive multiplex key system to the genera in mosquito taxonomy of China (Diptera:Culicidae)[J].Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture &Life Sciences),2022,48(6):823-829.Interactive multiplex key system to the genera in mosquito taxonomy ofChina (Diptera:Culicidae)YANG Tianci 1*,Pradya SOMBOON 2,LIAO Jing 1(1.Hangzhou International Travel Healthcare Center/the Clinic at the Port,Hangzhou Customs,Hangzhou 310012,China;2.Department of Parasitology,Faculty of Medicine,Chiang Mai University,Chiang Mai 50200,Thailand )Abstract As an important quarantine pest in the world,it is extremely crucial to identify some mosquitoes at ports in China through online image comparisons.The typical morphometric characters of head,thorax and abdomen of adult female mosquitoes were divided into multiple anatomical features under the frame of the current taxonomic system in China,and these features were further split into two sub-selections in the dichotomous parallel mode,and then these features and sub-selections were linked with relative entities of mosquito genera by the internationally popular insect classification diagnostic software Lucid Professional v3.5.Finally,a latest online key to mosquito taxonomy of China (Diptera:Culicidae)was generated by a classification and diagnosis network service system Lucid Key Server v1.0.This key was based on a matrix of 34candidate features,68alternative sub-selections,89precise illustrations of the representatives of each genus,along with theDOI :10.3785/j.issn.1008-9209.2022.06.091基金项目:中国海关总署科研项目(2017IK114)。
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如以下的例子:期刊的文章:Coleman K., Rothfuss L. A., Ota H., Kardong K. V. 1993. Kinematics of egg-eating by the specialized Taiwan snake Oligodon formosanus (Colubridae). J Herpetol, 27: 320–327非英文的期刊文章,翻译题目:Ananjeva N. B. 1986. [On the validity Megalochilus mystaceus(Pallas, 1776)]. Proc Zool Inst. Leningrad, 157: 4–13 (In Russian) 注意:已经在《中国两爬动物学报》上发表的文章,年份一定要放在卷数之前。
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Cai M., Zhang J. Lin, D. 1985. [Preliminary observation on the embryonic development of Hynobius chinensis 208 Asiatic Herpetological Research, Vol. 11 2008 Guenther]. Acta Herpetol Sinica, 1985, 4(2): 177–180 (In Chinese)书籍:Jiang Z. G. 2004. Animal behavior elements and species conversation scheme. Beijing, China: Science Press (In Chinese) (Pages can be provided, e. g., 312 pp)书籍中的文章:Huey R. B. 1982. Temperature, physiology, and the ecology of reptiles. 25–91. In Gans C., Pough F. H. (Eds.), Biology of the Reptilia, Vol. 12, Physiological Ecology. New York: Academic Press (Cited pages can be provided, e. g., 215–219)论文集中的文章:Campden-Main S. M. 1970. The identity of Oligodon cyclurus (Cantor, 1839) and revalidation of Oligodon brevicauda(Steindachner, 1867) (Serpentes: Colubridae). Proc Biol Soc Washington, 82: 763–766.政府出版物:United States Environmental Data Service. 1968. Climatic Atlas of the United States. Environmental Data Service, Washington, D. C.论文或学位论文:Moody S. 1980. Phylogenetic and historical bio-geographical relationships of the genera in the Agamidae (Reptilia: Lacertilia). Ph.D. Thesis. University of Michigan. 373 pp.网页资料:在文中列出引用网站网址(而不是一个具体的文档),比如;勿需参考条目。
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