



居间合同(中英文版)甲方(委托人): [甲方全称]乙方(居间人): [乙方全称]鉴于:1. 甲方欲委托乙方提供居间服务,以促成甲方与第三方的交易。

2. 乙方愿意接受甲方的委托,提供居间服务。

合同条款如下:第一条服务内容1. 乙方应向甲方提供居间服务,包括但不限于市场调研、联系潜在交易方、协助谈判等。

2. 乙方应保证所提供的服务符合甲方的要求,并遵守相关法律法规。

第二条服务费用1. 甲方同意向乙方支付居间服务费,具体金额根据实际促成的交易金额和双方约定的比例确定。

2. 服务费用应在交易完成后的[具体时间]内支付。

第三条保密条款1. 双方应对在合同履行过程中获悉的对方商业秘密和个人隐私予以保密。

2. 未经对方书面同意,任何一方不得向第三方披露上述信息。

第四条违约责任1. 如乙方未能履行合同义务,应向甲方支付违约金,金额为服务费用的[百分比]。

2. 如甲方未按时支付服务费用,应向乙方支付违约金,金额为逾期金额的[百分比]。

第五条合同的变更和解除1. 任何一方要求变更或解除合同,应提前[具体天数]天书面通知对方。

2. 双方协商一致,可以变更或解除本合同。

第六条争议解决1. 因本合同引起的任何争议,双方应首先通过友好协商解决。

2. 协商不成时,任何一方均可向甲方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。

第七条其他1. 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。

2. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

甲方(签字): [甲方代表签字]乙方(签字): [乙方代表签字]日期: [签订日期]Intermediary ContractParty A (Client): [Full Name of Party A]Party B (Intermediary): [Full Name of Party B]WHEREAS:1. Party A wishes to commission Party B to provideintermediary services to facilitate transactions betweenParty A and a third party.2. Party B agrees to accept the commission from Party A and provide intermediary services.Contract Terms are as follows:Article 1 Service Content1. Party B shall provide intermediary services to Party A, including but not limited to market research, contacting potential transaction parties, assisting in negotiations, etc.2. Party B shall ensure that the services provided meet the requirements of Party A and comply with relevant laws and regulations.Article 2 Service Fees1. Party A agrees to pay Party B an intermediary service fee, the specific amount of which shall be determined based on the actual transaction amount and the agreed percentage betweenthe parties.2. The service fees shall be paid within [specific time]after the completion of the transaction.Article 3 Confidentiality Clause1. Both parties shall keep confidential the business secrets and personal privacy learned in the process of performingthis contract.2. Without the written consent of the other party, neither party shall disclose the above information to a third party.Article 4 Liability for Breach of Contract1. If Party B fails to fulfill its contractual obligations,it shall pay a penalty to Party A, the amount of which shall be [percentage] of the service fee.2. If Party A fails to pay the service fees on time, it shall pay a penalty to Party B, the amount of which shall be [percentage] of the overdue amount.Article 5 Amendment and Termination of the Contract1. Any party requesting to amend or terminate the contract shall give written notice to the other party [specific number of days] in advance.2. The contract may be amended or terminated by mutual agreement of both parties.Article 6 Dispute Resolution1. Any dispute arising from this contract shall first be resolved through friendly negotiation.2. If negotiation fails, either party may file a lawsuit with the People's Court at the location of Party A.Article 7 Miscellaneous1. This contract shall come into effect from the date of signature and seal by both parties.2. This contract is in two copies, each party holds one copy, and both copies have equal legal effect.Party A (Signature): [Signature of Party A's representative]Party B (Signature): [Signature of Party B's representative]Date: [Contract signing date]。



Intermediary Agreement for Housing SalesSerial No.0000636 Seller (Party A): AAAA ID card No.:XXXXXXXXBuyer(Party B):BBBB ID card No.:XXXXXXXXXXIntermediary agent(Party C): Housing estates of Lao LinAccording to the Real Estate Management of PRC、Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and Other Relevant Laws, with the intermediary service of Party C, through Friendly Consultations, Party A and Party B come to an agreement about the transfer of housing at Room 307,Building 9,Taxia Street as follows:Article 1 Rights statement of Party A1、Party A ensures the whole and legal ownership of the housing estates and related property , when they signed t his contract , this housing estates didn’t exist any third-party rights , and obtain ownership certificate according to national regulation willing to be responsible for the truth of the ownership certificate and other information.2、The co-owner and mold people this housing estates agree to transfer the possession of the housing estates, parties to a contract willing to be responsible for the relevant economic responsibility for this contract.3、Party A has already told the tenantry transfer the possession ,and has already obtain the clear and definite reply of the tenantry’s give up on preemption.4、Party A ensures that couples only have one room-to-room , and that the housing estates can appear on the market according to national policy and the relevant policies about market of Huzhou City.5、Article 2 Real estate registration itemsNumber of housing ownership rights certificate : ;(Joint ownership card number : );Structure ; Covered area : 78.75 m2. Loft: ; Automatic garage : ; Garage : ; ( Note : Taken registration items on Certificate of Title as final.) Party B has already known enough about the housing estates , and willing to buy.Article 3 Price of Housing estates1、Party A and Party B agree with that the price of housing estates is RMB:Yuan(Capital :Six hundred and twenty thousand) . Decorated facilities and equipments now available in this house are: Housing Four hundred and sixty-two thousand Yuan exactly; The decoration prices one hundred and fifty-eight Yuan exactly ; and they transfer the possession to Party B with the house , none making the price .Sincethis agreement come into force , Party A is responsible for the obligation of taking of the current situation of this house and subsidiary facilities.2、When handling of the issue of transfer of property rights , need to surveying and mapping area and having difference dispose with the First Case.(1)Persist the now transfer price.(2)make up or recede according to now present every square metre.Article 4 Deadline and pattern of paying money1、After this agreement coming into force , Party B pay a deposit which is thirty thousand Yuan exactly to Party B , and this deposit is collected by Party C with Party A’s authorization , and deliver to Party A after receiving the housing ownership rights certificate(Turn to homeowners payments automatically) . Since this agreement coming into effect , Party A willing to keep this house proprietary certificate by Party C’s authorization.2、Party A and Party B agree with the third money- pay method.( Taken issued receipt as final when three sides pay house money.)(1)、Party B pay total house money to Party A dated, and this money is collected by Party C and authorized by Party A . Party C should deliver to Party A RMB Yuan exactly(containing deposit), after the official reply of transfer ownership and the ownership certificate delivered, the rest Yuan exactly, the rest should be hand to Party C to deliver to Party A .(2)、Party B pay RMB Yuan exactly to Party A dated (containing deposit) , and this money is collected by Party C and authorized by Party A . Party C should pay Party A this money , after the official reply of transfer ownership and the ownership certificate delivered, ,the rest Yuan exactly, should be paid after bank mortgage formalities. This mortgage formalities should be managed by ,and the cost should be paid by .(3)、Party A and Party B agree with such money- pay method : November 26,2010 ,Cash pledge thirty thousand Yuan exactly ; 24 December ,2010 ,Down payment three hundred and twenty thousand Yuan exactly . The rest three hundred thousand is remitted on 15 April , 2011 .Note : House’s total price is six hundred and twenty thousand exactly.Article 5 House property right transfer and commissioning1、Party A and Party B agree to go to estate trade center to deal with formalities of property with complete ,real and effective material before 30 April,2011.2、Party A is scheduled to take out of and transfer the house to Party B before 30 April,2011. Relevant bills of coal, water, electricity, health fees,property management fees, heating, telephone,cable television,(containing digital TV set box) produced before should be paid by Party AArticle 6 Agreement about commission and other fees1、Party A and Party B jointly entrust Party C to force agreement to be established ,and pay intermediary reward RMB eight thousand Yuan , and it be paid by Party B eightthousand Yuan , Party A Yuan . This fee is paid by one-time before transferring ownership.2、Assess fee, trading fee, surveying and mapping fee, agree duty, and cost of Housing Ownership Certificate and land card and other relevant costs of this house are paid by Party B. Business tax should be paid by Party B , personal income tax should be paid by Party B . (Fees produced in transfer formalities is prepaid by Party B to Party C ,and close an account after transfer formalities , retreat more fill less .)Article 7 Responsibility of breach1、If Party B breach, deposit is to A .The default party should pay all the intermediary service charge to Party C and the actual cost in the course of the transaction , this money should be previously deducted in the deposit when the disputes have not be disposed.2、If Party A breach, Party B pay back double deposit . The default party should pay all the intermediary service charge to Party C and the actual cost in the course of the transaction , this money should be previously deducted in the deposit when the dispute have not be disposed.3、By Party C’s reason failing to complete the matters entrusted, Party C should return all the commission .Article 8 Common Agreement about dealing with house property1、Party A and Party B agree to entrust Party C as Intermediary agent to handle the real estate broker transactions of the transfer procedures. Entrust period is from the date of this contract signed to the real estate transfer procedures be completed, Party A getting all house money and handing over house to Party B .2、Party C witness and supervise this a greement’s carry-out. If both parties occur breach or the dispute, etc, Party C should harmonize for two parties; and persist neutral attitude and prove the facts if failed.Article 9 Other items prescribedArticle 10 DisclaimerBecause of natural disaster, major policy adjustment of the government , and force majeure , this contract is unable to fulfill, parties doesn’t undertake responsibility of breach of contract . Party A should return the paid deposit and house money .Article 11 Contract remarks1、Unaccomplished matter of this agreement any party can sign supplementary agreement. Sign supplementary agreement has the equal legal effect , as appendix . The dispute of this contract , parties can settle it friendly . If failed , all parties agree to deal it with the method : (1) Turn to the arbitration commission . (2) Turn to the localpeople's court for lawsuit .2、Intermediary items of Party C shall be regarded finished when the contract comes into effect . Action of Party C’s hosting, hand-over, commission for this contrast , is the act of agency with Party A and Party B’s authorization .3、This labor contract is in triplicate. Each part keeps one copy, and has equal effect . This contrast comes to effect since three parties affix their signatures .Party A (signature) AAAA (co-owner or agent’s signature ): Contact number: Party B(signature) BBBB (agent’s signature): Contact number:Party C: Housing estates of Lao Lin (stamp) Agent (signature):Contact number: XXXXXXXXAddress of signature : Waiguo Road Date of signature : 26 November, 2010。



房屋出售居间协议范文Model agreement on house sale甲方:___________________________乙方:___________________________签订日期:____ 年 ____ 月 ____ 日合同编号:XX-2020-01房屋出售居间协议范文前言:合同是民事主体之间设立、变更、终止民事法律关系的协议。



甲方(委托人):_____________________委托代理人: ________________________乙方(受托人):_____________________依据国家法律、法规和本市政府部门有关规定,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿和协商一致的基础上,就甲方委托乙方从事房屋出售代理事项达成一致,订立本协议。










BROKERAGE AGREEMENT OF REAL ESTATE SALE出售方:(以下简称“甲方”)Seller: (hereinafter “Party A”)买受方:(以下简称“乙方”)Buyer: (hereinafter “Party B”)居间方:(以下简称“丙方”)Broker:(hereinafter “Party C”)经丙方居间介绍,甲、乙双方就上海市____区_____路____弄____号___室及___车位(以下简称“该房地产”)的转让事宜,签订本协议,协议内容如下(有□选择的,以√为准):With the introduction of Party C, Party A and Party B enter into the agreement concerning the transfer of ____ Suite and its ancillary carport located at ____ of _____ Alley, _____Avenue _____District of Shanghai (hereinafter as “Real Estate”) detailed as follows (“√”shall be filled in the corresponding“□”, if appropriate):一、该房地产基本情况BASIC INFORMATION1、该房地产:房地产权证书号为:______;房屋面积:___平方米;车位面积:_____平方米。

Certificate of title to this real estate is numbered as ____ with floor space of ____ m2 and the related carport are ____ m2.2、该房地产□已□未设定抵押。

Mortgage is made on this real estate: □Yes □No.3、该房地产□已□未出租。



补充条款Appe ndix Agreeme nt根据本合同第^一条之规定,经双方友好协商,达成如下补充条款:According to the 11 th term of the contract, both Parties agree the supplementary clauses below base on the friendly negoiation:1、双方均认知:目前该房地产已设定抵押。


1. The both parties are fully informed the property has been mortgaged. Party A promised to finish the pay-offissues as well as hand over all the documents regarding the erasing mortgage tothe agency in 15 days after Party B paying the first payment.2、甲方应支付和已支付发展商、物业管理公司及其他相关部门的维修基金、管理费押金(若有)、煤气初装费(若有)、有线电视初装费(若有)、宽带初装费(若有)、其他费用(若有)已包含在本合同第二条所述房地产转让价款内,双方不再另行结算。


2. The transaction price which written in the second term of the contract includes all the feewhich Party A should pay or has paid to the developer, management office as well as the relative departments. The fee includes property maintenance funds, management fee deposit(if has),gas install fee(if has), CCTVnstall fee(if has), broadband install fee(in has), the other fee(if has). The PartyA should accompany with PartyB to transfer the name to Party B in five day after the property has beenhanded over. The Party B should afford the transfer fee.3、双方确认该房地产之附属设施、设备(详见附件二)及现有装潢已包含在本合同第二条所述房地产转让价款内。

居间合同 中英文版

居间合同 中英文版

居间合同中英文版居间合同中英文版居间合同(中文版)甲方:[甲方姓名/公司名称]/统一社会信用代码:[甲方/统一社会信用代码]地址:[甲方地址]乙方:[乙方姓名/公司名称]/统一社会信用代码:[乙方/统一社会信用代码]地址:[乙方地址]鉴于:1. 甲方是一家经营[经营类型]的公司/个人,具备居间合同签署的能力和资质;2. 乙方是一家经营[经营类型]的公司/个人,具备居间合同签署的能力和资质;3. 甲乙双方就[合同内容]达成协议,希望通过居间合同进行合作。

现甲乙双方本着平等、自愿的原则,经友好协商,达成以下协议:第一条合作方式1. 甲方同意以居间方式,通过[渠道/平台名称]向乙方推荐[产品/服务];2. 乙方同意接受甲方的推荐,并通过[渠道/平台名称]向乙方提供[产品/服务]。

第二条权利与义务1. 甲方的权利与义务:- 向乙方推荐并提供[产品/服务];- 根据双方约定的分成比例,对由乙方通过推荐带来的业务进行分成;- 维护甲方管理的[渠道/平台名称]的声誉;- 公平、真实地推荐产品/服务,不得提供虚假或误导性信息;- 按照合同约定的时间和方式结算分成款项。

2. 乙方的权利与义务:- 向客户提供[产品/服务],并确保产品/服务的质量符合相应标准;- 按照合同约定的分成比例,将分成款项及时支付给甲方;- 遵守甲方的指导,按照甲方要求的方式进行推广和销售;- 维护甲方管理的[渠道/平台名称]的声誉;- 向甲方提供推荐业务的相关数据和报告。

第三条保密条款1. 甲乙双方同意对居间合同涉及的商业机密、客户信息以及相关合作细节保密;2. 未经对方书面同意,任何一方不得将居间合同的内容透露给第三方。

第四条违约责任1. 甲方或乙方违反居间合同约定的,应当承担相应的违约责任;2. 若甲方或乙方因不可抗力等不可预见的原因无法履行合同,应及时通知对方并尽力减轻损失。

第五条争议解决1. 对于因居间合同的解释、履行或争议引起的任何纠纷,双方应友好协商解决;2. 若协商解决不成,可以向所在地的仲裁委员会提起仲裁请求。



上海市房屋出售居间合同范本Shanghai house sale intermediary contract model合同编号:XX-2020-01甲方:___________________________乙方:___________________________ 签订日期:____ 年 ____ 月 ____ 日上海市房屋出售居间合同范本前言:买卖合同是出卖人转移标的物的所有权于买受人,买受人支付价款的合同。




第一条:出售房屋的基本情况甲方房屋位于: ;建筑面积: ;房屋所有权证号为:。







居间合同中英文版中英文居间合同Intermediary Contract甲方:(居间人)甲方住所地址:甲方法定代表人:联系电话:电子邮箱:乙方:(买方)乙方住所地址:乙方法定代表人:联系电话:电子邮箱:丙方:(卖方)丙方住所地址:丙方法定代表人:联系电话:电子邮箱:鉴于以下事实,为明确各方权利义务,甲乙丙三方经友好协商达成如下合同:一、合同目的本合同旨在规定甲方作为居间人,为乙方与丙方进行交易提供居间服务的具体内容、条件和责任等。

二、居间服务内容1. 甲方将根据乙方的需求,在合法范围内寻找与乙方需求相匹配的卖方。

2. 甲方将向乙方提供卖方的相关信息,包括但不限于产品介绍、价格、质量等。

3. 甲方将协助乙方与卖方进行洽谈,并就合同条款进行协商,协助双方达成交易意向。

4. 甲方将协助乙方与卖方签署正式销售合同,并监督合同履行过程。

5. 甲方将收取一定的居间费用,具体费用标准双方另行协商。

三、居间费用支付方式1. 乙方同意在达成交易时向甲方支付居间费。

2. 居间费的支付方式为:[详细描述乙方可接受的支付方式]四、乙方权利与义务1. 乙方应按照甲方提供的卖方信息进行购买意向的表达。

2. 乙方应积极配合甲方完成交易过程中的各项事宜,包括但不限于提供所需文件、支付居间费等。

3. 乙方应履行与卖方达成的销售合同义务,包括但不限于支付货款、接收货物等。

4. 如乙方无故取消交易或违反合同约定,甲方有权要求乙方支付相应违约金。

五、甲方权利与义务1. 甲方有权选择合适的卖方供乙方选择。

2. 甲方负责提供真实、准确、完整的卖方信息,并尽力保证卖方的产品质量和卖方的交易能力。

3. 甲方应保守乙方的商业秘密,并对其享有的乙方信息进行保密,不得泄露给他人或用于其他非居间服务目的。

4. 甲方应积极协助乙方与卖方达成交易意向,并按照协议监督合同的履行过程。

六、丙方权利与义务1. 丙方应按照甲方提供的买方信息与乙方开展交易洽谈,并按合同约定履行买卖合同义务。



上海市房屋出售居间合同In accordance with the relevant provisions and clear responsibilities and obligations of both parties, the following terms are reached on the principle of voluntariness, equality and mutual benefit.甲方:__________________乙方:__________________签订日期:__________________本合同书下载后可随意修改合同编号:YH-FS-535954上海市房屋出售居间合同说明:本服务合同书根据有关规定,及明确双方责任与义务,同时对当事人进行法律约束,本着自愿及平等互利的原则达成以下条款。






(附声明附件) 或,本房屋的共有权人,其已书面声明放弃优先购买权,不购买此房。




Shanghai Residential Real Estate Sales and Purchase Contract(Number of the contract: 11111111)Set person of the real estate sales and purchase contract:The Seller (Part A):YANG BABAThe Buyer (Part B):YAO BUYER; ZHANG BUYER;ZHANG BUYER2 In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations in the People's Republic of China and the relevant regulations in Shanghai, Both Part A and Part B agree to sign the contract showing clearly that Part B will buy the house from Part A on equality,willingness and agreement from both sides basis,which will be serves as an evidence for both sides to abide by。

Item 1Part A agrees to sell the house and land tenure in the range the right of use of the house(that will be shorted as:real estate)。

The detail status is shown as follow:(I) The certificate number of the house which Part A get legally:SONG1999001111(II)The real estate located in Room 401,No.57, XXX XXX Village, Songjiang District (Position:Room 401)house type; house structure admixture 1(III) The house gross size 106。



Intermediary Agreement for Housing SalesSerial No.0000636 Seller (Party A): AAAA ID card No.:XXXXXXXXBuyer(Party B):BBBB ID card No.:XXXXXXXXXXIntermediary agent(Party C): Housing estates of Lao LinAccording to the Real Estate Management of PRC、Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and Other Relevant Laws, with the intermediary service of Party C, through Friendly Consultations, Party A and Party B come to an agreement about the transfer of housing at Room 307,Building 9,Taxia Street as follows:Article 1 Rights statement of Party A1、Party A ensures the whole and legal ownership of the housing estates and related property , when they signed t his contract , this housing estates didn’t exist any third-party rights , and obtain ownership certificate according to national regulation willing to be responsible for the truth of the ownership certificate and other information.2、 The co-owner and mold people this housing estates agree to transfer the possession of the housing estates, parties to a contract willing to be responsible for the relevant economic responsibility for this contract.3、Party A has already told the tenantry transfer the possession ,and has already obtain the clear and definite reply of the tenantry’s give up on preemption.4、Party A ensures that couples only have one room-to-room , and that the housing estates can appear on the market according to national policy and the relevant policies about market of Huzhou City.5、Article 2 Real estate registration itemsNumber of housing ownership rights certificate : 00020531;(Joint ownership card number : );Structure ; Covered area : 78.75 m2. Loft: ; Automatic garage : ; Garage : ; ( Note : Taken registration items on Certificate of Title as final.) Party B has already known enough about the housing estates , and willing to buy.Article 3 Price of Housing estates1、Party A and Party B agree with that the price of housing estates is RMB:1620000Yuan(Capital :Six hundred and twenty thousand) . Decorated facilities and equipments now available in this house are: Housing Four hundred and sixty-two thousand Yuan exactly; The decoration prices one hundred and fifty-eight Yuan exactly ; and they transfer the possession to Party B with the house , none making the price .Sincethis agreement come into force , Party A is responsible for the obligation of taking of the current situation of this house and subsidiary facilities.2、When handling of the issue of transfer of property rights , need to surveying and mapping area and having difference dispose with the First Case.(1)Persist the now transfer price.(2)make up or recede according to now present every square metre.Article 4 Deadline and pattern of paying money1、After this agreement coming into force , Party B pay a deposit which is thirty thousand Yuan exactly to Party B , and this deposit is collected by Party C with Party A’s authorization , and deliver to Party A after receiving the housing ownership rights certificate(Turn to homeowners payments automatically) . Since this agreement coming into effect , Party A willing to keep this house proprietary certificate by Party C’s authorization.2、Party A and Party B agree with the third money- pay method.( Taken issued receipt as final when three sides pay house money.)(1)、Party B pay total house money to Party A dated, and this money is collected by Party C and authorized by Party A . Party C should deliver to Party A RMB Yuan exactly(containing deposit), after the official reply of transfer ownership and the ownership certificate delivered, the rest Yuan exactly, the rest should be hand to PartyC to deliver to Party A .(2)、Party B pay RMB Yuan exactly to Party A dated (containing deposit) , and this money is collected by Party C and authorized by Party A . Party C should pay Party A this money , after the official reply of transfer ownership and the ownership certificate delivered, ,the rest Yuan exactly, should be paid after bank mortgage formalities. This mortgage formalities should be managed by ,and the cost should be paid by .(3)、Party A and Party B agree with such money- pay method : November 26,2010 ,Cash pledge thirty thousand Yuan exactly ; 24 December ,2010 ,Down payment three hundred and twenty thousand Yuan exactly . The rest three hundred thousand is remitted on 15 April , 2011 .Note : House’s total price is six hundred and twenty thousand exactly.Article 5 House property right transfer and commissioning1、Party A and Party B agree to go to estate trade center to deal with formalities of property with complete ,real and effective material before 30 April,2011.2、Party A is scheduled to take out of and transfer the house to Party B before 30 April,2011. Relevant bills of coal, water, electricity, health fees,property management fees, heating, telephone,cable television,(containing digital TV set box) produced before should be paid by Party AArticle 6 Agreement about commission and other fees1、Party A and Party B jointly entrust Party C to force agreement to be established ,and pay intermediary reward RMB eight thousand Yuan , and it be paid byParty B eight thousand Yuan , Party A Yuan . This fee is paid by one-time before transferring ownership.2、Assess fee, trading fee, surveying and mapping fee, agree duty, and cost of Housing Ownership Certificate and land card and other relevant costs of this house are paid by Party B. Business tax should be paid by Party B , personal income tax should be paid by Party B . (Fees produced in transfer formalities is prepaid by Party B to Party C ,and close an account after transfer formalities , retreat more fill less .)Article 7 Responsibility of breach1、If Party B breach, deposit is to A .The default party should pay all the intermediary service charge to Party C and the actual cost in the course of the transaction , this money should be previously deducted in the deposit when the disputes have not be disposed.2、If Party A breach, Party B pay back double deposit . The default party should pay all the intermediary service charge to Party C and the actual cost in the course of the transaction , this money should be previously deducted in the deposit when the dispute have not be disposed.3、By Party C’s reason failing to complete the matters entrusted, Party C should return all the commission .Article 8 Common Agreement about dealing with house property1、Party A and Party B agree to entrust Party C as Intermediary agent to handle the real estate broker transactions of the transfer procedures. Entrust period is from the date of this contract signed to the real estate transfer procedures be completed, Party A getting all house money and handing over house to Party B .2、Party C witness and supervise this a greement’s carry-out. If both parties occur breach or the dispute, etc, Party C should harmonize for two parties; and persist neutral attitude and prove the facts if failed.Article 9 Other items prescribedArticle 10 DisclaimerBecause of natural disaster, major policy adjustment of the government , and force majeure , this contract is unable to fulfill, parties doesn’t undertake responsibility of breach of contract . Party A should return the paid deposit and house money .Article 11 Contract remarks1、Unaccomplished matter of this agreement any party can sign supplementary agreement. Sign supplementary agreement has the equal legal effect , as appendix . The dispute of this contract , parties can settle it friendly . If failed , all parties agree to deal it。









编号:YK-HT-055640上海市房屋出售居间合同Shanghai house sale intermediary contract甲方:_________________________乙方:_________________________日期:_________年_____月_____日精品合同 / Word文档 / 文字可改编订:Yunbo Design上海市房屋出售居间合同委托人:________________________________住址:__________________________________身份证号码:____________________________工作单位:______________________________电话:___________________________________居间人:________________________________法定代表人:____________________________住所:__________________________________甲方欲出售其名下房屋,特委托乙方提供购房人的信息,帮助甲方与购房人签定《房屋买卖合同》。









补充条款Appendix Agreement根据本合同第十一条之规定,经双方友好协商,达成如下补充条款:According to the 11th term of the contract, both Parties agree the supplementary clauses below base on the friendly negoiation:1、双方均认知:目前该房地产已设定抵押。


1.The both parties are fully informed the property has been mortgaged。

Party A promised tofinish the pay—off issues as well as hand over all the documents regarding the erasing mortgage to the agency in 15 days after Party B paying the first payment.2、甲方应支付和已支付发展商、物业管理公司及其他相关部门的维修基金、管理费押金(若有)、煤气初装费(若有)、有线电视初装费(若有)、宽带初装费(若有)、其他费用(若有)已包含在本合同第二条所述房地产转让价款内,双方不再另行结算。


2.The transaction price which written in the second term of the contract includes all the feewhich Party A should pay or has paid to the developer, management office as well as the relative departments。



居间合同的英文篇一:房屋买卖居间合同(中英文版)_secret房屋买卖居间合同BROKERAGE CONTRACT OF REAL PROPERTY PURCHASE甲方(卖方): Party A (Seller):乙方(买方): Party B (Buyer):丙方(居间方): Party C (Agent):信用的原则,共同委托丙方代理并见证甲乙双方之间的买卖行为,经甲、乙、丙三方协商一致,共同订立本合同,以兹各方共同遵守。

Pursuant to relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and relevant rules of Beijing Municipality, Party A and Party B entrust Party C to act as their agent for the salesbetween Party A and Party B and bear testimony to the afore-said transaction in principle ofvoluntary, fairness and honesty. Through friendly negotiation, Party A, Party B and Party C hereby agree to enter into this Agreement and abide by it jointly.第一条房产成交Sales & purchase of the property甲方自愿将自有的房屋产权有偿转让给乙方。


房屋具体情况如下:Party A agrees to sell the property to Party B. The property is qualified for sale in the market in accordance with the regulation of Beijing Municipal Construction Committee. Together with the sales of the property, the allocated land area for the property and the usable term of the land is transferred to Party B jointly. The property is described as:1、甲方依法取得的房屋产权证号为:;Serial no. of the title certificate of the property is:______________;2、房产位于北京市区【县】;Address: District (County), Beijing;房屋结构:,房屋用途:;(有产权车位的请特别注明)architecture:_________, purpose: _________(please indicate if there is parking lot with title);3、房屋建筑面积平方米;房屋使用面积平方米(可不填);Construction area: _________m2; usable floor space: __________m2(optional);4、房产权属转移时,附带附属设施状况及室内装饰情况见(附件二);Together with the title of the property, facilities and interior decorations to be transferred are as described in Appendix (1);5、甲方保证已如实陈述该房产权属状况、装饰情况和相关关系,乙方对甲方上述转让房产的具体情况充分了解,自愿买受该房产;Party A shall guarantee that it has completely disclosed the facts about the property, including but not limited to the title, decoration and relevant information; Party B has fully understood the facts and agrees to buy the property voluntarily.6、房屋共有人及共有人意见:Co-owners of the property and intention for the sale房屋共有人:指对房屋共同享有所有权的两个或两个以上自然人、法人或其他组织的共有人。



房屋买卖居间合同(纯英文版)第一篇:房屋买卖居间合同(纯英文版)Brokerage contract of property transaction Party A(Seller): Party B(Buyer):Party C(Agent):Pursuant to , < Urban Real Estate Management Laws of the People's Republic of China > and other relevant laws, and regulations of the People’s Republic of China relevant rules, Party A and Party B entrust Party C to act as their agent for the sales between Party A and Party B and bear testimony to the afore-said transaction in principle of voluntary, fairness and honesty.Through friendly negotiation, Party A, Party B and Party C hereby agree to enter into this Agreement and abide by it jointly.1.Property informationParty A agrees to sell the property to Party B.The property is qualified for sale in the market in accordance with the regulation of Qingdao Municipal Construction Committee.T ogether with the sales of the property, the allocated land area for the property and the usable term of the land is transferred to Party B jointly.The property is described as:ID:ID: 1.1 Thepropertylocatedon________________________________________________________________;____ ____________________________________________________________________ __________________;1.2 Construction area: ______________m2;Usable floor space:__________________ m2(optional);Architecture:________________________,purpose: __________________________________________;1.3 Serial no.of thetitlecertificateofthepropertyis: ________________________________________;1.4 Together with the title of the property, facilities and interior decorations to be transferred are as described in Appendix;1.5 Party A shall guarantee that it has completely disclosed the facts about the property, including but not limited to the title, decoration and relevant information;Party B has fully understood the facts and agrees to buy the property voluntarily.1.6 Co-owners(refer to more than one person, legal person or organization, who own the title of the property together)of the property and intention for the sale2.Sales price and terms of payment2.1 Party A and Party B agree that the sales price of the property be RMB______;The price includes: [price of the property], [public maintenance fund], [permanent interior decoration], [air-conditioners] and others.2.2 Terms of Payment Party B shall make the payment in accordance with ________ as follow: 2.2.1 Cash Upon signing of this Agreement, Party B shall pay 10% of the price(say RMB________)as the deposit.This payment shall be made in accordance with ______as follow: a).Paid to Party A in full and Party A shall issue an invoice;b).Deposited temporarily to theescrow account of Part C, this deposit will be released only when the title transfer from Party A to Party B is completed and the property handover has been concluded, and the deposit will be released together with the remaining payment to Party A.To do this, Party A and Party B need to sign a separate Escrow Agreement with Part C.Payment method of the remaining amount Party A and Party B hereby agree that, for the afore-said method(b), once the escrow fund is deposited in the escrow account of Part C, it is deemed that Party B has performed its payment obligation of deposit and the sales price.2.2.1 Mortgage Upon signing of this Agreement, Party B shall pay ______% of the price(say RMB________)as the deposit, which will be part of the down payment.Within ____ days after signing of this Agreement, Party B shall make up the rest part of the down payment(the down payment shall be no less than % of the price in accordance with mortgage bank’s requirement).Through the negotiation, Party B agrees to make the afore-said payment in ______way as follow: a).Paid in full amount to Party A and Party A shall issue an invoice;b).Deposited temporarily into the escrow account of Part C.This deposit will be released only when the title transfer from Party A to Party B is completed and the property handover has been concluded, and the deposit will be released together with the remaining payment to Party A.T o do this, Party A and Party B need to sign a separate Escrow Agreement with Part C.Party A and Party B hereby agree that, for the afore-said method(b), once the escrow fund is deposited in the escrow account of Part C, it is deemed that Party B has performed its payment obligation of deposit and the down payment.If Party B makes the remaining payment with bank mortgage, Party B shall sign a separate Entrusted Payment Authorization with Part C for its mortgageservices.1)If Party B satisfies the criteria of getting the mortgage loan through the examination of the lending bank, the lending bank shall remit the loan in lump sum to the special settlement account opened by Party A at the bank in accordance with the Entrusted Payment Authorization.2)In case Party B does not satisfy the criteria of getting the loan through the examination of the lending bank, Party B will choose _______of the following methods as the solution:A.Within ______ days after the bank decides not to provide the loan, Party B shall raise the remaining payment by himself and pay in cash to Party A.Party B shall bear all the expenses occurred during this period;B.Terminate this Agreement, and Party A and Party B shall refund the money which have been paid to each other.Party B shall bear all the expenses occurred during this period.3.Taxes and fees3.1 Party A and Party B shall pay all the taxes and fees respectively in accordance with relevant regulations of the state and local governments.Party C shall assist Party A and Party B to calculate relevant taxes and fees.Through negotiation, Party A and Party B agree to bear the taxes and fees as follows: For any taxes or fees unspecified, unclear, or changed with the policy, Party A and Party B shall reach a consensus day before the title transfer, or Party A and Party B shall make the payment in accordance with the government regulation.Fees including but not limited to property management fee, utility fees for water, electricity, gas, telephone and others before the handover of the property is concluded shall be born by Party A.And the fees after shall be born by Party B.3.2 Party A and Party B may entrust Party C to pay the aforesaid taxes and fees and Party C shall transferthe payment proof, receipts and invoices issued by relevant government to the parties that make the payment.3.3 Commission and terms of payment Party A and Party B agree to pay Party C the commission for providing the agency services in accordance with of the following payment methods: 3.3.1 Born by one party.Party shall pay __________ % of the property price(say RMB___________)to Party C upon signing of this Agreement;3.3.1 Shared by two parties.Party A shall pay ___________ % of the property price(say RMB___________), and Party B shall pay __________ % of the property price(say RMB__________)to Party C upon signing of the agreement.The afore-said commission shall not be refunded by Party C to any party if this agreement failed to be performed due to default of either Party A or Party B once this Agreement is entered by the three parties.4.Title transfer agency servicesParty A and Party B shall prepare the certificates and materials for title transfer and Party C shall provide chargeable title transfer services for Party A and Party B with fees.The service fee for title transfer agency services is RMB_____________.The fee shall be paid by Party __________ to Party C upon signing of this Agreement(or, Party A pay RMB and Party B pay RMB to PartyC).5.Handover of the property5.1.Party A and Party B agree that Party A shall vacate the property days before the title transfer.Party C shall assist Party A and Party B with the handover of the property.In case Party A and Party B agree to conduct handover of the property after the title transfer, Party A shall pay Party C a deposit in the amount of RMB ____________________ and this amount will be refunded to Party B after the handover of the property is completed.5.2 Party A shall promise to compensate Party B for the damage to or thedismantling of the decorations and accessories covered by Appendix I of the agreement from the signing of the agreement to the handover of the property in accordance with the evaluation of the damaged or dismantled decorations and accessories.5.3 Party A shall bear the property management fee and other relevant fees before the handover of the property and the aforesaid fees shall be paid by Party B after the handover of the property.5.4 Party A and Party B agree to conduct the title transfer ________ days after signing of this Agreement taking title certificate and relevant material.Party C will inform the specific date.Party ____ shall pay the taxes and fees for title transfer in accordance with the government regulations.6.Rights and obligations of Party A6.1 Rights of Party A 6.1.1 6.1.2 Party A shall have the right to get deposit and property sales price as stipulated Party A shall have the right to check Party B’s identification.in the Agreement. Duties of Party A 6.2.1 Party A shall provide Party B with true, completed and valid information about the Party A shall have the right of lawsuit upon Party B’s breach to this Agreement.property;6.2.2 Party A shall disclose to Party B the real facts about the property, including but not limited to the rental, collateral, leakage and other defect of the property;6.2.3 transfer;6.2.4 6.2.5 Party A shall guarantee all the facilities and accessories of the property Party A shall cooperate with Party B for title transfer in a timely manner;Party A shall change its residence address at the property ______ days after title described in Appendix I are in good condition upon the handover of the property;6.2.6 Party A shall pay off all the fees related with the property before the handover of the property.7.Rights andobligations of Party B7.1 Rights of Party B 7.1.1 Party B shall have the right to check all the material, contracts and certificate about the property;7.1.2 7.1.3 Obligations of Party B 7.2.1 Party B shall pay the deposit and sales price in accordance with the stipulation of Party B shall have the right of lawsuit upon Party A’s breach to this Agreement.Party B shall have the right to be informed of the facts about the property;Party B shall have the right to inspect the property;this Agreement;7.2.2 7.2.38.Rights and obligations of Party C8.1 Party C shall provide agency services for Party A and PartyB for signing this Agreement, providing the signing place, and bearing testimony of signing this Agreement;8.2 Party C shall provide Party A and Party B related material, update them the transaction process and assist them with property handover.9.Breach of the Agreement by Party A9.1 Party A shall refund doubled deposit to Party B in case the title of the property fails to be transferred or the property fails to be handed over due to the false, uncompleted or invalid certificates, contracts or material in relation with the property provided by Party A;9.2 In case Party A fails to hand over the aforesaid property to Party B within the period stipulated in the agreement, Party A and Party B agree to adopt of the following solutions: Party B shall provide true, completed and valid identification material.Party B shall cooperate with Party A for title transfer in a timely manner;9.2.1 Party A shall pay Party B ______% of the collected payment par day as the default fine and the agreement shall continue to be effective.9.2.2 In case the length of overdueperiod exceeds days and Party A has not handed over the property or transfer the property title to Party B, Party B shall send a written notice to Party A, and Party B shall have the right to terminate the agreement when Party A still fails to handover the property or transfer the title days after Party B sends out the written notice to Party A.In this case, Party A shall return double the deposit to Party B and compensate Party B economic damage due to the default.9.3 In case there occurs any damage on Party B as the result that Party A fails to disclose to Party B the real facts about the property, including but not limited to the rental, collateral, leakage and other defect of the property, Party A and Party B agree to adopt of the following solutions: 9.3.1 Party A shall pay Party B ______% of the property sales price par day as the default fine and the agreement shall continue to be effective.9.3.2 Party A promises to recover the property to the condition satisfied by Party B within days, and the agreement shall continue to be effective.Otherwise, Party B reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and in this case, Party A shall return double the deposit to Party B and compensate Party B economic damage due to the default.9.3.3 Party B reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and in this case, Party A shall return double the deposit to Party B and compensate Party B economic damage due to the default.9.4 Party A shall change the residence address within days and shall pay RMB to Party B as the default fine.9.5 In case Party A damages the facilities or accessories in the property intentionally or negligently, Party A shall compensate Party B the actual price for the damage and pay RMB _______________ as defaulting fine to Party B.10.Breach of the Agreement by Party B10.1 In case the title fails to be transferred due to the false,uncompleted or invalid certificates or material provided by Party B, Party A reserves the right not to refund the deposit to Party B.10.2 In case Party B fails to make the payment or conduct title transfer process following the timing as stipulated in this Agreement, Party A and Party B agree to adopt as the solution: 10.2.1 Party B shall pay Party A ______% of the default payment par day as the default fine and the agreement shall continue to be effective.10.2.2 In case the overdue, Party A shall send a written notice to Party B, and Party A shall have the right to terminate the agreement when Party B still fails to make the payment or conduct title transfer process days after Party B receives the written notice from Party A.In this case, Party A shall reserve the right not to refund the deposit to Party B, and Party B shall compensate the economic damage to Party A due to the default.11.Breach of the Agreement by Party C11.1 Party C shall compensate the damage on Party A and Party B due to the false information Party C provides in relation with this Agreement.12.Validity of the agreement12.1 The agreement shall take effect on the date when Party A, Party B and Party C sign and affix seals to the agreement.12.2 In case the content of the agreements reserved by Party A and Party B disagrees, both Party A and Party B shall regard the agreement reserved by Party C as the standard.12.3 The agreement has four copies.Party A, Party B and Party C keep one each and the fourth copy shall be kept by Part C.The four copies have equal binding effect.13.Dispute settlementIn case disputes occur in the performance of the agreement, the three parties shall solve the disputes through negotiation.In case negotiation fails, the three parties agree to settle the disputes by the ______ method.a)Submit the dispute to ChinaInternational Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in Qingdao;b)Any party may file a lawsuit at the court where the property is located.14.The parties may sign a supplementary agreement to cover the unsettled issues in the agreement.15.Through negotiation, Party A, Party B and Party C agree that the supplementary clauses or the supplementary agreement is an inalienable part of the agreement and has equal effect under the preconditions that the supplementary agreement(clause)does not violate relevant laws and regulations of the state and local governments.16.In case the supplementary clauses disagree with the clauses of the agreement, the supplementary clauses shall prevail.-----------------Party A(signature):ID No.:Address of Party A:Date of signature:-----------------Party B(signature):ID No.:Address of Party B:Date of signature:-----------------Agent:Telephone:Agent:Telephone: Party C(signature):Address:Date of signature:Telephone:第二篇:房屋买卖居间合同房屋买卖居间合同(合同编号)甲方(卖方)姓名身份证号乙方(买方)姓名身份证号根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及房地产法规的相关规定,在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上,就房屋买卖(转让)达成如下协议:第一条甲方自愿将房屋出卖(转让)给乙方,并已征得房屋产权人(含房屋所有权人和房屋共有权人)一致同意,甲方应确保房屋所有权人及共有权人的产权证真实性、合法性和房屋的可售性,并为此承担责任。

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BROKERAGE AGREEMENT OF REAL ESTATE SALE出售方:(以下简称“甲方”)Seller: (hereinafter “Party A”)买受方:(以下简称“乙方”)Buyer: (hereinafter “Party B”)居间方:(以下简称“丙方”)Broker:(hereinafter “Party C”)经丙方居间介绍,甲、乙双方就上海市____区_____路____弄____号___室及___车位(以下简称“该房地产”)的转让事宜,签订本协议,协议内容如下(有□选择的,以√为准):With the introduction of Party C, Party A and Party B enter into the agreement concerning the transfer of ____ Suite and its ancillary carport located at ____ of _____ Alley, _____Avenue _____District of Shangh ai (hereinafter as “Real Estate”) detailed as follows (“√”shall be filled in the corresponding“□”, if appropriate):一、该房地产基本情况BASIC INFORMATION1、该房地产:房地产权证书号为:______;房屋面积:___平方米;车位面积:_____平方米。

Certificate of title to this real estate is numbered as ____ with floor space of ____ m2 and the related carport are ____ m2.2、该房地产□已□未设定抵押。

Mortgage is made on this real estate: □Yes □No.3、该房地产□已□未出租。


This real estate has been leased: □Yes □No. If “Yes”, Party A shall guarantee that lessee has waived the right of preemption. Any and all legal liabilities arising out of or in connection with the exercise of such rights by lessee shall be borne by Party A.4、有关该房地产的权属情况,若上述填写资料与实际情况不符或不详尽的,以上海市房地产登记簿记载的信息为准。


If the title of this real estate mentioned above is not clearly indicated or is incorrect, information listed in the register of Shanghai Real Estate Office shall be applied.* PARTY A GUARANTEES THAT IT HAS FULL AND CLEAR OWNERSHIP TO THIS REAL ESTATE, WHICH IS FREE OF ANY DISPUTE REGISTERED, UNILATERAL ADVANCED REGISTRATION, JUDICIAL OR ADMINISTRATIVE ATTACHMENT OR OTHER EVENTS RESTRICTING TRADES.二、转让总价及定金与款项的选择适用. TRANSFER PRICE AND DEPOSIT, OPTION OF PAYMENT甲乙双方明确,该房地产的转让总价款:人民币大写______元(其中含车位转让款人民币_______元)。

Party A and Party B expressly agree that the total transfer price of this real estate is CNY ________ inclusive of transfer price of carport as CNY _______.□甲乙双方明确并同意,下述所指的甲方收取的款项性质系□定金□房款。



Party A and Party B expressly agree that the following payment received by Party A is □Deposit or □Sales Prices. The Parties hereto acknowledge and understand that their respective legal liabilities are determined by the characteristics of following payment. * PARTY C HAS MADE FULL INTERPRETATION AND EXPLANATION TO PARTY A AND PARTY B CONCERNING THE CHARACTERISTICS OF FOLLOWING PAYMENT.□乙方于签署本协议时,支付诚意金人民币__________________ _元至居间方,并委托居间方与甲方洽谈;若甲方接受交易条件并签署本协议的,则乙方委托居间方将诚意金转交给甲方作为款项。

若至_ ___年_____月____日,甲方仍未签署本协议的,则乙方有权至居间方处无息取回诚意金;若乙方未按时取回诚意金,则视为继续委托居间方与甲方洽谈。

Party B agree that it shall pay Earnest Money as CNY ________ to Party C at this contract date and entrust Party C to negotiate with Party A; if Party A accept and sign this contract, Party B may authorize Party C to transfer such Earnest Money to Party A as deposit; provided, however, Party B may require the repayment of Earnest Money free of interests by Party C if Party A fail to sign this contract prior to___________. In such event, it shall constitute that continue entrustment has been granted to Party C if Party B fail to take such Earnest Money in due time.□甲方在接受本协议交易条件,在本协议签订并收取款项后,将款项委托丙方代为保管至该房地产买卖合同生效之日。

upon the acceptance and conclusion of this contract, Party A shall take such deposit and authorize Party C to keep the same on its behalf until the commencement date of sales contract.□本协议签订当日乙方直接向甲方支付款项人民币________元。

Party B shall pay CNY ______ to Party A directly as deposit at this contract date.□甲方同意在本合同签订后日内,乙方向甲方支付款项人民币元,该款项由乙方或乙方授权的其他人以现金方式交付或支付至甲方的指定账户,若采用支付至甲方指定账户的,下述账户已为甲方所确认:Party A agree that Party B may pay CNY __________ to it as deposit within ______ days from this contract date. Such deposit shall be paid in cash by Party B or its designee or made through T/T to the following bank account affirmed by Party A:户名:__________ 账号:_________ 开户行:__________ 甲方确认:_________*对于本条款,居间方已提请甲乙双方予以注意和重视,并进行了充分的解释说明,甲乙双方确认并愿意接受本条款及款项的性质。

Account Holder: _______ Bank Account: _________ Bank Name: _________ Affirmed by Party A:三、买卖交易细则SALES RULES1) 转让总价款:人民币大写_______元(其中含车位转让款人民币大写________元)。

The total transfer price of this real estate is CNY ________ inclusive of transfer price of carport as CNY _______.2) 双方同意按以下方式支付款项:Such transfer price shall be made in installments as follows:第一笔房款:甲、乙双方同意自《上海市房地产买卖合同》示范文本签订后_____日内,乙方向甲方支付的上述款项人民币_________元作为乙方支付的首笔房款。
