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部门mr tan xxxx blk 40 - chairman mr huang xxx blk 41 secretary (acting) mr karuthanveedu xxx blk 38 - asst secretary (acting) mr manjeet singh xxx blk 42 - auditor mr jamal xxx blk 40 - assist. treasurer(acting) mdm doris xxx blk 41 - treasurer mdm tang mui xx blk 40 - executive member peggy tan choo xxx - executive member- mdm norlaila binte xxx blk 37 - executive member faridah ayuby xxxxxxxxxxx blk 37 - executive member mdm may xxx n-residents - associate member mr chua boon xxxxxx blk 42 - executivemember mr moklas xxxxxxx - executive member mr hafiz xxxxx - np representative lucy xxxxxx - ac ( macp co) he wxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx
vi. for site topography surveying, huaxin required that six control points are needed for that topography survey. contractor agreed this suggestion.
vii. contractor agreed to supply a site seismic report.
tel: +9122 2 5164922 fax: +91 22 2 515 3677 kurla west,mumbai-400070, india signature: tel: 0086-21-36160650 fax: 0086-21-36161728 add: road baoqi 718, shanghai signature:地址:111, damji shamji industrial complex 9, 111, damji shamji industrial complex9, lbs marg,
买方:pg glass pvt. ltd.
buyer:pg glass pvt. ltd.
lbs marg, kurla west,mumbai-400070, india
seller:shanghai glass machinery co. ltd.
iv. due to the epc contact negotiation between holcim and huaxin is suspended, huaxin can not sign the geotechnical investigation contract right now. however, both sides (--- ------) agreed the geotechnical investigation contract contents. this
17 aug 2013(会议举行的日期)
xxx company (8th meeting of 2013)
minutes of monthly meeting held at the head quarter board room , blk 42 happy road on wednesday, 17 aug 2013 at 8.30am.
i. geotechnical investigation contractor and holcim have discussed the old payment terms and formed a new paymentterm in the contract. both sides agreed that the new payment terms which should be prescribed in geotechnical investigation contract to replace the old term.
ii. geotechnical investigation contractor pointed out that article 6.2 on contract agreement which is not acceptable according to madagascar law. contractor required that penalty value lower to 0.3% of the total contract price per day.huaxin agreed this comment and modify this value to 0.3%.it will be prescribe in the geotechnical investigation contract.
date: 2011. may 12 thuesday
根据双方今日会谈内容,决定对pg glass pvt. ltd.在印度孟买的三条流水线做相关联动调试,我司根据客户实际要求派出相关人员在5/21日(无特殊情况)去印度调试,负责三条流水线机械部分正常运行,关于所有相关的制造工艺和产品制作与我司无关也不承担相关责任。pg glass pvt. ltd.公司对此三条流水线所进行的任何工艺改进和产品生产与本次会谈内容无关。pg公司应提前做好设备就位,能源动力的供给,我司应做好培訢工作。
iii. as for contractor’s timing of work, huaxin cement think that it’s too long and can not accept that total work timing. so contractor’s complete work timing is pending.
viii. huaxin required that contactor should reduce the amount of plt (plate load test) to an appropriate number based on actual site situation. previously plt amount is 30 which are too much. contractor agreed this comment.
v. contractor agreed to perform three continuous core drilling for knowing soil layerclassification on site. a detailed boreholes layout with different types of tests mark out should be instantly returned to huaxin after finish the first three continuous core drilling.
present: michele franchi geo-eco consult
toky holcim representative
hua kefu-------- cement
------ -------- cement
pang guoqiang --------- cement
this meeting reaches agreement on the following issues:
ix.annex: contract
project: geotechnical investigation at ibity holcim cement plant meeting date: 13/06/2012
meeting time: 15:00
recorder: tony
location: antananarivo, madagascar
2Fra Baidu bibliotek
recorded by: mr. huan xxxx acting secretary
distribution: all present and absent cc. ms tin xxxx commandingofficer ms choy chinn-yunn
conference minutes时间:2011年5月12日星期四