Rise Prek Song-ABC NAME TRAIN歌词(已对照歌曲更改)




郴啊攫力澄亮促绊沁菌聪郴啊攫力澄荤尔茄促沁绢概老概老郴啊亮促哥惩唱甫蝶扼客郴霸厘固采阑急拱沁垒酒(荤尔茄促搁辑) 郴啊攫力澄父唱磊绊沁聪郴啊攫力澄扁促府扼沁绢概老概老快府笼菊俊辑朝扁促府哥荤尔绊归茄扒呈看菌垒酒阂街秦辑啊坎绢辑呈狼沥己捞抄凹袱秦辑澄父车绰单捞力客辑构扼绊呈罐绰荤尔俊朝辨甸捞绊栋唱摆促绊沥富抄绢捞啊绝绢辟单恐郴啊匡绢瘤陛档聪啊棵鳖毫抄芒观阑焊绊传拱肺澄扁促府哥澄捌沥窍绊乐绢郴荤尔阑绢蠢怠聪啊促啊脸唱毫捞力弊父粱朝蝶扼坷瘤付捞力弊父粱朝郴滚妨笛贰郴啊构扼绊巧儡阑拎档谍没阑窍哥瓷没胶反霸郴迫炉阑尝绊(郴啊亮促搁辑) 捞力弊父粱朝茫酒坷瘤付捞力弊父粱朝鲍酚洒瘤付聪啊郴霸酒公府肋秦档包缴捞绝绢呈绰弊历郴霸模备老挥捞具弊矾瘤付何殴捞具弊矾搁辑档抄绢蠢击啊呈甫父唱绊茄锅挥具茄崔父具弊犯霸澄父唱玲绰单惩朝栋抄促绊。



Theme01 - ABC Name TrainHere comes the Name Train Chugging to the station.Bring in all the names for us to know. We can ride the Name TrainIt is fun and easy.Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!A is for Allen,B is for Bobby,C is for Carl,Don’t you know?D is for DanielAll aboard the Name Train,Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!E is for Ellen,F is for Flaura,G is for Gina,Off we go!H is for Helen,All aboard the Name Train.Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!I is for Isaac, J is for Johnny,K is for Kevin,We all know.L is for Lisa,All aboard the Name Train.Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go! M is for Mary, N is for Nancy,O is for Olivia,Here we go.P is for Patsy,All aboard the Name Train. Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!Q is for Quincy, R is for Raymond, S is for Santa Claus,Ho, Ho, Ho!T is for Tommy,All aboard the Name Train. Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!U is for Ursula, V is for Vicky,W is for Wendy,Here we go!All aboard the Name Train.It is fun and easy.Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!X is for Xavier, Y is for Yanni,Z is for Zachary,Don’t be slow!We will see our friends riding on the NameTrain.Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Offwe go!Theme02 - Numbers SongThis is number one, this is number one,One whale with one big tail, this is number one.This is number two, this is number two,Two eyes…a big surprise! This is number two.This is number three, this is number three, Three pigs are dancing jigs, this is number three.This is number four, this is number four,Four rats in purple hats, this is number four.This is number five, this is number five,Five bees in apple trees, this is number five.This is number six, this is number six,Six clowns with silly frowns, this is number six.This is number seven, this is number seven, Seven stars fly up to Mars, this is number seven.This is number eight, this is number eight,Eight dogs on rolling logs, this is number eight.This is number nine, this is number nine,Nine boys with spinning toys, this is number nine.This is number ten, this is number ten,Ten girls with bouncing curls, this is number ten.This is number eleven, this is number eleven, Eleven snakes all eating cakes! This is number eleven. This is number twelve, this is number twelve,Twelve bugs rolled up in rugs, this is number twelve.This is number thirteen, this is number thirteen, Thirteen boats with Billy goats, this is number thirteen.This is number fourteen, this is number fourteen, Fourteen crows with twinkling toes, this is number fourteen.This is number fifteen, this is number fifteen,Fifteen books on fishing hooks, this is number fifteen.This is number sixteen, this is number sixteen, Sixteen mice all throwing rice, this is number sixteen.This is seventeen, this is seventeen,Seventeen chairs go down the stairs, this is seventeen.This is number eighteen, this is number eighteen, Eighteen phones with ice cream cones, this is number eighteen.This is number nineteen, this is number nineteen, Nineteen trucks with quacking ducks, this is number nineteen.This is number twenty, this is number twenty, (“Twenty dinosaurs! Oh. No!” ”Quick! Runaway!”)And that is number twenty!Theme03 - Colors SongWhat is red? An apple’s red, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is red? A heart is red, Oh, doo-dah-day.We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is blue? The sky is blue, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is blue? The sea is blue, Oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’s oka y.What is yellow? Sun is yellow, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is yellow? Pears are yellow, Oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is green? A tree is green, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is green? A frog is green, Oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is purple? Grapes are purple, Doo-dah, doo-dah.What is purple? Plums are purple, Oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is orange? Yams are orange, Doo-dah, doo-dah.What is orange? Just an orange, oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is pink? A pig is pink, Doo-dah, doo-dah.What is pink? A rose is pink, oh, doo-dah-day.We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is gray? A dolphin’s gray, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is gray? A mouse is gray, Oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is brown? The earth is brown, Doo-dah, doo-dah.What is brown? A worm is brown, oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is black? A bat is black, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is black? A hat is black, Oh, doo-dah-day.We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors son g, everything’s okay.What is white? The cloud is white, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is white? The snow is white, Oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.Theme04 - Weather Song What’s the weather like today? Like today? Like today? What’s the weather like today? Can you tell me please?It is cloudy out today, out today, out today.It is cloudy out today, let’s go read a book.What’s the weather like today? Like today? Like today? What’s the weather like today? Can you tell me please?It is rainy out today, out today, out today.It is rainy out today, let’s play in the house.What’s the weather like today? Like today? Like today? What’s the weather like today? C an you tell me please?It is winy out today, out today, out today.It is windy out today, let’s go fly a kite.What’s the weather like today? Like today? Like today? What’s the weather like today? Can you tell me please?It is snowy out today, out today, out today.It is snowy out today, let’s slide down the hill.What’s the weather like today? Like today? Like today? What’s the weather like today? Can you tell me please?It is sunny out today, out today, out today.It is sunny out today, let’s go out and play! Yay-y-y!Theme05 - Hokey PokeyYou put your head in, you put your head out,You put your head in and you shake it all about.You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your left shoulder in, you put your left shoulder out,You put your left shoulder in and you shake it all about.You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your right shoulder in, you put your right shoulder out,You put your right shoulder in and you shake it all about.You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your left hand in, you put your left hand out, You put your left hand in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your right hand in, you put your right hand out,You put your right hand in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your left foot in, you put your left foot out, You put your left foot in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out, You put your right foot in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your whole self in, you put your whole self out,You put your whole self in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.Theme06 - Head Shoulders Knees and Toes Head shoulders knees and toesHead shoulders knees and toesEyes and ears and mouth and noseHead shoulders knees and toesTheme07 - Great ShapesAnd shines up in the skyTheme08 - So Many SoundsA Cello! A Cello! This is a Cello!A Cello! A Cello! A Cello sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Saxophone! A Saxophone! This is a Saxophone!A Saxophone! A Saxophone! A Saxophone sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Triangle! A Triangle! This is a Triangle!A Triangle! A Triangle! A Triangle sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Flute! A Flute! This is a Flute!A Flute! A Flute! A Flute sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around! A Tambourine! A Tambourine! This is a Tambourine!A Tambourine! A Tambourine! A Tambourine sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Drum! A Drum! This is a Drum!A Drum! A Drum! A Drum sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Harp! A Harp! This is a Harp!A Harp! A Harp! A Harp sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Trombone! A Trombone! This is a Trombone!A Trombone! A Trombone! A Trombone sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!Theme09 - Patterns Never End Patterns repeat again and againCat then dog then cat then dog againPatterns repeat again and againPatterns have no end…begin again!Patterns repeat again and againBoard then narrow then board then narrows againPatterns repeat again and againPatterns have no end…begin again!Patterns repeat again and againTall then short then tall then short againPatterns repeat again and againPatterns have no end…begin again!Patterns repeat again and againCircle then square then circle then square againPatterns repeat again and againPatterns have no end…begin again!Patterns repeat again and againRed then yellow then red then yellow againPatterns repeat again and againPatterns have no end…begin again!Theme10 - Hide and Seek Song Hey, can you help me find my friend? I’ve looked everywhere!Have you seen my friend? We are playing hide and seek!Is he next to this tree, I will go and take a peek!Is he over here, is he behind this?Have you seen my friend?Have you seen my friend? We are playing hide and seek!Is he under the bed, I will go and take a peek!Is he on the roof, is he in this box?Have you seen my friend?Have you seen my friend? We are playing hide and seek!Is he out of the house, I will go and take a peek!Is he off the floor, is he through the wall?Have you seen my friend?Have you seen my friend? We are playing hide and seek!Is he across the street, I will go and take a peek!Is he beside the house, no, he’s right in front of me!I have found my friend!Next time, I’ll hide, and you have to find me!Theme11 - Act like the Animals Hey, everyone, let’s pretend we’re animals!Can you walk like a donkey? Show me how!Can you sound like a donkey? Show me how! HEE HAW!Can you walk like a donkey and sound like a donkey?Can you act like a donkey? Show me how! HEE HAW!Can you run like a dog? Show me how!Can you sound like a dog? Show me how! WOOF WOOF!Can you run like a dog and sound like a dog?Can you act like a dog? Show me how! WOOF WOOF!Can you jump like a frog? Show me how!Can you sound like a frog? Show me how! RIBBIT, RIBBIT!Can you jump like a frog and sound like a frog?Can you act like a frog? Show me how! RIBBIT, RIBBIT!Can you fly like a crow? Show me how!Can you sound like a crow? Show me how! CAW, CAW!Can you fly like a crow and sound like a crow?Can you act like a crow? Show me how! CAW, CAW!Can you hop like a rabbit? Show me how!Can you sound like a rabbit? Show me how! SNIFF, SNIFF!Can you hop like a rabbit and sound like a rabbit?Can you act like a rabbit? Show me how! SNIFF, SNIFF!Can you move like an elephant? Show me how!Can you sound like an elephant? Show me how! BOOM, BOOM!Can you move like an elephant and sound like an elephant?Can you act like an elephant? Show me how! BOOM, BOOM!。







1. 小星星英文原词:twinkle twinkle little star小星星,你真亮从地球上看像跳动的火花当你天上照耀不放弃让我的眼睛也亮晶晶这首歌是非常适合教育幼儿的,易学易唱,让孩子们在唱歌的同时也能加深对乐器和声音的认知。


2. 小毛驴英文原词:little donkey小毛驴,小毛驴快快跑,快快跑我的家在远方有个大花园里面有小河流小鸟和小兔子当我愁眉苦脸时它们陪我玩这首歌曲热爱动物的孩子很喜欢,它非常适合用来练习发音和表达能力。


3. 两只老虎英文原词:two tigers两只老虎,两只老虎跑得快,跑得快一只没有眼睛一只没有尾巴真奇怪,真奇怪这首歌曲跟“小星星”类似,核心音调易熟记,旋律纯正,也是一个很好的学习工具。


4. 熊出没英文原词:wild bear熊出没,熊出没逃得快,逃得快小兔子、小鹿子、小猪崽一个不剩被她抓熊妈妈好可爱背着宝宝一起挖掘熊熊宝宝,喵喵猫足够温馨,足够好这首歌曲是近年来备受欢迎的小学生歌曲之一,节奏感强,旋律悦耳,富有趣味性。






Theme01 - ABC Name TrainHere comes the Name Train Chugging to the station.Bring in all the names for us to know. We can ride the Name TrainIt is fun and easy.Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!A is for Allen,B is for Bobby,C is for Carl,Don’t you know?D is for DanielAll aboard the Name Train,Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!E is for Ellen,F is for Flaura,G is for Gina,Off we go!H is for Helen,All aboard the Name Train.Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!I is for Isaac, J is for Johnny,K is for Kevin,We all know.L is for Lisa,All aboard the Name Train.Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go! M is for Mary, N is for Nancy,O is for Olivia,Here we go.P is for Patsy,All aboard the Name Train. Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!Q is for Quincy, R is for Raymond, S is for Santa Claus,Ho, Ho, Ho!T is for Tommy,All aboard the Name Train. Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!U is for Ursula, V is for Vicky,W is for Wendy,Here we go!All aboard the Name Train.It is fun and easy.Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!X is for Xavier, Y is for Yanni,Z is for Zachary,Don’t be slow!We will see our friends riding on the NameTrain.Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Offwe go!Theme02 - Numbers SongThis is number one, this is number one,One whale with one big tail, this is number one.This is number two, this is number two,Two eyes…a big surprise! This is number two.This is number three, this is number three, Three pigs are dancing jigs, this is number three.This is number four, this is number four,Four rats in purple hats, this is number four.This is number five, this is number five,Five bees in apple trees, this is number five.This is number six, this is number six,Six clowns with silly frowns, this is number six.This is number seven, this is number seven, Seven stars fly up to Mars, this is number seven.This is number eight, this is number eight,Eight dogs on rolling logs, this is number eight.This is number nine, this is number nine,Nine boys with spinning toys, this is number nine.This is number ten, this is number ten,Ten girls with bouncing curls, this is number ten.This is number eleven, this is number eleven, Eleven snakes all eating cakes! This is number eleven. This is number twelve, this is number twelve,Twelve bugs rolled up in rugs, this is number twelve.This is number thirteen, this is number thirteen, Thirteen boats with Billy goats, this is number thirteen.This is number fourteen, this is number fourteen, Fourteen crows with twinkling toes, this is number fourteen.This is number fifteen, this is number fifteen,Fifteen books on fishing hooks, this is number fifteen.This is number sixteen, this is number sixteen, Sixteen mice all throwing rice, this is number sixteen.This is seventeen, this is seventeen,Seventeen chairs go down the stairs, this is seventeen.This is number eighteen, this is number eighteen, Eighteen phones with ice cream cones, this is number eighteen.This is number nineteen, this is number nineteen, Nineteen trucks with quacking ducks, this is number nineteen.This is number twenty, this is number twenty, (“Twenty dinosaurs! Oh. No!” ”Quick! Runaway!”)And that is number twenty!Theme03 - Colors SongWhat is red? An apple’s red, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is red? A heart is red, Oh, doo-dah-day.We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is blue? The sky is blue, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is blue? The sea is blue, Oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everythin g’s okay.What is yellow? Sun is yellow, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is yellow? Pears are yellow, Oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is green? A tree is green, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is green? A frog is green, Oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is purple? Grapes are purple, Doo-dah, doo-dah.What is purple? Plums are purple, Oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is orange? Yams are orange, Doo-dah, doo-dah.What is orange? Just an orange, oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is pink? A pig is pink, Doo-dah, doo-dah.What is pink? A rose is pink, oh, doo-dah-day.We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is gray? A dolphin’s gray, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is gray? A mouse is gray, Oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is brown? The earth is brown, Doo-dah, doo-dah.What is brown? A worm is brown, oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is black? A bat is black, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is black? A hat is black, Oh, doo-dah-day.We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is white? The cloud is white, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is white? The snow is white, Oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.Theme04 - Weather Song What’s the weather like today? Like today? Like today? What’s the weather like today? Can you tell me please?It is cloudy out today, out today, out today.It is cloudy out today, let’s go read a book.What’s the weather like today? Like today? Like today? What’s the weather like today? Can you tell me please?It is rainy out today, out today, out today.It is rainy out today, let’s play in the house.What’s the weather like today? Like today? Like today? What’s the weather like tod ay? Can you tell me please?It is winy out today, out today, out today.It is windy out today, let’s go fly a kite.What’s the weather like today? Like today? Like today? What’s the weather like today? Can you tell me please?It is snowy out today, out today, out today.It is snowy out today, let’s slide down the hill.What’s the weather like today? Like today? Like today? What’s the weather like today? Can you tell me please?It is sunny out today, out today, out today.It is sunny out today, let’s go ou t and play! Yay-y-y!Theme05 - Hokey PokeyYou put your head in, you put your head out,You put your head in and you shake it all about.You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your left shoulder in, you put your left shoulder out,You put your left shoulder in and you shake it all about.You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your right shoulder in, you put your right shoulder out,You put your right shoulder in and you shake it all about.You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your left hand in, you put your left hand out, You put your left hand in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your right hand in, you put your right hand out,You put your right hand in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your left foot in, you put your left foot out, You put your left foot in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s w hat is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out, You put your right foot in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your whole self in, you put your whole self out,You put your whole self in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.Theme06 - Head Shoulders Knees and Toes Head shoulders knees and toesHead shoulders knees and toesEyes and ears and mouth and noseHead shoulders knees and toesTheme07 - Great ShapesAnd shines up in the skyTheme08 - So Many SoundsA Cello! A Cello! This is a Cello!A Cello! A Cello! A Cello sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Saxophone! A Saxophone! This is a Saxophone!A Saxophone! A Saxophone! A Saxophone sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Triangle! A Triangle! This is a Triangle!A Triangle! A Triangle! A Triangle sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Flute! A Flute! This is a Flute!A Flute! A Flute! A Flute sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around! A Tambourine! A Tambourine! This is a Tambourine!A Tambourine! A Tambourine! A Tambourine sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Drum! A Drum! This is a Drum!A Drum! A Drum! A Drum sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Harp! A Harp! This is a Harp!A Harp! A Harp! A Harp sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Trombone! A Trombone! This is a Trombone!A Trombone! A Trombone! A Trombone sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!Theme09 - Patterns Never End Patterns repeat again and againCat then dog then cat then dog againPatterns repeat again and againPatterns have no end…begin again!Patterns repeat again and againBoard then narrow then board then narrows againPatterns repeat again and againPatterns have no end…begin again!Patterns repeat again and againTall then short then tall then short againPatterns repeat again and againPatterns have no end…begin again!Patterns repeat again and againCircle then square then circle then square againPatterns repeat again and againPatterns have no end…begin again!Patterns repeat again and againRed then yellow then red then yellow againPatterns repeat again and againPatterns have no end…begin again!Theme10 - Hide and Seek Song Hey, can you help me find my friend? I’ve looked everywhere!Have you seen my friend? We are playing hide and seek!Is he next to this tree, I will go and take a peek!Is he over here, is he behind this?Have you seen my friend?Have you seen my friend? We are playing hide and seek!Is he under the bed, I will go and take a peek!Is he on the roof, is he in this box?Have you seen my friend?Have you seen my friend? We are playing hide and seek!Is he out of the house, I will go and take a peek!Is he off the floor, is he through the wall?Have you seen my friend?Have you seen my friend? We are playing hide and seek!Is he across the street, I will go and take a peek!Is he beside the house, no, he’s right in front of me!I have found my friend!Next time, I’ll hide, and you have to find me!Theme11 - Act like the Animals Hey, everyone, let’s pretend we’re animals!Can you walk like a donkey? Show me how!Can you sound like a donkey? Show me how! HEE HAW!Can you walk like a donkey and sound like a donkey?Can you act like a donkey? Show me how! HEE HAW!Can you run like a dog? Show me how!Can you sound like a dog? Show me how! WOOF WOOF!Can you run like a dog and sound like a dog?Can you act like a dog? Show me how! WOOF WOOF!Can you jump like a frog? Show me how!Can you sound like a frog? Show me how! RIBBIT, RIBBIT!Can you jump like a frog and sound like a frog?Can you act like a frog? Show me how! RIBBIT, RIBBIT!Can you fly like a crow? Show me how!Can you sound like a crow? Show me how! CAW, CAW!Can you fly like a crow and sound like a crow?Can you act like a crow? Show me how! CAW, CAW!Can you hop like a rabbit? Show me how!Can you sound like a rabbit? Show me how! SNIFF, SNIFF!Can you hop like a rabbit and sound like a rabbit?Can you act like a rabbit? Show me how! SNIFF, SNIFF!Can you move like an elephant? Show me how!Can you sound like an elephant? Show me how! BOOM, BOOM!Can you move like an elephant and sound like an elephant?Can you act like an elephant? Show me how! BOOM, BOOM!Theme12 - Celebrate with Me Did you ever wonder why some days are special?What is Christmas? It is a special day.And what do we do on Christmas Day?We give each other gifts!What is Valentine’s Day? It is a special day.And what do we do on Valentine’s Day?We tell people how we feel!What is Halloween? It is a special day.And what do we do on Halloween?We dress up in costumes!What is Easter? It is a special day.And what do we do on Easter?We hunt for colored eggs!What is the 4th of July? It is a special day.And what do we do on the 4th of July?See fireworks in the sky!What is Thanksgiving? It is a special day.And what do we do on Thanksgiving?Eat turkey with our family!What is a Birthday? It is a special day.And what do we do on Birthdays?We eat cake with our friends!What is Mother’s Day? It is a special day.And what do we do on Mother’s Day?We say thanks to our moms!。

super simple songs英语启蒙儿歌全集

super simple songs英语启蒙儿歌全集

super simple songs英语启蒙儿歌全集以下是为您生成的二十条主题为“super simple songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集”的相关文案,每条文案都包含了运用的例子:1. 哇塞,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集,这简直就是孩子英语世界的魔法宝盒!就像给孩子插上了飞向英语乐园的翅膀,你能想象他们在这个乐园里快乐翱翔的样子吗?比如《The Wheels on the Bus》,那欢快的旋律,孩子跟着唱起来,英语单词不就自然而然记住啦?2. 朋友们,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集真的太绝啦!这不就是给孩子们打开英语大门的神奇钥匙嘛!像《Five Little Monkeys》,每次播放,孩子都跟着手舞足蹈,难道这还不能让孩子爱上英语?3. 天呐,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集,简直是英语启蒙的超级神器!好比是一艘带领孩子畅游英语海洋的快艇。

就说《Old MacDonald Had a Farm》,孩子唱着就能认识好多动物单词,这难道不神奇吗?4. 亲,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集可太棒啦!它就像一座充满惊喜的英语城堡,等着孩子们去探索。

像《If You're Happy and You Know It》,孩子一唱就开心得不得了,难道您不想让孩子也这样快乐学英语?语学习路上的璀璨星光呀!如同为孩子点亮了英语梦想的灯塔。

比如说《Twinkle Twinkle Little Star》,优美的旋律,孩子能不陶醉其中?6. 嘿,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集,那可真是不得了!简直是孩子英语启蒙的秘密武器!就像《Head Shoulders Knees and Toes》,边唱边指,英语身体部位单词轻松掌握,这效果难道不好?7. 哇哦,Super Simple Songs 英语启蒙儿歌全集,这绝对是开启孩子英语智慧的宝藏!宛如一个装满英语知识糖果的罐子。




下面是小编整理的预备浪漫歌词,分享给大家!预备浪漫歌词预备浪漫 - 姚亦晴词:陈学圣曲:梁思桦/Double-Pal编曲:梁思桦/潘信维/赖暐哲预备浪漫 ohoh心的第六感直通未来预备浪漫 ohya你给我自由预感有没有一次的旅行带我们往喜欢的地方去晴朗永不超载闭上眼睛Ohoh 也能感觉天空很立体默契频率不用计时器看你的眼睛我就能解题当明天像首歌加快脚步把旋律悄悄练习预备浪漫我们是最优先站在第一排预备浪漫精彩第一时间轻放口袋随身携带Ohoh ohoh 多期待Ohoh ohoh 多愉快混搭你的轻松和我的自在So true so true so true so true如果能有一片风景我想要有海洋沙滩和你海风吹来勇气心很透明Ohoh 让海岸线只看见年轻悸动像是跳跃的字迹烦恼太多余从记忆擦去当世界又翻页也一起用好心情写下签名预备浪漫我们是最优先站在第一排预备浪漫精彩第一时间轻放口袋随身携带Ohoh ohoh 多期待Ohoh ohoh 多愉快混搭你的轻松和我的自在So true so true so true so true 此刻感觉像蒙太奇很灿烂拼贴想象与你交换 oh预备浪漫 ohoh因为有你在有你在预备浪漫我们是最优先站在第一排预备浪漫精彩第一时间轻放口袋随身携带Ohoh ohoh 多期待Ohoh ohoh 多愉快混搭你的轻松和我的自在So true so true so true so true 姚亦晴歌手简介外文名:Shiny生日:9月11日职业:歌手简介:姚亦晴,英文名Shiny,9月11日出生,台湾女歌手。





tpr儿歌20首歌名正文:1. 小星星(Twinkle Twinkle Little Star):这首儿歌是全球广为人知的经典之一,通过简单的歌词和旋律,教导孩子们认识星星并欣赏美丽的夜空。

2. 拇指姑娘(Thumbelina):这首儿歌讲述了一个小姑娘的故事,她像大拇指一样小巧可爱,经历了各种冒险和奇遇。

3. 雨中曲(Rain Rain Go Away):这首儿歌是让孩子们祈求雨停的歌曲,希望能够享受晴朗的天气和户外活动。

4. 敲锣打鼓(Pat-a-Cake):这首儿歌是一个互动的儿童游戏,通过敲击手掌和拍打手指,培养孩子的协调性和音乐感。

5. 小毛驴(Little Donkey):这首儿歌以可爱的小毛驴为主题,通过歌词描述了它的可爱和快乐。

6. 停车歌(The Wheels on the Bus):这首儿歌以公交车为背景,歌颂了公交车上各种有趣的事物,同时也锻炼孩子的语言表达能力。

7. 小星星(Baa Baa Black Sheep):这首儿歌描述了一只黑绵羊,它有着美丽的羊毛,为孩子们带来了快乐和温暖。

8. 长着两只耳朵(Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes):这首儿歌通过唱出身体各个部位的名字,帮助孩子们认识身体结构,同时锻炼他们的记忆力和语言能力。

9. 森林中的流氓兔(Little Bunny Foo Foo):这首儿歌以一个淘气的小兔子为主角,讲述了它顽皮的行为和最终受到惩罚的故事。

10. 风筝(Let's Go Fly a Kite):这首儿歌唤起了风筝放飞的乐趣,通过歌词描述了风筝的美丽和自由飞翔的感觉。

11. 这是大象的鼻子(I'm a Little Teapot):这首儿歌以茶壶为形象,引导孩子们做出相应的动作,培养他们的动手能力和音乐节奏感。

12. 五个小猴子(Five Little Monkeys):这首儿歌以五只小猴子为主角,描述了它们的调皮和冒险,同时也传递了分享和友谊的重要性。



啊哼啊哼啊哼啊哼啊哼啊哼啊哼啊哼Sorry baby I'm busy right nowMaybe I'll call you later 马上就好I thought I have missed something just now我的微笑如此闪耀The hottest queen in the house I amThe hottest queen in the house I amThe hottest queen in the house I amThe hottest queen in the house I amThe hottest queen in the house I amThe hottest queen in the house I amThe hottest queen in the house I amI can feel itSo I can feel it每天每天hurry up 快来不及每个每个pretty girl 跟上步伐yeah就像钻石般闪亮I can feel itWhat u gonna say gonna sayThe hottest queen in the house档期太满就快要晕倒灵魂出窍follow me小心drop out Where are u镜子里的cutie girl cutie girl你的微笑如此闪耀The hottest queen in the house I am The hottest queen in the house I am The hottest queen in the house I am The hottest queen in the house I am The hottest queen in the house I am The hottest queen in the house I am The hottest queen in the house I amI can feel itSo I can feel itSo I can feel it每天每天hurry up 快来不及每个每个pretty girl 跟上步伐yeah 就像钻石般闪亮I can feel itWhat u gonna say gonna sayThe hottest queen in the house火热的骄傲忘记一切忧郁烦恼Just come with me that's all什么都别想跟我一起尽情舞蹈I just need a break need a break need a break I just need a break need a break need a breakNeed a breakNeed a breakNeed a breakNeed a breakNeed a breakNeed a break每天每天hurry up 快来不及每个每个pretty girl 跟上步伐yeah就像钻石般闪亮I can feel itDo you know who I am gonna sayThe hottest queen in the house。



《托马斯和他的朋友们》They're two, they're four两辆,四辆They're six, they're eight六辆和八辆Shunting trucks and hauling freight 拉着货车厢,载着货物。

Red and green and brown and blue 红色、绿色、棕色和蓝色They're the Really Useful crew他们是非常有用的小火车All with different roles to play 他们扮演着不同的角色Round Tidmouth sheds or far away 绕着提茅斯机房或是更远的地方Down the hills and round the bends开下山丘,绕过转弯Thomas and his friends托马斯和他的朋友们Thomas, he's the cheeky one托马斯的胆子大James is vain but lots of fun詹姆斯爱炫耀但是他很有意思Percy pulls the mail on time培西准时去拉邮件Gordon thunders down the line 高登轰隆隆的开过铁轨Emily really knows her stuff艾蜜莉,确实精通业务Herry toots and huffs and puffs 亨利,鸣响汽笛,喷气再喷气Edward wants to help and share 爱德华,想帮忙和分享Toby, well let's say-he's square 托比我们这么说他吧,他很正直They're two, they're four两辆,四辆They're six, they're eight六辆和八辆Shunting trucks and hauling freight拉着货车厢,载着货物。



Sing GymboreeHey, all you friends out thereGet some songs we’d like to shareHelp us welcome this Gymboree dayIn your own wonderful waySing, sing, sing with meWon’t you sing a song with meFill your heart with a melodyAnd sing GymboreeThere is a special place I knowWhere you and I can learn and growShake your booties, there’s plenty to do With bubbles and a parachute, too.!Let’s All Make A Circle!Let’s all make a circleA circle, a circleLet’s all make a circleSo big and so roundA circle, a circleA Gymboree circleLet’s all make a circleSo big and so round!Let’s all sit together,Together, togetherLet’s all sit together,And sing a few songsA fast one, a slow oneA happy“let’s go”oneLet’s all sit together,And sing a few songsCircle time is a timeFor singingAll our favorite songsLet’s hold handsif we want towe can sing alongCircle timeCome and join our circleOur circle is grandSing and dance togetherPlease take somebody’s handCircle time, circle timeIt’s circle time, C-I-R-C-L-ECircle, circle time, C-I-R-C-L-ENow it’s circle time, 1,2,1-2-3,Red and green and yellowPurple, orange and blueNothing makes me happierThan circle time with you.Clap Your HandsCome on everybody and clap your hands,It’s time for GymboreeStamp your feet…Jump up high…It’s time for clapping handsStampin’feet and jumpin’highAnd we’ve got one more thingWe’d like you to tryLet’s blow a kiss…If You’re Happy and You Know ItIf you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands…If you’re happy and you know it,Be a friend of mine and show itIf you’re happy and you know it, clap your handsIf you want a little love, give a hug…If just a little love, is all you’re dreamin’ofIf you want a little love, give a hugIf you’re feeling really good, shout hooray…If you’re feeling really good,, then I really think you should If you’re feeling really good, shout hoorayHey,Mister KnickerbockerHey, Mister Knickerbocker, boppity bopI like the way you boppity bopI like the way you boppity bopListen to the sound you make on the floor….With your arms….With your feet…With your head…With your tongue.Wheels On The BusWheels on the bus go round and roundRound and round, round and roundThe wheels on the bus go round and roundLet’s hurry to GymboreeBells Are RingingBells are ringing, Bells are ringing,Hear them chime, hear them chimeCalling all the children, calling all the children It’s circle time, circle timeYou take Daddy, I’ll take MommyLet’s all play…Jumping high and climbingSing, laughing, rhymingGymboree day,It’s a Gymboree dayI Can Wiggle My FingersI can wiggle my fingers.I can wiggle my toesI can wiggle my shouldersAnd I can wiggle my noseI can wiggle the wigglesAll out of meAnd I can be stillAs still as can be!1-2-31-2-3at GymboreeIt’s time to Gymbercize…Here at gymboreeIt’s time to touch the sky…It’s time to twist and twist…1 means you‘cause you’re number one2 means me‘cause I’m here tooThat leaves 3, who can that be?3 means weeee‘cause here we go!It’s time to lift ome foot…JUMP FOR MEJump,jump,jump for meJumping is fun,you will seeJump high,jump lowJumping,jumping we will goTwist,twist,twist with meTwisting is fun,you will seeTwist left,twist rightTwisting,twisting day and nightStretch,stretch,stretch with me Stretching is fun,you will seeStretch up,stretch downStretch your arms around and roundTen Little HorsesTen little horses galloped into town Five were black and five were brown They galloped upAnd they galloped down,And they galloped themselvesRight out of town.Whoop!!Head and ShouldersHead, shoulders, knees and toes Knees and toesHead, shoulders, knees and toes Knees and toesEyes and ears and mouth and nose Head, shoulders, knees and toes Knees and toesTick TockTick Tock, Tick TockI’m a little cuckoo clockTick Tock, Tick TockNow I’m striking one o’clock (cuckoo!) Two o’clock (cuckoo! Cuckoo!”Three o’clock (cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo!)Mulberry BushHere we go round the mulberry bushThe mulberry bush the mulberry bushHere we go round the mulberry bushSo early in the morningThis is the way we round and stretch Stamp our feet….Wiggle your ears….Run and run….Sit right down…Hey Mister Jumping JackHey Mister Jumping Jack, a funny old man He jumps and he jumps whenever he canHe jumps way up highHe jumps way down lowAnd he jumps and he jumps wherever he goes C’mon and jump!He wiggles and he wiggles…He shakes and he shakes…Loop-De-LouHere we go Loop-De-LouHere we go Loop-De-LouHere we go Loop-De-LouAll on a Saturday night.I put my two hands inI pull my two hands out,I give my hands a shake-shake-shakeAnd turn myself aboutI put my big toe in…I put my whole self in…Parachute PlayEverybody off and let’s go under Everybody off and let’s go under Everybody off and let’s go underHere at GymboreeWe’re goin’under, we’re goin’under Underneath the parachute we go,Let’s goRed, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple Makes the rainbow brightSo bright!Shake and ShakeCome on everybodyGather aroundGrab our parachuteAnd shake it on downWe’re gonna shakeAnd shake and shakeAnd shakeWe’re gonna shakeAnd shake and shakeAnd…STOPHey everybodyThat was really goodNow let’s get it movin’Don’t you think we shouldPop-Pop-PopWe’re gonna pop-pop-pop our bubblespop-pop-pop our bubblespop-pop-pop our bubblesPop some bubbles with mepop-pop-poppop those bubblespop-pop-pop those bubblespop-pop-poppop those bubblesHere at Gymboree1 little2 little3 little bubbles4 little5 little6 little bubbles7 little 8 little 9 little bubbles10 little bubbles goPop-pop-popPopping BubblesPopping bubblesI like popping bubblesPopping bubblesHere at GymboreeDo I see them in the air?Yes, I see them in the airIn the air, in the air,Ohhh,Do I see them on your head…Do I see them on your finger….Bee HivesHere are my bee hivesWhere are the bees?Hiding away where nobody seesWill they come out?Let’s open their doors1-2-3-4-BZZZZZZZOh, Grizzly BearOh, grizzly bear, oh grizzly bearIs sleeping in his cave, shhhhhPlease be very quietPlease be very quiet, shhhhhDo not wake him,Do not shake him,Or he is sure to GROWL!Six Little DucksSix little ducks that I once knewFat ones, skinny ones, tall ones tooBut the one little duck with the feather on her back She led the others with aQuack-quack-quackDown to the river they would goWibble wobble, wibble wobble to and froBut the one little duck with the feather on her back She led the others with aQuack-quack-quackHome from the river they would comeWibble wobble, wibble wobble ho hum humBut the one little duck with the feather on her back She led the others with aQuack-quack-quackBig-eyed OwlThere’s a big-eyed owlWith a long pointy noseTwo pointed earsAnd claws for her toesShe lives way up high in the treesAnd when she looks at youShe flaps her wings and says,“Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!”Down By The BanksDown by the banksOf the hanky pankyWhere the bullfrogsJump from bank to bankyThey wentOops, oops, belly flopsOne missed the lilypadAnd went…KERPLOPSStop! Look! Listen!Stop! Look! And Listen! Before you cross the street! First you use your eyes,Then you use your ears,And then you use your feet.Open, shut themOpen, shut themOpen, shut themGive a little clap, clap, clap Open, shut themOpen, shut themPut them on your lap, lap, lapCreel them, crawl themCreel them, crawl themRight up to your chin, chin, chin Open wide your little mouthBut do not let them in, in, inGymbo TimeI have a little friendAnd Gymbo is his name-oG-y-m-b-o, G-y-m-b-o, G-y-m-b-o, And Gymbo is his name o!Gymbo, Gymbo, come out and play Gymbo, Gymbo, come out and playI’ve got a friendHis name is Gymbo,He goes up and down,I’ve got a friendHis name is Gymbo,He goes up and down,He goes side to side…He goes kiss and hug…Hey, Gymbo, Gymbo, GymboHey, Gymbo, you’re the best!Hey, Gymbo, Gymbo, GymboNow it’s time for you to rest.We Take Our Little HandsWe take our little handsAnd go clap-clap-clapclap-clap-clapclap-clap-clapWe take our little handsAnd go clap-clap-clapIt’s time to say good byeWe take our little handsAnd go stamp-stamp-stamp…We take our little handsAnd wave bye-bye-bye…Hey, all you friends out there嘿,你的朋友那里Get some songs we'd like to share得到一些歌曲,我们想分享Help us welcome this Gymboree day帮助我们对此表示欢迎金宝贝天In your own wonderful way在你自己的极好方法Sing, sing, sing with me唱歌,唱歌,和我一起唱歌Won't you sing a song with me你不跟我唱这首歌Fill your heart with a melody填充旋律你的心And sing Gymboree和唱歌金宝贝There is a special place I know有一个特殊的地方,我知道Where you and I can learn and grow你和我在哪里可以学习和成长Shake your booties, there's plenty to do动摇你的赃物,有要做的事很多With bubbles and a parachute, too.!随着泡沫和降落伞,也。



HK Superstar(电影《速度与激情6》插曲)歌词-欧阳靖/吴彦祖这首《HK Superstar》的名字也叫香港Superstar,是电影《速度与激情6》里面的一首插曲,由欧阳靖和吴彦祖一起合作演唱。

下面是小编整理的HK Superstar歌词,分享给大家!HK Superstar歌词HK Superstar (《速度与激情6》电影插曲) - 欧阳靖/吴彦祖词:欧阳靖曲:Allen Sung/Kevin Nishimura/James Roh/Jae Choung/Stefon Taylor靖:ABCABCABC各位观众有请Hong Kong Superstar做明星我真系想最受欢迎新人奖畀我攞多谢晒未算到至高境界影相签名有我份海报广告等等狗仔队实唔放过越出名是非越多经理人都四五个签合同包冇搞错有咁巧得咁巧我个Friend系明星等佢自己介绍我系Daniel Wu边个够我Cool我系Daniel Wu边个够我Cool我系欧阳靖理想做明星冇错冇错我想做个Hong Kong Superstar好朋友就要珍惜唔理系旧定系新识睇清楚慢慢分析欧阳震华系我亲戚错佢大把剧集做我得个小小知名度Fans见到都围住晒逢系靓仔就偶像派我靠实力你捧我场咪当我系孔庆祥虽然好话唔好听发噩梦都梦见到She Bang She Bang我系Daniel Wu边个够我Cool我系Daniel Wu边个够我Cool我系欧阳靖理想做明星冇错冇错我想做个Hong Kong Superstar做明星好食好住就算刀仔锯大树点都系要搏一舖但系唔好太风骚无论男女高矮肥瘦都可以就只要你有信心爆棚冇错唔系我就系你唔系你就系我每人个目的唔同佢话你发紧白日梦你就笑哈哈大声跟佢哋讲我系Hong Kong Superstar祖:我系Daniel Wu边个够我Cool 我系Daniel Wu边个够我Cool 靖:我系欧阳靖理想做明星冇错冇错我想做个Hong Kong Superstar呢位同学你贵姓吴彦祖同欧阳靖呢个实验最紧要系记性最紧要系记性呢位同学你贵姓吴彦祖同欧阳靖呢个实验最紧要系记性最紧要系记性合:竹昇仔ABCThat's you and meHong Kong SuperstarDaniel Wu靖:喂你系有戏拍记住揾我呀剧集戏广告电视电玩底裤底横你你总之就揾我啦我唔介意我真系唔介意啊你想我卖乜都得女人的胸围我都唔介意我可以做我可以做帮女朋友买胸围喺广告里面我真的想做呀Hong Kong Superstar欧阳靖歌手简介外文名:MC Jin,Jin tha MC,Jin The Emcee100,Grand Jin ABC Jin国籍:美国出生地:美国生日:1982年6月4日职业:演员,歌手代表作:《依家有喜》,《潜行狙击》,《雷霆扫毒》简介:欧阳靖(Mcjin),1982年6月4日出生于美国,演员、歌手。



Theme01 - ABC Name TrainHere comes the Name Train Chugging to the station.Bring in all the names for us to know. We can ride the Name TrainIt is fun and easy.Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!A is for Allen,B is for Bobby,C is for Carl,Don’t you know?D is for DanielAll aboard the Name Train,Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!E is for Ellen,F is for Flaura,G is for Gina,Off we go!H is for Helen,All aboard the Name Train.Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!I is for Isaac, J is for Johnny,K is for Kevin,We all know.L is for Lisa,All aboard the Name Train.Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go! M is for Mary, N is for Nancy,O is for Olivia,Here we go.P is for Patsy,All aboard the Name Train. Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!Q is for Quincy, R is for Raymond, S is for Santa Claus,Ho, Ho, Ho!T is for Tommy,All aboard the Name Train. Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!U is for Ursula, V is for Vicky,W is for Wendy,Here we go!All aboard the Name Train.It is fun and easy.Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!X is for Xavier, Y is for Yanni,Z is for Zachary,Don’t be slow!We will see our friends riding on the NameTrain.Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Offwe go!Theme02 - Numbers SongThis is number one, this is number one,One whale with one big tail, this is number one.This is number two, this is number two,Two eyes…a big surprise! This is number two.This is number three, this is number three, Three pigs are dancing jigs, this is number three.This is number four, this is number four,Four rats in purple hats, this is number four.This is number five, this is number five,Five bees in apple trees, this is number five.This is number six, this is number six,Six clowns with silly frowns, this is number six.This is number seven, this is number seven, Seven stars fly up to Mars, this is number seven.This is number eight, this is number eight,Eight dogs on rolling logs, this is number eight.This is number nine, this is number nine,Nine boys with spinning toys, this is number nine.This is number ten, this is number ten,Ten girls with bouncing curls, this is number ten.This is number eleven, this is number eleven, Eleven snakes all eating cakes! This is number eleven. This is number twelve, this is number twelve,Twelve bugs rolled up in rugs, this is number twelve.This is number thirteen, this is number thirteen,Thirteen boats with Billy goats, this is number thirteen.This is number fourteen, this is number fourteen,Fourteen crows with twinkling toes, this is number fourteen.This is number fifteen, this is number fifteen,Fifteen books on fishing hooks, this is number fifteen.This is number sixteen, this is number sixteen,Sixteen mice all throwing rice, this is number sixteen.This is seventeen, this is seventeen,Seventeen chairs go down the stairs, this isseventeen.This is number eighteen, this is number eighteen,Eighteen phones with ice cream cones, this is number eighteen.This is number nineteen, this is number nineteen,Nineteen trucks with quacking ducks, this is number nineteen.This is number twenty, this is number twenty, (“Twenty dinosaurs! Oh. No!””Quick! Runaway!”)And that is number twenty!Theme03 - Colors SongWhat is red? An apple’s red, Doo-dah, doo-dah.What is red? A heart is red, Oh, doo-dah-day.We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’sokay. What is blue? The sky is blue, Doo-dah, doo-dah.What is blue? The sea is blue, Oh, doo-dah-day.We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’sokay. What is yellow? Sun is yellow, Doo-dah, doo-dah.What is yellow? Pears are yellow, Oh, doo-dah-day.We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’sokay. What is green? A tree is green, Doo-dah, doo-dah.What is green? A frog is green, Oh, doo-dah-day.We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’sokay. What is purple? Grapes are purple, Doo-dah,doo-dah.What is purple? Plums are purple, Oh, doo-dah-day.We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’sokay. What is orange? Yams are orange, Doo-dah,doo-dah.What is orange? Just an orange, oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’sokay. What is pink? A pig is pink, Doo-dah, doo-dah.What is pink? A rose is pink, oh, doo-dah-day.We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’sokay. What is gray? A dolphin’s gray, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is gray? A mouse is gray, Oh, doo-dah-day.We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’sokay. What is brown? The earth is brown, Doo-dah,doo-dah.What is brown? A worm is brown, oh, doo-dah-day.We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’sokay. What is black? A bat is black, Doo-dah, doo-dah.What is black? A hat is black, Oh, doo-dah-day.We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’sokay. What is white? The cloud is white, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is white? The snow is white, Oh, doo-dah-day.We can sing all night, we can sing all day.When we sing the colors song, everything’sokay.Theme04 - Weather Song What’s the weather like today? Like today? Like today? What’s the weather like today? Can you tell me please? It is cloudy out today, out today, out today.It is cloudy out today, let’s go read a book.What’s the weather like today? Like today? Like today? What’s the weather l ike today? Can you tell me please? It is rainy out today, out today, out today.house.It is rainy out today, let’s play in theWhat’s the weather like today? Like today? Like today? What’s the weather like today? Can you tell me please? It is winy out today, out today, out today.It is windy out today, let’s go fly a kite. What’s the weather like today? Like today? Like today? What’s the weather like today? Can you tell me please? It is snowy out today, out today, out today.slide down the hill.It is snowy out today, let’sWhat’s the weather like today? Like today? Like today? What’s the weather like today? Can you tell me please? It is sunny out today, out today, out today.Yay-y-y!It is sunny out today, let’s go out and play!Theme05 - Hokey PokeyYou put your head in, you put your head out,You put your head in and you shake it all about.You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around. That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your left shoulder in, you put your left shoulder out,You put your left shoulder in and you shake it all about.You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around. That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your right shoulder in, you put your right shoulder out,You put your right shoulder in and you shake it all about.You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your left hand in, you put your left hand out, You put your left hand in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your right hand in, you put your right hand out, You put your right hand in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your left foot in, you put your left foot out,You put your left foot in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out, You put your right foot in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your whole self in, you put your whole self out, You put your whole self in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.Theme06 - Head Shoulders Knees and Toes Head shoulders knees and toesHead shoulders knees and toesEyes and ears and mouth and noseHead shoulders knees and toesTheme07 - Great ShapesCome on, guys, let's sing about shapes!A triangle has got 3 sidesJust three sidesA triangle has got three sides and 3 cornersA square has got four equal sidesEqual sidesA square has got 4 equal sides and 4 cornersA rectangle is like a squareLike a squareBut longerA rectangle is like a squareBut 2 sides are longerA trapezoid has two straight lines2 straight linesA trapezoid has 2 straight linesThe other 2 are not A circle is round just like a ballLike a ballA circle is round just like a ballAnd has no corners at allAn oval is a long circleLong circleAn oval is a circle that is longer on 2 sidesA diamond is a crooked squareCrooked squareA diamond is a crooked squareThat stands up on its endThis is a starIt has 5 pointsHas 5 pointsThis is a star it has five pointsAnd shines up in the skyTheme08 - So Many SoundsA Cello! A Cello! This is a Cello! A Cello! A Cello! A Cello sounds like this …We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Saxophone! A Saxophone! This is a Saxophone!A Saxophone! A Saxophone! A Saxophone sounds like this …We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Triangle! A Triangle! This is a Triangle! A Triangle! A Triangle! A Triangle sounds like this …We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Flute! A Flute! This is a Flute! A Flute! A Flute! A Flute sounds like this …We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Tambourine! A Tambourine! This is a Tambourine! A Tambourine! A Tambourine! A Tambourine sounds like this …We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance allaround!A Drum! A Drum! This is a Drum! A Drum! A Drum! A Drum sounds like this …We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Harp! A Harp! This is a Harp! A Harp! A Harp ! A Harp sounds like this …We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Trombone! A Trombone! This is a Trombone!A Trombone! A Trombone! A Trombone sounds like this …We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!Theme09 - Patterns Never End Patterns repeat again and againCat then dog then cat then dog againPatterns repeat again and againPatterns have no end…begin again!Patterns repeat again and againBoard then narrow then board then narrows againPatterns repeat again and againPatterns have no end…begin again!Patterns repeat again and againTall then short then tall then short againPatterns repeat again and againPatterns have no end…begin again!Patterns repeat again and againCircle then square then circle then square againPatterns repeat again and againPatterns have no end…begin again!Patterns repeat again and againRed then yellow then red then yellow againPatterns repeat again and againPatterns have no end…begin again!Theme10 - Hide and Seek SongHey, can you help me find my friend? I’ve looked everywhere!Have you seen my friend? We are playing hide and seek!Is he next to this tree, I will go and take a peek!Is he over here, is he behind this?Have you seen my friend?Have you seen my friend? We are playing hide and seek!Is he under the bed, I will go and take a peek!Is he on the roof, is he in this box?Have you seen my friend?Have you seen my friend? We are playing hide and seek!Is he out of the house, I will go and take a peek!Is he off the floor, is he through the wall?Have you seen my friend?Have you seen my friend? We are playing hide and seek!Is he across the street, I will go and take a peek!Is he beside the house, no, he’s right in front of me!I have found my friend!Next time, I’ll hide, and you have to find me!Theme11 - Act like the Animalspretend we’re animals!Hey, everyone, let’sCan you walk like a donkey? Show me how!Can you sound like a donkey? Show me how! HEE HAW!Can you walk like a donkey and sound like a donkey?Can you act like a donkey? Show me how! HEE HAW!Can you run like a dog? Show me how!Can you sound like a dog? Show me how! WOOF WOOF!Can you run like a dog and sound like a dog?Can you act like a dog? Show me how! WOOF WOOF!Can you jump like a frog? Show me how!Can you sound like a frog? Show me how! RIBBIT, RIBBIT!Can you jump like a frog and sound like a frog?Can you act like a frog? Show me how! RIBBIT, RIBBIT!Can you fly like a crow? Show me how!Can you sound like a crow? Show me how! CAW, CAW!Can you fly like a crow and sound like a crow?Can you act like a crow? Show me how! CAW, CAW!Can you hop like a rabbit? Show me how!Can you sound like a rabbit? Show me how! SNIFF, SNIFF! Can you hop like a rabbit and sound like a rabbit?Can you act like a rabbit? Show me how! SNIFF, SNIFF!Can you move like an elephant? Show me how!Can you sound like an elephant? Show me how! BOOM, BOOM! Can you move like an elephant and sound like an elephant? Can you act like an elephant? Show me how! BOOM, BOOM!Theme12 - Celebrate with Me Did you ever wonder why some days are special?What is Christmas? It is a special day.And what do we do on Christmas Day?We give each other gifts!What is Valentine’s Day? It is a special day.And what do we do on Valentine’s Day?We tell people how we feel!What is Halloween? It is a special day.And what do we do on Halloween?We dress up in costumes!What is Easter? It is a special day.And what do we do on Easter?We hunt for colored eggs!What is the 4th of July? It is a special day.And what do we do on the 4th of July?See fireworks in the sky!What is Thanksgiving? It is a special day.And what do we do on Thanksgiving?Eat turkey with our family!What is a Birthday? It is a special day.And what do we do on Birthdays?We eat cake with our friends!It is a special day.What is Mother’s Day?And what do we do on Mother’s Day?We say thanks to our moms!。

张峻豪sky walker歌词翻译

张峻豪sky walker歌词翻译

张峻豪sky walker歌词翻译张峻豪(Jay Park)简介张峻豪(Jay Park),生于1987年4月25日,是一位来自韩国的饶舌歌手、词曲创作人、音乐制作人和演员。

他首次在音乐界亮相是在2008年Mnet举办的选秀节目《Hot Blooded Men》中,而后成为了当时韩国的男子音乐组合2PM的一员。



张峻豪在过去的几年里发布了多张个人专辑,其中包括了许多成功的单曲,如《All I Wanna Do》、《Me Like Yuh》和《Mommae》等。


sky walker歌词的意义与背景1. 歌曲简介《sky walker》是张峻豪在2017年发布的一首单曲。



2. 歌名的含义“sky walker”字面上翻译为”天行者”,这个词汇来源于星球大战系列电影。


由此我们可以猜测,张峻豪在歌曲中用”sky walker”来比喻自己,意思是他在音乐的道路上有着与众不同的能力和天赋。

歌词翻译与解析1. 歌词翻译下面是《sky walker》的歌词翻译:Verse 1:Yeah, I'm that guy, yeah, I'm that guy是的,我就是那个人,是的,我就是那个人Yeah, I'm so fly, yeah, I'm so fly是的,我就是那么酷,是的,我就是那么酷Yeah, I'm doing me, yeah, I'm doing me是的,我做我自己,是的,我做我自己Yeah, I'm living life, yeah, I'm living life 是的,我过我的生活,是的,我过我的生活Pre-Chorus:I'm up now, I'm up now我已经成功了,我已经成功了Finna link up, finna link up准备联络,准备联络I'ma drink up, I'ma drink up我要畅饮一番,我要畅饮一番Ride in the Benz truck, ride in the Benz truck 驾驶奔驰卡车,驾驶奔驰卡车Chorus:Sky walker, sky walker天行者,天行者Don't need no haters, bye, haters不需要任何讨厌的人,再见了,讨厌的人Cause we do major, they only minor因为我们是大人物,他们只是小角色Sky walker, sky walker天行者,天行者Don't need no haters, bye, haters不需要任何讨厌的人,再见了,讨厌的人Cause we do major, they only minor因为我们是大人物,他们只是小角色Verse 2:Epik High, I'm higher than the stars我就像夜空中的超新星一样高尚Party in my room, everybody’s VIP在我的房间举办派对,每个人都是贵宾I don't need no Captain Save-A-Hoe我不需要什么救星I'ma turn it up, watch me full throttle, baby 我要把音乐开到最大,来看着我,宝贝Pre-Chorus:I'm up now, I'm up now我已经成功了,我已经成功了Finna link up, finna link up准备联络,准备联络I'ma drink up, I'ma drink up我要畅饮一番,我要畅饮一番Ride in the Benz truck, ride in the Benz truck 驾驶奔驰卡车,驾驶奔驰卡车Chorus:Sky walker, sky walker天行者,天行者Don't need no haters, bye, haters不需要任何讨厌的人,再见了,讨厌的人Cause we do major, they only minor因为我们是大人物,他们只是小角色Sky walker, sky walker天行者,天行者Don't need no haters, bye, haters不需要任何讨厌的人,再见了,讨厌的人Cause we do major, they only minor因为我们是大人物,他们只是小角色Bridge:Don't need no haters, I don't need no haters不需要任何讨厌的人,我不需要任何讨厌的人I'm too busy doin' me now, I'm too busy doin' me 我现在太忙于做我自己,太忙于做我自己Sky walker, sky walker天行者,天行者Don't need no haters, I don't need no haters不需要任何讨厌的人,我不需要任何讨厌的人I'm too busy doin' me now, I'm too busy doin' me 我现在太忙于做我自己,太忙于做我自己Chorus:Sky walker, sky walker天行者,天行者Don't need no haters, bye, haters不需要任何讨厌的人,再见了,讨厌的人Cause we do major, they only minor因为我们是大人物,他们只是小角色Sky walker, sky walker天行者,天行者Don't need no haters, bye, haters不需要任何讨厌的人,再见了,讨厌的人Cause we do major, they only minor因为我们是大人物,他们只是小角色2. 歌词解析这首歌的歌词充满了自信和自我表达,表达了张峻豪认可自己的才华和地位,并告诉那些针对他的人插翅难飞。



Theme01 - ABC Name TrainHere comes the Name TrainChugging to the station.Bring in all the names for us to know. We can ride the Name TrainIt is fun and easy.Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!A is for Allen,B is for Bobby,C is for Carl,Don’t you k now?D is for DanielAll aboard the Name Train,Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!E is for Ellen,F is for Flaura,G is for Gina,Off we go!H is for Helen,All aboard the Name Train.Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!I is for Isaac, J is for Johnny,K is for Kevin,We all know.L is for Lisa,All aboard the Name Train.Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!M is for Mary, N is for Nancy,O is for Olivia,Here we go.P is for Patsy,All aboard the Name Train.Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!Q is for Quincy, R is for Raymond, S is for Santa Claus,Ho, Ho, Ho!T is for Tommy,All aboard the Name Train.Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!U is for Ursula, V is for Vicky, W is for Wendy,Here we go!All aboard the Name Train.It is fun and easy.Chug, chug, Toot, toot,Off we go!X is for Xavier, Y is for Yanni,Z is for Zachary,Don’t be slow!We will see our friends riding on the NameTrain.Chug, chug, Toot, toot, Offwe go!Theme02 - Numbers Song This is number one, this is number one,One whale with one big tail, this is number one.This is number two, this is number two,Two eyes…a big surprise! This is number two.This is number three, this is number three, Three pigs are dancing jigs, this is number three.This is number four, this is number four,Four rats in purple hats, this is number four.This is number five, this is number five,Five bees in apple trees, this is number five.This is number six, this is number six,Six clowns with silly frowns, this is number six.This is number seven, this is number seven, Seven stars fly up to Mars, this is number seven.This is number eight, this is number eight, Eight dogs on rolling logs, this is number eight.This is number nine, this is number nine,Nine boys with spinning toys, this is number nine.This is number ten, this is number ten,Ten girls with bouncing curls, this is number ten.This is number eleven, this is number eleven, Eleven snakes all eating cakes! This is number eleven.This is number twelve, this is number twelve, Twelve bugs rolled up in rugs, this is number twelve.This is number thirteen, this is number thirteen, Thirteen boats with Billy goats, this is number thirteen.This is number fourteen, this is number fourteen, Fourteen crows with twinkling toes, this is number fourteen.This is number fifteen, this is number fifteen, Fifteen books on fishing hooks, this is number fifteen.This is number sixteen, this is number sixteen, Sixteen mice all throwing rice, this is number sixteen.This is seventeen, this is seventeen,Seventeen chairs go down the stairs, this is seventeen.This is number eighteen, this is number eighteen, Eighteen phones with ice cream cones, this is number eighteen.This is number nineteen, this is number nineteen, Nineteen trucks with quacking ducks, this is number nineteen.This is number twenty, this is number twenty,(“Twenty dinosaurs! Oh. No!” ”Quick!Runaway!”)And that is number twenty! Theme03 - Colors SongWhat is red? An apple’s red, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is red? A heart is red, Oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day. When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is blue? The sky is blue, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is blue? The sea is blue, Oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day. When we sing t he colors song, everything’s okay.What is yellow? Sun is yellow, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is yellow? Pears are yellow, Oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day. When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is green? A tree is green, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is green? A frog is green, Oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day. When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is purple? Grapes are purple, Doo-dah, doo-dah.What is purple? Plums are purple, Oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day. When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is orange? Yams are orange, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is orange? Just an orange, oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day.W hen we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is pink? A pig is pink, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is pink? A rose is pink, oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day. When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is gray? A dol phin’s gray, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is gray? A mouse is gray, Oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day. When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is brown? The earth is brown, Doo-dah, doo-dah.What is brown? A worm is brown, oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day. When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is black? A bat is black, Doo-dah, doo-dah. What is black? A hat is black, Oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day.W hen we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.What is white? The cloud is white, Doo-dah, doo-dah.What is white? The snow is white, Oh, doo-dah-day. We can sing all night, we can sing all day. When we sing the colors song, everything’s okay.Theme04 - Weather SongWhat’s the weather like today? Like today? Like today? What’s the weather like today? Can you tell me please? It is cloudy out today, out today, out today.It is cloudy out today, let’s go read a book.What’s the weather like today? Like to day? Like today? What’s the weather like today? Can you tell me please? It is rainy out today, out today, out today.It is rainy out today, let’s play in the house.What’s the weather like today? Like today? Like today? What’s the weather like today? Can you tell me please? It is winy out today, out today, out today.It is windy out today, let’s go fly a kite.What’s the weather like today? Like today? Like today? What’s the weather like today? Can you tell me please? It is snowy out today, out today, out today.It is snowy out today, let’s slide down the hill.What’s the weather like today? Like today? Like today? What’s the weather like today? Can you tell me please? It is sunny out today, out today, out today.It is sunny out today, let’s go out and pl ay! Yay-y-y!Theme05 - Hokey PokeyYou put your head in, you put your head out,You put your head in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around. That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your left shoulder in, you put your left shoulder out,You put your left shoulder in and you shake it all about.You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around. That’s wha t is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your right shoulder in, you put your right shoulder out,You put your right shoulder in and you shake it all about.You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your left hand in, you put your left hand out,You put your left hand in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey.That’s what is all about.You put your right hand in, you put your right hand out,You put your right hand in and you shake it all about.You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your left foot in, you put your left foot out,You put your left foot in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out,You put your right foot in and you shake it all about.You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.You put your whole self in, you put your whole self out,You put your whole self in and you shake it all about.You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself aroundThat’s what is all about.Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey,Oh do the hokey pokey, oh do the hokey pokey. That’s what is all about.Theme06 - Head Shoulders Knees and Toes Head shoulders knees and toesHead shoulders knees and toesEyes and ears and mouth and noseHead shoulders knees and toesTheme07 - Great ShapesAnd shines up in the skyTheme08 - So Many SoundsA Cello! A Cello! This is a Cello!A Cello! A Cello! A Cello sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Saxophone! A Saxophone! This is a Saxophone!A Saxophone! A Saxophone! A Saxophone sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Triangle! A Triangle! This is a Triangle!A Triangle! A Triangle! A Triangle sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Flute! A Flute! This is a Flute!A Flute! A Flute! A Flute sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Tambourine! A Tambourine! This is a Tambourine!A Tambourine! A Tambourine! A Tambourine sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Drum! A Drum! This is a Drum!A Drum! A Drum! A Drum sounds lik e this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Harp! A Harp! This is a Harp!A Harp! A Harp! A Harp sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around!A Trombone! A Trombone! This is a Trombone!A Trombone! A Trombone! A Trombone sounds like this…We listen to the music and hear all the different sounds!We listen to the music while we dance all around! Theme09 - Patterns Never End Patterns repeat again and againCat then dog then cat then dog againPatterns repeat again and againPatterns have no end…begin again!Patterns repeat again and againBoard then narrow then board then narrows againPatterns repeat again and againPatterns have no end…begin again!Patterns repeat again and againTall then short then tall then short againPatterns repeat again and againPatterns have no end…begin again!Patterns repeat again and againCircle then square then circle then square again Patterns repeat again and againPatterns have no end…begin again!Patterns repeat again and againRed then yellow then red then yellow againPatterns repeat again and againPatterns have no end…begin again!Theme10 - Hide and Seek SongH ey, can you help me find my friend? I’ve looked everywhere!Have you seen my friend? We are playing hide and seek!Is he next to this tree, I will go and take a peek!Is he over here, is he behind this?Have you seen my friend?Have you seen my friend? We are playing hide and seek!Is he under the bed, I will go and take a peek!Is he on the roof, is he in this box?Have you seen my friend?Have you seen my friend? We are playing hide and seek!Is he out of the house, I will go and take a peek!Is he off the floor, is he through the wall?Have you seen my friend?Have you seen my friend? We are playing hide and seek!Is he across the street, I will go and take a peek!Is he beside the house, no, he’s right in front of me!I have found my friend!Next ti me, I’ll hide, and you have to find me!Theme11 - Act like the Animals Hey, everyone, let’s pretend we’re animals!Can you walk like a donkey? Show me how!Can you sound like a donkey? Show me how! HEE HAW!Can you walk like a donkey and sound like a donkey?Can you act like a donkey? Show me how! HEE HAW!Can you run like a dog? Show me how!Can you sound like a dog? Show me how! WOOF WOOF!Can you run like a dog and sound like a dog?Can you act like a dog? Show me how! WOOF WOOF!Can you jump like a frog? Show me how!Can you sound like a frog? Show me how! RIBBIT, RIBBIT!Can you jump like a frog and sound like a frog?Can you act like a frog? Show me how! RIBBIT, RIBBIT!Can you fly like a crow? Show me how!Can you sound like a crow? Show me how! CAW, CAW!Can you fly like a crow and sound like a crow?Can you act like a crow? Show me how! CAW, CAW!Can you hop like a rabbit? Show me how!Can you sound like a rabbit? Show me how! SNIFF, SNIFF!Can you hop like a rabbit and sound like a rabbit?Can you act like a rabbit? Show me how! SNIFF, SNIFF!Can you move like an elephant? Show me how!Can you sound like an elephant? Show me how! BOOM, BOOM!Can you move like an elephant and sound like an elephant?Can you act like an elephant? Show me how! BOOM, BOOM!Theme12 - Celebrate with Me Did you ever wonder why some days are special?What is Christmas? It is a special day.And what do we do on Christmas Day?We give each other gifts!What is Valentine’s Day? It is a special day.And what do we do on Valentine’s Day?We tell people how we feel!What is Halloween? It is a special day.And what do we do on Halloween?We dress up in costumes!What is Easter? It is a special day.And what do we do on Easter?We hunt for colored eggs!What is the 4th of July? It is a special day.And what do we do on the 4th of July?See fireworks in the sky!What is Thanksgiving? It is a special day.And what do we do on Thanksgiving?Eat turkey with our family!What is a Birthday? It is a special day.And what do we do on Birthdays?We eat cake with our friends!What is Mother’s Day? It is a special day.And what do we do on Mother’s Day?We say thanks to our moms!(注:幼儿教育越显重要,但文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,供参考。



BingoThere was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH!B-I-N-G-O! B-I-N-G-O! B-I-N-G-O!And bingo was his name, Oh!(repeat five times, dropping one letter each time).Camptown RaceThe camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.Carrot StewWhenever we have a friend for lunch,There’s just one thing to do.We pick some berries and catch a fish.And make a carrot stew.CHORUSCarrot stew, carrot stew! It’s our favorite thing to do.Get a pot and a carrot to tow, and cook up a carrot stew.Nothing makes our tummies so full and keeps us happy too.As a great big pot or a little bitty bow!Or a spoonful of carrot stew.So when you come to our little house.Bring a carrot if you have a few.Well put it in a pot’ til it’s nice and hot.And make some carrot stew.Free JacquesFreer Jacques, Freer Jacques, Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous?Sonnez les matines, sonnez les matines, Ding, ding dong, ding ding,dong. Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Brother John? Brother John? Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing, ding ding dong, ding,ding dong.Here we go looply-looCHORUSHere we go looply-loo! Here we go looply-loo!Here we go looply-loo! All on a Saturday night!You put your right hand in, you put your right hand out.You give your hand a shake, shake, shake.You put your left hand in, you put your left hand out.You give your hand a shake, shake, shake.You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out.You give your foot a shake, shake, shake.You put your left foot in, you put your left foot out.You give your foot a shake, shake, shake.You put your little head in, you put your little head out.You give your little head a shake, shake, shake.You put your whole self in, you put your whole self out.You give your whole self a shake, shake, shake.All on a Saturday, all on a Saturday, all on a Saturday night.are we go round the Mulberry BushHere we go round the mulberry bush, The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush. Here we go round the mulberry bush, so early in the morning.This is the way we wash our clothes, wash our clothes, wash our clothes. This is the way we wash our clothes, so early Monday morning.This is the way we iron our clothes, iron our clothes, iron our clothes. This is the way we iron our clothes, so early Tuesday morning.This is the way we scrub the floor, scrub the floor, scrub the floor. This is the way we scrub the floor, so early Wednesday morning.This is the way we mend our clothes, mend our clothes, mend our clothes. This is the way we mend our clothes, so early Thursday morning.This is the way we sweep the house, sweep the house, sweep the house. This is the way we sweep the house, so early Friday morning.This is the way we bake our bread, bake our bread, bake our bread. This is the way we bake our bread, so early Saturday morning.This is the way we go to church, go to church, go to church.This is the way we go to church, so early Sunday morning.John Jacob Jingleheimer SchmidtJohn Jacob Jingleheimer SchmidtHis name is my name too.Wherever we go out, the people always shout.John Jacob Jingleheimer SchmidtDa Da Da Da Da Da Da!London BridgeLondon Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down.London bridge is falling down, my fair lady.Build it up with iron bars. (etc)Iron bars will bend and break (etc)Build it up with pins and needles (etc)Pins and needles rust and bend (etc)Build it up with gold and silver (etc)Gold and silver I’ve not got (et c)London Bridge is falling down (etc)Old BlueI had an old dog and his name was blue.Bet you five dollars he’s a good dog, too.I had an old dog and his name was blue.I bet you five dollars he’s a good dog, too.CHORUSI’m saying, yah-hah, Blue, you good dog, you.I’m a singing yah-hah, Blue, oh, yeah, you good dog, you.Well, Old Blue comes when I blow my horn.Old Blue comes when I blow my horn.Blue comes running through the yellow corn.Old blue comes when I blow my hornLate in the year of ’93, I got pinned ‘neath a fallen tree.Old Blue turned, ran straight to town, came right back with old Doc Brown.I remember when Blue and I roamed the hills beneath the sky!One day my old blue died, like a child. I knelt and cried.Well, whe n I get to Heaven, First thing I’ll do,Grab my horn and call for Blue.When I get to Heaven, first thing I’ll do.Grab my horn and blow for Blue.On top of Old smokyOn top of Old smoky, all covered with snow.I lost my true lover, for courin’ too s how.For courtin’s a pleasure, and parting is grief.And a false-hearted lover is worse than a thief.For a thief will just rob you and take all you pay.But a false-hearted lover will lead you astray.On top of Old smoky all covered with snow.I los t my true lover for courtin’ to slow.Polly Wolly DoodleOh, I went down South for to see my Sal, singin” Polly wolly Doodle” all the day.My sally is a spunky gal, singin” Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day. CHORUSFare thee well, fare the well, fare thee well, my fairy fay.For I’m goin’ to Louisiana for to see my susyanna.Singin’ “Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day.Oh, my sal, she is a maiden fair, singin” Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day.Well a bullfrog sitin’ on a railroad track. Singin’ “Polly W olly Doodle” all the day.Just a-pickin’ his teeth with a carpet tack, singin’” Polly Wolly Doodle” all the day.Red River ValleyFrom this valley they say you are going,I will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile.For I know you are taking the sunshine.That has lighten my pathway a while.Come and sit by my side if you love me,Don’t’ hasten to bid me do,But remember the Red River Valley,And the one that has loved you so true.Just remember the Red River ValleyAnd the one who has loved you so trueSailing MedleyBlow the man downI’ll sing you a song, a good song of the sea.With a way! Hey! Blow the man down!And trust that you’ll join in the chorus with me.Give me some time to blow the man down.There was an old skipper, I do n’t know his name.With a way! Hey! Blow the man down!Although he once played a remarkable game.Give me some time to blow the man down.His ship lay becalmed in the tropical seas.With a way! Hey! Blow the man down!He whistled all day. But in vain, for a breeze.Give me some time to blow the man downMy Bonnie lies over the oceanMy Bonnie lies over the ocean, My Bonnie lies over the sea,My Bonnie lies over the ocean. Oh bring back my bonnie to me.Bring back, bring back, oh bring back my bonnie to me, to me.Bring back, bring back, oh, bring back my bonnie to me.Sailing, sailingSailing, sailing over the bounding main.Fro many a stormy wind shall blow ere Jack comes home again. Sailing, sailing over the bounding main.For many a stormy wind shall blow ere Jack comes home again.Up she Rises.CHORUSWay, hey and up she rises, Way, hey and up she rises.Way, hey and up she rises, early in the morning.What do you do with a drunken sailor?What do you do with a drunken sailor?What do you do with a drunken sailor? Early in the morning.Put him in a longboat ‘tl he’s sober.Put him in a longboat ‘tl he’s sober.Put him in a longboat ‘tl he’s sober.Early in the morning.14Shortnin’ BreadPut on the skiller, put on the lid, Ma mmy’s gonna make a little shortnin’ bread.That ain’t all she’s going to do, mammy’s gonna make a little coffee, too.Mammy’s little baby loves shortnin’ shortnin’Mammy’s little baby loves shortnin’ bread.Mammy’s little baby loves shortnin’ shortnin’Mammy’s little baby loves shortnin’bread.Skip to my LouCHORUSLou, lou, skip to my lou. Lou, lou, skip to my lou.Lou, lou, skip to my lou. Skip to my lou, my darlin’Flies in the buttermilk, shoo fly, shoo!Flies in the buttermilk, shoo fly, shoo!Flies in the buttermilk, shoo fly, shoo!Skip to my lou, my darlin’Lost my partner, what’ll I do?Lost my partner, what’ll I do?Lost my partner, what’ll I do?Skip to my lou, my darlin’I’ll find another one-a pretty one, too.I’ll find ano ther one-a pretty one, too.I’ll find another one-a pretty one, too.Skip to my lou, my darlin’I’ve got a fal and that ain’t all, I’ve got a gal who’s ten feet tall. Sleeps in the kitchen with her feet in the hall.Skip to my lou, my darlin’I know a fellow, his name is BillHe was born on the side of hill,One leg’s longer than the other one still.Skip to my lou, my darlin’Swanee RiverWay down upon the swanee river, far, far, away.There’s where my heart is turning ever there’s where the o ld folks stay. All up and down the whole creation, sadly I roam.Still longing for the old plantation and for the old folks at home. All the world is sad and dreary, everywhere I roam.Oh, lady, how my heart grows weary, far from the old folks at home. One little hut among the bushes, one that I love.Still sadly to my memory rushes, no matter where I love.When will I see the bees a-hummin’ all round the comb?When will I hear the banjo strummin’ down in my good old home?All the world is sad and dreary, everywhere I roam.Oh, lady, how my heart grows weary, far from the old folks at home.he Bear Went over the mountainThe bear went over the mountain, the bear went over the mountain.The bear went over the mountain, to see what he could see.And all that he could see was the other side of the mountain.The other side of the mountain, the other side of the mountain.Was all that he could see!The bear went over the river, the bear went over the river,The bear went over the river, to see what he could see.And all that he could see was the other side of the river.The other side of the river, the other side of the river.Was all that he could see!For he’s a jolly good fellow! For he’s a jolly good fellow!For he’s a jolly good fellow! Which nobody can deny!Which nobody can deny, which nobody can deny!For he’s a jolly good fellow! For he’s a jolly good fellow!For he’s a jolly good fellow! Which nobody can deny!he Dump Truck songCHORUSIt’s so cozy to ride in my dump truck, Everybody come and ride along with me.It’s so cozy to ride in my dump truck, hop in the back and you will see. Tip-tip the dumper, honk-honk the horn.Can’t you just hear the engine roarin? Crank-crank the engine.Grind-grind the gears, just listen to the wind whistlin’ in your ears. Hop in Mr. Rooster, Hop in Mrs. HenHey there, pig, climb in again. Step aboard there, doggie.Waddle in here, duck, hey there, Miss Kitty, take a ride in my truck.The farmer in the dellThe farmer in the dell, the farmer in the dell.Hi-ho, the derry-o, the farmer in the dell.The farmer takes a wife(etc), the wife takes the child (etc)The child takes the nurse(etc), the nurse takes the dog(etc).The dog takes the cat(etc), the cat takes the rat(etc).The rat takes the cheese(etc), the chest stands alone(etc).The sidewalks of New YorkEast side, West side, all around the town.The tots sing ”Ring-a-Rosy”, “London Bridge is falling down?” Boys and girls together, me and Mamie O’Rourke, tripped the light fantasticOn the sidewalks of New Yorkhere was and old ladyThere was an old lady who swallowed a fly.I don’t know why she swallowed a fly.Perhaps she’ll die.There was an old lady who swallowed a spider.That wiggled and wriggled and jiggled inside her.She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.I don’t know why she swallowed a fly.Perhaps she’ll die.There was an old lady who swallowed a bird. Now, how absurd! To swallow a bird!She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.That wiggled and wriggled and jiggled inside her. She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.I don’t know why she swallowed a fly.Perhaps she’ll dieThere was an old lady who swallowed a cat. Imagine that! She swallowed a cat!She swallowed the cat to catch the bird. Swallowed the bird to catch the spider.That wiggled and wriggled and jiggled inside her. She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.I don’t know why she swallowed a fly.Perhaps she’ll dieThere was an old lady who swallowed a dog.My, what a hog! To swallowed a dog!She swallowed the dog to catch the cat.She swallowed the cat to catch the bird. Swallowed the bird to catch the spider.That wiggled and wriggled and jiggled inside her. She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.I don’t know why she swallowed a fly.Perhaps she’ll dieThere was an old lady who swallowed a goat.Just opened her throat, and swallowed a goatShe swallowed the goat to catch the dog..She swallowed the dog to catch the cat.She swallowed the cat to catch the bird. Swallowed the bird to catch the spider.That wiggled and wriggled and jiggled inside her. She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.I don’t know why she swallowed a fly.Perhaps she’ll dieThere was an old lady who swallowed a cow.I don’t k now how, but she swallowed a cow!She swallowed the cow to catch the goatShe swallowed the goat to catch the dog..She swallowed the dog to catch the cat.She swallowed the cat to catch the bird. Swallowed the bird to catch the spider.That wiggled and wriggled and jiggled inside her.She swallowed the spider to catch the fly.I don’t know why she swallowed a fly.Perhaps she’ll dieThere was an old lady who swallowed a horse.She died, of course.ThumbelinaOnce there was a maiden, so beautiful and kind.She was the smallest maiden fair that you could ever find.She was sweet and she was gentle, and she loved the simple way.At night she slept in a walnut shell, she sailed on a flower all day. CHOURSTiny Thumbelina, you could fit into my hand.I hope you find a happy place, in a sunny fairyland.Somewhere there’s tiny prince, he’s handsome good and kind.He is just the prince that Thumbelina wants to findHe’s strong and he is gentle and he loves the simple way.He and Thumbelina will be happy all their days.When the saints go marching inI am just a weary pilgrim, plodding through this world of sin. Getting ready for that city, when the saints go marching inCHORUSOh, when the Saints go marching in, Oh, when the Saints go marching in.。

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Come on,everybody!
Let’s ride the Name Train!Here comes the Name Train Chug in to the station.
Bring in all the names for us to know.
We can ride the Name Train
It is fun and easy.
Chug, chug, Toot, toot,
Off we go!
A is for Allen,
B is for Bobby,
C is for Carl,
Don’t you know ?
D is for Daniel。

All aboard the Name Train, Chug, chug, Toot, toot,
Off we go!
E is for Ellen,
F is for Flaura,
G is for Gina ,
Off we go!
H is for Helen,
All aboard the name train. Chug, chug, Toot, toot, Off we go!
I is for Isaac,
J is for Johnny,
K is for Kevin,
we all know .
L is for Lisa,
All aboard the Name Train , Chug, chug, Toot, toot, Off we go!
M is for Mary,
N is for Nancy,
O is for Olivia,
Here we go.
P is for Patsy,
All aboard the Name Train, Chug, chug, Toot, toot,
Off we go!
Q is for Quincy,
R is for Raymond,
S is for Santa Claus,
Ho ho ho!
T is for Tommy,
All aboard the Name Train , Chug, chug, Toot, toot, Off we go!
U is for Ursula ,
V is for Vicky
W is for Wendy,
Here we go,
All aboard the Name Train, it is fun and easy,Chug, chug, Toot, toot, Off we go!
X is for Xavier,
Y is for Yanni,Z is for Zachary,
D on’t be slow!
We will see our friends……Riding on the Name Train , Chug, chug, Toot, toot,
Off we go !
Hey!That was fun.
Let’s ride the Name Train one more time.。
