
It is an artificial intangible being created by state law, its formation and existence dependent on state enabling statutes.
Charter(公司章程):may mean (i) the document filed with the Secretary of State, i, e., the articles of incorporation, or (ii) the grant by the State of the privilege of conducting business with limited liability. Charter is often used in a colloquial sense to refer to the basic constitutive documents of the corporation.
the interested party :利害关系人 board of directors:董事会
separate legal identity :独立的法人资 格
separate legal entity:独立的法人 fairness、justice:公平、公正
Shareholders or Stockholders (股东)are the persons who own shares of either common or preferred stock. The Model Business Corporation (1984) and modern usage generally tends to prefer “shareholder” to “stockholder” ,but the latter word is deeply ingrained(根深蒂固的) in common usage .

公司法英文版(1)-; Where the board of directors or executive director cannot or does not perform its function, the shareholders meeting shall be convened and presided over by the board of supervisors or the supervisor in the absence of a board of supervisors. Where the board of supervisors or supervisor cannot or does not perform its function, the meeting shall be convened and presided over by shareholders representing more than one-tenth of the voting rights.; Article 42; All shareholders shall be notified fifteen (15) days prior to the convening of a shareholders meeting, unless otherwise stipulated by the articles of association or agreed upon by all shareholders.; The shareholders meeting shall prepare minutes regarding the decisions on matters considered at the meeting, which shall be signed by the shareholders present at the meeting.; Article 43; Shareholders shall exercise their voting rights at the shareholders meeting in proportion to their capital contributions, unless otherwise stipulated by the articles of association.; Article 44; Except as provided for in this Law, the rules of deliberation and voting procedures of the shareholders meeting shall be stipulated by the articles of association of the company.; Resolutions of the shareholders meeting on the increase orreduction of the registered capital, the division, merger, dissolution, or transformation of the company must be adopted by shareholders of the company representing two-thirds or more of the voting rights.; Article 45; Except as otherwise provided for in Article 51 of this Law, a limited liability company shall have a board of directors, which shall be composed of three to thirteen members. The members of the board of directors of a limited liability company invested in and established by two or more State-owned enterprises, or by two or more other State-owned investment entities shall include representatives of the staff and workers of the company. The members of the board of directors of other limited liability companies may also include representatives of the staff and workers. Such representatives of the staff and workers shall be democratically elected by the workers and staff members of the company through the congresses or assemblies of the staff and workers or other forms.A board of directors shall have a chairman and may have a vice-chairman. The method for the creation of the chairman and vice-chairmen shall be stipulated in the articles of association of the company.; Article 46; The term of the directors shall be prescribed by the articles of association, provided that each term may not exceed three (3) years.A director may continue to serve his post if he is re-elected upon the expiration of his term. Where a new elect is not yet available upon expiration of a director s term, or the number of the directors on theboard is less than the quorum due to the resignation of a director within his term, such director, before the new elect takes his office, shall continue the performance of his duties in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and the articles or association.; Article 47; The board of directors is accountable to the shareholders meeting and shall exercise the following powers:; (1) being responsible for convening shareholders meetings and presenting reports thereto;; (2) implementing resolutions adopted by the shareholders meeting;; (3) determining the company’s operational plans and investment programs;; (4) preparing annual financial budget plans and final accounting plans of the company;; (5) preparing profit distribution plans and plans to cover company losses;; (6) preparing plans for increasing or reducing registered capital of the company or issuing company bonds;公司法英文版(1)-; (7) drafting plans for merger, division, change of corporate form or dissolution of the company;; (8) determining the structure of the company’s internal management;; (9) appointing or removing the general manager of the company, appo inting or removing, upon the general manager’s recommendation, deputy managers of the company and the officer in charge of finance, and determining the remuneration for those officers;; (10) formulating the basic management scheme of the company;; (11) exercising other powers stipulated by the articles of association.; Article 48; A meeting of the board of directors shall be convened and presided over by the chairman. Where the chairman is unable to or does not perform his duties, the meeting shall be convened and presided over by the vice-chairman. Where the vice-chairman is unable to or does not perform his duties, the meeting shall be convened and presided over by a director jointly nominated by more than half of the directors.; Article 49; Except as otherwise provided for in this Law, the rules ofdeliberation and voting procedures at the meeting of board of directors shall be stipulated by the articles of association of the company.; The board shall prepare minutes relating to the decisions on matters considered at the meeting, which shall be signed by the directors present at the meeting.; In the voting process, one director shall represent one vote.; Article 50; A limited liability company shall have a general manager, to be appointed or removed by the board of directors. The general manager is accountable to the board and shall exercise the following powers:; (1) management of the company’s production and operation, and organizing the implementation of board resolutions;; (2) organizing the implementation of annual operating plans and investment programs of the company;; (3) preparing the plan for the structure of the company’s internal management;; (4) preparing the basic management scheme of the company;; (5) formulating detailed company rules;; (6) recommending the appointment or removal of a deputy manager and the officer in charge of finance;; (7) appointing and removing officers of the company other than those to be appointed or removed by the board of directors;; (8) exercising other powers delegated by the board of directors.; Where the articles of association stipulate otherwise in respect of the manager s powers, such stipulations shall prevail. The general manager shall be present at board meetings.; Article 51; A small-scaled limited liability company or a limited liability company with only a few shareholders may have an executive director without establishing a board of directors. The executive director may serve concurrently as the general manager of the company.; The powers of the executive director shall be prescribed in the articles of association.; Article 52; A limited liability company shall have a board of supervisors composed of no less than three (3) members. A small-scaled limited liability company or a limited liability company with only a few shareholders may have one or two supervisors without establishing a board of supervisors. The board of supervisors shall be composed of shareholders’ representatives and representatives of the sta ff and workers of the company. The number of the staff and workers representatives shall not be lower than one third of all the supervisors, the specific percentage of which shall be determined in the articles of association. The representatives of the staff and workers on the board of supervisors shall be democratically elected by the staff and workers through the congresses or assemblies of the workers and staff members or other forms. The board of supervisors shall have one chairman elected by more than half of all thesupervisors. The meetings of the board of supervisors shall be convened and presided over by the chairman of the board. In the event that the chairman is unable to or does not perform his duties, the meeting shall be convened and presided over by a supervisor jointly nominated by more than half of all the supervisors.公司法英文版(1)-; A director and a senior officer of the company shall not serve concurrently as a supervisor.; Article 53; Each term of a supervisor shall be three (3) years, and a supervisor may continue to serve his post upon expiration of his term if he is re-elected.; Where a new elect is not yet available upon expiration of a supervisor s term, or the number of the supervisors on the board is less than the quorum due to the resignation of a supervisor within his term, such supervisor, before the new elect takes his office, shall continue the performance of his duties in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and the articles or association.; Article 54; The board of supervisors or the supervisor, as the case may be, shall exercise the following authorities:; (1) reviewing the financial affairs of the company;; (2) monitoring the acts of the directors or the senior officers in the course of performance of their duties, and propose recall of the director or senior officer in violation of laws, administrative regulations or the articles of association;; (3) requiring the directors or the senior officers to make rectification when any act thereof causes harm to company interests;; (4) proposing for interim meetings of shareholders meetings, convene and preside over the meeting when the board of directors does not perform its function to convene and preside over a shareholders meeting as set forth in this Law;; (5) submitting proposals at the shareholders meeting;; (6) filing suit against the directors or senior officers of the company in accordance with the provisions of Article 152 in this Law;; (7) exercising other authorities prescribed by the articles of association.; Article 55; The supervisors may attend board meetings, present inquiry or proposal with regards to the issues to be determined by the board of directors.; The board of supervisors or the supervisors of a company that does not have the board may conduct investigations upon discoveryof any unusual operations of the company and, where necessary, engage an accounting firm to assist in such investigations at the expense of the company.; Article 56; The board of supervisors shall have a meeting at least once a year. An interim meeting may be convened at the request of supervisors.; Except as provided for in this Law, the rules of deliberation and voting procedures at the meeting of board of directors shall be stipulated by the articles of association of the company.; The resolution of the board of supervisors shall be adopted by more than half of all the supervisors. The board shall prepare minutes relating to the decisions on matters considered at the meeting, which shall be signed by the supervisors present at the meeting.; Article 57; Reasonable expenses necessary for the board of supervisors or supervisors of a company that does not have the board to perform their duties shall be borne by the company.; Section Three Special Provisions on One-Person Limited Liability Companies; Article 58; The provisions under this section shall govern the formation and the organizational structure of one-person limited liability companies. Where there are matters that are not covered by this section, the provisions of the first two sections under Chapter Oneshall apply.; A one-person limited liability company referred to herein means a limited liability company with a sole shareholder of either a natural person or a legal person.; Article 59; The minimum amount of the registered capital of a one-person limited liability company shall be RMB100, 000 which must be fully paid at the time of incorporation.。

英国公司法(Company Law)第一章注册公司的法律特征Company Law: Fundamental Principles, (2nd ed.) Stephen Griffin LLB, PITMAN Publishing, 1996THE LEGAL CHARACTERISTICS OF A REGISTERED COMPANY本章主要讲述了注册公司的基本法律特征及其发展的历史。
• 公司法概述 • 公司的设立与组织机构 • 公司的资本与股份 • 公司的合并、分立与解散 • 公司的财务与会计制度 • 公司的法律责任与纠纷解决
公司法是规定公司设立、组织、活动、解散以及其他对内对外关系的法律规范 的总称。
包括协议转让和集中竞价转让两种方式。协议转让需要双方达成协 议并办理过户手续,集中竞价转让则需要通过证券交易所进行。
如发起人、董事、监事、高级管理人员的股份转让限制,以及公司章 程可能对股份转让做出的其他限制。
公司债券的发行 公司债券是公司依照法定程序发行的、约定在一定期限还 本付息的有价证券。公司债券的发行需要符合公司法、证 券法等法律法规的规定。
公司的法律责任与纠 纷解决
因违反行政法规而需承担的责任,如罚款、 吊销营业执照等。
主要涉及合同违约、侵权行为等,公司需承 担赔偿损失、恢复原状等责任。
包括公司章程规定的营业期限届满、股东会或股东大会决议解散、因 公司合并或分立需要解散等。
THE LAW OF CORPORATIONS (For teaching purpose only)by Zhaibaohong2010. 08. 26OUTLINEChapter1 Concept of corporation (2)Section 1 Corporation and other forms (2)Section 2 Limited liability companies (7)Section 3 Piercing the corporate veil (12)Chapter 2 Establishment of corporation (15)Chapter 3 The Corporate Structure (20)Section 1 Traditional corporate structure (20)Section 2 The structure of companies limited by shares (23)Section 3 Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies (23)Chapter 4 The duty of care and loyalty (33)Section 1 Duty of care (33)Section 2 The business judgment rule (34)Section 3 Duty of loyalty (36)Chapter 5 Merger and consolidation (39)Chapter 6 Dividend policy, termination (41)Section 1 Concept, forms of dividend (41)Section 2 Dividend in China (42)Section 3 Termination (43)Consultative Materials1. ROBERT W. HAMILTON, THE LAW OF CORPORATIONS (4th), WEST PUBLISHING CO. 1996.2. BLACK’S LAW OF DISCTIONARY(7th), WEST GROUP, 1999.3. Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law, Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, 1996.4. DELAWARE GENERAL CORPORATION LAW. MAINE BUSINESS CORPORATION ACT. TEXAS BUSINESS CORPORATION ACT (GENERAL).5. COMPANY LAW OF CHINA, INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS RULE OF CHINA, CODE OF CORPROATE GOVERNNACE FOR LISTED COMPANIES, AND OTHER CHINESE LAWS, REGULATIONS.Chapter 1 The Concept of CorporationSection 1 Corporation and other business forms1. Partnership vs (versus). corporationChoosing a form (种类)of organization(组织)usually comes down to choosing between a partnership and a corporation(合伙企业和公司), the third form of business is proprietorship(独资企业).A corporation is an entity (usually a business) having authority under law (法定权利) to act as a single person distinct from (separate from) the shareholders (股东)who own it and having rights to issue stock (发行股份)and exist indefinitely; or a group of persons established in accordance with legal rules into a legal or juristic person (法人)that has legal personality distinct from the natural persons(自然人)who make it up, exists indefinitely apart from them, and has the legal powers that its constitution (章程)gives it.A partnership is an association of two or more persons or entities that conduct a business for profit as co-owners. In American, except in civil law (民法)as practiced inLouisiana, where a partnership, like a corporation, is considered as a legal person, a partnership is traditionally viewed as an association of individuals rather than as an entity with a separate and independent existence. A partnership cannot exist beyond the lives ofthe partners. (合伙人死后,合伙企业不能继续存在。

ACCA《F4公司法与商法》精选讲义第一章(1)本文由高顿ACCA整理发布,转载请注明出处Session 1 The Nature, Source and Purpose of Management AccountingMain contents:1. Data and information2. The managerial processes of planning, decision making and control3. Responsibility accounting4. Management accounting and financing accounting5. Presentation of management information1.1 Data and Information· Data consists of raw materials, which include numbers, letters, symbols, facts, events and transactions, that have been recorded but not yet processed into a form suitable for use.· Information is data which has been processed in such a way that it is meaningful to the person to the person who receives it. (for decision making purpose)The attributes of good information can be identified by the “ACCURATE” as shown below:· Accurate: accurate enough for the purpose· Complete: all the necessary information· Cost- effective: benefit > costs· Understandable: clear and easy to understand· Relevant: relevant to purpose· Accessible: the best way to communicate with the related person· Timely: be available at the right time· Easy to use: by management1.2 The Managerial Process of Planning , Decision Making and ControlInformation for management is likely to be used for planning, control and decision making objectives:An objective is the aim or goal of an organization. A strategy is a possible course of action that might enable an organization or an individual to achieve its objective.Planning:· Planning involved the following two factors:Establishing the objectivesSelecting appropriate strategy to achieve those objectives· The link between structure and strategy (understanding)1)。

1998年,1英国政府(贸易工业部)成立公司法审议指导小组(Company Law Review Steering Group),肩负着提出全面修改意见的任务,开始对以前公司法的实施情况进行综合审议。
审议分成四个阶段并且在各个阶1 “贸易工业部”(Department of Trade and Industry)已经改名为“商业/企业和管理改革部(Department of Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform, BERR)”。
1段发表了相关的报告:1999年2月发表的《战略性框架》(The Strategic Framework)阐述了审议的方法、方向、一些基本问题以及今后的工作;2000年3月发表的《发展框架》(Developing the Framework)分析了公司治理结构和小公司、私人公司,提出了建议;2000年11月发表的《完善结构》(Completing Framework)则进一步修改报告并且提出了建议。
ACCAF4 英国公司法与商法 翻译讲义(部分)

CHAPTER 181 资本维持原则随着公司有限责任制度的确立,为了加强对于公司债权人的保护,英国公司法上发展了旨在维持公司股份资本,保护债权人利益的“资产维持原则”。
2 股份资本的减少如果公司细则进行了授权且经过法院确认,一家股份有限公司可以通过特别决议以任何方式减少其股份资本。

Chapter One: General ProvisionsArticle 1This Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution, in order to meet the needs of establishing a modern enterprise system, to regulate the organization and conduct of companies, to protect the lawful rights and interests of companies as well as the shareholders and creditors thereof, to maintain social and economic order, and to promote the development of the socialist market economy.Article 2A Company referred to herein means a limited liability company or a joint stock limited company established within the territory of the People's Republic of China in accordance herewith.Article 3 Limited liability companies and joint stock limited companies are enterprise legal persons.In the case of a limited liability company, the shareholders are liable thereto to the extent of their capital contribution, and the company is liable for its debts to the extent of all of its assets.In the case of a joint stock limited company, its total capital is divided into stocks of equal value, and the shareholders are liable thereto to the extent of their share holdings, and the Company is liable for its debts to the extent of all of its assets.Article 4 As contributors of capital, the shareholders of a company enjoy the rights of proprietors in proportion to their respective share of capital contributions to the company, such as deriving benefits from its assets, making major decisions, and selecting its management.The Company enjoys the full property rights of a legal person in respect of assets resulting from the investment by its shareholders, and enjoys civil rights and bears civil liabilities in accordance with the law.Title to the state-owned assets in the company shall vest in the State.Article 5 A Company, with all of its assets owned by it as a legal person, shall operate autonomously and be responsible for its own profit and loss in accordance with the law.The company shall, under the state's macro-regulation, organize its production and operation autonomously in light of market demand, with a view to improving economic return and productivity, and accomplishing the preservation and increase of the value of its assets.Article 6 A company shall adopt an internal management system which clearly sets out the rights and responsibilities of the relevant parties, is conducive to scientific management, and combines incentive with check and balance.Article 7 If a state-owned enterprise is to be reorganized into a company, it must, in accordance with the conditions and requirements prescribed by national statutes and administrative regulations, change its operating mechanism, and orderly identify and verify its assets, determine the respective owners of the property rights therein, settle its creditor's rights and liabilities, conduct assets appraisal, and set up standard internal management organs.Article 8 The establishment of a limited liability company or a joint stock limited company is subject to the requirements prescribed herein. An entity meeting the requirements prescribed herein may be registered as a limited liability company, or a joint stock limited company, as the case may be; an entity failing to meet the requirements prescribed herein may not be registered as a limited liability company, or a joint stock limited company, as the case may be.Where the establishment of a company is subject to examination and approval as required by the relevant national statutes or administrative regulations, examination and approval procedure must be carried out in accordance with the law prior to its registration.Article 9 The name of a limited liability company established in accordance herewith must contain the words “limited liability company”.The name of a joint stock limited company established in accordance herewith must contain the words “joint stock limited company”.Article 10The Company shall be domiciled at the place where its principal executive office is located.Article 11 In order to establish a company, its articles of association must be prepared in accordance herewith. The articles of association of the company are binding upon the company and its shareholders, directors, supervisors and general manager.The Company's business scope shall be prescribed by its articles of association and be registered in accordance with the law. If an item in the Company's business scope is subject to any restriction prescribed by any national statute or administrative regulation, approval for such item shall be obtained in accordance with the law.The Company shall conduct its business within its registered business scope. The Company may change its business scope by amending its articles of association in accordance with legally prescribed procedure and registering such amendment with the company registration authority.Article 12 A Company may invest in another limited liability company or joint stock limited company, and is liable to such company to the extent of its capital contribution.Except for an investment company or a holding company stipulated by the State Council, where a company is to invest in other limited liability companies or joint stock limited companies, its cumulative investment may not exceed 50 percent of its net assets, provided that if after the investment, the capital is increased using profit distribution received from the company in which it invested, the increased amount shall not be included.Article 13 A Company may establish branch companies, which do not have the status of enterprise legal persons, and the civil liabilities thereof shall be borne by the company.The company may establish subsidiary companies, which have the status of enterprise legal persons and bear civil liabilities independently in accordance with the law.Article 14In conducting its business, a company must abide by the law, observe industry ethics, strengthen the development of socialist spiritual civilization, and subject itself to supervision by the government and the public.The company's lawful rights and interests are protected by law and shall not be infringed upon.Article 15 A company must protect the lawful rights and interests of its workers, strengthen labor protection, and achieve workplace safety.The company shall strengthen the professional education and on the job training of its workers in various forms, so as to improve their quality.Article 16 The workers of a company shall organize a labor union, which shall conduct union activities and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the workers in accordance with the law. The Company shall provide the necessary conditions for its labor union to conduct its activities.In accordance with the Constitution and other relevant national statutes, democratic management in the form of workers' assembly and other forms shall be adopted in a wholly state-owned company or alimited liability company established through investment by two or more state-owned enterprises or by two or more state-owned investment entities of other kinds.Article 17 Activities of the elementary-level cell of the Chinese Communist Party in a company shall be conducted in accordance with the Charter of the Chinese Communist Party.Article 18 Limited liability companies with foreign investment are subject to this Law, provided that where the provisions of national statutes governing Sino-foreign equity joint venture enterprises, Sino-foreign cooperative joint venture enterprises, and wholly foreign owned enterprises stipulate otherwise, the stipulations therein shall prevail.Chapter Ten: Legal LiabilitiesArticle 206 In the case of company registration, where an applicant obtains company registration in violation hereof by making false statement of registered capital, submitting false certificates or by concealing material facts through other fraudulent means, the company shall be ordered to make rectification, and in case false statement of registered capital was made, the company shall be fined not less than 5 percent but not more than 10 percent of the amount of registered capital falsely stated; the company submitting false certificates or concealing material facts shall be fined not less than 10,000 Yuan but not more than 100,000 Yuan; where the circumstances are serious, the company registration shall be revoked. Where such action constitutes a crime, criminal liability shall be imposed in accordance with the law.Article 207 In the case of issue of company shares or bonds, where the prospectus, subscription form, or plan for company bonds offer is falsely prepared, the issuing activities shall be ordered to cease, and an order shall be issued for the return of the proceeds received together with interest thereon, and a fine of not less than 1 percent but not more than 5 percent of the proceeds illegally received shall be imposed. Where such action constitutes a crime, criminal liability shall be imposed in accordance with the law.Article 208In the case of capital contribution, where the sponsors or shareholders falsify capital contribution by failing to pay money, to deliver tangible goods or to transfer property rights, thus defrauding the creditors or the public, rectification shall be ordered, and such persons shall be fined not less than 5 percent but not more than 10 percent of the amount of capital contribution falsified. Where such action constitutes a crime, criminal liability shall be imposed in accordance with the law.Article 229Companies registered and established prior to the implementation of this Law, in accordance with law, administrative regulations, local regulations, and the Standard Opinions Concerning Limited Liability Companies and the Standard Opinions Concerning Joint Stock Limited Companies formulated by the relevant authority in charge under the State Council, shall remain in existence, provided that those companies which do not meet all the conditions prescribed herein shall meet such conditions within the time limit prescribed. Detailed implementing measures shall be formulated by the State Council separately.Article 230 This Law shall become operative as of July 1, 1994.。


1. Some legal terms in corporate law
a. natural person v. legal person
自然人 法人
b. common law legal system v. continental law legal system
民法法系 (civil law legal system)
(Anglo-American law system)
Civil Law System (Continental law system)
The civil law system is the general typology of legal systems found in most countries. It is an alternative to common law system and has its roots in Roman Law. It is employed by almost every country that was not a colony of the British Empire.
2. Introduction to different forms of business entities
1.1 sole proprietorships 1.2 partnerships (general partnership, limited partnership,
limited liability company) 1.3 corporations
The sole proprietorship is the oldest and simplest form of

公司法英文版(1)-; Company Law of the People’s Republic of China; (The Company Law of the People s Republic of China has been amended and adopted by the 18th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People’s Congress on October 27, 2005. This Law, as amended, is hereby promulgated and will come into force on January 1, 2006.); Chapter One: General Provisions. 1; Chapter Two: Incorporation and Organizational Structure of a Limited Liability Company. 6; Section One Incorporation. 6; Section Two Organizational Structure. 9; Section Three Special Provisions on One-Person Limited Liability Companies. 14; Section Four Special Provisions on Wholly State-owned Companies. 15; Chapter Three: Share Transfer of a Limited Liability Company.16; Chapter Four: Establishment and Organizational Structure of a Joint Stock Limited Company. 18; Section One Establishment18; Section Two General Meeting of Shareholders. 23; Section Three Board of Directors and General Manager25; Section Four Board of Supervisors. 27; Chapter Five Issue and Transfer of Shares of Joint StockLimited Companies. 28; Section One Issue of Shares. 28; Section Two Assignment Of Shares. 31; Chapter Six: Qualifications and Obligations of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Officers. 32; Chapter Seven: Company Bonds. 35; Chapter Eight : Financial and Accounting Affairs of Company.36; Chapter Nine:Merger and Division of Company, Increase and Decrease of Registered Capital38; Chapter Ten: Dissolution and Liquidation of Company. 40; Chapter Eleven : Branch of Foreign Company. 42; Chapter Twelve: Legal Liabilities. 43; Chapter Thirteen : Supplementary Provisions. 47; Chapter One: General Provisions; Article 1; This Law is enacted in order to standardize the organization and activities of companies, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of companies, shareholders and creditors, to maintain the socio-economic order and to promote the development of the socialist market economy.; Article 2; Th e term ‘company’ referred to in this Law means a limited liability company or a joint stock limited company incorporated within the territory of the People’s Republic of China in accordance with this Law.; Article 3; A company is an enterprise legal person that shall enjoy the right to the entire independent property of the legal person. A company shall be liable for its debts to the extent of all its assets. In the case of a limited liability company, shareholders shall assume liability towards the company to the extent of their respective capital contributions. In the case of a joint stock limited company, shareholders shall assume liability towards the company to the extent of their respective shareholdings.; Article 4; The shareholders of a company shall enjoy such rights as benefiting from assets of the company, making major decisions and selecting managerial personnel in accordance with the law.; Article 5; In conducting its business, a company must abide by laws and administrative rules and regulations, observe social morals and business ethics, conduct businesses in good faith, subject itself to the supervision of the government and the public and fulfill social responsibilities.; The company’s lawful rights and interests are protected by law and shall not be infringed upon.公司法英文版(2)-; Article 90; After the proceeds from issue of the shares are paid in full, the share capital shall be verified by a legally-prescribed capital verification institution and a certificate shall be issued thereby. Within thirty (30) days, the sponsors shall convene and preside over the establishment meeting, which is composed of the subscribers.; If the issued shares are not fully placed upon expiration of the time limit prescribed in the prospectus, or the sponsors fail to hold the establishment meeting within thirty (30) days of full payment of the proceeds from issue of the shares, the subscribers may demand that the sponsors return the share proceeds.; Article 91; The sponsors shall notify each subscriber of the date of the establishment meeting or make a public announcement for such meeting fifteen (15) days in advance. The establishment meeting may not be held unless attended by subscribers representing at least half of the shares.; The establishment meeting shall exercise the following authorities:; (1) considering the report on pre-establishment activities prepared by the sponsors;; (2) adopting the articles of association;; (3) electing members of the board of directors;; (4) electing members of the board of supervisors;; (5) verifying expenses incurred for the establishment of the company;; (6) verifying the value of the assets contributed by the sponsors in lieu of share proceeds;; (7) where an event of force majeure or any material change in operating condition affecting the company’s establishment has occurred, a resolution not to establish the company may be adopted.; A resolution adopted at the establishment meeting on any of the matters mentioned in the preceding paragraph requires affirmative votes by subscribers present at the meeting representing more than half of the voting rights.; Article 92; Upon payment of the share proceeds or delivery of the items as contribution of share capital in lieu of share proceeds, the sponsors and subscribers may not withdraw their share capital, except where the shares issued are not fully placed in time, the sponsors fail to hold the establishment meeting in time, or the establishment meeting adopts a resolution not to establish the company.; Article 93; Within thirty (30) days of the completion of the establishment meeting, the board of directors shall apply for establishment registration by submitting to the company registration authority the following:; (1) the company registration application;; (2) the minutes of the establishment meeting;; (3) the articles of association;; (4) the capital verification certificate;; (5) the engagement letters and identity certificates of the legal representative, directors and supervisors;; (6) the legal person s qualification certificate of sponsors or identity certificate of natural persons;; (7) the company s certificate of domicile.; The verification documents issued by the securities regulatory department under the State Council shall be submitted to the company registration authority in the event of public share offer by a joint stock limited company established by public share offer.; Article 94; Sponsors failing to contribute in full after the establishment of a joint stock limited company shall make up the rest of the contribution. Other sponsors shall bear joint and several liability for such contribution.; Where the actual value of the non-currency property contribution, after the establishment of a joint stock limited company, is found to be obviously lower than the amount prescribed in the articles of association of the company, the sponsor making such contribution shall make up the balance and other sponsors shall bear joint and several liability therefor.。

英国公司法(Company Law)第十章有限责任公司股份的法律性质和特征--------------------------------------------------------------------------------作者:明月孤岑文章来源:竹月斋发表于2006年10月21日CompanyLaw:FundamentalPrinciples,(2nded.)StephenGriffinLLB,PITMANPublishing,1996THE LEGAL NATURE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF HOLDING SHARES IN A LIMITED COMPANY本章的目的是探讨不同种类的有限公司股份的法律特征,以及法院和国务大臣对股份所有权所施加的限制。
股票的名义价值或票面价值(thenominal value)是指股东从公司购买股票所支付的最低价。
如果公司以高于票面价值的价格卖出股票,则实际价格和票面价格的差额被称为“股票溢价”(share premium),并应记载于股票溢价帐户上。

大多数学者都认可公司法是民法的特别法。民法的一般原则均适用于公司法。 但是必须注意的是,在我国,《公司法》有浓厚的政府干预色彩,有关我国公司 法的性质容以后再讲。
台湾学者赖源河在《证券管理法规》中指出:“证券法与公司法之一主要区 别在于两法目的相异,证券法以保护投资人及发展国家经济为目的,而以保护投 资人为中心,至于公司法,则以如何建立公司组织体,以求其运营健全与发展为 其中心之课题。因此,证券法所规范的直接目的在于投资人的保护,而公司法所 规范的,则在于营利主体的组织与运行。”
(三)破产法 (四)企业法
(一)注重知识的兼容性 (二)注重从民商法中汲取营养 (三)在实践中发现问题
(一)公司的萌芽时期(11世纪——15世纪中叶) (二)公司的产生和发展 (三)垄断时期资本主义的公司
三Hale Waihona Puke 公司法的法系(一)法国法系 (二)德国法系 (三)英美法系
在借鉴美国公司法时,所选择的标本主要是美国律师协会(ABA)的示范商 事公司法和美国法学会的公司治理指南。这两部“法律”虽然仅具有示范和指引 性质,但其绝大部分内容已为州法所采用,尤其是前者。事实上,可以说这两部 法律本身就是对美国真实判例法的重述。
第一讲 公司法概述
一、公司的定义 二、公司起源 三、公司法法系 四、公司法与相关法的关系 五、如何学习公司法
英国公司法专家高维尔指出:“尽管公司法在法律领域已是公认的法律部 门,有关这方面的著述也是汗牛充栋,但依然无法准确地把握其范畴,因为公 司一次并没有严格的法律含义。” (一)公司是一种人造实体 考察公司最简单、通常也是最有用的方法,是把它看成一个独立于其所有人 或者投资人的拟制的实体,或者说是一个人造的实体。这种人造的实体可以像一 个“真实的”人那样,以自己的名义经营一项或多项业务。 由此引申出公司的一个重要特征:公司的人格性。承认公司的独立人格也 就意味着承认公司的独立主体地位。法人与自然人共同形成民事主体的二元结 构。

第一章 英国公司法概况
揭开公司面纱(lifting the veil of incorporation) 在某些特定情况下,继续维护公司的独立人
格和有限责任将使债权人的利益受到不法侵害乃 至影响法律的正义和公平 ,公司的面纱可以被 揭开,从而使股东或管理层对公司债务直接承担 责任。
第一章 英国公司法概况
第一章 英国公司法概况
公司停产后两股东签署了“股东会纪要”,两 股东均应自觉按“纪要”办。两股东在是否应对乙 公司进行起诉问题上产生分歧,且至今未能取得一 致意见,故应视为本案的起诉不是甲公司的真实意 思表示,故驳回原告甲公司的起诉。案件受理费 50元由原告负担。
第一章 英国公司法概况
Salomon先生把自己的财产折合成38782英镑, 卖给了一个有限责任公司。该公司由Salomon先 生、他的妻子、女儿和四个儿子组成。该公司的 名义股本为40000股,每一股1英镑,其中 Salomon先生持有已全额缴付的20000股,其他6 个股东每人1股。此外,该公司还向Salomon发 行了一份金额为10000英镑、带有浮动担保的债 券,并且支付了8728英镑的现金。这样的安排, 使得Salomon先生能以票数胜过其余6名股东从 而获得对该公司的控制权。该公司除了20007股 股份外,没有发行其他股份。所有的手续都符合 1862年公司法。Salomon先生被任命为执行董事 。后来公司清算,在兑付了债券后剩余财产无法 清偿普通债权人。
第一章 英国公司法概况
➢ 二、英国公司的历史
个体经营 行业协会 东印度公司
第一章 英国公司法概况
第二节 英国公司法的历史
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University of Exeter Business SchoolCorporate Law 2011/2012Part A (Sections 1-3): CREATING THE COMPANYSECTION 1 - THE COMPANY IN CONTEXTMaterial to accompany lectures and lecture slidesTypes of Business VehiclePartnership Act 1890PA 1890 s.1(1): Partnership is the relation which subsists between persons carrying on a business in common with a view of profit.Companies excluded from definition: s. 1(2)The ‘firm’: s. 4(1) PA 1890Khan v Miah [2000] 1 WLR 2123Limited Partnerships Act 1907Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000S. 1 LLPA 2000:(1) There shall be a new form of legal entity to be known as a limited liability partnership.(2) A limited liability partnership is a body corporate (with legal personality separate from that of its members) which is formed by being incorporated under this Act ….S. 2 LLPA 2000: (1) For a limited liability partnership to be incorporated – (a) two or more persons associated for carrying on a lawful business with a view to profit must have subscribed their names to an incorporation document.LLP Regulations 2001Companies Act 2006S.7 CA 2006:(1) A company is formed under this Act by one or more persons –(a) subscribing their names to a memorandum of association …, and(b) complying with the requirements of this Act as to registration …(2) A company may not be so formed for an unlawful purpose.”Further information about the types of business enterprise is available at:Further information with a practical focus can be found at Business Link:/bdotg/action/layer?r.s=tl&r.l1=1073858805&r.lc=en&topicId =1085161962Types of CompanyS. 3: (1) A company is a “limited company” if the liability of its members is limited by its constitution. It may be limited by shares or limited by guarantee.(2) If their liability is limited to the amount, if any, unpaid of the shares held by them, the company is “limited by shares”.(3) If their liability is limited to such amount as the members undertake to contribute to the assets of the company in the event of its being wound up, the company is “limited by guarantee”.(4) If there is no limit on the liability of its members, the company is an “unlimited company”. s. 4(1): A “private company” is any company that is not a public company.(2) A “public company” is a company limited by shares or limited by guarantee and having a share capital –(a) whose certificate of incorporation states that it is a public company, and(b) in relation to which the requirements of this Act, or the former Companies Acts, as to registration or re-registration as a public company have been complied with …. Name: s. 58(2); s. 59(1)Small co: s. 382(3)Medium-sized co: s. 465(3)S. 1159(1): A company is a “subsidiary” of another company, its “holding company”, if that other company –(a) holds a majority of the voting rights in it, or(b) is a member of it and has the right to appoint or remove a majority of its board of directors, or(c) is a member of it and controls alone, pursuant to an agreement with other members, a majority of the voting rights in it, or if it is a subsidiary of a company that is itselfa subsidiary of that other company.(2) A company is a “wholly-owned subsidiary” of another company if it has no members except that other and that other’s wholly-owned subsidiaries or persons acting on behalf of that other or its wholly-owned subsidiaries.” (see also Schedule 6)S.99 A company may by re-registration under this Part alter its status-(a) from a private company to a public company (see sections 90 to 96);(b) from a public company to a private company (see sections 97 to 101);(c) from a private limited company to an unlimited company (see sections 102 to 104);(d) from an unlimited private company to a limited company (see sections 105 to 108);(e) from a public company to an unlimited private company (see sections 109 to 111). Locating Company LawWelton v Saffery [1897] AC 299:“These companies are the creature of statute” (Lord Macnaghten)Ooregum Gold Mining Co of India Ltd v Roper [1892] AC 125“ … the whole structure of a limited company owes its existence to the Act of Parliament, and it is to the Act of Parliament one must refer to see what are its powers, and within what limits it is free to act.” (Lord Halsbury)Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006) (royal assent on 8 November 2006, gradually brought into force through 2007-9, completed 1 October 2009)Insolvency Act 1986 (IA 1986)Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 (CDDA 1986)Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSAMA 2000)。