
It is an artificial intangible being created by state law, its formation and existence dependent on state enabling statutes.
Charter(公司章程):may mean (i) the document filed with the Secretary of State, i, e., the articles of incorporation, or (ii) the grant by the State of the privilege of conducting business with limited liability. Charter is often used in a colloquial sense to refer to the basic constitutive documents of the corporation.
the interested party :利害关系人 board of directors:董事会
separate legal identity :独立的法人资 格
separate legal entity:独立的法人 fairness、justice:公平、公正
Shareholders or Stockholders (股东)are the persons who own shares of either common or preferred stock. The Model Business Corporation (1984) and modern usage generally tends to prefer “shareholder” to “stockholder” ,but the latter word is deeply ingrained(根深蒂固的) in common usage .

英国公司法(Company Law)第一章注册公司的法律特征Company Law: Fundamental Principles, (2nd ed.) Stephen Griffin LLB, PITMAN Publishing, 1996THE LEGAL CHARACTERISTICS OF A REGISTERED COMPANY本章主要讲述了注册公司的基本法律特征及其发展的历史。

三、重难点分析1. 公司法的定义与性质所谓的公司法,是规定各种公司的设立、组织活动和解散以及其他与公司组织有关的对内外关系的法律规范的总称。
2. 公司的法律特征公司应具有以下三个重要的法律牲:(1)合法性公司必然依照公司法律规定的条件并依照法律规定的程序设立;在公司成立以后,公司也必须严格依照有关法律规定进行管理,从事经营活活动。

出资人自己进行重大决策,选择公司的管理 者;公司作为独立的市场主体,依照公司章 程自主经营、自负盈亏,不受非法干预。
公司的设立与组织机 构
Hale Waihona Puke 设立条件包括股东人数、注册资本 、公司名称、组织机构、 住所等方面的要求。
包括申请名称预先核准、 制定公司章程、缴纳出资 、申请设立登记等步骤。
20世纪以来,随着经济的发展和全球 化的推进,公司法不断完善和更新, 呈现出国际化、统一化的趋势。
17世纪初,英国和荷兰率先颁布公司 法,随后法国、德国等欧洲国家也相 继制定公司法。
公司制度的安排及实现,是基于现代市场经 济条件下对影响公司及社会发展的多种利 益关系进行分析、均衡的结果。
股东以其所认购股份对公司承担有限责任, 公司以其全部资产对公司债务承担责任。
公司有效运转的制度安排与实现, 是以对 公司各种权力合理分配、相互制衡为出发 点而进行配置的结果。
股东依其持有股份的多少享有权利并承担 义务,股东之间权利平等,利益共享、风险 共担。
公司不能清偿到期债务,并且 资产不足以清偿全部债务或明
债权人或债务人可向法院申请 重整,法院裁定受理后指定管 理人负责重整期间公司事务。
管理人需制定重整计划草案并 提交债权人会议审议表决,通 过后由法院裁定批准并执行。
重整期间公司需遵守法律规定 和管理人要求,如违反规定或 重整失败则可能面临破产清算
THE LAW OF CORPORATIONS (For teaching purpose only)by Zhaibaohong2010. 08. 26OUTLINEChapter1 Concept of corporation (2)Section 1 Corporation and other forms (2)Section 2 Limited liability companies (7)Section 3 Piercing the corporate veil (12)Chapter 2 Establishment of corporation (15)Chapter 3 The Corporate Structure (20)Section 1 Traditional corporate structure (20)Section 2 The structure of companies limited by shares (23)Section 3 Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies (23)Chapter 4 The duty of care and loyalty (33)Section 1 Duty of care (33)Section 2 The business judgment rule (34)Section 3 Duty of loyalty (36)Chapter 5 Merger and consolidation (39)Chapter 6 Dividend policy, termination (41)Section 1 Concept, forms of dividend (41)Section 2 Dividend in China (42)Section 3 Termination (43)Consultative Materials1. ROBERT W. HAMILTON, THE LAW OF CORPORATIONS (4th), WEST PUBLISHING CO. 1996.2. BLACK’S LAW OF DISCTIONARY(7th), WEST GROUP, 1999.3. Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law, Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, 1996.4. DELAWARE GENERAL CORPORATION LAW. MAINE BUSINESS CORPORATION ACT. TEXAS BUSINESS CORPORATION ACT (GENERAL).5. COMPANY LAW OF CHINA, INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS RULE OF CHINA, CODE OF CORPROATE GOVERNNACE FOR LISTED COMPANIES, AND OTHER CHINESE LAWS, REGULATIONS.Chapter 1 The Concept of CorporationSection 1 Corporation and other business forms1. Partnership vs (versus). corporationChoosing a form (种类)of organization(组织)usually comes down to choosing between a partnership and a corporation(合伙企业和公司), the third form of business is proprietorship(独资企业).A corporation is an entity (usually a business) having authority under law (法定权利) to act as a single person distinct from (separate from) the shareholders (股东)who own it and having rights to issue stock (发行股份)and exist indefinitely; or a group of persons established in accordance with legal rules into a legal or juristic person (法人)that has legal personality distinct from the natural persons(自然人)who make it up, exists indefinitely apart from them, and has the legal powers that its constitution (章程)gives it.A partnership is an association of two or more persons or entities that conduct a business for profit as co-owners. In American, except in civil law (民法)as practiced inLouisiana, where a partnership, like a corporation, is considered as a legal person, a partnership is traditionally viewed as an association of individuals rather than as an entity with a separate and independent existence. A partnership cannot exist beyond the lives ofthe partners. (合伙人死后,合伙企业不能继续存在。


1998年,1英国政府(贸易工业部)成立公司法审议指导小组(Company Law Review Steering Group),肩负着提出全面修改意见的任务,开始对以前公司法的实施情况进行综合审议。
审议分成四个阶段并且在各个阶1 “贸易工业部”(Department of Trade and Industry)已经改名为“商业/企业和管理改革部(Department of Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform, BERR)”。
1段发表了相关的报告:1999年2月发表的《战略性框架》(The Strategic Framework)阐述了审议的方法、方向、一些基本问题以及今后的工作;2000年3月发表的《发展框架》(Developing the Framework)分析了公司治理结构和小公司、私人公司,提出了建议;2000年11月发表的《完善结构》(Completing Framework)则进一步修改报告并且提出了建议。
ACCAF4 英国公司法与商法 翻译讲义(部分)

CHAPTER 181 资本维持原则随着公司有限责任制度的确立,为了加强对于公司债权人的保护,英国公司法上发展了旨在维持公司股份资本,保护债权人利益的“资产维持原则”。
2 股份资本的减少如果公司细则进行了授权且经过法院确认,一家股份有限公司可以通过特别决议以任何方式减少其股份资本。

Removal of Directors
• Directors can be removed by the shareholders in
a) A person who: 1) Is appointed to the position of a director; or 2) Is appointed to the position of an alternate director and is acting in that capacity b) Unless the contrary intention appears, a person who is not validly appointed is a director if 1) They act in the position of a director (‘de facto director’) or 2) The directors of the company or body are accustomed to act in accordance with the person’s instructions or wishes. (‘shadow director’)
Who is a director?
• De facto directors (s9 (b) (1))
• Need not be officially appointed: The test is whether they were acting in the position of a director

1. Some legal terms in corporate law
a. natural person v. legal person
自然人 法人
b. common law legal system v. continental law legal system
民法法系 (civil law legal system)
(Anglo-American law system)
Civil Law System (Continental law system)
The civil law system is the general typology of legal systems found in most countries. It is an alternative to common law system and has its roots in Roman Law. It is employed by almost every country that was not a colony of the British Empire.
2. Introduction to different forms of business entities
1.1 sole proprietorships 1.2 partnerships (general partnership, limited partnership,
limited liability company) 1.3 corporations
The sole proprietorship is the oldest and simplest form of

英国公司法(Company Law)第十章有限责任公司股份的法律性质和特征--------------------------------------------------------------------------------作者:明月孤岑文章来源:竹月斋发表于2006年10月21日CompanyLaw:FundamentalPrinciples,(2nded.)StephenGriffinLLB,PITMANPublishing,1996THE LEGAL NATURE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF HOLDING SHARES IN A LIMITED COMPANY本章的目的是探讨不同种类的有限公司股份的法律特征,以及法院和国务大臣对股份所有权所施加的限制。
股票的名义价值或票面价值(thenominal value)是指股东从公司购买股票所支付的最低价。
如果公司以高于票面价值的价格卖出股票,则实际价格和票面价格的差额被称为“股票溢价”(share premium),并应记载于股票溢价帐户上。

第一章 英国公司法概况
揭开公司面纱(lifting the veil of incorporation) 在某些特定情况下,继续维护公司的独立人
格和有限责任将使债权人的利益受到不法侵害乃 至影响法律的正义和公平 ,公司的面纱可以被 揭开,从而使股东或管理层对公司债务直接承担 责任。
第一章 英国公司法概况
第一章 英国公司法概况
公司停产后两股东签署了“股东会纪要”,两 股东均应自觉按“纪要”办。两股东在是否应对乙 公司进行起诉问题上产生分歧,且至今未能取得一 致意见,故应视为本案的起诉不是甲公司的真实意 思表示,故驳回原告甲公司的起诉。案件受理费 50元由原告负担。
第一章 英国公司法概况
Salomon先生把自己的财产折合成38782英镑, 卖给了一个有限责任公司。该公司由Salomon先 生、他的妻子、女儿和四个儿子组成。该公司的 名义股本为40000股,每一股1英镑,其中 Salomon先生持有已全额缴付的20000股,其他6 个股东每人1股。此外,该公司还向Salomon发 行了一份金额为10000英镑、带有浮动担保的债 券,并且支付了8728英镑的现金。这样的安排, 使得Salomon先生能以票数胜过其余6名股东从 而获得对该公司的控制权。该公司除了20007股 股份外,没有发行其他股份。所有的手续都符合 1862年公司法。Salomon先生被任命为执行董事 。后来公司清算,在兑付了债券后剩余财产无法 清偿普通债权人。
第一章 英国公司法概况
➢ 二、英国公司的历史
个体经营 行业协会 东印度公司
第一章 英国公司法概况
第二节 英国公司法的历史
《公司法》讲义及思考题(导论和第一章) (1)

Gower and Davies, Principles of Modern Company Law (8th ed), Thomson, Sweet & Maxwell 2008. Larry E. Ribstein and Peter V. Letsou, Business Association (4th ed), Anderson Publishing Co 2003. Adolf A. Berle, Jr. and Gardiner C. Means, The Modern Corporation and Private Property, Revised edition, Adolf A. Berle,1968.Frank H. Easterbrook and Daniel R. Fischel, The Economic Structure of Corporate Law,Harvard University Press, 1991网络资源法学期刊和法学网站(学术期刊网;人大报刊复印资料;国外:)国内相关立法《中华人民共和国民法通则》(1986年)《中华人民共和国公司法》(1993年通过, 2005年修正)及最高法院司法解释《中华人民共和国企业破产法》(2006年8月通过)《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》(1983年通过,1986年,1987年修订)及《实施条例》(2001年)《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》(1988年通过,2000年修改)《中华人民共和国外资企业法》1986年通过,2000年修改)及《实施细则》(1990年发布,2001年修改)《中华人民共和国公司登记管理条例》(1994年,2005年)《中华人民共和国证券法》(1998年12月29日,2005年修订)我国《企业财务通则》、《企业会计准则》、《中华人民共和国会计法》、《税收征管法》、《反不正当竞争法》等法律法规有关企业的规定我国关于外资保险、证券等公司、外资股份有限公司的法律法规证监会对上市公司管理的有关规定国外立法United KingdomCompanies Act 2006Takeover CodeCombined Code of Corporate GovernanceUK Listing RulesUnited StatesDelaware General Corporation Lawthe Securities Act 1933 and the Securities and Exchange Act 1934New York Stock Exchange’s Listed Company ManualHarvard Law School Corporate Governance BlogGermanyAct on public limited liability company, AktGThe German Civil CodeThe German Takeover CodeThe Securities Trading ActGerman Corporate Governance Code (GCGC)Francethe Code de Commerce (Commercial Code)European UnionPrimary legislation and case-law can be accessed via the EUR-Lex portal 导论一、企业(公司)的意义对社会、国家和个人的影响二、企业(公司)法的意义(一)制度、法律制度与公司法范围、方式及其关系(二)经济学的视角与工具交易成本(Transaction Costs)卸责(Shirking)有限理性(Bounded Rationality)代理成本(Agency Costs)机会主义(Opportunism)危险成本(Risk Bearing Costs)(三)法经济学与法社会学的视角企业与政府的关系(不同理论)特许理论(the concession theory of corporations)伯利和闵斯有关“公司所有与公司控制相分离”理论公共选择理论(public choice theory)企业合同理论(the contractual theory of the firm)法律与经济的关系经济体制、市场结构与企业(公司)法第一章公司法概述第一节公司的概念和特征一、公司的概念外文中的“公司”不同学科中的“公司”不同法系中的“公司”二、公司的法律特征1.依法设立企业形式法定主义与企业的法律形态。

2015ACCA《F4公司法与商法》辅导讲义(4)本文由高顿ACCA整理发布,转载请注明出处1 Human Rights ACT 19981.1 The Human Rights Act imposes a duty in "public authorities" to comply with the European Convention on Human Rights, and allows us to take action in the UK courts for violations of Convention rights.1.2 Prior to the Act conventions rights could only be enforced in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg which could be time consuming, expensive and daunting.1.3 Now that the convention is part of UK law (HRA98) those rights can now be enforced in UK courts.2 The rights (articles)2.1 The main rights are:2.1.1 the right to life (A.2)2.1.2 prohibition of torture (A.3)2.1.3 no slavery or forced labour (A.4)2.1.4 right to liberty and security (A.5)2.1.5 right to a fair trial (A.6)2.1.6 no punishment without law (A.7) (generally therefore criminal offences should not be retrospective)2.1.7 right to respect for privacy, family life (A.8)2.1.8 freedom of thought, conscience and religion (A.9)2.1.9 freedom of expression, assembly and association (A.10/A.11)2.1.10 right to marry (A.12)2.1.11 no discrimination in rights (A.14)2.1.14 right to free elections.(Note that the Articles are set out in full in your Study Text).3 Impact on interpretation of statutes3.1 As a 'public authority' the courts are required to construe legislation so that – as far as possible – it is compatible with the rights contained within the convention and apply existing common law in a manner that is compatible with convention rights. S2 of the Act requires future courts to take account of previous decisions of the ECHR.If reconciliation with an Act of Parliament is not possible the existing legislation prevails although that may trigger a fast track procedure in the Act requiring Parliament to change existing laws. In such circumstances the court issues a declaration of incompatibility, it is then for the legislature to remedy the situation through new legislation. If the fast track procedure is used this gives ministers the power to alter incompatible parts of any primary legislation by way of statutory instrument.If a court cannot reconcile 'delegated' legislation with the convention it can decide that the legislation does not apply.It may no longer be appropriate for the courts to follow some precedents on the interpretation of statutes which pre date the Act. These may now be reviewed in light of the Act.4 Impact on new legislation4.1 Before the Second Reading of the Bill the Minister responsible must make a statement either that the legislation is compatible with Convention rights, or such a statement cannot be made but the government still wants to proceed. Not all of the Articles can be derogated from. Articles 2,3,4,7 and 14 are absolute rights and cannot be interfered with. In exercising the right of derogation however the member state must be bothconvinced of the need for derogation and that the response is proportionate to any perceived problem.5 Impact on public authorities5.1 Public authorities are Courts and tribunals and any other person whose functions are of a public nature eg Registrar of Companies and government departments such as the DTI.5.2 It is unlawful for public authorities to act in a way which is incompatible with a convention right. A person who considers he has been a victim of an unlawful act by that authority may bring proceedings within 12 months of the act occurring.5.3 The court has power to do as it thinks fit.6 European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)6.1 The final source of appeal (after the House of Lords) on human rights issues is the European Court of Human Rights. There is no appeal from the European Court of Human Rights to the European Court of Justice. Decisions of the ECHR must be taken into account when deciding interpretation.NB. Note that new cases on the HRA98 are being decided all the time. The examiner plans to write an article to consider these cases. Keep checking your student accountant for developments.7 Examinability of HRA 98This is an area that the examiner has expressed to be important so be aware of developments that may be referred to in the press.Make sure that you have an appreciation of how HRA 98 may impact on other syllabus areas. For example:更多ACCA资讯请关注高顿ACCA官网:。

THE LAW OF CORPORATIONS (For teaching purpose only)by Zhaibaohong2010. 08. 26OUTLINEChapter1 Concept of corporation (2)Section 1 Corporation and other forms (2)Section 2 Limited liability companies (7)Section 3 Piercing the corporate veil (12)Chapter 2 Establishment of corporation (15)Chapter 3 The Corporate Structure (20)Section 1 Traditional corporate structure (20)Section 2 The structure of companies limited by shares (23)Section 3 Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies (23)Chapter 4 The duty of care and loyalty (33)Section 1 Duty of care (33)Section 2 The business judgment rule (34)Section 3 Duty of loyalty (36)Chapter 5 Merger and consolidation (39)Chapter 6 Dividend policy, termination (41)Section 1 Concept, forms of dividend (41)Section 2 Dividend in China (42)Section 3 Termination (43)Consultative Materials1. ROBERT W. HAMILTON, THE LAW OF CORPORATIONS (4th), WEST PUBLISHING CO. 1996.2. BLACK’S LAW OF DISCTIONARY(7th), WEST GROUP, 1999.3. Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law, Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, 1996.4. DELAWARE GENERAL CORPORATION LAW. MAINE BUSINESS CORPORATION ACT. TEXAS BUSINESS CORPORATION ACT (GENERAL).5. COMPANY LAW OF CHINA, INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS RULE OF CHINA, CODE OF CORPROATE GOVERNNACE FOR LISTED COMPANIES, AND OTHER CHINESE LAWS, REGULATIONS.Chapter 1 The Concept of CorporationSection 1 Corporation and other business forms1. Partnership vs (versus). corporationChoosing a form (种类)of organization(组织)usually comes down to choosing between a partnership and a corporation(合伙企业和公司), the third form of business is proprietorship(独资企业).A corporation is an entity (usually a business) having authority under law (法定权利) to act as a single person distinct from (separate from) the shareholders (股东)who own it and having rights to issue stock (发行股份)and exist indefinitely; or a group of persons established in accordance with legal rules into a legal or juristic person (法人)that has legal personality distinct from the natural persons(自然人)who make it up, exists indefinitely apart from them, and has the legal powers that its constitution (章程)gives it.A partnership is an association of two or more persons or entities that conduct a business for profit as co-owners. In American, except in civil law (民法)as practiced inLouisiana, where a partnership, like a corporation, is considered as a legal person, a partnership is traditionally viewed as an association of individuals rather than as an entity with a separate and independent existence. A partnership cannot exist beyond the lives ofthe partners. (合伙人死后,合伙企业不能继续存在。
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University of Exeter, Business SchoolCorporate Law 2011/12Part B (Sections 4-6): FUNDING THE COMPANYSECTION 5 – SHARE CAPITALMaterial to accompany lectures and lecture slidesPrinciple of capital maintenanceRe Exchange Banking Co, Flitcroft’s Case (1882) 21 ChD 519:“The creditor has no debtor but that impalpable thing the corporation, which has no property except the assets of the business. The creditor, therefore … gives credit to that capital, gives credit to the company on the faith of the representation that the capital shall be applied only for the purposes of the business, and he has therefore a right to say that the corporation shall keep its capital and not return it to the shareholders, though it may be a right which he cannot enforce otherwise than on a winding up (Jessel MR)Trevor v Whitworth (1887) 12 App Cas 409: “One of the main objects of the legislature, in restricting the power of limited companies to reduce the amount of their capital as set forth in the memorandum, is to protect the interest of the outside public who may become their creditors. … Paid-up capital may be diminished or lost in the course of the company’s trading; that is a result which no legislation can prevent; but persons who deal with, and give credit to a limited company, naturally rely upon the fact that the company is trading with a certain amount of capital already paid … and they are entitled to assume that no part of the capital which has been paid into the coffers of the company has been subsequently paid out, except in the legitimate course of business.” (Lord Watson)Minimum share capitalS. 761S. 763(1) “The authorised minimum”, in relation to the nominal value of a public company’s allotted share capital is – (a) £50,000 or (b) the prescribed euro equivalent.”Issue for non-cash considerationS. 582(1) Shares allotted by a company, and any premium on them, may be paid up in money or money’s worth (including goodwill and know-how).Re Wragg Ltd [1897] 1 Ch 796:“Provided a limited company does so honestly and not colourably, and provided that it has not been so imposed upon as to be entitled to be relieved from its bargain … agreements by limited companies to pay for property or services in paid-up shares are valid and binding on the companies and their creditors.” (Lindley LJ)Salomon v A. Salomon & Co Ltd [1897] AC 22:“The price on paper was extravagant. It amounted to over £39,000 – a sum which represented the sanguine expectations of a fond owner rather than anything that can be called a businesslike or reasonable estimate of value.” (Lord Macnaghten)Hong Kong and China Gas Co Ltd v Glen [1914] 1 Ch 527S. 593(1) A public company must not allot shares as fully or partly paid up (as to their nominal value or any premium on them) otherwise than in cash unless –(a) the consideration for the allotment has been independently valued in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter,(b) the valuer’s report has been made to the company during the six months immediately preceding the allotment of shares, and(c) a copy of the report has been sent to the proposed allottee.S. 1150-1152: independent valuerS. 596 : details of reportS. 597 : copy to RegistrarS. 593(3) … allottee is liable to pay the company an amount equal to the aggregate of the nominal value of the shares and the whole of any premium … with interest at the appropriate rate.Re Ossory Estates plc [1988] BCLC 213s. 585(1) A public company must not accept at any time, in payment up of its shares or any premium on them, an undertaking given by any person that he or another should do work or perform services for the company or any other person.S. 587(1) A public company must not allot shares as fully paid up (as to their nominal value or any premium on them) otherwise than in cash if the consideration for the allotment is or includes an undertaking which is to be, or may be, performed more than five years after the date of the allotment.S. 585(3), s. 587(2) : liabilityS. 590 : liability of co / officersS. 589; s. 606 : relief from liabilityRe Bradford Investments plc (No. 2) [1991] BCLC 688Re Ossory Estates plc [1988] BCLC 213Issue at a discountOoregum Gold Mining Co of India Ltd v Roper [1892] AC 125S 580(1) A company’s shares must not be allotted at a discount.(2) If shares are allotted in contravention of this section, the allottee is liable to pay the company an amount equal to the amount of the discount, with interest at the appropriate rate. Commission paymentsS. 553Issue at a premiumHenry Head and Co Ltd v Ropner Holdings Ltd [1952] Ch 124Shearer v Bercain Ltd [1980] 3 All ER 295S. 610(1) If a company issues shares at a premium, whether for cash or otherwise, a sum equal to the aggregate amount or value of the premiums on those shares must be transferred to an account called “the share premium account”.S. 610(2) Where, on issuing shares, a company has transferred a sum to the share premium account, it may use that sum to write off – (a) the expenses of the issue of those shares; (b) any commission paid on the issue of those shares.Ss 611-612 : merger relief and group reconstruction reliefShearer v Bercain Ltd [1980] 3 All ER 295Alteration of share capitalS. 617 : alteration of capitalS. 618 : subdivision / consolidationS. 620 : reconversionS. 622 : redenominationS. 659(2) Section 658 [rule against co acquiring its own shares] does not prohibit … (c) the forfeiture of shares, or the acceptance of shares surrendered in lieu, in pursuance of the company’s articles, for failure to pay any sum payable in respect of the shares.Reduction of capitalTrevor v Whitworth (1887) 12 App Cas 409S. 641(1) A limited company having a share capital may reduce its share capital – (a) in the case of a private company limited by shares, by special resolution supported by a solvency statement … (b) in any case, by special resolution confirmed by the court ….S. 641(3)S. 641(2)S. 641(4) : suggested reasons for reductionEx parte Westburn Sugar Refineries Ltd [1951] AC 625:“The general rule is that the prescribed majority of the shareholders are entitled to decide whether there should be a reduction of capital and if so in what manner and to what extent it should be carried into effect.” (Lord Normand)Re Ratners Group plc [1988] BCLC 685S. 642 : reduction without court confirmationS. 644(4) : statements to RegistrarS. 641 : reduction with court confirmationScottish Insurance Corp v Wilsons & Clyde Coal Co Ltd [1949] AC 462S. 645(2) & s. 646 : list of creditorsS. 645(3) : court discretion not to require listRe Jupiter House Investments Ltd [1985] 1 WLR 975Westburn Sugar Refineries Ltd [1951] AC 625Scottish Insurance Corp v Wilsons & Clyde Coal Co Ltd [1949] AC 462:“[I]t is abundantly plain … that the court’s jurisdiction is a discretionary one, not confined to verifying the technical correctness of the formal procedure, nor even to determining according to strict law the precise rights of the contending parties, but involving an application of broad standards of fairness, reasonableness and equity …” (Lord Cooper)Ex parte Westburn Sugar Refineries Ltd [1951] AC 625Re Robert Stephen Holdings Ltd [1968] 1 WLR 522S. 648(1) : terms and conditionsPurchase of own sharesTrevor v Whitworth (1887) 12 App Cas 409:“[T]he notion of a limited company taking power to buy up its own shares is contrary to the plain intention of the [Companies Acts], and inconsistent with the conditions upon which, and upon which alone, Parliament has granted to individuals who are desirous of trading in partnership the privilege of limiting their liability.” (Lord Macnaghten)S. 658(1) A limited company must not acquire its own shares, whether by purchase, subscription or otherwise, except in accordance with the provisions of this Part.S. 658(2) & s. 658(3) : liabilityS. 659 : exceptionsS. 690(1); ss. 690-708 : statutory purchase of own sharesS. 690(1) A limited company having a share capital may purchase its own shares (including any redeemable shares), subject to – (a) the following provisions of this Chapter, and (b) any restriction or prohibition in the company’s articles.(2) A limited company may not purchase its own shares if as a result of the purchase there would no longer be any issued shares of the company other than redeemable shares or shares held as treasury shares.S. 691 : only fully-paid sharesS. 693 : market / off-market purchaseS. 694 : approval of termsS. 696 : copy available to membersS. 701 : prior authorityS. 692(1) A private limited company may purchase its own shares out of capital in accordance with Chapter 5.(2) Subject to that – (a) a limited company may only purchase its own shares out of -(i) distributable profits of the company, or(ii) the proceeds of a fresh issue of shares made for the purpose of financing the purchase, and (b) any premium payable on the purchase by a limited company of its own shares must be paid out of distributable profits of the company, subject to subsection (3).S. 710(2) ... such amount as, taken together with any available profits and the proceeds of any fresh issue of shares made for the purpose of purchase, is equal to the price of purchase... S. 721 : right to applyS. 733 : capital redemption reserveS. 724 : treasury sharesRedeemable sharesS. 684(1) A limited company having a share capital may issue shares that are to be redeemed or are liable to be redeemed at the option of the company or the shareholder (“redeemable shares”) ….S. 684(2) : private co may exclude/restrict rightS. 684(3) : public co must have authorisation in articlesS. 684(4) : not if no non-redeemable shares leftS. 686(1) : must be fully-paidS. 685 : terms and conditionsS. 686(2) & (3) : amount paid in fullS. 687 : fundingS. 688 : cancellation of sharesS. 733 : capital redemption reserveS. 689 : notice to RegistrarDividends/DistributionsSs. 829-853S. 830(1) A company may only make a distribution out of profits available for the purpose. S. 830(2): A company’s profits available for distribution are its accumulated, realised profits, so far as not previously utilised by distribution or capitalisation, less its accumulated, realised losses, so far as not previously written off in a reduction or reorganisation of capital duly made.S. 831(1) A public company may only make a distribution – (a) if the amount of its net assets is not less than the aggregate of its called-up share capital and undistributable reserves, and (b) if, and to the extent that, the distribution does not reduce the amount of those assets to less than that aggregate.S. 831(4) : undistributable reservesBairstow v Queens Moat Houses plc [2001] 2 BCLC 531Aveling Barford Ltd v Perion [1989] BCLC 626S. 847(1) & (2) ... knows or has reasonable grounds for believing ...It’s a Wrap (UK) Ltd v Gula [2006] EWCA Civ 544“Section [847] must be interpreted as meaning that the shareholder cannot claim that he is not liable to return a distribution because he did not know of the restrictions in the Act on the making of distributions. He will be liable if he knew or ought reasonably to have known of the facts which mean that the distribution contravened requirements of the Act.” (Arden LJ)Serious loss of capitalS. 656(1) Where the net assets of a public company are half or less of its called-up share capital, the directors must call a general meeting of the company to consider whether any, and if so what, steps should be taken to deal with the situation.S. 656(2)S. 656(3)Ss. 656 (4) & (5) : offenceFinancial Assistance for the purchase of a company’s sharesS. 678(1) Where a person is acquiring or proposing to acquire shares in a public company, it is not lawful for that company, or a company that is a subsidiary of that company, to give financial assistance directly or indirectly for the purpose of the acquisition before or at the same time as the acquisition takes place. …(3) Where (a) a person has acquired shares in a company, and (b) a liability has been incurred (by that or another person) for the purpose of the acquisition, it is not lawful for that company, or a company that is a subsidiary of that company, to give financial assistance directly or indirectly for the purpose of reducing or discharging the liability if, at the time the assistance is given, the company in which the shares were acquired is a public company. Belmont Finance Corporation v Williams Furniture Ltd (No. 2) [1980] 1 All ER 393Heald v O’Connor [1971] 1 WLR 497s. 677:Financial assistance given by way of gift, by way of guarantee, security or indemnity, by way of release or waiver, by way of loan or other similar agreement, or any other financial assistance which reduces, to a material extent, the net assets of the company giving the assistance, or any other financial assistance given by a company with no net assets.British and Commonwealth Holding plc v Barclays Bank plc:“[T]he section requires that there should be assistance or help for the purpose of acquiring shares and that the assistance should be financial.” (Aldous LJ)Charterhouse Investment Trust Ltd v Tempest Diesels Ltd [1986] BCLC 1:“The words have no technical meaning and their frame of reference is … the language of ordinary commerce. One must examine the commercial realities of the transaction and decide whether it can properly be described as the giving of financial assistance by the company, bearing in mind that the section is a penal one and should not be strained to cover transactions which are not fairly within it.” (Hoffman J)Anglo Petroleum Ltd v TFB Mortgages [2008] 1 BCLC 185“In cases where its application is doubtful, it is important to remember its central purpose, to examine the commercial realities and to bear in mind that it is a penal statute.” (Toulson LJ) S. 678(2) Subsection (1) does not prohibit a company from giving financial assistance for the acquisition of shares in it or its holding company if –(a) the company’s principal purpose in giving the assistance is not to give it for the purpose of any such acquisition, or(b) the giving of the assistance for that purpose is only an incidental part of some larger purpose of the company,and the assistance is given in good faith in the interests of the company.S. 678(4)Brady v Brady [1989] AC 755:“[The first exception] envisages a principal and, by implication, a subsidiary purpose. The inquiry here is whether the assistance given was principally in order to relieve the purchaser of shares in the company of his indebtedness resulting from the acquisition or whether it was principally for some other purpose – for instance, the acquisition from the purchaser of some asset which the company requires for its business. … That is not this case, for the purpose of the assistance here was simply and solely to reduce the indebtedness incurred by [the company].”“[The second exception] is where it is not suggested that the financial assistance was intended to achieve any other object than the reduction or discharge of the indebtedness but where that result (ie the reduction or discharge) is merely incidental to some larger purpose of the company. … What has to be sought is some larger overall corporate purpose in which the resultant reduction or discharge is merely incidental.”“[I]t is important to distinguish between a purpose and the reason why a purpose is formed. The ultimate reason for forming the purpose of financial the acquisition may, and in most cases probably will, be more important to those making the decision than the immediate transaction itself. But “larger” is not the same thing as “more important”, nor is “reason” the same as “purpose” … The purpose and the only purpose of the financial assistance is and remains that of enabling the shares to be acquired and the financial or commercial advantages flowing from the acquisition, whilst they may form the reason for forming the purpose of providing financial assistance, are a by-product of it rather than an independent purpose of which the assistance can properly be said to be an incident.” (Lord Oliver)Ss. 681 & 682: exceptions(i) lawful distribution of co’s assets by dividend or on winding-up;(ii) reduction of capital;(iii) allotment of bonus shares;(iv) redemption of shares;(v) purchase of shares;(vi) various reconstructions and arrangements under IA 1986(vii) loan of money in ordinary course of money-lending business if co is private co, or if public co provided that it does not reduce net assets or is provided out of distributable profits; (viii) employee share schemes.S. 680(1) : offenceHeald v O’Connor [1971] 1 WLR 487Re Hill and Tyler Ltd [2005] 1 BCLC 41Carney v Herbert [1985] AC 301Belmont Finance Corp v Williams Furniture Ltd (No. 2) [1980] 1 All ER 393 Wallersteiner v Moir [1974] 1 WLR 991Re Continental Assurance Co [1997] 1 BCLC 48。