Unit 12 The ugly duckling 第一课时 课件

Listen and say
Mother Duck sits on the eggs.
Listen and say
baby--babies 辅音字母+y结尾的名词,单数变复数把y变i加es. 元音字母+y结尾的名词,单数变复数直接加s. family-families , library-libraries body-bodies boy-boys monkey-monkeys toy-toys
Oh, my lovely babies! I love you!
Three eggs open. The ducklings are small and yellow.
Listen and say
later后来,以后 See you later. I will answer the question later.
What animals are they?
They are ducklings.
Let’s learn
The woman is ugly.
The girl is beautiful.
Let’s learn
Let’s learn
Let’s learn
Think and say
How many eggs does she have?
She has three eggs.
Think and say
This egg is very big.
How many eggs are there now?

The creation of the English drama "The Ugly Duckling" aims to help children better understand the meaning behind the story, cultivate their empathy and confidence through theatrical performances.
Exploration of Character Shaping Methods
• Observation and imitation: Actors can imitate and learn from the behavior and personality traits of similar characters in real life. This helps actors present the character's image more vividly.
汇报人:XX 2024-01-24
• Script Background and Introduction
• Character analysis and shaping • Plot interpretation and
appreciation • Stage design and presentation • Exploration of Actor
Introduction to Script Content
Character setting: The script includes characters such as Ugly Duckling, Mother Duck, Cat, Chicken, Swan, etc. Each character has their own personality traits and storyline.

• M: But The biggest egg still doesn’t hatch. Why? Well, I hope she’ll come out soon.(但最大的蛋还没孵 出来呢。为什么?嗯,我希望她很快就会出来。) • D1D2D3 : Come on, let’s wait for her. (过来 ,让我们 等她吧) • D1: Look, it’s moving now! (看,她在动0 • U: Hi, friends! Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你们)
第三幕 丑小鸭变天鹅 场景:春天,绿树,花草 B1 &B2: Spring is coming again ! Spring is coming again! It’s getting warmer. (另一个春天来了, 天气变得更暖和0) U: Oh, it’s beautiful here! I can fly. (这儿真美,我能飞啦)
M: Ah! Why is she so ugly? She shouldn’t come into this world! (啊,她为什么那 么丑啊?她真不该到这世界来) D1: Mum, let’s play games, OK?(妈妈, 让我们玩游戏好吗?) M: OK.
D1D2D3: Yeah! D2: Go away! You are too ugly!(走开, 你太丑了) U: I’m not beautiful, but I am lonely. I want to play with you.(我不好看,但我很 孤独,我想和你们玩)
U: Hi, friends! Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你们) D1: oh…,an ugly duckling!(天哪,一只丑小鸭) D2: Her mouth is so big! Her eyes are so small! Her feathers are so gray!(她的嘴那么大,她的眼那么小 ,她的羽毛那么灰暗) D3: Oh, goodness! How terrible she looks!(天啊, 她长得真吓人) M: Oh, no! She is only a child! She will be beautiful. (哦,不,他仅仅是个孩子,她会很美的)

(妈妈摇摇头,无可奈何 ) 小鸭 1: Mum, let’s play games, OK? 鸭妈妈: OK. 四只小鸭: Yeah! (小鸭们玩着老鹰捉小鸡的游戏,并不时发出爆笑。丑小鸭也想和他们玩) 丑小鸭: I want to play with you. (可怜巴巴地说) 四只小鸭: You can’t play with us. Go away! 旁白: The four ducks are very tired and hungry. They want to eat some food. 小鸭 1: Mum, I’m hungry. 鸭妈妈: Oh, my children, come to eat some food! (鸭妈妈把食物分给四只小鸭,包括丑小鸭)

Teach students how to construct sentences with proper syntax and punctation, improving their writing and speaking skills
Idioms and Phrases
05 Extension Activities
Creative Writing Assignments
Write a story about the ugl…
Encourage students to use their imagination, continue writing about the life and adventure of the ugly duckling turning into a white swan, and cultivate their creativity and writing skills.
"What is the main message of the story?" or "Describe the character of the protocol."
Vocabulary Games
Vocabulary games are designed to help students learn and retain new words in English These games can include matching definitions to words, creating senses with new words, or playing vocabulary based games like Bingo

1. Where do the three yellow duckling sit? They sit on the mother duck’s back.
____________________________ 2. Where is the ugly duckling?
___T_h_e__u_g_l_y_d__u_c_k_l_in_g__s_w__im__s__b_ehind them. 3. Are the three yellow ducklings happy?
Hello! Come and play.
I’m an ugly duckling.
No! You’re a beautiful swan.
Yes! I’m a beautiful swan!
The ugly duckling looks into the water. He is a beautiful swan!
Oh, my lovely babies! I love you!
Three eggs open. The ducklings are small and yellow.
The big egg opens later. The duckling is big and grey. He is ugly.
It is an ugly duckling.
( 2 ) Mother Duck sits on the eggs. ( 5 ) The big egg opens later. ( 3 ) Three small eggs open.
鸭子 dubs鸭小小rbc宝auw天丑ibka鸭v子ga河陋i宝lbe鹅el子iny的nsryg
5. They _p_la_y___( play) the guitar after school.
The ugly duckling-ppt优秀课件

3. What is he in the end?
He’s a beautiful
In spring, it’s sunny and warm.
Mother Duck is near the _r_iv_e_r_.
Look and say
i e r r_v_ _ b_i g moth_e _r s_i t teach_e _r
aaarrreee are
yyyooouuu??? you?
Hello, heIlIl’om’m, nhwoetollnosd,oehrgofouwold.a! re you?
Hello, hello,II’h’mmelltgoior,oehddo.! w are you?
II’m’m hgurnegarty.!
3. Retell the story with the card.
The ugly duckling-ppt优秀课件
Think and talk How are they?
If youIt’r’s/eThteyh’ree _y_e__l_lo_.w ducklings, It’s/They’re ______.(colour)
Look and learn
Look and learn
beautiful _ugl_y
About the author
安徒生 The Little Match Girl
Snow White
The Little Mermaid
The Emperor’s New Clothes
12 The ugly duckling

In winter, he has no home. He is…
It’s spring ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้gain, he is a… He is…
Let’s retell the story.
I’m an ugly duckling.
Swimming away. I’m a beautiful swan.
Watch, discuss and act.
They don’t like me. What can I do?
Watch, discuss and act.
It’s winter. I’m cold. Can I come in?
No, you’re ugly. Go away!
Watch, discuss and act.
Duck sits
babies happy
Let’s discuss and act.
What do they say?
Coming back.
Tips: 1. I’m… 2. You’re… 3. Can you…? 4. Let’s…
Let’s look and say.
Coming back.
Let’s retell the story.
I’m an ugly duckling.
Let’s retell the story.
Swimming away.
Let’s retell the story.
I’m a beautiful swan.
英语话剧 丑小鸭

The Ugly Duckling第一场夏天,绿树,青草,白栅栏。
旁白:It was a lovely summer day in the country. A mother duck lies in the stook (柴堆), she sat on her eggs for a long time, waiting for the birth of her children.(太阳暖烘烘的,鸭妈妈卧在稻草堆里,她在蛋上孵了很久, 等她的孩子们出世。
)Mother duck:Well, my babies, come out quickly please. I’m so tired.(伸懒腰)(哎,我的孩子们,你们怎么还不出世呀,可把妈妈累坏了!)鸭妈妈抚摸着鸭蛋,突然,一只鸭蛋动了一下。
小鸭1站了起来,看了一下周围的世界说:Baby duck 1: Peep, peep! Oh, what a beautiful world!“哦,多么美丽的世界啊!”接着,另外3只小鸭从蛋壳里逐渐在妈妈的抚摸中钻出来,东张西望,看到妈妈后,惊喜地跑过去,Baby ducks:Hi, mummy! / Hi, Mummy!妈妈!妈妈!………Mother duck: Quack, quack! Are you all out?Baby duck 4:(指着大蛋)No, one egg is still here. Look,how big it is! Mum, Why not crack? 不,妈妈,还有一只蛋呢,看他是那么的大!他怎么还不出来呀?Mother duck:Don’t mention it, I spent too much time on it, but it still has no change.别提了,妈妈在他身上花的功夫最多,可他硬是不见一点动静。

英语话剧《丑小鸭》The ugly duckling人员安排:三个小鸭,鸭妈妈,丑小鸭,两只公鸡,小猫,小狗,两只小猪,老奶奶,三只白天鹅;场景一:夏天,绿树,青草,白栅栏。
画外音:It is a sunny and warm day. A mother duck lies in the stook, waiting for the birth of her children.(太阳暖烘烘的,鸭妈妈卧在稻草堆里,等她的孩子们出世。
)动作:(蛋壳破碎声)3只小鸭在鸭妈妈的带领下,绕场走一圈,然后站在舞台中间摇着鸭屁股!在角落的一只丑小鸭走出来说:“Hello! I’m coming!”群鸭:“Oh~ Who are you ?Ha Ha``````”丑小鸭低落地说:“I don’t know!”小鸭1说:“His feather is grey! Ha Ha~~ He is ugly!”群鸭:“Yes! He is very ugly! Ha Ha~~”动作:所有小鸭们都嘲笑丑小鸭,还对着她扭屁股!鸭妈妈走出来说:“Babies, let’s go walking! One by one!”动作:音乐《One little two little baby ducks``````》(可以在网上搜索八只小鸭子下载),所有小鸭们一边跟着妈妈,一边随着音乐跳舞并绕舞台一圈。
鸭妈妈说:“Let’s come to sleep!”动作:接着, 就走到舞台的一角睡觉,而最后一只小鸭却把尾随的丑小鸭推开,于是丑小鸭趴在地上伤心地哭起来,说:“Mum , Bye—Bye! Nobody likes me! Nobody likes me!站起来,边走边说I’m`````` Bye—bye```”场景二: 丑小鸭流浪,秋冬,黄叶,枯草。
《The ugly duckling》ppt课件【完美版课件】

II’’mm sOaKd..
Let’s talk.
How is the ugly duckling?
In summer, he swims away. He is…
In spring, the big egg opens. He is…
Coming back.
Oh, my mother. I love you too. I’m back.
Let’s make a new ending.
Coming back.
Ducks’ house
The beautiful swan goes back home. What does he see?
12 The ugly duckling
Let’s sing.
Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? HHeelllloo,, hhooww aarree yyoouu?? HelloII,’’mmhohhwuanpagprreyy..you?
Watch, discuss and act.
Oh, you’re big and grey. You’re ugly. But I love you.
Hello, mother. I’m your baby.
Watch, discuss and act.
It’s summer. Let’s swim together.
Let’s retell the story.
I’m an ugly duckling.

The ugly duckling第一幕:BornBackground:Forest,house.duck nest.Indication(画外音):In a big forest,there were so many cute animals.The ducks lived in a house next to the forest.There was a clean river,colorful flowers, green grass,(so beautiful,so beautiful....)But one summer in a year,one strange thing happened to the ducks.1:Duck’s mother: I’m so happy today because my babies are born.But,there is still a baby who is not willing to meet me,What’s wrong?Song:(fareware)(duck’s mother)Indication(画外音):A few day’s later, this egg began to split.A big and ugly duck came out.skin is brown.She has a big mouth and she is very thin.2The ugly duck:So well! Mummy,I came out,too.Mummy,MUMMY... Song:(铃儿响叮当)I was born finally. When I broke the egg.I’m so happy to come to the world,ding ding ding....第二幕3:You’re so ugly.Don’t follow me!(推)Why why we have a ugly baby like you?Go go away!2:(哭)Why you bully me?3:(高傲瞥一眼)It’s not my false.(妈妈着急走过来)3:Mum,look at my face,(捂脸哭腔)he hurt me!2:(眼神可怜)Mum,not me,not me!(哭)1:You’re all my babies,I love you so much but you shouldn’t hurt your brother!2:Oh my god!I’m so ugly,we’re different but it’s not my false!I’m lonely and hungry.What can I do?I have to leave!SongsAfter 2 days...2:(饥寒交迫)I miss my mother.(各种玩)Why don’t they play with me?Why I’m ugly?(闲逛)Dark is coming,windy and rainy.2:I’m cold mum.I feel hungry,come and help me!In the world only maa's dearChild having mama's like a treasureClose to mama's bosomHappy you can't tellChild having mama's like a treasureMother less child is like a strawAway from mama's bosomHappiness no where to find.(The ugly duck was tird and hungry,she fell asleep.In the dream,she met her mum. )1:My dear baby...2:Is that you mum?(扑)I miss you!(哭)1:I miss you too my baby!Please forgive me,I can’t stay with you!Remember if you have a strong heart and work hard,you will be my proud in the future!2:Can I?1:Yes,you can!Take care,baby...(走远。
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D3: You can’t play with us. Go away quickly! (你不能和我们玩,快走开) U: Please let me play with you(请让我和你们 玩吧) D2D3D1: Go away!(滚开)
第二幕 丑小鸭流浪 U:I am hungry ,and I’m thirsty, I am lonely .where is the river ? .oh , A river . (我 又饿又渴,我是孤单的,那里有水啊) B1: It’s very hot today.(天真热) B2:look, a river. Let’s drink some water.(看, 小河。让我们喝点水吧) B1: Look, a dirty thing is over there. Let’s go and have a look.(看,一个脏东西在那边,让 我们过去看看) B2: Who are you?(你是谁啊)
• M: t The biggest egg still doesn’t hatch. Why? Well, I hope she’ll come out soon.(但最大的蛋还没孵 出来呢。为什么?嗯,我希望她很快就会出来。) • D1D2D3 : Come on, let’s wait for her. (过来 ,让我们 等她吧) • D1: Look, it’s moving now! (看,她在动0 • U: Hi, friends! Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你们)
• 第一幕 小鸭出世 • A: It’s a nice spring. A mother duck is waiting for her eggs to hatch. Look,The babies coming out .( 那是一个美好的春天。一只母鸭正等待着她的蛋孵化。看 ,孩子出来。) • D1D2D3: Oh, what a beautiful world! Hi, mummy! Hi, Everyone! (多美的世界啊,大家好啊)
第三幕 丑小鸭变天鹅 场景:春天,绿树,花草 B1 &B2: Spring is coming again ! Spring is coming again! It’s getting warmer. (另一个春天来了, 天气变得更暖和0) U: Oh, it’s beautiful here! I can fly. (这儿真美,我能飞啦)
D1: Mum, she really shames us.(妈妈,她真的使我 们感到耻辱) D2: I don’t like her.(我不喜欢她) D3: I wish she would be far away from us.(我希 望她离我们远点) D1D2D3 : Go away! We don’t like you!(滚开,我 们不喜欢你)
丑小鸭 阎天星 鸭妈妈 及梦圆 鸭宝宝1 李佳康 2 杨炜瑶 3 王晓瑜 小鸟1 于涛 2 李子玉 解说员 王兴柔
U: I’m…I’m…I’m a duckling. (我是丑小鸭) B2: Ha, ha, look at her feathers. So ugly! (看她的羽毛,那么丑) B1: Go away. Don’t make the water dirty. ( 走开,别把水弄脏了) U: Well, I am so ugly. Nobody wants to play with me. (我是那么丑,没人和我玩)
M: Ah! Why is she so ugly? She shouldn’t come into this world! (啊,她为什么那 么丑啊?她真不该到这世界来) D1: Mum, let’s play games, OK?(妈妈, 让我们玩游戏好吗?) M: OK.
D1D2D3: Yeah! D2: Go away! You are too ugly!(走开, 你太丑了) U: I’m not beautiful, but I am lonely. I want to play with you.(我不好看,但我很 孤独,我想和你们玩)
U: Hi, friends! Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你们) D1: oh…,an ugly duckling!(天哪,一只丑小鸭) D2: Her mouth is so big! Her eyes are so small! Her feathers are so gray!(她的嘴那么大,她的眼那么小 ,她的羽毛那么灰暗) D3: Oh, goodness! How terrible she looks!(天啊, 她长得真吓人) M: Oh, no! She is only a child! She will be beautiful. (哦,不,他仅仅是个孩子,她会很美的)
U: Wow, those beautiful swans!(美丽的天 鹅) D1D2D3: Hi, my lovely sister! Come here and play with us.(你好,我的可爱的妹妹, 来和我们玩吧)
U: My goodness! Is this me? Am I no longer an ugly duckling? I become a swan. I am now a beautiful swan! (我的天啊,这是我吗 ?我不再是只丑天小鸭吗? 我变成了一只天鹅 ,一直美丽的天鹅) (音乐起,丑小鸭与天鹅共舞)