
安徒生是丹麦作家。1805年4月2日生于丹麦 菲英岛欧登塞的贫民区,童年时代和青年时代的 贫困生活使他创作的童话对下层人·民的生活命 运给予了极大的同情和关注。揭示贫富悬殊的社 会现实,为穷人鸣不平始终是安徒生童话的一大 主题。《卖火柴的小女孩》《丑小鸭》《看门人 的儿子》等,既真实地描绘了穷苦人的悲惨生活, 又渗透着浪漫主义的情调和幻想。 安徒生的童话中有些故事带有明显的讽刺的特色,如《皇帝的新装》 讽刺了皇帝的昏庸无能和朝臣们阿谀奉承的丑态,有些故事如《海的女 儿》《野天鹅》《白雪皇后》则讴歌了善良人们的美好愿望,表现出 “真善美终将取得”胜利的乐观主义信念。安徒生的童话继承和发扬了 民间文学的朴素清新的格调,作品大多取材于民间故事,大量运用人们 的口语和民谣传说;语言生动、自然、流畅、优美,充满浓郁的乡土气 息。他创造的许多艺术形象,如坚定的锡兵、拇指姑娘、丑小鸭等已成 为欧洲文学中的典故。
同学们,因为丑小鸭长得丑,大家都讨厌它, 它伤心地离开了家,期间又遇到了种种不幸,后 来他知道自己是一只美丽的白天鹅,非常高兴, 快乐。学了这篇课文我想你一定有很多话要说, 老师给你一个机会!
对小鸭子说———— 对鸭妈妈说————
学了这篇课文,你懂得了什么道理? 世界上的事物是不断发展变化的。我们要 勇敢的面对挫折和困难,在逆境中不屈不 挠,为实现自己的理想而努力拼搏。
同学们,假如你就是丑小鸭,经历这么多苦难, 终于变成白天鹅,你最想做些什么?
应该要去帮助那些被人看不起的动物,和他 们一起玩,让它们感到快乐;丑陋不等于心灵不 美,我们不能嘲笑、欺负那些长得丑的动物;爱 美之心人人都有,我要让所有人知道我的美丽。
其实,我们每个人都有自己的长处,只要你有 信心,一定会发现自己超越别人的地方。

The ugly duckling 〔丑小鸭〕人物:讲解员、丑小鸭、鸭妈妈、四只小鸭子、四只兔子、三只小鸡、一头狮子、一只蝴蝶,三只天鹅第一幕丑小鸭出世场景:春天,绿树,青草,白栅栏。
鸭妈妈在蛋壳前做孵蛋的样子,鸭蛋围住鸭妈妈,趴在地上成圆弧状旁白: It’s a nice spring. A moth er duck is waiting for her egg to hatch.鸭妈妈: My babies, come out !(鸭妈妈抚摩着鸭蛋,满脸爱怜的神色。
)小鸭1:Mommy! Mommy ! (娇气地)鸭妈妈:My baby, you are so lovely. ( 轻轻抚摸小鸭1的头)〔小鸭2与小鸭3站起来〕小鸭2,3:Mommy! Mommy!鸭妈妈:My babies, I love you! (搂着四只小鸭,满脸疼爱)小鸭1:I love the world, I ‘m so happy. Let’s dance, OK鸭妈妈与小鸭:OK!〔鸭妈妈与小鸭开场跳舞,舞蹈完毕,鸭妈妈想起了还有一只小鸭没出世,走到了丑小鸭的蛋旁边〕鸭妈妈:I hope she will come out soon. ( 看一眼丑小鸭的鸭蛋,自言自语)(音乐响起,四只小鸭随着音乐的节奏围着丑小鸭的蛋转圈,并停一停,听蛋里的的动静。
)鸭妈妈:Come on, let’s wait for her!〔四只小鸭停下来,与鸭妈妈蹲下围住丑小鸭,大家屏住呼吸,眼睛盯着蛋壳。
)丑小鸭: Mommy, my brother and sister, Nice to meet you! (众人不理睬)〔四只小鸭对着丑小鸭指指点点〕小鸭1: Mum, she is so ugly.小鸭2: I don’t like her !小鸭3小鸭4: Me, too !四只小鸭: Go away! We don’t like you!鸭妈妈: Ah! Why is she so ugly She shouldn’t come into this world!(妈妈摇摇头,无可奈何)小鸭1: Mum, let’s play games, OK鸭妈妈: OK.四只小鸭: Yeah! (小鸭们玩着老鹰捉小鸡的游戏,并不时发出爆笑。

The creation of the English drama "The Ugly Duckling" aims to help children better understand the meaning behind the story, cultivate their empathy and confidence through theatrical performances.
Exploration of Character Shaping Methods
• Observation and imitation: Actors can imitate and learn from the behavior and personality traits of similar characters in real life. This helps actors present the character's image more vividly.
汇报人:XX 2024-01-24
• Script Background and Introduction
• Character analysis and shaping • Plot interpretation and
appreciation • Stage design and presentation • Exploration of Actor
Introduction to Script Content
Character setting: The script includes characters such as Ugly Duckling, Mother Duck, Cat, Chicken, Swan, etc. Each character has their own personality traits and storyline.

(妈妈摇摇头,无可奈何 ) 小鸭 1: Mum, let’s play games, OK? 鸭妈妈: OK. 四只小鸭: Yeah! (小鸭们玩着老鹰捉小鸡的游戏,并不时发出爆笑。丑小鸭也想和他们玩) 丑小鸭: I want to play with you. (可怜巴巴地说) 四只小鸭: You can’t play with us. Go away! 旁白: The four ducks are very tired and hungry. They want to eat some food. 小鸭 1: Mum, I’m hungry. 鸭妈妈: Oh, my children, come to eat some food! (鸭妈妈把食物分给四只小鸭,包括丑小鸭)

Teach students how to construct sentences with proper syntax and punctation, improving their writing and speaking skills
Idioms and Phrases
05 Extension Activities
Creative Writing Assignments
Write a story about the ugl…
Encourage students to use their imagination, continue writing about the life and adventure of the ugly duckling turning into a white swan, and cultivate their creativity and writing skills.
"What is the main message of the story?" or "Describe the character of the protocol."
Vocabulary Games
Vocabulary games are designed to help students learn and retain new words in English These games can include matching definitions to words, creating senses with new words, or playing vocabulary based games like Bingo

丑小鸭第一幕背景音乐: Old Maidannade站位: 四只小鸭顿蹲在后面,鸭爸爸妈妈站在前面旁白: 鸭爸爸鸭妈妈快乐的生活在一起,他们就要有鸭宝宝出生了鸭爸爸的焦急的等候着Father: I have a small family.It will becomea big family.鸭爸爸;我有一个小家,它将变成一个大家庭Mother: I'm very happy.鸭妈妈:我很高兴背景音乐:1.钟表快速运行的声音,类似产房外面焦急的等待声2. dadidadida 喜悦的钟表声,小鸭子出生了Little1: Quck Quck I’m number1.小鸭一:我是第一个Little2 Quck Quck I’m number2.小鸭二;我是第二个Little3 Quck Quck I’m number3.小鸭三;我是第三个Little4 Quck Quck I’m number4.小鸭四;我是第四个Father and Mother:One ,two,three,four .Now we have four beautiful daughters.1234,现在我们有四个漂亮的女儿背景音乐: Old Maidannade 六只小鸭子一起跳舞第二幕旁白: 突然有一只小鸭子看到一个蛋Little1: Mum Mum look!What’s that?妈妈,看,那是什么Little2,3,4: Oh! he's a son 哦,他是一个儿子旁白: 弹壳破了,出来一只丑小鸭, , 所有的小鸭子都嘲笑他鸭爸爸,鸭妈妈非常惊讶.你看看我,我看看你,他们大吵了起来背景音乐: 鸭子大叫声M\F: Why?为什么M: I don’t know? Do you know?我不知道,你知道吗?F: I don’t know.我不知道You !go away你!走开旁白: 鸭妈妈带着小鸭子伤心的走了,丑小鸭一扭一扭的跟在最后第三幕Little1: Mum Mum I can swim妈妈我能游泳Little2: Mum Mum I can swim妈妈我能游泳Little3: Can you swim?你能游泳吗Little4: Yes! I can 是的,我能Duck Mum sister wait for me丑小鸭:妈妈,姐姐,等等我All duck: go away. You are ugly duck走开,你这只丑小鸭旁白: 丑小鸭伤心的哭了,善良的小鸡过来了Chick: Don’t cry. Let’s play.小鸡:不要哭,让我们来玩吧Duck: Let’s play让我们玩吧旁白: 他们开心的玩着,鸡妈妈来了Chick mom :Are you hungry?你饿了吗Chick: Yes ,I’m very hungry是的,我特别饿Duck: I’m very hungry ,too我也特别饿Chick mom : Who are you? Go away. 你是谁,走开第四幕旁白: 丑鸭子伤心的哭了Duck: Why?I have no family为什么,我没有家背景音乐: 天鹅湖(这时来了四只白天鹅,由小男孩扮演,他们围着丑小鸭,跳起了舞) Swan: Hello How are you ?天鹅:你好吗?Duck; No !I’m ugly.旁白: 天鹅妈妈来了Swan mum :Oh my son .You are swan. You are not ugly ,you are beautiful 哦,我的儿子,你是天鹅,你不丑,你很美Duck: I’m beautiful swan. I have a family我是漂亮的天饿,我有家了Swan mum :They are your brother他们是你的兄弟Duck : Hello brother你好,哥哥Swan: Hello brother你好,弟弟背景音乐: If you happy站位: 两个圈跳舞齐唱。
冀教版英语六年级下册The Ugly Duckling 教学课件

It became colder and colder. Finally winter arrived. Early one morning, a farmer saw the frozen duckling.
天气变得越来越冷。终于,冬 天来了。一天早晨,一个农民 看见了这只冻僵的鸭子。
Soon the duckling got well. The children wanted to play with the duckling. But he was afraid.
The Ugly Duckling
The Ugly Duckling
Mother Duck had new babies. She took them to swim. One baby was big and strange.
Then a dog came, and he killed the two wild ducks.
丑小鸭碰见了两只野鸭。他们都嘲笑他。 然后一只狗出现了并杀死了这两只野鸭。
A heavy rain began to fall. The ugly duckling was so wet and cold. He ran and ran. Soon, he arrived at a farm.
不久,小鸭子渐渐恢复了体力。 孩子们想和小鸭子玩。但是他 很害怕。
One day, the ugly duckling’s wings became strong. He flew high into the sky.
一天,丑小鸭的翅膀变强壮了。 他飞向了高高的天空。
The ducks and the other animals on the farm laughed at him and pushed him around.
The ugly duckling-ppt优秀课件

3. What is he in the end?
He’s a beautiful
In spring, it’s sunny and warm.
Mother Duck is near the _r_iv_e_r_.
Look and say
i e r r_v_ _ b_i g moth_e _r s_i t teach_e _r
aaarrreee are
yyyooouuu??? you?
Hello, heIlIl’om’m, nhwoetollnosd,oehrgofouwold.a! re you?
Hello, hello,II’h’mmelltgoior,oehddo.! w are you?
II’m’m hgurnegarty.!
3. Retell the story with the card.
The ugly duckling-ppt优秀课件
Think and talk How are they?
If youIt’r’s/eThteyh’ree _y_e__l_lo_.w ducklings, It’s/They’re ______.(colour)
Look and learn
Look and learn
beautiful _ugl_y
About the author
安徒生 The Little Match Girl
Snow White
The Little Mermaid
The Emperor’s New Clothes
12 The ugly duckling
《The ugly duckling》ppt课件【完美版课件】

II’’mm sOaKd..
Let’s talk.
How is the ugly duckling?
In summer, he swims away. He is…
In spring, the big egg opens. He is…
Coming back.
Oh, my mother. I love you too. I’m back.
Let’s make a new ending.
Coming back.
Ducks’ house
The beautiful swan goes back home. What does he see?
12 The ugly duckling
Let’s sing.
Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? Hello, how are you? HHeelllloo,, hhooww aarree yyoouu?? HelloII,’’mmhohhwuanpagprreyy..you?
Watch, discuss and act.
Oh, you’re big and grey. You’re ugly. But I love you.
Hello, mother. I’m your baby.
Watch, discuss and act.
It’s summer. Let’s swim together.
Let’s retell the story.
I’m an ugly duckling.
童话剧 丑小鸭

画外音:丑小鸭一直按照妈妈的话去做,他帮助过蝴蝶采花粉,帮助过猫爸爸照顾送 信,还帮助过大象指引道路,总之,他在用自己的实际行动向大家证明:他的心灵很 美!正因为如此,他的朋友越来越多。但在冬天来临的时候,他仍然是一个无家可归 的、流浪的丑小鸭。 几个月过去了,春天来了!………… 丑小鸭接受了严寒的考验,终于迎来了生机勃勃的春天,瞧,鸭妈妈带着鸭哥鸭姐和 朋友们一起来找丑小鸭了…… 鸡妈妈:这只天鹅,真眼熟。噢,鸭妈妈,这不是你家失踪的丑小鸭吗? 蝴蝶:对、对、对,是那只善良的丑小鸭,原来他是只天鹅呀,真美! 动物们:美丽的天鹅,你好!
木兰:老板,这匹马我要了!How much? 老板:客官,真是好眼力啊,这是本店的镇店之宝(拍拍王磊)——王磊级汗 血宝马呀!只不过捏,有点贵(奸商) 7000刀!(搓搓手指) 木兰:有钱人不拘小节,老庄,上,刷卡!(霸气) 说着将一张超大卡拿出来
…..上路了 木兰拉着王磊,
小白兔:救命呀,救命呀……小白兔蹦跳着跑上来:快救救我。有猎人追我。 丑小鸭:别出声,跟我来。(丑小鸭带着小白兔躲在了树的后面。猎人带着枪出现 了。)
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• M: But The biggest egg still doesn’t hatch. Why? Well, I hope she’ll come out soon.(但最大的蛋还没孵 出来呢。为什么?嗯,我希望她很快就会出来。) • D1D2D3 : Come on, let’s wait for her. (过来 ,让我们 等她吧) • D1: Look, it’s moving now! (看,她在动0 • U: Hi, friends! Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你们)
第三幕 丑小鸭变天鹅 场景:春天,绿树,花草 B1 &B2: Spring is coming again ! Spring is coming again! It’s getting warmer. (另一个春天来了, 天气变得更暖和0) U: Oh, it’s beautiful here! I can fly. (这儿真美,我能飞啦)
M: Ah! Why is she so ugly? She shouldn’t come into this world! (啊,她为什么那 么丑啊?她真不该到这世界来) D1: Mum, let’s play games, OK?(妈妈, 让我们玩游戏好吗?) M: OK.
D1D2D3: Yeah! D2: Go away! You are too ugly!(走开, 你太丑了) U: I’m not beautiful, but I am lonely. I want to play with you.(我不好看,但我很 孤独,我想和你们玩)
U: Hi, friends! Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你们) D1: oh…,an ugly duckling!(天哪,一只丑小鸭) D2: Her mouth is so big! Her eyes are so small! Her feathers are so gray!(她的嘴那么大,她的眼那么小 ,她的羽毛那么灰暗) D3: Oh, goodness! How terrible she looks!(天啊, 她长得真吓人) M: Oh, no! She is only a child! She will be beautiful. (哦,不,他仅仅是个孩子,她会很美的)
幼儿英语课件 丑小鸭 U6

Be Happy Everyday
Quack, quack, father Duck. Quack, quack, Mother Duck. Quack, quack, baby ducks.
They are happy everyday
Let’s Leabharlann alkShow me your left hand, please. OK. Happy birthday to you. Thank you very much
1. Review 1.open and read U4 U5
2.Review words: jump nobody geese sad farm leave eat water Game: little teacher
3.Review sentence Game: English and Gesture
• Can you swim? • Yes, I can. • No ,I can’t.
• Can you sing? • Yes, I can. • No ,I can’t.
• Can you dance? Yes, I can. No ,I can’t.
Listen and imitate Point and read Perform together
Homework: 听读模仿第5,6单元,3次每次 10分钟 教会父母课文句子Can you……
Yes, I can.
No, I can’t.
lay an egg
Can you catch mice? 你会捉老鼠吗?
No ,I can’t. But I can swim .

26、机遇对于有准备的头脑有特别的 亲和力 。 27、自信是人格的核心。
2ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้、目标的坚定是性格中最必要的力 量泉源 之一, 也是成 功的利 器之一 。没有 它,天 才也会 在矛盾 无定的 迷径中 ,徒劳 无功。- -查士 德斐尔 爵士。 29、困难就是机遇。--温斯顿.丘吉 尔。 30、我奋斗,所以我快乐。--格林斯 潘。
1、最灵繁的人也看不见自己的背脊。——非洲 2、最困难的事情就是认识自己。——希腊 3、有勇气承担命运这才是英雄好汉。——黑塞 4、与肝胆人共事,无字句处读书。——周恩来 5、阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确。——培根
冀教版六年级英语下册The Ugly Duckling课件

It became colder and colder. Finally winter arrived. Early one morning, a farmer saw the frozen duckling.
天气变得越来越冷。终于,冬 天来了。一天早晨,一个农民 看见了这只冻僵的鸭子。
Soon the duckling got well. The children wanted to play with the duckling. But he was afraid.
不久,小鸭子渐渐恢复了体力。 孩子们想和小鸭子玩。但是他 很害怕。
One day, the ugly duckling’s wings became strong. He flew high into the sky.
一天,丑小鸭的翅膀变强壮了。 他飞向了高高的天空。
►雨水打在窗户上,发出嘀嗒,嘀嗒的声响。这天空好似一个大筛子, 正永不疲倦地把银币似的雨点洒向大地。远处,被笼罩在雨山之中的 大楼,如海市蜃楼般忽隐忽现,让人捉摸不透,还不时亮起一丝红灯, 给人片丝暖意。 ►七月盛夏,夏婆婆又开始炫耀她的手下——太阳公公的厉害。太阳 公公接到夏婆婆的命令,以最高的温度炙烤着大地,天热得发了狂, 地烤得发烫、直冒烟,像着了火似的,马上要和巧克力一样融化掉。 公路上的人寥寥无几,只有汽车在来回穿梭奔跑着。瓦蓝瓦蓝的天空 没有一丝云彩,一些似云非云、似雾非雾的灰气,低低地浮在空中, 使人觉得憋气不舒服。外面的花草树木被热得打不起精神来,耷拉着 脑袋。
The ducks and the other animals on the farm laughed at him and pushed him around.
鸭子和农场上的其他动物都嘲笑 他,还排挤他。
The ugly duckling课件ppt

a real (真正的) duckling?
? Why? What is ?
Let’s think and say.
happy super
nice cool
Let’s make a new ending.
He flies to the sky. What does he see?
The beautiful swan finds Mother Duck. They hug together.
Watch, discuss and act.
It’s sunny and warm. I’m near the river.
Look! I have three eggs.
Watch, discuss and act.
Coming back.
Oh, my mother. I love you too. I’m back.
Let’s make a new ending.
Coming back.
Ducks’ house
The beautiful swan goes back home. What does he see?
Oh, four eggs. Let’s count. One, two, three---four. Oops, what’s this? It’s big.
Watch, discuss and act.
I sit on the eggs.
Watch, discuss and act.
Ugly duckling? He’s grey. Let’s discuss and act. Ugly duckling? He’s grey. They don’t like me. Is a real (真正的) duckling? You’re a beautiful swan. Let’s think and say. But I love you. 1) Your mother is ill. But I love you. I’m an ugly duckling. Watch, discuss and act. Yes, I’m big and white now! I’m a beautiful swan. In spring, the big egg opens. Hello, how are you? Coming back. Watch, discuss and act. Let’s look and say. Hello, how are you?
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D1: Mum, she really shames us.(妈妈,她真的使我 们感到耻辱) D2: I don’t like her.(我不喜欢她) D3: I wish she would be far away from us.(我希 望她离我们远点) D1D2D3 : Go away! We don’t like you!(滚开,我 们不喜欢你)
U: Hi, friends! Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你们) D1: oh…,an ugly duckling!(天哪,一只丑小鸭) D2: Her mouth is so big! Her eyes are so small! Her feathers are so gray!(她的嘴那么大,她的眼那么小 ,她的羽毛那么灰暗) D3: Oh, goodness! How terrible she looks!(天啊, 她长得真吓人) M: Oh, no! She is only a child! She will be beautiful. (哦,不,他仅仅是个孩子,她会很美的)
• M: But The biggest egg still doesn’t hatch. Why? Well, I hope she’ll come out soon.(但最大的蛋还没孵 出来呢。为什么?嗯,我希望她很快就会出来。) • D1D2D3 : Come on, let’s wait for her. (过来 ,让我们 等她吧) • D1: Look, it’s moving now! (看,她在动0 • U: Hi, friends! Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你们)
M: Ah! Why is she so ugly? She shouldn’t come into this world! (啊,她为什么那 么丑啊?她真不该到这世界来) D1: Mum, let’s play games, OK?(妈妈, 让我们玩游戏好吗?) M: OK.
D1D2D3: Yeah! D2: Go away! You are too ugly!(走开, 你太丑了) U: I’m not beautiful, but I am lonely. I want to play with you.(我不好看,但我很 孤独,我想和你们玩)
U: Wow, those beautiful swans!(美丽的天 鹅) D1D2D3: Hi, my lovely sister! Come here and play with us.(你好,我的可爱的妹妹, 来和我们玩吧)
U: My goodness! Is this me? Am I no longer an ugly duckling? I become a swan. I am now a beautiful swan! (我的天啊,这是我吗 ?我不再是只丑天小鸭吗? 我变成了一只天鹅 ,一直美丽的天鹅) (音乐起,丑小鸭与天鹅共舞)
• 第一幕 小鸭出世 • A: It’s a nice spring. A mother duck is waiting for her eggs to hatch. Look,The babies coming out .( 那是一个美好的春天。一只母鸭正等待着她的蛋孵化。看 ,孩子出来。) • D1D2D3: Oh, what a beautiful world! Hi, mummy! Hi, Everyone! (多美的世界啊,大家好啊)
U: I’m…I’m…I’m a duckling. (我是丑小鸭) B2: Ha, ha, look at her feathers. So ugly! (看她的羽毛,那么丑) B1: Go away. Don’t make the water dirty. ( 走开,别把水弄脏了) U: Well, I am so ugly. Nobody wants to play with me.春天,绿树,花草 B1 &B2: Spring is coming again ! Spring is coming again! It’s getting warmer. (另一个春天来了, 天气变得更暖和0) U: Oh, it’s beautiful here! I can fly. (这儿真美,我能飞啦)
丑小鸭 阎天星 鸭妈妈 及梦圆 鸭宝宝1 李佳康 2 杨炜瑶 3 王晓瑜 小鸟1 于涛 2 李子玉 解说员 王兴柔
D3: You can’t play with us. Go away quickly! (你不能和我们玩,快走开) U: Please let me play with you(请让我和你们 玩吧) D2D3D1: Go away!(滚开)
第二幕 丑小鸭流浪 U:I am hungry ,and I’m thirsty, I am lonely .where is the river ? .oh , A river . (我 又饿又渴,我是孤单的,那里有水啊) B1: It’s very hot today.(天真热) B2:look, a river. Let’s drink some water.(看, 小河。让我们喝点水吧) B1: Look, a dirty thing is over there. Let’s go and have a look.(看,一个脏东西在那边,让 我们过去看看) B2: Who are you?(你是谁啊)