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Unit 4 Earthquakes

Word usage

1. shake 1)v. (shook, shaken)

to (cause to) move up and down or from side to side with quick short movements. 2) n. [C usually sing.] an act of shaking

The house shook when the earthquake started.

Shake the bottle before taking the medicine.

He came forward and shook me by the hand. =He came forward and shook hands with me.

He was shaking with anger.

She answered “no” with a shake of the head.

2. rise 1) vi. (rose, risen) to move from a lower to a higher level or position; go up 2) n. [C (in)] an increase in quantity, price, demand etc.

The sun has not yet risen.

The population of the city has risen to five million.

He rose and left the room.

There will be a rise in unemployment next year.

There’s been a sharp rise in the cost of living.

2. pond n. an area of still water smaller than a lake, especially one that has been artificially made

Some cattle were drinking at the pond.

There are some fish living in the pond.

When an earthquake is coming, fish will jump out of ponds.

3. burst 1) v. to (cause to ) break open or break apart suddenly and violently, usually as a result of pressure from within and often cause the contents to become widely scattered.

2) n. an act of result of bursting; (of) a sudden short period of great activity, loud noise, strong feeling; outbreak

The balloon burst.

After ten days of rain the river burst its banks.

A burst of hand-clapping followed the ending of the song.

4. canal n. an artificial stretch of water dug in the ground to allow ships or boats to travel along

it, or to bring water to or remove water from an area

Coal used to be sent here by canal.

Canals have been built to irrigate the desert.

The Panama Canal joins two oceans.

5. steam n. [U] 1) water in the state gas produced by boiling

2) power or effort produced by steam under pressure, and used for making things work or move

Who invented the steam engine?

Steam was used to be the power of a train.

There is steam bursting from that hole.

6. ruin 1. n. a) [U] the cause or state of destruction and decay

b) [C] a building that has been badly damaged or destroyed

2. vt. a) to spoil or completely destroy a person or thing

b) to cause someone to loss all their money

The temple has fallen into ruin.

We visited the ruins of the temple.

The heavy rain ruined our holiday.

The hurricane ruined all the houses here.

The flood ruined the crops.

If I lose my lawsuit(官司), the cost will ruin me.

7. injure vt. to cause physical harm to (a person or animal), especially in an accident; hurt seriously; to damage

I hope I didn't injure her feelings.

His back was injured.

Two people were killed and seven were injured.

His reputation will be badly injured by the vicious rumour.

8. destroy vt. to damage sth so severely that it can not be repaired; put an end to the existence of; ruin

A fire destroyed the house.

What he said destroyed our last hope.

All hopes of peaceful settlement were destroyed by his speech.

9. brick n. [C,U] 1) a hard piece of baked clay used for building

2) sth. in the shape of a brick

They used yellow bricks to build the house.

The tower is made of bricks.

Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves.

10. useless adj. not of any use

This knife is so blunt. It’s useless.

I realized it was useless to reason with him.

I was useless at maths. = My maths is very poor.

11. shock 1) n. a) [C, U] a violent force from sth such as explosion, a crash or a hard blow

b) [C, U] the feeling you get after sth unexpected and usually very unpleasant has suddenly happened, or you have received an unexpected piece of news

c) the poor medical condition of someone who has an accident and whose heart and lungs are not working properly

2) v. to make someone feel very upset, angry, or unpleasant

Earthquake shocks are often felt in Japan.

The news of his death was a shock to us.

The traffic accident sent him into a state of shock.

They were shocked by her rudeness.

We were shocked by his sudden death.

12. rescue v. to save someone or sth from harm or danger

He rescued three children from the burning building.

The life boat was sent out to rescue the sailors from the sinking ship.

The boy was rescued after hours at sea.

13. disaster n. [C,U] a sudden event causes great loss or harm
