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An analysis of public consumers herd mentality







An analysis of public consumers

herd mentality


The herd behavior of consumers in real life in the process of consumption is a very common social phenomenon, and this phenomenon is mainly due to people's group psychological factors. As an enterprise managers, whether the use of marketing or 4 P is 6 P theory to marketing, the purpose is to sell their products. And grasp the psychology of consumers shopping and selling their products, these enterprise management and marketing is the key to success. Consumer herd management psychology psychology is one of the important contents. It is a management and psychology between the edge of disciplines, it remained at a management covered in the review.

In this paper, consumer spending in the course of the herd mentality of conduct, first of all, from a psychological point of view of consumers and sociological point of view of the herd mentality defined, and its cause analysis and then, from the analysis of economic operation herd mentality of the public to buy consumer psychology and behavior of, their advantages and disadvantages arising from the demonstration; Finally, a representative of specific products (such as, clothing, food, housing, etc.) as an example of the herd mentality of the impact Empirical analysis, thereby allowing the reader to a clearer understanding of herd mentality of consumers in the process of buying the role. For managers and marketing staff in marketing and management plans specified in the reference, but also for consumers specify a rational consumer-oriented.

Based on the impact of the consumer public, build a new herd mentality theoretical system, and to clarify the specific products as an example of this phenomenon on the economy of the impact. We study the future of the herd hearts of consumers with a reference value.

Key words: consumer herd mentality herd behavior analysis


摘要 (Ⅰ)

A b s t r a c t.......................................................................Ⅱ目录.........................................................................Ⅲ前言........................................................................1第一章绪论...................................................................2







2.3消费者从众心理的定义 (6)

2.4从众心理形成原因 (7)

第三章从众心理现象对大众消费者的影响 (9)

3.1商品交易过程中从众心理现象产生的影响 (9)

3.2 从众心理影响消费者购买行为所产生的利弊分析 (10)

3.3影响消费者从众心理的因素 (12)

3.4企业针对消费者的从众行为通常所采取的应对策略 (14)

第四章从众购物心理在现实生活中的表现 (15)

4.1服装购买中的从众现象分析 (15)

4.2蔬菜购买中的从众现象分析 (16)

4.3汽车购买过程中的从众现象分析 (16)

4.4多类型产品从众现象对比分析 (17)

第五章结论与展望 (19)

参考文献(References) (20)

致 (21)
