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and, both…and..,neither …nor…,not, only….but also...


He is laughing and talking.

Study hard, and you will succeed.

2.both …and…,两者都…

Both you and she are right.

3.not only..but also..不但…而且…,遵循就近原则.

Not only you but also he likes ice cream.


Neither you nor I am right=Neither I nor you are right.


or,either...or , not. But

1.or a.表示一种选择,有或者的意思

Would you like tea or coffee?

b. 用在否定句中表示并列

He can’t read or write.

c. 用于祈使句中,意为“否则”

Study hard, or you will fail.

2.either…or…“不是…就是…” “或者…或者”,遵循就近原则.

Either you or he has to go =Either he or you have to go.


I don’t like drinking coffee.

I don’t like,either.


He is not a teacher but a writer.


but, yet, while


He is poor , but honest.


Jane said she was ill, yet I saw her in the street just now.


I like math while my brother likes Chinese.


because, so , for

1.because 因为,常用来回答why 提出的问题

I lent him my bike because he needed it.

2.so, 所以,后面接句子,表示结果

She is tired, so she goes to bed early.

3.for, 因为.for强调的原因只是一直弄附加说明,常位于句末

He wore more clothes, for it was very cold.


1. We didn’t catch the train _______ we left late.

2.Hurry up, _______ you will miss the train.

3.Open the door______let the cool air in.

4.It’s raining very hard, ________we’d better stay here.

5. He is a shy man,_______he is not afraid of anything or anyone.

6.Stick to what you think is right, _______ you will gain a surprising happy ending.

7.The people's life here has become rich _______ colorful.

8.I called my parents, _______ I did not tell them what had happened.

9.It isn't very cold, _______ you needn't bring many clothes with you.

10.If we stay at home, it is comfortable______ there is no need to spend money.
