下面是文章1.1 概述部分的一个例子:概述化学科学作为一门研究物质及其变化的学科,在现代社会中具有重要的地位和作用。
1.2 文章结构2. 文章结构在本文中,我将按照以下结构来展开我的论述:2.1 背景介绍:首先,我将简要介绍化学领域的背景和重要性。
2.2 文献综述:接下来,我将对已有的相关文献进行综述。
在引言部分中,你可以通过以下步骤展示你的研究的新颖性和创新性:1. 研究背景介绍:简要介绍研究领域的现状和相关研究的进展,指明已有研究的局限性或未解决的问题。
2. 文献综述:对前人的研究进行全面、深入的综述,强调前人研究中存在的不足之处,为自己的研究奠定基础。
3. 新问题提出:基于已有研究的不足,提出你的研究将要解决的新问题,强调你的研究的意义和独特性。
为了显示你的研究的新颖性和创新性,你可以:1. 详细描述实验设计:介绍你采用的新方法、新技术或新工具,说明其相较于现有方法的优势和创新。
2. 强调实验步骤的改进:指出你对于经典实验步骤的改进,例如更高的精确度、更短的实验时间等。
3. 说明实验参数的调整:如果你对实验参数进行了调整或改变,解释其对实验结果的影响,及其对现有研究的创新意义。
以下方法可以帮助你突出你的研究创新:1. 独特结果的阐述:首先介绍最显著的结果,如新现象的发现、与现有理论的矛盾等,展示你的研究发现的新颖性。
2. 与现有研究的对比:将你的研究结果与前人的研究成果进行比较,指出你的研究在实验设计、数据分析等方面的创新之处。
3. 结果在学术和实际中的价值:讨论你的研究成果对学术领域和实际应用的影响,强调其重要性和独特性。
在结论部分,你可以:1. 总结研究贡献:简明扼要地回顾你的研究目标和主要发现,强调研究的新颖性和创新性。
MIT 的Arthur Smith 教授他提醒我尽量不要使用被他称为“投机性”词汇的一些词,如“obviously”,“probably”,“certainly”,“undoubtedly”等。
Plant and soil杂志主编提醒注意:引言的最后以:你研究工作的目的和提出一个清楚的假设作为结尾。
Title:论文题目×××Zhang Qingke1,Yang Bo,Chen Yuehui,Wang lin(作者的隶属单位)Abstract:。
(约250words)Keywords:xxxx;xxxx;xxxx;xxxxxx;xxxxxxxx;xxx;xxxxxxxxxx; (6-7个)1 Introduction写完Results和Discussion,你会对这篇文章内容有着更深入的理解。
第一段:笼统的介绍该方向研究的意义第二段:综述前人的工作,提出目前的不足或相关的信息,引出该工作的工作动机第三段:根据分析提出某种假设第四段:简单介绍该工作开展的思路,方法,目标,和可能的结论2 Materials and Methods这部分中最好写的。
3 Result在写之前,先列几个subsections,把相对应的图表放进去。
如何写SCI文章 第1页SCI论文写作指导(题目—摘要—前言—结果—讨论—期刊—投稿)最近收集到一份实用、高效、全面的写作指导,具体内容如下(具体每点见相应的编号文章)1.Focusing on Your Central Message2.Eight Steps to Developing an Effective Outline3.Twelve Steps to Developing an Effective First Draft4.Ten Steps to Writing an Effective Abstract5.Ten Steps to Writing an Effective Introduction6.Twelve Steps to Writing an Effective Results Section7.Fourteen Steps to Writing an Effective Discussion Section8.Twelve Steps to Writing an Effective Materials and Methods9.Twelve Steps to Developing Effective Tables and FIgures10.Developing an Effective Title11.Selecting a Journal12.Responding to Reviewers13.Eleven Reasons why Manuscripts are Rejected14.Journal Submission Checklist15.Promoting Your PublicationFocusing on your Central MessageSan Francisco EditThis is one of the most important parts of writing your paper, and one that is often overlooked. Think carefully about what it is that you want your readers to understand about your work. Remember, we are all busy and we need to absorb your message quickly and clearly. Try these exercises:1. Write down the three central points of your paper.2. Summarize your paper in one sentence.3. Describe your work to a colleague in one minute.These might sound easy, but try them and you'll find out they aren't!Don't rush this part of your planning. It is worth spending time getting it right. Once you have mastered these exercises you will feel more confident about the whole writing process that follows.A common problem with summarizing your work is that there are usually several major findings. This exercise is meant to focus your thinking on the central issues. It is not going to form the published abstract. So, if you really can't squeeze your key message into one sentence don't worry. Try to do it in two. If you can't do that then you need to take a careful look at the reasons. Remember, this is a very important part of the process for writing papers so work at it. Talk to your colleagues and see if between you it is possible to highlight the central message of your work.A number of studies have indicated that a badly written manuscript with poor use of English, even with good science, has less chance of being accepted and published.Eight Steps to Developing an Effective OutlineSan Francisco EditPreparing an outline is the most important step in the process of producing a manuscript for publication in a journal. The outline bears roughly the same relation to the final manuscript as an architectural blueprint does to a finished house.Its purpose of an outline is to divide the writing of the entire paper into a number of smaller tasks.A good outline will organize the various topics and arguments in logical form. By ordering the topics you will identify, before writing the manuscript, any gaps that might exist.There is no single best way to prepare a scientific manuscript, except as determined by the individual writer and the circumstances. You should know your own style of writing best. Whatever you decide to do, you should follow at least these steps before beginning to write your manuscript.Remember, at this stage, you are only constructing an outline. You are not writing; you just need to put down some notes to guide your thinking.1. Develop a central message of the manuscriptPrepare a central message sentence (20-25 words). If you were asked to summarize your paper in one sentence, what would you say? Everything in the manuscript will be written to support this central message.2. Define the materials and methodsBriefly state the population in which you worked, the sampling method you employed, the materials you used, and most importantly, the methods you used to carry out the study3. Summarize the question(s) and problem(s)What was known before you started the study? What answers were needed to address the problem(s)? List the key points pertaining to the question(s) and problem(s). What did you do to answer the question(s)?4. Define the principal findings and resultsYour central message sentence probably encapsulates the most important findings. There may be others that you feel ought to be included. List these in note form. Don't worry about the order or about how many you put down.5. Describe the conclusions and implicationsMake brief notes on each of the implications that arise from your study. What are the principal conclusions of your findings? What is new in your work and why does it matter? What are the limitations and the implications of your results? Are there any changes in practice, approaches or techniques that you would recommend?6. Organize and group related ideas togetherList each key point separately. Key points can be arranged chronologically, by order of importance or by some other pattern. The organizing scheme should be clear and well structured. You can use a cluster map, an issue tree, numbering, or some other organizational structure.Identify the important details, describe the principal findings, and provide your analysis and conclusions that contribute to each key point.7. Identify the references that pertain to each key point8. Develop the introductionBefore beginning on the introduction, read through the notes you have made so far in your outline. Read them through and see whether there is a coherent and cohesive story and a unifying theme that runs through the outline.Your introduction outline should start with the main message, describe what the purpose or objective of your study was, how you went about doing the study, what you found and what are the implications of what you found.Twelve Steps to Developing an Effective First Draft of your ManuscriptSan Francisco EditYou should now have detailed notes you can use to write your draft paper. If you don’t have one already, it may help to prepare an outline for each section which includes a number of major headings, sub-headings and paragraphs covering different points. If you need help in preparing an outline see our article Eight Steps to Developing an Effective Manuscript Outline at /newsletters.htm. At this point you will need to convert your notes and outline into narrative form.Some people recommend that you begin with the Introduction and continue in order through each section of the paper to help ensure flow. Others suggest that you begin with the easiest sections, which are usually the Methods and Results, followed by the Discussion, Conclusion, Introduction, References and Title, leaving the Abstract until the end. The main thing is to begin writing and begin filling up the blank screen or piece of paper.1. Consolidate all the information. Ensure you have everything you need to write efficiently, i.e., all data, references, drafts of tables and figures, etc.2. Target a journal. Determine the journal to which you plan to submit your manuscript and write your manuscript according to the focus of the targeted journal. The focus may be clearly stated within the journal or may be determined by examining several recent issues of the targeted journal.3. Start writing. When writing the first draft, the goal is to put something down on paper, so it does not matter if sentences are incomplete and the grammar incorrect, provided that the main points and ideas have been captured. Write when your energy is high, not when you are tired. Try to find a time and place where you can think and write without distractions.4. Write quickly. Don't worry about words, spelling or punctuation at all at this stage, just ideas. Keep going. Leave gaps if necessary. Try to write quickly, to keep the flow going. Use abbreviations and leave space for words that do not come to mind immediately.5. Write in your own voice. Expressing yourself in your own way will help you to say what you mean more precisely. It will be easier for your reader if they can “hear” your voice.6. Write without editing. Don't try to get it right the first time. Resist the temptation to edit as you go. Otherwise, you will tend to get stuck and waste time. If you try to write and edit at the same time, you will do neither well.7. Keep to the plan of your outline. Use the headings from your outline to focus what you want to say. If you find yourself wandering from the point, stop and move on to the next topic in the outline.8. Write the paper in parts. Don't attempt to write the whole manuscript at once, instead, treat each section as a mini essay. Look at your notes, think about the goal of that particular section and what you want to accomplish and say.9. Put the first draft aside. Put aside your first draft for at least one day. The idea of waiting a day or more is to allow you to "be" another person. It is difficult to proofread and edit your own work; a day or more between creation and critique helps.10. Revise it. Revise it and be prepared to do this several times until you feel it is not possible to improve it further. The objective is to look at your work not as its author, but as a respectful but stern critic. Does each sentence make sense? In your longer sentences, can you keep track of the subject at hand? Do your longer paragraphs follow a single idea, or can they be broken into smaller paragraphs? These are some of the questions you should ask yourself.11. Revise for clarity and brevity. Revise sentences and paragraphs with special attention to clearness. For maximum readability, most sentences should be about 15-20 words. For a scientific article, paragraphs of about 150 words in length are considered optimal. Avoid using unnecessary words.12. Be consistent. Often a manuscript has more than one author and therefore the writing may be shared. However, the style needs to be consistent throughout. The first author must go through the entire manuscript and make any necessary editorial changes before submitting the manuscript to the journal.Ten Steps to Writing an Effective AbstractAn abstract is a condensed version of the manuscript, which highlights the major points covered, concisely describes its content and scope, and reviews its material in abbreviated form. It is usually the first section read and sets the tone of the paper for the reviewer. It must be concise and easy to read and must cover the important points of the paper.Many publications have a required style for abstracts; the "Guidelines for Authors" provided by the publisher will provide specific instructions. Stay within the publisher’s guidelines, or your manuscript might be rejected.Writing an abstract involves summarizing a whole manuscript and providing as much new information as possible. The best way to write an effective abstract is to start with a draft of the complete manuscript and follow these 10 steps:1.Identify the major objectives and conclusions.2.Identify phrases with keywords in the methods section.3.Identify the major results from the discussion or results section.4.Assemble the above information into a single paragraph.5.State your hypothesis or method used in the first sentence.6.Omit background information, literature review, and detailed description ofmethods.7.Remove extra words and phrases.8.Revise the paragraph so that the abstract conveys only the essentialinformation.9.Check to see if it meets the guidelines of the targeted journal.10.Give the abstract to a colleague (preferably one who is not familiar with yourwork) and ask him/her whether it makes sense.Writing an effective abstract will improve the chances of your manuscript being accepted, encourage people to read it, and increase its impact.A number of studies have indicated that a badly written manuscript with poor use of English, even with good science, has less chance of being accepted and published.Ten Steps to Writing an Effective IntroductionSan Francisco EditThe purpose of the Introduction is to stimulate the reader’s interest and to provide pertinent background information necessary to understand the rest of the paper. You must summarize the problem to be addressed, give background on the subject, discuss previous research on the topic, and explain exactly what the paper will address, why, and how. Besides motivating a reader to read your manuscript and to care about your results, the Introduction is useful also to the journal’s reviewers and editors in judging the importance of your manuscript.An Introduction is usually 300 to 500 words, but may be more, depending on the journal and the topic. Therefore, the Introduction needs to be very concise, well structured, and inclusive of all the information needed to follow the development of your findings.Some people recommend that the Introduction be the first section written when writing a manuscript. If you need help beginning, please read our article Twelve Steps in Developing an Effective First Draft at /newsletters.htm.Below are the steps in developing an effective Introduction. However, since every journal is different, it is important that you look at papers in your targeted journal to determine whether they use all of these steps. For example, some journals do not include conclusions in the Introduction.1. Begin the Introduction by providing a concise background account of the problemstudied.2. State the objective of the investigation. Your research objective is the mostimportant part of the introduction.3. Establish the significance of your work: Why was there a need to conduct the study?4. Introduce the reader to the pertinent literature. Do not give a full history of the topic.Only quote previous work having direct bearing on the present problem.5. Clearly state your hypothesis, the variables investigated, and concisely summarizethe methods used.6. Define any abbreviations or specialized terms.7. Provide a concise discussion of the results and findings of other studies so thereader understands the big picture.8. Describe some of the major findings presented in your manuscript and explain howthey contribute to the larger field of research.9. State the principal conclusions derived from your results.10. Identify any questions left unanswered and any new questions generated by yourstudy.Other points to consider when writing your Introduction:1. Be aware of who will be reading your manuscript and make sure the Introduction isdirected to that audience.2. Move from general to specific: from the problem in the real world to the literature toyour research.3. Write in the present tense except for what you did or found, which should be in thepast tense.4. Be concise.Twelve Steps to Writing an Effective Results SectionSan Francisco EditThe purpose of a Results section is to present the key results of your research without interpreting their meaning. It cannot be combined with the Discussion section unless the journal combines the Results and Discussion into one section. The results should be presented in an orderly sequence, using an outline as a guide for writing and following the sequence of the Methods section upon which the results are based. For every result there must be a method in the Methods section. It is important to carefully plan the tables and figures to ensure that their sequencing tells a story. If you need help in preparing an outline see our article Eight Steps to Developing an Effective Manuscript Outline at /newsletters.htm.1. Determine which results to present by deciding which are relevant to the question(s) presented in the Introduction irrespective of whether or not the results support the hypothesis(es). The Results section does not need to include every result you obtained or observed.2. Organize the data in the Results section in either chronological order according to the Methods or in order of most to least important. Within each paragraph, the order of most to least important results should be followed.3. Determine whether the data are best presented in the form of text, figures, graphs, or tables.4. Summarize your findings and point the reader to the relevant data in the text, figures and/or tables. The text should complement the figures or tables, not repeat the same information.5. Describe the results and data of the controls and include observations not presented in a formal figure or table, if appropriate.6. Provide a clear description of the magnitude of a response or difference. If appropriate, use percentage of change rather than exact data.7. Make sure that the data are accurate and consistent throughout the manuscript.8. Summarize the statistical analysis and report actual P values for all primary analyses.9. Use the past tense when you refer to your results.10. Number figures and tables consecutively in the same sequence they are first mentioned in the text. Depending on the journal, they should be in order at the end of the report after the References, or located appropriately within the text of your results section.11. Provide a heading for each figure and table. Depending on the journal the table titles and figure legends should be listed separately or located above the table or below the figure. Each figure and table must be sufficiently complete that it could stand on its own, separate from the text.12. Write with accuracy, brevity and clarity.Fourteen Steps to Writing an Effective Discussion SectionSan Francisco EditThe purpose of the Discussion is to state your interpretations and opinions, explain the implications of your findings, and make suggestions for future research. Its main function is to answer the questions posed in the Introduction, explain how the results support the answers and, how the answers fit in with existing knowledge on the topic. The Discussion is considered the heart of the paper and usually requires several writing attempts.The organization of the Discussion is important. Before beginning you should try to develop an outline to organize your thoughts in a logical form. You can use a cluster map, an issue tree, numbering, or some other organizational structure. The steps listed below are intended to help you organize your thoughts. If you need additional help see our articles Eight Steps to Developing an Effective Manuscript Outline and Twelve Steps to Developing an Effective First Draft of your Manuscript at/newsletters.htm.To make your message clear, the discussion should be kept as short as possible while clearly and fully stating, supporting, explaining, and defending your answers and discussing other important and directly relevant issues. Care must be taken to provide a commentary and not a reiteration of the results. Side issues should not be included, as these tend to obscure the message. No paper is perfect; the key is to help the reader determine what can be positively learned and what is more speculative.1. Organize the Discussion from the specific to the general: your findings to the literature, to theory, to practice.2. Use the same key terms, the same verb tense (present tense), and the same point of view that you used when posing the questions in the Introduction.3. Begin by re-stating the hypothesis you were testing and answering the questions posed in the introduction.4. Support the answers with the results. Explain how your results relate to expectations and to the literature, clearly stating why they are acceptable and how they are consistent or fit in with previously published knowledge on the topic.5. Address all the results relating to the questions, regardless of whether or not the findings were statistically significant.6. Describe the patterns, principles, and relationships shown by each majorfinding/result and put them in perspective. The sequencing of providing this information is important; first state the answer, then the relevant results, then cite the work of others. If necessary, point the reader to a figure or table to enhance the “story”.7. Defend your answers, if necessary, by explaining both why your answer is satisfactory and why others are not. Only by giving both sides to the argument can you make your explanation convincing.8. Discuss and evaluate conflicting explanations of the results. This is the sign of a good discussion.9. Discuss any unexpected findings. When discussing an unexpected finding, begin the paragraph with the finding and then describe it.10. Identify potential limitations and weaknesses and comment on the relative importance of these to your interpretation of the results and how they may affect the validity of the findings. When identifying limitations and weaknesses, avoid using an apologetic tone.11. Summarize concisely the principal implications of the findings, regardless of statistical significance.12. Provide recommendations (no more than two) for further research. Do not offer suggestions which could have been easily addressed within the study, as this shows there has been inadequate examination and interpretation of the data.13. Explain how the results and conclusions of this study are important and how they influence our knowledge or understanding of the problem being examined.14. In your writing of the Discussion, discuss everything, but be concise, brief, and specific.Twelve Steps to Writing an Effective Materials and MethodsSan Francisco EditIn the Materials and Methods section you explain clearly how you conducted your study in order to: (1) enable readers to evaluate the work performed and (2) permit others to replicate your study.You must describe exactly what you did: what and how experiments were run, what, how much, how often, where, when, and why equipment and materials were used. The main consideration is to ensure that enough detail is provided to verify your findings and to enable the replication of the study.You should maintain a balance between brevity (you cannot describe every technical issue) and completeness (you need to give adequate detail so that readers know what happened).This should be the easiest section to write. If you need help beginning, please read our article Twelve Steps in Developing an Effective First Draft at/newsletters.htm.Since each journal has different requirements, review the journal’s guidelines before beginning to write this section. The steps listed here are a general compilation of these requirements.1. Order your procedures chronologically or by type of procedure and then chronologically within type of procedure using sub-headings, where appropriate, to clarify what you did. It is up to you to decide what order of presentation will make the most sense to your reader.2. Use the past tense and the third person to describe what you did. For example: “The sample was incubated at 37ºC for 3 days.” - NOT: “I incubate the sample at 37ºC for 3 days.”3. Describe your experimental design clearly, including the hypotheses you tested, variables measured, how many replicates you had, controls, treatments, etc.4. Explain why each procedure was done. Reference may be made to a published paper as an alternative to describing a lengthy procedure.5. Identify the source of any specific type of equipment, a specific enzyme, organism, or a culture from a particular supplier, which is critical to the success of the experiment.6. Describe in detail any modifications to equipment or equipment constructed specifically for the study and, if pertinent, provide illustrations of the modifications.7. Precisely quantify measurements (all metric) and include errors of measurement.8. Describe the dates and the site where your field study was conducted including physical and biological characteristics of the site, if pertinent to the study’s objectives.9. Identify treatments using the variable or treatment name, rather than an ambiguous, generic name or number (e.g., use "healthy donors" rather than "group 1").10. If required by the journal, mention the approval for the study by the relevant ethics committee(s) and the informed consent of the subjects.11. Describe statistical tests and the comparisons made; ordinary statistical methods should be used without comment; advanced or unusual methods may require a literature citation.12. Show your Materials and Methods section to a colleague and ask whether they would have difficulty in repeating your study.Other points to consider when writing the Materials and Methods:1. Don't mix results with procedures.2. Omit all explanatory information and background - save it for the discussion.3. Don’t include information that is irrelevant to the reader, such as what color ice bucket you used, or which individual logged in the data.Twelve Steps to Developing Effective Tables and FiguresSan Francisco EditThe purpose of tables and figures is to report data too numerous or complicated to be described adequately in the text and/or to reveal trends or patterns in the data. Tables and figures are critical. If readers go beyond the abstract, they are likely to examine the tables and figures next.Before writing the first draft of your manuscript, it is important to organize the data you plan to present in the manuscript. By preparing the tables and figures, their titles and legends, and appropriate statistical analyses, you will be certain of your results before you need to interpret them. At this time you will also be able to determine if you have all the data you need. Before writing the first draft, it is important to plan which results answer the questions you posed in your research and which data can be left out.If you need help beginning, please read our article Twelve Steps in Developing an Effective First Draft at /newsletters.htm.1. Decide which results to present, paying attention to whether data are best presented within the text or as tables or figures.2. Limit the number of tables and figures to those that provide essential information that could not adequately be presented in the text.3. Include only results which are relevant to the question(s) posed in the introduction, irrespective of whether or not the results support the hypothesis(es).4. Design each table and figure to be understandable on its own, without reference to the text.5. Number each figure and table in the order in which they are referred to in the text (figures and tables are numbered separately).6. Organize the tables and figures in such an order that they tell a story.7. Check with the targeted journal, but typically tables and figures are located on separate pages that follow the Reference section.8. Make sure there is no page break in the middle of a table or figure, if the journal wants the tables and figures integrated into the text. Do not wrap text around tables and figures.9. Be sure all figures and tables are referenced in the text of the article.10. Obtain permission from the copyright holder (usually the publisher) and acknowledge the source, if you are including a table or figure that has already been published.11. Write the table titles and figure legends in the past tense.12. Provide information regarding what is presented in the table or figure in the table titles and figure legends, but not a summary or interpretation of the results.TablesTables are used to make an article more readable by removing numeric data from the text. Tables can also be used to synthesize existing literature, to explain variables, or to present the wording of survey questions.1. Create tables with the table function (pull down menu) in Microsoft Word. Do not use tabs.2. Use column headings and table notes accurately to simplify and clarify the table. In most cases, the meaning of each column should be apparent without reference to the text.3. Check with the journal, but most journals want the table title and table on the same page, with each table on a separate page in numerical order.FiguresFigures provide visual impact and therefore they are often the best way to communicate the primary finding. Figures are traditionally used to display trends and group results but can also be used effectively to communicate processes or to display detailed data simply.1. Label each axis including units of measurement and clearly identify the data you are displaying (e.g. label each line in a graph).2. Check with the journal, but most want the figure legends listed in numerical order ona separate page and each figure on a separate page in numerical order.。
除了实验研究之类的论文外,临床上做的很多都可以成文:一篇个案(case report 或者case report and literature review),一点技术革新(techniqcal case report), 临床报告(4-5个个案可以写成一篇clinical report),正式论文(论著或原著original),甚至对某篇论文的看法都可以写成文章与编辑交流登报。
比如要这样写:This study was carried out to investigate the complications of thyroid arterial embolization. 这种被动态论文中常见,而如果您写成“We carried out this study to investigate the complications of thyroid arterial embolization", 这种主动态无论从语法上还是其他方面来说都正确,但就是不适用于科学论文中。
字数规定:一般不超过250个英文单词。 摘要由四大要素构成: (1)研究目的 一般用1-2句话交代文章要解决的主要问题,尽量少的涉及背景信息。 (2)研究方法 主要描述研究对象、实验设计、实施过程、实验手段。 (3)研究结果 描述研究的主要结果和创新性发现,包括主要数据和有无统计学意 义。注意不要简单罗列结果,要有选择、有逻辑地展示有意义的发 现。 (4)研究结论 总结创新性结论及可能的应用价值,也可以提出有待解决的问题。 注意与第一句的目的相呼应。
(一) SCI(Science Citation Index)科学引文索引
SSCI (Social Science Citation Index)社会科学引文索引
(二) EI (Engineering Index)工程索引 (三) ISTP (Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings)科技会议录索引
(一) SCI 科学引文检索
世界范围最权威的科学技术文献的索引工具,能够提供科 学技术领域所有重要的研究成果。 从1992年开始,ISI归属于汤森路透公司(Thomson Reuters Corp)。2016年7月11日,SCI被抛售。
• 汤森路透公司(Thomson Reuters Corp)宣布将知识产权业务和科
• (1)中科院JCR分区在线平台
每年分区表发布之后,可以 在各种科研学术论坛里下载 到Excel或者PDF格式的文件。
那么你就可以参考以上两法,研究因素A和因素B 对水稻抗逆性的影响。
B.分析完图表后,寻找你这个试验结果的Ke point,一定要保证这个Ke point具有较大的新意,或者说一个到这个Ke point 有一种振奋人心的感觉。
然后从所有图表中找出能够论证你这个Ke point 的图和表。
仔细阅读所投期刊官网上的“Guide for Authors”,并且遵循所有行文结构。
《SCI论文写作和发表:You Can Do It》一书中建议的行文顺序为:先写Results部分,对应着Results部分再写其他部分,最后写Abstract部分。
2.Abstract●一段写完,200 words左右。
2.Materials and Methods比较好写,看看文献,应该有相同的内容可以参考,把这些内容找来进行一些修改就可以了。
sci文章格式要求 -回复
sci文章格式要求-回复“如何写一篇符合科学文章格式要求的文章”1. 引言[Introduction](约150-200字)- 概括地介绍文章主题,提出研究问题或研究目的。
- 指出该问题的科学意义和研究现状。
- 引入本文结构。
2. 背景知识[Background](约250-500字)- 对该领域的相关理论、研究进展进行介绍。
- 介绍前人的研究成果和不足之处。
- 提出研究的动机。
3. 研究方法与实验设计[Methods and Experimental Design](约350-800字)- 详细描述研究所采用的方法、技术或实验设计。
- 解释为何选择该方法,并列举相关研究的理由或支持。
- 提供实验步骤、样本或实验参与者的选择条件等细节。
4. 结果与分析[Results and Analysis](约400-600字)- 以事实、数据或实验结果的方式呈现研究结果。
- 对结果进行科学、客观、准确的解读和分析。
- 使用恰当的统计方法和图表帮助展示和解释数据。
5. 讨论与解释[Discussion and Interpretation](约500-800字)- 对结果的意义进行分析和解释,并与背景知识进行关联。
- 比较实验结果与预期或与其他研究的一致性和差异性。
- 讨论研究的局限性,并提出进一步改进或研究方向。
6. 结论[Conclusion](约100-150字)- 对研究成果进行总结,回答研究问题或实现研究目的。
- 强调或突出研究的贡献和意义。
- 提出对未来研究的展望或建议。
7. 参考文献[References]- 引用文章中所参考的资料,遵守科学论文引用规范。
8. 附录[Appendices]- 如有必要,提供一些补充性的数据、图表或实验细节。
9. 致谢[Acknowledgments]- 对给予帮助、支持或提供资源的人或机构表达感谢之意。
在写作过程中,还需要注意以下几点:- 语言要求准确、简明扼要、格式规范;- 使用科学术语,避免主观性的描述;- 确保逻辑流畅,段落间过渡自然,思路清晰;- 描述实验方法时,重点突出方法的独特性或改进点;- 结果与分析部分要充分说明数据来源、处理方法和统计学意义;- 讨论部分除总结结果外,还要考虑其他可能解释现象的因素;- 结论要简明扼要,不要再引入新的内容。
SCI简 介
如何 撰写
如何 投稿
示例 解析
• 首要条件:克服畏惧心理 • 几个必要条件
– 一定的英文基础—文从句顺 – 良好的逻辑基础—能否用中文写是关
键(但不能用中文写) – 严谨的研究工作—自圆其说 • 若干诀窍 – 多读是关键 – 八股文风 – 天下文章一大抄(但不能抄)
• 影响因子(impact factor, IF):一种期刊的影响 因子,指的是该刊前二年发表的文献在当前年 的平均被引用次数
• IF代表了该杂志发表的论文平均受关注的程度 • IF是评价论文好坏的指标之一
– 一般而言,权威杂志的评审较为严格,论文 评价水准较高
– 好的杂志也有差的论文;一般杂志也有经典 论文
• 指出当前研究的不足并有目的地引导出研究重要性
– 在叙述前人成果之后,用However来引导不足,提出一种新 方法或新方向。 • 如:However, few studies have been done … • 如:Previous research has neglected/overestimated/underestimated… thus, these previous results are controversial. Uncertainties still exist……
– 如果自己的研究是全是新的,没有前人的工作可对比,你就 可以说We aim to test the feasibility of the……It is hoped that the question will be resolved with our proposed method.
如何写SCI文章总结[精选多篇]第一篇:如何写SCI文章总结如何写SCI文章总结王xx 机械工程1xxxxx03 通过几个星期的SCI写作培训,自己对写SCI文章有了一定的了解,自己之前认为SCI离自己太远,自己完全不可能写的出来,但是自己现在认为写SCI文章有一定的套路,只要按照这个套路来,写出一篇SCI文章来根本不是问题。
在写文章时,自己的时间分配和修改次数都要有一定的规划:30%的时间细心思考,70%的时间认真写作初稿;把写好的论文放一段时间;逐字逐句地阅读论文;请其他人帮助阅读和修改;在修改的时候,从别人的角度来审视论文(Reviewer / boss / colleagues / proof-reader);仔细修改的次数 > 3;修改的总次数 > 5。
1.Introduction: 问题的提出;研究的现状及背景;以前工作基础;本工作的目的;思路(可提假说);对象;方法;结果。
在… 模型上,观察… 指标,以探讨…(目的)。
2.M & M ⑴ 材料的写法和意义;伦理.⑵ 程序与指标。
操作程序:能序贯,可操作性;方法:多指标方法的排序;引出参照文献简述;改良之处;哪些详或简?⑶ 统计学处理3.Results ⑴指标归类描述,忌流水帐。
SCI论文写作全攻略-选题与创新一、先想先写最后做:1. 做研究之前,必须想清楚:结果能不能发表?发表在哪里?2. 先把文章大框写好,空出数据,等做完实验填完空就可以发了;正所谓心中有沟壑!3. 在未搞清“写什么、发哪里、自己研究与同类研究有何出色之处”之前,就不要动手做!4. 继续去看文献,去想;想不清楚就做还不如不做!5. 要想这样做,就得先看文献!要知道如何把文章架起来、要知道别人是如何讨论的、要知道自己的数据是不是说明了与别人不同的东东或别人没有做过……这个过程就是阅读文献及思考的过程,这些搞清楚了,写就简单了!6. 要是先做事,做完发现别人做过,或无法用理论来解释,岂不是冤大头?二、如何科学选题:1. 课题选择和国际接轨。
2. 课题要有可发展性。
我院被SCI收录论文最多的杨新民老师从事凸性理论研究,该理论兴起于 20世纪70年代,90年代进入高峰。
二、英文写作的语言技巧1. Introduction:A. 如何指出当前研究的不足并有目的地引导出自己研究的重要性?在叙述前人成果之后,用However来引导不足,提出一种新方法或新方向。
如:However, littleinformation(little attention/little work/little data/little research……) (or few studies/few investigations/few researchers/few attempts……) (or no/none of these studies……) has (have) been done on (focused on/attemptedto/conducted/investigated/studied(with respect to))。
如:Previous research (studies, records) has (have) failed to consider/ ignored/ misinterpreted/ neglectedto/overestimated, underestimated/misleaded. thus, these previous results are inconclisive, misleading, unsatisfactory, questionable, controversial. Uncertainties (discrepancies) still exist……研究方法和方向与前人一样时,可通过以下方式强调自己工作:However, data is still scarce(rare, less accurate),We need to(aim to, have to) provide more documents(data, records, studies, increase the dataset). Further studies are still necessary(essential)……强调自己研究的重要性,一般还要在However之前介绍与自己研究问题相反或相关的问题。
在…模型上,观察…指标,以探讨…(目的)2. M & M⑴材料的写法和意义; 伦理.⑵程序与指标。
如果你有足够的时间(1年以上)等,最好先投比你的目标杂志更高的杂志,哪怕是Lancet, NEJM,JAMA等都不妨一试。
首先要正确判断你文章的内容及水平,在从资料库ISI Web of Knowledge 查找相关专业的杂志。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND RELATED RESEARCHNumber 413, pp. 1–7©2003 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.1Because of the growing need for publica-tion space, Clinical Orthopaedics and RelatedResearch (CORR) was established in 1953 bythe Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons toprovide an alternative source of publication tothe Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (thenthe only orthopaedic specialty journal).5Clin-ical Orthopaedics always has striven to pro-vide readers with high quality, peer-reviewedarticles in the form of original research andsurvey material. High quality depends on thenature of the work and on the reporting. Al-though there is no surfeit of excellent materialon medical reporting and writing,3,8,9,11,13,23none is directed to CORR contributors. In thespirit of that goal, I will provide some guide-lines to authors for effective reporting.It first is important to understand that stan-dards of reporting, no less than standards of sci-entific conduct, change. Although ethics alwayshave played a critical part in science, recentsocietal and regulatory expectations imposecertain new requirements, while scientific ad-vances require others. These changes havestimulated considerable discussion 4,6,10,16–20andCORR contributors are specifically directed tothe publications of the International Society ofMedical Editors 12and The Committee on Pub-lication Ethics for general guidelines.4Clinical Orthopaedics adheres to these guidelines, par-ticularly regarding ethical issues with specific manuscripts. Clinically relevant scientific ad-vances in recent years include use of contempo-rary outcome measures, more sophisticated statistical approaches, and increasing use and reporting of well-formulated research plans (particularly in clinical research). Although these changing standards of reporting will not be detailed in my review, I will explicitly note several issues.Scientific writing, no less than any other form of writing, reflects a demanding creative process, not merely an act: the process of writ-ing changes thought. The quality of a report depends on the quality of thought in the design and the rigor of conduct of the research. Well-posed questions or hypotheses interrelate with the design. Well-posed hypotheses imply de-sign and design implies the hypotheses. The effectiveness of a report relates to brevity and focus. Attention to few points will allow au-thors to focus on critical issues. Brevity is achieved in part by avoiding repetition (with a few exceptions to be noted), clear style,13and proper grammar.21,23Few original scientific articles need to be longer than 3000 words.Longer articles may be warranted if substan-tially novel methods are reported, or if the ar-ticle reflects a survey of literature. Although writers should avoid redundancy, effectively Writing for Clinical Orthopaedics andRelated Research Richard A. Brand, MDReprint requests to Richard A. Brand, MD, Editor-in-Chief, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research,3550 Market St., Suite 220, Philadelphia, PA 19104.Phone: 215–349-8375; Fax: 215–349-8379; E-mail:dick.brand@.DOI: 10.1097/01.blo.0000080540.81794.6fcommunicating critical information often means repetition of the questions (or hypotheses or key issues) and answers. The questions should appear in the Abstract, Introduction, and Dis-cussion, and the answers should appear in the Abstract, Results, and Discussion.Styles of writing are as numerous as au-thors, although most journals publish guide-lines for formatting a manuscript, and many have more or less established writing styles (eg, the American Medical Association Man-ual of Style).1Clinical Orthopaedics and Re-lated Research traditionally has used the AMA style as a general guideline. However, few sci-entific and medical authors have the time to learn these styles. Therefore, within the limits of proper grammar and clear, effective com-munication, we will allow individual styles. Introduction (500 words)The Introduction, although typically the short-est of sections, is perhaps the most critical. The Introduction must effectively state the issues and formulate the rationale for those issues or questions. Its organization might differ some-what for a clinical report, a study of new sci-entific data, or a description of a new method. Most studies, however, are published to: (1) re-port entirely novel findings (frequently case re-ports, but sometimes substantive basic or clin-ical studies); (2) confirm previously reported work (eg, case reports, small preliminary se-ries) when such confirmation remains ques-tionable; and (3) introduce or address contro-versies in the literature when data and/or conclusions conflict. Apart from surveys and other special articles, one of these three pur-poses generally should be apparent (and often explicit) in the Introduction. The first para-graph should introduce the general topic or problem and suggest its importance, a second and perhaps a third paragraph should provide the rationale, and a final paragraph should state the questions, hypotheses, or purposes.One may think of formulating rationale and hypotheses as Aristotelian logic (a modal syl-logism) taking the form: If A, B, and C, then D, E, or F. The premises A, B, and C, reflect accepted facts whereas D, E, or F reflect logi-cal outcomes or predictions. The premises best come from published data, but when data are not available published observations (typ-ically qualitative), logical argument, or con-sensus of opinion can be used. The strength of these premises is roughly in descending order from data to observations or argument to opin-ion. D, E, or F reflect logical consequences. For any set of observations, any number of ex-planations (D, E, or F) logically follow. There-fore, when formulating hypotheses (explana-tions), researchers designing experiments and reporting results should not be wed to a single explanation.With the rare exception of truly novel mate-rial, when establishing rationale authors should generously reference representative (although not necessarily exhaustive) literature. This ra-tionale establishes novelty and validity of the questions and places it within the body of liter-ature. Writers should merely state the premises with relevant citations (superscripted) and avoid describing cited works and authors’ names. The exceptions to this approach include a de-scription of past methods when essential to de-veloping rationale for a new method, or a men-tion of authors’ names when important to establish historic precedent. Amplification of the citations may follow in the Discussion when appropriate. In establishing a rationale, new interventions of any sort are intended to solve certain problems. For example, new im-plants (unless conceptually novel) typically will be designed according to certain criteria to eliminate problems with previous implants. If the purpose is to report a new treatment, the premises of the study should include those ex-plicitly stated problems (with quantitative fre-quencies when possible) and they should be referenced generously.The final paragraph logically flows from the earlier ones, and should explicitly state the questions or hypotheses to be addressed in terms of the study (independent, dependent) variables. Any issue not posed in terms of study variables cannot be addressed meaning-fully. Focus of the report relates to focus ofthese questions, and the report should avoid questions for which answers are well de-scribed in the literature (eg, dislocation rates for an implant designed to minimize stress shielding). Only if there are new and unex-pected information should data be reported apart from that essential to answer the stated questions.Materials and Methods (1000–1500 words) In principle, the Materials and Methods should contain adequate detail for another investigator to replicate the study. In practice, such detail is neither practical nor desirable because many methods will have been published previously (and in greater detail), and because long de-scriptions make for difficult reading. Nonethe-less, the Materials and Methods section typi-cally will be the longest section.When reporting clinical studies authors must state approval of the institutional review board or ethics committees according to the laws and regulations of their countries. In-formed consent must be stated where appro-priate. In the United States IRB approval is re-quired for studies using any information with patient identifiers, even if patients are not seen, although expedited review may be ap-propriate.15Similarly, animal studies require approval of institutional animal welfare com-mittees. Such approval should be stated in the first paragraph of Materials and Methods.At the outset the reader should grasp the ba-sic study design. Authors should only briefly describe and reference previously reported methods. When authors modify those methods the modifications require additional descrip-tion. In clinical studies, the patient population and demographics should be outlined at the outset. Clinical reports must state inclusion and exclusion criteria and whether the series is consecutive or selected; if selected, criteria for selection should be stated. The reader should understand from this description all potential sources of bias such as referral, di-agnosis, exclusion, recall, or treatment bias. Given the expense and effort for substantial prospective studies, it is not surprising that most published clinical studies are retrospec-tive. Such studies often are criticized unfairly for being retrospective, but that does not negate the validity or value of a study. Care-fully designed retrospective studies provide most of the information available to clini-cians. However, authors should describe po-tential problems such as loss to followup, difficulty matching, missing data, and the var-ious forms of bias more common with retro-spective studies.If authors use statistical analysis, a para-graph should appear at the end of Materials and Methods stating all statistical tests used. When multiple tests are used, authors should state which tests are used for which sets of data. All statistical tests are associated with as-sumptions, and when it is not obvious the data would meet those assumptions, the authors ei-ther should provide the supporting data (eg, data are normally distributed, variances in groups are similar) or use alternative tests. Choice of level of significance should be jus-tified. Although it is common to choose a level of alpha of 0.05 and a beta of 0.80, these lev-els are somewhat arbitrary and not always ap-propriate. In the case where the implications of an error are very serious (eg, missing the di-agnosis of a cancer), different alpha and beta levels might be chosen in the study design to assess clinical or biological significance. Results (500 words)If the questions or issues have been adequately focused in the Introduction, the Results sec-tion need not be long. Generally, one may need a paragraph or two to persuade the reader of the validity of the methods, one paragraph addressing each explicitly raised question or hypothesis, and finally, any paragraphs to re-port new and unexpected findings. The first (topic) sentence of each paragraph should state the point or answer the question. When the reader considers only the first sentence in each paragraph in Results, the logic of the au-thors’ interpretations should be clear. Paren-thetic reference to all figures and tables forces the writer to textually state the interpretationNumber 413August, 2003Writing for Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research3of the data; the important material is the au-thors’ interpretation of the data, not the data.Statistical reporting of data deserves special consideration. Stating some outcome is in-creased or decreased (or greater or lesser) and parenthetically stating the p (or other statistical) value immediately after the comparative terms more effectively conveys information than stat-ing something is or is not statistically signifi-cantly different from something else (different in what way? the reader may ask). Additionally, avoiding the terms statistically different or sig-nificantly different lets the reader determine whether they will consider the statistical value biologically or clinically significant, regardless of statistical significance. Although a matter of philosophy and style, actual p values convey more information than stating a value less than some preset level. Furthermore, as Motulsky notes, “When you read that a result is not sig-nificant, don’t stop thinking . . . First, look at the confidence interval . . . Second, ask about the power of the study to find a significant differ-ence if it were there.”14This approach will give the reader a much greater sense of biological or clinical significance.Discussion (1000 words)The Discussion should contain specific ele-ments: a restatement of the problem or ques-tion, an exploration of limitations and as-sumptions, a comparison and/or contrast with information (data, opinion) in the literature, and a synthesis of the comparison and the au-thor’s new data to arrive at conclusions. The restatement of the problem or questions need be only brief for emphasis. I prefer an explo-ration of assumptions and limitations next rather than at the end of the manuscript, be-cause interpretation of what will follow de-pends on these limitations. Failure to explore limitations suggests the author(s) either do not know or choose to ignore them, potentially misleading the reader. Exploration of these limitations need be only brief, but all critical issues must be discussed, and the reader should be persuaded they do not jeopardize the conclusions.Next the authors should compare and/or contrast their data with data reported in the lit-erature. Generally, many of these reports will include those cited as rationale in the Introduc-tion. Because of the peculiarities of a given study the data or observations might not be strictly comparable to that in the literature, it is unusual that the literature (including that cited in the Introduction as rationale) would not con-tain at least trends. Quantitative comparisons most effectively persuade the reader the data in the study are “in the ballpark,” and tables or fig-ures efficiently convey that information. Dis-crepancies should be stated and explained when possible; when an explanation of a discrepancy is not clear that also should be stated. Conclu-sions based solely on data in the paper seldom are warranted because the literature almost al-ways contains previous information. The qual-ity of any report will depend on the substantive nature of these comparisons.Finally, the author(s) should synthesize their data with that in the literature. No critical data should be overlooked, because contrary data might effectively refute an argument.* That is, the final conclusions must be consis-tent not only with the new data presented, but also that in the literature.Abstract (200 words)Generally, an Abstract should be written after the entire manuscript is completed. The reason relates to how the process of writing changes thought and perhaps even purpose. Only after careful consideration of the data and a synthe-sis with the literature can author(s) write an ef-fective abstract.Many readers now access medical and sci-entific information via Web-based databases rather than browsing hard copy material. Re-gardless of access, since the reader’s intro-duction occurs through titles and abstracts, substantive titles and abstracts more effec-tively capture a reader’s attention. Whether aClinical Orthopaedics4Brand and Related Research*From a logical point of view, many consistent observa-tions do not confirm an explanation because a single in-consistent observation can disprove an explanation.reader will examine an entire article often will depend on an abstract with compelling infor-mation. A compelling Abstract contains the questions or purposes, the methods, the re-sults (most often quantitative data), and the conclusions. Each of these may be conveyed in one or two statements. Comments such as “this report describes . . .” convey little useful information.Title (80 characters, including spaces) Just as the Abstract is important in capturing a reader’s attention, so is the title. Titles raising or answering questions in a few brief words will far more likely do this than titles merely pointing to the topic. Furthermore, such titles as, “Bisphosponates reduce bone loss,” effec-tively convey the main message and readers will more likely remember them.SurveysThe format for surveys necessarily differs from those reporting original data. However, many of the principles noted above apply. A survey still requires an Abstract, an Introduc-tion, and a Discussion. The Introduction still requires focused issues and a rationale for those issues. Authors should convey to readers the unique aspects of their surveys which dis-tinguish them from other available material (eg, monographs, book chapters). The issues should be posed in the final paragraph of the Introduction. As with an archival article re-porting original material, the Introduction to a survey typically need not be longer than four paragraphs. Longer Introductions tend to lose focus, so the reader is not sure what novel in-formation will be presented.The sections after the Introduction are nearly always unique to the particular survey, but need to be organized in a coherent fashion. Headings (and subheadings when appropriate) should follow parallel construction and reflect analogous topics (eg, diagnostic categories, choices of methods, choices of surgical inter-ventions). If the reader considered only the headings, the logic of the survey (as reflected in the Introduction) should be clear.Discussions synthesize the reviewed litera-ture into a coherent whole and within the con-text of the novel issues stated in the Introduc-tion. The limitations should reflect those of the literature, however, rather than a given study. Those limitations will relate to gaps in the liter-ature which preclude more or less definitive as-sessment of diagnosis or selection of treatment, for examples. Controversies in the literature should be briefly explored. Only by exploring limitations will the reader appropriately place the literature in perspective. Authors should end the Discussion by summary statements similar to those which will appear at the end of the Abstract in abbreviated form.In general, a survey requires a more exten-sive literature review than an archival article, although this will depend on the topic. Some topics (eg, osteoporosis) could not be compre-hensively referenced, even in an entire mono-graph. However, authors need to ensure that a survey is representative of the entire body of literature, and when that body is large, many references are required.ReferencesReferences should derive primarily from peer-reviewed journals, standard textbooks or monographs, or well-accepted and stable elec-tronic sources (eg, NIH or FDA Websites). For citations dependent on interpretation of data, authors generally should use only high-quality peer-reviewed sources. Abstracts and submitted articles should not be used because many in both categories ultimately do not pass peer review.2,7,22Accepted articles in press in peer-review journals may be used if the antic-ipated date of publication is within a time frame for the final citation to be completed in CORR galley proofs).Figures and TablesFigures and tables should complement, not duplicate material in the text. They compactly present information, which would be difficult to describe in text form. (Material which may be succinctly described in text should rarely be placed in tables or figures.) Clinical studies,Number 413August, 2003Writing for Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research5for example, often contain complementary ta-bles of demographic data, which although im-portant for interpreting the results, are not crit-ical for the questions raised in the paper. Well focused papers contain only one or two tables or figures for every question or hypothesis ex-plicitly posed in the Introduction. Additional material may be used for unexpected results.Well constructed tables are self-explana-tory and require only a title. Every column contains a header with units when appropriate. Figures, however, may need some explana-tion, including meaning of symbols. In addi-tion to whatever data descriptions are required, a figure legend should contain the major point within the framework of the questions raised; explanations should be written in complete sentences. A reader should be able to read the questions in the last paragraph of the Intro-duction, and then find the answers in the first sentence of each paragraph in Results and in the figure legends.Practical Tips1.Read only the first sentence in each para-graph throughout the text to ascertain whether those statements contain all criti-cal material and the logical flow is clear. 2.Avoid in the Abstract comments such as,“. . . this report describes . . .” Such state-ments convey no substantive information for the reader.3.Avoid references and statistical values inthe Abstract.4.Avoid using the names of cited authors ex-cept to establish historical precedent. In-stead, state the point documented in the ar-ticle or articles and provide citation by superscripting.5.Avoid in the final paragraph of the Intro-duction purposes such as, “. . . we report our data. . .” Such statements fail to focus the reader’s (and writer’s!) attention on the critical issues (and do not include mention of study variables).6.Parenthetically refer to tables and figuresand avoid statements in which a table of fig-ure is either subject or object of a sentence.Parenthetic reference places emphasis on interpretation of the information in the table or figure, and not the table or figure.7.Regularly count words from the Introduc-tion through Discussion.8.Read the guidelines for publishing in CORR(or any other journal) before submission.Those guidelines generally will need to be met in any case.References1.American Medical Association Manual of Style: AGuide for Authors and Editors. 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