福柯 权利话语理论
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Agents of power in translation
•The power to exclude •Translator’s voice as an expression
•权力话语理论(theory of power and discourse) •米歇尔·福柯(Michel Foucault)
(Nabokov 1955/2000:83)
Of course, Nabokov’s translation approach is also ideologically informed, an expression of his favoured poetics, and is a demonstration of his power as an author-translator. Such translations are by their very nature elitist and deliberately marginalize readers who do not share Nabokov’s view of language.
•Varied views of status of the literary translators ➢“instinctive” (Rabassa)
➢“a complex mix of intuition and conscious choice involving thousands of decisions through which the translator is shaping and sustaining an interpretation” ➢Uncovering the “voice” of the ST and reproducing this in translation.
(A. Munif Endings (trans. Roger Allen), London: Quartet Books, 1998)
Features of language use in TT
•Cohesion by lexical variations (as opposed repetition, for example);
Examples A12.1a (ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱack-translation from Arabic)
What take root deep down are melancholy feelings which appear unobtrusive at first, only to become aggressive, with no hinges. At those moments of anger which recur so frequently, and which take innumerable forms . . .
•Over-simplicity of syntax;
•Excessively explicit connectivity to signal text structure more transparently.
•Failure to do justice to, or in any way accurately convey, the variety of voices and the multiplicity of tones characteristic of the STs in question. •This usurping of ST ‘specificity’ and ‘uniqueness’ may be explained in terms of a complex power structure at work in doing any translation. (exclusion of readers) • Similarly, real or imagined target norms can also turn translation into an ideological weapon for excluding an author.
a. Constraints on the kind of language we use in translation(as opposed to original writing, for example).
b. Exclusion of a reader (coerced to read in a particular way), an author (committed to oblivion) or a translator (doomed to be invisible).
• 所谓“权力”,是指一切控制力与支配力。其中有有形的,如 政府机构、法律条文,例如:1954年我国曾召开了第一 次全国文学翻译工作会议;也有无形的,如意识形态、 道德伦理、文化传统与习俗、宗教思想、美学思想、价 值观念等等,例如:对雨果的《悲惨世界》书的初译。
• 人文科学本身只是一种权力和知识相结合的产物,它只 能是某一个时期的人文科学,是这一时期权力话语控制 的产物。
•The translator’s voice
The translator’s voice
‘Discursive presence’ called by Theo Hermans (1996:27)- the translator’s voice is always present, even if it is sometimes obscured, and may manifest itself (1) because of temporal or geographical distance from the ST, (2) in ‘self-referential’ texts marked by wordplays, and (3) in cases of ‘contextual overdetermination’ where a complex chain of identification may lead to omission or explanation by footnote (1996:40).
(4) 翻译活动和译者在跨文化交流和文化建构中发挥不 可低估的作用。但译者并没有任意改造原作的特权, 必 须受到外部和内部制约。
(5)然而, 没有一种理论可以解决一切翻译问题。权力话 语理论更多适用于文学文本和社会文本, 不适于纯粹的 信息转换的科技翻译。
•法国思想家米歇尔·福柯(Michel Foucault, 1926-1984) 的 理论充满挑战性,其主要理论可以概括地表现为“知识型”、 “人之死”、“话语权力”、“谱系学”等重要事件。 •他的突出贡献在于始终坚持权利与话语权力的诉求方式与机制 的融合,进而围绕权力和知识这一核心问题,展开权力与真理、 权力与知识分子、权力与政治、权力与性、权力与后现代后殖 民问题的当代分析,因此被称为权利思想家而闻名世界。 •在福柯的一生中,不遗余力地置身于为被排除边缘的他者说话, 努力去发现被知识、权利压抑的异端和边缘化的东西,竭尽全 力让这些异端发出自己的声音,从而得到社会的承认和共鸣。 •福柯的这种思想被后殖民主义者,第三世界的人们所利用,于 是上世纪70-80年代产生了风靡全球的后殖民主义理论。
I want translations with copious footnotes, footnotes reaching up like skyscrapers to the top of this or that page so as to leave only the gleam of one textual line between commentary and eternity. I want such footnotes and the absolutely literal sense, with no emasculation and no padding.
• To ‘include’ or ‘exclude’ a particular kind of reader, a certain system of values, a set of beliefs or an entire culture.
• Written by one writer and translated by one translator.
• 翻译活动也不例外,它是权力话语制约作用下的产物,翻 译研究绝不可以只局限于作者、文本、译者之间,而应 置于大的文化视野中去。
翻译不是纯粹的文本之间的信息转换, 而是在译入语 文化的权力网络多元操控下对原文本的重写。“翻译实 际上是受一系列外部社会力量控制和支配的话语提纯 活动, 它的选择、组织、传播等过程无不受到来自社 会、文化、历史、思想、意识形态等多种有形与无形 的势力所左右和制约。
(A. Munif Endings 1981)
Example A12.1b
Deep down, melancholy feelings take root. They may seem fairly unobtrusive at first. But people will often get angry. When this happens, these feelings burst out into the open, assertive and unruly. They can appear in a number of guises.
• 3. 权力话语理论的指导意义
福柯的权力话语理论对于翻译研究、翻译批评、翻译史、 翻译实践和翻译教学都有深远的指导意义:
(1) 为翻译研究提供了宏观视角, 将社会之维、历史之维引 入翻译研究, 从广度和深度上拓宽了翻译研究的领域。 深刻揭示了翻译活动的社会性、背后的操控因素和它 在文化建构中的重大作用, 使翻译研究更为全面、辩证 和客观。
(2) 没有绝对忠实的翻译, 翻译批评的标准应是: 知识的客 观性、解释的合理性、文本的定向限制性和译作的目 的功能性。这种批评才能揭示译作的效应史和文化建 构意义。
(3) 能够解释翻译实践中一些特殊现象: 译者选择特定的 原作、特定的翻译策略(如直译或意译、归化或异化、 节译或全译) 、译作的社会影响力, 都受到译入语社会 和译者个人的权力话语的操控。
•The power to exclude •Translator’s voice as an expression
•权力话语理论(theory of power and discourse) •米歇尔·福柯(Michel Foucault)
(Nabokov 1955/2000:83)
Of course, Nabokov’s translation approach is also ideologically informed, an expression of his favoured poetics, and is a demonstration of his power as an author-translator. Such translations are by their very nature elitist and deliberately marginalize readers who do not share Nabokov’s view of language.
•Varied views of status of the literary translators ➢“instinctive” (Rabassa)
➢“a complex mix of intuition and conscious choice involving thousands of decisions through which the translator is shaping and sustaining an interpretation” ➢Uncovering the “voice” of the ST and reproducing this in translation.
(A. Munif Endings (trans. Roger Allen), London: Quartet Books, 1998)
Features of language use in TT
•Cohesion by lexical variations (as opposed repetition, for example);
Examples A12.1a (ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱack-translation from Arabic)
What take root deep down are melancholy feelings which appear unobtrusive at first, only to become aggressive, with no hinges. At those moments of anger which recur so frequently, and which take innumerable forms . . .
•Over-simplicity of syntax;
•Excessively explicit connectivity to signal text structure more transparently.
•Failure to do justice to, or in any way accurately convey, the variety of voices and the multiplicity of tones characteristic of the STs in question. •This usurping of ST ‘specificity’ and ‘uniqueness’ may be explained in terms of a complex power structure at work in doing any translation. (exclusion of readers) • Similarly, real or imagined target norms can also turn translation into an ideological weapon for excluding an author.
a. Constraints on the kind of language we use in translation(as opposed to original writing, for example).
b. Exclusion of a reader (coerced to read in a particular way), an author (committed to oblivion) or a translator (doomed to be invisible).
• 所谓“权力”,是指一切控制力与支配力。其中有有形的,如 政府机构、法律条文,例如:1954年我国曾召开了第一 次全国文学翻译工作会议;也有无形的,如意识形态、 道德伦理、文化传统与习俗、宗教思想、美学思想、价 值观念等等,例如:对雨果的《悲惨世界》书的初译。
• 人文科学本身只是一种权力和知识相结合的产物,它只 能是某一个时期的人文科学,是这一时期权力话语控制 的产物。
•The translator’s voice
The translator’s voice
‘Discursive presence’ called by Theo Hermans (1996:27)- the translator’s voice is always present, even if it is sometimes obscured, and may manifest itself (1) because of temporal or geographical distance from the ST, (2) in ‘self-referential’ texts marked by wordplays, and (3) in cases of ‘contextual overdetermination’ where a complex chain of identification may lead to omission or explanation by footnote (1996:40).
(4) 翻译活动和译者在跨文化交流和文化建构中发挥不 可低估的作用。但译者并没有任意改造原作的特权, 必 须受到外部和内部制约。
(5)然而, 没有一种理论可以解决一切翻译问题。权力话 语理论更多适用于文学文本和社会文本, 不适于纯粹的 信息转换的科技翻译。
•法国思想家米歇尔·福柯(Michel Foucault, 1926-1984) 的 理论充满挑战性,其主要理论可以概括地表现为“知识型”、 “人之死”、“话语权力”、“谱系学”等重要事件。 •他的突出贡献在于始终坚持权利与话语权力的诉求方式与机制 的融合,进而围绕权力和知识这一核心问题,展开权力与真理、 权力与知识分子、权力与政治、权力与性、权力与后现代后殖 民问题的当代分析,因此被称为权利思想家而闻名世界。 •在福柯的一生中,不遗余力地置身于为被排除边缘的他者说话, 努力去发现被知识、权利压抑的异端和边缘化的东西,竭尽全 力让这些异端发出自己的声音,从而得到社会的承认和共鸣。 •福柯的这种思想被后殖民主义者,第三世界的人们所利用,于 是上世纪70-80年代产生了风靡全球的后殖民主义理论。
I want translations with copious footnotes, footnotes reaching up like skyscrapers to the top of this or that page so as to leave only the gleam of one textual line between commentary and eternity. I want such footnotes and the absolutely literal sense, with no emasculation and no padding.
• To ‘include’ or ‘exclude’ a particular kind of reader, a certain system of values, a set of beliefs or an entire culture.
• Written by one writer and translated by one translator.
• 翻译活动也不例外,它是权力话语制约作用下的产物,翻 译研究绝不可以只局限于作者、文本、译者之间,而应 置于大的文化视野中去。
翻译不是纯粹的文本之间的信息转换, 而是在译入语 文化的权力网络多元操控下对原文本的重写。“翻译实 际上是受一系列外部社会力量控制和支配的话语提纯 活动, 它的选择、组织、传播等过程无不受到来自社 会、文化、历史、思想、意识形态等多种有形与无形 的势力所左右和制约。
(A. Munif Endings 1981)
Example A12.1b
Deep down, melancholy feelings take root. They may seem fairly unobtrusive at first. But people will often get angry. When this happens, these feelings burst out into the open, assertive and unruly. They can appear in a number of guises.
• 3. 权力话语理论的指导意义
福柯的权力话语理论对于翻译研究、翻译批评、翻译史、 翻译实践和翻译教学都有深远的指导意义:
(1) 为翻译研究提供了宏观视角, 将社会之维、历史之维引 入翻译研究, 从广度和深度上拓宽了翻译研究的领域。 深刻揭示了翻译活动的社会性、背后的操控因素和它 在文化建构中的重大作用, 使翻译研究更为全面、辩证 和客观。
(2) 没有绝对忠实的翻译, 翻译批评的标准应是: 知识的客 观性、解释的合理性、文本的定向限制性和译作的目 的功能性。这种批评才能揭示译作的效应史和文化建 构意义。
(3) 能够解释翻译实践中一些特殊现象: 译者选择特定的 原作、特定的翻译策略(如直译或意译、归化或异化、 节译或全译) 、译作的社会影响力, 都受到译入语社会 和译者个人的权力话语的操控。