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l 前进类(用来论证好的方面)

1. benefit from 从……当中获益

例句:Many children who suffer from this illness will benefit from the new treatment(治疗).【主语一般为人,宾语一般为物】

详解:这个句型与is beneficial to …(对……有益)的主语和宾语正好相反。有时还可以把它们放在文章不同位置交替使用,来实现句式的多样化。

例句:Confucius' thought is beneficial to mankind. 孔子的思想有益于全人类。

例句:However, these habits are beneficial to my body.不过这些习惯是否有益于我身体。

2. Invest in 对……投资

例句:Let's invest in our people without leaving them a mountain of debt.

近义词汇:subsidize/sponsor/allocate to

反义句型:withdraw/suspend the funding of…中止对……的投资

例句:That money is used to subsidize /sponsor /allocate everything else.

例句:Japan withdrew the funding of Africa.

3. Promote the development of…促进……的发展

例句:This championships will surely promote the development of basketball.

详解:近义句型:facilitate the development of…/is a main contributor to….

例句:Soil erosion is a main contributor to water pollution.

4. Boost efficiency / productivity 提高效率/生产率

例句:The language can simplify projects, reduce costs and boost efficiency.

近义句型:enhance efficiency / productivity

例句:We should constantly improve our own skills, in order to enhance efficiency.


5. Play a vital role in 在中起关键作用

例句:Farmers play a vital role in China. 农民在中国发挥关键作用。

详解:近义句型:play a crucial/essential role in…

例句:The government plays a crucial role in the housing market.


6. Enrich one’s social/academic/professional experience 丰富……的社会的/学术的/职业的经历

例句:Working for a period before going to university can greatly enrich students’social experience and make them more capable in university. 上大学之前工作一段时间的话,能够很大程度上丰富学生们的社会经历,也能使他们在大学里更加有作为。

详解:近义句型:expand one’s outlook/vision 开阔某人的视野(真的不建议大家再频繁使用broaden one’s vision那个早已被用滥的句型了。)

反义句型:limit/restrict one’s vision限制某人的视野

例句:It will limit your vision if you know nothing about a second language. 不懂第二外语会限制你的视野。

7.Keep society safe and stable保持社会稳定

例句:Harmony keeps society safe and stable while conflict disturbs social order.


详解:近义句型:maintain social stability

例句:We strive to maintain social stability. 我们努力维护社会稳定。

8. have a duty / obligation to do…有责任做……

例句:We have a duty to help the poor. 我们有义务去帮助穷人。

近义句型:be obligated to do sth. / be accountable for

反义句型:be exempt from doing sth.被免除某种责任,比如paying taxes

例句:你被免除了缴税的责任。You are exempt from paying taxes.

9. relax their bodies and ease their minds 让人放松身心

例句:Children need time to relax their bodies and ease their minds. 孩子们需要时间来放松身心。

近义句型:afford (提供给) sb. entertainment and pleasure

比较:recreational activities/activities 休闲活动

例句:The school offers many recreational activities for the students.该校为学生提供了很多“娱乐”活动。

10. be based on…基于……

例句:Friendship should be based on (upon) mutual respect.友谊是基于彼此的尊重。

近义句型:lay the foundation for…/lay the groundwork for…为……打好基础

例句:We can lay the foundation for long-term economic growth in both of our countries.


11. generate employment opportunities 创造就业机会

例句:This company generated many employment opportunities for Beijing.


近义句型: stimulate the job market

反义句型:reduce employment opportunities

The economic crisis reduced employment opportunities.经济危机减少了就业机会。

12. be less time-consuming and more economical 省钱又省时间的

例句:Advertising makes our shopping experience less time-consuming and more economical.


近义句型:be more efficient and cost-effective


We should educate our workers to be more efficient and cost-effective.

13. relieve one’s academic/financial/psychological burden减轻某人的学业、经济、心理负担例句:Part-time jobs help students to relieve their financial burdens.


类似用法:relieve poverty/pain/traffic congestion 减轻贫困/痛苦/交通阻塞

例句:This kind of medicine can relieve patient’s pain.这种药物能够减轻病人的痛苦。

14. fulfill/exert one’s potential发挥人的潜力


The teacher should fulfill every student’s potential.

近义句型:achieve one’s potential

反义句型:restrict one’s potential限制某人发挥潜力

例句:他们限制自己发挥潜力。They restrict themselves’potential.

15. Remove the barrier for为(发展,交流等)消除障碍

例句:Machine translation has removed the barrier for communication between people who do not share the same language.机器翻译为讲不同语言的人之间的交流消除了障碍。

反义句型be an obstacle to 对什么造成阻碍
