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快速阅读(Skimming and Scanning)在新题型中所占比例为10%,要求考生在









例:4. Establish an email address for your search.

Another way to protect your privacy while seeking employment online is to open up an email account specifically for your online job search ...

Using an email address specifically for your job search also eliminates the possibility that you will receive unwelcome emails in your primary mailbox. When naming your new email address, be sure that it doesn’t contain references to your name or other information that will give away your identity. The best solution is an email address that is relevant to the job you are seeking such as salesmgr2004@.(2007年6月真题)

题:Using a special email address in the job search can help prevent you from receiving ________.

答案:unwelcome emails。

首先在题目中标出关键词"Using a special email address",之后回原文查找,即可定位于第4个小标题"Establish an email address for your search"。这里有一点值得考生注意,第二段首句中"eliminates the possibility"后跟同位语从句,而题目中则为"prevent you from receiving"。这种句式的变换是快速阅读填空题型中出现频率较高的考点,考生在正确获取信息的基础上要全面考虑,切






例:With the increase in auto production, private turnpike (收费公路) companies under local authorities began to spring up, and by 1921 there were 387,000 miles of paved roads. Many were built using specifications of the 19th century Scottish engineers Thomas Telford and John MacAdam (for whom the macadam surface is named), whose specifications stressed the importance of adequate drainage. Beyond that, there were no national standards for size, weight restrictions, or commercial signs. During World War I, roads throughout the country were nearly destroyed by the weight of trucks. When General Eisenhower returned from Germany in 1919, after serving in the U.S. Army’s first transcontinental motor convoy (车队) ,he not-ed, "The old convoy had started me thinking about good, two-lane high-ways, but Germany’s Autobahn or motorway had made me see the wisdom of broader ribbons across the land."(2006年6月真题)

题:1. National standards for paved roads were in place by 1921.

答案: N。利用题干中的关键词"1921",便可迅速定位原文第二段为此信息来源。结合第一句话和第三句话可知,1921年时虽然有长387,000公里的公路,但并不存在国家标准,据此判断题干错误。

2. General Eisenhower felt that the broad German motorways made more sense than the two-lane high-ways of America.

答案: Y。题干的关键词是人名"General Eisenhower"和名词"Ger-man motorways",故可锁定最后一句话为信息来源。题干中的"make more sense(更有意义)"对应原文中的"see the wisdom of broader ..."。这里提示考生,快速阅读判断正误的7个陈述句往往是同义词置换或反义词取代。


快速阅读如同一条曲线,曲线行进的过程中势必有波峰和波谷,建议考生在波峰处做出标志,刻意加深印象以形成较强的短期记忆;而在波谷处,考生则可不读或一带而过,即在快读中做到有重有轻。轻重结合会推动考生在短时记忆中突出核心内容,并顺利完成题目。所谓重,重在三个方面:题干中的关键词、主题句和关联词。标出题干中的关键词,在原文中予以关注是本文前面所讲述的内容,在此不再赘述。主题句是快速阅读中应关注的重点。通常而言,主题句易出现于段落的首尾句。此外,小标题下的第一段话也是关注的焦点。考生要关注的第三个重点就是关联词,即句与句之间的逻辑关系,诸如:因果关系(as a result, therefore, consequently, because);并列、递进关系(and, or, then, in addition, besides, moreover);转折关系(how-ever, but, yet)。逻辑关系的正确把握有利于简化阅读,关注关联词易于迅速获取信息。所谓轻,即对介绍性内容置之不理或一带而过。

例:2. Reclaim life’s meaning. So many of my patients tell me that their lives used to have meaning, but that somewhere along the line things went stale.

The first step in solving this meaning shortage is to figure out what you really care about, and then do some-thing about it. A case in point is Ivy, 57, a pioneer in investment banking. "I mistakenly believed that all the money I made would mean something." she says. "But I feel lost,
