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决定做;承担 反向运动 整体的 成为一体,使统一 确认 描述;归类 与神话和诗歌有关的 接纳 仪式 肯定地说,断言 男子气的,阳刚气的
Part A Part B
Background Information
New Words and Expressions
Violence and inequality. 5. Why does the second type of men‟s group appeal to men? Because they can give and find support from other men.
Part A Part B
Part A Part B
Task 1 Listen and Take Notes
Task 2 Listen for Details
Listen to the lecture again and try to answer the following questions. 1. What family tasks are men sharing more and more with women? Child care and housework.
Task 1 Listen and Take Notes
Task 2 Listen for Details
6. What are male activists trying to do?
They are trying to get back men‟s power.
Although there are a number of unifying themes, there are also some interesting differences among the basic groups associated with the Men‟s Movement. Several writers who write about the Men‟s Movement have identified four basic groups of men active in the movement. The first group is labeled the male feminists, and these men work for women‟s rights and equality between the sexes. Some of the men in this first group are vocal about blaming other men for much of the violence against women and for the inequality that exists between men and women in relationships and the job market. Note
which can differ considerably from those of men. At work, as well as at home, many men today in modern North American society have to play very different roles than their fathers did. They are, as a result, joining with other men in a countermovement called the Men‟s Movement to seek to provide one another with the support they need to cope with the roles expected of men in today‟s world. Exactly what forms does the Men‟s Movement take, and what do men in the Men‟s Movement hope to achieve by being active in the movement? To begin with, the Men‟s Movement has no unified, monolithic philosophy. tea
Unit 4 Social Behavior
Part A Part B
Background Information
New Words and Expressions
The Men’s Movement The men‟s movement is a social movement that includes a number of philosophies and organizations that seek to support men, change the male gender role and improve men‟s rights in regard to marriage and child access and victims of domestic violence. Major movements within the men‟s movement include men‟s liberation,
7. Give a brief description of the mytho-poetic Men‟s Movement. This group initiates men using mythology, poetry (hence the name mytho-poetic), and other rituals, such as dancing, to explore and affirm the value of masculinity and masculine approaches to problem solving.
Part A Part B
Background Information
New Words and Expressions
masculism, men‟s health, anti-sexism and men‟s / fathers‟ rights. Participants vary in terms of religion, politics and sexuality with a number of women also involved. The movement is predominantly Western, although since the early 1990s, men‟s movements have been growing in non-Western countries.
2) The belief that men and women are very different and this should be strongly reflected in society, language, right to have sex, and the law. 3) Simple hatred of men (misandry) or women (misogyny).
The Men’s Movement: What Does It Mean to Be a Man? As a result of the Women‟s Movement, more women are working outside the home, and many men are playing a more active role in family life and are taking on some of the tasks involved in child care and housework. In addition to these changes inside the home, men are today entering occupations that used to be considered women‟s jobs. More men are becoming nurses and teachers of young children. Other men are finding that they have more female colleagues and bosses at work than ever before, and they are having to adapt to women‟s styles of communication and management, eaten
Part A Part B
Task 1 Listen and Take Notes
Task 2 Listen for Details
Listen to the lecture and try to get its main ideas by taking notes. Fill in the blanks according to your notes. I. Effect of the Women‟s Movement on the Men‟s Movement II. Forms the Men‟s Movement Takes A. ________________ Male feminists B. ________________________ Men’s support groups Male activists C. _______________ Mytho-poetic D. _______________ III. Conclusion ________________________________________ The Men’s Movement is very diverse.
Part A Part B
Background Information
New Words and Expressions
take on countermovement monolithic unify identify label mytho-poetic initiate ritual affirm masculine
Task 2 Listen for Details
3. What problems might a man run into in a workplace where there are a lot of women?
Communication and management problems.
4. What does the male feminist speak out against?
2. What are the two jobs that used to be done exclusively by women? Teaching and nursing
Part A Part B
Task 1 Listen and Take Notes
feminist vocal integral orientation sensitivity mythology masculinity subscribe to weakling wimp diverse
男女平等主义者 直言的 构成整体所必需的 方向,定位 敏感(性) 神话 阳刚之气 同意,赞成 软弱的人 懦弱的人 多种多样的
anti-sexism: a movement against sexism, which means anti-sexists don‟t accept the beliefs of sexism. The main beliefs and attitudes of sexism are listed as below: 1) The belief that one sex is superior to the other.