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1.---Excuse me, is there ________ book by Mo Yan?

---Yes. It’s on _________ bookshelf over there.

A. a; /

B. a; the

C. /; the

D. the; a

2.---How long have you lived in the new flat?

---________ 2018.

A. In

B. After

C. Since

D. Before

3.---Wow! You’ve got so many clothes.

---But ________ of them are in fashion now.

A. all

B. both

C. neither

D. none

4.If I am wanted in the telephone, ask him to leave a _________.

A. message

B. letter

C. diary

D. sentence

5.My grandmother __________ in Yangzhou. She was born there and has never lived anywhere


A. lived

B. lives

C. was living

D. will live

6.---Who’s the most modest boy in your class?

---Daniel. He never __________ in public.

A. gets off

B. takes off

C. shows off

D. turns off

7.---Could you tell me_________?

---More than a year.

A.h ow soon will Yangzhou-Taizhou Airport be built

B.h ow long has Yangzhou-Taizhou Airport been in service

C.h ow soon Yangzhou-Taizhou Airport will be built

D.h ow long Yangzhou-Taizhou Airport has been in service

8.---Mr. Li, I can’t understand everything in class.

---Don’t worry! I’ll ________ the main points at the end.

A. record

B. review

C. require

D. remember

9.A number of tourists _________ Yangzhou many times because it is such a beautiful city.

A. have been to

B. has been to

C. has gone to

D. have gone to

10.Eagle Father was so__________ with his son that he kept the four-year-old son running in the

snow without clothes.

A. pleased

B. sorry

C. careful

D. strict

11.---Jim, ________ read books while you are walking in the str eet. It’s very dangerous.

---OK, thank you.

A. don’t

B. doesn’t

C. won’t

D. can’t

12.---What are you going to do when you grow up?

---A singer, but my parents wish me _________ a teacher.

A. am

B. to be

C. will be

D. be

13.The Greens used to live in London and now they _________ in Beijing.

A. used to live

B. are used to live

C. are used to living

D. are used for living

14.---I’ll go to the USA next month.

---__________ for?

A. Why

B. How

C. Which

D. What

15.---Excuse me, could I take this seat?

---Sorry, __________.

A. here you are

B. take it

C. it’s taken

D. never mind



Sheila bought a new lunch bag for school.

On the way to school, she looked inside. She hoped that a new lunch bag meant something new for lunch, 16 she found the same lunch as always---a sandwich.

When the lunch bell rang. Sheila found her bag and carried it to the dining hall. She opened it and 17 two pieces of fried chicken, several strawberries, and an egg.

“Wow!” Sheila said, “That’s what I call18 !”

The next morning, Sheila opened her lunch bag and looked inside. Sure enough, she found another 19 . But when she opened the bag at lunchtime in the dining hall, she discovered a piece of pizza, an orange, and a cake.

“My lunch bag20 be magic,” Sheila said.

“There’s no such thing as magic,” her friend Douglas21 .

“There is,” Sheila said. “My mother 22 packs me a sandwich. But ever since I got this new lunch bag, the sandwich has changed into something I like.”

“Maybe your mother’s packing23 things for a change.”

“No,” Sheila said. “I checked in the morning. The sandwich changes24 .”

“You are not the 25 one with a magic lunch bag,” Beatrice said, turning around from the table behind her. “I have one, too. See? This is my magic bag.”

“Hey,” Sheila said. “My lunch bag really looks like yours.”

“Mine is magic,” said Beatrice. “Every day my dad26 leftovers(剩饭), but at lunchtime I find a sandwich---my favorite!”

Sheila started 27 .

“What’s so funny?” Beatrice asked.

“That’s the sandwich my mother packs,” Sheila said. “We’ve been getting our lunch bags 28 up.”

Sheila and 29 shared their lunches every day after that. Sheila loved making new discoveries each time she opened her lunch bag. But her best discovery was magically finding a new 30 .

16.A. and B. so C. but D. or

17.A. showed B. discovered C. wanted D. offered

18.A. lunch bag B. dining hall C. breakfast D. lunch

19.A. sandwich B. chicken C. egg D. orange

20.A. can B. must C. may D. need

21.A. disturbed B. discovered C. disappeared D. disagreed

22.A. never B. seldom C. often D. ever

23.A. different B. same C. easy D. delicious

24.A. at home B. during school C. on the way D. after lunchtime

25.A. last B. next C. extra D. only
