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关键词:公务员; 职业道德; 现状; 对策


With the unceasingly thorough and development of our Country Institutional reform, Government building and the functions of the government is becoming increasingly important. The construction of the national civil service, thus, becoming the most important part of the main body of the Government. And professional ethics of civil servants have special significances. Their professional ethics will be a direct impact on the moral level of the whole society. Therefore to strengthen the building of professional ethics of civil servants, plays an important role in enhancing the public moral, cleaning up the society, and optimizing the government's actions. With the gradual establishment and improvement of the civil service system, the importance of building up the Professional ethics of civil servants has been increasingly highlighted. However, it is not optimistic about the situation of professional ethics of the civil servants. To change the current status, we must find out the root of all the issues, find out the solution of strengthening the building of professional ethics of civil servants according to the actual situation. Improve the professional ethics of the civil service system as soon as possible. Let it serve the socialist modernization well.

Key Words: civil servant, professional ethics, current situation, countermeasure


摘要 (Ⅰ)

目录 (Ⅲ)

前言 (1)

第一章公务员职业道德的内容 (2)

§1.1.公务员职业道德的涵义 (2)

§1.1.1强烈的政治性 (2)

§1.1.2重大的责任性 (2)

§1.1.3角色的双重性 (2)

№1.2加强公务员职业道德的意义和作用 (2)


的保证 (3)

§1.2.2公务员职业道德是激励公务员努力做好工作的精神动力 (3)

§1.2.3公务员职业道德是提高公务员素质,完善自身的重要途径 (3)

§1.2.4公务员职业道德是提高社会精神文明水平的关键 (3)

§1.3公务员职业道德规范的基本要求 (3)

§1.3.1忠于职守,一心为公 (4)

§1.3.2实事求是,秉公执政 (4)

§1.3.3艰苦奋斗,廉洁奉公 (4)

§1.3.4关心群众,平等待人 (4)

§1.3.5以身作则,遵纪守法 (5)

第二章公务员职业道德存在的问题及原因分析 (6)

§2.1公务员存在的道德失范现象 (6)

§2.1.1个人主义膨胀,公仆意识淡化 (6)

§2.1.2思想意识不高,敬业精神殆尽 (6)

§2.1.3享乐主义泛滥,腐败现象严重 (6)

§2.2公务员职业道德失范原因分析 (6)

§2.2.1多元价值目标的冲击和影响 (7)

§2.2.2市场经济自身弱点的消极反映 (7)

§2.2.3公务员职业建设的相对滞后 (7)

§2.2.4公务员道德的社会调控机制不健全 (7)

第三章加强公务员职业道德建设的对策思考 (8)

§3.1明确指导思想,重视理论学习 (8)

§3.2增强公务员职业道德自律意识 (8)

§3.3借助他律的补充和支持 (8)

§3.4处理好继承、借鉴与创新的关系 (9)

§3.5与时俱进,完善公务员职业道德体系 (9)

致谢 (11)

参考文献 (12)
