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1. —Danny, your are so beautiful. Where did you buy them?

—Thanks. I bought them in Wuhan.

A. handbag

B. cap

C. sweater

D. gloves

2. — exciti ng film we saw yesterday!

—I think so.

A. What a

B. What an

C. How an

D. How a

3. —I don’t know how to the old books.

—You can give them away to poor children.

A. hand in

B. take up

C. deal with

D. give up

4. —Do you like reading books?

—Yes. Everyone in my class to do more reading in and after class by our teacher.

A. are encouraged

B. is encouraged

C. are encouraging

D. encourages

5. —How long has Jim been in the factory?

—He has been there for two years he left school.

A. when

B. since

C. as soon as

D. while

6. —Do you believe that American flags are made China?

—Yes, I do. And you can see they are made silk.

A. in; from

B. from; in

C. of; in

D. in; of

7. —I meeting Jack today because I am still angry with him.

—Come on, Mary. You are good friends.

A. avoid

B. require

C. enjoy

D. expect

8. —Oh, the room is too dirty, Tony!

—Sorry, Mom. It yesterday. I forgot to do it.

A. didn’t clean

B. isn’t cleaned

C. was cleaned

D.wasn’t cleaned

9. —How do you usually go to school?

—I take a bus, but I walking now.

A. was used to; am used to

B. am used to; used to

C. used to; am used to

D. used to; use to

10. —I’m sor ry to hear that your pet dog has died.

—Though my dog for three months, I still miss him.

A. has died

B. has been dead

C. died

D. was dead

11. —Mom, shall we go hiking tomorrow?

—Oh, dear. That depends on it is fine tomorrow.

A. that

B. what

C. how

D. whether

12. —It’s of you to talk loudly in public places, Lucy.

—I’m so sorry, Mom.

A. polite

B. politely

C. impolite

D. impolitely

13. —Could you tell me _____________________________?

—Sure. It’s ne ar the bank on the other side of the street.

A. how to the post office

B. where is the post office

C. where the post office is

D. when the post office was built

14. —I find difficult to learn English grammar.

—You can do more English exercises.

A. that

B. t his

C. those

D. it

15. —Lucy, can I borrow your bike?

—? I didn’t hear clearly.

A. Yes, please

B. How do you do

C. Here you are

D. Pardon

II 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


There was once a little witch. She was kind, but she had no idea how to put that kindness into practice. So she was sad most of the time.

One day, she heard that the old witches were planning to put a spell(咒语) on a big mountain and turn it into a volcano, which would destroy a small town. The little witch then went to tell the people about this, but they didn’t believe her and threw ston es at her.
