
































江苏省电力公司电力电缆及通道数字化普查方案V6 江苏省电力公司电力电缆及通道数字化普查实施方案一、普查范围公司系统10,20,kV电压等级的电力电缆,包括电缆本体、陁件、陁属设备、陁属设施,接地装置、电缆支架、标志标识等,和电缆通道;电缆通道是挃用于电缆保护的管道建筑物和构筑物主体,包含直埋、排管、电缆沟、工作井,接头工作井,、隧道、桥架等。











1. 数据采集:通过使用传感器和监控设备等技术手段,实时采集电缆的各项参数、状态和性能数据,包括温度、湿度、电流、电压等。

2. 数据整理:对采集到的电缆数据进行清洗、筛选、排序和分类等处理,去除重复、错误或无效数据,使得数据更加有序和规整。

3. 数据存储:建立适当的数据存储结构和存储系统,将清洗后的数据进行归档和存储,确保数据的完整性和可访问性。

4. 数据分析:运用数据分析和挖掘技术,对电缆数据进行统计、建模和预测,发现数据中的规律和趋势,并提供数据支持的决策依据。

5. 数据安全:采取安全措施,包括数据加密、访问控制、备份和恢复等,保护电缆数据的机密性、完整性和可用性,防止数据泄露和损坏。

6. 数据共享:建立数据共享平台和机制,促进不同部门和单位

7. 数据监控:对电缆数据进行实时监控和预警,发现数据异常和故障,并及时采取措施修复和处理,确保电缆的正常运行和安全性。






















































XXX 公司网络信息采集系统方案建议书1.doc

XXX 公司网络信息采集系统方案建议书1.doc

XXX 公司网络信息采集系统方案建议书1management systems and measure s establi she d by, a nd a num ber of pragmati c, combi ned part-time workfor ce e ducation information, the prote ction of the digital campus constr ucti on a nd sustai nable deve lopme nt. Six Burea u attaches great importance to i nformation technol ogy se curit y, infor mation technology security, e ntrust XX City Center for e ducational information a nd e qui pment dedi cated to the w ork. Network security leadi ng group wa s set up, chaired by the E ducation Bureau Chi ef, head, for XX educati on M etro-network and information se curity emergency re sponse leadership. Deputy group lea der for XX e ducational metropolitan area net work a nd i nformation security emergency response coordi nation, command. The te am assist l eader a nd de puty lea der, re sponsible for netw ork XX network security and information ... T eam. Information se curity work Confere nce held each semeste r, a nd depl oyment of information se curity of document s issued on a regular basi s. Informationsecurity a ssessment is i ncl ude d in the annual i ndex. Strictly im plement the i nformation sec urity budget to e nsure information se curity of investme nt. By XX, education informati on and e qui pment Ce ntre XX netw ork netw ork se curity and information se curit y. Accor ding to the information technol ogy security requirements, i ssued a document re quires schools (unit s) implement, defined t he information se curity gui deli nes, spe cific work practi ces, proce dure s, and requirements. Clear industryinformation se curity i nci dents (accidents) to dete ct, report and disposal pr oce sses. Accor ding to self -examinati on, the school (units) ba sic e stablished has network security management system; t he school (units) accordi ng to this units a ctua l, establi she d has unit s personnel manageme nt, information system room management, a nd e qui pment manageme nt, and media ma nageme nt, and network security construction manageme nt, and shi ppe d dime nsi on management, a nd servi ce outsourci ng,management system; developed has computer and the network of network security responsibi lity hel d system, signed has netw ork se curity responsi bility; w ebsite of information ma nagement personnel is responsi ble for confidential manag ement, pa ssw ord manageme nt, on computer e njoy s independent rig ht, User name and pa ssw ord of the computer for its pr oprietar y, and release of provi sions is prohibite d, such as leaks, investigated for responsi bility. Accordi ng to w ho is i n charge of w ho's i n charge, w ho is r unning a nd w ho i s responsibl e for, w ho uses principle s of who is i n charge of management schools (unit s) defined t he role s and responsibilities of informati on security, assura nce re sponsi bilitie s to schools. XX city school s (units) total site 20, 19 of whi ch were not classifie d se curity pr otection assessme nt, of whi ch 1 (XX e ducation and resource network) for cla ssifie d security prote ction levels, without thir d-leve l information systems. otal education i nformation systems 1(XX educati on cloud platform), contains features withe-Governme nt, resource l ibrary, test databa se, mail services, such a s e-books, all i ntranet servi ces. No for grade protection grading re cor d and evaluati on of school (units), requirements the school (units) a ccor ding t o information securi ty gr ade protecti on a bout poli cy and standard, organizati on carried out informati on security grade prote ction se curity manageme nt system constr uction, a nd technology measures construction and gra de evaluati on, im plementation grade protecti on sy stem of the requirements, makes i nformation system security ma nagement level obviouslyfacility up t o 160 milli on Yuan, a ccording t o the sta ndar d, hig h quality planning XX e ducational metropolitan are a netw ork realizes Wan Zhaokuan to school s, hundreds of megabytes of br oad band to the ta ble, ' wire ' (ie: We b, video, a udi o) to the targe t, electronic w hiteboards, multimedia classr ooms, rem ote interactive vi deo tea chi ng system of modern e ducati onaequi pment in t he cla ssroom. ... Wit h Intel compa ny on XX Education City domain network of topic case design, relies on Ci sco com pany thoug ht Shu ai d chua n project staff free provide s has t hree years te chnology support, from 2009 began, a ccor ding to high sta ndar ds, a nd high of w ork thought, a nd manpower planning, and points ste p implementati on, usi ng school earthquake Hou re construction of opport unitie s, again planning eleme ntary and middle schools campus netw ork and educati on city domai n netw ork, and local broa dca sting network company cooperati on, using broa dcast TV network, w ill phy sical fiber laying to ea ch school , to minimum of cost achieve d has physi cal fiber school school pass;Each school constructi on sta ndar ds of cam pus netw ork and network a ccess to all r ooms; XX educati on metropolita n area netw ork ce nter machine room equipme nt in the Ministry of educati on sta ndar dization manageme nt platform, the Central Library of audio-visual educati on resources,set up a Chinese teacher e ducation oud platform, impleme nted li nks the two platforms. At pre sent, t he city's primary a nd mi ddle school st ude nts to computer 3198, vitality tha n 10:1; 809 e qui pment classe s thr ough the classr oom (primary a nd secondary); 36 of the campus netw ork. T he esta blishment of an a dvanced, practical Gigabit educational metropolita n area network, t he city's schools have a cce ss to educational metropolita n area network, schools have computer network s, cl ose d-circuit televisi on network , broa dca st netw orks i nto the classrooms, realize the tri ple pla y. School s share Inter net ba ndwidt h, ca n meet the nee ds of teachi ng of the school office and at any time. A ccordi ng to Mi nistry of e ducation on full started implementati on tea chi ng points digital e ducation resource s full cover pr oje ct of notification (taught techni cal letter (2012) 74th,) and XX Province De partment of e ducati on on issued XX provi nce teaching poi nts digital e ducation resources full cover proje ctimplementation views of notification (chuan ta ught letter (2013) 18th,) re quireme nts, I city 6 a tea chi ng points implementati on tea chi ng points digital e ducation resource s full cover proje ct, combi ned I city spe cific sit uation, developed i ssued has XX City Burea uon teaching poi nts digital resources full cover pr oje ct of impleme ntation programme, Esta blished XX, full coverage of digital resour ces i n modern distance e ducation teaching proje ct lea ding group, XX, chaire d the S ecretary for e ducation. Esta blishe d, digital resource s in modern distance e ducation teaching, XX full coverage pr oject group, XX, Direct or of the Ce nter for educati onal information and e qui pment c haire d Zhu Guiyan, re sponsi ble for dista nce e ducation digital re sources cover ing proje ct work. Projects in XX city school digital resources i n modern distance e ducation teaching full -coverage pr oje ct leadi ng group, digital resour ces i n modern dista nce e ducation teaching , and XX full coverage project group leader shi p andorganization, in a ccorda nce with the unifie d arrangement of the whole pr ovince, responsible for univer sity education digital resour ces covering proje ct manageme nt and im plementation. Accor ding to provi nces arra ngements, I Center has arrang ements Gongmprove, se curity prevention ca pacity obvi ously enhanced, security hidde n and se curity accident obviously reduced, effective gu arantees i nformation health devel opment. XX Education Ce ntre regularly carry out day-t o-day netw ork security monitoring information a nd e qui pment. By the a ppr opr iate techni cal staff, XX network e ngine room mainte nance staff on site manageme nt and mai ntena nce on a reg ular basis, scheduled vie wing of networks, systems, data base s and associate d equipme ntoperating conditions, a nd make a record. Com puter la b maintena nce managers reg ularly run a variety of devices i n the school information system parameters, server systems a nd vari ous data ba ckup, so that there w as a har dware failure i n a system cra sh can resume quickly a nd efficie ntly. Computer lab mai ntena nce ma nagers esta blish a netw ork antivir us system, Avira V irus system on a r egular ba sis, a nd a nti-virus software security asse ssment, time to upgra de. Computer lab mainte nance management for all equi pment in t he room a regular dust, repl ace t he ol d label. Regularly host se rvers, netw ork swit che s, core routi ng, firewalls, hardware mai ntena nce , such a s equipment fail ure, should be processed i n a timely manner i n order to ensure safe and reliable operation of the system. In XX city information and equipme nt was esta blished wit hin t he Ce ntre, educati onal metropolita n area netw ork ce nter machine room XX. Servers a nd data stores a nd a ppli cations to set up i n XX City metropolita n area netw ork ce nter machine room. Window sServer2003, wi ndowsServer2008, wi ndowsServer2012, Li nux, the operating system, the databa se for SQL Server2008, Office software, such a s Micr osoft Office software. Schools (units) of com puter, information system security pr oducts for domestic products, including the use of 360 a nd king soft Inter net se curity software. XX educati on metropolita n area net work used by the server for HP , firewall a nd informati on security product for Huawei and Ci sco products. In the ir daily w ork, to publicize related knowle dge and information se curity considerations. Enhance d global awareness of network a nd i nformation security, a nd strive t o achieve network everyone k now s security and viru s before the guar d, to improv e netw ork and information se curity, ensure that t he XX educati on sy stem network a nd i nformation system se curity. Tracking re porting system require s all partie s to stre ngthen coll aboration, w ork cl osely with emerge ncy safety pla n deve loped XX e ducation metropolitan area network, reg ularly carry out emerge ncy drills, and carrie d out spe cial funds every year to pr otect the security of information. A nnual 2-3 professional traini ng for network ma nagers i n the city, forming te chnol ogy with a str ong pr ofessi onal a nd te chnical team, s chool network ma nagers on common network fail ures a nd be ca pable of solving security issues. Issues t hat cannot be resolved, timely forms of meeti ngs, such as meeti ngs, a nalysis, and soluti ons through a meeti ng, without roll ing up the a bility to solve pr oblem s, and feedback to superiors i n writing departme nts to resolve. T hroug h self-exami nation, we are well aw are, relative lack of investment in e ducation, facilities and equipme nt for further updates, educa tion dev elopment is still uneve n, ne w education concept s nee d to be furt her e nha nce d to some extent and restricti ng the development of city e ducation. We will take the opportunity of government supervision, to strive for t he pr ovince educati on demonstration counties a s a driv ing for ce, further increase input in e ducation, efforts to pr omote thel ong wi ng, a nd Li Wanfu, and Michael Jenk ins, and Che n Jian,a nd S ong a nd xia ochuany un, 7 bit comrade parti cipate i n provi nce ba ckb one face -to-face or netw ork learni ng, do each teaching poi nts are ha s teachers parti cipate i n training , Oct ober 17, 2013, issued XX city education informati on a nd e qui pment Ce nter on requirements the teaching point s school for good sate llite ground stati on i nstallation pre pared of notification, re quireme nts school related ma nagement personne l fam iliar XX provi nce tea chi ng points digital education resource s full cover project construction ma nagement manual, Particul arly with regard t o installati on preparatio n parts according t o the point of XX provi nce full coverage of digital educational resour ces in t he pr oje ct construction manageme nt manual ... Devi ces are a ble to re ceive TV sig nals a nd IP data, t he schools have school traini ng and school -based a ppli cation t o use good. Actively organize implementati on of a division of a cla ss, a tea cher i n one cla ss a ctivity. XX i n XX city first to complete full regi stration of tea chers w orking i n thi s city, XX, Sun class rate of 54 per cent re spe ctively, t he forefront. In XX, a divisi on of a class, a class a total ranke d first in Divisi on a ctivities, wa s awarde d the nationa l ministerial one, 2 provincial se cond prize, t hird prize at the pr ovincial level 3. Actively orga nize impleme ntation of the e-le arni ng spa ce the work of everyone. At present, in the ope n space of public service platform of provi nci al educati onal resour ces tea cher s num ber 2444, 83 t o the t otal num ber of teachers, student number i s 6569 of theope n space, t he city's total stude nts 18.31 to (juni or highschool students i n 30 ﹪above, stude nts not required), registration number to meet t he requirements of teachers and st ude nts, in XX in first pla ce. F ive, information technology a ppli cation ca pabil ity as a means to boost teaching of tea chers t o use information, Educati on Bure au of XX title a nd m odern educati onal te chnol ogy teacher asse ssment l evels li nked to t he examination; la unche d a pr ovincial model school of moder n education technology sele ction, advance d unit in educati on a ye ar (indivi dual) award. To expedite education informatizati on w ork, the city esta blished the school runni ng level of supervi sion and asse ssment system. Informati on e ducation i n school performance evaluation, education assessme nt information w ork more than to cut weight 10. Practice is a reg ular room supervisi on, educati on i nformation steering, steering, steeri ng with t he e nd, principal s of e ducation information into performa nce a ssessment and school level monitoring and evaluati on, to develop a scientific, operational educati on i nformation steering a ssessment methods, tracki ng manageme nt of educati on i nformation and applicati ons. By March 2016, 100 of the tea chers, I partici pated i n a nati onal educational te chnol ogy training for primary a nd secondary school tea chers, the tea cher s have made to cut 80 primary a nd middle school teachers ' e ducational technology profici ency test certificate. At prese nt, all schools hav e access to br oadband networks. Training classification traini ng of teachers, school teachers, academic lea ders, i nformation technology, teacher traini ng and network manageme nt personnel from the Count y, wit hin t he school back t o school trai ning once traini ng is compl ete. Throug h this m ode of classification trai ning, i nformation te chnol ogy application ca pability training of tea chers i n our city reached 100. XX series of effective informationX X X 公司网络信息采集系统方案建议书AAA 公司·2008年8月management systems and measure s establi she d by, a nd a num ber of pragmati c, combi ned part-time workfor ce e ducation information, the prote ction of the digital campus constr ucti on a nd sustai nable deve lopme nt. Six Burea u attaches great importance to i nformation tech nol ogy se curit y, infor mation technology security, e ntrust XX City Center for e ducational information a nd e qui pment dedi cated to the w ork. Network security leadi ng group wa s set up, chaired by the E ducation Bureau Chi ef, head, for XX educati on M etro-network and information se curity emergency re sponse leadership. Deputy group lea der for XX e ducational metropolitan area net work a nd nformation security emergency response coordi nation, command. The te am assist l eader a nd de puty lea der, re sponsible for netw ork XX network security and information ... T eam. Information se curity work Confere nce heldeach semeste r, a nd depl oyment of infor mation se curity of document s issued on a regular basi s. Informationsecurity a ssessment is i ncl ude d in the annual i ndex. Strictly im plement the i nformation security budget to e nsure information se curity of investme nt. By XX, education informati on and e qui pment Ce ntre XX netw ork netw ork se curity and information se curit y. Accor ding to the information technol ogy security requirements, i ssued a document re quires schools (unit s) implement, defined t he information se curity gui deli nes, spe cific work practi ces, proce dure s, and requirements. Clear industry information se curity i nci dents (accidents) to dete ct, report and disposal pr oce sses. Accor ding to self-examinati on, the school (units) ba sic e stablished has network security management system; t he school (units) accordi ng to this units a ctua l, establi she d has unit s personnel manageme nt, information system room management, a nd e qui pment manageme nt, and media ma nageme nt, and network security construction manageme nt, and shi ppe d dime nsi on management, a nd servi ce outsourci ng,management system; developed has computer and the network of network security responsibi lity hel d system, signed has netw ork se curity responsi bility; w ebsite of information ma nagement personnel is responsi ble for confidential manag ement, pa ssw ord manageme nt, on computer e njoy s independent rig ht, User name and pa ssw ord of the computer for its pr oprietar y, and release of provi sions is prohibite d, such as leaks, investigated for responsibility. Accordi ng to w ho is i n charge of w ho's i n charge, w ho is r unning a nd w ho i s responsibl e for, w ho uses principle s of who is i n charge of management schools (unit s) defined t he role s and responsibilities of informati on security, assura nce re sponsi bilitie s to schools. XX city school s (units) total site 20, 19 of whi ch were not classifie d se curity pr otection assessme nt, of whi ch 1 (XX e ducation and resource network) for cla ssifie d security prote ction levels, without thir d-leve l information systems. otal education i nformation systems 1(XX educati on cloud platform), contains features with e-Governme nt, resource l ibrary, test databa se, mail services, such a s e-books, all i ntranet servi ces. No for grade protection grading re cor d and evaluati on of school (units), requirements the school (units) a ccor ding t o information securi ty grade protecti on a bout poli cy and standard, organizati on carried out informati on security grade prote ctio n se curity manageme nt system constr uction, a nd technology measures construction and gra de evaluati on, im plementation grade protecti on sy stem of the requirements, makes i nformation system security ma nagement level obviouslyfacility up t o 160 milli on Yuan, a ccording t o the sta ndar d, hig h quality planning XX e ducational metropolitan are a netw ork realizes Wan Zhaokuan to school s, hundreds of megabytes of br oadband to the ta ble, ' wire ' (ie: We b, video, a udi o) to the targe t, electronic w hiteboards, multim edia classr ooms, rem ote interactive vi deo tea chi ng system of modern e ducati onaequi pment in t he cla ssroom. ... Wit h Intel compa ny on XX Education City domain network of topic case design, relies on Ci sco com pany thoug ht Shu ai d chua n project staff free provide s has t hree years te chnology support, from 2009 began, a ccor ding to high sta ndar ds, a nd high of w ork thought, a nd manpower plan ning, and points ste p implementati on, usi ng school earthquake Hou re construction of opport unitie s, again planning eleme ntary and middle schools campus netw ork and educati on city domai n netw ork, and local broa dca sting network company cooperati on, using broa dcast TV network, w ill phy sical fiber laying to ea ch school , to minimum of cost achieve d has physi cal fiber school school pass; Each school constructi on sta ndar ds of cam pus netw ork and network a ccess to all r ooms; XX educati on metropolita n area netw ork ce nter machine room equipme nt in the Ministry of educati on sta ndar dization manageme nt platform, the Central Library of audio-visual educati on resources,set up a Chinese teacher e ducation oud platform, impleme nted li nks the two platforms. At pre sent, t he city's primary a nd mi ddle school st ude nts to computer 3198, vitality tha n 10:1; 809 e qui pment classe s thr ough the classr oom (primary a nd secondary); 36 of the campus netw ork. T he esta blishment of an a dvanced, practical Gigabit educational metropolita n area network, t he city's schools have a cce ss to educational metropolita n area network, schools have computer network s, cl ose d-circuit televisi on network , broa dca st netw orks i nto the classrooms, realize the tri ple pla y. School s share Inter net ba ndwidt h, ca n meet the needs of teachi ng of the school office and at any time. A ccordi ng to Mi nistry of e ducation on full started implementati on tea chi ng points digital e ducation resource s full cover pr oje ct of notification (taught techni cal letter (2012) 74th,) and XX Province De partment of e ducati on on issued XX provi nce teaching poi nts digital e ducation resources full cover proje ctimplementation views of notification (chuan ta ught letter (2013) 18th,) re quireme nts, I city 6 a tea chi ng points implementati on tea chi ng points digital e ducation resource s full cover proje ct, combi ned I city spe cific sit uation, developed i ssued has XX City Burea u on teaching poi nts digital resources full cover pr oje ct of impleme ntation programme, Esta blished XX, full coverage of digital resour ces i n modern distance e ducation teaching proje ct lea ding group, XX, chaire d the S ecretary for e ducation. Esta blishe d, digital resource s in modern distance e ducation teaching, XX full coverage pr oject group, XX, Direct or of the Ce nter for educati onal information and e qui pment chaire d Zhu Guiyan, re sponsi ble for dista nce e ducation digital re sources cover ing proje ct work. Projects in XX city school digital resources i n modern distance e ducation teaching full -coverage pr oje ct leadi ng group, digital resour ces i n modern dista nce e ducation teaching , and XX full coverage project group leader shi p andorganization, in a ccorda nce with the unifie d arrangement of the whole pr ovince, responsible for univer sity education digital resour ces covering proje ct manageme nt and im plementation.Accor ding to provi nces arra ngements, I Center has arrang ements Gongmprove, se curity prevention ca pacity obvi ously enhanced, security hidde n and se curity accident obviously reduced, effective guarantees i nformation health devel opment. XX Education Ce ntre regularly carry out day-t o-day netw ork security monitoring i nformation a nd e qui pment. By the a ppr opr iate techni cal staff, XX network e ngine room mainte nance staff on site manageme nt and mai ntena nce on a reg ular basis, scheduled vie wing of networks, systems, data base s and associate d equipme nt operating conditions, a nd make a record. Com puter la b maintena nce managers reg ularly run a variety of devices i n the school information system parameters, server systems a nd vari ous data ba ckup, so that there w as a har dware failure i n a system cra sh can resume quickly a nd efficie ntly. Computer lab mai ntena nce ma nagers esta blish a netw ork antivir us system, Avira V irus system on a r egular ba sis, a nd a nti-virus software security asse ssment, time to upgra de. Computer lab mainte nance managementfor all equi pment in t he room a regular dust, repl ace t he ol d label. Regularly host se rvers, netw ork swit che s, core routi ng, firewalls, hardware mai ntena nce , such a s equipment fail ure, should be processed i n a timely manner i n order to ensure safe and relia ble operation of the system. In XX city informat ion and equipme nt was esta blished wit hin t he Ce ntre, educati onal metropolita n area netw ork ce nter machine room XX. Servers a nddata stores a nd a ppli cations to set up i n XX City metropolita n area netw ork ce nter machine room. Window sServer2003, wi ndowsServer2008, wi ndowsServer2012, Li nux, the operating system, the databa se for SQL Server2008, Office software, such a s Micr osoft Off ice software. Schools (units) of com puter, information system security pr oducts for domestic products, including the use of 360 a nd king soft Inter net se curity software. XX educati on metropolita n area net work used by the server for HP , firewall a nd informati on security product for Huaweiand Ci sco products. In the ir daily w ork, to publicize related knowle dge and information se curity considerations. Enhance d global awarene ss of network a nd i nformation security, a nd strive t o achieve network everyone k now s se curity and viru s before the guar d, to improv e netw ork and information se curity, ensure that t he XX educati on sy stem network a nd i nformation system se curity. Tracking re porting system require s all partie s to stre ngthen coll aboration, w ork cl osely with emerge ncy safety pla n deve loped XX e ducation metropolitan area network, reg ularly carry out emerge ncy drills, and carrie d o ut spe cial funds every year to pr otect the security of information. A nnual 2-3 professional traini ng for network ma nagers i n the city, forming te chnol ogy with a str ong pr ofessi onal a nd te chnical team, s chool network ma nagers on common network fail ures a nd be ca pable of solving security issues. Issues t hat cannot be resolved, timely forms of meeti ngs, such as meeti ngs, a nalysis,and soluti ons through a meeti ng, without roll ing up the a bility to solve pr oblem s, and feedback to superiors i n writing departme nts to resolve. T hroug h self-exami nation, we are well aw are, relative lack of investment in e ducation, facilitie s and equipme nt for further updates, educa tion dev elopment is still uneve n, ne w education concept s nee d to be furt her e nha nce d to some extent and restricti ng the development of city e ducation. We will take the opportunity of government supervision, to strive for t he pr ovince educati on demonstration counties a s a driv ing for ce, further increase input in e ducation, efforts to pr omote thel ong wi ng, a nd Li Wanfu, and Michael Jenk ins, and Che n Jian, a nd S ong a nd xia ochuany un, 7 bit comrade parti cipate i n provi nce ba ckbone face -to-face or netw ork learni ng, do each teaching poi nts are ha s teachers parti cipate i n training , Oct ober 17, 2013, issued XX city education informati on a nd e qui pment Ce nter on requirements the teaching point s schoolfor good sate llite ground stati on i nstallation pre pared of notification, re quireme nts school related ma nagement personne l fam iliar XX provi nce tea chi ng points digital education resource s full cover project construction ma nagement manual, Particul arly with regard t o installati on preparation parts according t o the point of XX provi nce full coverage of digital educational resour ces in t he pr oje ct construction managem nt manual ... Devi ces are a ble to re ceive TV sig nals a nd IP data, t he schools have school traini ng and school -based a ppli cation t o use good. Actively organize implementati on of a division of a cla ss, a tea cher i n one cla ss activity. XX i n XX city first to complete full regi stration of tea chers w orking i n thi s city, XX, Sun class rate of 54 per cent re spe ctively, t he forefront. In XX, a divisi on of a class, a class a total ranke d first in Divisi on a ctivities, wa s awarde d the nationa l ministerial one, 2 provincial se cond prize, t hird prize at the pr ovincial level 3. Actively orga nize impleme ntation of the e-le arni ng spa ce the work of everyone. At present, in the ope n space of public service platform of provi nci al educati onal resour ces tea cher s num ber 2444, 83 t o the t otal num ber of teachers, student number i s 6569 of the ope n space, t he city's total stude nts 18.31 to (juni or high school students i n 30 ﹪above, stude nts not required), registration number to meet t he requirements of teachers and st ude nts, in X in first pla ce. F ive, information technology a ppli cation ca pabil ity as a means to boost teaching of tea chers t o use information, Educati on Bure au of XX title a nd m odern educati onal te chnol ogy teacher asse ssment l evels li nked to t he examination; la unche d a pr ovincial model school of moder n education technology sele ction, advance d unit in educati on a ye ar (indivi dual) award. To expedite education informatizati on w ork, the city esta blished the school runni ng level of supervi sion and asse ssment system. Informati on e ducation i n school performance evaluation, educationassessme nt information w ork more than to cut weight 10. Practice is a reg ular room supervisi on, educati on i nformation steering, steering, steeri ng with t he e nd, principal s of e ducation information into performa nce a ssessment a nd school level。


























3.SCADA系统采集:SCADA系统(Supervisory Control And DataAcquisition,监控与数据采集系统)是常用于配电系统的数据采集和控制的软硬件系统。







现 在 正 处 于 大 数 据 时 代 , 电 力 系 统 要 实 施 计 量 管
U 一一 电压 有效 值 I 一 一 电流 峰值
u 一一分电压峰值
一 一
理 ,就要对于电力信息采集系统所获得 的海量数据 以筛
选 和 分析 ,具 备 良好 的 处理 大量 数据 资 料 的能 力是 非 常 必 要 的 。面对 电力信 息采 集 系统 所产 生 的大 量 的业 务数 据 和 交 易数据 ,加之 云 计算 服务 中心作 为第 三 方服 务业
获得 数据 的 最大 价值 。
i( t )和u ( t )中的t 一一时刻电流 的瞬时值和时
刻 电压 的瞬 时值 I 一一 电流 有 效值
2 电 力企 业 要 提 高 电 力信 息 采集 的海 量 数 据
的选择 和 分析 能 力
电流 和 电压 的相位 差
基 于用 电负荷 是不 断 变化 着 的 ,采 用平 均 电能 ,将 采集 的 电流 量和 电压量 都转 换 成为 数字 量 并相 加 即可 。 将 所获 得 的数值 与 采样 周 期乘 积通 过数 字 乘法 器完 成 ,
的兴起 ,为 电力计量管理提供 了高质量 的整合服 务信 息。由于这些数据不仅数量庞大,而且分布不均匀 ,故
3 电能计量信息采集通信技术
电能 计 量 信 息 采 集 通 信 技 术 运 用 于 电能 计 量 装 置 中,不 仅可 以提 高 装置 功 能性 ,而 且使 用 性能 稳定 ,且
1 大 数据 的 涵义
所 无 法 收 集 、整 理 并 进 行 处 理 的数 据 信 息 进 行 整 合 。


随着电力行业的快速发展,电力集团的信息化水 平不断提高,各类信息系统得到广泛应用。
02 数据量激增
电力集团在生产、运营、管理等方面产生的数据 量呈现爆炸性增长,对数据处理、存储和分析能 力提出更高要求。
03 数据价值挖掘不足
目前,电力集团的数据价值尚未得到充分挖掘和 利用,有待通过数据管理实现数据资产的增值。
04 智能化应用场景探索与实践
利用无人机和智能机器人进行设备巡 检,提高巡检效率和准确性,降低人 工巡检成本。
根据故障诊断结果,智能调度维修资 源,优化维修流程,缩短故障处理时 间。
通过大数据分析和人工智能技术,对 设备故障进行诊断和预测,提前发现 潜在问题,减少突发故障。


建立完善的数据治理体系,确保数据 管理符合相关法律法规要求,避免因
打造集数据整合、处理、分析、应用 于一体的统一数据管理平台,提升数
通过准确、及时的数据支持,提高电 力集团管理层的决策水平和应对市场
















四、数据管理与远程监控技术的应用1. 电缆故障检测与预警通过电缆管理系统的数据管理和远程监控技术,可以实现对电缆运行状态的及时监测,并对异常情况进行预警。


2. 维修及时性优化电缆管理系统可以记录电缆的维修历史及周期,通过分析这些数据,可以制定更加科学合理的维修计划,避免电缆因维修不及时而导致的故障。


3. 数据统计与分析电缆管理系统收集的大量数据可以进行统计与分析,帮助管理者了解电缆运行的整体情况,并优化管理决策。




























XXX_公司网络信息采集系统方案建议书4 X X X公司网络信息采集系统方案建议书AAA公司·2008年8月XXX公司·网络信息采集系统方案建议书 1前言加入世界贸易组织后,中国经济高速发展,行业的竞争也日趋激烈。



























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北京电力电缆公司电缆数据采集及数据管理系统方案建议书北京恒华伟业科技发展有限公司目录第一章系统概述1.1 系统建设内容本系统包括的建设内容包括:(一)电缆沟道地理位置测量本期项目测量的主要空间要素包括电缆公司管辖范围内的隧道、管、井的平面位置、高程、埋深等;同时调查相关资源的属性信息,记录电缆在隧道、管井中的敷设位置。








(四)搭建电缆WebGIS查询子系统WebGIS查询子系统依托IE运行,客户端无需安装专用软件,只要安装了Internet Explorer即可使用本系统的功能,而Internet Explorer已经内置于Windwos操作系统内,因此WebGIS查询子系统是一个完全免安装的系统。





1.2 术语说明AM:自动制图(Automated Mapping)FM:设备管理(Facility Management)MIS:管理信息系统(Management Information System)GIS:地理信息系统(Geographic Information System)GPS:全球卫星定位系统(Global Position System)RS:遥感(Remote Sensing)DEM:数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model)DRG:数字栅格地图(Digital Raster Graphics)DLG:数字线划地图(Digital Line Graphic)C/S:Client(客户端)/Server(服务器端)系统架构B/S:Brower(浏览器端)/Server(服务器端)系统架构第二章系统总体设计2.1 参考规范及标准GB/T5791-93 《地形图图例1:100000》GB7929-87 中华人民共和国1:500 1:1000 1:2000 地形图图式标准GB7233-87 中华人民共和国1:1万、1:5万地形图图式标准IEC 61968 配电网管理系统接口系列标准IEC 61970 公共信息模型(CIM)DL5028-93 《电力工程制图标准》GB8566-88 中华人民共和国《计算机软件开发规范》GB/T11457-89 中华人民共和国《软件工程术语》GB8567-88 中华人民共和国《计算机软件产品开发文件编制指南》2.2 系统总体结构从两个方面介绍系统的总体结构,系统网络结构和系统逻辑结构。

2.2.1 系统网络结构GIS应用工作站ArcGIS Engine(若干)Web查询客户端Internet Explorer(若干)在该方案中,所有数据存储于数据服务器上,这些数据包括矢量化的GIS数据、影像数据、各种实景图片数据、所有业务数据等;所有需要发布给最终用户使用的软件都部署在Web Server上,C/S架构系统的最终发布的软件也部署在该服务器上,需要安装时从该服务器进行下载安装,软件发生更新时,只需要将最新的软件发布到该服务器上,各已安装客户端自动下载更新。 数据服务器本系统中,数据服务器上需要存放电缆GIS系统的全部数据、生产MIS系统和光纤测温系统的部分数据。


其次,由于GIS 服务器系统在检索空间数据时存在大量的空间计算,因此要求服务器要配备高主频的CPU,建议配置Xeron 2.0G级别以上的CPU。



本系统采用Oracle 9i作为数据库管理系统,服务器利用电缆公司现有的硬件资源即可。 Web服务器在本系统中,由于WebGIS子系统采用了B/S架构,同时由于需要运行WebGIS服务器端应用,因此需要设置Web Server和Application Server,鉴于本系统的具体情况,设计时决定将这两种类型的服务运行于相同的服务器上,这样可以在保证系统性能要求的情况下,降低系统建设成本和管理维护的复杂程度。

该服务器上需要运行Web Server软件和WebGIS Server软件,GIS数据的操作多数都在内存中进行,存在大量的空间运算;文件I/O主要体现在Web页面文件及图片文件的访问上。

因此,该服务器要求配置较高主频的CPU,建议配置Xeron 2.0G级别的CPU,服务器内存不少于1GB,磁盘采用常规的SCSI接口形式的即可,磁盘阵列也可采用SCSI 接口。





Web Server软件可以采用BEA公司的Web Logic或IBM公司的Web Sphere或Apache Tomcat。

WebGIS Application Server选用ESRI的ArcIMS 9。 外部系统的接入本期项目主要考虑电缆测温系统和生产MIS系统的接入。

接口软件运行于Web服务器上,该软件具备服务器失效时不丢失数据的功能,服务器恢复正常后,可以从上一次的最后同步点上继续同步数据。 系统客户端系统客户端分为三类,图形编辑/GIS应用类客户端,图形打印类客户端,Web查询类客户端,这些客户端计算机可利用已有资源。

图形编辑/GIS应用类客户端对计算机性能的要求较高,尽量配备高主频的CPU、512M 以上的内存、中档以上显卡(128M以上缓存)。



Web查询类客户端对计算机要求很低,普通商用PC机即可。 网络要求多数电力企业内部办公网络都具备了100M带宽,因此系统对网络带宽没有特殊要求。


2.2.2 系统逻辑结构登录控制从逻辑上讲,系统由三大体系组成:技术体系、功能体系和保障体系。



数据层主要实现数据的管理和提供各种数据访问服务,数据层管理的数据包括:GIS矢量图形数据、影像数据、CAD文件数据和现场实景图片等。 模型层这是一个抽象层,是系统的抽象展现。



所有这些模型的集合就是系统的整体模型,系统的实现建立在该模型上。 组件/中间件层组件层是系统开发的基础,各功能模块均直接或间接地通过组件实现。

本系统使用到的组件包括:J2EE组件、ArcGIS Engine的COM组件和ArcIMS的WebGIS组件等。

中间件层是系统后台服务的组成部分,本系统中用到的中间件包括ArcSDE(空间数据引擎)、权限控制引擎等。 应用服务层应用服务层是系统实际业务逻辑的处理层,是前端用户实际使用到的功能的后台实现。

本系统中的应用服务是WebGIS功能服务,即ArcIMS Application Server。



