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• 6. John went to work the next day. • __________________________________
Now it’s your turn
Jack’s lucky day
• 有一天,Jack起床很晚,于是他很紧张 (nervous adj.)。可是当他到达公司时,老 板还没回来。他很困(sleepy adj. ),于是他 睡着了。后来老板回来了看到Jack,认为 他工作很努力。于是他被老板表扬(praise v.)了。于是他变得自信(confident adj.)了, 更加努力工作。最后他被提拔了(promote v. )
• • • • 这个顽皮的孩子受到了责骂(scold v.)。 The naughty boy got scolded . 当听到这个消息,他变得开心起来。 When he heard the news, he got happy .
• Now let’s put the target structure into use.
• John had to walked in the rain.
• 5. And soon_________________________.
• He phoned his boss to ask for a leave (请假), his boss __________________________.
• Write down the story about Jack’s lucky day and switch it with your partners.
• • • • 1.“get + done ”可作为被动结构 They got caught in the rain just now. My father got drunk yesterday. 2. “get +形容词” 为系表结构 ,意为“变 成、变得” • The weather gets warmer and warmer.
The mouse got caught by the cat. 那只老鼠被猫抓住了 。 The boy often gets praised . 这个男孩经常受到表扬(praise)。 “get+v-ed” 表示被动
To sum up
• ①From the first passage, we find the structure “get+ adj. ” • 表示 “变化,变得” • ②From the second story, we find the structure “get+ v-ed ” • 表示 被动含义
What can you find in the two passages?
• ①From the first passage, we find the structure “get+ adj. ” • ②From the second story, we find the structure “get+ v-ed ”
By Zhang Mimi
My holiday
• On January 2nd, I went to climb Dinghu Mountain with my friends. • At the top of the mountain, I saw someone who looked like my high school teacher. • I was not sure if he was my teacher, so I got nervous when I talked to him. • When it was time for him to leave, I got sad to say goodbye to him. • Then the weather changed. It got windy. • When the sun set down, it got really cold and I didn’t wear enough clothes, so I got sick when I was back home.
Mike is a naughty (调皮的) boy. One day, he decided to play a joke with his friend. As a result, his friend got hurt. He got bored(无趣的)and decided to play with his mother’s vase(花瓶).Soon the vase got broken. And finally Mike got scolded (责备) by his mother.
• An example: John’s bad day
• It was a sunny day.
• It turned dark suddenly.
• It started to rain but John did not have an umbrella.
• 4.___________________ (catch) in the rain.
Read the examples and try to translate
• The weather gets warmer.
• In summer it doesn’t get dark until after eight o’clock. • get+adj. 表示“变化,变成”
• • • • •